Why did this picture trigger so many faggots?
Why did this picture trigger so many faggots?
>mom i posted it again
Hunter x Hunter is trash, but seeing the fanbase try so desperately to prove it’s some elder tier master piece is hilarious. The images with those classic artwork and them trying to force a connection to HxH are amazing
can’t wait to see them sperg out when Togashi dies without finishing his “masterpiece “
Yea Forums feels threatened by any series that isn't about moe magical girls
Because /snk/ is so above you cancer shounen shits, because most people who read it are ware that shounen jump has no good series and so there's no cross over.
Until of coruse the insecure hxhfags came around after seeing the consensus that Snk is leaps and bounds the better series, and now you guys play this weird game where you latch on to snk because people actually talk about it opposed to hxh.
because hxh fags can't accept his "best shonen of all time" is compared to normie trash like shingeki
So now that the dust has settled, which is better?
All right, this is the second time you've been doing this. Stop putting that normalfag garbage near SnK. HxH is nothing but trash and its been getting worse for every chapter, while SnK keeps getting better and its going to revolutionize manga history.
SnK themes:
>Innocent children
>Interdimensional paths
>shooting old men
Snk's final villain
>The literal protagonist of the story
HxH themes:
>muh Vietnam war
>muh pollution
>muh war crimes
>muh Hiroshima and Nagasaki
>muh capitalism
>muh Rodney King beating
>muh overpopulation
>muh poverty
>muh communism
>muh utilitarianism and social darwinism
Not to mention the fact that hunterfags are only interested in shitting the board and they never discuss the characters or the plot.
So STOP comparing a masterpiece like SnK to garbage like HxH.
Because SNK is genuinely better and they probably started to see it.
If it had been any other show instead of SNK on the right picture they wouldn't bat an eye because it would be obvious bait.
But since it's SNK they realized that it is actually a "threat" to their fragile hunterfag femininity so they have to actually damage control.
Funniest thread in a while
Except Titanfags actually stay in their threads and don't compare themselves to other shows and make up stupid fanbase """wars"""
Because they are faggot
They are both really great mangas who revolutioned the Shonen genere/type in better (both can be considered as light seinen) with interesting characters and unique plot.
Too bad the fandom of both mangas always have to thrown shit eachother starting wars about which one is better, while both are at godlike level.
>another thread
Let this be a warning, SnKfags. If you mess with a wasp nest, you're going to get stung.
>this is the average hunterkek
it's comical
Kys faggot.
You are worm
eren shits on loser
he is just a slave with daddy issues "must find daddy and be a hunter like him so that he aproves of me"
eren on the other hand is free
There is a connection, though. Togashi studied art in College and his dad is an Art Professor. He should be able to name all those paintings.
absolutely based and intimidating
i love hxh :)
Real question here: Is SnK any good?
Contrarian bitches who think HxH isn't good nor revolutionary don't need to reply, you're the other side of the shitposting spectrum
Unironically the only modern masterpiece. People give it a cold shoulder here because it's popular but it is genuinely good, both anime and manga ( although I prefer anime, so just watch it and then continue with manga )
It's a solid 7/10 until a time skip, after the time skip it's a 9/10
Its trash enjoyed only by fujos and shippers
This genuinely sent shivers down my spine. Based hunterchad.
it's shit
It's pretty fun. Don't go to the threads, though. It's all about shipping.
I’ll give them that at least. SnK threads are the worst generals on this board but at least they contain their faggotry unlike falseflagging whisperfaggots who shits up the entire board.
In order to judge a series, look at the fans. Go to the SnK thread and see what they talk about. Every thread they have is about shipping and waifu/husbando posting. They never discuss the themes or story.
The recent hype for SnK comes from the most recent arc. There was a big plot revelation followed by a timeskip and the MC went from generic beta to absolute chad. The ambiguity behind his actions is somewhat reminiscent of Gon, but not executed nearly as well since his development happens off screen during a timeskip. It's alright but a very amateur work and nowhere near comparable to the ambition and ingenuity of HxH, those comparisons are just shitposts.
>In order to judge a series, look at the fans.
Worst sentence ITT yet.
This. It would be the same shit as if MHA had a timeskip and Deku becomes the head of the League of Villains. The shift doesn't happen on screen because the author is a bad writer, so he uses a cop-out like a timeskip. Of course those who are well read in manga will see the garbage writing, but normalfags and fujoshi (general fandom of SnK) will praise it. Althrough, fujoshi don't really care, they are reading SnK only because of the Historia plotline.
