>PPP dancing
>They flap from side to side like a penguin
Would you go and watch the penguins dance?
Kemono Friends
Other urls found in this thread:
This ate up like 20% of the sequel's budget and it's still not as good as what Tatsuki made in a cave with a box of scraps.
They don’t had the booty but Emperor got her emperors
Who thought this was a good idea?
Assholes at Kadokawa
I doubt Tomason was even capable of producing anything resembling a dance so they were forced to outsource it.
>who made Aikatsu
They outsourced everything, nearly every episode was outsourced to a different company, and one of the Chinese companies they outsourced to was so pissed off with how they were treated they leaked the storyboard that spoiled Kaban showing up.
Guys this is a KEMONO FRIENDS thread
Then don't post pictures from KF□
No, idolshit was one of the worst parts of both seasons.
At least the second one didn't include a forced drama out of the blue.
Jesus Christ that’s disgusting
No just idol bullying and sad special cat.
Rude, don’t let Bat Eared Fox hear that
Despite the drama, the idolshit from KF1 is still superior
>posting Kemono not Friends
I still have a bunch of new fanart pics, but I'm ready to give up on kemono friends.
Even with all the fanart still being made and KF3 coming I'd say the KF2 staff was pretty successful in making sure everything dies
Yeah I'm going to miss you, anons
Bat Eared Fox is cute, but her taste is SHIT.
I can't blame her too harshly though, since there isn't much else for entertainment in Japari Park.
Rude and uncalled for!
Same here. It was fun.
Why was the last thread deleted?
Probably some jannie who thought taking away the Kemono Friends thread instead of the various shitposting filled threads was a good idea.
Lads.. the threads are dying
I don't know if anything can really fix that. Even if I could contribute images I don't think anything can change the state we're in
You better apologize because she is very precious
Shoebill is a stupid dork!
The OP didn't contain any topic. A lot of threads were wiped at the same time.
I like her, just that specific pic is really bad
Underrated cuties time.
This is Ezo Sika Deer.
No! She's creepy and should be bullied!
You’re ugly and no one is telling you something!
Koala's are so useless
>Create a cute doggo friend
>Abuse and neglect her brutally
Friends with antlers are cute!
This franchise didn't fucking deserve this. The Friends didn't deserve this. Kaban didn't deserve this. KF2 was literally the worst possible outcome for this franchise. Fuck Mine. I hope the Japanese Cold gets him soon.
>Emperor & Rockhopper's VAs have the best asses
There are rumors that the episode was Hosoya's debut as a writer.
But whatever, look at this
Then you have Hosoya saying that he loved the episode and watched it a lot of times
Hosoya probably has some Chink blood in him. It would explain his hatred of doggos
That in itself speaks volumes.
She didn’t awoooo so good
>loved dog suffering and watched it multiple times
Nobody deserved this. Especially Tatsuki.
She's Otter tier isn't she?
cute wanwan
Otter is not dumb, in fact, she's very skilled.
t. dumb dumb that replied to the wrong person
Skilled at being dumb!
Ok, ok. I may be the dumb, but Otter isn't!
Otter and Jaguar are cute and make a good protagonist duo.
can someone make a webm of this?
>that weight loss
It's okay to admit Otter isn't the smartest, she's still cute!
>there will never be nendos of otter and jag or any more of the original duos
The Japari Park we fell in love with will always exist in the hearts and minds of the fans. Kaban is exploring the rest of the park with Serval and Lucky-san and nothing Mine or anyone else at KFP can make me believe otherwise.
I still don't understand how people who can defend all of KF2 exist. Didn't they also watch S1 and fall in love with it?
Bandwagoners, people who can't dissociate KF2 from KF simply because of the name and misconstrue an attack on KF2 as an attack on KF, people who only enjoyed KF on a surface level and didn't care at all for the characters themselves (somehow), people with absolute shit taste, trannies who identify with Ky*r*r*, discordfags, redditors, and Ceruleans.
People who justify KF2 saying it's deep because its theme is about loss of a loved one or thing and grief, justifying that Kaban losing Serval is okay be ause it's reminiscent to Mirai losing Serval even though both situations are nowhere near similar, are the fucking worst and deserve to be buried alive like KF2 is.
They made the VAs do it?
And we got Margay
How was S2? Still have it on my backlog.
Awful, other than a couple of cute characters that only appear once, it's not worth the time and anger
What about this one?
