Is the manga scene dead?
Is the manga scene dead?
Define dead
I hate medival fantasy trash
Out of all those isekai/reincarnation/whatever in that list I only like one returner's magic and because it's an NG+ with a set goal.
If manga has me taught one thing, it's that some guys mother is dying for the past 15 years and he translates isekai trash to keep her alive. Until we find her and end her suffering manga can't die.
What happened to all the battle harem translations that I used to keep track of
Or just regular non isekai harem in general
First Yea Forums, now Yea Forums? Kill yourself already you retarded attention-whoring homosexual.
no. it is dying for sure, just like anime, but there are plenty of good new manga every year. just avoid the following:
and you should be fine
Manga translation literally can't die as long as the internet is still around. There are simply way too many series around for companies to take up.
Since their source the battle harem LNs are no longer being made of course the manga adaptions would stop as well. Either that or they got dropped by the TL due to lack of interest.
>avoid isekai
Why should anyone avoid Kodansha's next big thing once Attack on Titan ends?
Why the fuck is gook and chink shit in there? I thought this was a list of popular manga not east Asian book for children collection?
capeshit of anime
>next big thing
You don't really follow shit do you.
We told you to learn moon ages ago. Why didn't you listen, you could have gone on and read a bunch of interesting stuff and not give a shit about the 'scene'.
Pleas give me shekels to pay for my forever ill mother or else I'll stop.
>Is the manga scene dead?
Not yet, but it's already happening.
I hope you like cultivation stories because China will take over in 5 years top.
What if I just like shit?
>My wife is a demon queen
Is this any good?
Don't forget Korea too. Japan is going down.
If I could be isekai'd I would want to be isekai'd as Kireicake.
There is literally nothing worse than medieval fantasy with video game stats. Nothing.
Slime is not getting bigger despite anime and shameless shilling.
Is this just OP complaining that their favourite manga isn't being translated any more?
But it is.
If you think otherwise, then how about something more concrete? What Kodansha manga does supposedly better than Slime aside from Attack on Titan?
You do realize that there's still plenty of manga that's being produced, right? Just because they're not being translated for some dumb gaijin overseas doesn't mean it's going down.
I feel like the industry is really saturated by unremarkable isekai, harem and shounen right now.
Just avoid those genre if you can
Wasn't it the most sold LN after the push. It's pretty popular in nipland.
why are koreans more obsessed with issekai than the japs?
The opinion of a shitfag is worthless. Flush yourself.
because all of the Japanese suffering statistics you see are dialed up to 11 in south korea
isnt North Korea the bad side tho?
all korea is bad
feel free to compare sexual assault, drug use, idol culture, gwarosa, fan death, conviction rate, suicide rate, interest rates, national debt, birth rates, xenophobia, and any other criticism people have as proof Japan is dying and it's way worse in S. Korea
Why do so many people like long strips/webcomics? I really hate the format. There's just so much wasted space and you have to scroll through so much shit/load so many images just to get through a tiny bit of the story.
"mobile" format
they are free and easy to access.
So they can make seemingly longer chapters while having to draw less.
this reminded me of the burning sun scandal. too bad the west is in the K-pop fever so no one bother to report about the dark side of the industry that big names in the K-pop industry involved with human trafficking and snuff films.
Fuck off isekaitard. You say the exact same excuse as everyone else
western media and government is run by rings of pedophiles but no one does anything. if people are too lazy to care about their own fucked up industries they're probably too lazy to care about korea's.
that's not bad in any way. there are a few gems out there and most of them don't have pussy MCs so it should be right up Yea Forumss alley.
Only downside is that they are obsessed with cultivation. But even that can be spinned positively because they are actually doing something to get their shit and teach body training is a thing. Unlike all those lanky ass jap motherfuckers.
Get fucked. It's the best thing to happen to anime/manga in the last few years.
yeah. this news is pretty big in my country but when I told this to my western friends they thought it's a bait.
I've never liked anything about that genre. There are a few outliers but it's getting a bit ridiculous.
