5toubun no hanayome

I have a question, please keep the troll replies on the low. What are your opinions about:
>Why does Ichika love Fuutarou?
>Why does Nino love Fuutarou?
>Why does Miku love Fuutarou?
>Why does Yotsuba love Fuutarou?
>Why does Itsuki love Fuutarou?

Who deserves to be his bride the most?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>>Why does Ichika love Fuutarou?
>>Why does Yotsuba love Fuutarou?
>>Why does Itsuki love Fuutarou?
These three don't love Fuutarou.

>needing a reason for any of these questions
First haremshit?

I have a question
>Why does no one love OP?

bride's bangs are irrelevant to Nino since we know she can just make her hair look like Miku's, btw

Miku > Ichika > Yotsuba > Itsuki >>>> Nino

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>riming itsuki

nino is a best

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1: him not being a bootlicker + chad
2: him being an alpha biker delinquent + chad
3: him being empathetic + chad
4: him being a symbol of admiration + chad
5: him being her role model + daddy replacement

Anyone else absolutely despise Negi? Not even an asshurt waifufag, his writing has been abhorrent and incoherent.

Yotsuba the other 4 are self centered whores

>him not being a bootlicker
The way Ichika ignores the nice guys around her to go after a complete asshole that has many other girls makes me think she is a thot.

t. asshurt waifufag

>chad+osananajimi effect
>chad+osananajimi effect
>chad+osananajimi effect
>chad+osananajimi effect
>chad+osananajimi effect

5toubun no hanayome is a deconstruction of the osananajimi trope
>guy literally doesn't care and shooing muh past childhood friend persona
>the childhood friend(s) instead is the one lusting after the guy

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I see why you might argue Yotsuba and Itsuki, but Ichika?

He's just one of the many hacks, nothing exceptional really

>Ichika vision
Goddamn, Fuutarou is so fucking hot here.

imagine being this much of speedreader

Dumb sexy fat cow udders!!!!!

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I see someone was arguing in a previous thread today that Fuu was in love with Miku again. He'll get there with one of the quints eventually, but that guy still doesn't even know what romantic love is yet.

Are we surrounded by idiots?

How do you feel now that Miku has basically won the fuutabowl as per everybody else's forfeit?

He’ll probably say something next chapter to prolong the conflict and give the other girls a chance to confess and such

I guess some people take the "from that moment i started to think of she as special" line as the moment Fuu fell in love instead if of just the point in which he started to develop feelings for one of the girls over the others
Fuu will probably have to go through a phase of not knowing what it feels to be in love before the end

he stopped being in love with him during the latest 2 chapters.


That'd be great if they weren't chestlets.

Other than the bride, what plotlines are left to be solved?
>Miku, Yotsuba, Fuu career choices
>OG lolinakano
Anything else?

fuutarou dead mom and papakano no relationship ban

That would be weird, how would it even work?

>Fuuts supported 1's dreams without judgement and apparently she played cards with him that one time 5 years ago which totally justifies backstabbing her sisters. Also he's a chad
>2 is a dumb slut who had the hots for some blonde haired delinquent who could do no wrong in her eyes. The hots transferred to Fuuts when she realized they were the same person, even though she hated him, dumb slut. Also he's a chad.
>3 is a depressed little autist and Fuuts was nice to her that one time. Also he's a chad.
>They needed another person to create a full cast comprised mostly of sisters, thus 4 exists and loves Fuuts. Also he's a chad.
>In spite of a rocky beginning, Fuuts and 5 have developed a mutual respect for one another, to the point they often lean on each other for support. Of them all, Fuuts and 5 are best described as actually being friends. Also he's a chad.

i want blonde chadtarou back

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>OG lolinakano
OG lolikano nº2 is Ichika or she is the only OG lolikano?
Itsuki is Itsuki

>The hots transferred to Fuuts when she realized they were the same person, even though she hated him
She didn't even hate him anymore by the time she realized that. She'd warmed up to him already.

Well, when Fuu figured Miku out in the previous chapter, that line from Grandpa showed up about figuring out the little things about a person being love, but Gramps was clearly not talking about Fuu romantically loving all five girls. Certainly the old man didn't think that way about his granddaughters. It was more of a commentary on non-romantic love in a familial or fraternal sense.

But Fuu did figure Miku's feeling out there, so he did use love to figure her out--her love for him.

Fuutarou likely stopped bleaching his hair because he was drowning in pussy as Chadtarou and couldn't study. For the sake of his grades, Chadtarou had to go away for awhile.

im still suprised that fuutarou bleached his hair when he was 12 years old

>Why does Ichika love Fuutarou?
>Why does Nino love Fuutarou?
>Why does Miku love Fuutarou?
Sue Harukata.
>Why does Yotsuba love Fuutarou?
>Why does Itsuki love Fuutarou?

In fact, that line may mean the fact that he fell in love at that moment, but that he did not even notice until after

Although it is still rare that he takes as special the kiss of someone he did not know at that moment, unless it is a fake clue and he refers to another event or thought that occurred at that moment

>>Why does Ichika love Fuutarou?
He played cards with her
>>Why does Nino love Fuutarou?
He wore a blond wig
>>Why does Miku love Fuutarou?
He said he likes sengoku warriors
>>Why does Yotsuba love Fuutarou?
She doesn't, she loves Raiha
>>Why does Itsuki love Fuutarou?
He shared food with her

Dead mom + irresponsible dad who himself has bleached his hair does things to a boy. Without meeting Lolikano, Fuuts would probably be a full on delinquent in a biker gang. But he'd also be a chad. The things these quints have cost us.

imagine if fuutarou confesses to yotsuba
>Yotsuba! I realized you were the only one for me. I love you!
>I love Raiha

Rather than these pointless questions let's ask something more important.

Why does Nino love me?

>the fact that he fell in love at that moment, but that he did not even notice until after
It could also be connected to Nino's letter that she left him in his room in chapter 65, and him later on (or at the time) figuring out that it was her, since Negi never explained Fuu's peculiar words to Miku about Nino in chapter 67.

But Negi couldn't reveal anything more yet, because he is afraid of revealing the bride too soon, he wants to keep it a mystery to keep the reader hooked for longer, and it's starting to hurt the story a little bit..

This is the true love triangle in this series. Who will Raiha pick? Our girl Itsuki seems like a shoo in.

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>Yotsuba gets cucked out of the Raihabowl, too
Despairchads win again!

probably the one who is gonna make the most amount of money in the future, since both of them are gold diggers

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>Fuutarou answer and reject

Yea wtf. Now I'm utterly disgusted at these quints. The only 1 who could stand by his side in that situation is obviously Nino.

