This generations Akira
Is Mob psycho 100 a modern classic?
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Mob > tetsuo
??? Arc is the best final arc in all of shonen.
Better than haitus X haitus
>overpowered protagonist
>modern classic
Keep telling yourself that user.
Someone please lewd mob!
The best shounen MC ever
>overpowered protagonist
Think of a better one then user.
Not saitama from one joke man
if we would use the terms of ,then the award would go to Black Cover
No,you can't use this as argument,i would only accept the retarded "Five leaf" concept,
havent read, but heard the final arc is pretty good. something about Mob accepting his powers as a part of himself and constantly trying to improve
>this generations Akira
Not even close. Akira's manga is not influential, the anime is. The only reason being the animation quality. No one gives a fuck about the story. For Mob and Akira to be comparable Mob would've needed revolutionary animation, which it doesn't.
Akira got that movie because the manga had sold two million volumes by then.
Why can't it just be good? Not everything has to be the very best. That's not what Mob is about.
Asta's anti-magic isn't as bullshit broken as they'd have you think though
Not even close
LOL no!
Mob> JoJo
>Why can't it just be good? Not everything has to be the very best. That's not what Mob is about.
Mob is well executed but at the end of the day it's nothing but a feel good story. It doesn't do anything exceptionally well or groundbreaking.
True classics could easily have more than two seasons and leave you hungering for more, they are able to keep you engaged all the way. And Mob just isn't that memorable.
Not even two months have passed and it already has degraded from AoTS to okay. Give it half a year and it will degrade from that to meh.
Name the last 3 anime that you consider groundbreaking true classics.
Hero academia and Your Name
>Hero academia
But it’s so popular. Popular enough to get a Hollywood film from the studio that made detective pikachu
It's contender for AOTD along with Madoka and Kill la Kill. Everything else is irrelevant don't bring up your isekai and moeshit please.
A place further than the universe
lmao imagine thinking ur shit show that sold like shit and nobody watched is actually a candidate for AOTD.
Shingeki no Kyojin is AOTD.
it's like when your teachers told you to never start a sentence with 'but' even though it's technically not wrong. you can write an interesting story surrounding an overpowered character. mob psycho attempts it, and comes close to succeeding, but it definitely does fail.
>Shingeki no Kyojin
Shit MC
unlike mob
MP 100 is too "niche"
lmao keep being in denial. You are absolutely wrong on both counts, Mob is fujobait shit with a side of being a spineless pussy and Eren is a top tier gigachad with a cock the size of who fights to protect his friends and free the Eldians from years of oppression.
Saitama from one punch man.
His an infinitely better protagonist, his struggles actually feel valid, he isn't some preachy moralfag given the reader common sense for advice, his character interactions are actually entertaining and his gimmick has yet to get old, his an infinitely better overpowered protagonist.
You're so dumb
Mob is an incel, you only like him if you had 0 friends and were a loser in school
You can only handle so many stories about underdogs reaching OP powerlevels and power fantasies for loser otakus before you realize you need a One Punch Man or Mob Psycho in your life.
>Overpowered protag
did you even read it user? The theme was 'innate talent isnt enough to make you a whole person'
Upboat for me taking the bait tho
But even then we know that Eren is nothing compared to Gon.
>This is the people who think they have better taste than you.
>0 friends and were a loser in school
MOBfags in real life
Not on the same level as Akira but it certainly will be remembered as a classic anime. In 20 years you'll hear people talking about Mob Psycho 100 the same way they talk about Cowboy Bebop.
Stop with this meme, mob psycho is total normalfag shit, people overhyped it a year or two ago because it was "ones other work that is less popular but is totally better, because it's more obscure!"
And it and the plebs that over hyped it ran this meme into the dirt.
It was a 6/10 at best, as a cute sol story about a kid with autism and super powers, those innocent comedy, bottom of the barrell story telling, while completely devoid of creativity, was at least enjoyable.
It then went on to become completely mind numbling stupid battle shounen shit, with a terribly written moralfag of an mc, and completely shallow social commentary devoid of any intelligence thought or human experience from the guy writing it. IT goes on to contradict itself, build a retarded battle shounen shit plot, execute terribly written action, all with explaning of attacks which means absolutely nothing.
It's as bad as bad can be, the animation on the other hand is the greatest work done on a tv anime in the history of mankind, ironically because of what murata did to OPM, which lead to the sakuga fest anime adaptation, which lead to the mob anime adaptation, and it's underserved praise as the "more niche so it's better!" work.
