What will anime be like 10 years from now?
What will anime be like 10 years from now?
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It will be whatever makes money.
>Yea Forums related
pick one
fuck off
>tumblr image
Seeth more, tourists
China will have overtaken Japan. I expect Korea and Taiwan to rival Japan too. manhwa is already surpassing manga too.
Frankly, I'd like to see the industry crash
>manhwa is already surpassing manga too.
Manhwa is dead, there are only webtoons. And those are trash (except for Hellper).
The most popular one is a manwha mangadex.org
This, at least then we might see people doing interesting things with limited resources again. The industry needs a massive shakeup, enough of this lowest common denominator appealing isekai, shonen and SOL bullshit
all CGI and 50% of adaptions will come from half baked gacha plots
>there are only webtoons
and they're a huge market
As the fanbase becomes more and more western and normie, anime will start catering to that. The industry is going to try more and more to appeal to a mainstream global audience. For one thing, expect more "diversity", more black characters, even more gay and lgbt shit etc. Expect more left wing, cucked western ideals as western distribution and streaming services impose moral restrictions- expect loli to die out, or at least any hint of sexualization of lolis. I think that there will always be anime marketed towards the core Japanese audience however, so hopefully the entire medium won't be ruined, although Japan as a nation becomes more western by the day (to be accelerated by the coming olympics).
Also expect China, South Korea and maybe even some other Asian countries to get in on the game way more. Whether you want to consider it anime or be an autist about the term, more animation reminiscent of Japanese anime is going to come out of these counties, it's already happening. It'll certainly be interesting to see where it goes
most popular on a manga aggregation website = surpassing manga industry???
When manwha sales outrank the top 10 manga sales, then you can say that. The only money this is making is mangadex with ad revenue.
I don't believe this at all. Japan only cares about Japan. Look at Nintendo for a reference. It has a similar hobbyist audience and so many of nintendo games and console features are solely developed with japanese audience in mind. Streetpass on 3ds as a huge example, and many games having local coop only as another. Many features western audiences want and ask for are completely ignored by one of the biggest game industry developers globally, so what makes you think shueisha would bend over for dirty gaijins and start pushing diversity? It would only hurt sales in japan and marginally help them abroad and not by enough to make up the difference.
As lines blur people are going to need to let go. But i dont think anime will become a staple in the west like it is in the east. Than again i think part of its popularity in the west over the past decade has to due with people trying to escape the SJW preaching thats has taken over western media. Anime is just way more honest with its sexuality and storytelling.
On a side note. I have been noticing more SJW comments on hentai, doujin, and translation sites. Its a little disconcerting. For now Japan dosen't seem to give a shit.
>Japan only cares about Japan
maybe once, but now the situation is different, just consider the mario odissey "scandal" about mexican cultural appropriation, or how they changed one of Mr. Game & Watch's attacks that was offensive toward native americans
>SJW comments on hentai, doujin, and translation sites.
fuck, I'm curious now, what are the worst you saw?
Just complaining about this or that having slave, torture, rape and loli eveb if its playful type porn stuff if you know what i mean. Its more the way they word comments that stands out. Just look at crunchy rolls community whe shield hero had the fake rape accuser.
it wasn't as bad as goblin slayer's first episode. i've never seen them do the viewer discretion thing halfway through a series before.
>For one thing, expect more "diversity", more black characters
Watch Gundam? Watch Durarara?
I said there will be more, the fact that there are already a few doesn't mean anything. Expect half brown casts and above in the future
>Anime is just way more honest with its sexuality
Are you just pretending to be retarded?
No one thinks anime is an honest portrayal of sexuality lmao.
he didn't say realistic
Goblin slayer was the least sexualized rape ive seen in anime in recent years.
An anime that is about lewd knows its about lewd and dosen't try to hide it like western media.
We'll all be dead in 10 years thanks to climate change so who cares?
It'll be the cake age.
> Anime is just way more honest with its sexuality and storytelling.
No. Don't take cartoons too seriously.
Anno and miyazaki and ops dog will be dead :)
>it's another /jp/ spam on Yea Forums
Go back to twitch Ms Cortez. People were saying anime was dying around 2009 or something if i remember correctly.
