Violet Evergarden

I really miss this show. I miss the top notch character acting, the amazing audiovisuals and the episodic format. Why do we never get more great anime like this. This season is so boring and unimpressive by comparison.

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Me too, this show is one of the best to come out in the last few years. Peak visual storytelling.

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that episode with the mother was heavy

>still no PV

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It's a one in a generation anime. We didn't deserve something so amazing.

Cheer up, user.

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since when did saber from 'fate stay night' star in other animes?

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Only Chinese housewives liked this show.

Granted, it looked good, but the plot wasn't really that great. Lots of forced drama and generally a snorefest. It had some scenes that were genuinely good but for the most part it felt really hollow.

The last thread was right after all.

Blue-eyed blonde != Green-eyed blonde

Also, Japs just tend to like blonde Aryan girls, just as weebs tend to like pure Yamato nadeshiko. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

I remember an user saying his grandmother liked it a few days ago
it really is for women

stunning picture

epin pasta

>replying to spam

>women can like it so it's for women
Good luck having sex, zoomer-kun. Jesus Christ your generation is absolutely fucked.

wow did you really follow me from the last thread

The intended audience is clearly moe otakus. Inb4 anecdotes, moeshit sometimes can appeal to women even if it wasn't the original intent. See K-on or Love Live.

We're getting the kino movie in 2020

Smelly tranny

Other thread? No, I didn't. You get called zommer a lot huh, that says a lot about you kid.

Wish more anime put this much work into constructing their narrative.


Dead thread. Dead series
>inb4 but muh movies
Still dead. It really makes you think about this shit series.

Threadly reminder that the ISIS-tier Kyoani fans on Yea Forums killed this show on Yea Forums, not Reddit, not Yea Forums, not Discord, and not Sony or Kadokawa shillbots.

That's a funny headcannon, KHK.

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Same, we need more great episodic drama.

i know. it's killing me. Hoping they release it by the end of next week.

Mexican soap opera tier. One of the most boring shows of last year and probably of the decade.

and an OVA

>episodic format.
There was an anime that aired the same year and it did it better.

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too childish, sorry

Explain why the Major was just chilling in the countryside while his girlfriend dealt with severe emotional trauma.

This show was amazing. In all my years of watching anime, i'v never seen such concentrated quality in a series. Especially that episode with the Princess, the Visual Storytelling blew me away. Animating all those crazy outfits to show that Abelfeyja was truly royalty.

>not childish

Yea. It really captured what it's like to be a princess.

Would have been nicer if they hadn't used so much bloom and shit. Felt like I'd just gotten eye surgery again.

You think stuff like PPTA, CG, Monagatari and FMP are "childish"? Anime can be crazy and unrealistic but it's not childish.

Agreed, but aside from that minor detail it looked incredible.

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OVA when?

My /k/ autism was severely triggered whenever guys with realistic weapons get beat up by a child doing the Naruto run in open field.

September I think. 3 months before the movie. I wanna see Luz in the grand Evergarden style so bad it's killing me.

"Well, at least it's bolt action", I thought.

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Thx bro.
Is she Violet's new friend? How close is their relationships compared to Luculia? I know that this is based on the novel, but it is very literary and poetic and a little hard to read since I'm not very good in English.

>Is she Violet's new friend?
Old actually. In the novel she was rescued by Violet, after being secluded from the outside world at a place called "Utopia" on the island of Chevalier. She now works at the CH Postal Company as Hodgins' secretary.

>How close is their relationships compared to Luculia?
Probably closer.

>and a little hard to read since I'm not very good in English
From a native English speaker, your English seems pretty good.

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>she was rescued by Violet, after being secluded from the outside world
That makes sense. This is the reason why their relationship is the closest. Luz waited for Violet all this time.

The show was so fucking boring I dropped it after 6 episodes. t. someone who watched over 700 anime by now

This show was remarkable, each episode felt like a movie, kinda like the later seasons of Game of Thrones. Hope we see more anime of this calibre.


That's a cyborg with superhuman reflexes though and he's only like 5 metres away from the target. Also Batou didn't aim to kill.