I used to regular that discord. I honestly don't know what happened that made them such toxic defenders of mediocrity. Personally, I think it was in part how the mods of that server treated people who were, in their words "doomsaying". I wouldn't know about what's going on there now since I was banned for no reason. Most likely the mods abusing their power.
How is this Kemono Friends related?
i wanna see that goddamn discord server burn to the goddamn ground
i think he's talking about the KF discord server user
Recommend me some good niconico videos.
Those videos where you kiss and make out with Kaban and the .kfm videos if you can find them.
Witch doctor.
Nonstop Jag memes
KF2 is the Tsukihime anime of Kemono Friends. It dosen't exist
KF2 is to KF what DtB2 is to DtB, in other words.
I don't remember what we were talking about
How cute the Friends are, how we wish Tsukihime had an anime, and how much we wish Darker Than Black had a sequel.
Classic, also there was another that was also in Youtube but I can’t find it, seriously fuck this if it got deleted or hidden
The ones where Kadokawa get destroyed
Gunslinger girl S2 is to S1
The "Fuck Kadokawa" hentai was cringe tbph
Do any of you prefer the KF2 models over S1 models? Personally, I feel the only thing KF2 has going for it is poly count. Other than that it looks lazy with the gradient textures and it's just missing the charm S1 had, but I'm not really sure if it's just me being biased against it.
And Kyururu looks downright creepy with her pupil heterochromia
I don't like any aspect of KF2, models included. They just aren't as cute as KF's Friends.
I liked the S2 models, though I'll be the first to admit that my dick played a large role in that.
t. grape-kun
hiss gronk
t. grap-kun
I don't know what sound a pneguin makes
Thanks user! That dumb dance makes me so happy
Grape-kun once literally squeaked "kawaii!" to Hululu.
They they ok. I can't call them an upgrade to the S1 version because they look fat and sometimes unpleasing to watch
Serval's hair looks so unpoofy and fluffy in KF2 compared to the original models.
Serval looks much friendlier in S1. I think it's the eyes, but again, I could be biased.
It's time to move on, guys.
But where?
Has Tomason gone bankrupt yet? What the fuck have they even done outside of this dumpster fodder?
>They dont have any mention of Kemono Friends 2 anywhere on their website anymore
What happened? I thought anyone could make Kemono Friends popular.
I'm guessing they were getting harassed about it so much and that it was such a bad experience and such a large blemish on the company that taking credit for KF2 was seriously negatively affecting them. Just as well, it was a serious failure on everyone involved's part allowing for such a horrid travesty to be aired that I have no sympathy for any of the staff or hired animators.
It's not on the front page though
Why did no one try stopping them from ruining this beautiful friendship while making KF2?
This kig is at leat 50% more horrifying than the fox kigs and 200% less scary than Precure kigs.
Karl and his dog.
I miss the foxes!
I'd like to place an order for roughly 80lbs of tits, ass and pussy.
Some friends move on. But not us.
Millions of people did in 2006
did they managed to insert grape kun cameo?
If Tatsuki is so good at dance scenes, why didn't the Rinas dance like this while Wakaba was being dangled over that cliff?
This. They don't necessarily look bad, but there's something off about their chubbiness. S1 models definitely are cuter
Why are the KF2 friends always so smug?
It's for the dick
Friend dick? Dicking friends? Wakaran
Depends on the friend.
For friends like Serval, it's for dicking her.
For friends like Siberian Tiger, it's for friend dick.
For friends like Roadrunner, it's for dicking friends but not her.
For friends like Moose, it's for her dicking other friends.
Wakaran falls under the first.
To hide the sadness.
Dog wants to play! Would you like to play with her?
Dumb doggo
It's possible he wasn't interested in that stylistically at the moment.
Rinas doing a meme dance would have made her too powerful and destroyed the tree early on.
What sort of game would dog want to play?
She would love to play fetch!
She can't play frisbee
She's so precious. All she wanted was someone to play with, it's not fair.
She has two.
I've got some PPP for the penguins.
How am I supposed to mate with a Friend that has a dick? I can't make them a mother when they're like that
Friends can't have dicks, but they sure love humping each other.
If friends don't have dicks but still try to do things like humping each other, I wonder how confusing it must be when insertion happens for the first time
oh, do we have more of the manga?
raccoon is being raped!
