Name a better Elf

Name a better Elf.
No protip, you know you can't.

Attached: 1540056524558.webm (1280x720, 83K)

more like worst elf

Any elf with tits

Elves are for ____

Cutest elf for the last 30 years

Attached: d2f92b5ef2ef818121795bf121c92f3b.jpg (2500x2937, 1.94M)

Eternally young, fresh and juicy cinnamon flavour cunny that is too tight for this world.

elves are just ugly humans with funny ears

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Joshikausei - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.59_[2019.04.13_05.14.28].jpg (1280x720, 85K)

and giant futa cocks


Denying that one dude

Attached: Marcille.jpg (1200x1346, 337K)

No you

Absolutely based

Attached: 1542528923828.png (568x960, 398K)

Best girl. FLAT elf.

>hundreds of years old
>still doesn't have tits
that elf a shit
a shit

Attached: 1551900759147.jpg (2726x2856, 2.05M)

Correction.She's a high elf.

Attached: 1548702866882.jpg (707x1000, 588K)

Attached: 1498238292640.jpg (1337x1080, 202K)

>being this gay

Attached: 15.jpg (950x1364, 668K)

Attached: 10.png (240x240, 13K)

Attached: Alith Anar.png (636x678, 1.11M)


Attached: 8A1A7C03-F788-49BC-AE18-818A7E1C7D0F.jpg (335x673, 90K)

Wrong Elf, user. This one is the one you are looking for.

Flat elves are automatically superior and how they should be. Hentai has poisoned your mind too much.

Eru erufu and his family.

Attached: 36efb7ba6d0c99ee98e9b2b32c3c27d7.jpg (595x600, 68K)

>flat elfs are automatically superior
imagine being this gay


Damn right.

Attached: 1554189609378.jpg (303x347, 87K)

She has a flat chest with a great butt and that's one of my favourite physical qualities in a girl.

Attached: image.jpg (1536x2162, 737K)

Attached: 1554615352673.gif (140x160, 329K)

It's true though unless you're a normalfag or something.

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dat a boy

The more a female elf masturbates, the larger her cock gets.

Attached: 1546057480525.jpg (900x1350, 812K)

Flat is justice.

Attached: 1505894409554.jpg (2868x2048, 3.24M)

Priestess is second best girl and she's flat as well. Coincidence? I think not.

I've been wondering why elves have giant futa cocks sometimes

Supremacy over humans


Attached: 1552675897794.jpg (475x802, 240K)

CanĀ“t wait for her

It's either her or this one.

Attached: 9.jpg (1176x948, 266K)

I love this weeb elf.

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Attached: Aura.jpg (1280x720, 65K)


Attached: 001_1482508170.png (1128x1600, 2.67M)

only big titty elfs are the best

Attached: 1538113699907.gif (360x239, 257K)

Pornfags please fuck off.

Attached: 1475888764133.jpg (215x329, 16K)

>elves that don't look like elves are the best
How can one user be this wrong.

Attached: 1469983309066.jpg (90x115, 5K)

Not even the best elf in her series.

Attached: Best elf.jpg (695x1000, 248K)


Attached: 024.jpg (870x1305, 326K)

Kinda cheating, but I don't care.

Attached: n8mXdjf.jpg (1920x1080, 105K)

Not an elf, please leave.

we have the winner boys!


Attached: 1492896969401.jpg (381x426, 141K)

Okay, how about this one then?

Attached: HetNy81.jpg (768x1024, 610K)

Please put lewd images in spoiler.
Innocent children can see this.

she's great

Gonna have to agree with this lad. Deed is a doll.

Dark Elves > High Elves

Attached: Malekith_Art.jpg (321x478, 117K)

Trash, only good for a joke that plagues elf threads ever since.

Lafiel from Crest of the Stars.

I like High Elf Archer too, but the anime skipped some of her most memorable scenes. If you like her user, read the manga if you haven't already.

Attached: Lafiel.jpg (2560x1440, 588K)

We had the winner since the beginning.

