Would Naruto have been better if Hinata replaces Sakura on Team 7?
Would Naruto have been better if Hinata replaces Sakura on Team 7?
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It would have been better if Sasuke was a girl.
Naruto would've been better if Kakashi was an actual teacher. Why didn't he teach Naruto about the Rasengan?
Based speedreader. Kakashi's entire story was that he wasn't ready to be an elite ninja, a leader, or to protect anybody.
Either have Sauce as a girl, or replace Sakura with Ino
Hell you could even give Kakashi to Sauce as a private teacher and Anko to Nardo, and then have a sub polt where Naruto feels even more isolated from, his peers because he hasn't got a stable team to work with
I guess she could’ve been better than Sakura. Especially with the gentle fist. And with her being trained by Kurenai, she might be able to use her talent for Genjutsu more effectively.
>those fics where sauce is a girl
>they name her sasuko
>Kakashi to Sauce as a private teacher
Sounds good.
>and Anko to Nardo
Bad idea.
It should be Satsuki.
>not Satsuki
Where did it all go so wrong?
The very moment the team was created.
Well that's fucking retarded, because he is a leader, an elite ninja and he does protect people.
Replace Sucksgay with Rock Lee and it's perfect.
He’s a PTSD riddled bitch that flakes out on his students all the time, and never properly trains them all.
no because sakura was mind to be a support to the team as healer
He looks weird.
You are god damn right
For fucks sake, how many of these goddamn threads are going to be made?
For fucks sake, why are you so compelled to comment on a thread you aren't interested in as if anyone cares about your fucking opinion on whether or not it exists, you fucking PATHETIC FAGGOT?
Hinatafags and Sakurafags should be shot on sight.
But she never did anything.
What’s wrong with Anko? Naruto and her have a lot in common.
>character is a flawed human being
>wtf so retarded
I'm only just up to shippuden but Sakura has been completely useless the entire show so far.
There's nothing noteworthy I can think of her doing off the top of my head
I want Boruto x Hanabi femdom.
God no. Hinata would have been an awful main. She was okay as background sob girl, but I can't believe they actually married the two. What the fuck.
Exactly. That’s why it’s a bad idea.
Absolutely wrong and gay.
Nice ass.
Yeah, but these fuckers had zero chemistry together. They'd have been better off as study buddies,
Probably, every member of team seven had a personal issue related to family, loneliness and trying to overcome the emotional pain that it causes which is something that at least Hinata has in comparison to Sakura .
Reminder that the proper way to deal with Uchiha is to fuck them. Tobirama admits that they are a clan of love, they just react equally negatively if spurred or tragedy occurs. Thus, the correct way is to constantly show them love and dick them into submission. The evil Uchiha are the ones who failed to receive proper sexual intercourse. Madara failed to get Hashirama's wood. Obito failed to get Rin. In all those cases, the absence of sex is what caused it. The proper way is to dick the Uchiha so they would happily accept your dominance as they give birth to your kids. Make love, not war. Fuck them, not fight them.
Hinata put in a main character position would really expose how useless and boring that character archetype is. Not that Sakura wasn't useless though.
nah, how many stories are there where the lead ends up with the main girl?
what was wrong with Sasuke then?
He got butthurt.
>Not that Sakura wasn't useless though.
That's because of power creep and the role of women in shounen, less so of the character (type). I actually liked the movie were she and Naruto ended up in Madara's(?) bizzaro genjutsu world and this would have been a great opportunity to give those two some character development.
Do this instead. Naruto would gang-bang Sasuke.
>Madara failed to get Hashirama's wood.
But he didn't (Hashi was all over him), and still went crazy.
His brother killed his entire family/clan?
>How many stories
You mean shounen stories right?
Not enough big brother love. Also highly repressed homosexuality for Naruto.
If Sasuke was a girl, she'd be a heavily bro-con imouto turned yandere imouto. The best case scenario is female Sasuke gets dicked by Naruto.
>Hashi was all over him
Hashi married an Uzumaki.
Will still have no idea if Mito came in before or after he "killed" Madara.
Why do people who watch anime still consider themselves American?
I can't think of anything worse than a national cuck. Literal traitors to your country. You worship the culture and art of a squint-eyed, same-faced people, yet you truly believe American citizens would be at fault if they beat you, your pets, and your mother to death.
Sasuke should be replaced with Shikimaru. That way we have best Genin and Sakura wouldn't be a useless thot.
This. Hinata's affection towards Naruto was similar to some who loves their idol. She wasn't even on Naruto's radar either. Him choosing her felt like it was from a lack of options when he wanted to settle down.
9 tails was sealed into Mito so at minimum they met.
My biggest problem with their relationship is the Hinata part. Originally, she was similarly a talentless loser to Naruto but was inspired by his drive and inability to give up. Now that she's gotten past that, her entire character is obsessing over Naruto. She does not have a life outside his life. That's what I dislike. I think no girl in Naruto had any chemistry with protagonist but she's a case of legitimately no character outside his during part 2.
It was arranged marriage, Hashi needed to make alliance with Uzumaki and produce a heir, but he and Madara were obsessed with each other.
Except Sakura had all of that
Family issues? She hated her parents for taking care of her so much he wished to be an orphan
Loneliness? She told Sasuke that she would feel truly lonely if he left her. He did.
Emotional pain from that? Go watch Shippuden
See? Checkmate. I don't get why do anti-Sakura fags keep insisting that Naruto or Sasuke had it worse than her. She was the one who cried for these two the most, she was lonely and had no one, she was the one bearing an emotional pain that might be even bigger than Naruto's
Hinatafags are going to pretend this doesn't count.
I'm not even a Hinatafag and this was sarcasm, idiot
>Kishimoto never worked in Sakura’s family like he originally intended
>They were instead banished to only show up in that one movie about the Infinite Tsyukyomi
Is Naruto making a statement about gay marriage?
The one where she tells Naruto how lucky he is to be an orphan?
They never fucked
Naruto would have been better if Kakashi was MC and Team 7 were the infrequent comic reliefs we saw in between hardcore assassination missions.
I don't think those were her final words on the matter. Her parents were just embarassing nerds, as far as I recall.
Compared to Sakura, how much butthhurt would their be when Satsuki lost the Narutobowl?
shit, that's kinda hot
They already have this! I think it's called Boruto.. or something?