Miku will win. She's the only one that doesn't love him because of shit when they were kids.
>Ichika with cards
>Nino with the photo
>Yotsuba and Itsuki revealed in next arc
Miku will be rejected and next arc will fill in the gaps on how helmet the other 4 as kids ending with Miku making a comeback win wince Negi loves twists.

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Do you mean this? wasnt the troubling thing just that she was in love with him and thats why he was embarassed and didnt want to tell miku

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in the butt!

Can you imagine how broken and beautiful Miku will be if/when he rejects her? I want broken Miku back. Broken Miku is most beautiful Miku.

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>Reminder that this is the third time that Nino press her breasts on Fuutarou's back!!!!

Lucky guy

Lolinakano 2 is Ichika, OG lolinakano is the one he spent most of the day with
Fuu still needs ti learn the truth about Rena and that may be how he learns the whole truth about lolinakano

She'll recover and in the midst of lolikano fuckery he will realise Miku is best girl and go back to her.

I can't believe Ichika won

That reminds me, Fuutarou never found out what Ichika's worry was.

>Nino's breast touch Fuu on the back back
>Miku's breast touch Fuu on the front
What did Negi meant by that?

Wasn't Yotsuba enough for you despairfags?

Nino is chasing after a past version of Fuutarou(blonde kid she met as a kid) while Miku represents his future

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More like Miku represents the romcom filler character every manga has that inevitably loses.

I'm going to marry Nino!

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No you won't.

We know, Tyrone-san

Over my dead body.

Anyone got that color spread with the 5 of them holding hands that had the reactions manga panels below them? It was recent and it mentioned something about marrying Nino.

Fight me


It was this one, just updated.

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It was pretty based of Ichicute forcing Smellyno down to her level even if she accomplished nothing else

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and the winner gets to fight me

I binged the manga yesterday and i just noticed that Nino has ZR thanks to this pic.

You can fight all you want but I'm already married to her.

>down to her level
At least you admit Ichika is below Nino.

Whatever you say user.

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Impressive speedreading.

>Explain the purpose of attached character

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She makes Ninobitch seethe in jealous rage

no bully

I don't need to, Negi explained himself.

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>Your favorite quint
>What you believe the theme of the manga is
>How your quint fits that theme

Nino's love story.
She's Nino

She is the obligatory kundere.

Speedreader pls, how can you miss this

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Necessary first to fall in love to get the ball rolling and shy character.

Fucking shitposters, every thread is the same. Repetitive, toxic and useless messages.

>madly in love with Ichika onee-san!!
>want to marry Nino!!!
>want to protect Miku's smile!!!
>Yotsuba is seriously an angel!!!
>Eating Itsuki a cute!!!

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One of the quints should have been a tomboy.

Being Nino's wife

Neat, thanks.

>>want to protect Miku's smile!!!
They failed spectacularly at that one.

Useless character that smells bad.

They all smell like piss, shit and menstrual blood, they're girls.

>>madly in love with Ichika onee-san!!
>>want to marry Nino!!!
>>want to protect Miku's smile!!!
>>Yotsuba is seriously an angel!!!
>>Eating Itsuki a cute!!!

What is this, where is this text from?

Nobody expected Miku was such a limp wrist at that time.

Who wrote this?

I knew some kids in 4th grade who bleached and spiked their hair. Coincidentally, it was around the time Goku first went Super Saiyan. Classic Toonami, man.

Text in the image

DAT continues to amaze with Fuu and his future wife.

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Fuu will protect it from now on

*my future wife

But Miku smells the worst

Probably the moldy hair, but they still all icky

Not if I get there first.

>menstrual blood,
>Fuutarou having to deal with all of them on their periods at the same time
I feel sorry for him.

They're all synchronized, Itsuki probably releases grease along with blood too.

Does anyone outside of her most devoted fans honestly think Miku has a serious chance at being the bride? I never found her evidence all that powerful, especially since Fuu is obviously not in love with any of the quints yet. He's beginning to realize what love can be and might be in the early stages of developing feelings by now, but he's definitely not in love with any of them.

Better question:
How will Fuutarou fall in love with any of these dumb sluts?

Since we know that Ichika has a messy room she probably leaves bloody tampons in her room

Rem/Onodera/Tenri/Tadakoro/whatever fags are pretty masochistic, it's always the same dance with these characters.

Imagine Nino's piss, blood and shit-stained panties

>Yotsuba has been cleaning up after her for years
Poor soul

>How will Fuutarou fall in love with any of these dumb sluts?
One of the will save his sister from killing herself or something.

Come on, I already fapped.

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Reminder that Itsuki is a kinky girl who would show her pantsu in the first date.

Also reminder that Yotsuba is an angel denser than Osmium.

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Fuutarou is as easy as the quints. Just kiss him and he's head over heels for you.

If only Miku had half the guts of these proverbial losers.

Poor Yotsuba.

I don't want Yotsuba to be Lolikano. That would make her the forgotten childhood friends character and we all know that Negi hates cliches. It would kill the bit of chance she still has left.

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>the first date.
They aren't even dating yet so it's even worse.

I mean, Ichika and Nino have been on his radar for a while. I doubt Ichika is fully done. Yotsuba's kind of a wildcard.

Itsuki is inscrutable, but she doesn't seem to be head over heels.

Miku fell in love early, but hasn't really progressed much since then. It seems like most of her major moments are designed to develop Ichika and Nino. Even her confession seemed like it was more about resolving her sisters' conflict than it was about getting her feelings across.

Once he gets economic independence, he will start thinking of making a family. The Quints will be trying to get his attention for years until that happens.

I guess she would have asked for a date on the third day if none of this had happened.

>Even her confession seemed like it was more about resolving her sisters' conflict than it was about getting her feelings across.
Which is funny because it's a conflict that Nino didn't really need to be a part of anyway. Negi just wanted her to be relevant for some reason, I guess.

We should investigate Negi
Find out which kind of waifu he has
What kind of romance he likes
Which ones he dont like
And take hints out of this

Eeeh hehe uesugi-kun wanna fuk?

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Really? So you too have no idea how this will happen.

I thought there were 6 volumes so far but there were 9! How the fuck Negi thinks he will manage to develop other two quints and Fuutarou in the last 3 volumes?

Mabye Itsuki and Yotsuba weren't planned to fall in love?

Well, the core of Uesugi's character hasn't been properly exposed. Negi has yet to explain in detail his change from a delinquent to a nerd, not to mention there hasn't been a character arc focused on him.

But the title clearly says 5 toubuns

Negi said in an interview that the title actually makes no sense

exactly, and there are just 3 volumes left for that.

>Even her confession seemed like it was more about resolving her sisters' conflict than it was about getting her feelings across.

This is one of the stupidest sentences I've ever read.

