Goblin Slayer girls in swimsuits
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Is this real?
If so, does this mean season 3 confirmed?
God I hate these frilly swimsuits like the one elf is wearing so much. Flaunt that fucking flatness instead of trying to hide it with some gay ass frills. They do this every time a flatty wears a swimsuit and it enrages me to no end
Yes, the poster is the prize from a lottery in Nipland.
Wrong, the frills add extra cuteness and that makes the flatness even hotter if that's even possible.
>Cow girl in a yellow tank top and short shorts
Season 3 after season 1 like danganronpa?
Reminds me a lot of pic related.
But cowgirl is not a slut.
I wanted to see the boys instead.
Suuuuure she isn't. I know what she's trying to do, trying to lure GS every morning...
go away
The same thoughts as usual.
They should just fucking announce the figmas of the rest of the cast and stop the statueshit.
>tfw you will never have a wholsome brotime/sexual relationship with elf
>Ichiban kuji
I want to smell Priestess urine soaked swimsuit
She does unconsciously, she is used to him already.
>no SM
What is even the point if you're gonna exclude the one with the best body?
But farm girl is there, user. You just gotta look to the far right.
Sword Maiden is a very busy woman, she can't leave the temple that easily.
please give GG and Elf
Excellent taste.
Needs more rape and urine tbqhfamalam
As usual priestess is just too cute. Cute!
You know what makes her cuter this time? No dumb hat.
and not peeing everywhere
peeing is very cute
Peeing has always been very cute.
Only when making shaved ice.
This is what Priestess brings to these threads...
GG looking good as always.
Topless would be even better than that.
Sasuga erufu, looking good
Whatever happened to the Live Action Goblin Slayer porno? Wasn't there supposed to be a JAV about Priestess, Hai Erufu Acha and Haruhi being raped by gobbos? I really, REALLY hope that by the end of literally hours of gangbanging some guy in a really shitty Goblin Slayer costume shows up and goes full "I'm the cook" on them.
GG can wear a plain shirt and it will look good on her.
Anyone can learn to redraw an image like that to make her topless. Be the change you want to see in the world.
It's never the same as official topless elf, especially with nipples. It also doesn't make it canon that she would be topless just because she was redrawn that way.
Priestess and elf are cute
can we get an elf thats actually tall and attractive next time?
What's the point in topless elf? It's not like there's anything there to begin with.
I'm Goblin Layer
and then he fucks the goblins.
That's why it makes even more sense that she wouldn't bother wearing anything to cover that.
Elf is fucking stupid and highly competitive. She saw the other girls wearing swimsuits and had to compete with them ignoring her non existent chest and her mosquito bites titties.
I prefer Priestess in her natural state. But any priestess is still better than non-priestess girl, even the bootleg Princess.
Funny that you say that when Priestess is bootleg young Sword Maiden.
Shield maiden is cute. Too bad she's used goods.
I prefer ungobbed goods
More than just used goods. All the gobs took turns and she is just a slut now.
Something is not right. Priestess breasts should be smaller, or nearly flat.
t. Captain.
But young SM is still prime priestess material.
Why didn't the gargoyles rape her?
Goblin slayer volume 7 is here and I love the elephant. I hope I can read some before work in 2 hours.
Sait 016 is goblin slayer but only has priestess and high elf archer.
sadist author loves killing young priestesses
babu a cute and best
The vline in CG is gold.
No one called you.
Wanting to fuck your oneitis doesn't make her a slut virgin-chan
What about her shit? choco?
>"In that case, what about when we were little? You promised to marry me when we grew up."
>"I remember no such promise"
>"Oops, Saw right through me."
>But we should have made that promise.
Poor Cowgirl.
It's going to end with Goblin Slayer and Priestess blowing up the moon together using some sort of spell and someone else takes up the mantle of Goblin Slayer after he leaves his armour on Earth, isn't it? In that case who becomes Goblin Slayer's successor.
>Canon breasts size.
There's nothing wrong, she's just growing into a fine lady
>implying he'll stop before goblins are extinct
>not nudist beach
>respect women
>one of the first things we see GS do is stab one in the throat while telling the other to quit whining about it
>stab one in the throat
I mean, she was kinda dying by that point.
They will turn green moon blue & have children with blue & red heterochromia.
I'd like to spank her 'til she cries...!
Show me priestess and witch in swimsuits, not those.
>implying it isn't IC for Erufu to hide her flatness
Elf Sister is way out of your league, sorry. Enjoy the best girl.