>no new IP

I didn't mean to make that kind of a comparison with that webm, just the rate of fire.

someone post the webm


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>anime of this calibre
caliber like Desert Eagle has?

Definitely one of my all-time favorites.

I watched this with my sister and she loved it.
And she doesn't even watch anime.

nice thanks, Luculia is best girl

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Yea. Probably my favourite anime of last year. I really loved the directing and development for Violet in this anime. Episodes 5 and 7 were best, particularly 5 was my favourite because of the subtle visual cues and how Violet reaches out to help the princess of her own accord. I was never bored for a moment but this is one of those anime that you have to make an effort to engage with, to be able to fully enjoy.

where tf is my pv?

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September isn't far away

>VEG will be Kyoani's first project in the new decade/era
The future is looking bright


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Couldn't agree more, Evergarden is a production of insanity and the Diamond standard of tv anime.

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you wish

episode 10 was pure kino. I saw the ending a mile away but it still made me cry like a little bitch. Goes to show how much execution can make up for story.

I watched it with my mum. It was very comfy, and she enjoyed it a lot.

holy fuck pony tail cattleya is boner inducing

I bet you want Violet to get fucked bu pedo gil

Watched this with the guys. All cried like bitches during ep10. Everyone can understand the pain of losing a mother.

She'll be over 18 by the movie anyway. There's a timeskip.

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still groomed since childhood not ok

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To bad Claudia wasnt the one to find Barietto-chan sooner

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Claudia is her father figure
Gilbert is her father figure in the Usagi Drop way

She was not "groomed". She loved the Major, of her own accord for his kindness. If i was Violet i would want to fuck the Major too.

It was a brotherly love though

he literally did the bare minimum that any human would show to a child, he didnt even have the mental capacity to find a way to get her out of the war

>he literally did the bare minimum that any human would show to a child
most people in real life wouldn't even do that

How can you guys stand this garbage?
She's a little girl who is a super soldier with no explanations given. This is clearly some Japanese Mary Sue trope that they find cute but its absolutely retarded to anyone not trapped on that shitty island.

You're mentally ill.

At least I'm not into moeshit

I'm indifferent to moe but love and plan to shill it as hard as i can just to piss off subhumans like you.

>yeah all these realistic animes that completely explain superhuman qualities
fuck off even fatefags arent your level of retarded

What is it with VEG threads and people getting banned?

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Isabella is still the closest to Violet, all things considered.

>She's a little girl who is a super soldier with no explanations given.
So what nigger? Plenty of anime have characters like this with no explanations given and it's inconsequential. In Angel Beats, Noda can slash the MC a 100 times in the span of a few seconds but no one ever questions that. Why are fuck are so many of you mentally ill autists ridiculously biased against this show?

They're routinely spammed by an insane anime hater called KHK.

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This. People are way more critical towards Evergarden than regular anime, it's weird.

A notorious samefag irrationally spams them with hate on a regular basis.

Just the usual, mods banning KHK.

Because people here dislike the idea of a strong woman

Me too, it was a real gem. Very underrated.

she literally never sees isabelle again if anything Lucilla would be Violets "best friend:

And? Kenja no Mago which is airing this season has a main character so overpowered that he's literally the strongest in his world despite just being a teenager. No explanation is given here but i don't see autists like you raging about it. You're just a subhuman who's biased against Kyoani.

What a bunch of fucking incels and betas.

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Irrelevant. They exchange letters from time to time and the kid that Isabella adopted is staying at the CH Postal with Violet.

wait isabella adopted a kid? Shes the lesbian bitch at the school right?

Isabel looks cute in the new PV

/g/ leaking

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new pv?

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The ending was shite, but the journey was great. 2nd best anime last year after Abyss.

>violet will never serve you dumplings

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Dumb troll.

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The ending was great though. Both the semi ending on ep9 and the final on 13. Wrapped up all of Violet's prior development nicely.

There was no closure, just sequel bait; plus the whole train arch was god-awful.

nope, Violet's drama is clearly written for women, it gets more and more stupid the moment you put any thought into it but it maintains enough tearbaits like every 10 minutes and that's what the ladies need, to go cry whenever the plot tell them to cry

I get you, this was such a great series. It had spectacular presentation. It is a tragedy that we don't see more masterpieces like this.

why is a father allowed to do this to his daughter?

