Giant Gorg
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I'm really digging this show, it's a great adventure lads
Haha yeah Giant Gorg man nice!
I heard of that show, never watched it but I've heard the name before!
I'm such an otaku lol the good old mecha shows ohh yeah boy.
Let's all pretend we actually watch 80s tv anime
C'mon man, don't be snarky. You should watch it! Look at this cute girl.
What's this show about, user?
About a giant named Gorg
Is it like Ideon where the robot actually feels like it is alive and sentient rather than just being something a tool the characters operate?
It's a show I've had an interest in, seen a few youtube reviews about it, but haven't gotten around to watching it yet, and probably won't for a while.
Pretty nice opening though
How old is that anime?