>SM and Witch are the hottest women in the series
>are both fairly minor characters who only exist to be cucked
>meanwhile both girls in GS's party are chestlets
What did he mean by this?
>elf looks the cutest by just wearing an oversized tshirt
I love all of them
Who even still cares about Goblin Slayer? Anime just aired and yet it can't even hit top10.
It was a one trick pony.
This is in quite bad taste considering what the series is famously known for.
Any news on Monk Girl?
But Priestess is already there. And do you really need witch in a swimsuit? She's already half-naked in her usual outfit.
Female Knight in a cute swimsuit, now that might be interesting
>But Priestess is already there.
The blind one.
The anime barely made any dent on LN/manga sales. All three of them have different source of fanbase.
GS isn't about boosting the current market, but to reach a new market.
So far, it is going well. Even vol. 10 sells well even without anime promotion.
It always irritates me when elf is shown wearing anything resembling underwear cause she canon stated she doesn't like it.
if they're going to have a swimsuit gravure poster they should have put the titty monsters front and center instead of the washboards
>body made for gobbing
Slaanesh isn't just "the rape god", stop fucking using that picture.
Season 2 when?
Most popular girls are the washboards though.
your face is made for gobbing
Because they're the main girls
pick a better show
Or maybe you know, they have personalities besides distant infatuation with an asexual psychopath.
Requesting translation.
Anvil camel toe...
Hey, that only applies to CG. GG does has something besides being in love with GS: her dream that the guild actually trains the noobs and in the story she is actually doing it with the training grounds. CG is the only girl that is a "satellite love interest".
Oh, I guess she does have one, even if it is the single most stereotypical one ever
She has the basic "heroine that wants to help everyone", if you are going to bitch over how generic it is, bitch to Fantasy who made her that way because she loves the classic mary sue archetype.
January 2020, made by JC Staff.
What do you expect from some retarded 40k fag
She gave birth to many goblins
>The artist quits without explanation.
>Her manga is cancelled.
SM can catch a breath.
This is the elephant, right?
That is a fucking baby Hydra.
So "personality that can changes depending on the situation like a real human being but still retains her main belief" is stereotypical huh?
Speaking of which, it actually scares me. As long GS is around, Priestess is a happy puppy that follows him, if GS is not around, she becomes..."very unfit of her title".
Fantasy elephants look like baby hydras, it's a common mistake.
It looks more like a fucking dinosaur.
Reminder that GG is number 1, it's not me who say it but White Fox.
That was just a counter.
But somebody had to be the one.
That isn't the number of thought put on her character?
>The artist quits without explanation.
>Her manga is cancelled.
>Female Knight in a cute swimsuit, now that might be interesting
An accomplished tank like her would probably be pretty fucking disgustingly ripped under all that equipment, maybe one step below Amazon here.
That might be why not!Guts never shows any interest in banging FK.
Can't they just get another artist?
It will take a while.
>That might be why not!Guts never shows any interest in banging FK.
They are engaged
How long will it take to convince the BND artist?
But he fucking sucks
CG's casual outfit awakes a MIGHTY and ANCIENT need in my loins that I've not known since I was a lad.
Not enough art of witch, I'm telling you.
Do you want to kill them?
When’s that happen? I’m only on vol 3.
Also, there’s no way she could have such a feminine figure underneath her usual armor. She’d have to be at least as bulky as pic related.
First of all, are you gay? Second of all, he is banging her. A common theme of GS is men being totally oblivious/thick-headed towards women who are into them.
>baajin kira
>Resort Boin aired over 10 years ago
Vol 5. If you are in vol 3 you have probably seen this.
I want to see her wearing an underboob bikini
>not sling
Showing some thigh and cleavage is hardly half-naked, and someone with a body like that should be showing off as much of it as possible.
Probably but kill who?
So you seriously give a shit about whats popular or not?
But you can't now that you are dead.
The BND artist from overwork.
Overwork? He is going to have a lot free time now that BND is ending.
Fuck you, that shitty artist should be BANNED!
Both of them are weirdos that finish the quest quite often bathed in the blood of their enemy.
In Priestess' case, it's including devils & vampire.
I really love underboob and Witch's underboob would be glorious
What would GS do once the goblins are extinct? Resting in a farm like Thanos?
She will be back some day.
With her friend!
user, I...
Wont it be wonderful! Fireballs everywhere! Hope there is a beach episode.