She is honestly in love with him.

damn, despair hit me hard right now, I really wanted Youtsuba to win

Because mc having ideal male perfection with no growth of development or characterization and to be a shollow superficial perfect male who stands up to any 5 woman with no ideals to stand for on their own or willpower or determination let alone.

Someone will fall for that

>She is honestly in love with him.
What does that have to do with anything? Are you really so braindead that you don't realize he was talking about the way it was written?

Will Negi stop being a hack if I start sending him my sunday shit in the mail every week?

How do you know there will only be 12 volumes?

Because the manga ends this year.

I seriously can't wait, this shit has taken over too much of my time.

How could it be interpreted as the confession resolving the sister's conflict?

We don't. What we know is
>it's likely to finish in a year
>he already decided how many volume he'll be drawing when he drew Ichika bride covef
>ch 60 (or 68) marks halfway of the series, heroines-Fuu feelings already developed, now it's time for Fuu-main bride

Never been a Mikufag but I always had this feeling that she was being propped up as the bride almost from the beginning, now after this whole arc I'm not so sure. At this point I'm not sure about anything.

It can end this year at 14 volumes. And Negi didn't say it'll end this year.

No, the main point is quints war ending. Miku's confession is just a (side) product.


Volumes come out every 3 months, vol 10 comes out next month.
Do the math.

Oh, I apologize. I thought he was talking about Nino and her confession..

So my reply was defending Nino.

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Same. It's been a long time since a series like Toubun caught my attention like it has. But slowly it's been declining a bit because of this arc.

Did you not see the last chapter with the quints working together to make Miku's confession happen and getting over their conflict while doing it? I mean, do you even read the manga?

Yeah I saw the TL for it
>I don't know it will end in this year or not
Did the math wrong, 13 volumes. But he still didn't say it'll end this year.

Fuutarou knows who the kisser is, right? I mean how could he start thinking she was special if he didn't recognize her. And he hasn't shown much interest in finding out the kisser's identity which suggests that he already knows and is simply curious about why she kissed him.

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I fell for Nino.

>I have no idea who that is
No, he doesn't know. Yet.
What we do know is that the mystery quint is occupying his thoughts moreso than the others, since that "special" comment is said in recollection 5 years after.

I want to motorboat Nino's Ninos!

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Fuutarou should beg Nino to let him suck on those.

Narrations related to the wedding are always like that
>It was a dreamlike day when I met you all
>it was a nightmare

>I couldn't say thank you for being by my side
>get out!

>thinking she was special
>I don't know who she was


Now that you point out that it's done this way I have zero doubt that the bride is Nino.

dating arc when?
when is he going to take them all out on dates to see whose best for him?
or one of them forces him into a relationship as a red herring to the readers, then he breaks up with her a few chapters later.

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>he masturbates to the quints


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with cum

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>not masturbating to the thought of pumping and dumping itsuki

Suck what?

Her hooters. Maybe beg her for a handy while he's at it.


FUG Nino



I think that the 'special' in the "from that moment i started to think of she as special" line does not mean romantic feelings. Someone can be special to you, but that doesn't mean you love that person romantically. In Fuutarou's case, it developed into romantic feelings later on.

So, since the kiss, Fuutarou views one quint as special, she's above her sisters in some sense, but he's not in love yet. She occupies a special place in his mind.

Sure, we only have a few scenes about his inner thoughts regarding the girls. But after almost 20 chapters, the only instance that could relate to someone being special is when he talks with Yotsuba about love in ch. 72. He says he's taking Nino's feelings seriously, she appears, along with the kisser, in his mind when the topic was brought up. We could say Nino's special to him (not romantic feelings) even if she forced her way into his mind.

Obviously, Negi can always bring up some flashblacks to show his inner thoughts about a specific girl, but it will contradict his actions and thoughts if that girl is Miku (knew about her feelings, but ignored them until now), Yotsuba (there's no way that'd happen) and Itsuki (like Yotsuba, thinks she's not into him). In Ichika's case, it will feel less of an asspull because, since ch. 68, we really don't know how he feels about her in the romantic aspect, but we do know that he checked her lips, that's way better than what Miku, Yotsuba and Itsuki got.

Coincidentally or not, I also think Ichika and Nino are the strongest candidates of being the kisser, the simple fact that they tried to kiss him as Itsuki should put them above the rest.

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Go to sleep Miku

Nino's love is more of a crush. Fuutarou has been considerate and persistent and in some way fits into her idea of a prince charming. He's probably tried harder for her than any guy has before, though his reasons are entirely platonic. I can see Ichika being interested in Fuutarou from the start, but fooled herself into thinking she loved him because she didn't want lose to her sisters. Yotsuba can only make sense if she was indeed the childhood friend and remembers. Itsuki isn't in love with him. I'd say Miku has the most legitimate love, but she's sort of codependent

It's pretty damn obvious she is. She's made it clear multiple times, but that's not what I meant. I was referring to how Negi had it play out. The confession was basically the set up for resolving the sisters' conflicts. The fact that Negi had to do a behind the scenes alternative side chapter kind of underscores that.

Yeah.... and--

Nino's love is way more than a crush. She knows he cares about their bonds more than their grades. She knows he'll come through for her no matter how she tries to push him away. They seem to have a strange bond, which Negi noted in one of the character sheets, going as far back as at least the 3rd volume.

Miku's love is much closer to a crush. She even admitted her conception of it was selfish and based on what she was thinking. She fell for him early and easily.

It's pretty obvious from the text and imagery that Negi and Fuu were referring to that day as the one where he began to fall in love with his eventual bride. It doesn't really make sense otherwise.

Negi put her there so that she would realize from the kind of closeness that Fuutaro and Miku had, in the same way that Ichika saw them

Literally Negi is telling you that they sense that they are losing, although ironically Miku said that she could not compete with any of them

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Ninodera will bake the cake

Although I do agree with your deductions about Nino and Ichika. Those two have been set up as romantic interests really as far back as the festival arc, if not before.

It still seems funny to me that Nino and Ichika have felt jealous of Miku even though Yea Forums affirms that she can not do anything

>It can't be...
Then what the fuck did it mean? Did Fuuts just suspected Nino and just turned it down or He really can't believe that Nino actually kissed him?

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Pretty sure Nino didn't need to be involved in the conflict between Ichika and Miku for that to happen lmao

They were jealous of her because she was on a date with Fuutarou... a date that she was only on because of their efforts. So basically Yea Forums is right and they are both retarded.

I am jealous of Fuutarou but that's okay, I am going to marry Nino after all

Ichika being the antagonist of this arc made no sense, she had no reasons to act like that.