Attached: 71753517_p0.png (949x1158, 898K)


She spends half of an entire chapter completely nude when she wakes up on a day off, restrings her bow, and does laundry.

Attached: elfdesign2.jpg (500x353, 59K)

Attached: 1465834134317.jpg (188x397, 54K)

Attached: elf lewd.png (384x131, 14K)

Some shitty edit will never change my mind.

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Attached: elves as cocksleaves.jpg (507x387, 80K)

Attached: 1446131210292.png (195x270, 17K)

Attached: elven ears.png (1053x555, 184K)

big fat lewd ears


Attached: 1450411368846.png (326x232, 38K)

Anvil naizuri.

Anime Erufu is cute but she wouldn't be my favourite without the manga.

Attached: 013.jpg (900x1350, 768K)

Elves are for orc cock

I see you are a man of culture as well.

Name five non-pornographic anime and manga in which elves and orcs have actual intercourse.

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this man speaks the truth

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Attached: totallynotshotdown.jpg (900x1350, 537K)

>Coping sub humans

Succubus > Elves.

Attached: 1520839008727.jpg (1360x1156, 812K)

This is pretty much just another goblin slayer general.


>her mom is a canon whore
I dont know how to process this

It's an Erufu general, other elves can't compete.

Just about any of the elves in Danmachi, but especially Ryu.

Attached: IMG_20190201_201432.jpg (1080x1920, 199K)

I like my elves to be flat, but holy shit does this image make me reconsider that.

Attached: d64849273e9816d604729f7fbdfc3da5.jpg (1922x2388, 367K)

Absolutely wonderful and based.

Attached: 1552926281334.png (897x897, 456K)

Wrong but Ryu is the only thing from Danmachi that isn't shit.

Attached: 72703971_p2.jpg (1994x1280, 715K)


Attached: Lefiya15.jpg (891x717, 50K)


>Half elf
Please leave.

Attached: 1553882401196.jpg (520x600, 97K)

>Not even best elf in her own manga, let alone better than HAI ERF ACHA

Attached: fit elf.jpg (719x803, 105K)

2 best elves ever


actually auntie

I want to rape that elf

Lefiya was never a half-elf, get your lore straight.

Attached: Lefiya49.jpg (493x688, 34K)

Still shit.

No u.

Attached: Lefiya169.jpg (467x578, 103K)

Attached: D3w1IJEW4AAqhO-.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

>I see you're a man of culture as well
>man of culture as well

>as well
What did he mean by this?

Attached: 14f7886aef28294badb0b46c7043f6e9.jpg (877x1240, 142K)

Not an elf.

Attached: Smug Lafiel.png (1116x595, 792K)

Shame about the chest, she'd be perfect otherwise

>>her mom is a canon whore
And also best girl

Does Semiramis count?

Attached: __semiramis_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_heirou__1048c340cc06991c1c0af0f6dbfe0c4d.jpg (500x746, 94K)


High like pic related?

Attached: goblin_slayer___witch_by_korosenai39_dd5nhxh.png (2434x2279, 1.35M)

Why was she always hanging out with that one adventure who was mega salty to Goblin Slayer?

I don't know about her being the best. But I do give her credit for being a female elf and not having

1. Blonde Hair
2. Big Titties

So she's extremely memorable just for the character design alone. I wish more authors and artist would follow suit. Yes, we have dark elves, but that's just trading Blonde Hair for Grey. The ears are the only thing that need be the same among elves.

She's Lancer's cousin and she wants to go full Alabama on him.

Attached: 71471143_p0.png (724x1024, 393K)

Attached: bestelf.gif (200x229, 797K)

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>tfw there will never be an anime or movie about LOTR that sticks true to what Tolkien's elves really are
>forever cursed with bootleg-bootleg elves

My protagonist

Wait she might be the worst elf. She acts like a dwarf.

Why the ears, though?

The ears were never the defining factor for being an elf. It just means that it's a magical non-human. If you already have to ask then it's not an elf.

Is Guts an elf?

He has never said he isn't.

Attached: elf.jpg (500x281, 122K)

So cute!