Pure Japanese male wish-fulfillment. It's always some shithead MMO playing NEET.
I tried ages ago
And a while ago
And a bit ago
And last month
must suck to be a dekinai
You learn to cope
Don't know what you're missing out on if you can't even read it
Just because a load of crap is on top of the heap doesn't make the rest of the heap bad.
no one uses baka updates to track manga anymore. use manga rock or mangadex. then download your archive files off goddess.
I guarantee you the same sort of thing is happening in their country, they just don't know about it. Funnily enough the guilty parties don't accuse themselves with their own media.
What I have noticed about these is that they tend to take forever to get to the plot and most of the characters have extremely forgettable names like Han or Zhang seriously wtf at least try to make their names sound unique like Taozun or something fuck. I can only remember a couple character from Tower of God.
baka has outlived countless manga sites, it's a better option for long term usage unless you perfer to move your list every couple years.
t. Chinaman
This is exactly where there's so much Isekai you know, because those Japanese males looking for wish fulfillment actually pay for this garbage.
>two names are so long they don't even fit on the page
you faggots have been saying this for 15 years now
Isekai is apparently really popular but I'm reading plenty of things that aren't isekai. I don't know how people have a hard time avoiding it.
This guy's scanlating Dai Dark right now.
No, that's Shonen
>Goddoka not updated anymore with recent scanlations
>need to go to Mangadex
>need to use unsupported script to download from this site
I'm pretty sure most scanlations uploaded to Mangadex can be downloaded from blogs. I don't know how people can be so clueless about how to find scanlations.
Well... can't realy add anything more to that now can't we?
How do I find these blogs? Mangaupdates stopped providing links to their sites, and it's generally cancer.
It died with gotlurk really. Shame, web2.0 sucks
>see page of manga
>see name of group
>google said group
Wow that was so hard.
Usually just searching the name of the manga plus scanlations. That or which is probably easier since the team is listed on Mangaupdates.
>most scanlations uploaded to Mangadex can be downloaded from blogs
You are wrong. Many scanlators use Mangadex as their only upload source. Just look at the many series tranlated by Yea Forumsnonymous.
Madokami uploaders also rip from Mangadex - it is truly the primary source of scanlations today and everyone's fucked when it implodes.
There have been very few manga I've started reading on Mangadex that I couldn't find downloads for through blogs or through a massive torrent I found on /t/. The only ones I couldn't were when the sub group was uploading to megaupload or something and the links got taken down and they were dead and never reuploaded them but the scans were carried over by the people archiving them from older sites.
and some idiots believe in him.
What happened to batoto?
Admin took his ball and went home. He got sick of fighting ripper bots from other reader sites.
We can only pray that the next site after Mangadex that allows user uploads doesn't compress images or adds watermarks.
>There have been very few manga I've started reading on Mangadex that I couldn't find downloads for through blogs
Selection bias. Many new scanlators entering the scene aren't even bothering with a site. Go browse the release lists and see for yourself.
>a massive torrent I found on /t/
This was probably made from a Madokami dump.
Madokami rips from Managadex.
When Mangadex dies, all the scanlators who are only uploading to MD will scramble for a replacement, if there even is one.
Your torrent is not sustainable.
There will always be a way, they'd just find another reader to dump their shit on, which then again get archived by other people running scripts.
The main trend I notice is that any time I look at a manga sites readership ranking it's always Martial Arts Chinese web toon series or Isekai things I've literally never fucking heard of. Isekai in general has apparently now just completely overtaken the collective otaku fandom as a trend it would seem contributing ever further towards what appears to be the grand goal of making all popular anime and manga as similar and thus kind of boring as possible.
It and other genres are not dead though, people just have generic as all fuck tastes this generation so the Isekai genre and certain other things just always get pushed to the front of what gets made creating a feedback loop where in turn the industry just produces more of them that then get watched/read almost exclusively and on and on.