Oh, you don't. They make other friends into mothers. Where else do you think friends come from? Magical volcano rocks?
Vid of that?
It's her fault for being so molestable!
But that makes it hard for me to make more Friends of a specific type, how else am I supposed to make more Friends with antlers aside from using sandstar?
I dunno. Maybe find a Friend willing to lend her womb and hope they make moose babies?
Literally every friend is EXTREMELY molestable!
and pic related
But that's not quite the same as mating with a Friend yourself! Besides, how would two different Friends mating work? I'm sure sandstar magic would make a child-Friend if you were to have children with one but I'm not sure about between two Friends
Why is she so smug?
What happened to Ie Inu? She looks like a hospital patient
She probably got older
Meanwhile you have KF1 as a complete in-house production, at least when it comes to the animation and then on Kemurikusa they went a step further with the sound recording being done at S-tar Seven, company that is directly related to Yaoyorozu because both are subsidiaries of Just Pro.
Because she's going to save Kemono Friends.
What the hell is her outfit.
Maid leotard with pink pantyhose.
Those models look like girls from Botero paintings, that is, unnecessarily fat.
How would she save a series beyond redemption?
She has her methods.
Silly bird, you're supposed to be more quiet and let Friends in these threads sleep. And then join them.
The worse thing is that the staff defended those new designs and models on a talk on the houseboat as "being close to Mine artsyle" and "good looking from all sides and angles", but it seems they do not see things like the girls looking unnecessarily fat like if they were from a Botero painting.
Yes, they got a lot of shit for how they missmanaged the eyes and the point of focus of the eyesight of the characters, meanwhile on KF1 that thing was more natural and better done.
Dumb Toki this is why only Kaban is your friend. Besides, doing that won't bring them back
Don't encourage Kig posters, user.
What's wrong with kigs?
They have done small jobs before and KF2 is described as the biggest and most important job they have done until now.
Still, they have the dumbass of animation producer Numata saying on a talk show together with Kimura and some more KF2 staff on the KF houseboat collaboration that he would like to work more on KF, be it on a sequel or whatever, but that thing depends on the Blu-ray volumes selling well, meanwhile Kimura expeessed he has similar wishes, so behold, those two motherfuckers idiots are still trying to dug their own tombs.
Still, if the KF anime adaptations stop completely and Tomasson, Kimura and Numata try to forget and hide the past, there is still things like Japanese Wikipedia and the Nicovideo and Pixiv wikis that would still links their names to KF2 and then they have the people at 5ch, Futaba, Nicovideo, Twitter and Kemono-friendsch that will not stop attacking them until they are utterly destroyed or completely gone of the map like Hosoya.
Well, it seems people like Mine, Hosoya, Numata and Kimura and even KFP utterly hate Tatsuki and his legacy, so they tried to shit on all thing related to KF1, but that vengeance backfire spectacularly.
>Arai-san. It's free real estate.
VR needs to hurry up and reach an acceptable level of quality so I can enjoy my first person Arai-san simulator.
Calm down, Fennec
Could you blame her when there's such a cute creature out there? That'd be pretty unfair to deny her the pleasure of this world treasure.
Different VR Kemono Friends games would be pretty fun. If they advance fighting games enough in VR I'd like one where you play as MOOSE or some other strong Friends and go around fighting other cute girls, with the winner getting to manhandle the loser
What flavor do you want the giant tits? Tsuchinoko?
They have both the male and female organs. You can make them mothers, but they would also attempt to make you the mother.
Definitely yes!
I wonder if Fukuhara will talk about the budget of Kemurikusa. He has previously confirmed the budget for KF was a bag of potatoes, compared to other series.
I remember these translated but I can’t find them anymore The images translated, not the traduction
What does your favorite friend smell like?
Like Friend
I doubt he will talk about numbers or make clear comparisons, but having in mind that on this interview otakumode.com
If you have seen scenes with problematic animation on Kemurikusa then that would be for time restrain reasons and not for budget or human resources reasons, for the simple reason that they did Kemurikusa on a hurry because they did not want to left the people waiting too much time.
Still, seeing how they celebrate the first volume breaking the 10000 sales mark, then it seems that Kemurikusa fulfilled its original sales forecast with flying colors and it should be already making a profit.
Old fashioned soap and lamp oil
But that would make things twice as hard to do! Can't sandstar bless my wife with a non-futa, extra fertile body?