You obscene gorilla nigger.
What makes you think that? They lived in Konoha for a while, so they had plenty time to spend together.
Mono or twintails?
I want to bully sakura until she has no self esteem!
Me too!
Remember when Naruto used to be a metaphor for real life-challenges instead of retarded DBZ powerlevels and Days-of-our-Lives-tier melodrama?
I want Anko to bully me!
Mods have been deleting Naruto threads.
Even Mods notice cancer like OP keeps spamming threads every 30 minutes
I guess you can't keep up publishing good content if you have to do it every week for several years straight. Kishomoto basically said that working on Naruto fucked him up.
She already has none
Stop samefagging your shitty fanfic Naruto thread, you iPhone using Narutard
Would have been worse than Rukia and Sakura combined. This is a girl who Naruto obsessed about and continually risked his life to bring back. Even before leaving, he was obsessed with showing her up. Instead of homoerotic subtext, there'd just be tons of sexual tension (like the accidental kiss).
Cucked by a fucking Uzumaki, jesus, Madara
No. Sakura was specifically chosen to be on Team 7 for 2 reasons:
1) She had the strongest academic scores in her graduating class, and was paired up with the most overall talented student and the biggest failure so that the failure can learn from actually talented people.
2) Sakura was so focused on the mental and spiritual aspects of her training that she ignored the physical, a point that Iruka made during the Chunin Exam. Naruto and Sasuke taught her that physical training is important too.
Hinata, as far as we know, wasn't that successful academically so she had nothing to teach Naruto in that area, and she actually was focused on her physical training since her clan uses Gentle Fist (she just sucked at it).
Remember that teams are assigned according to the compatibility of an individual ninja's strengths and weaknesses. The other 2 members are meant to complement your weaknesses and teach you to overcome them.
No. Sakura was like that ugly girl that you put next to attractive people to make them look more attractive. An abhorrent character, true, but a necessary evil as well.
It would have been better if Sasuke and Naruto were both girls.
But why?
Take your meds.
Lmaaaaooo, you really believe in these reasons?
Sarotobi actually explained once to Kakashi that the reason why she was picked(and overall reason for a 1 girl in a team rule) is for boys to compete and show off, thus, becoming stronger. It is literally the government emotionally manipulating kids into aggression and village power
Now imagine the hugging and ear whispering during their first meeting in Shippuden in this form
>the virginchiha vs the CHADZUMAKI
Based Hiruzen. Child soldiers are the best.
>sarutobi actually explained the 1 girl for a team rule to kakashi
Madara had to obtain Hashirama's DNA through biting him in battle. Surely taking Hashirama's semen would have made him awaken the Rinnegan way sooner.
Isn't that sweet when a 13 year old kids get half the body crushed by a rock?
If Kishi still had Hinata win if Sasuke was a girl, that'd be like marrying Naruto to Ramen girl.
Ramen girl was at least nice to Naruto, and not afraid to speak to him.
I may shock you to know this, but iPhones/iPads make up 80% of the market for the civilized western world, thirdworlder
I wouldn't even be mad at him because the tears would have been too funny.
who the fuck is ramen girl?
Only with status obsessed retards in the US.
Was that during the Kakashi anbu stories? I don't remember that. Guess it makes sense for most of the teams, but people like Sasuke and Shino didn't really seem to notice the girls on their team much. Which reminds me, did Shino hit ninja wizard status?
Female Sasuke would be that crazy ex-wife after she's pumped out a kid or two.
I’m sorry you’re so poor you can’t afford a nice phone, user.
If you consider all she's been through, like witnessing the slaughtering of her clan, killing her brother, finding out it was the higher-ups in Konoha who ordered her clan's genocide, you can kind understand how a girl like that would be far from the ideal wife when it's all said and done. The Sharingan doesn't help.
DNA had to be implanted into the body in order to get the Hagoromo's chakra, Hashirama's seed in the rectum would not do the trick.
Except Sakura did anything for the team.
15 year old me would go "eww".
30 year old me would go "Oh yes".
>healing Naruto is doing nothing for the team
>keeping Naruto's heart beating and air in his lungs by using her own hands and cpr, is doing nothing
Stop with the Naruto threads faggot,
where are the fucking mods?
>other people can make as many threads about other shows/manga as they want
>no complaints
>naruto gets a bit more activity for a few days
>jesus fucking christ, where are the mods? gtfo narutards, fucking kys!
Why don't you just fuck off? If you don't like Naruto, you know there is a nifty function to filter it out, right?
That's all she did for the team,
despite being a main character,
For 700 chapters.
Well, it's more than almost all the other women in the show did. It's not the characters fault that Kishi completely binned her after the Sasori fight, when he could have kept that momentum up and made a decent character.
Oh look, the crybaby is here again and still hasn't killed himself
Seriously, give up on your life already
All their interactions would have been incredibly hot.
Stop spamming faggot.
this post itself is a spam.
>telling a shitposter to fuck off out of a thread he dislikes and is purposely trying to derail is spam
Nice reach, smooth brain.
>nice phone
whew,this is what amerimutts actually believe
Kishi is based and redpilled.
Enjoy google mining all of your data mate.
No skin off my nose if you like seeing ads.
>purposely derailing a push that could have made your character better is a good thing if the character is female
It's been 6 years since nardo ended.
It's been almost 20 years since it started...
And this first chapter is still discussed. Truly iconic
Not that user but the majority of the people that use iphones are braindead insecure plebs. I hope you are different
Sakura taught Naruto and Sasuke the importance of maintaining and improving one's chakra control, and to not be so arrogant about their strength. Sakura protected Naruto and Sasuke during the Chunin Exam, albeit with some assistance. Sakura provides intelligence and book smarts to the team that Naruto and Sasuke overlook. Sakura made Sasuke a lot more empathetic to the team as a whole, as Sasuke has a soft spot for women (at least in the first half of the story). Kakashi was advised both to protect Sasuke from Danzo and Naruto from anyone who wants Kurama.
1) Not canon
2) Hiruzen said that the dynamic with Kakashi's squad reminded him of his old team (Team Hiruzen) and Team Minato. Sakura resembled both Rin and Tsunade in that regard.