KILL Yotsuba

doesn’t he like crazy girls

Chap 56 page 12, Chapter 74 page 12, Chapter 28 Page 14
Ichika gets these moments where Fuutarou is just as -unintentionally- playful towards her as she is. Normally she's the one playing the older sister but when she's with Fuu she doesn't have to be the big sister. She said that she wanted to keep this position if since she couldn't work up the courage to confess.
Chapter 18 page 22, Chapter 8 page 15, Chapter 42 page 18
Nino's whole resistance was around Fuutarou being an outsider interacting with her sisters. Due to his persistence, he's been accepted/acknowledged by the rest of her sisters Nino had to eventually cool it with the opposition. That and Fuutarou being the prince that saved her life.
Pic related.
Chapter 2 page 6, Chapter 72 page 8/9
Not coming from the romantic lens, she was the first to accept Fuutarou and she's enjoyed their friendship ever since.
I'm not so sure about Itsuki, she's aways kept some distance from Fuutarou but ever since the recent Rena/Lolinakono stuff that's happened it seems her old memories we're the cause of her new found affection.

>Who deserves to be the bride.
No one... yet; technically Fuu can't reciprocate anyone's feelings due to the job'sconditions and he's still trying to sort out his feelings so its a toss up.

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Nino needs to be involved to have the quints war solved amiably. If Nino-Ichika talk didn't happen, Ichika would likely leave the quints for acting and their relationship would remain broken (at least Ichika-the other 4) because she blames herself too much.

I think he has narrowed it down to two prime candidates, Ichika and Nino. Both of them have been shown to be on his radar since Scrambled Eggs. Both of them have gotten some of the strongest potential romantic development with him through out the story. Someone else could also turn up, but we haven't been given any strong evidence that's going to happen, unless you believe that shitty thesis.

Rate my favorite shirt

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So basically Nino is being used as the fixer again.
Why does Nino solve all the problems that arise?



I know right? My wife is not their personal army

You know what I'm gonna say
Nino is the main girl, lolikano, the kisser and the bride.
This is Nino's love story afterall.

Remember that Negi likes to accelerate his story, Nino would have realized sooner or later what made Ichika attack Miku

In addition to the fact that the only one who claimed Ichika was Nino, Miku probably understood her reasons and that's why she never blames her


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Miku >>>> Nino

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Here's the future bride. You're welcome. I saved you all from thinking too hard over some silly manga that will have a mediocre ending.

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Nino, of course.

He already has.

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I only see Nino

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You can't tell that's not the bride? You lack love.

Only Nino was jealous because she had felt what Ichika felt

Ichika did not need Fuutaro and Miku to be on a date to feel jealous, she only felt that Fuutaro was more "close" to Miku

Bros I’m gonna be reading this stuff for months all the time doubting my quint can ever win. It’ll get even worse if there’s another late addition to the love rectangle. This is pain.

Who honestly deserves to win:
Who will likely win(based off shit-taste/popularity):
Who I personally would like to see win:
Best girl: Raiha

I know we are all sick of seeing it, but the humor of it all just gets me. Negi really likes doing that whole someone just says the opposite thing later in the story.

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>You can't tell that's not the bride? You lack love.
I've read enough romcom shit. Itsuki will most likely win, and Yea Forums which is full of Ninofags and Mikufags will seethe and the world will keep turning.

It's alright. Just don't suicide like Ruifags. They are having a really hard time now after Hina's moving in with Natsuo.

I mean, do we have any evidence about Fuutarou being in love with someone? I think we can interpret that line as: she's in his mind > he gets to know about her qualities > falls in love

If he's in love right now, he may start rejecting girls as soon as the next chapter.

What do you mean? He starts to think about love after Nino's confession, and a girl lives in his mind since the kiss. So I didn't think there was a need to point that out regarding that line. Sure, what happened before will be important no matter what.

Don't take the inevitable loss too hard.

I don't want to choose, i love them too much. Why can't this be a VN?

Because I don't want to read how the sky was blue and amazing about 50 times before someone says hi.

How do you feel the past few volumes of Nino’s irrelevance does for her chances? You think the break will give her time to comeback and actually win, or is it just pushing her down for others to shine, with that continuing until a rejection

Does that really happen with anyone other than Nino/Fuutarou?


>Negi really likes doing that whole someone just says the opposite thing later in the story.
So now that Nino said she's not giving up on Fuu it means that she will give him up eventually?

Well, she hasn't been irrelevant for volumes and even if she had, that'd be the same for Miku until recently. If anything, this arc is proof that anyone can come back from behind.

>Choosing the feisty bitch
>Not choosing the submissive NEET who will do her best for you

Attached: lol.jpg (247x248, 10K)

You need to go back.

I'm not a beta cuck who needs a doormat to walk on in order to feel dominant so of course I'd choose the one with an actual personality.

Could be, though she also said previously that she’d congratulate Ichika if she had won, so who can say. There’s a lot of potential in lines to be repeated, maybe with slight changes, but not all of them will

If I wanted someone who'd do her best for me, I'd choose Yotsuba. Miku has literally nothing going for her

It doesn't matter. Each girl will have her time of irrelevance since we have five heroines who all need their time to shine. Though Nino being the first to confess isn't a good sign since those girls usually end up losing.

But if the problem that was solved was hers with Ichika

Ichika and Nino still need to apologize to Miku

Nino has nothing to apologize for.

>I'm not a beta cuck who needs a doormat to walk on in order to feel dominant so of course I'd choose the one with an actual personality.

Attached: 477855123_2229319057129126_1284039099442790401_n.png (644x800, 15K)

If she thinks she does, she does. She didn’t mean to knock her sister in the water, but that alone is worth apologizing for. Along with the fact she let her jealousy interrupt her sister’s date.

That's exactly what they're gonna do, dumb speedreader.

I really want Nino to win.
The other girls are so bland; Miku's shy/passive act was cute at first, it's just sort of annoying now since until now it's just an excuse to not have any progress, Itsuki doesn't really seem to care about much other than food and her sisters, Yotsuba(while being second best girl) is more of a friend character than a romantic character, Ichika at least tries as hard as Nino but she's kind of a thot and a bad sister so w/e.
Nino at least is direct with Fuutaro with how she feels, she has an actual personality other than certain other sisters, and she actually goes against her interests to help her sisters out unlike a certain snake.

Make up for all the problems she caused in the beginning

And it begins

Attached: 1557492334406.png (410x447, 163K)

>Nino at least is direct with Fuutaro with how she feels, she has an actual personality other than certain other sisters

Attached: 5523442184_2229319057129126_1284039099442790400_n.png (1159x665, 231K)

Nino is the bigger doormat with only one personality, and that is being a pushover cunt

his daily (sometimes more) chimpouts are hilarious to me because every time he gets banned we get to see all the samefagging he was doing and get a glimpse into the mind of a sad shitposter.

Good thing I'm going to sleep. Have fun with the special needs guy.

