If you have not watched, bare minimum, these 9 shows your opinion on anime does.not.matter. If you haven't you lack even the most basic level of context to judge any part of the art form, regardless of genre. You'd be like someone trying to criticize Tchaikovsky without having ever heard a lick of Schumann or Wagner.
If you have not watched, bare minimum, these 9 shows your opinion on anime does.not.matter...
Zeta can lick my hairy ass. 79 was superior in every way. Your stupid bait chart doesn't need two separate entries from the same franchise.
>thinks anime is an artistic medium
Bitch please at the end of the day, you are just masturbating to underaged girls. Stop taking anime this seriously.
Only one I finished was macross.
I tried Joe, Gundam and the first couple of episodes of Urusei Yatsura.
>you are just masturbating to underaged girls
Maybe if people stopped doing that and actually grew some standards we wouldn't have so many garbage threads.
Maybe but anime is still inferior to other mediums. Even the best stuff are not really on par with things other mediums have to offer. Stop taking it seriously and just watch it. Don't act like you're some elitist just because you've seen some old anime.
>Even the best stuff are not really on par with things other mediums have to offer.
Probably because other mediums have audiences, or at least sections of their audience, who don't lap up any old shit that comes their way. Why are weebs so intent on reveling in their own autism?
In case you haven't seen them yet, here's a quick rundown. Don't listen to OP. He's a shiteater. None of this garbage is worth watching bar the first Devilman OVA. Don't let this clown fool you.
I have not watched any of those, heck, I don't even know most of those.
But the second picture in the top row looks very similar to Ranma 1/2, so i'm guessing it's the same author? Regardless, i didn't watch it.
>you lack even the most basic level of context to judge any part of the art form
You speak as if anime is art. It really isn't.
>Nagi no asakura
Nagi was bad, It wasted great world building with horrible love polygons.
At least Macross explored its world outside of just the love triangles.
Macross 7 and Frontier were pretty bad though.
Why the fuck would I waste time watching manga adaptations when I could save up hours reading the source material?
Surpising mix of incredibly good and incredibly lacklustre anime. The main problem is that for what you claim it should be ("required viewing") it shows very very little variety.
Bitch please I watched Hokuto no Ken and it was shit.
>Badly animated
>Moves that don't make any sense
>Ultra melodramic story
Yuria tries to commit suicide just before Kenshiro comes to save her. Bitch, couldn't you wait a bit longer? They do that she's not dead shit. WTF. Compared to a decent movie, tv show, video game it's shit. Had a great ost and VA. I give you that.
Nagi no Asukara was in no way worse than SDF from a written standpoint. At least NnA has actual character development and molds the characters into mature individuals. By the end of SDF the main cast is basically as juvenile as they were at the start. Both address similar seems and use the same shit tier narrative tools (convenient character ruins to reset relationships). I bet if you'd ask Okada what she took her inspiration from, she'd say SDF. Or to put it simple: There's barely any TV anime from the 80s that comes even close to average schlock writing of the 2000s. That decade was so bloody fucking terrible at storytelling and utilizing the mediums strength.
Raphy worst girl
Isn't it your bedtime gramps? It's narrow-minded thinking to suggest there is a correct 9 base anime everyone should see. But I assume you are one of those fags that like to circle jerk in the 3x3 threads like this is Mal, no one gives a shit about your taste in anime.
I honestly agree with this, though I quite like the Ashita no Joe anime despite its pacing.
OP is a newfag who’s trying to come off as educated.
>anime bad
>tv shows and videogames good
Lmao at this retarded and deluded faggot
>you are one of those fags that like to circle jerk in the 3x3 threads like this is Mal
He's not. Never seen this 3x3 there. And, despite your claims of them being a circlejerk, grids like the OP's, that try to pander to the least common denominator, get treated way harsher there than in here. Which is probably why he didn't dare post it in a 3x3 thread or make this thread a proper one.
Name an anime that is as good as Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones. Name an anime that is as good as FF7 or any old Black Isle game. Planescape Torment for example. Anime by no means is a quality medium. It's 99% shit. I only watch it when I don't have anything else to do.
Not him but your just a huge normalfag. Breaking bad? I watched a little bit and I don't see the appeal at all, not my cup of tea. Game of thrones is boring and wasted potential. Is Endgame also your favorite movie?
Breaking Bad's first season is not that good. Game of Thrones is a masterpiece. Endgame is better than your moeshit btw.
>Name an anime that is as good as Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones.
they both suck, I'd unironically rather watch Fairy Tail
Not him, but I'd place anime, tv-shows and vidya all on the same level honestly. You're speaking as if they're on the same level as film or music.