Mob is a 100/10 fag
Better than Eva
Gon and killua are gay pedo shit
It is better then EVA, off the merit that it's the best looking tv anime ever made, that alone makes it at least a 5/10.
EVA is an inconsistent mess in terms of it's story and animation, cut corners, poor direction, bad writing, it's a 3/10, so while mob psycho isn't good at all, but at least watchable cause it's so pretty, it's still better then eva.
Mob is better than your favourite anime fag!
It's not, it's better then bad anime like eva, mha, one piece, berserk and k-on sure, but it's worst then most everything else, including all of my favorite anime.
Butt hurt fag!
Can’t handle the greatness of Reigen
>le epic trolling!
go back
it's shit
In what ways did it fail?
What anime do you like?
Disagree. Mob does plenty of things exceptionally well. It's my favorite coming of age story. And I'm not sure why you think it's not memorable. It has a pretty large presence in the anime community. I was just saying there's no need to push it as the best thing ever all the time. It should just be enjoyed as a simple story that was done very well. It has nothing to prove.
>innate talent isn't enough to make you a whole person
Don't forget that "you're ultimately in control your own life and how you live it".
Everything only turns out fine because of coincidence. Had Mob fallen in with the wrong crowd, which, let's be real here, would have been far more likely, the entire world would have been enslaved by espers. Contrast that with the masterpiece that is HxH, where the ants being defeated by the humans' limitless malice is an inevitability and relevant commentary on mankind's position on Earth, and it's laughable that one can say Mob is good at all, let alone a classic.
This but unironically mob is the the most insufferable mc after Eren jaeger
off the top of my head
planetes, samurai champlooo, the devils a part timer, monster(unrionically), space dandy, attack on titan, tatami galaxy, kids on a slope, kimi no todoke, zero zetsoubo senei
You're a retarded brainlet if you believe this at all
>Had Mob fallen in with the wrong crowd, which, let's be real here, would have been far more likely, the entire world would have been enslaved by espers.
had mob fallen into an incredibly skewed reality in which people don't even act like people but rather cartoonishly nonsensically absurdly evil and vile and everyone was out to get him from absolutely no justifiable or logical reason, then sure.
You can say that about anything ever, and so the show ends up saying nothing at all with that entire mogami speel, mob is shit, but you're a brainlet incapable of intelligent thought.
Mob is a cartoon fag and looks like a cartoon
Mob > All those anime
Green island arc is shit along with that gay pedo clown
Mob is a cool guy.
I see you also watch Gigguk
The manga is a classic. The anime isn't.
>it's actually the brown man himself
Popularity=!Groundbreaking Classic
Based! Hope season is #1
if the art wasnt complete dogshit then yea
Manga has shit art
The art looks better than your favourite filters anime user fag!
Kenja no Mago looks way better than Mob, and is one of the worst isekais ever made, which is already the worst genre ever made.
LOL! In your user fag dreams
make up your mind on the art cock sucker
>Manga has shit art
It's exactly the reason why it's a classic. It's fucking unique but also good and there's nothing else alike
Mob gots swag. Unlike other shonens
Same goes for the anime then. Unique paint on glass animation
White T poison
It can be your favorite coming of age story but it doesn't change the issue of it not taking any risks. At best it's like Violet Evergarden. It has good production values but nothing besides that. Faggots in Yea Forums just like to suck ONE's dick despite him being nothing but a one trick pony, and he already showed all he could in OPM, which falls flat when the animation is unable to hide the story's flaws.
Mob being as well received as it was is more of the studio's merit than the author's.
ONE > you user
Go improve yourself and become a better person
New ova is described to be almost like a short movie and apparently Serizawa gonna get some shine there,fucking great stuff
user plz.
Let's be real the show is not even that good.
>Unique paint on glass animation
The show is not fully made like with that. Just some snippets. It's not enough nor vital to the show as a storytelling tool. It could go without a single frame of glass and nothing would change
No, Isekai fucking sucks man, accept it.
Hell no.
>but it doesn't change the issue of it not taking any risks
This. Only the manga has risk taking because it's horribly drawn
>/threading your own post
Your favourite anime is not even that good
nice revisionism dumbass
Very close to being one. Now we just have to see if it wins the test against time
True, fuck mobfags
>MOB >Incel
Mob slayed more pussy in high school then you ever will
I really liked it but I can see why jaded nihilistic fucks can't appreciate it to its just value. The whole story is about self-improvement and human connections, without being corny or preachy about it. Mob strikes a chord with people that decided to stop being apathetic wankers and embraced the full spectrum of human emotions with no self-consciousness. No wonder it doesn't resonate with many here.