Surprisingly it's a noticeably worse trend with Western fanbases and I suspect production committees trying to focus on overseas markets has made the problem of overproduction of Isekai content snowball of late
Teenagers who don't know any better
What the fuck is up with this retarded meme of gaming video game mechanics in fantasy works? It's so fucking stupid.
Remember Lodoss and Wizardry? Fantasy anime used to be so much better.
I sometimes have issues with no chapters showing up for certain series too. I think I had this issue recently for Gunsmith Cats. Thankfully I was able to find a rip of the digital version of the newest release by Darkhorse. Stuff like that from danke or other people that rip official things aren't that hard to find either but that requires there to actually be an official release. Maybe it is selection bias but so would saying nothing uses sites anymore. Every series I'm reading at the moment does, which of course is a small selection size, but either way is cherrypicking really. And a lot of the folders in that torrent I mentioned are named like releases you'd find from downloading from a blog. So unless someone went through the trouble of going through thousands of series and renaming them to be misleading most of the ones I've downloaded from it aren't straight rips Madokami which are rips from Mangadex.
Yeah good luck with that. The green texted stuff is what guarantees the shitposting and meme fuel which is actually what Yea Forums is all about. If people do read other stuff they sure as fuck don't talk about it online, either because it's harder to shitpost about and/or because they're actually enjoying it.
Why is there always so much gookshit and chinkshit at the top of these charts? There's hardly even any manga at all, and I never see them discussed here.
>they'd just find another reader to dump their shit on
Mangadex is the ONLY site that:
--allows total freedom for users to join
--allows total freedom for users to provide uploads, pending moderation (you don't need specific uploader accounts like goddess)
--does not compress images
--does not watermark images
NO other reader site allows this, and was the reason for batoto's popularity before it died and is the reason Mangadex replaced it in the scanlation scene.
When Mangadex dies, we are entirely dependent on someone else stepping up to offer the same functionality and there is zero guarantee of this. And without such a replacement, Madokami will wither and die, so good luck with your sekrit club.
It's irritating to see so many isekai trash getting scanlated, while the actual good stuff isn't getting jack.
People shit on Kissmanga and I don't even use it anymore but I've done comparisons in quality with several series and there was no difference in resolution or image quality in these series. I imagine any compression that anything did have on Kissmanga was done by the uploader. It also allows official translation uploads (so do some other sites). In any case people need to stop shilling sites like Batoto and Mangadex and encouraging this all eggs in one basket method because it just makes for retards that don't know how to find manga and then are hopeless when the site inevitably goes down. Manga needs to be offered in separate locations for download so that people who don't want to read manga online can do that and so that there isn't a scramble if the site goes down because people were acting like idiots and not having any plan b.
Kissmanga forces you to turn off your adblock or images randomly break. Fuck off idiot.
I honestly have no fucking idea. Lately I'd swear some outside party is gaming statistics on certain sites because it's just become that hard for me to believe that that many people like some of this generic B-List tier shit. Like I said earlier I've quite literally never heard of most of these series. I clicked on one of the supposedly top ranked ones on a couple sites once in a while and they just seem like the most generic low effort fan produced content. I have absolutely no idea how some stuff like Tales of Demons, Solo Leveling and Gods or Martial God's Space or whatever the fuck these things are suddenly made it to the top of on site ranking lists in recent years.
At the same time I just kind of browse past it all to the stuff I actually like, but yeah it is indeed weird as shit and it getting talked about is probably one of the better threads on Yea Forums in recent days.
Keep telling yourself that mdex deve, see what happened to botato.
Like I said, I don't use it anymore, but sites like Mangadex and Batoto are bad for the manga community and result in people literally not being able to use Google to find scans plus having a high risk of losing everything if the site goes down. I think I remember something with MD about backups so that may not be as much as an issue as it was with Batoto but I still think it's stupid for illegal manga scans to be so centralized.
>Stuff like that from danke or other people that rip official things aren't that hard to find either but that requires there to actually be an official release.
Official rips are an entirely different matter.
You can basically find those in three places:
>Here, in a certain recurring Yea Forums thread
>The hubs
The first option's links go down after about 2 months, at best. The second option has a huge barrier to entry but is better than anything else. The third option already died once and will die again - big torrent sites are just too high profile.
