Why can't all girls be like this?
Why can't all girls be like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
why is elf the best girl but the MC is destined to end up with his smelly spoilt NEET sister?
I had a dream that Sagiri was real, it was wonderful. I remember jerking off, she tried running away but I held her firm between my thighs and kept rubbing and rubbing and rubbing until I shot a load all over her body. I came buckets in the dream, and I also came buckets in real life. After that dream I just spent all day thinking about that dream, I was horny all day because all I could do was think of that dream. Oh what I'd do to have that same dream again.
Be like what?
because elf belongs to her own brother
Shut up Griffith.
Why does Elf have pointy ears anyway?
That faux elf is fucking delicious
We cant have good things
What's with her left hand though.
That's not how fingers work.
Its because over the course of evolution they didnt have to evolve since everything was traded too them for a chance at the wet hole between their legs. Prostitution is the oldest profession. In order for them to evolve you would have to remove the only thing that makes them good and then wait a few thousand years. The good news is we are mere decades away from artificial wombs and sex bots and less then a decade away from good vr porn.
Too much fingering.
Thumbnail looks like she wet herself.
im going to marry Emily
wierd I had a similar dream last night
Are you a MGTOW?
Great, now I have to fap to Sagiri again. Thanks alot, OP.
All the JCs in this show are pure sex
i agree
Which is weird, isn't it? JC shouldn't be sexy.
>JC shouldn't be sexy
Imagine wasting dubs on this gay of a post
Gay people don’t give a shit, white knights do.
Implying JCs aren't/shouldn't be sexy is incredibly gay, user.
JCs are the greatest thing in the universe. God's gift to the world.
The only thing better than JCs is thirsty JCs.
Goddamn Aru is too sexy.
How lewd were the EroManga OVAs? Worth watching for a jerk?
What about a thirsty JS?
>tfw you'll never see your JC gf like this when you pick her up from school
JS/JC-age are a girl's sexiest period
JS is acceptable too but I personally think JC is prime
You can't spell Hotarun without Hot, but Natsumi is the best biyori.
the first one is all about Elf and if you like her you will love the OVA. its nothing but fanservice and high quality fanservice at that.
Because they get old and whither over time.
sorry, posted the wrong file
I prefer Sagiri but Elf is definitely in my strike zone. Will watch it as I go to bed tonight. Thanks, user.
i respect your high quality taste and opinion user but for me it will always be Hotarun
the second one is a cute sagiri episode so you should watch it too
first ova was elftastic
second ova was shit and sagiri barely even managing to maintain being the focus of it
How do we stop JCs?
Big JS x smol JC is the purest form of the purest form of love.
>bocchi posted
>Forced jc wars ensue
Gee i wonder who..
Anyway I'd impregnate Elf many times if i had the chance to do so
i agree
There's no war, user. JS/JC are both welcome
Resuming of scanlations, never.
>literally I want to fuck my 11 year old kid sister the show
People who watch this trash unironically deserve to die.
Yeah, both of them being on my bed
Shes 13 thats at least 5 years older idiot
I'm sorry you're gay.
ive noticed JC/JS connoisseurs rarely bicker as we all appreciate each others high quality tastes and rarely disagree
you dont belong here. go back, faggot
>not wanting to fuck a child
It would be a much better show if Sagiri were 11yo.
She's not a NEET, she has a job. She's a Hikki.
That's one sexy 14yo body.
>not liking a female body in its prime
That's gay.
Elf is so loveable she has her flaws but shes still really cute
I dropped the show because it made me depressed, the mcs life is too perfect
Yes, that's what being gay means.
Because one note hack oriemo author.
You’re going to get what’s coming to you
>what's coming to you
>im a better person than you
ever noticed that people that go out of their way to let everyone know that they have "higher moral standards" than you are actually huge pieces of shit and get outed for being massive faggots?
i hope you get the cunny thats coming to you user. butthurt user hopes so too, he told you so after all
I hope I do.
I can smell the Reddit stench coming off of you
Why is there a bandaid? Did she cut herself?
do you think if you kiss it, it will get better faster?
>Why can't all girls be like this?