Friendly reminder that the jealousy of Nino and Ichika showed that they unconsciously know that Miku has won and they can not do anything

Good Night

Attached: C_G5.jpg (2144x2588, 1.28M)

>Have fun with the special needs guy.
So, NinToddlers?

Attached: 58639060_2226349027426129_3738367370121445376_o.jpg (1879x1384, 474K)

Quote me

Could be. By the end of the manga, we’ll be able to read a lot of things in a way we couldn’t do so for certain before. You may very well be right.

I wonder how low someone has to fall to get this mad about a fictional character.

Attached: 1543173280426.png (974x1200, 825K)

>she sees herself as older and more mature than her sisters
>fuutarou is the only person her age she sees as more mature than him
>therefore, she makes her feel like a girl, and like she can depend on a dependable man
>she loves herself and her family
>she's slowly come to see that fuutarou has given her family great things
>she also fell in love with him without knowing it was him, and so it translated upon the big reveal
>she doesn't think she's worth very much
>fuutarou has told and demonstrated to her that he thinks she is worth very much
>thus love
>is a dummy
>isn't in love with fuutarou
>no "this is my character and how your character changed it" story like the other girls
>instead, she has come to love fuutarou just by being around him -- this is the normal way people in fall in love
>also, the childhood promise has reared its cliched head

Miku got jealous when Nino calls him Fuu-kun. Goodnight.

Agreed. It's really depressing but also entertaining to watch

*more mature than herself
*he makes her feel like a girl

>Based Negi based shilling my based wife based Nino with based parallels and based red herrings!
>Nino is the bride, obviously. The pieces all fit!

Attached: 59460656_2229403420454023_6649056789541158912_n.jpg (720x303, 27K)

who are you quoting

>his daily (sometimes more) chimpouts are hilarious to me

Attached: 58542966_2226324710761894_3710964770103361536_i.jpg (223x226, 9K)

Miku has been shown jealous like 4 times already, doesn't really mean shit unless her jealousy will take her to what it did to Ichika.

You guys don't understand, he's just asking for more Ninos

Attached: 1532265889885.png (397x532, 341K)

If someone does the same for Ichika, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki I will gladly save them as well. The Nino one is feeling lonely being the only one there.

but all he has to do is ask

Attached: 1556877341375.jpg (1448x2048, 242K)

Watch him lose it and one of the other quints other than Nino finds it and returns it to him.
I would love to watch Ninofags BTFO'd by that damn bracelet.

I’m surprised nobody made a parallel image with the quints watching through the windows from this chapter. Or they did and I missed it.

Based on the last post, it means she unconsciously knows that Nino won.


Attached: 1.png (1541x538, 735K)

People pointed it out, but no one has combined the images yet.

It's his awkward way of asking

Attached: 74616971_p0.jpg (2412x3411, 3.28M)

>Based on the last post, it means she unconsciously knows that Nino won.

Attached: 58902329_2229330520461313_5462720697069469696_n.jpg (550x550, 38K)

What did Negi mean by this? What was Ichika's intention?

Attached: ichika's gaze.jpg (1081x951, 224K)

>If someone does the same for Ichika, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki I will gladly save them as well. The Nino one is feeling lonely being the only one there.

Attached: 58604184_2229319057129126_1284039099442790400_n.jpg (1030x689, 206K)

She's wants best girl for herself too.

She wanted to show Fuu-kun her special skill, imitating people.
She also forgot Miku was better at it and Fuu-kun doesn't really give a shit.

The other quint would need a much more special moment with the charm than that, but if it happens I'll consider Nino done for.

i can't into moon, which is the most accurate

Why would anyone want someone with a bitchy personality?

>Nino has nothing to apologize for.

Attached: 54320358_2229330483794650_7436686257561796608_n.jpg (680x680, 103K)

Attached: 1537738585565.png (1500x1230, 1.53M)

>Nino's love is more of a crush
If Nino is love is a crush, what is Miku and Ichika's love? Ichika fell in love with him because he played card with her, and Miku fell in love because he was nice to her. At least we see a clear progression in Fuutarou and Nino's relationship. Her relationship with him is definitely the most complex out of them all even if you try to simplify it.

Attached: 2.png (754x806, 423K)

Post the HQ version you nigger

She overheard Nino's confession and Fuutarou is still feeling awkward about Nino, so they both grew silent at the mention of her.

the (twice) and the end was pretty amusing to me

read the message that you quote, idiot

The user wonders why Nino has to solve the problems even though it was one of her

Nino will give it back to him as a goodbye and to wish him good luck with her sister

Literally entirely different meanings but since I don't know moon I have no idea which is right. What the hell man

Y O T S U B A !!!!

Attached: 49D98FEE-3370-4DC8-A80F-803EEB340B14.jpg (540x680, 54K)

Me neither, but I hope it's Yea Forums's version because her falling in love from that moment sounds lame.

But he already has it, speedreader-kun. She gave it back to him as a way to reveal that Kintarou is Fuutarou.

>Imagine Nino's piss, blood and shit-stained panties

Attached: 58604184_2229319057129126_1284039099442790401_n.png (361x345, 20K)

Man I don’t want that to happen but I know it’s not super unlikely. We still don’t know for sure where it is though, yeah?

>getting Nino's this hard, you'd rather get banned

Attached: smug_0.png (431x462, 125K)

It'd still be linked to her instead of the other quint. And I'm pretty sure Fuutarou currently has it.

She sacrificed Hanny for hope. That life is nothing but a borrowed one. Truly vile.

24 best pairing

How do they fuck up so much?

>>getting Nino's this hard, you'd rather get banned
>By the way I'm ESL as Fuck

Attached: 55232184_2229319057129126_1284039099442790400_n.jpg (601x508, 31K)

>How do you feel the past few volumes of Nino’s irrelevance does for her chances
Nothing, since she hasn't been irrelevant. She still gets good scenes even when it's not about her. I mean, this whole arc was about Ichika and Miku, but Negi still shoehorned Nino scenes for no reason.

I keep forgetting the official version exists.

Attached: 2.png (1003x806, 572K)

Attached: 1557835686054.jpg (900x1200, 166K)

Some user noted that he hasn't been shown wearing it since Nino left him afterbshe drugged him, the theory is that she took it

Why does Yotsuba ignores Nino's feelings? She even questioned Nino this chapter.

She does not like that Nino has taken the nickname that she had created

Cute face

In the beginning she was a high contender but as the story progressed and focus shifted. I don't know anymore, there isn't much evidence now compared to Nino or Ichika. Which honestly sucks because I'd them to develop Miku's character more and make her a stronger candidate. Feels like Negi has been pushing Nino the most and Ichika a lot too.

Miku and Itsuki are my personal favorites, Ichika was too until she became a bit shady. Not a fan of Nino.

