Post your waifu. Others tell you why she's shit
Post your waifu. Others tell you why she's shit
Other urls found in this thread:
I can't think of any reasons. Chitanda is perfect. I want her to fart in my face.
Come at me, my love is unfaltering.
way to ruin everything with your disgusting fetish
No. Kill yourself and your shitty thread.
Alice is my waifu
literally who
i don't know who this girl is but if she thinks bananas go in your ear rather than your mouth she must be really stupid
She's autistic
She's really curious. Too curious.
Kiss-Shot-Acerola-Orion-Heart-Under-Blade (oppai final form)
Rate mine, anons.
She'd be annoying as hell to around in reality.
She would probably get on your nerves fast some days.
Come at me bro
lol it's not even my fetish. I just think it's cute if anime girls do it.
That's not how you eat excellent premium banana, you stupid little shit.
Let's get this over with.
You can't eat 2 at the same time you stupid dork.
Wow rude user.
>Fucked by Sheldon
>naval visible through clothes
so many pedos itt, disgusting
It's not that one of your waifus is shit. It's you who's shit for having more than one waifu and for autisticly posting the same pictures over and over again
Stay on topic.
discount Violet
dumb girl obsessed over mundane useless stupid shit
literal yass kween shit with zero personality, even kiritsigu doesn't consider her as a person
yuckino clone #2830628
shitty personality
I can, and I will. I can suck three banana at the same time. maybe more
shit taste and commit suicide
She has a bad sense of fashion and her personality isn't the best.
which one is yours
China is really annoying, obsessed and evil. Worst Yuru, from a design standpoint too
>Not having a harem with multiple girls from the same show
My waifu is perfect
Your waifu is flawless. Best Yuru. Also my waifu.
>Not using the 2015 format to state a date
Why would I want to have her be insulted?
Because that's your fetish now. Submit yourself.
Big oppai and bashful is the worst combination. Who wears fucking glasses with a swimsuit
>Big oppai and bashful is the worst combination
Are you gay
The black haired of course.
no just someone who knows
Date a Live? More like Date a Slut amirite?
She's best and she's all mine
TFW no season 2 never ever :(
I couldn't say anything bad about her even if I tried, she's a very lovable character.
Go easy pls
Old hag
You know you're gay
Please don't be too harsh.
I love my cute wife Ryuuko!
Do your worst.
Please humiliate her
Why tho? She's cute.
Idiot like his husband who is saving thumbnails.
>French whore
>Glorified cheerleader
>Dragon dick
Alright so getting the bait out of the way, name some actual flaws with Jeanne. You can't though, she's literally perfect
You’re right I love cock
Too cute
You can’t. She’s perfect.
Sorry user but Maharon is already married to Emi
>blond hair, blue eyes
>perfect age for mating
>would give me many beautiful children
>personality is perfect
My waifu is superior. You cannot deny this.
It's a literal rock.
Can't even go a few hundred years without getting herself killed
looks like a trashy papika who didn't manage to get the role in flipflappers so now she pleases old man, for monies. she's not very good at it.
>fucked by sheldon
Does anyone remember the dude who put her in the toaster? I swear I have pics but can't find it.
those were the days
If you don't get this it means you're new and haven't been here for 7-8 years
Hey thanks for impersonating me, I was away for a little while. I rate your performance 2/10
hard mode: no attacking the show shes in
That was a third person though
That's what I thought
Nice back peddling kek
It's fun to see that nothing has changed about CGDCT/moe fags over the years, they're still just as insufferable.
Awaken my masters.
Rate mine.
Are you me?
Pleases old men for free.
Her only flaw is so trivial I don't give a damn about it anymore. So show me what you've got.
factually correct
>crazy chuuni slut
that's a good thing
china is cute when she's not trying to fuck yui.
based and Uchiha pilled, here's mine grandma
Thirded. You're not dedicated, just lazy.
RIP in pieces
>willing to pull your luggage
Can't think of anything wrong
You can't
He will abandon you ;_;
Lesbian rapist, unless you're talking about Tio, which then I can't really think of anything.