2D? I agree
>77 posts
>24 images
I find your lack of cunny disturbing.
Sagiri is 12(prime)
im doing my part user
Is Sagiri's Yea Forums JC of the decade?
What are some shows with thirsty JS?
Best OL.
JC should be nude at all times.
I want to bully this JC
I don't know why but I find this absolutely hilarious.
I haven't watched her show but she's definitely hot.
Potato buds.
JS are the best!
JS are too lewd
What would Yea Forums do if you find a naked mahou shoujo?
What car do I drive to get JCs?
Bathe her and cuddle with her.
Give her stockings.
No clothes?
What exactly? Because if the answer is "sluts" then I have good news for you.
Of course not.
It wouldn't do for them to get wet.
Sexy JCs
>this is a 25 year old videogame developer
Can you unironically explain why you fetishize JCs while posting girls with huge tits (something someone in that age group rarely/never has). It seems like your real fetish is that particular age, probably because you are a stunted adult.
You can't cuddle her while she's naked
Good idea.
JCs are for marriage
I wouldn't call those huge tits.
Not that user but when going to school I had a couple JC classmates with big boobies.
Why not? A little skinship can be a good bonding experience!
That's hot if she uses them to tie them around her body like this
Those aren't huge tits.
One of the girls in my class when I was in middle school had huge tits. There were also a few girls who were tall or otherwise had womanly figures, but the hottest of the bunch was a petite cheerleader.
Meant for this
someone doesnt get out much. you do understand that many girls start puberty way before 14 right? and many of them have breasts before that age? go be a faggot somewhere else
She must be my daughter so I make her another imouto.
It'd be bad if you accidentally touch her sexy parts.
>2D JCs will never be a dominant, predatory species in real life
>you will never be hunted by a pack of roving JCs looking to make someone their mutually-shared onii-chan/husband
I specifically remember the girl across the street when I was in 6th grade (age 12) had huge fucking tits and I was always amazed at the sight of her.
>touch her sexy parts
I forgot to mention she was the exact same age as me.
>JS and JC gang wars fighting who gets the best inii-chans
Too late.
I fucking love Mao.
Here's your JS, user.
Why was that MC such a faggot? If I were in his place, I would fuck her multiple times everyday.
She's like 9
It's great, isn't it?
Yes, she's very sexy.
This is the body of a 70+ year old who happens to be JS.
I really like young girls like these ones.
Minegumo is a top cutie.
Who does Yea Forums consider a 10/10 loli?
Illyia/Kuro make every man hard.
Almost all JS/JC boats are sexy
>9 years old.
Here's my comfort wife.
Not me.
I want to fuck the chuuni out of this 12 year old and make her nun friend watch.
Gomennasai is a god among men, truly.
>12 year old
>Nyeh what's up Doc?
Stupid sexy Mexicans (German/Japanese submersibles)
Is she? It's been a while since I watched the show.
_unny _unny
Why are little bunnies always so sexy?
Why are children so sexy
I kept a baby wild hare over winter a a pet once. Little shit was wild. Acted like an attack dog. When I let her lose, she attacked my neice's dog who was notorious for killing bunnies and fucked him up. Don't fuck with bunnies.
I need a name
My dick.
>she attacked my neice's dog who was notorious for killing bunnies and fucked him up
Jesus Christ
>not pyon
Yeah basically. She attacked my brother in law when he walked into my room too. Jumped up and latched onto his hand.
SAO spinoff MC.
She's Yea Forums's loli of the decade, user.
Shes so fucking sexy
How young is too young
Thanks user
She's loli of the decade for a reason
I wanna tummy fuck her
My wife Machi is so cute.
Look how flat she is
What happened to her?
There is nothing sexy about these undeveloped bodies so it's okay.
cute and funny
What's a middle schooler's charm?
If they aren't sexy then why do they need to wear clothes?
Peach fuzz
>they need to wear clothes
Do they?
>something someone in that age group rarely/never has
Maybe 10 years ago but it's no longer an uncommon occurrence.
cute pits + tummy
shame about the deformed leg + feet
Won't the laptop get really hot?
You don't see naked JCs in public in anime/manga, do you?