3) Hiruzen said that he usually creates teams consisting of both males and females because men notice women (usually sex appeal but a woman can grow; men want to outdo themselves to impress women) while women are much more motivated to succeed in the male-dominating shinobi world. The rivalry and competitiveness makes both males and women stronger.
In any case, my points were correct and were stated in official canon material. Kakashi and Iruka admitted as much to Team 7 as to why they were assigned to the team.
Each team is designed so that one member's strengths can overcome another member's weaknesses, and vice versa.
Would've made Naruto into the bloodiest shipping war ever
Because teaching them the basics was more important, later on he became busy making sure Sasuke survived against Gaara, and trusted Ebisu would be able to take care of Naruto well considering he was the Hokahe's grandson's teacher
Ew no. That ruins the series and opens up a portal for hetnigger waifufags.
Ebisu was in Kakashi's age group, he probably knew the man personally.
I want /u/ to leave.
would it have killed them to translate usura tonkachi? Jesus christ
But Sakura/Ino obviously made the most sense out of all the pairings. Also, what would tayuyafag reactions be to this.
Like fedex.
They would have breeded soon after that fight if Sasuke were a girl.
They already breeded though
Explain menma
When she rode kakashi's D.
I'm only on episode 50 of shippuden but so far Sakura is one of the best parts. She has actually done shit unlike Naruto
I can understand people disliking her before the timeskip but she seems like a good character now
>all that bitching about how Naruto betrayed it's core message on how hard work can beat geniuses etc
>what that was only really an ideal that Lee took up, and he's frankly a genius at taijutsu
This is the last arc she is good. Remember that. After Sasori fight(and overall beginning of Shippuden, where she was pretty cool and likeable) she slowly degrades into part 1 Sakura, but somehow even worse
Oh damn I was really starting to like her
>that Hinata
Hnnng. Like with most female characters, The Last era Hinata is peak Hinata. Naruto should have bred her even more.
Me too, user
Me too...
Based. Young Adult Tenten looked godtier too, sad how nobody dicked her.
Yeah, but it would be really hot.
The last>road to ninja>part 1>shippuuden>boruto anime>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>boruto manga
Naruto is unironically excellent until the end of Haku arc (so basically the very beginning).
>Naruto is only good when traps are there
Hmmmmm really makes you think
this just makes orochi more creepier
have sex would have save naruto
if hinata was on team 7 then nart would be the only one without muh special eyes
Not sure if it would be a better story, but that would be a Team 7 with much healthier team dynamics for sure.
What is this load of bullcrap? Sakura didn't contributed to her team in the slightest, and she didn't actually gained much skill while being part of it. All she gained was after the team technically disbanded and each member went to train with a Sannin for various reasons.
Yes, she did nothing for the team back when they were genins.
Not the user you were replying to but you’re sounding really insecure user. He brought out the statistics and you starting seething and tried to disregard it by insulting him. Both are clear signs of someone not even convinced of their own beliefs because the truth doesn’t fear facts.
The fight with killer b would have gone a lot differently....
anything would have been better if kishi just wrote pinkshit out of the story
Don’t be rude.
Trees are also good.
Making a shitty character a girl doesn't fix them from being a shitty character, smart aleck.
Kishimoto's boner for the "Two guys, one girl, guys are rivals while the girl is just there durr how do you write girls" pattern
imagine that much clan power in one team
imagine team 7 without sakura crushing on sasuke
image the fighting style of a team with both the byakugan and sharingan
imagine hinata's quiet and calm demeanor rounding out the ground as she slowly gains more confidence and personality throughout the series
pink hair was such a mistake
pinkshit deserves it
>They already have this! I think it's called Boruto.. or something?
>You obscene gorilla nigger.
Uhmm, explain to me how Sarada is like Sasuke?
Is Sarada a traumatized child whose parents were brutally murdered by her older sibling? Is Sarada out to seek revenge, no matter what it takes, and even abandonds all her friends to join with a creepy snake guy and train under him for 3 years? Is Sarada crashing a 5-Kage meeting in order to murder the Hokage?
salad is a hoe
She’s not. She has some good moments too.
Agreed. I'd laugh all day.
i'm probably gonna regret this but are there any fanfictions of this scenario? Hinata in team 7?
>implying he wouldn't deliberately keep semen in his mouth
If there's any unswallowed, he'd use it.
>implying dick isn't exactly what will cure her
It was all about cooperation and inspiring others. Naruto was all about making friends with others, cloning himself and shit like that.
I think a youtuber did something with replacing pinkshit by Hinata.
Am pretty sure there are fanfiction.
Ayame? Teuchi’s daughter from Ichiraku Ramen?
Tons. There’s a lot of fanfics where the authors set up different teams
Based team
That’s because they’re all friends with each other, and and have been for the longest time.
Weakest Akatsuki
one of the most popular fanfics back in the day was Team 8, which had Naruto and Kiba swap places in which team they were assigned to. So it was Naruto, Shino, and Hinata being trained by Kurenai
Kakashi is quite popular
He gets a new novel
was that the one where he creates the jutsu "divine wind" and absolutely wrecks the invasion of the leaf?
Hinata is still useless compared to Nardo and Sausage so no.
>story was still updating up to 2015
Jesus Christ, I'm almost tempted to go through it just to compare all the differences and misconceptions it has compared to canon, I only really rber Hiashi being an asshole and making Naruto stop wearing orange
He’s a monster.
Put Naruto on Kurenai's team and Kiba on Kakashi's team.
There you go. Now Kakashi doesn't need to look bad for not training Kiba because he has family techniques he can fall back on, and Naruto can learn how to get around genjutsu while he has no control over Kurama.
This is the objectively correct answer.
>he doesn't even respond to this
Sasuga, shitposter-san.
She'd still probably job as much because Kakashi is still a shitty teacher, MAYBE better than Kurenai but that's not saying much
Yeah to a guy who has automatic regeneration and to another guy who eventually gets a nigh unbreakable giant armor of chakra.
The only ones who permanently damaged them was themselves.
If this is prototype art this was a near miss with a bullet.
better than pinkshit, and her development could have been more dynamic with overcoming social anxiety with Nardo.
>The evil Uchiha are the ones who failed to receive proper sexual intercourse
But the coup was headed by Itachi and Sauske's dad.
Who I'm pretty sure fucked a ton
didn't Kurenai get *Itachi'd* even harder in that one?