I bet most of the resentment many anons have towards people who can smile and cry wholeheartedly manifests itself as uncontrollable cringing and needless sarcarm. The biggest telltale sign of this deceased state is being unable to give heartfelt praise that matches the intensity of all the negative criticism/bitching that is effortlessly churned out on this board.
Jotaro, Giorno and Johnny are HELLA OP
OPM>>>power gap>>>a bucket of shit>mob>all those anime
>devoid of creativity
man i hate going into mob thread's because it's just full of shitposters but this is just the way things are I guess. Kill yourself
The only 2 modern shows / manga that can be considered masterpieces are Mob Psycho 100 and Shingeki no kyojin
QUIT IT WITH THE FALSE FLAGGING I WANT TO BE ABLE TO DISCUSS THIS SERIES IN PEACE GOD DAMNIT every half decent thread about mob gets filled with hecklers who think they're in the minority of not thinking the show is literal perfection thanks to you now it's hard to discuss it here properly, fuck you OP
This is Eren's board senpai
Not sure what you mean by "risks". Shock factor? Death? If that's your own personal prerequisite for an anime to become a "classic", that's fair I guess, but that doesn't apply to everyone. Mob breaks conventions in different ways and more than accomplishes what it sets out to be
That's enough for me. And definitely not trying to disregard studio Bones, but I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. It's all a product of Mob and it all can be praised. I never got the criticism of "x would be shit without y"! But x does have y, so it'll never be shit.
>Shingeki no kyojin
Shit mc
Unlike mob
better than a false underdog with everything handed to them who ends up being op anyways
Deku ?
>he thinks Mob Psycho is a fight fag manga
Mob is underpowered. He sucks at sports, is mediocre at math, and can't communicate his thoughts and feelings properly. His relationship with his brother was terrible, his boss exploitative, and he had 0 friends before joining the body building club. The series is about fixing his shitty relationships, improving himself, and confessing.
Every opponent he "fights" is a caricature of some bad end version of Mob encouraging him to become a fuck up. You could contrive nearly every conflict to have taken place exclusively within Mob's mind where he grapples with representative desires to exploit his powers. Mogami, Psycho Helmet, and ???? don't even bother pretending otherwise.
>anime only
No manga reader
Eren is shit and takes too long to develop
>he thinks mob is a fight fag manga
No? the shitty writer thinks it is, that's why every little bullshit magical attack needs dimple to be thrown in and explain to me exactly what's happening, who's winning, what a power does, make up retarded rules as they go along, it's all so incredibly forced and poorly done.
The action itself is terribly choreographed and makes little to no sense visually, but it's also poorly written, right down to the narrative.
>teru: countless vapid battle shounen lines as he gets his ass kicked
>haha! his weakness is his open when he gets distracted!
woah, incredible one, such an interesting fight
I think something has to be good to be a classic though
Mob is already forgotten. Its was just seasonal shit.
It's as close as we've gotten besides maybe one punch man, especially mob season 2
I see you saw gigguks new video huh? Here is an honest opinion on the ending if the 2nd season
The last modern classic was Kill la Kill
Wait until season 3 is out, then everyone will witness the true Mob Kino 100
>Mob Psycho 100 hey? Lemme look at my spreadsheet here...
>Yup, "overpowered protagonist" is listed as a flaw.
>There's no way in hell that the context of how that overpoweredness is used can excuse it. The fact that he's overpowered definitely isn't part of the point.
>No need to do further research here, I totally won't stick out like a sore retarded thumb to anyone who's actually seen it.
>I'm so smart.
>gets hit by tuck
>goes crazy
>reigen talks no jitsu him
>mob is not crazy anymore
>gets rejected by his crush, cries but life goes on
Nice kino you got there
He's right. Overpowered MC moralfagging others from his high seat is boring.
>shilling your shitty channel
Kill yourself, cancerous faggot.
>e-celeb faggot
checks out
I just find the second half of the series boring dude. It's not that deep.
Mob DID fall in with the wrong crowd
people were CONSTANTLY trying to get him to use his powers for evil and greed literally the entire series
Reigen isn't actually a good guy until the manga is basically over