Here is the set
Why is Princess so cute?
Don't let brap-chan near Emporor.
What's their secret? These two are about the only kigus I've seen that don't look like horrifying abominations they look really cute too
Nope! You gotta work extra hard for your wife to accept your seed.
Bless you, infoanon.
Why does Japari Park allow a rapist like her to freely roam around?
Japari park has probably lots of friends that like to molest other friends, and not even all the bossus around can handle them.
Is there any hope for KemoFure? Any at all?
Not really. Even if KF3 gives it a little bit of life KF2 and Kadokawa killed it.
Imagine how easy it can be to manipulate friends.
Wow, if that's true sandstar is a real dick, even if I'd do anything for my Friend-wife
God bless America.
Shit got real.
You could probably trick them into getting in bed with you through any number of euphemisms. The easiest would probably be asking one to fight, telling them you have food, or asking to try their Japari buns
Those legs. They make you think that girl under the mask is cute too.
Margay is my spirit animal.
Lewd but wasted seductive birds.
> Maybe I'll make a snow sculpture of Mountain Hare-chan......fufu.
Speaking about rapists, it looks like European Hare really wants that Mountain Hare.
So it is sexual haresment?
I want to be assaulted by this pantless bird
>european hare wants to conquer other types of hares
Is that why i see so much lewd stuff with them?
Everything about hares eventually leads to fucking like rabbits.
I can't believe prairie dog died
Otter just caused a death
Wouldn't you like to be slain by this ball of cuteness?
What sort of death would be tanoshii?
>my first person Arai-san simulator.
one where you interact with Arai-san or are Arai-san?
One where you are Arai so you can have Fennec be at your side
And also on top of you sometimes.
> the way emperor shakes her hips in that leotard
How id they do it?
How id they make me want to fuck a penguin so badly?!
>Cerval's diary
>Every Friend writes in a diary. Because of that, Cerval will write in a diary, too.
>With a diary, even if Cerval is gone, the things that Cerval feels will still exist. How amazing.
I'm crying like a little bitch.
>Fennec blocks your vision and mobility
>Whispers cute things into your ear with muffled nibbling sounds
How to kill someone with pleasure
Remember me, anons?
What are you referring to?
Also Cerval is best girl.
What is the target audience for this crap?
Where's the VR tech so you can feel everything Fenneku does to Arai?
First one is for everyone who can enjoy cute girls doing tanoshii things, second one is for people with a hateboner for the first one and its director
Tigers are the best, and it's a legitimate crime that they didn't befriend Sibirian.
Biggest failure in all of S2.
The biggest failure is that they legit killed off a Friend with Looney Tunes physics.
The game's main quest.
Even the shitty mobage had a much better story than KF2. It's terrifying.
Being manhandled by the tigers!
I mean I get befriending someone tends to involved beating the shit out of them, but they forgot the part where they survive.
Ah, I can't wait for welcome to japari park to get to that point.
Too bad she sacrificed herself to save the park between the game an S1, I wonder if they were going to find that journal and do a flashback in the original S2
Being manhandled by strong Friends sounds wonderful.
I remember, pandanon. Welcome home.
That dance is so fucking stupid. Anyone have the version with sound?
But user, what if they want a litter of kittens?
Getting manhandled by a Friend that wants to create offspring would be even more fun!
S2 could've been about resurrecting Cerval and the Gods. Now I want it.
Sign me up.
Megane ON!
I like this idea.
I love this special, special cat.
how would you save her from her depression?
Maybe some petting will help.
Talk to her and get her to ramble on about her hobbies that include oggling the penguins, of course. Best way to make someone open up.
Man i hope when KF2 comes out they use the same studio as chokado girl
I'm gonna need someone to combine these two scenes together
Giving her daughters could let her create the perfect cute girl idol group
cute cat!
Imagine touching Tsuchinoko's big tiddies!
>Kemono not Friends
>Not "Kemo-no longer Friends"
Or Kemo not Friends Kemono Enemies is still my favorite one
Don't get close, nekobaba! She's really creepy!
I'd prefer not to...
Cute reactions.
she WAS in the hospital after episode 9
She's really cute, but everytime I have to see this bird, she reminds me of KF2. Is it possible to get a waifu even from the most hated anime?
Also cute
>na nya
test 2
Don't hate the friends because of KF2.