I wonder how many people here would use Tsukoyomi to have her spend 3 days getting fucked until she's a mind broken love slave.
It is. These were almost the final designs for Team 7.
Woah, what a shit list.
No, but getting Itachi'd I mean she got a fucking kunai to the head until it reached the hilt. She was managing to get out of Itachi's tsukoyomi though so he got a bit spooked.
>Who I'm pretty sure fucked a ton
Look at that wife and the fact that he only had two kids.
With whom did Itachi fuck a lot?
Based nagatoroposter
>be respectful! he outranks us!
why is sakura such a drooling retard
How is she wrong?
It was probably meant to translate as 'he's our senpai' since Team Ten had all been genin for a year.
They're both genin, dickass.
Lee’s older, has been a Genin longer, and he’s stronger.
Most likely
Lots of people thought so after Obito's "he killed his lover" statement. Then they switched to Izumi(that was her name?), but in the novel Itachi didn't have any feeling for her at all, in fact, he inner monologued about the opposite. And also after one panel, where fans asked about "Itachi's girlfriend", Kishimoto was like "Wait, what? Who?", so Izumi is out too.
So now we are back to Shisui, huh
Much better
He deserved to get the girl he wanted.
He doesn’t deserve Sakura. That’s just too cruel.
What’s the worst Naruto fanfic you’ve read?
Chunin exam days probably
That one where Naruto gets Gold Experience.
One where Naruto goes full edgelord after losing in the VotE and being recued by Zetsu. Decent premise but horrible execution
Nothing changes. Kakashi always just did whatever the fuck he wanted, and so did Naruto and Sasuke honestly.
Kakashi was a rather bad teacher, even with all the training he gave Sauske to fight Gaara he still would have died and then Naruto would have died if not for Jiriya teaching him summoning Jutsu and removing the seal. (That's assuming he even gets past Neiji since Ebisu was training him in Chakra control to fight someone who can seal Chakra)
Naruko or Satsuki?
Red and black > Blue and blonde
>black hair
>red eyes
The only thing that could have redeemed her as a character was if she adopted sarada and protected her from the knowledge that she was the bastard child of sasuke and karin.
Then later tries to fight sasuke when he nearly kills her thinking that she was an imperfect sharingan clone.
would be goat squad
So then Tobirama was fucking his Uchiha lackey?
Naruko, of course.
How was kakashi in the same team as them when he graduated at the age of 6?
Tenten should have been preggers in that picture and metal shoudl have the long hair that Rock had as a kid but be slightly reminiscent of neji. .
Where did you think Tobirama got his knowledge of the Uchiha from?
Why are so many threads about Naruto, recently?
The Hunterchads get insane after the last delay?
Of course, he did. All this talk about how Uchiha is a clan of love and how deeply they feel and how Tobirama saw it was kinda suspicious, so Second totally dicked that pretty Uchiha boy into submission and made him love it. Also, probably called him dirty Uchiha whore in the bed.
I don't think it's them this time, I think Boruto is just dying pic related. They seem to be going after AoT more than anything else recently.
The ones that try to ship Naruto with Anko.
>billboard brow
it would have been nice if sakura could have self reflected and improved. She just wallowed in self pity and talked about getting better without actually doing anything
That’s not Metal.
Okay no
I really need to stress this.
He ONLY trained Naruto in Chakra control.
He didn't even have him do anything to improve his physical attributes beforehand or afterwards.
So essentially Ebisu was trying to improve the thing that is borderline useless to improve while ignoring the biggest discrepancy between Naruto and Neiji.
Fucking hell Kakashi he is the damn son of your teacher give him SOMETHING
No because you guys would have probably hated hinata for being useless.
I'm still not sure how Uchiha did not die out on their own
Seriously, if we take out waifufags like Obito, they are the ultimate gay clan. Everyone there, no matter if man or woman, needed a dick for submission. No wonder Obito was disliked and considered a failure by them
Kakashi is just lazy.
A lot of Uchiha were normalfags who never successfully unlocked the Sharingan in their lifetime.
You're not witty or smart when you say this over and over,
>Sakura says something nice to someone.
>"What drooling retard!"
There is no winning with you people.
You wouldnt teach a kid who could barely do the easiest jutsu a skill that is so unstable that it could back-fire literally any moment. Jiraia barely managed to teach him that without Naruto nearly cutting his own mana flow off several times
Uchihas were a clan of warriors, so their attitude towards homosexuality could resemble the customs of ancient Sparta. Men were obliged to marry and have children, but true love was possible only with male comrades.
Yeah only a few people unlocked it according to Itachi, Sasuke, and Madara.
That’s not his fault. He just has too much chakra to do the regular clone jutsu.
The one where 7 year old Naruto gets in a poker game with Hiruzen, Danzo, the clan heads, some merchants, Anko, and Kurenai, and he wins.
That was Thebes.
15 year old you didnt like girls?
"satsuki" just looks like a trap in that
I prefer Naruto as a girl. Mostly because I think Naruto deserves the humiliation of having a man pop his cherry
>What is this load of bullcrap? Sakura didn't contributed to her team in the slightest, and she didn't actually gained much skill while being part of it.
>Ignoring the canon for the sake of your anti-Sakura bias
I almost pity you.
haha yeah that’s funny
Ex-Anbu Kakashi should not have been a teacher in the first place. His friends asked Hiruzen to make him a teacher to help him with his emotional problems, and this naturally resulted in mess.
>Asuma: Your students seems to be having some problems
>Kakashi: Oh well... You know... Kids... Who wasn't trying to kill their friends when they were 12?
>Kurenai: I think you should talk to them
>Kakashi: Yeah... I guess I can talk with Sasuke one or two times
>Gai: Your students have emotional needs you also need to take care of like how i talked Lee through many decisions
>Kakashi: Wow... This job is so hard... I thought i just teach some babies the deadliest jutsu and let them run wild
>Kurenai: You only taught Sasuke
>Kakashi: Yeah... But it's fine. Naruto learned to kill too, thanks to Jiraiya
>Kurenai: And what about Sakura?
>Kakashi: Who?
Sakura was the load, and her being forced to care for unconscious teammates does not mean she covered the areas her teammates lacked in. Chakra control exercises that she mastered near-instantly was what contributed to her being able to keep up with Ino, but that's hardly effect of Kakashi's teachings, as it was mere application of skills she were good at already and was simply told to use it for something else.
