Why does Yea Forums never talk about the timeless classic that is Saint Seiya?
No other anime has come close to its greatness in over 40 years.
Why does Yea Forums never talk about the timeless classic that is Saint Seiya?
No other anime has come close to its greatness in over 40 years.
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Yeah go ahead and let this thread die, Yea Forums is only proving my point.
Did people in the states watch this at all? I have only spoken with Latin Americans about this series
One of the worst examples of power up bullshit I ever saw.
>No other anime has come close to its macho gayness in over 40 years.
low t detected
All shounen power systems reduce to the power of will and whatever the plot need. Kurumada just cut the bullshit and went straight to the point. Amazing considering Kurumada is obviously on the spectrum, he cut the most autistic element on shounenshit
I wanted to watch the anime but it apparently doesn't have any good English subs. I read the manga instead and it was pretty good. Art was kind of weird though and the combat could have used some work. From what I've seen of the anime it fixes these to some extent.
>it apparently doesn't have any good English subs
Lies? I found a very nice release on nyaa and it's been all good so far
Last I heard the only releases available may start out decent but then devolve into shitty Japanese to Chinese to English subs. I decided it wasn't worth the trouble.
Burgers are too cynical for raw manlyness played unironically. They prefer shit like the MCU or TBBT
For the 2 or 3 anons in this thread, I recommend Indigo Period - Once in a Lifetime. It's a fictionalized autobiography from Kurumada and it's a portray of how Kurumada see the world and the manga industry. Basically he's fucked by everyone and everything except for the manly bonds. Women don't even exist in Kurumada's head
Only spics talk about it
Most of it's fans are just Mexicans, Brazilians, and Italians. Not a big fanbase in NA because only half the series was ever released over here and the second half still doesn't have decent subs. Don't know whatever happened to that Seiya user who was fixing them.
>Basically he's fucked by everyone and everything except for the manly bonds. Women don't even exist in Kurumada's head
As it should be.
I am one of the three but I have to tell you you're forgetting about frogs.
As it has been stated time and time again, Yea Forums does not have a romance language speaking majority, this is a franchise for nostalgic oldfags and attempts to make a long anime series for a current year audience are an embarassment (i.e.: SS Omega).
Simply put, Toei isn't doing sufficiently violent, long airing shounen anime other than Dragon Ball Super - which does have a considerable overlap with the target audience of SS except DB is actually a worldwide success story.
We were talking about SS on Yea Forums back when Saintia Sho was airing. Before anyone asks: no, that spin-off is not worth watching, or reading.
Toei did something similar with Tiger Mask W, as in occasionally resurrect a dead franchise from the Shouwa era. I wonder when they will make a super robot series.
because Yea Forums is mostly burgers and saint seiya only got a license in NA 10 years late and that point there were many other things to watch, better things. try any other part of the world to talk about it
You forgot the french
"No other anime has come close to its greatness in over 40 years."
>Dragon Ball
>One Piece
>One Punch Man
>Gurrenn Lagann
>FMAB Brotherood
"numeric power level" didn't exist until DBZ.
>I ran starts playing
Yea Forums is incapable of watching things made before 1995
>Using Omega as an example
>When it was 10000 times better than Saintia Sho
yeah.. cringe.
fuck off MALFag with that pathetic shit. Get it away from me.
But the bad guys mostly lost becpuse they were posesed and finally got free like Saga, were redemeed like Kanon, got traped like poseidon, the only one they went full power was against Hades Hiphnos and Thanatos
No, just spics or brazilians (some italians and french too I suppose?!) Even so most of the people lost any interest in SS after the spin off came to life.
Saintia Sho was/is the worst SS spin off: Saintia are absolutely irrelevant to the plot because Goldies do EVERYTHING there. When everybody thought Saintias will finally fight their way in Eden, Milo enters there too to do the nasty job for them. Santias are only relevant for the pedo goldie who is shipped with them.
Too many uncultured Amerilards.
>Most of it's fans are just the whole world but NA
Fixed. Also, go back to elementary school, your grammar needs it.
In the manga, the Santias did start fighting eventually. The anime ended before that point.
I read the manga: now Milo entered Eden too and will take over their job. Since the beginning of the manga, people were predicting Milo will solve everything for them.
Saintia are just sexual toys in the story: they need to be virginal and are forbidden of even thinking about men, but everyone of them are associated to a golden dick. That's why Saintia (both manga and anime being heavily criticized : they are always involved with men who do the dirty job for them
are you ready?
Most of the fans aren't since now Shun is a heterosexual woman.