I want to see them in the silly comics. Also requesting translation
In an alternate timeline, Priestess and the other rookies were successful in their first quest and went on to become gold ranked adventurers.
Priestess would have become Platinum ranked.
Check the GS TRPG official page
In that timeline Haruhi is a fuckup and GS saves her instead.
>a serious look at dark fantasy
>brought low by moeblob fanservice
why does this keep happening
Haruhi would have the regular adventurer life she always wanted.
>dark fantasy
>any merit whatsoever
Moeblob kept this from becoming yet another rape isekai liek muh gayme of thronz piece of shit, dime-a-dozen grimderp series.
Title: Let’s get a quick start on our studying, eh? (はよ勉強しろや)
>Lizard Priest: Pardon the intrusion~. (お邪魔いたしますぞっ~)
>Elf: This is a nice place, isn’t it? (いいおうちねっ)
>Cow-Girl: Let’s study in the dining room. (ダイニングで勉強しましょっ)
>Cow-Girl: Both of our rooms are too cramped, after all… (私や彼の部屋じゃ手狭だから…)
>Priestess: Wha- Eeeeeeeh!? (ってええええ!?)
>Elf: Yoooooou live here!? (ああああんたここに住んでんの!?)
>Gob-Slayer: I’m currently lodging here. (下宿している)
>Elf: Is that based on the LN [literal translation: the original work] !? (そこは原作準拠なのぉ!?)
>Cow-Girl: Huh? Didn’t I mention it before? (あれ?言ってなかったっけ?)
>Priestess: You shameless Slayer~! (はれんちすれいや~っ)
>Elf: You shameless Bolg! (はれんちぼるぐっ)
>Caption: Kyaa! Kyaa! Kyaa! (キャーキャーキャー)
>Cow-Girl: I’m gonna go boil some hot water, so get started without me. (お湯わかすから先に始めててっ)
>Uncle: That loli-priest’s surprised shrieks registered at 98.41 decibels! (ろりっ娘神官の驚きは98.41デシベルっ!!)
>Uncle: It’s obvious that she’s in “L-word” with him! (奴にほの字なのは明白っ!!)
>Uncle: And I guess that elf girl isn’t all that bad neither. (エルフ娘の方もまんさらでもにあいといったところか)
>Uncle: But don’t worry! Out of this whole group of girls, you’re the BIGGEST! (だが安心しろっこの中でお前が一番でかい)
>Uncle: Datto Elfu eezu practically flat…… (エルフ・イズ・ジッサイ・ヘイタン……)
>Uncle: There’s not a man in the world who hates big ti- (巨乳が嫌いな男などこの世に)
>Cow-Girl: Please just go and clean the cattle barn. (さっさと牛舎掃除してきて)
I like this uncle.
What's with this prevo uncle.
Why does that apple have an eye?
Hey, could you tell me what this means?
>Why does that apple have an eye?
It's the artist's logo.
He doesn't lust for his nephew but is too PROUD that she has massive boobs.
I couldn't really find any meaning for the those characters put together, but the romaji for it is"Ko-Tsu-Ko-Ra-Chi" which kind of sounds like "Coat Scratch!" if you say it fast.
Was that phrase said in a manga/video/etc. that could provide some context?
H doujin. I'm trying to translate it but I know jackshit about japanese.
Maybe I misinterpreted the characters.
Also, nice pic. Love that artist.
Also I just noticed I put one extra character here at the end by mistake. My bad.
Has this one been translated? This and the other recent ones appear to have continuity.
Big udders.
Ooooh, I think that's こら! So, while the big "つ" character means "Tsu", the little "っ" is just a character that adds a pause between words.
こら is just an interjection in this case, so in this context, it seems like the person is saying "He-hey!" Or "Lo-look!"
Less likely, but it could be "ここら” or "Around here" with a pause added if that character is trying to guide someone to their "hole", but こら seems a lot more likely, in this case.
Also, great taste, MOB faces on girls is hot as fuck
Big thanks, it makes sense now.
It has always had continuity
Yeah but I mean the last ones feel like a story thread instead of random tidbits in a story like they usually are.
Based author, the one with the dumb hat is next.
Title: You finally seem like a student. (ようやく学生っぽいふんいき)
>Elf: Uuu~ The condition in which x equals y….(うぅ~えっくすえいこーるわいの事情…)
>Elf: The condition? (事情?)