We never see her training physically, she only helped Naruto once. Being used for exposition is not the same as contributing for team. The lack of teamwork was shown the most in the First Test of Chunin Exams, where they could fail if not for the 10th question.
Why is Satsuki flat? Her tits should be huge since Sasuke is supposed to have a big dick.
So Naruto could insult her femininity. Her tits would be a respectable size in Shippuden tho.
This is so sad. Shizune, play Sadness and Sorrow.
>other teachers talking shit
>when Team 7 were the strongest performers in the chunin exam, with Naruto still kicking Kiba's ass even without rest and Orochimaru's seal, and Sakura doing the same to Ino
It's not like Asuma ever did anything with his team besides eat and play games with them, Gai only ever taught Lee, and hell if anyone knows what Kurenai did
Naruto would've lost if he didn’t BRAAAAP Kiba.
That's fanfiction shit, young Naruto's genuinely just a moron who sucks at chakra control, and was lucky that Kage Bunshin automatically does the chakra distribution for him
That is a huge drop in sales. Time skip in the last chapter of Naruto was the worst/best thing that happen in the series.
It doesn't have a word in english that carries the same weight. It was to show that Sasuke was still calling him the same thing he did when they were kids.
>Naruto as a girl
So much lost potential. We could have had another Ranma 1/2 on our hands.
It was kinda funny at first but went down hill. At least Naruto has canon god like luck.
Yeah. Sakura did nothing of note that makes her irreplaceable.
There's this weird subgenre where Naruto gets banished from the village or they try to kill him, and it always portrays Sasuke as a complete dickhead.
The most well executed one was this weird crossover where Naruto and Sasuke fight at the VotE, Naruto wins and brings Sasuke back, but is made to be executed because he fucked Sasuke up to hard, and they make sure Sasuke kills him so he can get magic eye powers YOU ARE MY FRIEND
But Naruto's like "No" and when he dies Sasuke has a sperg out because it didn't work. Then he becomes Envy from FMA and after Envy dies, he comes back to the Naruto world because of Truth but keeps both his and Naruto's powers (including the nine tails).
And the only reason I say well executed is because I assume it's meant to be intentionally bad and a riff on all the other fanfics about this.
Oh yeah, if you want a hilarious sub genre of wish fulfillment edgy fanfics, look up "Harry Potter Wrong Boy Who Lived", genuinely hilarious what happens in these. A lot of incest and gay sex as well.
Kakashi was a really tall 6 yo
Could someone give me a quick rundown on the Minato was originally going to be a villain theory?
Better to stick people of a similar age together
Kakashi a best.
I truly wish I could doubt what you're saying, but I know for a goddamn fact how ridiculously common that garbage is, same with Harry has a sibling who's the real X that lived, which somehow leads to his parents becoming neglectful/abusive assholes
No. You'd have to rewrite everything past the Chunin Exams for the series to be better.
I'm starting to think that nobody in Naruto knew how to teach shit.
Even Jiriya who was Naruto's best teacher taught him rasengan, a bigger Rasengan, an Anti-genjutsu trick that doesn't work and a few improvements in taijutsu.
Kakashi is the worst teacher ever. He literally thought no Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, or Taijutsu to anyone besides Sasuke
Tsunade would throw a shit fit if anyone ever tried to banish Naruto from the village. Hell, she might even kill them depending on the circumstances.
So are you saying: Uchiha = Incel?
But Sasuke needed it more.
Orochimaru was pretty generous with the jutsu and power ups, but then again he was planning on making Sasuke his new meat suit, so yeah
Teaching jutsu and shit doesn't really seem to be a core part of being a sensei in this series, they shore up your basics, improve your chakra control and teamwork skills, but for jutsu you're expected to either learn from your family, or you approach someone and request they teach you the jutsu you want, rather than them being proactive about it, unless it's a matter of life and death like Sasuke vs Gaara was
Yeah they sealed away something extremely useful for everyone (Shadow Clones) as a forbidden technique for some reason.
It’s because it can kill people who don’t have high enough Chakra reserves.
>If you don't have a family with special techniques and a Sensei who doesn't give a fuck you're screwed.
And Scientific Ninja tools are bad again why Naruto?
Kage Bunshin is a chakra guzzler and liable to kill its user if they don't have the reserves for it, hence we see jounins use it but not genins because other than Naruto, most really can't handle it
Because Bort was using them on an exam based on testing the examinee's capabilities in becoming a chunin, and they explicitly said from the start no ninja tools allowed
He is a-okay with them outside of the exam
And as a ninja you should be self sufficient enough to be able to approach people to gain new skills, rather than being completely reliant on your sensei
This guy gets it
Would have fixed the kiss in the first episode anyway. Really though all uchiha should be girls
Seethe more ya cripple
All those stories do one of 3 things
>ignore her
>say she can't do it for X reason/leave with him
>have her hate him as well
Also, if you want a borderline pornographic manga based on an LN that is basically all these stories
Tobirama couldn't take one for the team and put his dick in crazy.
That was retconed, she admires kakashi but loved obito
That’s retarded. Tsunade cares about Naruto a lot in canon. Having her not is just pointless edge.
>everybody knew the 4th Hokage was related to Naruto, many presumed him to be his brother
>based on Pain's design and the fact he was always covered in shadows, they assumed Pain = 4th Hokage = Naruto's brother
>similar to Itachi in that he's a member of the Akatsuki and out to kill his brother
This theory died after the Pain arc though. There's also the fact that the 4th Hokage is gone, Jiraiya who trained him doesn't want to be Hokage, and a bunch of other stuff
>Madara failed to get Hashirama's wood
>The proper way is to dick the Uchiha so they would happily accept your dominance as they give birth to your kids
Madara is male, sorry to say.
There's a jutsu for that
I've heard of no jutsu that turns a man into a biological female. Sexy Jutsu doesn't count.
>turn Madara into a woman
>still have Hashirama end up with Mito
Imagine the blood bath
Also blood feud between Uchihas and Uzumakis
Orochimaru has done it, and sexy jutsu does count
it's probably a jutsu in the same way medical chakra techniques are. And likely only orochimaru know's how to do it
How do Kage not have a harem? Though I doubt you could have one with a uchiha since they'd probably go insane
Aho explosive-ninja girl.