This one's really good

>Yea wtf. Now I'm utterly disgusted at these quints. The only 1 who could stand by his side in that situation is obviously Nino.

Attached: 59685542_2229339930460372_8332480950764044288_n.png (680x550, 62K)

I always thought the Nino living rent free thing was more or less a meme but this guy shows it's actually been true all along.

But youtsuba is best girl. You must be wrong.

Nino does get the best fanart

Attached: D6VD7y3UEAEh8oO.jpeg.jpg (1451x2048, 340K)

Even as a kid, Ichika already impersonated her sisters for her own benefit. Simply amazing.

At least now I can still believe that Yotsuba was the OG Lolikano.

Attached: image.jpg (350x350, 24K)

>getting Nino's so hard, all your images becomes onions

Attached: 74622487_p0.jpg (810x1050, 221K)

Nino a shit

Kodansha's has the most accurate bottom two I believe, followed by Yea Forums. Dropout doesn't even mention "ari" = I'd hit it"

Because she think she's the one who least needs help. She said that she helped Miku since she was "shy". I bet this will come around and they all will help Nino at the end when they realize that they always neglected helping the strong looking one.

>Everyone apologized to Ichika giving her another chance at the Fuubowl

How did she pull it off, bros?

Attached: 74375554_p0.png (671x846, 410K)

>>getting Nino's so hard, all your images becomes onions
>By the way did I mention I'm ESL as FUCK
>English Bad Nino Good

Attached: 63447775_2229319057129126_1284039099442790400_n.jpg (1080x1020, 247K)


>I bet this will come around and they all will help Nino at the end

Attached: 421445554_2634977223196454_3077396560674291712_n.jpg (208x326, 10K)

>dropout translator is shit
So nothing new? Thunderclown is an autistic ass, but at least he knows his japanese.

Her holy and merciful sister Nino gave her a second chance.

Attached: 1557603033115.png (795x1099, 1.43M)

She mentioned Nino to see if there was any reaction to that, but Fuutaro did not show any, so she dispelled the attempt with a laugh saying that he can not differentiate any, alluding that he treats all in the same way, but Fuutaro He told her that he could differentiate Miku without any trick, which surprised her

Attached: 1557578839084.jpg (4096x2599, 668K)

¿Poor qué?

Attached: 1539445378701.png (632x652, 809K)

>My horoscope said it forseed a massive turd in my future! Nino is the bride obviously!

Attached: 474892357_2634977223196454_3077396560674291712_n.jpg (900x900, 83K)

Nobody gives a shit about Ninobitch

Yeah, it's Yea Forums's for the middle one.
God i feel for Ichika's regret this chapter.

Negi and all of Yea Forums does. People can't keep quiet about her around here.

Attached: 3.png (998x760, 652K)

>People can't keep quiet about her around here.
>It's not because we keep spamming parallels and circle jerking

Attached: 58858000_2226348994092799_4435843816741666816_o.jpg (960x492, 56K)

Fuutarou too, of course he cares about his wife.

The only way the other sisters have a chance with Fuutarou is if Miku somehow gets killed off by Negi in next chapter and even then Fuutarou would go into a deep depression becoming a Hikikomori in the process and eventually killing himself.

Attached: 74280350_p0.jpg (2125x1642, 429K)

Why did Yea Forums crop out that dude's face?

>Fuutarou too, of course he cares about his wife.
>I, on the other hand, care to see her get plowed by an other man

Attached: 443754213_2229330483794650_7436686257561796609_n.jpg.png (630x384, 190K)

Probably rushed it out after #dropout got the drop of them and didn't do proper QC.

Or maybe they just hate the dude's face.

Everyone loves Nino

>completely different punchline
How did dropout do it?


>Everyone loves Nino

Attached: 66344465_2652156490458716_6443404254941020160_n.jpg (960x492, 39K)

Looks like a perfect time to post Nino

Attached: D6MeZt7UIAEs1OU.png (361x513, 116K)

>cropping out the dudes face
Dropout tl may be shit, but that's completely retarded. Who's the clown that did that?

Well, she is the best girl so that makes total sense.

Does ichika leave the school or not ?

>actually having a chance with Fuutarou
Pick one. Miku means nothing to Fuutarou user.

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Attached: Ninothekisser.jpg (580x325, 36K)

>A banevading phoneposter, a Yea Forumsermin and a tasteless cuck all in one package
Your mom gotta be proud about you, champ :)

>Let's insert all these foreshadowing/symbolism about Nino being the bride.
>And now we let Miku win

Nah, that ain't gonna happen.

There is Yotsuba and Itsuki user. Yet he involves Nino in everything over and over again

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But she was also revealed to be a lying snake and it was Yotsuba who gave Ichika a chance at redemption

At this point it's clear, Dropout and Yea Forums scans have come to an agreement to alternate who will fuck up the chapter.

Yeah, it didn't really HAVE to be Nino. Especially since Yotsuba was already taking Miku up the route. Could have easily been an Ichika/Yotsuba/Miku conflict but instead Negi wrote Nino into it because she always is the one to make everything right.

Attached: 1546085647737.png (1696x1223, 1.95M)

>Everyone loves Nino
>Well, she is the best girl so that makes total sense.

Attached: 5724767888_446567266742554_30421421444291712_n.jpg (971x565, 141K)

Reminder that for whatever quint you support, you should never have 100% confidence in their win, no matter what evidence you see or think you see. As someone rooting for Nino I’m always on edge.

Made one for (you)

Attached: PARALLELS.png (1350x8683, 3.83M)

What did Nino lie about?

>revealed to be a lying snake
Never. Nino never ever lies.
>it was Yotsuba who gave Ichika a chance at redemption
No? Yotsuba's approaches were wrong and only caused trouble.

She already won though

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Attached: 1555778199046.jpg (800x920, 72K)

Not bad mang.

>What did Nino lie about?
>Never. Nino never ever lies.

Attached: 22334451_244252552490458716_6443404254941020160_n.jpg (1080x971, 145K)

Attached: NinoArt38.jpg (852x1210, 117K)

This. Yotsuba was involved in this much earlier than Nino, but Negi used Nino for what Yotsuba should have done in the first place.

Nino is so perfect that it's unfair

Ninobros. What if /ourgirl/ ends up losing? How would you react?

It'll personally sting for me, but I think I'll be okay with another quint winning as long as it's not Ichika.

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Attached: nino_pirate.png (870x960, 1.03M)

You'll never get a frontal hug Ninofags

Attached: 1553773638794.jpg (2852x2048, 1.54M)

Attached: 4.png (562x1294, 678K)

She won't lose.

>Your mom gotta be proud about you, champ :)
Probably more proud than being an Nincel

Attached: 54639060_2226349027426129_3738367370121445376_o.jpg (1500x697, 295K)

Since you actually bothered to quote me, anyone can tell me in place of this retard, when did Nino ever lie?