>When everybody thought Saintias will finally fight their way in Eden, Milo enters there too to do the nasty job for them.
What? They start fighting in the manga , they still are a bunch of Mary Sue with Shoko being the worst.
>Can use cosmos after a couple of days unlike the main five that almost died in the procces.
>Everyone knew that she was Eris's destined vessel while ignoring fucking Hades.
>Her mother is Legendary Saintia and her father is probably a God
>Saori trusts her more than the main five
>It has been hinted that she and her little gang will kill two gods before Seiya
Milo lets himself be possessed by Rigel's evil seed in order to enter Eden and finding Eris. You can't see he has a wish too, since he starts to being possessed by it ( and I bet it has nothing to be with his bestie Camus, since Chimaki sanitized him from manga. Camus is no longer Milo's best friend, contary to waht official SS site says). Olivia is teated as the most pure Saintia , even if she violated her virginal oath and fucked ( apparently) Aeson. Shoko is only alive because Milo filed once again in his mission when she was a child. Shoko only wins her cloth because his sister wanted so and because Chimaki made Milo her Sugar Daddy (even if she is 13 years old and and was born only one/two days before Saori). Bronze boys are vaguely mentioned, because Saori is now close to Shoko. Katya achieves absolute zero ability before Hyoga (not even Camus posseses it until Hades). Mii is in love with Saori. Katya falls in love with Saga just because he killed a dryad, saving her in the process. Erda supposelly hates DM ( who massacred all her friends), but she forgives him because he saves her from the dryad who possessed him. Milo is always saving Shoko for no reason ( he has no relation to her except saving her: he is not her friend, he doesn't know her very well, etc. Milo is now besties with Aioria. too. Does this makes sense to you? Because Chimaki wants us to believe this follows RELIGIOUSLY Kurumada's canon.
Because Yea Forums is filled with Zoomers who cant be butchered to watch old anime
Saint Seiya is talked every now and then.
You are fucking deluded if you think if it's anywhere near the best anime even if you narrow it to the 80s. Nevertheless, most of the ones listed in aren't any better.
I love this anime nevertheless, so any occasion to talk about it is welcomed.
In USA? They showed it many, many years later to its original run, completely butchered by censorship, shit music and a horrible dub. Of course, it didn't get many fans because of that.
SS is huge in France (the first place where they showed it as Les Chevaliers du Zodiaque, thus being responsible for the Knights of Zodiac moniker and its translation to other languages), Italy, Spain, Portugal, French speaking part of Switzerland, in Latin America and many Asian countries. But virtually unknown in Northern and Eastern Europe as well as in USA.
That also, you'd arguably have more luck talking about SS in /m/, a board with many oldfags who at least know what SS is.
Saintia Sho has a vocal fanbase of gold saint fangirls and beta orbiters though.
I hate Shaun but it's not even close to be the biggest issue with KoTZ. The trailer is the soulless meme in one video.
And frogs, the rest of the spics, italians, chinks and nips. Only burgers hate Saint Seiya, and that's only because of the awful dub they got.
Saint Seiya is no masterpiece but it pioneered a lot of the stuff that is considered staple in a shounen, and that even fucking DBZ couldn't help but copy.
What are frogs? French?
A very small but very vocal fanbase made of women who like to be abused and their pedobears friends who, by the way have no money to buy SSho shit.
By the way, what happened to Camus/Milo shippers? Is it just me or they just virtually disappeared from the face of the earth?!
>they are 14 years old
>even Ikki
No worry, it will be shit, like most of the things after Hades. Gringos are whatever to SS anyway and most of the Saint Seiya fans had already abandoned the franchise years ago.
Ikki is 15 years old, mate! Hyoga is 14, Shun, Shiryu and Seiya 13.
Shiryu is 14 too.
Is it? Sorry for the mistake.
the battle of the 12 houses in these animes
>naruto : ep 172-238 ep
>dragon ball : ep 102-122 ep
>jojo: all jojo stardust crusader
>Gurrenn Lagann: mecha does not count
>one punch man :plagiarize at some point
>one piece: 375 - 430 ep
> FMAB Brotherood: the real body of alphonse is literally athena
SS is one of those things you had to be there back in the 80´s or early 90´s to love, depends on how much it took to reach where you lived. If it reached you before Dragon Ball did is a different thing that if it reached after. SS is not actually that good and the plot is always the same after the zodiac houses arc but animation at the time did not usually depict that level of action and violence so it felt awesome.
But if you watch it after Dragon Ball for example there is no competition. Dragon Ball fights where choreographed and the plot was somewhat different with each adventure.
