Why is Yea Forums so boring now
Why is Yea Forums so boring now
Low autism.
No shitposting allowed. Say what you will about Yea Forums, Yea Forums, or /pol/ but they keep their jannies in line.
Yea Forums has plenty of shitposting user, it's just not blatant.
Yea Forums lost the ability of how to have fun
mods are no fun allowed
Its the boring kind of shitposting
Because BnHA has taken over.
only boring people think things are boring, nerd
We also have no twitter threads or wojak bait so i think our jannies ARE in line
Because you aren't a Hunterchad yet. Hunterchad posting is literally the last bastion of old Yea Forums and has been blowing up since 2018.
The only thing BnHA has "taken over" is the laughing stock status, replacing Naruto.
Mods are blatant SJWs who hate fun.
More like it's because it's hard to tell who is shitposting/trolling or who is legitimately retarded anymore.
that rule shift like 2 years ago really slowed the board down
it bent things you'd consider Yea Forums tradition or funposting in to off-topic or shitposting
>r*ddit pic
>praises Yea Forums, /pol/, and /v=
You quite literally need to go back
When Yea Forums imploded it changed the enforcement policy of almost every board except Yea Forums. When gg/fappening happened Yea Forums was brought to heel.
Now it's boring. I look through old caps of threads like user's deaf wife and I think community like that will never be allowed to exist again.
Fucking based
It eill if they make every hoard red and relax the rules for a yesr or so
People thought Yea Forums was the asshole of the internet but without gore, loli porn and other things being spammed normalfags feel safe here
Also mentioning plebbit should result in a perm ban to remove newfags
Everybody on this board has a stick up their assess now, the average user is more concerned in sending people back to ribbit or [board I don't like] rather than have a good time
I have plenty of good times and I see where youre coming from but its to fight of the cancer that is /vpol/ infesting this board, quite literally.
If they think their twitter drama has a place here it all goes to shit then where i can discuss anime? Nowhere
cause the board is filled with threads about shounen shit like noruto and my hxh academy hero
It is very blatant. There was a FLCL thread yesterday where the OP samefagged hundreds of posts manually over the course of hours and approached 700 total posts after hitting the bump limit.
>it's not blatant
I can't imagine being unable to distinguish between shitposts, and actually interesting or funny posts.
This season fucking blows except for one or two animu
Not disagreeing with you that BnHA is trash. But the fact that BnHA is even being taken seriously shows the decline in Yea Forums and the rise of redditchan.
desu /int/ seems to be the only board right now with a good balance between having fun and keeping people in line, anons are always bantering and have no uptight rules but when some group/flag gets annoying the board memes them into the ridicule. Entry boards like Yea Forums and Yea Forums can never get this because most users are either newfags desperately trying to fit-in the "board culture" or lunatics obsessed with some political war that revolves around video-games, anime and twitter celebrities.
We have several Yea Forums tier threads on a daily basis, how is that boring.
Worst boards on Yea Forums objectively: Yea Forums Yea Forums /vp/ and /lbgt/
To me Yea Forums is boring now because I always feel heartbroken whenever I browse it these days.
Yea Forums's shitposting is one-note and dull. Each post is just an user saying how horny and lonely he is. Once you've read one you've read them all.
>go shitpost in a thread
>everyone plays along
>someone shitpost me back
>thread is lots of fun
It's the same as always, are you guys sure you are not just complaining that you are not allowed to talk about politics, twitter posts made by random people, and facebook dramas?
Most threads are basically pseudo generals at this point with the same shit every time.
/u/ invaded the board and tumblr refugees and keep making bait yuri threads and spamming watamote threads frequently
>a good board
The biggest joke since Yea Forums
This but unironically. Every time I try to have conversation in Monogatari threads about something not related to shitposting about waifus, the thread just goes by as Batfags, Crabfags, Snakefags the holy trinity of shit tier all fight each-other to not be the worst group.
Nothing good on. Check back in two months.
>/u/ invaded the board
You do know that /u/ is one of the slowest boards on Yea Forums, right?
Don't know, seems like a dead board only lifted up by all the Yea Forums Yea Forums and /pol/ threads that get send there.
Macademia always has plenty of shitpost threads
You might not have noticed it, but your brain did
who hurt you
Subtle shitposting is always better and more clever than whatever Yea Forums shits out, "Nintendo wins again!" 534p 164i
You seem to be lost
Yea Forums is boring because fun is subjective
That's a fact
a board is a board /u/sers should be greatful they even have one. if they are not going to use it and just invade Yea Forums then the board should be deleted as /u/sers can't appreciate their blessings.
>the OP samefagged hundreds of posts manually over the course of hours and approached 700 total posts.
Take your pills.
no, our jannies are out of control and we need to put them in their place
>cries like a bitch over an opinion he doesn't like
>g-go back
Okay, retard.
Yeah, discord raids are so fucking annoying. Fuck off attention whores
Are you mentally retarded.
No high-energy memeworthy shows, everything is normalfagtier now
Fun is a buzzword
Shonentrash fans everywhere.