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Stop replying to yourself, schizo.

There was definitely closure for this arc of her development. See atatched image for an extremely brief summary of the major parts. She goes from not even eating when not being told to and caring for nothing but the Major, to actually going out her way to help people and insisting in what she believes in by episodes 5 and 7. Additionally on ep11 she even sneaks off to take a request on her own. By the final episode she outright says that she doesn't need orders. This is how she remains until the world changes and she's forced to change with it.

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My boyfriend loved this show.

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>tfw no barietto little sister

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shes a autistic orphan who imprinted on him.... he played his cards well

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Where's the Major and where's the Rebel Army?

what would you even do with a violet imouto?

how do I get an autistic qt to imprint on me?

Autistic people aren't this cute irl. They're annoying as fuck if you've ever had to deal with them on a day to day basis.

You don't want to deal with retards
it's like taking care of sick animals and they can't understand whatever the fuck you're doing is good for them and always cause a huge mess

shhhh we don't deal with that here, too complicated for the drama, now cry more

That's not relevant to Violet's development. She learns to move on from that and become independent, live for herself etc..

I would clean up Violet's mess

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Shit false flag, KHK.

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save them from an abusive situation
do you job as her big bro and keep the boys away from her

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Couldn't agree more. I especially liked the symbolism for Violet.

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I thought the chapter was already translated for you people?
At the end of the chapter we get a glimpse at Isabella's backstory and she adopts a kid from shanty town to save her from child prostitution/getting murdered.

Nice trips.

I wish I knew the name of the fucking birds that kept being used. I know what they're there for but I don't know their names nor what they mean, it's like flower language and it's so frustrating to not know.

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>Violet bugging you for choccy and you accidentally snap at her and she crys

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That's a great egret in that post.

Stop replying to yourself and die already, KHK.

im not KHK I just like the chocc Violet memes

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They're white birds and are shown throughout the series. The swan and dove specifically both represent purity just like the flower Violet. In episode 7 Violet was recreating the pond skipping of the "waterbirds" when she jumped onto the lake.

Ok, and what the hell is that bird supposed to mean?

Sure they're all white birds but they're not the same kind of bird. I get the white pigeons on episodes 6 and 9 but not the birds from episodes 7 and that one bird from episode 9 that shows up alongside some plant during the scene where Violet is back at Intens trying to find Gilbert's corpse.

>but not the birds from episodes 7
What's there not to get? It's a parallel, she skips on the lake. She did what Oscar's daughter wanted to do all those years ago. His daughter's favourite things were a parasol and the "water birds" after all. She was quoted to say "Wow, I'm so jealous" because they could cross the lake and she couldn't. Then they talk and Olivia asks her father if she could walk on the floating leaves. Her father jokingly responds about her possibly being able to do it if she let the wind carry her with her parasol. Of course Violet actually manages it, albeit just for a few seconds, fulfilling the playwright's deceased daughter's promise.

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>Why do we never get more great anime like this.
Violet Evergarden is a once in an era passion project. Most studios these days simply don't care about producing high quality content, just lots of cheap shit in order to maximise profits.

The amount of detail Kyoani put into the architecture is astounding.

I feel your pain. I'm itching to see what the main cast looks like post time skip. They better give us some new footage before the fortnight's end.

All you're doing is telling me the obvious part. There's a clear parallel between Oscar's play and Violet the character, the symbolism shown later relates to the story but since I don't fucking understand what the damn bird is supposed to mean I can't get the whole picture.

>the symbolism shown later relates to the story but since I don't fucking understand what the damn bird is supposed to mean I can't get the whole picture
She's just represented by white birds in general, it could be as simple as a parallel here. Though having said that, an Egret is a member of the heron family. And a Blue Heron brings messages of self-determination and self-reliance. They represent an ability to progress and evolve. The long thin legs of the heron reflect that an individual doesn't need great massive pillars to remain stable, but must be able to stand on one's own. That sounds a lot like Violet gaining independence from the Major and living for herself doesn't it? Well there you go. That's what it means, that's also why Violet's doll school badge is shaped like a Heron too.