Pretty sure he's stated he's a human and proud of being one or something like that at least once.

Attached: 1386111009240.jpg (1038x1393, 314K)

>Hey, speaking of clothes... I keep wondering...

Attached: What.jpg (700x400, 67K)

"Why humans use underwear?"
Seriously, that is what she says.

I love Emilia

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what are these feelings I'm feeling and why are they nice

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You found the one.

Attached: 1556479733633.gif (514x490, 71K)

Erefu a shit

Attached: puffy_priestess.png (225x216, 60K)

>Openly showing the whole town GS is hers
The madwoman

She's cute, but nothing special.

>Name a better Elf.

Attached: 1367258279285.jpg (1040x1308, 253K)

Go away penis hat, this isn't your thread.

>A chestlet with no ass
What's the point?

Dumb hat girls are for bullying

Attached: 64ff11a.png (2480x3508, 2.83M)

Indescribably based a man of pure and superior taste.

>died like a bitch
Yeah, no.

>She's cute, but nothing special.

That sounds like Deedlit to me.

Attached: 20181205_134013.png (547x498, 404K)


Is there an uncensored version of this somewhere?


Fucking plebs

Attached: Lodoss.jpg (960x738, 186K)

whens picture version getting to that part?

No, we are not worthy of seeing perfection.

But what about my dick?

The chest is what makes her perfect.

Attached: D3puXFXUEAAfpBu.jpg (1093x1500, 162K)

I want to go on an adventure with her.

Attached: 1527219522972.jpg (900x1350, 762K)

Lolo is the best fucking elf in existance.

Attached: e03f7c5f1140dbd6cf5f64fff4a2222a.jpg (772x1104, 89K)

Dyke elf a shit.

>Name a better Elf.

Attached: Dosukebe Elf no Ishukan Nikki.jpg (847x1200, 1.27M)

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Attached: Elf.png (311x114, 65K)

Elves are meant for consensual breeding with someone they love.


Attached: 72204569_p3.jpg (370x320, 26K)

Amallyn Shadowguide

Attached: amallyndeed.png (810x616, 284K)

Attached: elfeat.jpg (213x353, 15K)

Fuck off goblin.

Attached: 1546374847920.webm (1280x720, 161K)

I want to ravage her


Attached: _1556302022044.jpg (800x523, 262K)

She looks like most generic party elf waifu i've ever seen

Man, I don't remember the last character that got my blood boiled as much as him.
And he got away with everything too.

Attached: 1556645845726.jpg (505x507, 110K)

6 days until Erufu volume comes out.

Attached: 1552811515690.gif (400x592, 277K)

goat elfess came here to made sure she was mentioned. Real ride or die bitch fuck dwarves

Yes, that's because it's a Goblin Slayer character. They all look generic and copycat at first sight.

>at first sight
Man, i've read all chapters of manga and they do not change at all.
I'm only reading it because of autistic goblin slayer

Timeā€™s up, gameā€™s over, you lose, I win
ā€™Bout to show these knuckleheads how to do this here

Attached: tumblr_opicfpQipu1rntn47o1_1280.png (712x1500, 158K)

I am sure you can name other elves just like her then.

Tell me about her.
Why does she wiggle her ears?

based and warhammerpilled

Attached: 1553729650953.gif (436x436, 3.96M)

It's a sign that she is ready to mate.

Because it's cute.

Attached: 1541879360082.webm (768x432, 1.3M)

but not the sexiest

Attached: 1544819151504.jpg (1420x2080, 1.16M)

Slut. Deedlit is better.

>notices bulge?

Pirotess is no slut, she's a one man woman.

>not realizing the true superiority of dark elves

Reminder Elf Archer is down wanting a relationship with Priestess and wants to her cunny out.

Dark Elves are not real elves.

Attached: 1514155978772.jpg (528x640, 97K)


Big tittied elves are the best ones.

Attached: Shera_l._greenwood_5[1].jpg (1453x2048, 336K)

More like Sneedlit

my boy legolas

High elf

Attached: 1541258733870.gif (406x282, 3.1M)

She looks kind of Funabori there.