>Game of Thrones
>Anime by no means is a quality medium. It's 99% shit
So are tv-shows and vidya you retard. Planescape torment is one of the best the medium has to offer, and 99% of all other video games are fucking shit in comparison. You can't take an example like that and pretend it represents the medium, just like you can't take an anime like LoGH and pretend it represents the medium. All these three mediums are meant to entertain and only rarely attempts real artistic expression. In all of these that's a very small minority. If you think Vidya or tv-shows are quality mediums you're fucking retarded. That doesn't mean you should toss out that minority that attempts to be something greater than the rest of the medium, instead I think they should be cherished.
I thought 3x3 threads were banned?
>Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones
You need to be 18 or older to post on this board
>any old Black Isle game
Come on ... Bladur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights and so on are all great games and very entertaining, but their storylines are far from being well written.
>Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad had its ups and downs, depending on who wrote and/or directed. Many episodes were unremarkable and totally forgettable.
Game of Thrones is a convoluted mess that appeals to nerds, teens and genre-fans.
As for which anime are better, I'm not even trying to answer that, because no matter what I say and no matter how well-written it is, you will just shittalk it anyway. But there are many great anime narratives out there.
>Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones
lol never go on Yea Forums user, they'll eat you alive
Breaking Bad is pure schlock garbage made for normalfags to rave about "epic moments", just look at the Gus death scene, it's the Mcdonalds equivalent of TV. GoT is a bastardization of the books it's based on which are not that good in the first place.
yikes normalfag, lurk 5 more years
>I thought 3x3 threads were banned?
3x3 threads are absolutely fine. It's threads like this one that are pure bait/shitpost terrain. Bet the OP isn't even here anymore.
>FF7 or any old Black Isle game. Planescape Torment for example.
The former are overrated garbage and the latter is a fucking book with no audiovisual qualities.
Your taste is fucked up
Still on average anime sucks. Every year I play a lot of great games and watch tv shows. Anime on the other hand is not like that. The only one comes to mind is Dororo.
I am
>but their storylines are far from being well written.
So anime has well-written storylines? Don't make me laugh.
So you have a problem with people jerking it to cartoons. You have stated you like 3D shit more than anime. You actively try to compare video games to anime. You simply just belong on my boy.
>So anime has well-written storylines? Don't make me laugh.
Some anime has. But you're the one who was making preposterous claims in the first place.
Such as...?
>Every year I play a lot of great games and watch tv shows.
Get some taste you retarded normalfaggot. Or better yet, fuck off back to your containment boards.
I don't have shit taste just because I don't enjoy your moeshit. I enjoy a good anime when I find one.
You have no argument.
Hey, maybe you know, just and idea I had about your situation - maybe you should consider (I think it's likely) that you don't like anime?
Because if that's the case then maybe your opinions on the QUALITY of individual works are invalid, and it's a waste of time for both you and everyone you argue with? If I had a blind hatred of black & white films, would you trust my opinion? You shouldn't.
>Every year I play a lot of great games and watch tv shows
Then go to Yea Forums or Yea Forums. They don't want you there either if you think GoT is good by the way.
>The only one comes to mind is Dororo.
I'm not surprised
>I enjoy a good anime when I find one.
Please for the love of God don't pretend you can recognize quality. What you meant to write was
>I enjoy an anime I like when I find one
>Such as...?
Such as Game of Thrones being well written, retard. Every single anime that doesn't overfill its narrative with throwaway characters for no narrative purpose or that has at least one actual narrative theme is way better written than that shit.
>Game of Thrones being well written
You must not be watching the final season then...
I'm not going to waste time arguing with a normalfag who's also proud of being one. I've already said your taste in film is shit. The fact that you think GoT is a masterpiece is proof enough. Let me give you an example, the last anime show I dropped was more amusing to me than GoT. I think it was Girly Air Force.
>You must not be watching the final season then...
Read my full post, shithead: I'm not claiming it's well-written, I'm criticising that other guy for thinking it was.
Any good writing from Game of Thrones came from the books it adapted, so it's hardly a good example of good writing from a tv show.
And he took the bait. Where do you think most anime come from retard?
I have no problem with anime. I have my favorites. But even they are that good. You probably just watch anime. Explore other mediums too.
Tell me a quality anime then.
Have you ever read the books? Watch the full show? It's way better than every other anime story-wise. There is a reason why it is so popular. If you disagree, then name a better anime.
Your taste is fucked up.
>more amusing to me than GoT
GoT is actually quite amusing if you treat it as a cheap porn series and watch it like you'd watch porn. Skip everthing without nudity, fap to the sex scenes. Or just download the "good" scenes from somewhere.