He threw in the towel and gave his life's work to someone who doesn't even appreciate it.
Weebanization of a historic figure to pander to otaku losers
Yeah im talking about tio
Then yeah, I have nothing. You too have a good time.
Thanks, cute sneak.
Don't confuse Uni for her older sister.
She takes after her sister and is constantly showing the world her ass.
Don't compare based Jeanne to that waifubait onahole.
I still miss him
disregard that, I suck cocks
Cucked out beta orbiter who paid a female friend and her boyfriend vacation.
Got faggot PC anti-Yea Forums mod on Yea Forums and literally tried to silence his own users.
Sold out both the website and worse, sold out his identity to please people who will never respect him, losing the respect of those who liked him in the process (except for most unaware of his last moves)
He used to be cool b4, so RIP m00tykins, murdered by Chris Poole somewhere in 2014 or something (fuck If I know when it exactly was by now, I dont like to look at that anyway, it hurts).
She's literally a massive annoying stuck up bitch and her show is even worse.
well they only just wrote a new book user.
tumblr-tier normalfag trash
I can never decide if she and that shit show were more boring or terrible
No fuck you. I'll insult the man, but not his waifu.
shitty whore and ugly as fuck
literally more attractive than anybody else in that show save maybe Haruno
wrong on all accounts and you have a serious case of shit taste
Why is there Indian flag behind Rin?
My Mentally Unstable Domestic Terrorist Can't Be This Cute!
Are you ok? The only reaction healty man could give to this hamming piece of shit trying to braindamage you with its "kininarimasu" is to smash its face with a stone.
literally perfect
Fuck off you old hag of a cunt
Hard mode: no referencing *that* doujin
> personality isn't the best
Such a detalised criticism.
her eyebrows are in the middle of her forehead. And a mediocre keyboard player
I love this socially awkward loser!
Inferior to true Goddess.
>Post your waifu. Others tell you why she's shit
Why would I ever want to subject my beloved waifu to insults from anonymous faggots?
I really like everything about Hyouka but her, She made me dop it in 4 eps. I want to snap her fucking brainstem
Sounds like you have some repressed homocidal urges, user.
Not him but she really is annoying.
Yeah well she's my teasing alien ice queen bitch, and she's adorable.
Somehow my waifu escaped being on that image.
>couldn't read Pynchon
user, I'm supposed to call her shit, not you.
"Being annoying" isn't a good reason to fantasize about killing her.
peepee 2 big
her show just sucks, she's nobbad though
sheltered as hell, have fun with a useless wife with no house-related skills
I love Loki-chan!
That's your opinion.
most perfect
pees her pantsu in a toilet cubicle lol
That's the opinion of most non-sociopathic people.
I love her. Easy mode I guess.
tell me why she isn't perfect
protip: you can't
I'm ready for the abuse
Give it to me
I don't really care about what anyone thinks, I just wanted to post the love of my life. And I'm not talking about the ice cream.
I want to eat her cookies all day
Do your worst, she is gonna enjoy it.
which version?
She doesn’t know how to cook pasta
>you're better off making actual origami than date this shit clone
Serves you right, dumb frogposter.
Shit female characters, Shit Taste, Shit on all of you
Post yours faggot
Picking on Yoruka again. Faggot spotted.
Not only gets away with murder, but also makes an innocent person go to jail for the rest of his life in her place.
fair enough
You can't.
Say it to Yea Forums moods
Yoruka is a copy paste of kurumi, another shit excuse of "waifu"
2.35MB she'd better be taking those off
the glasses i mean
1. Lesbian
2. Doesn't really exist even in her own story
3. Batshit insane, probably kicks puppies
Also you have repulsive taste.
Every character on there is defensible.
>Implying that's bad
>I'll never be hiei
Wtf bros it isnt fair.
Oh my god, the ‘nigga pls’ for Sakura had me cracked for several minutes.
Then post Kurumi then. What are afraid of?
Borrowing shit can't be that bad isn't it
I love her though
>would dump you in a moment's notice
>she failed
But user king arthur is a guy
Who's the cross dressing freak?
