Good Mowning!
Good Mowning!
Other urls found in this thread:
>No audio
It's not the same
Does anyone know Nipponese? Can anyone who does please translate what is being said in this week's PV?
I want to know what lewd stuff they are saying. Last week's was absolutely lewd with the boys practically talking about which hole to put their cucumbers in.
Something about Enta once was teaching his classmates about the city's 'cucumber spots' (?) and sensei telling him that he knows nothing, but now he understands. And then the usual "nanka deteru" joke.
Sara: Sarazanmai, the sixth dish
Enta: The cucumber spot, that’s hot. A long time ago we made a school newspaper and when I told everyone about the cucumber spot in our city the teacher told me that I don’t understand anything. Teacher, now I understand. The cucumber spot’s- huh? Something’s coming out?
can someone translate this?
Saratto dasshutsu!
This got eerier when I learned what the lyrics for her background song are.
Enta is appreciating the perks of being a kappa.
I still want to know what is coming out tho.
The secret leaking = something coming out
I still don't understand why don't the trio say "iku iku" during the leaking scene.
Like, it fits.
It wouldn't be so elegant
Flute licking wasn't lewd enough for you?
According to novel, they are supposed to have to most powerful sarazanmai experience yet in this week's episode. Wonder how that will translate into the visuals
Enta without glasses a cute.
do they prescreen every episode somewhere?
So far, yes, every episode has has a prescreening.
They do at the noitaminA cafe.
They prescreen them every Sat-Sun at noitaminA cafe in Odaiba. Therefore some people already watched episode 6 last week. I assume they won't do it with the last episode though.
>Wonder how that will translate into the visuals
Literally 20 minutes of non-stop kappa cumming action with multiple camera angles showing the pulsating base of penis with each pump.
Frogs don't have penis, user
Has anyone smarter than me pointed out that Mabu does the ア pose while getting penetrated by Reo?
Then why are they covered in yogurt in the pics I've found??
Yes but he's using his right hand not left hand.
Kappas aren't frogs, user.
Practical to perform the dance final pose
Fug is that meant to look like an ア? I'm retarded and only just noticed.
It can look like a kappa holding on to the dish on it's head but yeah it's ア with the outstretch right arm.
he's cute with them too
toi understands this
I had a dream that Mabu was confirmed to be a turtle. Secret turtle empire twist when?
Have you been reading too much nip theories? Mabu being Genbu exploded about they showed the screenshot of Reo holding a turtle/tortoise ningyoyaki.
I absolutely read too many theories. I was really confused when I woke up because it seemed so real.
I'm all for Mabu being kappa as there are signs of it. The only thing holding me back is his similar eye colour to Reo's but there might be the reasons for that. If Mabu could be a kappa then a folklore turtle isn't unlikely either.
*might be other
I don't know why but this post strikes me as rather "gay" in a stereotypical, flamboyant camp way.
This anime is "interesting" but besides having a unique way of storytelling it doesn't really have much to offer, and I really dislike the reused footage, half of the episode are repeated scenes, it's an ok show for me.
Compared to Ikuhara's old works this one is simple and easier to understand, Ikuhara himself said it.
That's a boy, isn't it?
This artist is really cute, fuck. These two are really growing on me.
I don't really get anything going on with the secret society of otters or whatever
Though I didn't read any of the side material
No, it's a girl. Why the fuck is there always at least one person asking this in every thread?
I think that was just a shout out to the manga, but who knows.
Neither maga nor twitter explain you shit about the otter society. But I advise you to read them because they will be helpful later.
That's because it hasn't been explained in the show yet, just hinted. You'll get a little more info on that soon.
Something about that girl just sets off my trap-senses. I can't explain it.
I want to bring Toi a warm drink and stay with him until he falls asleep.
There's a poster where she wear a swimsuit, her seiyuu has a super sweet voice, and the blond cop cheks her gender in the manga, she is an infant there.
Good to hear. She got some great eyebrows.
>tfw Mabu is genbu and a kappa and a rose and a robot all at the same time
Don't forget a corpse.
You know Ikuhara would.