>Priestess: GobSlay-kun, are you doing a Japanese-language problem? (ゴブスレくんは国語の問題ですか)
>Gob-Slayer: Well… (どれどれ…)
>Paper Translation: “Question 3: Describe the feelings of the protagonist when he crushed the butterfly in 30 characters or less.” ( “問3、蝶をう握り潰した主人公の気持ち三0文字以内で(?))
>Prietess: Describe the main character’s feelings in 30 characters or less… (主人公の気持ちを30文字以内で…)
>Priestess: Are you really motivated to do this? (やる気あるんですか?)
>Gob-Slayer: Yes. (ああ)
>Priestess: When it comes to this sort of problem, you should aim to write 80% to 90% of the characters that are allotted to you! (こういう設問は指定された文字数の8割9割は書くものですよっ)
>Gob-Slayer: I see. (そうか)
>Priestess: Ah, just now, I could see how this is going to end. (あっ今オチがみえました)
>Priestess: Aah, just as I predicted. (あーもう予想通り)
>Priestess: It would be fine if this was about goblins instead of butterflies, however. (蝶じゃなくてゴブリンの話ならよかったのに)
>Gob-Slayer: “If he didn’t drive away 56 of them, he thought the neighboring villages would be attacked.” (ここで奴を56なければ近隣の村々が襲われると思った)
>Priestess: …Just-o 90%. (…じゃすと9割)
In regards to that last line, Goblin Slayer used exactly 27/30 (90%) of the characters allotted to him with his last line.
Which one was raped again.
I'm pretty sure none of them were, but were close to. I guess blondie did get her arm chomped on.
And Erufu just deflates in the background.
I can fucking -hear- this one
Nice, CG looks just like my waifu in hair color, hair style, and body type.
>Erufu doing math
Actually translated that one last week!
Title: Injured Priestess (けがされた神官ちゃん)
>Priestess: Higuu… Mr. Cow’s spit… (ひぐぅっ牛さんのだえきが…)
>Elf: Just stick to eating grass. Grass, okay? (あんたは草くってなさいっ草っ)
>Priestess: Come to think of it… (それにつけても…)
>Elf: This is a milk cow (female) ……
>Caption: Overflowing Motherhood. (あふれる母性)
>Cow-Girl: You two, come in quick! (はやくうちの中はいってー)
>Cow-Girl: Coffee or black tea? Which one sounds good? ( コーヒーと紅茶どっちがいい?)
>Priestess: I’mFineWithMilk, I’mFineWithMilk, I’mFineWithMilk(ミルクでミルクでみるくでみるくで)
>Elf: Make sure it’s raw and milked straight from the source. (しぼりたてせいぶんむちゅせいでっ)
>I feel like I'm kind of misunderstanding, but okay~
>cow spit
I thought the hat pissed itself.
Glad to see MT so high despite the fact it's already completed
what kind of goblin is that?
So the girls thirst for Cowgirl's milk. Are they lesbos for her or something?
It's an elephant.
are you literally that retarded? can't you see it's a goblin? why else would GOBLIN slayer be fighting it if it's not a goblin?
I think it's called "elf"
not that one,the one with the long neck
GS has fought other monsters too like that white dog in the sewers or the big eye octopus.
Y-you mean Niece, right?
Yes, that was a typo.
More like a freudian slip.
This is so fucking cute it should be illegal
It was a typo, I completely forgot the female of niece for a second.
>that rape manga is not about rape anymore
when is it going to get axed?
Guild girl will win.
When do we get to see her commit war crimes?
>no Sword Maiden
When all our balls dry out and we can't fap to the waifus any longer.
Do you want to see her body full of scars?
mmmmm priestess ass during her dance
How would the priestessfags and CGfags react if that actually happens?
You just know that if season 2 happens, this one will hog all the budget.
>priestess is still young and can find some rich young lordling
>GG will get fucked by some farmer
not the worst possible ending
wasnt she super embarrassed in the LN for wearing those
I've been saying this, Priestess could do better than some weirdo but anons says no she wants her GS sempai.
Elf is best girl.
Yes & still is every time she remembers it.
It will be CG dance like idolshit.
Swimsuits in battle give no tactical advantage.
>You shameless Bolg
This sounds really cute.
Unless they manage to catch ex-Kyoani animator.
One day closer to the Erufu volume.
Wait, have I seen this before?
Do you think he boob sweat has magical properties? Asking for a friend.
Priestess is.
fake priestess
New chapter.
Holy shit dude. The memories.
>If she doesn't win he is just a farmer.