>talking about anime on the anime board is somehow wrong
3D shit belongs on talk about them there
Animation is sad and worldwide needs a crash
>tfw almost all cakse from that pic Lose or dies in the end
Fuck Japan
everyone and their mother will be talking about it
western animation will be pure california school shitfest while anime will become like old-western cartoons to pander to western audiences
anime will pander to everyone except analysts from mbti (inb4 pseudoscience horoscope spamming) and the fews that do will have pseudophilosophy easily understandable heavily ingrained with your cookie cutter morality themes
no more lolis
no more normiefilter
no more nothing
100% netflix applicable
>he thinks the anime industry can be salvaged
you're talking to a rotting corpse
Even if Japan starts to "cater to the west", what does that even mean?
Do you think only Americans watch anime and buy manga?
I heard somewhere that France has the most manga sales outside of Japan. Or maybe that's just in Europe, i can't remember.
But the French are very open towards nudity and sex in their media, while Americans for example are not.
That would create a conflict of interest, if the Japanese tried to "cater to the west".
Or diversity. Diversity in America is a result of the many minorities that want representation in the media. But can you imagine Japan saying "Hey, those 12% of the entire American population, which in turn make up maybe 30% of the western population, yeah we REALLY want THAT audience"
>But i dont think anime will become a staple in the west like it is in the east.
my little brothers were just watching this nickelodeon show where there's epic california school gamer kids with obnoxious voices battling over cyberbullying and one says "i have to go my anime torrent just finished downloading"
Anime isn't dead. it's locked in an american basement waiting to be raped everyday for the next twenty years until it becomes indistinguishable from american production
i hope maybe france and ex-yugoslavia can start to develop it's own niche art culture like japan did for anime but i wouldn't put too much hope into it
The French are seemingly going to be the next Japan, culture wise.
Japan, when it comes down to it, makes anime appealing for that extra-personal touch with some exotic Japanese qualities and that market for INTPs, INTJs and ENTPs
This market will now die and the French will take over. That market will then die and we'll see then who can pass on.
Virtual animes.
Oh wow, she looks just as repulsed as real women when they see me! I have to buy this!
Animation needs to die, These Calart faggots and Perverted Pussies are killing it
Into the trash it goes
China and Korea will. I don't know about France but they can too.
Anime is not your sekret klub! Yaaas!!! It's good to see diversity in anime (Word.) and you ittle nazi pedophiles now have nothing anymore wahahaha
r/gatekeeping is where you belong :)
Now make way, this show flopping wasn't a failure but a prophecy.
Welcome to the 21st century hell, denizens: you
Yeah I think it already started. My little sister watches this cartoon/animated show called "Ladybug", it's a French production, and the main character is a French-Korean girl
anime is in the Chinese sphere of influence, not the USA
>For one thing, expect more "diversity", more black characters...
stopped reading right there
I'm tired of you faggots screaming at the sjw boogeyman and saying "the end is near!!!1!" as if this medium wasn't already diverse.
it has become more common to see people complaining about shota/loli hentai because of the underage factor, along with stuff like rape.
Still not as bad as the NTR hate though, at least not from my view.
Honestly, this.
worst thing that could happen is too much time for my backlog.
is it just me or does the top left logo look exactly like Blueshift
Anime can't compete with other animation industries. Most people hate anime.
They will try to hire more black and female staff to help them be woke, but they'll fuck up and hire fundamentalist muslims.
China and Korea will copy anime but they won't have anything new to add.
Anime will exist in memory as once good shows, and we will be able to rewatch them but effectively the stream is feeding the river till it swallows the source.
We'll need a new medium that explores the boundary and sets good writing plus cultural authenticity and France is just about the best one to adopt an "anime-producer" role.
The orientalists will also pander to western audiences.
France is western but unique in it's own respect so it will likely have a bit of cloaking from the all-seeing masses before they invariably dilute it.
We need good writing, cultural philosophy and liberalism for the concept of "anime". France has these.
Stop playing dumb.
Every single show will have to have at least three black, gay or trans characters on the main cast, and I do not mean "that cute catboy trap" trans characters, because they are unrealistic and harmful to the cause of SJ and PC.
Every single episode will have to "explore" their race\gender issues for at least a couple of minutes. And by "explore" I mean pander to their identity in any way possible, demonstrating how their race\gender\sexual orientation gave them special talents that boring and bland majority around them do not possess.
