Why do most black men in anime look like Steroid users?
Why do most black men in anime look like Steroid users?
because they dont want to draw regular black drug addicts
If you're going to draw a magical creature you've never seen before, are you gonna draw it in the lamest way possible, or the coolest?
what about afro samurai?
>Cloud Ninja
This meme again I see
This guy is a dark Asian, not black.
Ay lmao
That is achievable natty is you're naturally huge.
black people are genetically superior to japanese people
>cloud nigga
>not black
What did he mean by this?
literally kill yourself.
Cloud Ninja are not explicitly Black, they are based on Sohei Warrior Monks, who were traditionally portrayed with darker skintones than Samurai or Nobles.
Then explain to me why Kishi gave one a rap gimmick and corn rows
He looks like a crack user.
Nips conflate dark skin with big muscles and physical prowess
theyre genetically superior
Says you sucka
Niggers aren't superior to whites,its been proven many times.
Because a lot of them are based on 80s or 90s action heroes. That's why you also get your Chris Tucker comedy relief types every now and again too.
>Blacks are superior to whites it’s been proven so many times but I want to pretend otherwise because I’m scared of the BBC
Kilik was fuckin cute. Reminds me of Huey.
Superior amount of sub-70 IQ "people"
Superior crime rates
>taking IQ seriously
>taking "statistics" at face value
> Black in anime
didn't know asians had african noses and lips
Then you didn't read the character's backstory
Black anime characters have existed beforr you were even born
It doesn't matter what the author calls him.He was literally drawn as a black man. If I draw a dog and call it human will it be a drawing of a human? Don't think so.
>muh IQ
>Muh crime rates
Keep crying Wh*teboi