Friendly reminder.
>CG will get fucked by some farmer.
Friendly reminder that your threads die pathetically every time you make one.
It's not my fault that the public at large refuses to accept my truth.
>rich young lordling
You mean The King. It is not incest, but secretly it is.
Priestess is like Saber, every clone is superior than the original.
What is GS actual "level" in this world?
>the girls tell Goblin Slayer they heard a rumor about adventurers discovering Aqua Gobs to get him to go to UMI DA
>GS spends the entire vacation searching for signs of goblins instead of looking at their swimsuits
Original Priestess is this one though. And she's 2nd best after the first clone.
Wrong, this one is the best.
when will a shota druid join the party and be a love rival
Priestess is waiting for her future boyfriend to come back.
that dude has his rhae girl
You can't trust a rhea, she is going to leave him sooner or later.
More like he goes to prison because everyone thinks he's a childfucker when their relationship is actuall /ss/
>he thinks GW makes a distinction
Nowadays Slaanesh is nothing but sex, drugs, & rock & roll.
>he thinks it's 40k
I just checked, a lot of nudes but not a single pic of SM wearing a swimsuit.
Where are the goblins
>40k fag
>wfhb is 40k
>every clone is superior than the original
She doesn't give you a goblin mission, what you do?
Original saber is best saber. Nero and the clones a shit.
Kill the guy and rape the girl
A rape mission it is.
>Jannu and Jalter
>X and X alter
All of them better than Vanilla.
>taste this bad exists
>he likes whore of babylon
Nobody likes the Whore of Babylon
>someone not half as cute as uncorrupted self
>muh sieg
>one of the worst fate installments
>anything positive about nero
>X when X is explicitly the original hunting the clones
This thread now belongs to the King.
Best Elsword
Ask if she has a quest to kill goblin sympathisers or goblin rights activists
What did he mean by this?
Wrong. You rape her on the spot.
Say "I see", head back to train for the rest of the day and try again tomorrow.
Gil expy when?
I think he should really take in his ranger spec more seriously and actually not wait for a damn quest and scout out
>CG's muscle tone
God fucking bless
>Not chosen by the hat.
Here, a quick fix.
You mean one day of owning the erufu volume right?
Whats the name of the boss goblin in volume 7 in japanese, It got translated simply as goblin shaman. I was expecting something stronger sounding.
Yes some autist posts it in every GS thread
>implying I care which retard infested two clowns sub-franchise your retarded hyper edge character comes from
WTF, Priestess can wear a bikini but protagonist of CGDCT cannot?
High elf archer, Cowgirl and Guild girl all wear erufu dresses, then they only do a black and white picture of best girl, no colour.
If only we could get a 3rd anime season it'd be ok.
And one day closer to the hypothetical other Erufu story...
Just Goblin Shaman. But some readers use Elder Shaman because he speaks in elderly fashion. His spell even chanted in latin.
Get in line, loser.
Goblin Slayer is the Nazi AOTY 2018 huh.
Of what?
Isn't that Erofu from LitRPG webnovel in medieval setting? Why do you name the filename with cyberpunk?
GS is shit just like polfags
It becomes oduuuaaarukkkkupiruuuus in caps lock.
Meanwhile the elves speak what looks like japanese but I can't be sure.
I bet I messed that up.
It is Odorant Cupiturus (Yearning Cloud). The elven language is written in katakana but doesn't sound Japanese except the hito=human. The Mokele Mbembe has lot of nonsensical names in their language.
If you can, post the part where LP tells the story abut The Black Scale (during the wedding) & the song about love & death.
Too late, I'm at work now.
>sword tits
You niggers lied to me. You told me this wasn't a harem series.
I'm at the fucking festival arc and we've got two dates and elf being a tsundere cunt and I can only imagine there's more to come
how dare you rope me into this
They look better in their clothes.
Someone has that drawing of GS and Priestess kissing?
Cow girl is boring, but I have a real hard time deciding between elf, pisstess and OL.
Wew nothing good there. Amazing.
OL? Who?
GG is essentially an office lady.
Volume 3 is the only case of harem shienengas, after that is Priestess show until volume 9 where CG gets some spotlight and even so Priestess steals the show by all the crazy shit she does in that volume.
The only correct answer is elf
>pisstess's show
Because the greentext accompanying is:
>another day without futuristic spin-off where Erufu and the descendant of GS fight goblin oligarchies in a dystopian cyberpunk future
Or something to that effect.