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Violet Evergarden was a masterpiece especially episode 10.

I need sauce on that bird language stuff.

Google it user, it's not difficult.

that's actually deep

Yeah bro.

Leon was best boy.

I really loved Kyoani's attention to detail in this episode. Especially with stuff like the wear and tear of the doll before and after the timeskip. I really wish more anime had as much substance as this show.

Attached: VE ATD EP10.png (3840x1080, 3.22M)

They're not known to be the best in the industry for nothing. Kyoani are truly masters of their craft.

That meticulous attention to detail is what sets apart a premium product from one that is simply adequate.

The ending was the best part.

>add scratch marks to the drawing
>wear and tear

Okay user

Yes. That's literally what it means. What's important is that they acknowledged the detail after the timeskip.

Yea, the importance of the events in episodes 11 and 13 cannot be understated. Violet choosing to sneak off to take a deemed dangerous request was more clear proof of just how much she'd grown and become independent. They really help to reinforce and drive home Violet's development.

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not him but are you blind? The colours are clearly fading too.

the new PV out yet?

not yet. just the teaser with over 2 million views

Luculia's one fine gal.

Are you being a faggot on purpose? The paint on the upper lip has clearly worn away too.

t. spencer

Do real people post in these threads? It feels like the exact same posts every time from both the VEG circlejerkers and the VEG haters and I don't know whether or not it's ironic.

Violet Evergarden is genuinely a masterpiece. Dead serious.

Who gives a shit, nigger? It's a great well produced anime. You should have the capacity to appreciate and recognise that it's good regardless of what other people do or say. Christ.

Seriously though. The characters in this show despite being non fan-servicey, have a subtle but strong sexuality to them. Fuck I want to nail Luculia.

I get this impression from Iris.

Violet Evergarden is peak pleb filter. It's like Kimi no Na wa, badly written, unrealistic characters that only serve to further discredit anime as a medium.
Anyone who thinks it's more than just something you might watch for the visuals is a cringeworthy NEET who doesn't understand real human interaction and nuance.


also the visuals aren't even that good, it feels stiff and unnatural to a livelier kyoani show like maidragon

*compared to

Here's your nuance. It doesn't get any better than this. This is peak character acting.

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this scene was amazing

VE is the best this medium has to offer.

Why can't you guys ever make a normal OP for VEG?

I get the feeling that what you like is probably what actually discredits the medium. If the visuals are all you can see value in here then you're a braindead retard. There's so much more to the show especially the sound design which every one of you sad fuckers overlook.

It was fucking trash and you talking about acting in anime just tells me you're a complete fucking moron who would probably fall for the pretty colors that are the only bar for quality among you fucking children

It's alright, I enjoyed it for the animation but I wouldn't watch it again.
There's nothing nuanced about her character development. Violet going from emotionless doll to crying without any steps inbetween wasn't compelling either, emotions are a spectrum. Her treating it like a binary thing just made her less human.

Says the retarded VEGfag who can't handle criticism. You making anit-kyoani posts and then deleting them for proving your KHK boogyman is pathetic.

There nothing wrong with it. Are people not allowed to say the miss the show and what they liked about it?

Holy shit, kill yourself KHK.

You could do that without over the top praise which just invites 500 replies of shitposting.
Can't really talk about the show anymore because the threads always get shitposted to death

OP's praise was very modest

what the fuck has to be wrong with your brain to think this?
You don't have to be a critic, you don't even have to be an cinephile or just an experienced viewer to notice the terrible writing, jarred and forced character development and fucking garbage world-building that contradicts itself.
Please, for the love of God, start watching something other than the 5 garbage-tier isekai that come out every season

not him, the writing is excellent.

Mental gymnastics.

>There's nothing nuanced about her character development. Violet going from emotionless doll to crying without any steps inbetween wasn't compelling either, emotions are a spectrum.
You are legitimately braindead. There was subtle development inbetween so you're wrong. You do see her gradually respond to and show emotion as a human would throughout the series. See attached webm. Before she ever cried she did react to the stuff like the Princess's weeping, you notice this though things like hand gestures. It shows that she can empathise and that this had an emotional toll on her.