Imagine the awkwardness between Hashirama and Madara if that were the case.
Cumming into her mouth hand as she molds your cum into her clay
Probably about the same as it is now.
Would sex help or harm the incel?
That is the face of a man who questions if his wife's child is actually his.
It'd be worse. Which is to be expected because Hashirama may have a hard time fighting "her" seriously.
Naruto kissed him but didn't go further.
He's surrounded by Uchiha, can you blame him for not being able to put his guard down. They could just kunai or chidori him at any moment.
I could see them having a lot of these battles
Who would win?
Naruto easily, wouldn't even have to use fox cloak.
Naruto would wreck Boruto.
Is it gay to fuck a tomboy?
We've been talking about men turning into girls all thread to get dicked, so obviously yes it's very gay to fuck tomboys.
I wouldn’t leave Naruto anywhere near Anko. She’s creepy.
>get entire family and trace of home/clan
>wtf why is sasuke edgy
Anko would have been a better part II sensei than random ass yamato who was just the weird wood guy.
Anko was hot back then, so who cares if she's creepy?
Aside from being hot she actually had some story relevance due to her past with orochimaru. Not to mention a lot of episodes were just a sausage fest. Also she would have been an interesting personality to play off of the other cast.
Come to think of it, they both had relations to Orochimaru
Yeah in story telling you don’t pair up characters with similar personalities. There’s nothing to bounce of each other.
A more fitting teacher student relationship would be switching to Sasuke - Anko, Naruto - Kakashi
Wood Man can keep Naruto under control.
Posted this in another thread.
It was a fic about the aftermath of Naruto and Sasuke's fight in Part 1. Basically Kakashi takes Naruto back, becomes full of regrets because Naruto was almost killed. What starts out as a decent premise turns into shippshit and massive character derailment like you would come to expect.
This is some of the stuff I remember happening:
-It was a NaruHina story.
-Sakura gets pissed at an injured Naruto for not bringing Sasuke back and Kakashi slaps her. And later there was also a scene where Hinata almost kills her in anger, but I forgot the reason, but it concerned Naruto.
-Tsunade and Jiraiya are Naruto's grandparents. Minato was their bastard son.
-Kiba is a joke like always.
-Hiashi was a complete and utter asshole and was out to ruin Naruto and Hinata's lives.
-Sakura's mother was a raging cunt (This was before Road to Ninja introduced Sakura's actual parents) while her dad was okay. Much later Sakura's mom murders her husband and is implied to be fucking Hiashi (The plot point was completely dropped because of Road to Ninja I thin, but it took up quite a few chapters).
-Ino just dumps Sakura and makes Hinata her bff.
-Asuma was bitter asshole to his team, especially Ino, because Kakashi was paired with Kurenai in this, so I guess Asuma had to look bad. Ino also leaves him to be trained by Anko.
-Sakura leaves the village to find Sasuke - who is diabolical psychopath who is in a gay relationship with Orochimaru - and rapes Sakura and pisses on her afterwards.
-Naruto eventually becomes OP and a Chad.
As for the writing, it comes off as very tl'dr, but the main issue, which I did not notice in the beginning years ago, was that the dialog and general descriptions sound very artificial and with characters saying similar things with similar reactions. And fights were either very well-written or just skipped (I remember Sasori and Deidara getting offscreened).
>Hiashi was a complete and utter asshole and was out to ruin Naruto and Hinata's lives.
Just because they asspulled it that way. Really could have had a number of dumb shit that could have done it.
Because she gets fat later, and Kishimoto never did anything interesting with her.
If he didn't treat his daughter like shit, then she wouldn't have had an inferiority complex and look up to naruto. It's all part of the plan.
ironically he already had a kid (Hinata) who’s otsutsuki DNA is so thick she is called the Byakugan Princess, and has the strongest otsutsuki DNA on earth (even more than Indra and Asuras reincarnations). Shame she held herself back because of her personality.
It was basically how Hiashi saw Hinata as a disgrace t the clan for being weak. Her and Neji soon left the clan. I think he got even more pissed off seeing Hinata having a relationship with the village demon and he became someone like Danzo (I think a chapter revealed he actually had a lot of political influence over the village or something).
It's possible Anko could have know the technique Orochimaru used to seal Naruto's Kurama chakra. Seriously Kishimoto can asspull anything.
what the fug
Pure. Hinatafag. DELUSION.
>Sakura's mother was a raging cunt
Gee wonder where sakura gets it from. Also wonder why they went with a Hawk theme for her mom.
Momoshiki is the one who says it, tho. She DOES have stronger Ayy DNA than her husband, she just never tapped into it.
>sasuke is a girl
>final battle ends with them fighting then having rough sex, Mr. and Mrs. Smith style.
>barely do easiest jutsu
>mastered the shadow clone technique which is miles ahead of anything the rest learned as genin
Also if Narutard knew about the shadowclones memory thing at the start would he have reached god mode faster?
No one cares about a waifufag retcon that is never going to be followed up on because it's pure bullshit. She got off-screened by Momoshiki and I doubt she'll touch ANYONE in Kara.
Maybe. Who really knows?
THEN why does she get her ass kicked by Neji?
>Hinatafags are now saying Hinata is stronger than Naruto.
Is this comedy hour?
Having more POTENTIAL =/= Stronger
Because she’s shy and she’s not confident in her abilities.
>Given 100% of Hamuras Chakra
Yep. Much stronger than Naruto who only got 50% of Hagaromos chakra.
>Still loses fights.
What a failure.
Naruto has literal demigod genes.
this wouldve made the show atleast an 8/10
>Pokes him in the stomach
From what we know of Hashirama and Madara, as well as how utterly gay Naruto and Sasuke were for each other, what were Asura and Indra like? Did the sage have to keep them in opposite parts of the house so they'd stop fucking each other?
>Still loses fights.
Yup. Complete failure.
all a hyuuga has to do to defeat him is poke him in his stomach. hyuuga are op and defeat anyone
Oh, right, he did do that one time, didn’t he?
Neji and Momoshiki has shown Gentle Fist doesn't work on Naruto.
Himawari shows it does.
That was just a gag, and Naruto had his guard down.
I wonder if Anko could’ve done anything about that seal?
Because she licks little boys.
>implying most of us would complain about being licked by Anko when we were little boys.