If MC is not one of the "diverse characters" himself - the show will have to constantly demonstrate the superiority of "diverse characters" over him, both in character and strength.
Villains will shift from whatever the authors wanted them to be to "evil, racist and foolish old men who are fighting against progress and diversity" they will, of course, be easily defeated by the protagonists, because nothing but happy ending is acceptable for the diverse party.
Old shows\movies will have to be "adapted" to fit in with the progressive society that we live in. No one has ever said that Asuka was not a transgender lesbian Pakistani woman, and frankly exploring her identity and relationship with Shinji (pansexual black midget in a wheelchair) is much more interesting than some stupid angels and mecha-fights.
is it good?
the french are excellent with cinema.
they would be the best choice after Japan turns into a U.S. state
what's it like being schizophrenic?
mon samouraï chérie, je vais le prendre d'ici. tu vas nous manquer
Imagine losing your head over the Boogeyman of SJWs taking over anime, when there are much more real and current issues to worry about, like the ever increasing overproduction, rampant CGI replacing animation, death of painted backgrounds, decline in quality and quality of anime originals, increasingly cheap and incomplete adaptions, increase of mobage shit, and much more.
Bunch of retards.
Don't forget to dilate.
what's it like being a troll-nigger?
seriously fellas it's not healthy to obsess over this shit, anime is just as degenerate as western media it's just degeneracy the appeals to your fetish
Yes and let's not forget anime's stigma. If you say I like French animation nobody will think you're weird but mentioning anime in public is extremely creepy. French animation is already more mainstream than anime.
what is it like being retarded
>omygosh why are you obsessing over anime its degenerate!
>Yea Forums
Tranny, you really have to try better than this.
I don't know about me but people have a LOT of conversations about anime and i'm not talking about >120IQ introverts who spend time looking for the right media/literature. I'm talking about the most normal of normies.
You have no clue how mainstream this piece of shit medium is. I'd say shows like Game of Thrones are less big than Attack on Titan and One Punch Man.
who are you quoting?
>I'd say shows like Game of Thrones are less big than Attack on Titan and One Punch Man.
And you'd obviously be wrong.
>but mentioning anime in public is extremely creepy.
where the fuck do you leave?
>I'd say shows like Game of Thrones are less big than Attack on Titan and One Punch Man.
How retarded can you be? Even Pokemon can't come close GoT.
>I'd say shows like Game of Thrones are less big than Attack on Titan and One Punch Man.
this is a little exagerrated
You're a paranoid idiot. For one, there's always been a lot of diversity in anime and no one cared.
Doesn't matter.
A very obvious discord tranny that tries to infiltrate
Yea Forums, and right now prepares a shopped screenshot with removed (you)s to do the damage control.
In other words, I am quoting you.
oh, you're baiting, thanks for clarifying
i exaggerated a little bit
anime is already full of traps, go back to /pol/
still enough to cause us asscancer
Very, very poor attempt at controlling the damage here mr. Tranny.
I have already addressed this.
>I do not mean "that cute catboy trap" trans characters, because they are unrealistic and harmful to the cause of SJ and PC.
No I'm not baiting. Anime is creepy even in Japan.
Back to /pol/ with you. Stop being so paranoid about the SJW bogeyman.
This just means we will get more Netflix originals.
it's not the 80s-90s anymore, user
>Stop being so paranoid about the SJW bogeyman
>Oy vey just ignore the state of every single entertainment industry that was ruined by social justice and accept the same fate for anime\manga
Fuck off.
Anime was less creepy back then.
Stopped reading right there
not him, but you can't really dismiss the SJWs as a boogeiman, look at what happened to americans comics and you can see why some people are worried, even without falling in that conspiracy bullshit
Correct. Single issue sheeple spread cancer whereever they go, no matter the side they're on.
>Anime is creepy even in Japan.
You need some rest. Lack of sleep can mess up your brain.
the only entertainment industries ruined are the ones based in the USA, anime is fine
You think nationalist Japan will go under like that?
Calm down aspie, there isn't a sinister plot to ruin your favorite shit show.
you've probably never been there or interacted with the Japanese much, outside of mainstream stuff like One Piece and Studio Ghibli most people think anime is creepy otaku bullshit
>No one has ever said that Asuka was not a transgender lesbian Pakistani woman
I will ask Anno personally
It's for kids. It's really creepy for an adult to watch it.