Does liking this anime make me gay?
Liking anime makes you gay.
>Does liking [name of anime] make me [adjective that describes one more elements in said anime]?
Brainlets I swear.
women can't be gay for men
See you at the pride parade, user.
endgame right here brothers
And the perfect wife.
I've got to say my excitement for this show went down in this last week. I hope the second half gets more Ikuhara-ish crazy.
God I wish that was me.
I just want a happy end
That's all that matters.
I need to see this smile again before the series is over
I'm psyched for the manga adaptation.
I wonder if there will be some changes and deviations from the anime
I hope Enta is killed. fuck faggots
I hope Reo and Mabu have intense graphic sex, fuck faggots.
why are tripfags not a reportable offense?
correct, they should be brave and not pussy out.
Enta a CUTE
I bet he has a small
What can we do to protect aniki's smile, bros?
Get plates.
Reset the timeline.
reminder that one of toi's songs in the ost is named separation or some shit like that
This normally everything is explained towards the end
I don't want to lose him ;_;
If the show doesn’t end exactly like this, I’m going to steal Ikuni’s shirikodama.
Who's ready for Reo's "love" to be revealed as a warped vicious desire to force Mabu to become and stay the way he remembers Mabu once being, resulting in him becoming a shameful horrid zombie who deserves no sympathy after death
have there been any other cases of one story having two seperate manga? obviously aside from prequels and sequels. or I guess this would count as a sequel?
The Migi manga is an adaptation and the ReoMabu manga is a "spin-off" that doesn't have a clear place in the timeline [yet].
Toi confirmed best boy.
Of course.
Ikuni wouldn't do that to his favorite character, r-right?
Could be.
That more or less matches what Miyano have been saying for a while about "their relationship going beyond everyone's imagination" or something like that.
>Be prepared for tumultuous developments. The second half has many comedic parts as well, but the amount of serious elements will increase. For people who’ve followed Ikuhara, the time when you’re begin to in suspense make guesses about who’ll live and die will begin
It's time
Tell me something I didn't already know
>his looks are really cool, he must have received good genes
Based aniki bless Toi with his good genes
>who will live, who will die
Prepare your butts.
I’m putting my money on Haruka, Kazuki, or Mabu again
user, you do know that you don't get your genes from your siblings right?
>but the amount of serious elements will increase. For people who’ve followed Ikuhara, the time when you’re begin to in suspense make guesses about who’ll live and die will begin
I'm placing my bets on Reo and Mabu both being permadead at the end. The boys will survive.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Has anybody been able to find the song that plays during her show?
Search "Houkago kappa" on youtube
No, that's exactly what he'd want you to do!
My bet goes on cops and Chikai.
I want Reo and Mabu to be a family again
I hope Sara-chan and Keppi won't die. I want to see their chibi kappa offsprings.
Are you mentally prepared for that to not happen?
source on this user?
What do the most popoular theories about the spin-off manga say? Could the events be placed in the future, at the end of the anime, or in the past? I remember someone pointed out that the Sky Tree is missing in the manga as well?
Thanks user.
Not sure about nip theories, but here it seems like the most common assumption is that it happened before the Twitter and before the actual show. Some user here said that the "it was all a dream" at the end of the manga happened due a time reset.
Well, I fully expect it to not happen. But I still want it to.
Can anybody explain all the gay shit to me?
I'm just generally drawing some connection between secret desires, being connected to people in circular fashion (i.e. you can't escape who you're connected to), and all the gay stuff. In other words: literal fags can't help being literal fags?
Seems a bit simple to me, so I'm sure I'm missing some pretty major points.
I think gay stuff is there just because Ikuhara likes it tbqh
We're all connected cock to anus in a big man circle.
You’re fucking overthinking big time my man
It's not THAT DEEP because the G Spot is actually close to the anus. This is why men with big dicks are better off bottoming than topping. A big dick will hurt your insides and never pleasure you as much as a smaller dick.
Big dicks are for slutty women.
Therefore big desires are bad, small desires are good.
DROPPED if enta doesn't die
does winning the kazukibowl really even count as winning?