What is she planning to do?

Attached: 1543208622728.jpg (739x965, 265K)

Reminder that the only good elf is a dead elf.

Attached: 1516843956488.gif (198x240, 307K)

Came here to post this.

Attached: db44003f315cc2eb0143bb08d23f6c92.jpg (1116x1579, 879K)

Sniff used opantsu everyday.

Attached: 1492801146436.jpg (1280x720, 129K)

And that's a good thing.

Attached: 3ddf70a.png (418x477, 232K)


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fats should be rounded up and given the 'schwitz treatment.

Attached: Ik_Vp0LpzawyH5e_tQqsN0O83d4yXEGfzXdZ6EidxgWaxR4rBca0ngP0zmUZUVSwRFnkm0c0noVsj5EXGjPJcF1ncPaoya2MqViC (500x281, 1.59M)

Elves should only be for mating press or leglocking missionary.

Elves are for loving relationships with no fetishes or idea how to have sex in general as you learn together

>sticc subhuman

but im an ex-fattie who wants to go from average to borderline stick levels.

Don't bring 3D into this.

>flaming homosexual is angry at hot elves
More news at 18:00


Die gobbo

Attached: b4c7335.jpg (882x780, 82K)

Spearman is tsundere to GS. There are a surprising amount of fujo arts with those two.


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Attached: u3q5x41167i11.png (687x322, 112K)

>~167 cm
She is almost as high as GS and has a womanly figure but some idiots still call her 'loli' because of no tits.

big fat elf tits

>almost as high

Attached: high priestess.png (499x603, 334K)

GS is a manlet, he is around 172 cm. I remembered that because that's exactly my height.

Oh no no no

Attached: Goblin Slayer ep07 zerged.jpg (1920x1080, 131K)

It's ok. She got back up and pwnd them.

Attached: sadelf.jpg (466x566, 71K)

the ghosts always make me laugh

>such a used up HAG not even an Orc wants her
>the best

>draw an elf
>it's not an elf
Why does anime do this?

No one cares about worst-elf.

Is there a word for them like elftraps or something?

Roasted, looooooooooooooooool.

>wanting a perfectly aerodynamic and beautiful body ruined by lumps of fat

Attached: elfdodge.jpg (900x1350, 706K)

> Lancer owning stupid elf
> Dwarfbro smugs beside

Tops. High Elf getting shat on is always food for the soul.

Attached: __high_elf_archer_goblin_slayer_drawn_by_kannatsuki_noboru__3fc39cb0b15f605ab5d04422d3f9bf1b.jpg (1735x2478, 1.16M)

Attached: srself2.jpg (214x429, 78K)

Just curious, do your soul wear a dumb hat?

Arshes Nei > All

Attached: 34B792E4-5947-429C-8974-C4565F75A017.jpg (1000x1117, 299K)

That's a cow not an elf.

>that goblins

Attached: english_mofo.jpg (267x345, 13K)

fairy != elf

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Easy, here's six better elfus.

Attached: Meshi Elfus.jpg (1280x746, 274K)

This elf here spent 17 YEARS after her husbando
No other elf can compare to her dedication

Attached: 1552886453500.jpg (650x933, 84K)

Not even combined they are better than her.

Attached: 6e86ba1.jpg (789x1200, 219K)

Attached: anvil.png (250x521, 126K)


>1 cm taller than me
Damn it. I am a manlet too.

Erufu is the only Elf in this thread who is a literal miracle.

Attached: Miracle.jpg (302x302, 69K)

why did erufu shoot goblin slayer

She didn't, he was already dead.

Well she got gobbed after this?

Attached: 879458043.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

>With GS there

Attached: LN_Vol_02-09.jpg (672x960, 87K)

Based and Elfpilled

Attached: elf proud.png (598x730, 728K)

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Attached: 74341403_p0.jpg (1600x900, 731K)

Is this the truck you have to get hit by to be isekai'd?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.13_[2018.10.27_19.30.03].jpg (1280x720, 99K)

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.22_[2018.10.27_19.12.16].jpg (1280x720, 79K)

About beauty no Elf can compete with her.