Cartoons are more acceptable to watch in the west for example.
>nationalist japan
Now this is some lopsided thinking.
I think hentai and borderline hentai will be more common, with higher budget, so funnily "mainstream" anime will have less fanservice. You don't have to pander sick manchildren, if they watch nsfw series anyway.
I hope so.
If you mean fringe otaku stuff then of course that's an exception.
sadly yes, nintendo already did
Hell, maybe we'll have a major character who isn't at least half-Japanese!
This. They were just cartoons and toy commercials
>a transgender calls another an aspie
Every anime except kid and family shows.
that's over half the industry
That's not a good thing. Those retards like Lupin.
it happens naturally, a show gets popular, people are interested in the medium, are drawn to what's familiar to them already and slowly but definitely the medium markets increasingly more to these people until they make up the majority by repeating process 1 and 2. now eventually the medium is unrecognisable by the original fanbase
but you're just here to shitpost aren't you?
I don't know or care about american comics, but even if you're right, this won't affect anime in any harmful way. If anything, we'll get more gaijin feminist hentai, but Japan doesn't give two fucks about Western sentiments.
Aside from that, Netflix is deliberately plunging into the anime market precisely because of its edgyness. They use anime to distinguish themselves from the more sterile and "family friendly" competition, especially from the Mouse, as Disney is acquiring streaming services to get a share of the online market.
If anything, I fear the rise of the nationalist faction in Japan's politics, of which Abe is already a part, as they might want to get involved into peoples' lifes through social engineering to address the growing number of social issues and societal disintegration at home, and shape public culture to project soft power abroad.
There are couple of acceptable anime in Japan but watch something else and you're child molester.
>Anime is just way more honest with its sexuality
Have sex
the original anime fanbase were mecha fags from the 1980s, I doubt you have anything in common with them
SJWs are an American movement, they only take over American industries, nobody in Japan or Asia gives a fuck about them. You have insular view of the world
If even half of those yielded something as fun as pic related, that’d be a net improvement over what we’ve got now.
I have more in common with the average 80s mechafag than your typical stacey
You remind me of this dude from Russian TV.
Reminder all the best anime directors and mangaka are lefties
It's a natural result of being a bit of a poncy artist while living in a place as conservative as Japan. You either go lefty or you develop some weird alt-conservative POV, like Mishima.
This. japanese producers won't read baka gaijin tweets
Thanks for the reminder, user.
West is the only relevant part of the world.
it's becoming increasingly irrelevant actually, Europe is more or less finished and the USA will be the same after the SJW cancer runs it's course
That's because unlike West Japan still has proper Left that consists of liberals, egalitarians and left-centrists.
When confronted by the shit that is social justice - even Miyazaki will have to call himself a conservative to gain some distance from these nutjobs.
go back to /pol/
Fuck off to /pol/, retard, nobody want to read your 50 IQ antics.
maybe you're right after all, but about you're worrying about Japan's nationalism do you mean it as a reaction to western influence or is something disconnected to the argument?
the more you discuss politics regarding anime the more of a platform you give to the far-left to infiltrate the industry, just shut the fuck up and ignore them
>sending leftists back to pol
Yep, that is an sjw straight outta reddit.
You obviously don't know much about the actual left in the West, but at least you're trying.
reminder that Europe has more censorship then China now
>You have insular view of the world
not really, their influence has already reached us here in europe and even if still in few cases their voice is reaching even japan's entertainment
>people wanting to discuss the future of anime
>immediately /pol/ and /leftypol/ start to shitpost
you guys are fucking retarded
>"actual left"
Give an example.
And also socialists and individualists
I do agree their left is different from the run-of-the-mill left you get in the west. But I'm sure even they have opinions you'd consider SJW. It's probably masked by the fact they have clear issues with social justice which do, in fact, need to be addressed (like how it's legit considered weird for women to not become housewives at twenty five, or for non-Nips to be Japanese).
Nobody in Europe is preventing you from publishing your book because it's got too many bits of dialogue written in a non-standard accent. You wanna bet which country does censor that?
if a woman isn't married by 25 she is trash, it's just a fact of life
Anime is not that popular in the west. SJW crowd won't give a fuck about anime or anything Japan related. There is nothing to worry about.
