There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who haven't watched Desert Punk

>There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who haven't watched Desert Punk

Attached: Pure Based KINO.jpg (312x445, 37K)


only one of these guys has autism

Attached: autism.jpg (640x480, 100K)

You disgust me, go watch it right now

They both seemed pretty autistic to me

Is it the guy that got fucked by a dog ghost into submission or the guy that fucked the dog ghost into submission?

why the prot acted like a fucking nigger?

Attached: ayo nigga hol up.jpg (259x194, 7K)

Sell me this anime, Yea Forums.
It seems pretty interesting

I do not believe you, OP

tfw watched it years ago and csn't rememver shit

its the fist of the north star but with guns instead of martial arts also the protagonist is kazuma satou autism tier

Because it's the innate nature of Japs to be Savage during time like that

Protag is funny and the anime is good watch it now faggot

I watched it centuries ago because of Wakamoto but ended up enjoying it

I'll never not love this show for having an Mc that's a complete asshole that never changes his ways, and becomes arguably worse in the end

I would but I have 400+ series on the wait list

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And I never will.

If you make more threads in the next four months while I clean my watchlist I'll watch it eventually

God the ending was pure kino

Guaranteed all garbage, just skip right to this one

Even the halfway point was fucking good. Everyone thinking he'd died, only to find out he had sold out to the government to train their robots. Also loved that he used his big brain and MC status to learn martial arts from them in just a few months

Then you might as well kill yourself cause you'll never experience pure kino

He was just a genius scumbag, the perfect survivor

Is this the only good this GONZO ever made?
>what the fuck is a last exile?

fuck, "show" instead of the second "this"

Even this animes dub was fucking kino


>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who haven't read the manga

protagonist becomes the antagonist a the end


GONZO makes good anime they just don't make good animation
they're the opposite of BONES

>desert punk
Literally kys normalfag.

When does it get good?

Dog eat dog world. Mad Max.

I've been readIng the manga, does the anime pass the manga storyline wise?