>It's way better than every other anime story-wise.
Name one narrative theme that it keeps throughout the storyline. Or explain to me what purpose 90% of the characters that have died so far had.
>this thread
I can't. If the newfag grid wasn't enough, the American soja television shitter is killing me.
obvious bait, but I actually agree for the most part. However, live action / anime / games are all such different mediums that it's really not fair to compare any of them. They aren't even attempting to do any of the same things beyond trying to tell a story. That being said, there is a tiny percentage of all three mediums which outshine the rest. At their best, they all have sublime artistic merit. Again, I wouldn't try to place any of them above each other, but you named two of the only television shows EVER produced which will stand the test of time and actually maintain some of their cinematic value. The only other two shows (not miniseries) I can even think of would be True Detective and Twin Peaks, both of which are by no means perfect. The reason for many of the flaws within entertainment media is obvious: all of it must be profitable in order to exist. Therefore, entertainment forms must cater to as wide an audience as possible. This means there will always be sacrifices which must be made, and money will always place enormous limits on human potential within the arts. Budget constraints, quality of life, and fluctuations within the global economy will always play a major factor in the quality of the entertainment we consume. The unique thing about anime and manga, in my mind, is the way the artists put so much of their spirit into the animation, despite whatever economic limitations they are facing. This was even more apparent back in the '80s and '90s, when it was all hand-drawn and nothing in western animation even comes close.
>Tell me a quality anime then.
I'm going to have to direct you to as it's evident you are a crossboarder. That's probably why you are here today, to find that "one good anime" you seem to come across on occasion. Fuck off back where you came from.
>implying most anime is not cheap porn
You should name a better anime so that I can compare them.
>You probably just watch anime. Explore other mediums too.
Anime is just one of the many mediums I enjoy, you obviously don't explore others considering what you're pointing out as the pinnacle, you're merely scratching the normalfag r*ddit surface. If you had any taste at all you would pick up reading or film and then you'd see how retarded it is to be taking any of the other mediums seriously. Anime is fun, just like tv-shows and vidya are fun. They're on an equal level. A tiny portion of them transcend the medium but the rest are mostly trash.
Please fuck off back to where you came from, if I read any more of your posts I will need a team of professionals to keep me alive from my lack of brain cells.
I did give an example. Girly Air Force. I dropped it and it was kinda shit. Still better than GoT.
>You should name a better anime so that I can compare them.
Boku no Pico. And, yes, this is one of the rare occasions where this is not a joke: Even Boku no Pico is better than that Game of Thrones shit.
Not sure what's more cringe. The guy who thinks that Game Thrones is well written or the one who discredits animation as nothing but vehicle for entertainment and how it "can't le reach le film or le literature" levels. Pretty sad thinking about the fact that this board is primarily populated by philistines not only unable to appreciate animation itself, but also too uneducated to see how thouroughly constructed and thematically impressive plenty of them are. Americans really are fucking worthless.
No anime is just cheap compared to others. It's animation is cheaply made and most of the stories are badly written. There are good ones here and there like Dororo ofc but they are fewer than good vidya or tv shows.
You two are retarded.
>You two are retarded.
No. Game of Thrones is just that badly written. Again: No themes, no narrative purpose. Everything's just empty drama to provoke reactions from angsty teens and housewives. It's edgy for no reason and means nothing at all.
Not only Americans but most Japs too don't really appreciate anime. It's just that you weebs think anime is better than everything else.
Just shut up and watch your moeshit. I bet K-on is your favorite anime?
Note that I talked about animation, not anime. I know, you're too retarded to understand the aristic merit of European short and feature films, but please don't commeont on the art form in any way if your exposure to it is limited to Japanese seasonal shit. Unless you consume European, Chinese and Japanese animation, watch short films and feature films alongside your seasonal shit, you are in no position to judge the art form itself. All you seem to be busy doing is looking down on animation, when you're the prime example for a conditioned American corporate child who never actually engaged with the medium beyond superficial levels. Your entire country needs to get purged.
>I bet K-on is your favorite anime?
No, shithead, K-On is one of my least favourite anime. Still better than GoT though. Why do you even assume I like "moeshit" in particular? I don't. And why do you think that would work as an insult? It doesn't.
I like moe but never really cared for k-on. I'll take that over Endgame and the like any day tho
I'm not looking down on animation but it is mostly childish(yes anime too) It has a lot of potential I'd give you that.
That's what happens when you watch too much anime. It makes you retarded.