>two young girls going throught puberty
>they arent kissing
She was in her house. Needs to be in public
Her boobs are kinda big.
Why do we love them so much?
That what my fingers look like. If you have fat fingers yours won't look like hers
Be like sexualized lolis? I too wish that were a reality.
Why is Sagiri such a rapist?
Junior idols and JS and JC girls on Instagram and blogs dress like this.
I find it cute seeing Japanese illiterates like you throwing these abbreviations around in every thread, trying somehow to signal your intimacy with the language.
Do you also utter 'kawaii', 'sugoi' and 'oishii' randomly at conversations to impress your interlocutors?
Junior idols and ESG and MSG on Instagram and blogs dress like this.
What would you do if Sagiri did this to you because she needs a dick for reference?
Give her a reference. I'll even give her a reference on sexual positions with Elf as my partner.
That's a big forehead.
Hotaru is a woman worthy of respect.
She's an adult in my eyes.
>Oreimo author
He has a thing for ignoring best girl for incest.
At least this time it's not related by blood.
No, probably not.
His point states that girls have their lives set for them since birth, the vagina.
With the vagina she is able to acquire resources such as money, shelter, food and water.
Essentially it is an "easy mode" for girls, usually girls would enjoy a higher quality of life and are able to get favours easier.
Through the power of vagina and sex, they can make a living off prostitution, which amplifies his point of girls not requiring to evolve.
This does not mean he won't be sexually attracted to girls, he is stating that girls do not need to evolve.
I bet you translate "onigiri" into "jelly doughnuts" too.
Emily shouldn't be wearing such lewd underwear for a successful 14-year-old author living alone in her mansion if she didn't want to get manhandled.
What research and data has been confirmed that girls at the age of 10 isn't sexy?
By 10 their bodies start to develop differently from boys. Hips, chest and legs.
Many men are sexually attracted to pre-teens, raw, young tight and hairless vaginas, its so tight and feels so good.
Interact with children.
I want to touch a sexy JCbutt
People who watch this wonderful show ironically deserve to die.
What kind of underwear should JCs wear?
I hope you're not implying what I think you're implying
They have to wear something.
More accurate to say all other girls used to be like this.
Bocchi doesn't wear anything underneath, if it weren't for public decency laws she would never wear anything.
>if it weren't for public decency laws she would never wear anything.
Then why is her skirt so long?
Her parents and the Japanese government forced her to.
Good, no one wants to see a naked JC.
Bocchi wears the bear costume at home so that she can be nude underneath.
Men of culture gathered in one thread.
Why is Bocchi so lewd?
So she could be friends with people like us.
Why would anyone want a JC friend?
Who would win if they fought?
Friend with benefits are still friends
Everyone is friends with Jesus Christ
Bocchi is a ninja, but that girl trains with an army woman. Tough to say.
Lain, naturally.
Its LOTD, Kate!
No smokers after this post
Nobody who uses a p90 can be best at anything
Take a look at this
>Great personality
>Great leader
>Cares about your lungs
I think the smoking ban should include Kate, she's smoking hot!
Smoking is cool
LLENN is more adorable and more hilarious though.
That'd be Kuro.
Will we have real LOTD polls last season?
I remember having an image about a best loli all time poll, where the obvious winner was Yotsuba, high contenders were Renge and Riku
Illya won actually.
Probably early 2020, I imagine.
Why haven't you learned to draw yet Yea Forums?
Little Girls shoud'nt dress like that
Yotsuba is a meme character people dont even lewd her.
I'll see that those revealing clothes are taken off of her immediately. Innocent nudity is best, after all.
How should little girls dress?
Yeah. Who would ever do that? Haha.
i hope they didn't rotoscope a 12 year old for this
they rotoscoped a 11 year old
Wow a loli thread on Yea Forums that mods weren't faggots about
Why are they always using this word recently?
Does/a/ like chicken chan?
You'll have to suck out the poison too. Be careful if you suck too much you will get swollen
They are at some point, but then reach legal age
Which one
White van
They all look the same
Probably the sexiest pokeloli
Ia hate this artits, his lolis are good but always end sticking something in the male ass
The sexy one
Artists who draw the fat tummy bump on loli should breed and multiply
I want to breed and multiply with Lillie.
third after Dawn and Leaf
Good taste
I released her back into the wild at the end of spring. This was about 15 years ago now. All of the hares that live in my neighborhood are probably descanted from her.