Oh, I only know that this Erofu ia a dogfucker, well not yet, MC is just a pup, he have to evolve to do the Ecchi parts.
Accept it already, only year one is truly GS' show.
Based, my meme is catching up.
It's our meme now.
Needs locker room edit
Is there a more top-tier lewd hentai waifu than Nao Iihara?
I don't know what it is but it always makes me laugh.
>Half of those are isekai
Well. Guess the trend ain't dying for another year.
This might be too much to ask, but how many of this actually got translated and not typeset'd? Aside from the ones in this thread, that is.
This one was the last page who got typesetted, the ones in this thread and that one from the previous thread didn't. There are plenty of others that didn't get translated, though.
On one hand, that's precisely the one I remember last.
On the other hand, that's at least three months worth of thread since then.
Ah well.
Sorry, this one is the last that got typesetted, at least from the ones I have, but I remember the the one with the bard being translated at least. Don't worry it's just one month of threads but the artist is doing them more often, he was aldo doing Kaguya but apparently he dropped that after the anime ended. Look at his pixiv
to see if there is one you think was translated and typesetted that I missed, got to mention there are a lot of pages that didn't get translated even before the one I posted.
Follow her
She was also upset that GS didn't find it titillating at all. Like a slut she is...
>Swimsuit is so tight it flaunts the flatness
The best
>hating on tsunderufu
You didn't need to spoiler that, everybody know it.
With this, any surviving rapefag should have killed itself.
what in the god damn? Are we getting AdBots here now?
Captcha keeps spammer out, they said.
They've been a problem in recent years, despite captcha.
that hairstyle on the left doesn't fit her at all, what the fuck was she thinking?
Her face doesn't fit her body either.
They can't compete.
Oh yes they can.
human inquisitors, when?
fuck magic and fuck magic users
Goblin Slayer is dependent on those magic users for his problem solving. Almost every plan involves magic.
If magic is so great, why can't it potty train priestess?
At least post pixiv, danbooru lacks a lot of fanarts.
Never thankfully.
Even then, every magic user in GS party can do nonmagic stuff that could kick their ass.
Cow Girl is the best and the purest girl because she is the only one who is not asking to be raped by Goblins.
Don't get anything after because but I agree with the first part.
Priestess: 1257 results
Erufu: 770 results
SM: 352 results
CG: 213 results
GG: 180 reults
All searched with (ゴブリンスレイヤー) appended, otherwise there are overlaps in names. Pixiv being Pixiv, this means the number isn't everything, but you get the gist of it.
Hilariously, searching for Priestess without it returns half of the above result.
>Erufu used to be number 1
Fuck you anime.
>user has to say Jeanne is bad by complaining about Apocrypha and Sieg, not actually about Jeanne herself
I think you've just made an argument against yourself there.
>Priestess: 1257 results
Shit taste.
Priestess honestly wears it the best of those three.
I hate FATEshit.
That's just bikinifag rambling.
Cute Girls Doing Cute Things.
I guess you can call it a sub-genre of SoL?
Shit went downhill after one episode, just another moe isekai meme show
Imagine the author goes through an edgy phase and decides to kill one girl, which one would he choose?
CG probably. Priestess is a MC, can't kill her off. CG would win over Elf or GG because of the whole "childhood friend and last link to past now destroyed" along with the general innocence of CG.
Either GG or SM, both having a somewhat minor role in the story.
CG, Elf is somewhat likely, but they would also cause a massive change in GS character.
Priestess is the MC. That one ain't going anywhere.
Elf dying would cause a massive change for the whole "party" characters.
>CG is favourite girl
>this is true
Yeah, that too. A lot of dynamic would change, so I just focus on what it'd do to the autismo.
Why stop at one? Make a dickass goblin assassin that observes GS and kills people close to him, starting with GG in the guild hall for maximum shock value, then CG, then get the elf wounded until priestess manages to stop the gob with the power of chainmail
Dead CG almost seems too big to me, if it happened it'd be completely endgame. GG seems more realistic
>flat elf in nothing but an oversize t-shirt
I have discovered a new weakness
>he's never had a gf waking up while wearing his shirt
Imagine if it was your tshirt she was wearing
Killing Erufu would send the elves to war.
>pisstress is still the worst one
>elf girl is mega sexy wearing the thot clothes
Cow Girl is Goblin Slayer's waifu. The Goblins are not that suicidal. Goblin Slayer would probably make a Nen Pact to turn into a monster that eliminates every single Goblin on the planet.