She existed before KF2, so it's ok to like her
It's okay as long as you only bully and abuse her.
Hitler painted pictures before WW2 and it's still wrong to like them. Somehow the friends from S2 are tainted to all eternity, even if it wasn't their fault.
is it possible to go faster?
Was she? I don't remember because I didn't want to hurt myself by watching S2 so I haven't seen it yet
Also he already clamed his Friend-Wife, i guess
Hitler's paintings are okay
"the fuhrer is animal friendly"
I wonder if he would enjoyed KF too?
Her destiny was worse than being in a hospital. Not memeing you. She appears in the post credits of ep12, alone in the dark of her house, watching letters and pictures that the humans gave her when the Japari Park was working. Since she can't read she just stares at them with melancholy, saying "what a pretty picture".
There were also pictures of him with other animals like dogs though, I'm not sure if deer would be his Friend-wife. I wonder what his favorite would have been.
If he were to like anime, probably. He had some good tastes
he was a fan of Disney, just like the guys that started the anime industry
I'm sure they'd have gotten along
Cute Otter
I remember hearing about that from the threads, god I'm glad I didn't watch the show. I'm not sure if I would have been more sad or angry about the whole thing.
Poor dog really got shafted.
>Was the ringleader behind the armored duo trying to kidnap Kyururu
>Just wanted someone to play with her
>When she finally got someone to play with her, said someone wanted to leave pretty quickly (not because of Dog, but for other reasons)
>Gets the shit kicked out of her when protecting Kyururu from Beast Siberian Tiger, so much so that she looks like she's about to fucking die
>Requests Kyururu to tell her to go home, basically giving up on her dream then and there so Kyururu can return with her traveling group
Just like Roadrunner, she didn't deserve the butchering.
The worst part about the picture is that Ie Inu was that it "reveals" that Ky*ruru was originally a visitor to the park who was Serval's real first bestest Friend, not Mirai and that Ie Inu was Nana's dog Friend, so she WAS waiting for Ky*ruru, since she knew her in a previous life.
KF2 will never fail to make me angry.
Speaking of bullshit time shenanigans, wasn't s2 set 2000 years after s1? Or 200, I can't recall.
It makes me angry just seeing the image posted, why did things have to end up like this? How do we go back?
KF2 is supposedly set 2000 years after KF1, despite the fact the park looks relatively the same despite all that time and how Kaban apparently failed to really accomplish anything major for 2000 years. Seriousoy, give Kaban 2000 years and she should've long since united the Friends, rebuilt the park, explored outside of Japari Park, either made contact with humanity or even expanded the Friends outside the Park and have rebuilt some semblence of society in the first couple hundred years alone. Maybe in less time too since thw Lucky-sans manage food production and all Kaban and co. really need to worry about is food distribution and resource management.
I want to fuck this bird
kusobird was a cunt and deserved it, dog did literally nothing wrong on the otherhand.
Protec tiger
KF2 Kusobird did deserve it. The character she was loosely based on did not deserve it.
holy fuck my dick
Does this mean that Kyururu dick peeled its foreskin back?
The thing with kusobird is that she represents KF2's way of action very well. KF1 solution would have been "teach this friend not to be an ass, do your best to understand her and get along". KF2 solution was "is she being a bully? Bully her 10 times worse than she did"
Warning, 50/50 she might have a dick ready to impregnate you, being a boy isn’t going to save youFlip a coin
This is what Kyururu's duck looks like.
*flips two headed coin*
Whoops looks like I have to get fucked in the ass oh what a shame.
He got a boner after seeing Serval's ass. Just like me when I saw Caracal's HUGE ass
Damn Kyururu is packing
Office birb
I prefer fanart where kyururu gets raped by the friends, but this is a good one.
yeah this is good shit, for some reason kyururu having a dick just clicks for me.
Given how much people don't like Kyururu, you'd think there'd be more guro of her, but I guess the general friendliness of KF prevents such violence from being depicted. Also, I think it's due to the fact Kyururu is fucking ugly that no one likes seeing her naked.
I must be the only person that likes Kyururu and thinks shes super cute.
Sugoii! You must be a Friend that has exceedingly bad taste in Friends. No wonder why you're a friendless NEET on an animal appreciation board!
Yes. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Actually I have a job and am about to graduate from college and have several close irl friends.
I do not like Tomoe's design.