Sauce katsudon.
Not at all.
Pokegirls are for repeated breeding.
Don't bother, it's crap. She's the only good thing about the show.
That's not asking for sauce, that's just a joke.
Papika is so fucking lucky.
Whenever I see this image I have to immediately stop what I'm doing and jerk off.
Well, all humans start as girls until a certain point the genes in the y chromosome activate to start turning you into a male 6 to eight weeks in. Yes, all males are modified females, in apes any way. I know that most birds start off as males then transition into females before they hatch.
Post the Elf hand thing from the OVA
I want to commit a crime. No seriously, I would go around to look for JC trainers to defeat and get them to pay up with their virginity after the battle.
Man, I'm too tired to correct this. Phenotypically at that stage you're closer to what would be considered "female". But it's not meaningful to say that. It's like saying a fetus is a fish until the genes activate and it loses its gills.
Wide hips flatish~ short.
I didn't watch it but I masturbate to Sagiri often.
This image pushed me over the edge. I actually fell out of my chair and screamed in agony. I can't take this anymore. I want to fuck a JC so bad. I'm getting dizzy and my mind is going blank because it's all I can think about.
Good ass/hip ratio is what counts most.
I cope by wearing out a onahole that's designed to to feel like a JC (supposedly). Pretty hot considering only half my dick fits in it and making it bulge when I push myself all the way in.
I don't care if she has narrow hips, just as long as she's FLAT or just budding.
Mikoto is such a treat.
my boss saw this he asked me if that nipple was male or female, I said male and he patted my head then smiled
Close one, please be careful with these images
Then you're more into JS not JC if you only care for flatness and don't care about hips.
This character archetype is great...
didnt expect this
I want to cum inside her shorts
I know what I like and I like them all.
Onaholes are nice but I want to know what the whole thing feels like. It's all I think about every night. I want it so bad. I want to hold her tiny frame in my arms as I make love to her. I want to listen to her heated, shallow breaths as I explore every inch of her young, nubile body. I want to rub my hands along her supple skin and give her pleasure in places she didn't know was possible. I want to gently pull her close and embrace her in a passionate kiss a we share our love. I want to hear her moans as I slowly work myself inside her and we become one. I want to ejaculate deep inside her frail body and feel her convulse as we both achieve orgasm together. I want to hold her tight as we drift off to sleep together share a night of pure love.
i like this thread
Very important, significant scenes.
I would give 50 years of my life just to be their bikinis.
Don't talk shit about him.
Shield-chan; Serena and Rosa are better but she is love as well
this thread right now
A daring synthesis
you are not welcome here
a rare treat
Literally me
Imagine the smell in that room
I'm having a hard time imagining what that smells like.
I made myself welcome
because incest & elfing are signs of mental illness
Because they are cute and funny
Holy nipple.
did anyone ever tell you that youre cute???
Close Yea Forums and keep working
I don't think JC mahou shoujo should be this sexy.
I want a JC wife. My gramps expatted to get one of his own back in the 30's. He had a thing for little brown girls.
Patted your head, you say?
What would it be like to take a bath with 2 very lewd JCs?
My dick would be sore for a few days.
Ask araragi.
>Why can't all girls be like this?
What? Cute and funny?
Sexy by nature.
I thought he meant 2D
I bet JC's queeff every time you thrust.
>This does not mean he won't be sexually attracted to girls, he is stating that girls do not need to evolve.
MGTOW doesn't mean not being attracted to women
Good, even the toughest and grumpiest JC would get embarrassed if her peer heard that.
Mgtow is irreverent on Yea Forums, 2D>3D was already a way of life here way before mgtow.
That uppity brat deserved it.
This girl was rude.
Sexiness comes with a cost.
Is this rape?