Naruto, he has a reputation for beating up talented geniuses
I would.
Not boys, just one boy. She only licked Naruto for being disrespectful.
I'd disrespect her.
She’d kill you.
She didn't kill Naruto, she only did it to scare the fuck outta him. I, on the otherhand, would be having a scared boner.
He was a kid, and you’re an adult.
No. Sasuke leaves, then timeskip, turns out Hinata has become stronger than the rest of the genin of that generation other than Naruto and replaces Sasuke as Yamato replaced Kakashi in Team Kakashi
Bonus if the plot of The Last: Naruto the Movie gets built up through the manga and not saved for a movie after the main fucking plot
Alt universe Hinata but still shy with Naruto would have been ideal
What if Naruto disrespect her more?
No, of course I wouldn't do it now. I'm talking about when I was a little boy.
>mana flow
Kek made me chuckle
You're right though
>not knowing that uzumaki means spiral in japonaise
yes I've read the title of a Junji Ito manga
Ah, that makes more sense.
She’s only doing that until he learns to respect her.
Then I will remain defiant.
Good choice.
Yes. God I wish Hinata had more screentime
Kishi would’ve fucked it up.
Based, if all of Naruto was as good as that first arc it would be the best shonen ever. Nothing else would even come close
Kind of like he did for Sakura.
Doesn’t matter. It shows a single good h T can take down even a god.
Sasuke is Kakashi's favourite student.
Isn’t it a bit too late for that, Kakashi?
While we're at it, replace Naruto with Rock Lee
looks like the downs
Lee’s a bit too bland.
Yeah, how unlike Naruto.
I can't tell if you mean telling Sauce to not be consumed by vengeance, or admitting he's a bad teacher, because both are right.
Fair enough.
Based and hetropilled
I assume you never watched the filler.
The filler was awful.
>Durr Indra just uses Sauke's Susano-O and Asura just uses Rasengan and True Several Thousand Hands
Nardo is bland?
Yes, he's an extremely generic anime protagonist.
People only post Hinata to bait Sakura fans, posting her should be a bannable offense
The story was okay and was cannon. It had some interesting lore buildup.
That's a lot of wasted effort, there's like 3 of them.
He's only generic because he defined the role somewhat
Whining should be a bannable offense. That way, you’d be gone.
How does explaining it change it? He's bland, dumbass
Not every protagonist has an arc of overcoming depression.
This post speaks the truth and nothing but the truth.
Susano is just a gay ripoff of Nero’s Devil Trigger from Devil May Cry 4.
>The story was okay
>Indra gets his MS by killing two guys we never met
>Despite it being wildly known you need to be SUPER close to your victim for MS
>Continues the BS that Hagaromo trained with the Frogs for his Sage powers
>Ashura again just has for no reason Rasengan which was made by Minato studying Bijuu Dama so Asura having it and more importantly not passing it down was stupid
It was bad.
Waaaaa Hinatafags are bullying me, p-please ban her.
look at this fag
>Hagaromo trained with the Frogs for his Sage powers
What. How does that make any sense? Six Paths sage mode is unrelated to frog sage.
>Indra gets his MS by killing two guys we never met
We know that those 2 guys were his subordinates,considering the otsusuki blood was the thickest in Indra,it's not that hard to think that he activates MS after a simple fight
>Despite it being wildly known you need to be SUPER close to your victim for MS
Yes,when you have lesser blood that have been mixed with lowly humans for a millenia.
>Continues the BS that Hagaromo trained with the Frogs for his Sage powers
Frogs are sage creatures so it makes sense.
>Ashura again just has for no reason Rasengan which was made by Minato studying Bijuu Dama so Asura having it and more importantly not passing it down was stupid
It wasn't a rasengan,nobody calls it one,even if it was you are suprised by a demigod pulling up a rasengan?
It doesn’t make sense. It’s just thrown in there because Kishimoto doesn’t give a shit anymore.
Not as elaborate as Nardo's or given emphasis as Nardo's did.
Who said anything about depression? Jesus Christ, naruto fans are retarded
Yea, she somehow managed to counter Tsukuyomi because she treats it like a normal genjutsu and applies logic to it. Itachi is spooked so he kills her.
>Frogs are sage creatures so it makes sense.
So are Snakes. And whatever Hashirama has.
If Hinata was on team 7, there'd be no one to make life for both Sasuke and Naruto miserable. There'd be no chance for Sakura to pester Sasuke until he fucking has had it and leaves the village. If Hinata got trained by Tsunade instead of Sakura, Hinata would be too powerful and there would have been less dangers. Overall, the series would have suffered if it were not for the drama caused by Sakura's insufferable failure of a life. Plus, we got Sarada because Sakura was in team 7, and while Hinata's love crossed the bounds of being teammates for her to end up with Naruto even on different teams, Sakura barely managed to rape Sasuke because even though he is gay, he is willing to accept it because Sakura was his teammate.
Hinata waifufagging delusion and fanfiction once again. Hinata would offer nothing but NH fanservice upfront.
You guys should read Returning the Pain.
Bunch of great one shots.
Based retard
So what?
Says you
Ash have a sad arc in XY
And Deku... do I really need to say it?
>implying Sakura have logical fans
Why wouldn't you want to bait retards?
Just a reminded that Danzo had nothing to do with the Kabuto affair, that shit was all Orochimaru's plot to make Kabuto his lackey.
I don't like Sakura's character but her shippuden design does things to my dick.
I think it's the gloves.
Notice how Naruto is insecure first that gaara has to lead him to do the handshake and is okay in the end.
Just one example here, entirety of shippuden,especially the Kage summit arc was devoted to explore his depression.
The deal that Naruto will fuck and impregnate his
>entirety of shippuden
You are outright lying
Temari is for Shikamaru
More logical than Hinata fans. At least Sakura fans stick to canon.
based and redpilled picture set desu senpai
Yes,all of it.
every canon arc fuelled onto how Naruto was depressed,Kage summit and the bijuu taming was the end point of that character arc.
Later undergoes a static character arc in the war where his beliefs get questioned by Madara,Sasuke and Obito(mainly).
no, because no 3 way triangle crush bullshit.
maybe.... but then see above.
What's... your point exactly? I see canon in that post. Unlike Hinatafags who make shit up like how Sasuke hates her and was forced to marry her, or Sakura being a cuck, or how gleefully she likes to ruin people's lives.