Attached: 3943892344089240342894.webm (800x450, 1.13M)

fuck off

Seen over 1K anime, Violet Evergarden is legitimately the best.


This show was actually mind blowing.

Yeah thought so. You can keep banging your head on the table, OP.

>deflecting after he's been outed as moron


Why is there always some mega autist who loses their mind whenever people enjoy Violet Evergarden?

>retard claims that Violet goes from emotionless to suddenly crying
>user demonstrates this to be false by presenting in between development
>autist responds by pretending to be retarded
I accept you concession.

>I want to know what love is
>show goes out of its way to make Violet the absolute ultimate victimised child for otaku losers to 'protect'
>go out of their way to make her a child soldier in a normal army
>first episode a respectable company hires an emotionless retard to write letters relying solely on emotion
>Violet basically fucks over the entire company and insults the staff while the company is already dying. Better put her in charge of the letters!
>knows absolutely 0 social skills which makes no fucking sense
>Salutes when a normal ass dude asks her a question

and this type of shit is just from the first episode. This (source mat) was not written by anybody with a functioning brain.
effects-animation and detailed art doesn't make the writing or characters good, unfortunately. But keep being delusional.

I do too. It's rare that we see a character driven masterpiece like this.

>what is a personality

Every friday, we have to deal with kyoaninigger and his proxy IP's.

I'm sorry for telling you that you're enjoying bad writing and cinematography, user.
Her clutching her hands doesn't justify the emotional reactions she had later, there's nothing she's bottling up either.being emotionally inept in an unrealistic way, it's also not the way trauma manifests IRL either.
I wonder why the nips enjoy the 12yo elite child-soldier trope so much.
I'm sure you think the dialogue is good too
>Aishiteru wo shiritai no desu x10
so deep

I thought it fucking sucked.

Hang yourself KHK

>show goes out of its way to make Violet the absolute ultimate victimised child for otaku losers to 'protect'
I don't think so. Stop projecting so damn hard.

>go out of their way to make her a child soldier in a normal army

>first episode a respectable company hires an emotionless retard to write letters relying solely on emotion
They didn't. They gave her the job of sorting letters you cretin. She volunteered to write the letter, mistakenly assuming duty where she shouldn't have.

>knows absolutely 0 social skills which makes no fucking sense
Why not? Plenty of people lack social skills.

>Salutes when a normal ass dude asks her a question
What is habit right?

There's nothing wrong with you sperg.

Shit taste. It was great.

>it's bad because t's bad
You have no argument. You're mad at nothing, seek professional help.

>KHK autistically spamming again
Every day we have to deal with this fucker. The mods need to range ban him already.


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Every VEG thread is just two schizos arguing with teach other.

here's my 3x3

i gave VEG a 4/10

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>kino's journey
I knew you were a garbage eater.

at least you got this right

Evergarden is amazing you fucking faggot, you're just biased and indoctrinated into thinking it's not.

it's probably just some faggot jealous that his favorite show was a time flop.

>it's bad because t's bad
he literally gave you a ton of reasons which you chose to ignore fucking dumbass
you're actually fucking delusional and don't know the first thing about writing. "I don't think so" and "so?" are not an argument
>She volunteered to write the letter
which she did for quite a while, she literally insulted customers while doing it and the fukcing retard in charge thought it was a good idea for his dying company to let her work in that department afterwards.
>Why not? Plenty of people lack social skills.
She literally did not know the most basic of cues that people with severe autism would pick up on. stop being delusional.
>What is habit right?
fucking dumbass

figures. fuck that schizo

>he literally gave you a ton of reasons which you chose to ignore fucking dumbass
They were all gibberish you illiterate cunt. Either you didn't read them or you're trolling.

it's best to just ignore them honestly. once you do, it's becomes pretty obvious when he starts to respond to his own posts in order to get attention.

what kind of nigger dislikes hidamari sketch?

>and the fukcing retard in charge thought it was a good idea for his dying company to let her work in that department afterwards
People need a chance to learn and rectify their mistakes. See where they went wrong and improve, you imbecile. And that's what Violet did.