Attached: 71344654_p0.png (1748x2480, 2.45M)

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Attached: 20181202_183703.png (318x618, 271K)

Good fight that one, against that which cannot be named.

Ironically enough, considering how she acts, how Abh act in general, their weird culture and low key mythical status among the general human population, Lafiel is more of an Elf than all these other characters, who are Elves just because they have knives for ears and are thousands of years old because author said so.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.05_[2018.10.20_19.59.46].jpg (1280x720, 104K)

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.57_[2018.10.27_19.29.42].jpg (1280x720, 89K)

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Attached: [Erai-raws] Goblin Slayer - 12 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_13.55_[2018.12.29_19.50.24].jp (1280x720, 77K)

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.03_[2018.11.10_20.40.32].jpg (1280x720, 97K)

any dead one
elgi umgak betrayed the dying oath of an honorable dawi and for that they will fucking pay with their lives
fuck elves, just not literally; they'd probably like it, consensual or not

Attached: 1531957409634.jpg (770x533, 276K)

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.50_[2018.10.20_19.29.16].jpg (1280x720, 121K)

I want an elfified Nadeshiko!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.16_[2018.10.20_19.42.25].jpg (1280x720, 88K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.57_[2018.12.08_19.52.06].jpg (1280x720, 117K)

Can a human forcibly be magically transformed into an elf?

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Attached: cOYIXm.jpg (614x345, 39K)

War of the Beard 2.0 when?

I love very long elven ears. The longer the better!

Attached: Deedlit This.jpg (1384x1029, 535K)

>Anime literally skipped that scene
>Anime literally skipped most of the good elf scenes
What the fuck

Glad to see this truth was posted already.

>Entire thread is about finding the best elf
>No one said the best space elf

Attached: lafiel.jpg (720x480, 113K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.13_[2018.10.13_19.38.27].jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Really? Because I'm pretty sure that and Posted her.

Attached: 1540057144029.webm (644x676, 79K)

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Attached: 1540056795300.webm (1280x720, 300K)

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>the Female (Male) Elf
Is there a problem?

It's not anime and manga.

Attached: Whatabeautifulmeattoiletmeattoiletsmaidenwaifuswhateverthey_8225_ban_f0497a_5840029.png (780x1137, 497K)

>implying there isn't a massive proportion of crossboarders

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.42_[2018.10.20_19.43.31].jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.48_[2018.10.20_19.54.03].jpg (1280x720, 119K)

And that's a problem.


GOOD crossboarders tho

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.10_[2018.11.03_18.59.22].jpg (1280x720, 109K)

That's oxymoronic, that's like saying "good conservatives" or "non-racist white people"

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.51_[2018.12.01_22.34.59].jpg (1280x720, 63K)

I'm glad this thread got bumped multiple times to get right to the good topics.

Is that full of the gold she earned from working the local gloryhole?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.00_[2018.12.01_21.50.53].jpg (1280x720, 82K)

Elf-hater please leave and shitpost somewhere else.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.34_[2018.10.20_20.03.42].jpg (1280x720, 98K)

High Elf Archer aka Phat Stacks of CA$H

No, now answer the question you knife ear loving race traitor.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_23.32_[2018.10.13_21.07.19].jpg (1280x720, 122K)

Just hide the thread if you don't like its topic. You are not contributing anything of worth to this anime and manga thread about a fictional race.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.18_[2018.12.01_21.52.10].jpg (1280x720, 80K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.00_[2018.12.22_18.42.59].jpg (1280x720, 75K)

Attached: 1536670425398.jpg (433x715, 90K)

Racist white people are the only good white people, though.

East asians are honourary whites, too.

>Racist white people are the only good white people, though.
good thing your getting replaced then nazi :)

I'll live on forever in your memories.

in lessons on why you deserved to die off lmao

She and her authoritarian ilk should be strung up along with her race traitor boy-toy.