>Nobody in Europe is preventing you from publishing your book because it's got too many bits of dialogue written in a non-standard accent.
Not quite, but most Western publishing houses will refuse to publish your book if you're a straight white male
oh I see you were shitposting
no I'm being 100% serious, publishing houses have diversity quotas and are blocking straight white males
I'm not a /pol/ conspiracy theorist, but now you're negating the obvious, just look at stuff like the dragon maid adaptation, or the internet mess that exploded for things like goblin slayer or shield hero
Obviously it's improbable that all of this will influence directly the anime production, but it will probably the case for anime distribution in the west
some examples?
>social issues
It has to be an issue first before it can be addressed.
Is Tomino a lefty
Fate series too with its influx of niggers
reminder that you're a dumb fuck that doesn't know shit about the world.
>But I'm sure even they have opinions you'd consider SJW
I am a leftist, I believe that people should have rights and freedoms and every limitation on these rights is something that should only be considered as a last resort solution to a very serious problem. Government's power should be limited and it's goal is to organize the society to bring the maximum amount of happiness to it's citizens.
I am a leftist, this is what I am about. However, this is not what social justice is about, and only a fool wouldn't have noticed that. Social Justice is a structure that exists to serve a number of powerful corporations and political groups as a method of controlling and dividing the western society. This is not a conspiracy theory, it is just a fucking conspiracy. There is nothing supernatural or unusual about it. Lots of international oligarchs like Soros give their money to Social Justice through various organizations, they are not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, them being people that dedicated their lives to their giant economical empires.
This will not lead to progress or advancement of human rights, this will lead to totalitarian oppression and oligarchy.
Issues that you have listed are not something that can be solved by forcing people to change their minds, because it is impossible. You can force a person to say nice things and smile, but in the mind of such person the resentment and hatred towards you and your methods will only be growing. Social Justice cannot help to solve these issues. Upholding liberal ideals and values can.
>organize the society to bring the maximum amount of happiness to it's citizens.
Happiness doesn't mean it's good.
mods please delete this thread.
Zizek, Sanders, Corbyn, Kyle from Secular Talk, generic European Social Democrats etc etc.
In fact, SJW aren't all that popular here in Europe as institutional and party control is much tighter than in the US and loud crybabys have a harder time moving through the ranks and get normies and boomers listening to their inane antics. As a little anecdote from Germany, the only relevant newspaper that really pushes the SJW agenda is the taz and its comment section is usually full of bewildered leftists and liberals who think that the paper has completely lost its mind.
"Good" doesn't exist.
Nah, Japanese nationalists also don't give two fucks about the West. The rise of China and the myriad of urgent domestic issues are much more relevant to them. Also, they've already lost on the music front, with K-Pop being far more well received in East Asia than J-Pop. Manga/Anime is the one thing they have going for them.
This is why the government has begun to sponsor anime events like the Japan Animator Expo that produced Little Witch Academia. I expect a lot more of that in the future, and its an extremely smart tool. The authors have a lot of creative freedom, preventing it becoming cringy shit like the state sponsored media in China, while also guaranteeing that the content produced won't be creepy, otaku pandering garbage that dominates huge parts of the medium nowadays. Though they might not stay that smart.
When Abe praised Anno for being such a great patriot over Shin Godjira, it really freaked me out. From the Wikipedia: Japan's Prime Minister Shinzō Abe had spoken positively of the film's pro-nationalist themes, stating, "I think that [Godzilla’s] popularity is rooted in the unwavering support that the public has for the Self-Defense Forces."[23] Incidently, the JAE was organized by Anno. I'm not 100% sure about the financing of JAE, but the Young Animator Training Project is definetely government funded and goes in the same direction.
So yeah, some people really need to stop whining about SJW and start informing themselves about the world.
shut the fuck up niggers this isn't related to anime
2009 was fucking awesome.
2019 has been the worst year in anime so far.
I'm not only a leftist, I'm a Marxist. It's so fucking weird the things Capitalism is doing to further the middle class growth and alienate even more all of the workers. Anime as intellectual escapism has been my guilty pleasure for a long time, but things are getting weirder and weirder.
Japan doesn't know how to export its shit. They will lose on the animation and comic front too soon.
I find it odd that such a cynical man could create wondrous and optimistic films
seconding this
>Zizek, Sanders, Corbyn, Kyle from Secular Talk, generic European Social Democrats etc etc.