I don't want a neet nor a slut. I already convinced my little sister to aim for college, she's so cute and smart, she's definitely not becoming a dumb weeb like her brother
And sexy. I want to lure her into adult things by saying all the Tokyo kids are doing it.
good on you onii chan. just wait until her later teens years though. shes going to hate u
Elf is not a slut. Just a nudist.
Well she's 12 now and really loving so far, she has her fits but we remain very close, I gave her my old laptop and a drawing tablet and she is very grateful, I don't live with her sadly but she convinced our parents to let me sleep at her room whenever I stay so she wants our relationship to remain close
Let me date your sis.
good luck onii chan. i hope you 2 remain close forever.
Stupid sexy Mexican.
Why is there no "all girls my age love dicks" girl in this thread?
are you telling me you dont know what character that is?
one of the only figs ive ever actually wished i owned
Speaking of sexy Mexicans.
All figs my age love hot glue!
There is a dangerous lack of Nadeko in this thread.
we just had a pretty long nadeko thread yesterday. probably why
>that doujin where she pleasures herself with a dildo that squirts
That's not an excuse.
I used to find her snake hair to be a turn off, but now I get diamonds when ever I see her.
youre right. but it may be a reason
a half sister and a slut elf friend who are both richer than me and want my dick? probably never.
>Band aid
>two pairs of panties
What a silly figure, that's two too much
Why would you want people to be fucking garbage?
The fact that it's nbr makes it worse not better.
for whatever reason..this right here never fails to make me diamonds
oops i forgot the picture. THIS makes me diamonds
It's just the seems.
>replacement panties
Does this make her more pure or more of a slut?
I see you're a man of culture as well, fellow connoisseur of skindentations.
This is incredibly disappointing.
Double the panties for double the warmth
I'm no pedo, I just want to licky lick smooth JC cunny.
That's what she said.
Imagine Megumi laughing at your penis and telling you she's seen way bigger.
Megumi is so rapeable
I prefer a hint of hair on mine.
>That tiny petite slip of a thing staring directly at my cycloptic stiff eye as it pulsates inches away from her face
>She blushes a deep red and tries to laugh "ha..ha..I've seen bigger"
>I simpyl say "uh huh" and push my dick closer to her face.
>She opens her mouth while leaning in. Takign the plum sized purple nob between her engorged lips
Why am I never in these situations
Is satuyo the best loli artist from the past 2 years
I can't get enough of Kinomoto Anzu.
He's good, but I like Masuda and Kinomoto Anzu better.
>Did she cut herself?
That's an axe wound.
what do you fine gentlemen think of Yukino minato
He's been in the game longer, I dont know if you meant artists that started in the past 2 years or were active
Usually too edgy for me. The art is technically solid not not really my style. Still not bad, though.
Is Himeno Mikan even alive? His Twitter's been dead for almost 4 years now and he seemingly hasn't published anything or made any other contact with the world since then.
It's great how active he is, Masuda is another amazing new guy but I haven't seen anything by him in a while.
Cute and fUNNY
I love his art style to death but I'm not a big fan of his darker stories (I fap to them anyway because the dick doesn't discriminate), so I'm always glad when he releases something that isn't full despair.
I love his body types but good god he needs to fuck off with all the rape, snuff, slavery, etc.
oh damn youre right I didnt even realize
thats the downside with these aliases, we dont know what happened to him
That's exactly what I love about his stories, Im a huge edge fag
but I can see the problem, it does seem like most dedicated loli artists have a rape fetish
btw check out my own doujin soon its going to be called the loli catcher
Post a sample of your art.
This is the Federal Bureau of Investigation, drop the lolis now this instant or we'll be breaking in.
That was one fine doujin.
This is an awkward time to be a girl on this thread.
Heres a sample of what Im working on
Most of my okay stuff is NSFW
>thread is still up
I love Yea Forums.
Remember: you'll have the most power in an age play session.
With his dick.
Hilarious post my friend, post your profile so I can give you some upboats.
You have a long, long way to go.
>jeffrey epstein's private plane
wow look, a pedophile who dreams of wanting to rape a 13 year old anime girl, huh. pretty disgusting my man.
I love this slut's butt.
Sorry, I'm not from the land of the free.
