>the Mabel Pines of Yea Forums
The Mabel Pines of Yea Forums
The what now
Fuck off back to wherever board you came from
>only liked by fat feminists and soibois
accurate post, OP
go away nobody likes that trash tier character
whats a maple pines
You clearly have no idea who Mabel Pines is if you're posting THAT.
Middle two sakuras are best sakuras
Nah, Mabel is way more useful in her show than Sakura ever was in Naruto
grappling hook!
Fuck off. GF was a time flop.
It's too early for this thread, pinkshitfag wakes up at 3pmET
I want Boruto x Hanabi femdom.
No, far worse
why do girls with the name “sakura” cause so much controversy son Yea Forums
Mabel had some charm at least
My waifu >>>>>>>> your waifu
most of them are Yanderu Sloot
Fuck off, Yea Forumsgger.
I'd bang the lower two of those pinksluts.
Mabel is Yea Forums though. On the other hand, Yea Forums is so fucking high strung about loli you probably would be better off posting on Yea Forums about her.
Sakura didn't want to remain stuck in her own dream world when confronted with how shitty her real life turned out thanks to her being an enormous needy selfish bitch to her family and friends though.
Mabel is pretty dreadful for a main character in comparison to Sakura who remains merely tolerable at best.
It's 'Yea Forumsugar', you fucking newfag monkeyfucking dog.
I browse Yea Forums on and off until I'm too sickened to do so and I've not seen either of those. But then I haven't seen Yea Forumsmrade in a long while either.
i made that up anyway
I'm almost certain i just saw this thread on Yea Forums
And an insult to other pink haired anime girls.