>liking Kyururu
2 days~ until mayo Wolf 2
I get that she was made in response to Kyururu's bad design, but what's her purpose? Was there going to be animations or something with her, or is that just extremely dedicated shitposting on KF2's trash MC?
Tomoe is the MC of Kemono Friends R, another spin-off anime by some studio. It follows the adventures of Tomoe, Ie Inu, and Siberian Tiger as they go around and interact with various Friends, filling her notbook with tanoshii memories. It's not a sequel to KF, but it's a good spin-off. If only we had a KF S2 though.
Just wait until they know you enjoy brap-chan
Oi mate
Oh they know I do not hide any of my interests from them
Also, Tomoe and Friends meet a green-haired Human Friend named Wakame, who lives with the owls and studies Ceruleans. It seems that since the events of KF1, more and more Human Friends are being born in Japari Park.
Kaban, Serval and Lucky-san are off exploring other regions of the park and thus do not show up in KFR, but are mentioned briefly or heard from every so often.
>Google "Kemono Friends R"
>Get tons of Reddit shit
So, is this a thing that can be watched, or is it something being made that we'll likely never see because the Kad*kawa yakuza will shut them down?
Your KF's Discord tranny friends are not real friends, tho.
What the fuck is a discord tranny?
Oh shit!, my friend the Cultist-caller is back from his ban!. How are you? Have a cup of coffee
Tell me about Mayo Wolf, why is she always so happy?
It's as real as Ghost Slide, so very real. You can find torrents of it on nyaa or bakabt.
Please explain what it is you like about Kyururu? There's literally nothing appealing about her, both emotionally and physically.
A thing with absolutely shit taste and severe mental issues
Because she's looking forward to Mayo time!
I like her design and stuff.
Also I stopped watching after like episode 4
That is all of Yea Forums.
What are you talking about? That has nothing to do with the question, does it?
I'm not gonna comment further on your shit taste in character designs but please do not ever mention your opinions regarding something as nonexistent as KF2 ever again, especially since you're so innocent and ignorant of what you luckily avoided.
I can't believe I want to pump a hundred babies into this tiger!
Actually I totally can. I mean, look at her.
Ok I'm sorry.
This but with siberian tiger
I can recognize that kind of shitpost from miles away
Imagine how it would feel to nut your shorts without even touching your dick
This is a case of mistaken identity, like when you misidentify someone dear to you in a crowd that you know has passed away. Reminds me of that one Kaban image where she keeps calling the new Professor "Professor".
I love mayo, so i also love the mayo wolf.
Post dumb python
Because the character she's based on was also smug as fuck.
Adorkable mayo wolf
Welt really has a great sense of color, I love that in all his pics.
Is this one of the latest Pavilion alternates? They sure keep Mine busy drawing all those. Angel Sand Cat was adorable.
Er, not Pavilion, festival. I keep getting all these app game names mixed up.
Fancy a shag?
Is this the same artist that does those near-incomprehensible comics?
Why are the dolphins all so incredibly lewd?
do you mean batta?
it's one of the few species on earth other than humans that copulate for the sole pleasure of doing it.
Because they're the violent sadistic rape-marauders of the deep. Male dolphins ar known to gang rape female dolphins and pretty much any other animal they come across (sometimes engaging in necrophilia), torturing their food and baby animals for fun, and are generally unpleasant assholes that like to fuck with other animals, simply because they can get away with it. If dolphins were people, they'd be bogans.
They better reference the Pink Panther in KF3.
Aside from humans and dolphins, there's also seals which are known to rape emperor penguins (sometimes, they also kill and eat the penguin afterwards too, but more often than not they're satisfied with just raping them). It's not a common behavior however, but it's been recorded and observed enough times to make it more than an odd one-off behavior.
Good thing I didn't watch s2 because I'm not a braindead moefag.
(And yeah, Tatsuki's ppp wasn't half bad even though the frame rate was laughable. It's almost like having a soul is important.)
Trick question. ALL friends are incredibly lewd.
God I love Fennec
And that's all the time I had today.
Doesn't look enough like a merciless rapist, 0/10
I'll say it now
Gentoo > Emperor > Royal > Rockhopper
Hululu left out of the lewdness rankings out of respect for the dead.
Emperor>Gentoo otherwise agreed.
You thankfully also missed out on Kaban being NTR'd while the S1 OP plays in the background.