Well, at least you haven't listed Sargon.
But I am not really interested in philosophers and people without any real political\economical power.
Can you list any of those? The actual decision makers?
not so surprising, in another interview he stated how animation is an escape from the world
>The rise of China
...which is extremely reminiscent of the "rise of Japan" in the second half of the 20th century.
I obviously haven't lived through those times, but going by what my older relatives say, Japan was perceived back then pretty much exactly like China is perceived today.
>What will anime be like 10 years from now?
Like this.
Japan was rising because of plaza accord. China's case is different.
you cited a lot of interesting shit, I'll try to take a look later
>Japan stopped rising because of plaza accord.
FTFY. At least that's what the article you are linking suggests.
The "only" apparent difference between Japan and China is about 1,200,000,000 people.
Even if you're right about Japan, I don't see a legitimate contender. US comics are trash and while the success certainly has boosted the domestic comic sales, but I don't see this overseas. Eurocomics can be great, but they're incredibly niche. Manhwa, I don't see going anywhere. China is incapable of creating relevant popular culture. And Japan has the advantage of an incredibly strong and attractive shounen market, while still being able to create works that appeal to wider audiences.
No plaza accord made yen strong as fuck. Japan's nominal gdp got really close to USA's gdp.
Not at all. China is seen as producing cheap crap, having a vile and materialistic culture and ruled by authoritarian cleptocrats. Everything from the aesthetic themes to the organizational structure of the two countries are completely different. The only similarity is that they are/where perceived as rising stars threatening Western/US cultural and material hegemony, and being stangely foreign.
It will have collapsed. Chinese cartoons will be a strong competition, and the Japanese output is much smaller. Otaku anime will be almost dead or at least rapidly disappearing. Most anime will either be things for children, or things that have been running for decades.
We may see a continuation of the trend of more movies.
This is just some ascended tier bait right here.
If Korea decides to make its own animation, Japan stands no chance. They already have more soft power than Japan overall.
>China is seen as producing cheap crap
Was that different for Japan from the start?
I hear Japanese complaining about Westerners figuratively looking down on them to this day.
The industry will be filled with Hero series. As Hero academia takes the spot as new king of Shonen.
You should try going beyond simple perception of masses and gather some numbers on Chinese industries and economy in general.
But even if we decided to project Japanese situation directly on China - the "rise of Japan" was good enough to push it to the very top of most powerful economies on Earth, giving them more than a hundred times the initial GDP even after the recession.
If the same happens to China - by the end of its 50 years "rise" and after the supposed recession happens, it will still have 4 times the projected GDP of USA.
The Korean population is too small for animation to flourish and they don't care about real art as the French or the Russians
>plaza accord made yen strong as fuck.
...causing the rise of Japan to come to an immediate stop.
It killed its export-driven economy.
Speaking of the industry, have any of you guys done lists about how many shows from a certain decade you have watched? example: 20 from the 80s
In order to do that, Korea would need to create the organizational, financial and professional/educational infrastructure that Japan already has, while also lacking any of Japan's long-built reputation or the very loyal domestic Japanese market.
You can't just decide to make stuff one day.
What? Maybe it was different in the 70s/80s, but Japan's reputation for high quality products is legendary nowadays.
But they know how to export it. Quality doesn't matter.
>very loyal domestic Japanese market.
>Was that different for Japan from the start?
Actually american companies said that because america was in fact producing cheap night unusuable shit and the japs were producing high quality cheap stuff that lasted a good long while.
Shit cars produced when they first came to america are still considered fantastic cars.
So the WW2 propaganda cartoons were based on reality.
Europe is so fucking sneaky it's hilarious
>a wild life cockroach in its habitat
Thanks for posting that.
Korea knows how to export. It doesn't have to be good. There are 90 million hallyu fans. They will consume everything Korea produces
So? Stop looking at things from just one angle.
You're making a bizarre distinction that doesn't exist outside of a few corners of the internet, where some liberals try really hard to distance themselves from all the stuff their non-liberal SJW-hating peers dislike.
Leftism isn't any one thing. It's just an umbrella term for everything from Max Stirner memeing ultra individualism to literally Stalin, with everything from social justice liberals to socdems to demsocs in between.