Archbishop, thank you very much.
Archbishop of the goblin rape church
CG isn't his real waifu, in that sense. He doesn't understand her any more, she's chasing after a GS that doesn't exist any more.
Yeah, his real waifu is GOBLIN-SLAYING.
They all look better except Guild Girl. Trash image.
Priestess has more than that, she has two tags 女神官 for priestess in general and 女神官(ゴブリンスレイヤー) for Priestess.
Some artists, like the one that makes the high school setting, only uses 女神官 tag, some only uses 女神官(ゴブリンスレイヤー) tag. So even with split tags, she still win by a landslide.
And 女神官 tag, despite created for ANY priestess, is already taken over by Priestess.
>he's never had a gf
Isn't that obvious?
The most attractive one which everyone likes most.
It always happens.
I read that as two bags.
So the elf is safe
So not Elf?
Honestly, I don't think how anyone with a soul could like the Pisstress.
>wanting your husband to find you sexy makes you a slut
That's what I said about the hilarious part. You'd think being a more general tag, 女神官 would return more result (like GG, 受付嬢 did). Nope, the one appended with the series actually does. This is the kind of situation where someone asks "how can other Priestesses compete!?".
Also, not tagging the character does happen, so even if we take both tags into account, that's still not EVERYTHING.
t. Yeti Brothers.
Make the photoshop more obvious next time. Sheesh.
I don't believe these swimsuits are period-accurate, 0/10
You probably know this already, but that's not Priestess. She's still a cute potato as she is a year back.
>17 years old Priestess
what period is that
The one Priestess missed because I made her pregnant.
>I want historical accuracy and setting realism!
>But I also want goblins and flat elf chests and magic and slutty clerics.
Enough with the "slutty" meme ENOUGH
Things don't have to be historically accurate, but they do have to be internally consistant. Those bikinis look like a completely different type and construction of clothing than anything we've seen, I can't buy they could be made with their level of tech
>Not a slut
not really
From where is this?
Poster from blu ray vol 1
Very rude.
Thoughts of rape you mean?
You do know she thinks farts are funny right?
This. It was great watching people get raped but then they had to insert this shitty harem protag plot armoring his way through everything. They should kill off the title character as soon as possible and let the rape flow.
I wish this comic official and I can upload it to my manga reading app. What is it called?
Guild Girl a best
This. Priestess might be bland. At least she wouldn’t fart in a hot spring when even using it to be funny like that cheese eating elf girl!
Not real partial to pixiv after they started purging uncensored content.
Best girl with best doujin not like the others who only get rape stuffs.
Were you rejected by a receptionist IRL or something?
I wish I was Lancer.
But no. I just like reminding people that GG is a shit and a slut. And also unprofessional.
what's the best kind of swimsuit for a girl to have? legitimately for research
If she's flat, slingkini
the tats are growing
just have two wait
If it were anything non-goblin related, GG, SM and maybe even HEA could die and Slayer would probably show grief (in his own way) and pay respects. Anything Goblin related at all would turn him feral. CG and Priestess would also affect him profoundly, probably not to feral levels but he'd definitely somehow turn more cold, distant and militant. Teaching him to care about other people again is sort of fucking his goals up. He admitted as much himself when he woke up from the miracle and remembered how almost dead/gobbed everyone got
Invisible glasses?
13 Years Old Cowgirl
GOD guild girl is MADE for RAPE
15 years old Witch.
Shit voice
15 years old Sword Maiden.
17 years old Priestess
>underage drinking
Might as well post the BND for completion.
>blackened womb
>teen pregnancy
>promiscuous slut
>manipulative whore
>tits large from breastfeeding goblins
>wanting another girl's husband to find you sexy doesn't make you a slut
Fuck you guys I'm a sucker for those smiles where the upper teeth peek out and BND's art is full of them. Shit's cute af
BND art is different but not bad, ignore the whining anons.
>no half-submerged gobs fapping from the ocean
You said you wouldn't make fun of young sword maiden.
How many goblins did she give birth?
As many as your mom did.
What is the context of that image?
She killed some fat fuck in cold blood.
Sounds rad as fuck. How long until it's shown in the manga?
2 years at least.
Try 5
Damn shame, but I'm still not reading the ln. Those typically suck in writing style
Elf not anvil enough.
She's not a total anvil, but she doesn't have medium boobs, either.
Do goblins ever rape hags?
We only see them breed with adolescents.