Otters and Adelie penguins are also known to rape sexually immature animals from their own species and even from other species. Raping behavior isn't uncommon, but it's weird as it doesn't seem to offer a biological advantage
Don't Adelies also engage in prostitution?
Prostitution, Masturbation, Sexual abuse, Paedophia, Necrophilia, Homosexuality, etc.
Those fucking penguins act like main characters from a Fatalpulse doujin
How do animals prostitute?
Pebbles for sex, probably.
Female chimps whore themselves out to higher ranking males in their group for food and similar preferable treatment.
Toki is so fashionable!
I want Bossu to paizuri me
But can they do this?
I want to see Small-clawed Otter and Jag reenact that one gay porn scene.
>Jagaa! Sometimes, I suck on it so hard, I rip the skin!
>Eeeh?! My mommy taught me a few things too, like uh, how not to rip the skin by using someone else's mouth, instead of your own teeth.
>Omoshiroi! Omoshiroi! Will you show m-BLRGH
>I'd be right happy to.
>Jagaa! Sometimes, I suck on it so hard, I rip the skin!
>...? Wakaran...
>Jagaa cmon I wrote you a script remember?
Why is Moose making that face?
Why is talking being interrupted like that always so hot?
It looks almost like she wants me to do something
I think you've got it wrong, user
A. there's no way it's the same Inu
B. this only establishes Kyururu as a remnant of the original park
C. 「bestest friend」is incorrect, it's much closer to 「acquaintance」
Where's Big Smoke Serval with her order? Has the day finally come where we can enjoy our japari food in peace?
Is it acceptable to fuck your dogs? I mean that should be my right as the pack leader.
Are you a dog?
If not, please don't.
Only if you're a dog or a leaf
Her ears a large and dumb! I want to pull them and make her cry!
I won't allow it
But do you guys remember ME?
>idolshit pandering
Yes. I still haven't watched it.
I want to molest otter
Everyone had to know how bad it would be
You’re not the boss of me
This is your god, start praying
I want to have Otter sit in my lap while we play fun video games together!
>not remaining pure and avoiding the pain
you should have listened, user
What's the smallest acceptable size for Fennec's ears?
user! How lewd!
Everyone was paying attention only to Cerval. Serval became jealous and disowned Cerval.
Cute! Ie Inu should have more images getting headpats!
Mirai says that all Animal Girls have human ears. That's why the Beast is weird.
Their human ears are probably hidden under the hair, or possibly inside their heads like a bone or vestigial body part.
They are about to reenact that futa set.
Kimono Friends.
Give up, user.
Good. If I believe hard enough with sandstar I can do some vanilla with her afterwards right?
Stupid ears. The hotel manager too.
More for me.
Imagine blowing air into them
Your ears are stupid.
Bully the bird
There need to be more images of beep healing. She deserves it
can this fad of rothoscoped dances die already
its awful everytime
it's not rotoscoped, it's motion captured
which is like rotoscoping but for 3DCG and also shit
I really dont care what it is, its awful
handrawn and less realistic looks a milion times better because it fits the artstyle
Even worse
Beep didn't do a single thing in the show that suggests she deserves less bullying. If anything, she got off lightly.
>inside their heads like a bone or vestigial body part
Just like a whale's hind legs, but smaller.
My wife is perfect! No matter how her ears are drawn, I know her ears are perfect where it matters!
That's my Fennec, user.
No, that's MY Fennec wife.
In my heart, her ears are perfect.
She didn't choose to be like that though, blame the people who made S2 for forcing her to be a dick
How big should Fennec ears be?
Good girl!
>low budget 3d trash
>beep healing
KF2 is worse than trash though
Dumb spoiled cat.
Its a face from a Mii. It was probably used to emphasize that Moose is interested in Gray Wolf as an adversary in bed
Would kick her lunch and call her names / 10
Anyone else watch the KF2 Hell Theory series on Niconico? It's completely changed my perspective on KF2 (even though it's all bullshit). Shame it's not subbed, because it's an incredible watch.
I heard about it but didn't watch it yet, how far does it go?
The third and final video was released a few days ago. It's unbelievable how the guy's narrative turns that final scene in episode 12 into a work of genius.
I never thought I'd see someone make a convincing (albeit joking) argument that KF2 is actually a prequel to KF S1, but damn.
I havent read Dante's Inferno yet. Do I need to read it prior watching those videos?