>She literally did not know the most basic of cues that people with severe autism would pick up on. stop being delusional.
But you're wrong. Go and talk to real people.

>fucking dumbass
Not an argument.

Kill yourself.

>it has bad writing and cinematography
>her emotional reactions make no sense. She is completely socially inept, which is extremely unrealistic. (hard agree, obv just put in for you 'protecting cute girl faggots)
>trauma doesn't work that way
>show went out of its way to make a child soldier for extra victim points for cheap empathy from audience
>terrible dialogue like "I want to know what love is"
if that post was really too hard to interpret for your tiny brain, I'm glad to help.

>I'm saying it's shit writing because a dying company would do this shit, learn how to read.
>you're wrong.
great argument once again mate.

you're an actual retarded fucking fanboy. If you haven't killed yourself yet in 10 years, watch VEG again and try not to be ashamed of the cringy garbage you liked when you were 14

You don't know what autistic peple are like and or don't understand what it's like to have extremely shit social skills. It's accurate.

t. someone who knows first hand

It's funny how that retard calls others "obsessed" for criticising his precious studio when he himself is obsessed with said studio.

I'm over 20 and i've seen more anime than you ever will kid. Violet Evergarden truly is the best this medum has to offer.

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Stop replying to yourself.

Shut up samefagging autist

Nuke yourself.

my neighbour is literally heavily autistic. I grew up with him and played with him all my life.
stop talking out of your ass.

Follow your own advice, samefag.

>HURR DURR everyone is a samefag
You shut the fuck up KHK

Autism is a spectrum you ingrate. It varies, there are people like that. Plus Violet Isn't even autistic. She just has PTSD and practically 0 social skills. Why is this so hard to comprehend?

This really is spamming/flooding now.

Walking with daughter

Hide all you want, but Your posting style is too easy to recognize. Go back to asylum.

>it has bad writing and cinematography
Just saying this means nothing, it's an empty statement. Why even quote it?

>her emotional reactions make no sense. She is completely socially inept, which is extremely unrealistic. (hard agree, obv just put in for you 'protecting cute girl faggots)
I don't care about the "protecting" bullshit you nigger. I find her personality genuinely endearing and relatable.

>trauma doesn't work that way
Because user says so? Everyone is different in how they react to these things. It's plausible enough. I know, with how shit my life has been.

>show went out of its way to make a child soldier for extra victim points for cheap empathy from audience
No. That's how it was in the Novel. You're grasping at straws.

>terrible dialogue like "I want to know what love is"
>it's terrible because user says so
No. It's to the point.

>have a beautiful daughter like Violet
>she wants to have your children
what would you do?

Who do you think you're fooling khk?

It's a bird? It's a plane? It's Strawman!

>KHK damage controlling
Get a life you absolute sperg.

Dumb schizoid.

>muh khk boogyman
Welp that didn’t take long.

What part, because it certainly wasn't intentional. And do address the other points instead of simply deflecting.

I just want a comfy Violet thread :(

You still gonna pretend you're not samefagging? Pitiful.

Go someplace with better moderation.

Stop pointlessly trying to damage control you sperg.

Just die Khk.

>everyone is a samefag
you're insane KHK

Fuck off retard.

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Pot is calling the kettle black? Oh the irony!

So you're a phoneposter? Figures.

You have brain damage.

Hang yourself KHK.


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I don't own a phone though you mentally ill piece of shit.

Holy fuck you're worse than ACK.

RIP Thread. Fuck KHK.



Why cant the naysayers of this show ever properly articulate why it's supposedly the worst thing in the world? We just had 50 posts of spam, KHK accusing everyone of being a samefag and some retard who paid so little attention to the show that he thinks there was no development between Violet being an "emotionless doll" and "crying".

Admit it, you fags are just biased against Kyoani and or this show. There's no other explanation.

I mean just look at this() underage retard.

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This. It's gotten really tedious now.

Heh i think that was me. She may be grandmother but she is based and is a blast to talk to.

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Beautiful eye color.

>deflecting because he has no actual argument and has dug himself a hole

Talk about the subject matter and not other posters.