>not only unable to appreciate animation itself, but also too uneducated to see how thouroughly constructed and thematically impressive plenty of them are
Wrong, I do and that's why I enjoy anime (and other animation). I was just indulging in his ranking of mediums. I never discredited animation, I realize that some of them are very impressive, but they are definitely a "tiny portion" as I mentioned. I watch them and I love them, but they're rare. It's the same thing in other mediums by the way (yes, even literature and films), that doesn't mean I discredit those mediums either.
>Not sure what's more cringe
Maybe the guy who just want to try to feel superior to the others in the thread without engaging or trying to understand what those others are communicating. You should have just posted this somewhere where none of us would have seen it if you didn't intend to communicate with us, like your blog.
>That's what happens when you watch too much anime. It makes you retarded.
You're still not making any actual argument, troll. How about you tell us all what makes your specific Yea Forums shit so much better than anything else?
Just fuck off. You don't know shit about other mediums.
>Name an anime that is as good as Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones
>the butchered GoT TV adaptation with original content
Come on user, even if you're serious you could only name 10-20 tv shows or movies comparable in quality to Breaking Bad. You can't just use one of the strongest examples in the medium and use it as representative of everything else when the average TV shows is garbage compared to Breaking Bad. It'd be like me using Punpun, Monster, or 20th Century Boys to prop up manga. The average manga is nowhere near in quality to those three.
There are many anime with stronger levels of quality then the average TV show. Too many to even bother naming. If you limit yourself because of an inherit bias towards the medium then you only hurt your enjoyment.
>Endgame is better than your moeshit btw.
Endgame is to film what naruto is to anime. You're not helping your case by naming shit meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
Ashita no Joe aged like raw milk, I can't watch it. I'm perfectly fine with watching old anime, but this one just stands out for me with the lack of quality. The sound quality and voice acting is terrible maybe with the exception of Joe himself, the characters are annoying, whats with old anime and having an annoying group of kids following the MC? And the animation is pretty lackluster when compared to older anime. Stuff like Astro Boy and 0079 look so much better
PEAK Breaking Bad >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> faganime >>>>>>>>>>> Game of Thrones = shit.
Dororo is a good anime but if you think its anywhere near the top then all you accomplish is showing us how new you are and how irrelevant your already irrelevant opinion is.
Learn to English, shithead. Or any language, really.
I watched about 7k episodes of anime according to my mal.
>Learn to English
post the evidence
Same, I watched all of Teekyu 70 times.
I'm trying to find an old anime short but I can't remember the name.
It was about a guy living in a dystopic post-end of the world scenario where his job was to catalog information from the dead earth. He thinks he's underground but he's actually on the moon. And it turns out that the earth has recovered back to it's original state.
If you are so intellectually superior to us, why did you bring up Breaking Bad and GoT? Surely there must be something that requires more than a double digit IQ you could mention. Better yet why don't you start listing us some good literature to read. Oh that's right, all you do is watch TV and play video games.
Well I won't give you mal. At least you can see that I watched HnK I also watched Gundam, Macross, Maison Ikkoku and Ashita no Joe.. You can quiz me if you want.
Give us the mal to prove it user.
You're not helping your case thinking Dororo is anywhere near the top.
>according to my mal
This alone disqualifies your opinion on anime. Sorry, but I can't take anyone seriously who not only uses that shithole but also parades that fact around as if it lent you any credibility.
I've never said Dororo is the best anime. It's just a recent example. I'm going to bed now if you have anything else to say, say it now.
I will never understand why Yea Forums hates mal so much.
>I'm going to bed now if you have anything else to say, say it now.
Post your mal so we can see what your top anime are and what you've seen.
You thinking GoT tv is among the best already makes your opinion look bad so lets see your MAL.
>I will never understand why Yea Forums hates mal so much.
Because it's a giant echochamber for teenagers who think that popularity equals quality.
The top 100 anime of MAL consist of 60% pure shit and I'd only consider a handful of them genuinely good.
The other problem is that MAL's userbase is elitist as fuck about the very fact that they use MAL to keep track of their autism level. That they think that saying "I've seen exactly this many anime" means something when they shitpost.
Well I can't give my mal here. Anyway I'm going to bed now.
Userbase is better than Yea Forums that's for sure.
>Well I can't give my mal here
What do you have to hide OP?
>Userbase is better than Yea Forums that's for sure.
You should stay there.
It's easy to make a fake account who cares. At least the normalfag is leaving
>Userbase is better than Yea Forums that's for sure.
Yea Forums doesn't have a strict "userbase". That's the thing: It's anonymous for a reason. It's open to anyone and everyone for a reason. Yes, that means Yea Forums(nel) gets lots of shitposters. So what? Those who are serious offer way more honesty and directness than any non-anonymous "community".
Fuck off, hipster.