Social justice doesn't mean "things which SJWs like" by the way. Also China and Soviet Russia have proven that censorship and propaganda will, in fact, change people's minds.
One look at Yea Forums or the internet for the last 20 years or american media will tell you that propoganda will change people's minds.
But some will simply handwaive it as being harmless media and then puff up the egos of the victims with "you're too smart and strong of will to be changed by this".
Fairly insidious.
Hopefully better because Miyazaki will have been dead for over 9 years.
Gook shit is and always will be more popular than Jap shit. Sorry user.
People -- conservatives, in particular -- have a vastly overoptimistic view of human nature. They think that people can, by sheer force of will, prevent themselves from being shaped by their surroundings. It's why you get comments like "those council estate people should just stop behaving so indecently and start taking education seriously and then they'll be able to get a good job" or whatever without realising that whatever you think they should do doesn't matter; people don't do it, and they never will, because that's not how people work.
Chink shit >>>>> Jap shit > Gook shit
take the mercury pill
>You're making a bizarre distinction that doesn't exist outside of a few corners of the internet, where some liberals try really hard to distance themselves from all the stuff their non-liberal SJW-hating peers dislike.
That's what SJWs believe, whilst in reality any normal person will try to distance themselves from a fanatic, even if they share the same ideology, or parts of it.
>Leftism isn't any one thing. It's just an umbrella term for everything from Max Stirner memeing ultra individualism to literally Stalin, with everything from social justice liberals to socdems to demsocs in between.
I use "Leftism" in the context of democratic society that uses capitalism as it's economic model.
>literally Stalin
You seem to pay more attention to what people tell they advocate for, instead of evaluating their actions. Stalinism is about as leftist as absolute monarchy or Hitler's National Socialism.
>Social justice doesn't mean "things which SJWs like" by the way.
Yes it does. It had a different meaning when SJWs were not a thing, but as with many other things, they have co-opted it for their agenda and right now it is literally what they (or their corporate masters, to be precise) consider to be good and useful.
>Also China and Soviet Russia have proven that censorship and propaganda will, in fact, change people's minds.
They have proven the opposite. They have proven that no amount of censorship or propaganda will help you to sustain your system, and you will either have to reform (China) or crumble (Soviet Union)
Chink shit probably has more views due to the size of China's domestic market.
Of course it's the quoranigger again.
There is nothing wrong with Quora.
not him, but really, what's wrong with quora, I don't really know the site
Actual modern Chink shit is mostly awful, but it's the older pre-xinhai stuff I was talking about.
I don't really care why you're distancing yourself from them; the point is that you are distancing yourself. And you're doing it by pretending your personal political views are not drawn from the same tradition as theirs, when, in fact, they are.
>I use "Leftism" in the context of democratic society that uses capitalism as it's economic model.
That doesn't make any sense. What leftism is or is not has nothing to do with...democratic societies that use capitalism. Leftism is still leftism if it's in Saudi Arabia.
You might be thinking that so many discordant ideologies get lumped under leftism that the word loses it's meaning. And you'd be right. For the most part, it's not a useful word. But, if you were to nail down its definition, it'd be that it includes those ideologies which are drawn from the socialist or the liberal tradition, as well as ideologies associated with either one of these.
Stalin was obviously a machiavel who used whatever ideological tools would give him greater security, but the theory he created in order to do that was consciously drawn from Marxism (which is leftist). It's incredibly unorthodox; it diverges from conventional Marxist writings on almost all matters; but it still works within the Marxist framework, and it still draws from the Marxist tradition. Hitler, on the other hand, did not draw from Marx at all.
>They have proven the opposite. They have proven that no amount of censorship or propaganda will help you to sustain your system, and you will either have to reform (China) or crumble (Soviet Union)
This is a bullshit view of history which you need to let go of. There is no grand historical narrative that illiberal societies will inevitably crumble (indeed, there is no grand historical narrative at all). Didn't they teach you this in history class?
Firstly, you're factually incorrect. The Soviet Union did not crumble until seventy years after its founding. It should be obvious it crumbled for reasons unrelated to the censorship and propaganda it started putting out seventy years previously. China, too, reformed for reasons unrelated to censorship or propaganda, as proven by the fact it continued (and continues) to do both lmao.