Winning a bad prize happens sometimes. Winning isn't inherently a good thing.
Is he gay?
No. Bi, maybe.
Reo is destined to suffer until the end of time.
least that nigga is still alive
like just move on bro
get some new pussy
Implying that Mabu is replaceable.
I'd rather be dead than move on from my perfect waifu. I'd rather be turned into Otterzilla and kill everyone first.
This is why people shoot churches
God I want a boy (friend) that crossdresses so bad
Plenty of pre-op trannies nowadays user
>probably learned to "cook" from youtube tutorials
>bottles up his moaning voice because no homo
>services old men because the relationship is "up in the air rn babe"
>shit at dancing
that's 4 deal breakers right there
>all that shit-tier headcanon
at least 1 of those is true
Look, Mabu is doing his best. Dancing isn't easy, you're just mean.
How do you explain all the size queens in the gay world then?
We know, Tooi.
>porn mirrors the real world
Only underages fall for the big dong meme
gays like feeling full you dummies, it's not *just* about poking the shirikodama
I want to poke Enta’s shirikodama.
BOTH Reo and Mabu are bottoms. That's why Mabu had to die.
Reo will take on any role.
I don't know if that's legal user
Just the tip
God I wish that was me
based and smallpenispilled
Uso Uso
enta looks weird in this shot
Why is Enta such a shit
he ruined the entire show!
Enta will win the brazil-kun bowl.
Or the Toi bowl I guess. Kazukibowl is for Harukappa.
He'll be anything Mabu wants him to be. Too bad Mabu doesn't want anything.
I wonder if we'll ever see Reo and Mabu being comfy together in the past in the anime.
Sorry user but aniki has long won the Toibowl you'll have to pry it out of his cold dead hands
Maybe tonight
This guy thinks shit is gonna get explained.
I wish that i was a dead otter
It probably will though, Ikuni already said Sarazanmai will be easier to understand in comparison to his other shows. I think at least the kappa otter deal will get some exposition.
About the cop's song, has it been fully translated by anyone? There are a couple of verses sung by Miyano that haven't shown up on the anime yet.
Balls! Balls! x4
Otters! (Lies! Lies!)
We’ll steal them! (Balls! Balls!)
Society (Lies! Lies!)
We’ll steal them! (Balls! Balls!)
“That was our doing”
“That’s yesterday’s news”
Kawau- Soiya-!
Soiya! Soiya! x2
Neutered dogs, bare your teeth!
Mere insects coasting through life, live passionately!
Don’t let go of your desires! x2
We’ve attained two fates
We’re all alike, one life form
Wring out the desire! x2
Kawau- Soiya! Soiya! x5
Kawau- Soiya!
Soiya! Soiya! x2
Tear to pieces the true heart that was under control
The heat you touched, and contradicting fakes
Don’t let go of your desires! x2
Our wish is an endless night
Our meeting is a morning that won’t begin
Wring out the desire! x2
Kawau- Soiya! Soiya! x2
Kawau- Soiya!
Not that user but thank you!
>We’ve attained two fates
I still think CR's translation fucked this up, probably from not having access to the lyrics at the time since it's officially 獲る not 得る. 獲る is like to capture prey, so that line should be something more like "Those we have captured, have two fates" (likely a reference to the love vs desire question).
And I think whoever did this TL misinterpreted this line somewhat:
>The heat you touched, and contradicting fakes
I don't think that と is listing, it's a comparison. As in the 紛い物 (fake) is 裏腹 (at odds with/in contradiction to) the 触れた暑さ (heat [the speaker] feels). So like it's fake despite its warmth (perhaps Mabu's heart).
Personally, I think this pair of lines seems like it's meant to have a dual meaning. 支配された真実の心 (the controlled true heart) could be in reference to their zombie victims, keeping their true desires repressed, or Mabu's literal heart (if you look up the word "mabu" one gloss is 真実 "truth"). And similarly Reo's followup about the "fake" could be talking again about their victims living a false life (they "feel" warm/passionate, but it's a lie––maybe even suggestive of the desire (false) vs love (true) dichotomy?) and Mabu's heart (warm to the touch, but ultimately fake).