>Sticks to cannon?
Oh god, why are they retarded?
Temari will be used along with Ino and Samui to start the Uzumaki aryan race
It would explain the mood swings and bitchy attitude toward Sakura
All for the better race.
Would tsunade work, or do her brown eyes taint the line
Did Ash grow up alone, with no parents, and with everyone around him hating him for reasons he doesn’t understand?
What's your point?
>bitchy attitude toward Sakura
It's not like Sakura deserved better
Sakura stop being so hard on yourself
Even though blue is a recessive trait, it's still possible for the kid to be born with blue eyes.
Why is Boruto so hard to watch? I thought they would have learned from their previous mistakes but Boruto is trash, starting from the character design. His hair alone makes it unwatchable
>Family issues? She hated her parents for taking care of her so much he wished to be an orphan
'My family loves me too much' hardly compares to any other family struggle in the series, Hinata's included
But it's a senju,
Uzumaki + senju = A normal senju.
What exactly is a normal senju? Black hair, white hair, blonde hair, black eyes, brown eyes, red eyes, tan skin, pale skin, base skin.
Senju's are mutts they can look like anything
Hinata had one of the worst families ever.
Hiashi was a dick to a point that he forced his child to be a socially anxious introvert and disowned her from the family.
Hiashi and Fugaku are Basically the same.
So it would be best to keep tsunade out of it, for the good of the bloodline
All of them, Senjus don't fuck their cousins.
Senju have many variants,hence aren't pure blooded.
Noble clans in Naruto are Hyuga,Uchiha,Nara and Akimichi.
Hyuga are the most noble since they have the thickest blood.
Yes,Hyuga fuck their cousins.
Neji died so that Boruto wont have incest.
Did Tobirama fuck a girl?
And created Sakumo and Kakashi with his bloodline?
The anatomy in this is off the fucking wall.
Is Tamari using the same thing Tsunade uses?
The real question is Kakashi's mother an Inuzuka? Kakashi's does have dog summons after all
I want to see Kakashi's father tame an Inuzuka woman.
R.I.P. Team 7 and Tazuna in Chapter 1.
R.I.P. Naruto’s anal virginity in Chapter 2.
>imagine if Sakumo managed to get with Tsume’s mom
I assume you mean the gem? Not that I know of
Did they trace a David Bowie album cover?
Yes. Diamond Dogs.
Nice legs.
master race
Their hair color should be switched.
Ino doesn’t like guys like Naruto. She likes cool guys like Sasuke and Sai.
And Kawaki, apparently.
Naruto is the coolest guy ever since the war.
No, Naruto crowned Obito that title.
>I could really fall for him
That was filler. She never said that in the manga.
Anyone who talks about dicks is cool in Ino's book.
Doesn't matter the animation staff actually has sense. They were also the ones who gave Naruto his only mission that he had with just one person and no sensei.
Sasuke and Sai have confirmed to be socially awkward. It could be that she likes guys that are.
I can't believe the Hokage once pissed on Inojin's mom.
Remember that time Kakashi convinced Sasuke to use pickup tactics on his own daughter? Good times.
Fuck, as annoying as kid Naruto was at least he fought back when people picked on him, Deku just continues to cry like a bitch
How can you have such shit taste?
Itachi and Pain are both stronger than Obito
Even kisame is stronger than obito
He just had hacks after akatsuki was over
Bump limit reminder Hinata is best girl and top waifu material
Bump limit reminder Sakura is best girl and top waifu material.
Holy shit. That REACHING
I really want to believe it's a bait post,but this was in tumblr.
>Been refuted multiple times.
>Keeps posting it.
It sounds like the author really doesn’t like Hinata, but gets upset when people bash Sausage.
Checkmate. Should have posted faster, sweetheart.
Your shitpost image has been refuted in past threads yet you keep posting it like everyone forgot.
Prove it wrong, for once in your pathetic life and post a screencap. I believe in you! Ok, not really, but whatever. You and the rest of this thread know you won't do it.
I'd like to see an refute.
You know your post is incorrect. You were in the threads it was refuted in. You just play dumb very time you post it.
fuck me
Post a screencap. Prove BOTH my images incorrect. Do it. Bitch.
I KNOW you won't.
Because you're a bitch.
I'm not playing your game. You're not offering an argument. You know it has been refuted, but you always pretend it isn't in every new thread. Multiple Sakura fans have dismantled that post.
To put it simple: You are baiting.
Being the hokage's urinal is probably viewed as an honored position
Wipe the smug look on my face that I'm wearing right now, confident in the fact that you will NEVER EVER prove it wrong, because it's 100% CORRECT. PLEASE! I_WANT_to be wrong for once.
as much as of an NHfag i am,i can get behind that
Not playing your game. If the past threads weren't enough, I don't know what to tell you. Good bye.
Stop it dude,Sakura is written to be unlikeable,you don't need to shove it.
She wasn't written to be unlikable. The only people who don't like Sakura are dudes that are intimidated by girls with attitude.
tick tock, bitch. Thread's going to die soon Go to the archive, screencap the "refutations" to that image, and prove me, and everyone ITT who sees you playing your own little game, wrong. Do it, or I'm right.
this is fun, though.
gif related
Then I win again. Thanks for your concession. I've screencapped it for future posterity. Feels good. Trump was right.
She was written to be unlikable,It was pretty clear from the start.
Kishi even says that he wrote Sakura to be unlikable eventhough she gets too much hate than he originally intended her to get.
Proof. Because I'm a man of my word, if anything. Have a nice evening.
That is false and Kishimoto never said that. Pure fabrication.
from his Kobayashi interview.
"He thought she would appeal to female fans, but was surprised when she actually became hated. Kobayashi asks if there was a lot of Sakura hate, and Kishimoto says there was, and even young girls told him they hate her. Kishimoto said that he continued on regretting Sakura’s character. Kobayashi apologizes for bringing up the painful memories as Kishimoto apologizes for tailing off (lol)."
He does. He even made Anko HIV positive.
That shit is probably canon. She licks people's blood.
Only Naruto’s.
I doubt Naruto was the first nor was he the last.
Fuck the Uchiha sexually
How can you be sure?
I'm one of Kishimoto's assistants.
I believe it.