More like latin countries in general, Italy, france, spain, etc.
It aired on Toonami in the US but it was heavily censored and iirc never even finished.
Although SS is more touching than DB, deaths actually matter and they are felt, and at least at some point it did have a plan.
The problem is that Kurumada thinks that the series are more than they are, so he keeps creating a huge mythology that becomes completely pointless because it is, after all, the same ideas regurgitated again and again.
There would've been a nice symmetry if he finished the Zeus arc back then. The 12 houses being some kind of introduction, Poseidon was weak, Hades was great (in the manga at least), then comes Zeus, the plot is solved, we are all happy. But we all know what happened. It's a pity.
At least in the Yea Forums we can talk about SS and discuss things with having someone screaming at you "you're a hater" 'cause you dislike some spin off . It's unbearable now to discuss anything in any SS fansite or forum.
Although here they call you a fangirl or an orbiter if you did like it. I don't see much difference in that regard. The discussion is pretty much elementary-school level in both places.
I didn't hate it. It was mediocre, but at least it didn't trigger me as much as Omega did. Despite having (undeniably) better production values I really despise Omega.
Kurumada just gave up Saint Seiya. He treats his creation like a whore. If you pay, you do whatever you want with it and its characters, no matter how absurd or stupid it is. He doesn't want to contiue ND, he will never do the "true"Heaven's prologue, there is no such thing as canon or uncanon. I'm just expecting to see how low it can go until the guy dies.
I remember when some user started dumping the manga in daily threads.
Good times
>He treats his creation like a whore. If you pay, you do whatever you want with it and its characters, no matter how absurd or stupid it is.
That's really it
>comparing the virgin yumejoshi to the fujo stacy
Oh, you're talking about Saintia Sho.Ironically one thing I preferred in the anime version is the Saintia saved Athena alone without too much of Gold intervention (and Katya criyng "Saga sama or Shoko always being saved by Milo for no reason). Anyway Toei just did the anime because they want to do ND, but Kurumada refused it, saying to do saintia instead. Toei didn't find it attractive or lucrative, but did it anyway. (That's why it just had 10 ep.)
Oh, but that was before Saintia Sho anime. Now they are so quiet. Don't tell me they get Camus a new lover.Lol
The yumejoshis always cry that their precious manga was raped (not in the good way) by those evil men from Toei but the truth is their manga was shit from the beginning. Toei Phillipines was in charge of the animation but even if they put their main studio and give an actual budget, the only way to make SSho a good series would be to ignore the manga completely and do its own thing
>over 40 years
It started airing 33 years ago you tard
>That's why Saintia (both manga and anime being heavily criticized : they are always involved with men who do the dirty job for them
ANN gave the manga a B+, a higher score than the fucking Devilman manga. Again, it's ANN and the reviewer admitted to know shit about Saint Seiya so probably she thought it was a Ghostbuster 2016 case
>muh jojo
>muh fma
you aren't really good at hidding your age, and your favorite social media
>Bronze boys are vaguely mentioned, because Saori is now close to Shoko
This piss me off more than it should. The main 5 are an abnormality among other saints. While the goldies and saints in general refer to Saori as Athena-sama and kneel before her, the bronze saints call her Saori-san and by filler and stuff we can see they interact as friends. Hell, Athena screwed the entire timeline for saving Seiya from the Hades's curse and the Artemis was disgusted with the sole idea of caring so much for a human. And now we have to believe Saori always had this special bond with Shoko Sue and her virgin team.
Chimaki admitted Toei didn't want to spend too much money on it because it sold poorly and because " they didn't fall for Saintia's charm. People are putting their bets iF they do a second season, it will be only about Ares and the Gold, letting the girls out
The reviewer admitted too she had only read volume 1, which means she doesn't know Golds do most of the job for them. I wish Saintia acted more by themselves and less gold intervetion.
That's merch sold on this year Jumpfesta user.
FMA is a B't X rip-off
>Although SS is more touching than DB, deaths actually matter and they are felt
This was true for DB as well. Not Z, the original DB. Kuririn´s death was tearful as fuck before it became a meme and everyone was killed and resurrected over and over. You really don´t feel anything like that in SS until Hades, when you actually have learned to care for the gold saints. The closest SS 12 houses arc get is Casius death or maybe Shura but it´s not really comparable because Shura was a 2 episode character, Kuririn was with us since almost the begining.