It's a weird angle for a kiss.
Thank you user
Thank you both, anons!
he still don't look right
>came for the gay frog prostate gland stimulation
>stayed for the Japanese literature wordplay analysis
God I wish that was me.
Do you think enta will kill himself after Toi and Kazuki get together?
Enta always looks weird
he's not anime-pretty, which ironically makes him the cutest
Do you think KazuToifags will kill themselves when the series ends without Kazuki and Toi getting together?
I think makeinu should be translated as underdogs not neutered dogs
i want to cum inside aniki
It's not neutered because of the makeinu part:
去勢された is literally "castrated"
A quoloquial translation would actually be something like "You fucking losers, show us what you got!"
i want aniki to cum inside me
I want "X cum inside Y" fags to fucking die.
So if spoilers are to be believed, keppi is in human form during the war scene?
Reminder that aniki sucks dick on the regular to support his otouto
Yes, that's what the people who went to the pre-screen said. Although they also said that his face is obscured so we don't get too good of a look at him.
What a hero.
Not sure if that user still wants the source for pic related but I finally found it:
God I wish that was me. Source?
Oh so we're really getting this scene already next episode, in a few hours. C-can't wait.
here you go user
Thanks fellow Kujichad.
How'd I do user?
Okay controversial idea, but here me out Enta x Aniki
no because enta gets no dicks
Controversial idea, but hear me out: Aniki x Mabu
because they’re both going to fucking die
God, I hope he has pink hair.
what does the red line at the bottom signify
why is this an image of a monitor
Where their heels meet the floor
What does the ア means.
I want "I want X" fags to fucking die.
I want to fucking die.
No I mean the symbolism behind it.
It's the sound you make when you get your shirikodama stolen.
No connections, no beginning, no end = the unchosen, right?
Basically those without a place in a society. Although all the kappa zombies have all men who were perverts in one way or the other. Do people still remember the crimes even after they're erased?
There's no crime if they're erased.
I wonder if this episode will feel as rushed as the last one. I guess at least there's no cop song or shirikodama removal stock animation. Also I hope they cut the sumo wrestling because I don't wanna see that.
>he doesn't want to see Enta getting a boner from sweaty kappa wrestling with Kazuki
ETA for next ep?
Disgusting is still dead.
Only shitty stream available
I hate my life
I want to fuck big dicked bottoms.
Why did the threads die after ep 3?
Bandwagoners fucked off and some were avoiding spoilers.
I want to go but I can't.
Retards finally realised this is an Ikuhara show first before being a shota/fujo anime. Now the threads can be less annoying.
people presumably got fed up with the lazy repetition in the second half of every episode
I hope so user, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Good, the weak must perish.
They didn't though.
some might call you weak for putting up with garbage
Not all, you're still here.
Enta was simply too fucking gay.
No one is forcing you to watch.
it's like that for most shows tho
Anyone still hanging on are Ikuharafags and newfags that can handle Ikuhara. No idea why someone that hates Ikuhara hasn't drop the show by now.
I like seeing flustered anons such as yourselves squirm when their show gets lambasted, so I tbink I'll stay
my penis likes the show too, so there's that
Seems like such a big drop for the most active original show on Yea Forums at the time.
The same thing happened with YKA but that one took a shorter time for yurifags to drop it.
The thumbnail made me think this was a video game for a second.
cute frawgs
This episode got praised a lot but it will be hard to take seriously when they are frogs all the time.
It's because they're frogs that they should be taken even more seriously.
I love these frogs though
Might as well not even watch it then. See you guys once Crunchy releases it, I guess.
Can't wait to see Reo's beloved Mabu die in his arms!
Same. I'm eager to hear pre-death Mabu's voice. Prescreeners said that it sounds distinctly different.
I'm so hyped I know I'm going to be dissapointed, what an awful feeling
Not monotonous like currently.
Do you distrust Murase?
>hyped for characters that have 1 line in the show
Keppi has more than one line.
a bit
what are you talking about, the cops? I don't give a fuck about them
>hyped for keppi
The cops have more than one line so it isn't them.