Worse than her sister
Cold fish in bed.
At least she'll keep you cool during the summer nights
Kurumi is an overrated, mainstream shit character beloved for stupid, autistic, otakus normies
please remember
I already know what you're going to say
You just lack dedication and criticizing others for not having the same shit taste as you.
Hey, it's esl-kun.
I was hoping your retardation finally killed you
I want to shove this banana down her throat in a non sexual way. Pretty much just so she chokes.
Do you think putting on a swimsuit magically corrects bad vision? Are you that dense, user?
This should be updated
perfect mix of brains and thirsty
Tomoko's still the Yea Forums incarnate?
>Tomoko became a normalfag
>Yea Forums became infested with normalfags
Seems about right.
Make it hurt.
No it should not.
Feel free. There is no insult one can say about my waifu that isn't either a lie or actually a good point to those who have taste.
Dude she's fucking dead. And a child. A dead child
Violent bitch who betrays her innocent little sister. Literally Naru+Sekai.
Love my beautiful wife
The duck is mine.
Here you go.
moves too much when talking
he’s gone
too transparent
loli edge
cough suicidal tendencies cough
My waifu hasn't been insulted because she's perfect. Do you have that little confidence in your waifu? Shame on you.
What are you talking about? Origami was never a clone.
posting her
Heresy. Glasses can make literally any character more attractive.
mai waifu Chino is so cute
A man of good taste. I prefer her fun size form myself though. I still find any of her forms beautiful.
Nice try with guilt tripping but I love her too much. It's not like nu-Yea Forums could come up with anything besides repeating the same tired shitposting about her series for the 10000th time.
>over 250 posts
>my waifu not posted
I love her full name
Honestly CC is perfect. A dynamite hottie.
Green hair is ugly and looks like snot.
You alright pal?
>hates saber, yukino and kurisu
irohafags being the masters of shit taste as usual
Ew looks so green, only nasal mucus comes to mind.
Waste of space, caused the death of the series and a slut.
not even the best elf, get the fuck out of here
NTRed dike
You missed some of them. I think this user has six waifus and he always posts them in a exact order.
>protein shake junkie that cannot be trusted
delete this fucking post RIGHT FUCKING NOW
You can't because she's literally perfect
Thank god, Nero isn't with those bitches.
She most likely doesn't have a vagina and even if she does she can't give birth since she's a robot
Your waifu is based desu. Have a nice day.
What the fuck is that?
my wife is safu
This shouldn't be too hard still love her.
Is she even a character? I thought she is just a rursh's sex doll with close to none plot influence.
Love me a woman who can mind break girls. That's actually my niche fetish.
Can't even be a flunky of the right people.
Axmann was a dumb chud who failed to understand that all the stupid Cold War ideological squabbling was trivial compared to the existential thread the BETA posed to humanity as a whole.
Mine's Nacchan. Great personality, fit body, and she likes hand holding.
don't hold anything
My sweet angel.
Woh! that looks just like the girl i've been having sex with this past week named Misaki.
chitanda is annoying as fuck, kininarimasu is fine for about 2 episodes before it starts to get really grating, those times where she says it like 5 times in a row were straight up painful
I'll punch you in your fucking face.
She's nyannoying, but her ending in the VN is the best case scenario that doesn't require SG0 to happen.
she is annoying, that's all there is to it
she has a nice visual design but to add to what i said she actually has no personality as well- it often seems like she's retarded (in the traditional sense of the word) because that's the only thing she says or cares about for 90% of the show, pretty much the only times she expresses anything that doesn't involve that one autistic phrase it's when she talks about her family in the last episode
Just try.
inb4 Frenchman
But imagine her getting up from this chair and then getting to bury your face in it.
Fuck You/Off with your autistic, retarded, hate boner for me
She's perfect, prove me wrong
C.C and Kallen are the only good things of code geass shit
I'm going to marry candy store and then I'll be able to eat candy (in more ways than one) whenever I want to.
Truly retarded. Watching that show made it seem like Kobayashi was taking care of a bunch of kids.