Secondly, we're talking about how effective propaganda + censorship is on shaping people's minds, not whether it sustains systems. Both of these nations had (have, in China's case) succeeded in producing a populace who either fully agreed with their base ideologies, or simply didn't care enough to oppose it.
more chinese and lower quality
>I don't really care why you're distancing yourself from them; the point is that you are distancing yourself. And you're doing it by pretending your personal political views are not drawn from the same tradition as theirs, when, in fact, they are.
No they aren't. SJWs shit on traditions of egalitarianism and freedom of speech by pushing for laws that hurt people for expressing their opinion and promote racial inequality by giving their preferred race\class\gender additional rights that others don't have.
>That doesn't make any sense. What leftism is or is not has nothing to do with...democratic societies that use capitalism. Leftism is still leftism if it's in Saudi Arabia.
>You might be thinking that so many discordant ideologies get lumped under leftism that the word loses it's meaning. And you'd be right. For the most part, it's not a useful word. But, if you were to nail down its definition, it'd be that it includes those ideologies which are drawn from the socialist or the liberal tradition, as well as ideologies associated with either one of these.
I am not really interested in a debate about semantics, mainly because you do not have an argument here. It is enough to say that definitions change based upon context.
>Stalin was obviously a machiavel who used whatever ideological tools would give him greater security, but the theory he created in order to do that was consciously drawn from Marxism (which is leftist).
Again, this is your main problem. You go for the textbook definitions instead of looking at the actions taken by political groups in the name of their ideology, if we are going to ignore reality, we can just as well say that Hitler is the new Marx that devised his own new left-wing ideology.
all of it will be outsourced in china and korea
more western pandering
more netflix originals
>I am not really interested in a debate about semantics
Then why bother instigating and replying to a debate about semantics?
You do realise that that's what determining what is and isn't a leftist IS, right?
>This is a bullshit view of history which you need to let go of. There is no grand historical narrative that illiberal societies will inevitably crumble (indeed, there is no grand historical narrative at all).
I have never stated that there is a "grand historical narrative that illiberal societies will inevitably crumble "
>Firstly, you're factually incorrect. The Soviet Union did not crumble until seventy years after its founding.
Firstly, you should up your game on basic logic, because
>The thing that you have stated is true but since it didn't happen in an instant - it is not true
Is just embarrassing.
>It should be obvious it crumbled for reasons unrelated to the censorship and propaganda it started putting out seventy years previously.
>Secondly, we're talking about how effective propaganda + censorship is on shaping people's minds, not whether it sustains systems.
Secondly, unlike you I had my whole family living there, both of my grandfathers experienced it from the very beginning till the end, one of them served in Soviet government for fifty years. And we had lengthy talks about why did it crumble. And the main underlying reason is exactly this.
No amount of propaganda or censorship can change person's mind. When it became apparent that socialism cannot deliver its utopian promises or even the same quality of life as western capitalistic democracies can - people lost their faith in socialism and the idea of communism, even the top politicians themselves were disenfranchised with it. And nothing could have been done to stop the growing discontent. Even with full control over media.
>Both of these nations had (have, in China's case) succeeded in producing a populace who either fully agreed with their base ideologies, or simply didn't care enough to oppose it.
You obviously don't know shit about China. There is nothing marxist or socialist about it. Half of my friends are Chinese. It is one of the most ruthless capitalist meritocracies in history. Even stuff that you would expect to be free in a western country (like healthcare) has to be paid for. Their ideology is nationalistic as fuck and despises everything Marx was advocating for. Rights for workers - fuck off, equality - fuck off.
>Then why bother instigating and replying to a debate about semantics?
You want to make it about semantics, whilst I am more interested in reality.
>You do realise that that's what determining what is and isn't a leftist IS, right?
Then Hitler is the greatest left-wing leader in history, glad that we established that.
It will look like 1940's loony toons
Yeah, whatever mate. Those predictions didn't hold up in the 00s and won't go anywhere in the 20s. We will get more Netflix originals, though, as long as Netflix sticks around.
What is Miyazaki’s best film and why is it Porco Rosso?
I like Miyazaki.
Even the cat looks Japanese.
a spell between silent oceans but none that will create a new world
It will change its definition.
In an ideal world it would look like the sakuga here but lets face it, anime is fucked that's extremely unlikely to happen.
I fucking hate webtoons. New The Breaker when?
typical summerfags, just ignore em