Attached: 1420172654282.jpg (627x1441, 101K)

Then beat us in a 1 on 1 war th-
oh wait lol

God I'd give up on Bannerlord ever being released if it meant I could get a fantasy RPG with multiple romance routes, and if your charisma is high enough multiple erufus could be in love with you and it turns into a soft harem with a dense protagonist.

>I'd give up on Bannerlord ever being released

Attached: bannerlord release date.jpg (1076x797, 94K)

Man of culture.

It's just porn.

Attached: 2xlm1g.jpg (591x422, 99K)

Please just let it die.


me on the left


Attached: tbu6f8ak55121.png (912x252, 238K)

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Why not? It's just another goblin slayer general at this point.

Attached: DELET.jpg (532x658, 15K)

Conservatives are far better people than liberals. Also, nobody is more racist than non-whites.


Attached: myntzaH.jpg (4000x4000, 679K)

Good anime and manga.


Please don't bump the thread if you can't contribute anything.

Isn't Lodoss getting some new content in the future?

Attached: 46312011_p0.jpg (1200x1200, 1.07M)

There is apparently some sprite game in the making.

Drunken sex with Kerillion

Is not anime and manga.

What kind of elf is this?

Deedlit is getting a Castlevania-like game made by the people that did 2hu Luna Nights and a couple other branded sprite games.

Attached: deedlit.webm (1282x710, 2.95M)

Attached: P408.png (1719x2500, 1.58M)

Pornfag please fuck off.

Attached: SAKO-clap.gif (390x290, 38K)

This is now a Marcille thread.

Attached: 1445482205292.png (270x339, 25K)

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there are better places for that fat

Attached: donkelf.jpg (937x1500, 381K)

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Attached: 1510683874129.png (202x462, 88K)

Attached: 1539410284797.png (388x443, 98K)

These are all essentially the same drawing. Worst elf.

Worst taste.

Attached: 1441350798160.jpg (310x291, 25K)

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Attached: 1547234657591.png (420x420, 73K)

This is the only good thing from that disgusting manga

Attached: IMG_20190312_214821.jpg (472x642, 72K)

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false. fish is fresh, and oga is best mom.

Attached: D4xu4C6WkAAN90K.jpg (567x358, 83K)

Elves from isekai Maou. The loli & the big one


Attached: 1507997870841.png (245x250, 68K)

Attached: 1554292919060.gif (734x988, 1.14M)

Olga Discordia from Kuroinu.

Attached: 14413507981960.jpg (361x483, 158K)

Trash, fuck off to .

Attached: 14413507981936.jpg (77x93, 4K)

Attached: 14413507981969.jpg (214x223, 45K)

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Attached: __marushiru_dungeon_meshi_drawn_by_yuukoo__sample-91caeb2c37191d356fe2ac22aa09d09c.jpg (850x1451, 305K)

Well, no more pics. I'm glad we agree that OP was right.

Someone deleted a pic.

Attached: 3b4980618e6873a28a7b53f58eea2e45.png (1048x990, 927K)

Seira from Endro

Attached: 1511708671768.jpg (1793x1920, 705K)


logical impossibility


Post smol elf

It's not disgusting, it's fun and mostly cute. Just don't be an autist.

I dislike fat people. I just can't stand them.

It's disgusting, ugly and the monstergirl fetishfags should fuck off from elf threads forever.

Piss off.

>monstergirl fetishfags
Mostergirls are shit fetish because the poor girls are pretty much abominations,
but Elf-san is just healthy and fine demihuman/fantasy races stuff. With exception of dragon but dragon often have human form.

Oh okay, let me rephrase it
>and the fat-fetishfags should fuck off from elf threads forever

what are the elves going to do to Marcille when they find her and find out about her dark arts meddling?

why do you think only fetish cretins read it?
Did you miss >It's not disgusting, it's fun and mostly cute
Maybe try to actually read it instead of just assuming things based on Yea Forums degenerates posting pics from a single gag chapter or something?


I read the first few chapters and was disappointed. Then the fetisfags continued to shove these creatures into whatever other thread or board and continued to be obnoxious. Nah, I'm good.