Who are you implying she mindbroke? She didn't mindbreak anyone. If its Lise you're thinking of being the one "mind broken" she never was, you could say brainwashed in the realistic sense of her indoctrination into the stasi and driven unstable from unbearable abuse and despair but if she were given a better option or a way out she'd take it in a heartbeat, she just came to the conclusion that Beatrix's way was the only way and best chance of survival for her brother and she wanted a shot at revenge on Axmann and slit his throat for the years of torment and degrading slavery, which through siding with Beatrix had the highest probability.
back off, she's mine
this is wrong, Chitanda hair job a best
>bad mouthing a hidamari
get fucked cunt
> Probably reeks of blood, antiseptic, and embalming fluid
> Her body is most likely room temperature
> Will subject you to unethical experiments somewhere down the road
> Will revive you as some sort of bear immortal horrific abomination when you die so you can be with her forever
> Complete sociopath
> Zero sex drive
Shit makes my dick hard.
My wife Ai is so cute, CUTE!
Dead, rotting, and kind of a bitch.
they are watching
Cute delusions
pls no booli
I'm a shipperfaggot, but I guess this is the closest thing I have to Waifu. I can already think number of reasons to hate her
Make me.
If you really love her you would still love her no matter how many others hate her.
Not that user but why would you even encourage others to insult her? That's the whole point of this shit thread.
Of course. I'm the only person on Yea Forums that loves her and I don't give a fuck if no one else likes her, but I also don't want to subject her to anymore insulting or degrading things than what people already give her shit for.
calls best boy creepy.
She is perfect.
Best dinosaur coming through
This is too easy.
Even I have more shit to say about her than most of you
not swordmaiden
She's the best
It's literally impossible to find fault in this goddess.
Do your worst philistines
She wasn't even the best dinosaur in her own show.
She can cosplay as her.
I can't you win
This bitch became irrelevant so fast I can't even fathom why you'd care about her
relevancy was not the question.
She's perfect, you're a lucky guy
itoddlers btf
Shy girls have to be weird (like Kotomi for example) in order to be interesting. Nagisa is shy but not weird, therefore she sucks.
icky voice
Literally give up her genes to an old man. For shame user.
Only good one there is Nikkaido
>Jobber inferiority complex sister
actual sociopath
my dad
Seasonal trash
Why is her sideboob a mandarin magnet?
She won't love you back unless you are a giant anthropomorphous cat. Good taste though.
My wife a best
old hag
Eats bugs.
Is a meme.
FBI bait.
Moeblob garbage.
she's not a meme too me and i dont care if she eats bugs
>Calling Mariel an old hag.
Kanna is essentially a crone in a loli's body.
kanna is young even for a dragon though, and shes not ugly she's cute and pure
Not just one, but TWO.
Hey your waifu is my waifu's girlfriend
Does that mean that user you are replying to is actually your waifu?
I dare you to find a single negative thing to say about her.
For me, its Vodka
Go on. She's right here, behind the spoiler curtain.
My wife is the prettiest!
*snrk* ehehehe
try if you think you can find any flaw
>horse pussy
Dragon standards not human. Pure? She wanted to have sex with Saikawa.
only because she's been hanging around bad influences
I literally can't find a single fault other than lack of screentime.
I love my boring wife and I have no personality too
There is literally nothing to critisize!
Just standing next to Rin is enough to get the FBI on your ass.
>There is literally nothing
Yeah, curing them is fun.
You do it
I want him back
Nothing better than a triple split personality waifu.
My giant strong spooky wife
If that is all it takes to "braindamage you" there probably wasn't much to protect anyway.
This. I wish I could emphasize how much of a 'this' post this is.
Worst Girl
>worst girl
himeji is literally the most bland girl I've ever seen in an anime
OP said waifu not some literal who
her oppai too large
No need, your ineptitude will do it for me, I just have to wait and have fun seeing your monkey like responses
I can't find a flaw. Can you?
Bad design.
So insignificant it took you 200 posts to get a response.
There are those who took longer. Mine for example.
Didn't have a better pic of Kurisu.
can't remember