Not really.
White, 140+IQ, over 6ft, hot, based.
Brown, double digit IQ, 5ft, ugly, cringy.
Perfect representation of each series.
I had to back away from my computer for a moment.
Well done.
What shift, speedreader-kun? Eren is always the same Eren.
This. Enter any HxH thread and you'll find plenty of good discussion. I remember we had one thread about nuclear waste and its impact on our environment because HxH hinted at this theme during the SW arc recently. That is something you'd never find in any general on Yea Forums, let alone in the cancerous shipping fest that are SnK threads.
No, he's not. He used to cry and ask for Mikasa to help him all the time. Now he genocides innocent people. This sudden change happened during a timeskip. Shit writing.
He can't be the same Eren, what he might have is the same principles. But he's not demonstrating them. That's part of his change.
>SnK threads:
50% waifu posting
30% chapter discussion
20% theories
>HxH threads:
70% waifu posting
30% "where's next chapter"
I'd like to remind you to collect this month's payment made by the tenant living in your headspace.
He has always been fighting for freedom. If anything has changed, after uprising arc, he became more selfish, that's it .
Why lie when people can just go to the catalog, open the current SnK thread and see posts only about EH or Erwin fujo spam? Or you can go to the HxH thread see no waifu posting and more discussion than what you'd find in other generals that have weekly chapters (remember that we haven't had any new content in 5 months)
Nothing personal, pisser. Just more in touch with you guys. I can describe you accurately.
>OPfag thinks we can't tell who is making those falseflag threads
Don't bother with speedreaders.
Nice backgrounds
I find it hard to believe that SnK goes from decent to being hailed like a fucking masterpiece but fuck it, i'll give it a try,
Woah... so this is the power of hunterchads...
Stop samefagging, mong. You know you're wrong.
>muh freedumbz
Insults his bff's, is either trying to genocide is race or manipulating his brother. This isn't the same old rageturd Eren. MONG
He does Liberio knowing Mikasa will back him up
It seems you're a bit confused, nonetheless I'm happy for OPfags for finding themselves such a comfy living space.
>hunterfags don't understand panel composition
Of course.
I'm literally shaking rn
Stop shitposting, the background fits that scene perfectly.
False flagger spotted. Fuck off.
Because SnK is unironically soft seinen.
Don't pay any mind to the retard. They are trying to spark a reaction.
>HXH is constantly mocked for having no backgrounds or shitty ones when they are present
>so false-flagger kun uses a hxh avi while mocking "backgroundless" panels
>people understand this as blatant hypocrisy
>hxhfags are mocked
>shitposting war ensues
Sorry for the stream of consciousness greentext im on meds
Why did you reply to your own falseflag? Hunterchads know that backgrounds are far from always necessary depending on the goals of a panel. Togashi himself is a master of utilizing white space.
>DUDE just fill the page with a bunch of shit without any sense of composition lmao
Do you consider this trash good composition?
Retard, SnK has amateurish art, with sameface syndrome and awful lines and shading.
>SnK has amateurish art
The guy has lots of room for improvement but it's clearly not amateurish.
Plus its clear he prioritizes the writing.
He's falseflagging. It's too obvious.
Jesus, so many falseflagfags in this thread!
Isayama is good at always making the current goal in the series clear so nothing ever feels truly pointless, while keeping a good deal of suspense in the world to keep the story almost addictive, with a healthy dose of foreshadowing to reward diligent readers. This is more than can be said for a ton of manga authors and the series' huge success is no accident. The only gripe I have with the series is that he relies a bit too much on coincidences sometimes to drive the plot forward but at the very least it does go forward in an interesting way once those contrivances are out of the way. It's kinda like the original One Punch Man, if the weird doodles weren't telling a genuinely good story people wouldn't have taken it seriously to begin with.
>falseflagger seething he easily got caught
>The guy has lots of room for improvement
Retard, he's been drawing for 9 years but his shitty art is still garbage. He can't even use the right tone for his lines.
That was my first post ITT, also do not bring Jojo into this, it is infinitely times better than HxH and Togashi should be ashamed for literally plagiarizing Jojo in the new arc.