For every Nino panel on every new chapter, I win.

Attached: happy_birthday_Nino.jpg (980x577, 395K)

I’ll be very dissatisfied. I’ve been aware it’s not particularly unlikely that she’ll lose. I might get over it, but even the fact I thought for a second she might win makes it hurt slightly more.

She didn't.


This isn't good.

Attached: image.jpg (165x150, 13K)

>Nino is so perfect that it's unfair
>Fuck my Ass Nino ! ! !

Attached: 58590358_2229330483794650_7436686257561796608_n.png (653x792, 117K)

Yotsuba and Itsuki aren't in love with Fuutarou (or at least aren't fighting for his affection) so they couldn't say something like "now I understand your feelings" and the sympathy theme wouldn't work

If she does lose, Negi better convince me the bride deserves it more than Nino or else

Pheeew, did some redditor got butthurt or something?

Attached: D2eDSi8U0AEyBZH.jpg_orig.jpg (1500x2121, 442K)

She tried to sabotage Miku’s date while saying she was rooting for her
>Never. Nino never ever lies.
Retarded waifufag schlock
>No? Yotsuba's approaches were wrong and only caused trouble.
She apologized and it opened up the atmosphere for Nino to also apologize for being a bitch and getting onto Ichika like she had some kind of moral highground

Attached: Ninocake.jpg (580x959, 81K)

>Pheeew, did some redditor got butthurt or something?

Attached: 2145667666_225151255_3710964770103361536_i.jpg (223x226, 7K)

>Yotsuba and Itsuki aren't in love with Fuutarou
Remind me why is this manga about quintuplets in the first place?

Yup. Report and ignore.

Attached: Dyu9uvBU8AEyJfV.jpg (2251x4096, 794K)

Ichicute will win!

Attached: yande.re 531444 5-toubun_no_hanayome breast_hold cleavage nakano_ichika neofreet no_bra open_shirt s (1200x2133, 2.23M)

Attached: DzNSgLHU8AAca5o.jpg_orig.jpg (768x1024, 75K)

Anytime the retarded spammer appears simply report and ignore.

I wouldn't mind Nino losing at all if she didn't have all these evidences with her.

>If she does lose, Negi better convince me the bride deserves it more than Nino or else

Attached: 446555123_5555537826_1284039099442790401_n.png (485x443, 31K)

Sorry bro, 5Toubun is false advertisement, Negi admitted that the title isn't really right

Nino's Ninos should be a big larger, no?

>Nino to also apologize for being a bitch
But she wasn't. She wasn't nearly as bad as you make her to be. She might talked condescendingly but that's literally everything she did "wrong". Meaning, she didn't cause trouble for anyone.

Not his fault that he's born a spic redditor

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I find it hilarious. He probably came from reddit thinking that Yea Forums would be hating on Nino and he could join in on the shitposting but when he came here he found that Nino is the most loved quint here. I imagine that's what upsets him the most.

>Yup. Report and ignore.
>Anytime the retarded spammer appears simply report and ignore.
>Not his fault that he's born a spic redditor
>By the way I'm ESL as FUCK and SEETHING

Attached: 7755144456_252456156737826_14126099442790401_n.png (476x463, 183K)

It'd rub me the wrong way for a while but I'd still appreciate Negi that such a wonderful girl exists.

Attached: 1557501862209.jpg (1464x2048, 244K)

Yep, it's sad. Two of the worst thing to be and he's both.

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>I find it hilarious.

Attached: 59465336_2234045029989862_2029351873898610688_n.png (785x788, 284K)

Does anyone have a HQ version of this edit?

Are you giving up on me? Try to keep up shitposter

Attached: nice color.png (649x1266, 1M)

I hope Negi wouldn't forget to reveal the identity of whoever tailed Itsuki and Fuutarou.

I'm sure it's Yotsuba, but still...

Attached: image.jpg (1353x612, 201K)

Can we talk about the fact that Ichika fell in love with Fuutarou literally just because he played cards with her one night?

Attached: x15.png (1115x1600, 720K)

Attached: 73839359_p0.jpg (700x990, 301K)

Miku fell in love because he was nice to her that one time.
It's not that unusual for these girls.

Nino a 2nd best

Attached: 1557490884873.jpg (1073x1431, 1.57M)

No one ever made one. So no.

Attached: nino motorcycle.jpg (1156x1388, 384K)

>Anybody who doesn't like my shitty generic tsundere is a shitposter
>Fuck Miku, Ichika, Yotsuba, Itsuki!

Attached: 42142545_2229356490458716_6443404254941020160_n.jpg (1000x1000, 124K)

Attached: nino hair.jpg (1000x1200, 272K)

I bet that's Raiha and she informed Yotsuba about their talk.

Wow the bride looked ugly in the oneshot

Attached: 1554970777500.png (1083x925, 845K)

Looks like he's running out.

Attached: 72998092_p0.jpg (1024x1024, 359K)

Peace and love, man


Attached: 73778058_p0.jpg (1447x1863, 1.1M)

Is it possible to save her?

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This. I'm pretty much sold since they showed us the charm bracelet in the timeskip. That wasn't just for Raiha. That damn thing saved his life and pretty much bound their life together.

Ichika's face here reminds me of pic related

Attached: 29e.jpg (217x320, 10K)

He's weak

Attached: 1554739051208.png (819x614, 400K)

I mean it isn't the same text as the "dad is stalking us. go do that that 'i'll be taking care of your daughter thing'"
Closest thing we got I guess.

Attached: 1527869221554.png (392x758, 370K)

Dropout strikes again

Attached: nino sugoi dekai on kitchen.jpg (800x1100, 83K)

Do your fucking job, Yotsuba.

Attached: 1557563958866.png (321x647, 147K)

I despise harem endings but for once in my life I would gladly take one between this faggot, the faggot in ssss.gridman threads, the albedo fag on aqua threads and the ROPE

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one more

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4-2 best pair

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I wish she'd grow her hair back out. That ponytail is too hot.

Outshitpost me at least bro

Attached: nino_apron.jpg (1080x1920, 250K)

Attached: IMG_20190504_190309.jpg (1975x2048, 368K)

(you) forgot to remove your meme arrow in the last one

Attached: 1556217939582.jpg (1656x2208, 916K)

more smug ninos please

>ever doing their job
Choose one and only one.

Attached: D5XpRKOVUAALEXmorig.jpg (1536x2048, 796K)

Nino's next stage of development is going bald


>average mikuspic

Attached: lookatthehand.jpg (2250x4000, 1013K)

I haven't read it past chapter 2, but I'm gonna take a wild guess and root for the one with the headphones.

Nino's bald pussy!