I have a request. Can you do azurlane.koumakan.jp
She's more JK but she should be up your ally. Make sure it's sfw. She's some shitposting janny's waifu on /vg/.
Go back.
Why was this deleted?
lots of high quality taste JC connoisseurs still frequent Yea Forums
>She's some shitposting janny's waifu on /vg/.
Wait, seriously? How do you know?
is there a name for that line that goes down the abdomen because thats my fetish right there
I love this ship's mast! Its so fair and fluffy!
Cant promise anything Ill be working on a doujin for the next week She looks old but she could be made younger I guess
I did it just to be safe incase someones triggerhappy
that one is risking it too
And I am proud of my fellow Yea Forumsnons.
Already been banned once for this thread, like I give a fuck.
>the heart thing on the thongs
Long story short: Mod on /jp/ exposed him but he can't do anything about it because the janny is dating another mod. They're both GFL and FGO shills. He's been trying to get the KC and AL fan base to fight for almost a year now by false flagging. There's more but I don't want to get banned. Go ask in the /alg/ thread for more.
I would get arrested if I said the things I would do to this body.
by the way about that, does this person get triggered over guro/rape stuff is that what you meant?
I want an excuse to post it with out getting banned. Borderline guro or the obvious threat of rape/death. The fucker is also the fag that spams trap shit everywhere.
They're great but they wouldn't be my choice to base all girl on.
Look, faggot. We have 59 more posts and 40 more images. Don't post without an image, retard.
Goddamnit, Hiro.
Fuck you.
Calm down. Yea Forums is slow enough that hitting bump limit doesn't spell instant death for a thread.
DDs are love.
My sadness grows deeper each day from the thought of being unable to touch the body of a young anime girl.
It just means we can post lewder more lewder images when we hit bump limit.
Same mod and janny are also responsible for trying to incite other shitposting around the site. So far I've notice them trying to get /egg/ and the /kspg/ threads to fight.
Every day science pushes us closer to our dreams, user.
my dream is fully interactive holograms
Should JC wear clothes?
>don't have cheese down there
Only good part about the show.
Sensoratory VR is more realistic
>this thread is still alive and up
>check out doujinshi
>loli ntr
I am not intellectual enough for this
>he doesn't know
Why do girls have miniature heads on their crotches?
Fuck no.
The asses make up for it.
I am. Link me, bro.
>loli ntr
Not that user but AFAIK has not been translated.
What the fuck does JS and JC and being thirsty mean?
The ages where hormones start to take over.
Post. Lolis.
mikan is a goddess
Plain girls have their appeal.
damnit user i knew someone was going to post this. gets me diamonds every time
I love both these Gabus, its like they are perfectly equal and evenly matched with no clear superior or inferior traits in either one of them
>autosage a thread 400+ posts in
Angel Gabu has a sexier butt
Those aren't middle schoolers!
bros do you think nadeko is a pervert?
They're as sexy as JCs.
>it's true
It doesn't really matter considering we're really close to ending anyway, but it's still bizarre. Not that their decisions usually make sense.
I want to share a rum raisin milkshake with her.
14 is prime
Looks like he got mad because of someone in this thread. Such is life on Yea Forums.
You have good taste.
fuck size limits
>loli ntr
I wish I was that wall.
>don't dare to delete it
>use the cowardly method of autosaging
The mods are afraid.
I want to take advantage of artistic loli
I know it's wrong, but it feels so right.
My imouto dresses like this and she is pure.
This was still on the whole a good thread though. Good job.
>portable vampire waifu
has science gone too far?
>autosage a thread 400+ posts in
It's kinda like shooting a man before throwing him out of a plane.
I love these baitpires.
Fascinating stuff here
>retarded gachashit / mod drama killed the thread
Someone talked bad on a janny from another board in here, you know its that because all the posts about that are deleted. They're still here, by the way, not that I would dare talk bad about our beloved janitors. But yeah, this thread was just unfortunate collateral damage.
Who would win between Elsa and LLENN in a fight where they have to make lolicons cum?
Elsa has the most experience making cocks cum
LLENN is cute and all, but Elsa is much more experienced at forcing lolicons to ejaculate over and over again.
>LLenn threatening men to cum at gunpoint