In any case my point was that SS was good for it´s time, but if you watch it after DB or newer shows in which character development, choreographed fighting and whatnot have become the standard it really loses much of it´s original appeal. There was a time when you really couldn´t reccomend it to younger generations that grew up watching better anime fights and more emotive plots. Maybe now you can because with it´s limitations and all SS is better than some of the CGI ones that have no weight or that just displace a slide to avoid making walking animations... and even so i think that younger people would just not get the appeal, while older people, even if they don´t watch anime anymore would get excited for "new SS material". The nostalgia factor plays a part on this one.
>By the way, what happened to Camus/Milo shippers? Is it just me or they just virtually disappeared from the face of the earth?!
What did he mean by this? I suppose you just mean south america fujos? Because nip and chinese fujos just keep geting more and more pandered like the new scenes in the Tencent game
>Sugar Daddy
More like the Virgin Milo and the Chad Seiya
They became friends by earning mutual respect and Saori is very attached to Seiya. It was their sacrifice which made Saori decide to become Athena once for all. We are too to believe only Shun knew of their existence, even if the bronze boys never leave Saori alone ( after their reconciliation). I have too some problems with her virginal team too because i don't find them very Vestal like (if you know what I mean.)
I know that and how it sold out in few hours. The same way I know how much money this ship gives to Toei and Kurumada. People who buy Milo's merch usually buys Camus and vice versa. Now it seems they are investing in earning some money in Milo and Shoko , using that already infamous anime poster inspired in a small manga scene involving Phonos.
Care to elaborate? What happens in Tencent ( beyond that scene where Milo goes after Camus to beg him to return to the Sanctuary.
Only baguettes and spics give a shit.
if Milo was a chad , he would go after Mayura. Mayura is hot.
Anyway it makes more sense Sho being attracted to a boy of her age than some older guy who, by the way, killed her sis.
There's a lot of new stuff with Aiolia, Shura and Saga, Saga and Aioros, Kanon and Saga,etc. Most of them are basically flashbacks to expand their relationship they're pretty interesting beyond the fujobaitness.
I don't play it, so I don't know, but finding more about their past and relationship are always entertaining . I could care less about ship and fanfics, but when some group is very noisy and for some reason goes quiet, it's only natural to find it weird.
I wish Kurumada was able to do his canonical insight of their relationships, instead of speculation.
It's not really that great desu
Arcs are insanely repetitive, characters are static and for the most part boring, fights are really bad even compared to shonen of its time (compare SS fights to DB, HnK, YYH, even early JoJo has much better flow). There's not much to actually care about aside wanking over which Gold Saint is the strongest.
Kurumada is legit autistic and not in the meme way. He does the best he can but he can't understand human interaction.
Yea Forums dont talk about good anime
Do you know if there are some videos with these scenes? I mean, I saw the one where Hyoga met Milo for the first time , but I didn't find the others
Milo is a canon cuck
the italian version of pegasus fantasy is kino
The Yea Forums poster will go on about how you're supposed to see the classics and at least 200 of them. However, as soon as Saint Seiya is mentioned, you see that it's suddenly all lies because... it didn't air in america television. Not every classic did air either. Don't they have internet? Everyone watched the classics later even if streaming, or alternatively, not streaming, though to be fair the manga took a bit to get a translation, if I recall it correctly. It's a mystery to everybody why the american uses this excuse to not watch this kino, they practically choose to remain a pleb.
Neither does it disappoint in its fights. While very HnK-esque in nature (though the former remains more down to earth), each battle is a clash of the mythological and divine will approaching the level of gods, which is coupled by amazing OST. This is something the jojo MALposter will not get (as it may take several rewatches to see), as he's used to boring series where the protagonist just punches better, which in fact they do in SS as the protagonist quickly reaches to 100 punches in order to defeat some opponent, establishing its nature as one of the founders of the shonen genre, however, the average shonen watcher will not see the symbolism behind each punch as it takes the user to ascend the cosmos within themselves just as the microcosmos is a mirror of the macrocosmos reflected in the constellations of outer space.
Modern shounenshit is too full of moral faggotry, waifu faggotry and low stakes for my tastes. SS is still heavier
>Women don't even exist in Kurumada's head
That'd explain some things about the sanctuary.
because the only English subs are absolutely awful and I can't be fucked learning Japanese or having to watch it in Spanish
In mythology, Athena doesn't like women, but a lot of gods are not fan of them either.
It seems they practise something called arete and they are very much like monks and should have their bodies and souls consecrate to Athena to serve a greater good, so they are celibate. Athena is a sworn virgin after all.
That's why to have female servants or saintias or whatever would turn that messier than it already is. Most of the humans can't control themselves and it would be turned into a brothel quite fast