There are also only three or four rippers actually bothering with manga in the western comic ripping scene, and one of them has been silent for months.
But I hate Mangadex being the single point of failure.
This whole thread I've been screaming for scanlators to STOP relying on MD and start their own blogs.
But I know they won't and it's gonna be bloody when judgement day comes.
The scene has always been somewhat dead. There are entire manga magazines that have zero scanlated series. The problem is Japan produces too much of this shit and genuinely good series can die before they even get off the ground, scanlators can't be bothered picking something promising up only for it to be shitcanned a month later.
It's nice to have an aggregator for everything.
It's the driving force behind making the internet shit. Everyone "needs" twitter and facebook for the same reason.
I use none of those. Sounds like your atrophy caused by Mangadex is starting to show. I just downloaded the official Gunsmith Cats digital rips and they were uploaded several years ago. Same with Saint Seiya.
No problem for the coreans or chinks, though. Look at hentai, they're always the first, and often the only ones to scanlate anything.
I've been using Mangakakalot of late. It has a toggle for most entries where you can switch it between vertical and horizontal display depending on your device and preference and no weird bullshit ad and anti-ad blocker stuff. Always loads pages right away, mirror always up to date. Zero issues really.
Anyway I generally avoid any series that are clearly made by hardcore otaku, about hardcore otaku and for hardcore otaku as a rule. They're always very similar, the characters often suck dicks because they have to tow so to the line of tropes that hardcore otaku will approve of that literally nothing interesting or unpredictable is allowed to happen and they just have very little going for them in general.
its cause they copy and paste plots from famous works and others
chinks copy romance of three kingdoms
It’s a combination of
>Gook manga is mainly webcomics, so they don’t have to pay for it like they do nip manga
>Due to this, the profit margins are much higher
>Normally there’s less text making it less work
>I use none of those. Sounds like your atrophy caused by Mangadex is starting to show.
No, those are the public sources of upload. You're using an unreliable downstream source which will die and may not be replaced, or a private tracker which we disregard. Educate yourself.
>It's nice to have an aggregator for everything.
Except that it doesn't actually aggregate - it itself is the source. So when your aggregator becomes too high-profile and gets taken down, you're left with nothing.
Yes, it's a downstream source that hosts the versions ripped by people like danke and other rippers but there has to be a source for everything. The source for Mangadex is the people uploading to them. It could be taken down, just like Mangadex could be taken down, the point is that you have a shallow view of the scene and have been made retarded by centrification. A small-ish direct download source has a lot higher chance of staying up than an aggregate reader does, and the links stay active longer than apparently the links on Yea Forums or Yea Forums do. I still remember when Batoto went down and people were screaming about their bookmarks because they kept track of their manga read in the same spot they read their illegal manga.
What is the source?
What are chances of godoka dying? I'm thinking of downloading my whole backlog before it happens, like all the digital rips and shit
At this point, it feels like it's going to die from the deteriorating community, rather than unpaid server costs.
Registrations are still closed. There will be no new blood. People who upload will disappear one by one.
and Mangadex is actively trying to put everything in one basket, not only English scanlation, but non-English and also non-manga, hentai stuff and now fucking audio CD.
It's like they're seeking takedown.
and I don't have madokami
Have we seen any legal action against the English anime and manga scene yet? Other than DMCA take down notices.
All the translation groups I followed are dead. Their IRC channels are dead. Manga Project, Anime waves, Solaris-SVU, Toriyamas World. They're all dead.
Yeah I noticed no one's uploading some weeklies anymore like Golden Kamuy, it's annoying
They're dead!
Everyone is dead!
So what, those groups are old as fuck. I wouldn't be surprised if some of their personnel still do scanlation in some other groups.
I'm still alive though.
Nah, just name them Asian fiction. They are no different.
Mangadex is going to pivot and follow Crunchy Roll. This is pretty obvious imo; they’ve been trying to get every scan group to rely on only them.