I guess you're one of those anons who posts on generals
>mods now autosage proper on topic threads
It's shit
Not enough isekai threads.
I will fix that tho.
no, but i think you are and ungrateful.
i would die for a board dedicated to exclusively discussing anime tomboys if it ever existed even if it was slow.
unlike /u/sers who are so ungrateful. they feel the need to spam a board about general anime discussion when they have a board that is 100% about their interest.
Just like last season, huh?
you will never be a rich master and bully your servant maids by ordering them to show their undergarments
fine, I actually haven't watched animu seasonally since about mid last year
animes are dying, isn't it
Is everyone upset because there isn't any Eromanga or France this year?
Discord is only a distraction from the real menace. The IRC.
/u/ is objectively the worst
are discord raids actually a thing?
why would people want to go out of their private gathering group for an anonymous site?
Two seasons with no big happenings. The Heck!?
there's a lot of redditors.
the easy way to distinguish them is with cunny and children, not hard really
That's not how this works.
Oldfags left and took all that was staple of Yea Forums with them. Then we got flooded with casuals and normalfags turning Yea Forums in more of the same shit that you find everywhere on the internet. No more OC, no more rogue humor that you get from Yea Forums deviants and shameless perverts, no more imagination from autists truly devoted to their media, we only got more of the mild shit that you cab get anywere else
>inb4 someone tries to deny the previous culture Yea Forums had effectively proving the point.
Yea Forumsermin like you don't watch much anime so it's boring, now fuck off.
Says the faggot that falls into a normalfag word filter
You still get half of those, it's just that it all gets deleted by the mods.
>Yea Forums chad and roastie culture = Yea Forums culture
I actually type "desu" desu
>why do raids exist at all
To fabricate consensus. Yea Forums is actually quite diverse, a lot of people come here, leave a comment and go elsewhere
I just wish anons would target the real people shitting up the board, but it's also quite difficult to realize a thread have been filled to death with shills until its 80+ replies
Cute. Also nice double dubs
Same desu
>no big happening
But there WAS. Didn't you remember?
yes it is. don't be dense. if it wasn't we would just have one board were everything and anything gets discussed. the reason the pony board even was created also because people were spamming it all over the site so they had to create a place for it to exclusively be discussed even if my little pony is not as popular anymore it's board still exists, to show that is exactly how it works.
Because you aren't making fun threads. Put some effort in and make something interesting. Also quit using the catalog, browse the front page more so you get exposed to what's inside threads
I've felt this too honestly and I think it's a combination of factors.
1. We are much slower than we've been in the past
2. I personally don't think there's been much worthwhile shows to watch this season but that might just be a personal problem
3. Since there's so much of us there's no way that we can all be watching a single show like back in the days of Geass and Gurren Lagann where most if not all of the board was watching these single shows. We all have our niches and regulate to our own threads and that's not a bad thing but it does lose some of that frantic appeal that the board originally had.
Unlike every other board here though I still think this is probably the best place still to talk about our subject matter (animu and mango)
influx of redditors who think imageboards are discussion forums
Anime died in the early 2010s and has been utter garbage since.
It's not. I might think your posts are annoyingly formatted and your constant, unwarranted use of reaction images is stupid, but you have a right to post like that if you really, really want to. Just like people have the right to post about anime or manga with mecha in it on Yea Forums even though /m/ exists. Just like people have a right to post about anime or manga with yuri in it on Yea Forums even though /u/ exists. You fucking moron.
You missed the part where the IP count didn't move post after post after post.
/ic/ is a better place to discuss about anime and manga art than Yea Forums. when it comes to art,aesthetics and good and bad animation Yea Forums talk so much crap.
/ic/ is infested with Yea Forums shit. It's disgusting
Just like Yea Forums is better to discuss video games than Yea Forums.
reaction images are key to know when someone is making a serious post they don't want to be glossed over. how do you not know this?
just because you have the right doesn't mean you should or that it's a smart choice.
so do i also have a right to ask for art advice about anime and manga on Yea Forums even if /ic/ exists???? hmmmm???
Co is the worst board by far. They've been infesting with brain dead redditors.
>1. We are much slower than
>slower than
i have bumped into a few lefty californian animators who use twitter on Yea Forums they often go onto the board to shill their cartoons.
Epic 4channeler.ver.2019
it's really weird that Yea Forums is a better place to discuss movies than Yea Forums nowadays, considering how popular "adaptations" have become
Reaction images are for showing a specific reaction, they aren't required avatars. Notice how I haven't used any and you can still tell I think you're a total idiot.
I'll happily redirect someone to /ic/, /wsr/ or wherever if they're asking a question in earnest. No harm, no foul. Pretending like there's some sort of vast conspiracy stemming from [person I personally don't like] is a waste of time when it's already obvious what the problem is: every board on this website that isn't about Japanese shit. There's your problem.
Ah yes blame the mods guys
Every board is the worst place to discuss it's intended topic.
i really wish the mods weren't so strict anymore
the minor rulebending was fun, we don't need to have such a sterile board
i miss /djt/ and /panda/