Why is it so common for overwhelmingly male anime creators to produce vapid shows about what they imagine women to be like, to an audience that is also overwhelmingly male?
Why is it so common for overwhelmingly male anime creators to produce vapid shows about what they imagine women to be...
Kumiko and Reina are gay.
Umm excuse me? My waifu was written by a female and also designed by a female
Demand and Supply
why is it so common for overwhelmingly male Yea Forums users to produce vapid threads about what they imagine anime to be like, to an audience that is also overwhelmingly ignorant of naoko yamada's existence?
this is a Kumiko thread now
Good idea
That probably sounded clever in your head.
It's more clever than your thread
Hibike's author is a woman tho
I guess that means it generally isn't the case that they're mostly written by men, then.
You could have OP'd with a different picture you absolute jobber
>Original author is female
>Series director is female
>Scriptwriter is female
>Character designer is female
I think you picked the wrong show, user.
Why do you care? Are you a fucking tranny or something? A lot of female moe characters are designed and written by women.
No wonder it's shit
back to tumblr faggot
if you mean gay for shu's cock and teacher's cock respectively, also kys and go back to your board faggot
getting a bit desperate huh
Really rude. Apologize to Kumiko.
>Why do you care?
Because it's incredibly odd to see a bunch of grown men watch hours of cute girls going through their vapid inconsequential garbage lives, and I'm genuinely curious about what compells them to waste their time on this dumb nonsense.
pls don't bring up anything cock-related in Hibike threads
Women do the same thing with BL. No point in kinkshaming any side.
>Series director
It what?
But why do you care?
So it's just a fetish then. It's sad that anime has to be shackled to that, instead of quality character and story development.
Because it's weird, so it's interesting. Plus, it hugely affects the industry.
If watching CGDCT is a waste of time, watching people watch CGDCT is an even bigger waste of time.
Hibike was written by a woman, slit your throat for making such a pointless thread.
Naoko Yamada
if you think tatsuya was actually responsible for anything other than the pool ep and the occasional boob gag, you're fucking retarded
because real life women suck, they are heartless solipsistic monsters that only want to use men
Who gives a shit what someone else enjoys?
Jesus Christ.
If that was true he wouldn't have gotten the entire responsibility for S2.
What a fucking inane question. Why are men interested in women? Gee I fucking wonder.
>Plus, it hugely affects the industry.
To say it "affects" the industry implies that the industry hadn't always been this way. Which is completely false ever since the 90s. This thread is pointless.
So sad, this is actually an interesting topic but you ruined the thread by picking that image.
The author of this novel is a woman you mouth breathing mong.
It wasn't ruined it just became something different
But kumiko is literally me
>being interested in antropological behavior is bad
That's pretty sociopathic if you
>Me OP
>Me insightful
>Me make sweeping generalisation regardless of fact
Those are not mutually exclusive though. YoI is decently written, and Saezuru will be just as stellar as its source material when it will come out, even if the sex scenes are all cut as many suspect.
The shows that really suck are shows that rely exclusively on fanservice to entertain, and nothing else. But I don't think the right answer is to just cut down completely on fanservice. Sure people can live on just rice and water, but some nutella spread on a brioche is nice every once in a while, you know what I mean? Sorry about the food metaphor.
According to a lot of people, this isn't an interesting topic at all.
men of culture watch cgdct because they like to take their time ti appreciate true ideal beauty. It's just like admiring a beautiful painting or listening to classical music. If you can't understand such things then I can only feel sorry for your sad existence.
Men of culture spend time on things of worth
>the city of OP
Meanwhile here you are, on Yea Forums, wasting your time wondering about others who waste their time. You produce nothing of value. Get off your high horse.
I don't understand, you're complaining that anime girls aren't vapid whores like the real ones or what?
Toxic masculinity that wants to dominate and oppress.
what do you think about one year older Kumiko?
Feeling straight.
Why are you repeating what she said but shorter at her
Don't know about pic in the OP, but usually its to create a fantasy experience that feels like being around girls instead of going outside to interact with a real one. It's like a fantasy circlejerk.
God she's so pretty. I want to make her a single mother.
But that would just make it sad.
Sorry. Sometimes the truth is a little sad.
The art style of Hibikes changed in a very subtle way.
go to hell you freak
You'll have to get through Reina first.
most series do, over time. i like all hibike art styles though, especially liz
I want to rape midori
Honestly she is getting more and more beautiful and hotter
Pic unrelated I guess?
Most modern kyoani stuff has a female author.
Doesn't make it good.
Not what the thread is about.
>why are men allowed to view anime that isn't RRRH STOMP BLOOD GUTS
Why is it so common for people to love Kumiko?
Masturbation is great. The world would be a better place if we spent less time trying to make other people please us and more time pleasing ourselves.
People are drawn to perfection.
Because Kumiko is the best
What does it matter? As much as people like to make these threads to fake protest something this has literally become the anime fandoms bread and butter type of show in actual practice and has been that way for a while now. Like you see people question the need for all these shows like you describe and then proceed to watch and shitpost about only shows that fit that description every season while proudly proclaiming how they watch x show only for some degenerate fanservice trope and will continue to do so the next season too while continuing to make threads like this. Either that or they watch them cause of the name of the studio and that they figure they have to cause it's Kyoani or whatever. Doesn't matter what it is, it'll be shitposted so gotta be there each week to engage in the exercise even if you don't actually like the shows.
The modern anime fanbase is mentally all fucked up by all it's weird baggage and memes and being introduced to things via social media buzz instead of actually having forged itself as a cohesive fan culture and seems to like it that way I don't know. Everything about it just registers as fake as fuck and like you all will never figure your shit out in life. Like if you can't figure out your Japanese cartoons and what you actually really want out of them in both theory and practice (other than as shitposting meme fuel) you're all not gonna figure out every day life.
Still the best
This thread is shit and OP is fucking shit.
Reina packing heat down there
are you phonepstig after your range ban?
how about you go and try to do that instead of shitposting
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