IP count didn't go up, pissfag
Hunter X Hunter is better by far. JoJo's strong points are having good variety in character abilities and the fights are smart, but it recycles the same formula too much. Introduce a new stand user, the protagonists fight and defeat the stand user, rinse and repeat. The actual story isn't very deep.
Also, JJBA monster/villain of the week formula just doesn't age well and so many of the fights can be considered filler. JoJo has decent fights but HxH shits over most of Jojo in terms of character investment and plot, where it seems that the fights are a consequence of the story rather than the other way around.
Yeah I forgot the all mighty hunterfag keeps count on every little number on their screen and the writing style of every poster ever on this website. Guess that 's just second nature to you once you finish Hunter Hunter. Your obsession with a clearly inferior show that is One Piece is really concerning user. Go to a therapist and explain how the cartoons hurt you.
>totally misses the point about Togashi copying Araki in the new arc
At least you admit it, good job, there are still some of you left with a working brain
>gets exposed
>proceeds to seethe
To be fair, you should stop being a retard to appreciate Isayama's art. The editor literally said it was Isayama's art that impressed him. On the other hand, Jump editors just have same shit taste as you faggots, feel bad for them.
>gets caught falseflagging
>gets caught pretending to post ITT for the first time
>tells me to see therapist
I don't think so
But it's true dude I'm really really sorry. You'll get them next time tiger I believe in you
Go take a look at some random new manga published in Jump. Like JuJutsu and compare it to the amateurish garbage that is SnK. Its not a wonder that Jump rejected him.
Gotta hand it to you at least you're avatar fagging with a character that truly represents how you look like.
this is me
I'm sorry
>Soul vs. Soulless
Try harder, jump fanboy.
Great bants from both sides
>Actually believes hunterxhunter has deep hidden meanings and symbolism everywhere
>Thinks Gon is a masterfully crafted character deconstructing shounen protagonists
I have sex
Cope in your little tiny irrelevant magazine, SnKfag
>using sale charts
I know where this habits comes from.
Some things are enjoyed by both idiots and smart people alike. Shakespeare for example. Some things are only enjoyed by pseuds.
>Some things are only enjoyed by pseuds
Wonder what you're alluding to there user hmm
>genuinely good, but people act like it's the end-all of manga
>also genuinely good, but people act like it was never worth enjoying in the first place
>HxHfag using sale charts
I find it funny how you use those only when it supports your cause and dismiss them in all the other instances.
Based. I think the biggest credit SnK deserves is that it was clearly written with an end goal in mind, and the plot is planned. You can tell that Isayama is not going to leave too many loose ends. This is the kind of consistency we haven't really seen in shounen since FMA. And FMA didn't have as interesting moral conflicts/character interactions.
I can cherrypick too.
That's because it's a falseflagger.
I agree, everything is connected and there are hardly any plot holes, it's exactly like FMA:B
It'll be a treat to watch all of Attack On Titan at once when the manga and the anime end
Based Kaijibro
I'm pretty sure you were calling me the false flagger just a moment ago? Was that also me? I don't remember it
So this is the average jump fanboy? Kek.
>he actually posted this
As a SnKfag I do actually want to get into Hunter x Hunter. Should I do the manga or the anime? I hear some wonky things about the manga's artwork, but I've also heard the 2011 anime cut some shit that was vital to the characters.
As another SnKfag just go for the anime. preferring the manga is just a circle jerk.
Don't set your expectations too high, the series peaks at around episode 50 and that one arc is 10/10, other arcs are okay and you'll either love or hate Chimera ant arc.
Watch the anime to the end of chimera arc. The manga doesn't have any important arcs that the anime doesn't have anyways. You will also want to avoid watching beyond the end of the chimera arc, since any more will just make you feel dead inside because you have to wait so long.
Absolutely. Engaging with a falseflagger, makes you an enabler to falseflagging.
Well you're engaging with me just now
is this the true power of a HxHChad
I'm calling you out. You ok there, user?
Not that guy but it's not a bad thing that he takes inspiration from Araki. The style of story telling is still completely different and hunter x hunter always had a power system where pretty much anything was possible.
Here we go again.
Oh, I’m so scared.
gon looks like a Cambodian slave monkey. therefore hxh is gookshit and i don't have to respect it.
Because faggots are the target demographic of both.
>writes you out of your own series
It's so spacious! And full of hot air!