Attached: 72971844_p0.png (1400x2480, 2.13M)

Attached: 1525956023914.jpg (390x437, 83K)

Lemme see what I can do.

Attached: 73562847_p0.jpg (1000x1280, 158K)

>Admitting you're a shitposter
Screen capped.

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>typical otaku falling for otakubait

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I missed you, I thought you killed yourself bro

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What the fuck? Dude needs to get a better hobby.

He will once Nino wins

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What do you know, Miku has some parallels!

Not. The only one that is actually a decent parallel is the "it's not the first time" thing, nothing else.

This is usually the salty response when your ship is sinking, so I may be right.
You must be the type of person who rooted for Eve in Hatsukoi Zombie or Kosaki in Nisekoi

He had to make a new wojak image cause he was running out of them. That's why there was a long pause.

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>reading nisekoi

>your ship is sinking
Oh sweet summer child

Even if he's mentally broken, at least he creates OC. Nino truly does work in mysterious ways.

Had I read this story when it first debuted without coming here, maybe I would have been the same. She was my first favorite quint. But the more I've read of this story, the more it seems like Negi's been setting up Nino and Ichika as the narrative goes on. Even without wading into parallels.

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>tfw you're inferior to your other 4 sisters

It's the natural reaction when feeling threatened. Deep down, they know Nino is the bride.

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If I were trying to sabotage or torpedo Miku as a real contender for the bride but still had to give her a confession, I can't say I would have done this arc much differently. Her confession wasn't even really the point of her confession. It really comes off as the sisters resolving their differences, with the confession being the plot device to allow it.

Between that and the general disinterest Fuu has treated her with since Scrambled Eggs, despite being given many opportunities to score points with her, I have a hard time believing he loves her or is even considering her a possibility for something later. She just doesn't come off as special to him beyond being a friend. Nino and Ichika both have good cases. Yotsuba is a wildcard, and while Itsuki probably doesn't love him, I just can't fully rule her out.

It's refreshing for me to be this invested in a series. I can't even remember the last time I eagerly anticipate a chapter/episode release day.

It's gonna feel empty when the series ends, but it's gonna be great as well. And despite our many disagreements I'm happy I get to share this with all of you here, even if a majority of you has shit taste in girls. I love you, Yea Forums.

Well, it has been obvious since the oneshot, after all.

I know. I'm not proud but I got in too deep.

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>Fuutaro looking at Nino with a smirk

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Keep reading and get back to us.

Well fuck you, if this series finally ends, we won't miss you. You're the worst, the lowest, I don't like you. yeah, I love you.

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Which quint has moved the story along the most?

How does Fuu not recognize those Ninos? He's got to know.

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>It really comes off as the sisters resolving their differences, with the confession being the plot device to allow it.
This. I mean, what idiots thinks that her confession seem like a winner's confession? A winner confession has to be a moment for only the two of them, without anyone interfering. Something along the lines of pic related.

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He's always checking on her, even before she entered his mind as a romantic possibility.

Of course he does

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They’ve all had their moments but probably Itsuki, Fuuts does the most leg work out of all the characters though

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He's always looking at Nino

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Dear Miku,

My thoughts about your confession can be summed up by pic related.

With love,
A former fan

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More proof he only looks at Nino

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>annoying ninofags
>stupid theories
>people complaining about ninofags
>extreme shitposting
how does anyone manage to stay in these threads?

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Still manages to be more intelligent and amusing than Reddit.

Isn't it interesting how Fuutarou is always looking at or chasing after Nino for one reason or another?

>this shit is tastes better than that shit
can't imagine why anyone would subject themselves to these threads on purpose

As a Ninofag, I am still waiting for Yotsuba to get her defining moment. She's still being unfairly shafted here. But apart from revealing that she's OG Lolikano, I really don't know what else it can be.

So Ichika's not the OG lolikano right?

During shitposting days (aka non-release/spoiler threads) sometimes I just skim through posts and if someone's shitposting like the wojaknigger right now I just drop some Nino's then leave.

No, she just played cards with him

When you look as great as she does, have Ninos of that size, and he knows you now love you dearly, why wouldn't you?


Same. I still want Yotsuba to obtain happiness whether or not she wins.

I figured as such, I thought it initially meant she was the one who met him and everything.

Clearly not. My money's still on Yotsuba.

The most important lolikano is the one who convinced him to study, and Ichika was just confirmed to not be her, so that confirms she's also not the bride.

Please keep at it.

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Yotsuba is the reason the girls got transferred, so her defining moment will be related to no longer being a burden

Kumikoposter you again.

Negi cannot be subtle.

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Nino and Yotsuba make the best expressions for reaction images. Meanwhile Miku is making the dead fish stare all the time that there's hardly anything for her

Is it just, like, 3 ninobros here spamming all the time, or is it just literally impossible to have a normal chapter thread because/a/ has gone hivemind for her

How can anyone compete?


That chapter helped convince me Nino is the bride. Someone noted that Nino was in the center no matter whether the quints were or weren't in chronological order in that chapter. Really made me go back and look at a lot of other things

Lots of docking going on there

Ninofags have always been extremely vocal, but the recent chapters have made it hard for fans of the other quints to speak at all.

Blame Negi

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They really can't.

That's so weird, cause recent chapters have had nino take a backseat or be second fiddle
Or is that the issue?
They'd rather she not be there at all than be there and not the lead?

Either way, is that a problem? Yea Forums as a whole is tsundere about her.

>The most important lolikano is the one who convinced him to study

Oh god. It's gonna be Itsuki, isn't it? She convinced him to reform and study back then and now her interactions with Fuutarou convinced her to study and become a teacher. It's full circle.

I don't know how to feel about this.

Parallels ahoy!

Just look at what happened to Miku. Yotsuba and Itsuki have done pretty much nothing. At least we got some redemption for Ichika

Well to be honest, Nino is honestly the more developed character in the manga so of course she will have a lot of fans. Not saying that I appreciate the other quints because they are good in their own ways. Nino just stands out a lot amongst them which is also them not being a strong character like her thanks to Negi.

As for threads, the results of having consistent threads even when we have to wait a whole week for a chapter will result to shitposting or the same posts.

Itsuki gets that type of attention too, though.

Is there a colored version of this?

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Here you go, fren

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Also here's the anime version

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Thanks, bro. The way the coloranon colors these are lovely, especially the highlights of her hair. It's always recognizable


Nice thread. See you in the next one.



It’s not like Miku promised to go on a “date” with Fuutarou or they were dating so she actually had right to interrupt them. She apologized for calling out Ichika since she tried to help Miku but couldn’t fully support her. It’s half ass supporting, but to be fair, she isn’t at fault this time. Nino considering this her fault is needed to understand Ichika so they can make up.


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Last for Nino a SHIT

Last for Nino the best

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It's not Ichika either

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