That "husband" is feeling lonely & anxious without another woman.
Goblins bang cows when it's all they can get.
Stop bullying blind girl.
Goblins are mean spirited like that. Only one cure for them.
It's not like she can see our posts anyways.
Oh fuck you.
Me and my half-asleep self thought these images were connected for some reason. So I though GS was kicking GG's crotch in...
I can see it now that you mention it.
They are jealous because their waifu is not canonically as loved as Erufu.
Speaking of canon.
>Narrator has shit taste
What else is new?
The question is, what will he do once there are no goblins left to kill?
She's used to far worse stuff
When is next rape?
A best
She works really hard to improve the guild, she is a good professional.
In the movie
how would Goblin Slaya react to priestess getting a boyfriend
He would be happy for her.
As long Priestess is happy, IF Priestess is happy, he'll stay silent and swallow it all. He's actually a massive beta that unable to defend Priestess even if he wants to.
She will follow GS to hell itself even if her dense mind doesn't understand why. What you are suggesting is OoC as fuck, in fact, you have been spamning this for months.
More like he just doesn't understand how do it.
relax CG is gonna win so priestess needs a backup
She won't get a boyfriend until she drops the hat.
See? This Priestess could get Rat slayer at least.
Shit on you and mio
I wonder how much would this trigger the berserkfags?
Why doing this when Guts himself is already in the story?
Well, it's deviantart...
GS will be Gobed too?
And cucked
You had one job, user! ONE LOUSY JOB!
She won’t. She owes her chastity to GS. If he didn’t exist, she would still be popping out gobbo babies.
GS bros, im about to finish reading novel 2, does novel 3 cover new stuff not found in the anime?
Not for long
what if he chooses CG or GG then she deserves someone
Yes, anime covered vol 1,2 and 1 chapter from vol 4. The manga is in the middle of vol 3 right now.
She will be his mistress when they camp on adventuring trips.
Never date a non-party member.
where's female knight
What if the girls get him drunk and then have their way with him so they all get pregnant.
I want to marry Peestess
nice, finally going to start reading new material, its funny how the book gives little details when describing the girls, sometimes it makes me thing that GS is the one making the description and that GS on the inside is lavishing in his thought on the girls.
well this one aint so telling but still sometimes I think he is the one thinking this.
owe it all to you, sir!” Her gaze, her beautiful eyes, bored into him. He caught his breath. What should he say? There was a long pause. “Not at all,” he finally squeaked out. “I didn’t do anything.”
At least they can’t get their wombs blackened anymore.
I guess the author likes Priestess best
"Small, young, inexperienced, and the most beautiful in the group—a human girl. She gripped a sounding staff with both hands and wore the clergy’s vestments over her chain mail. She was a priestess."
He may be thinking that maybe not but is really narrator the one saying it. It's hard for some anons to get that, though.
Have this.
"I see"
Forgot to mention, the movie is going to cover vol 5.
You missed one
Priestess already has a backup.
>Bump limit.
Best girl is going to sleep
I think GS isn't the type that knows the concept of beauty, at least not in the conscious level.
He's the type that doesn't want a certain girl getting a scar without knowing why & Priestess is the type that can't figure out why a man that never cares about appearance doesn't want her to gets a scar. Both of them are completely hopeless.
GS shouldn't favor any particuar girl
Just the one that owns his life.
So every girls that will cry when he's dead?
No, you know well which one.
The girl that he didn’t want to make her cry because his sister told him to? The number of girls that fit that criteria are growing. Including Noble Fencer.
>Denial, the post.
She is with her boyfriend, something the other girls can't say.
Cow Girl - perfect traditional wife, ultimate Alpha Patriarch appeal character
Elf Girl - exotic sex appeal character for Chad to pump full of semen
Guild Girl - wageslave Beta male wife material, she has to do a white collar job because you alone don't earn enough but at least she's unlikely to get raped/gobbed
Female Knight - she will dump you for (((Guild Master))) after you spend some time adventuring together and getting close, gold digger
Witch - Mommy Milkers appeal character, she's a thot so you probably won't mind the inevitable gobbing
Priestess - Omega male appeal character for mentally ill people who not only think that little girls can handle fighting but also deep down want to see her get the big gob dick in front of them while they're unable to stop them (aka cuccs)
Sword Maiden - AIDS appeal character
Monk Girl - she should've been saved instead of Priestess by Alpha user (me) and she should have given up the adventuring life after realizing it is not for women