Of course.
DROPPED if keppi has pink hair
Based. Fujos are so fucking annoying about them
Good bye
Sara's kappa, that is supposed to be Sara herself, has purple hair, but Keppi has none. Inb4 he's bald.
your prized ikuhara left your interests by the wayside
user is so vague. It must be one of the kappa zombies.
If it's an ア shouldn't they twist the arm down instead of on the head?
Not a fujo but so far the cops are the most intriguing part of the show. And they have just as many lines, if not more, than the main boys if you count the manga and their Twitter.
DROPPED if he doesn't have pink hair. You can't have an Ikuni show without a pink-haired dude.
What? Looks like your only point to start shit.
yeah, the fact that they are just fujobait so far bothers me, but I hate them for wasting 2 minutes doing the same dance every episode
>inb4 this is ikuhara and you are supposed to like this
It's cuter if they touch their heads.
Time to break this tradition. I can't imagine Keppi with pink hair, but we'll see.
>best part of the show
>only substance is not in the show
light speed dumb
>not watching an Ikuhara show for Ikuhara
So those retards are still around.
I'm leaning towards green for his hair color too, but it's got to be pink.
>>inb4 this is ikuhara and you are supposed to like this
Well yeah. No reason to pick up the show if you're not an Ikuharafag.
Cops are driving the interest in the show. Nip fujos agreed don’t bother them about it
we aren't leaving anytime soon, I guess you should get used to it :^)
I didn't say they're the best, just the most intriguing. Most of the speculations made is about them.
the criticism deflection in here is mind blowing
>watching a show you dislike
Those kind of retards still exist.
>Most of the speculations made is about them.
Yeah this. It's the cops then Sara and Keppi next that gets the most talk.
we must be reading different Yea Forumss
Enta's stubborn gayness is what drew me back every week to this amazing anime.
You must have missed threads.
it'a just that your statement doesn't make much sense, calling them the best part of the IP or franchise or whatever makes sense sincd it's a collection of material. Best part of the show, that's a huge stretch.
There's not much to be explained anyways, the whole concept is very simple, only thing that would need an explanation would be this Secret Organization and what is the exact role of the cops, just finished reading the manga and that just confused me more about their characters, are they really the parents of Sara?
shit taste
You're blind. The boys don't get speculation because the story with them is straightforward so far.
No I don't like tasting shit, I like tasting cum.
Learn the difference, it could save your life.
The boys don't get speculation because the novel spoiled their plotlines.
Didn't I literally just say I didn't call them the best?By God, user.
I can’t wait for the cops to die and Enta to be abandoned after middle school for being a fag. Based Ikuhara btfoing homos. Yuri/bisexual master race.
well yes, I read the first two days, anything else is just
>I want to fuck x
and novel spoilers
That too but so far nothing in the first 6 episode indicates anything. Other than the "time loop" or reset at the first episode for Kazuki.
Jesus you’re pedantic
this is so cringe, im so embarrassed for you user, you really thought you were being clever or something here but you weren't i feel bad for your parents for raising such a failure with shit taste
So you haven't read the threads.
Anyone got a stream with working sound?
Okay so you missed threads and therefore aren't the best person to gauge things.
sounds like we're splitting hairs here, and my point as I just said was about you qualifying them through supplemental material. Just a pointless semantics argument anyway
>not proving me wrong
see? I missed nothing
endgame right here brothers
You've proven yourself that you weren't around. How would anyone know which parts you missed or picked up. I say wait for tonight's episode and join in the discussion.
>actually awake for the stream today
>none of them are functioning
Wait you're asking for spoilers or not?
Threads up to episode 6
>endgame spamming
>tranny spammer
>cum, aniki about 1000x
>why is this show gay
>guys I think Enta is REALLY gay
>I wish Mabu was my wife
Did I miss anything?
Yeah and that was really dumb and pointless of you, I'm glad you agree.
how the fuck is dsgstng still dead?
Just read the archive. There are weeks worth of "Mabu is a kappa/timeloop'd/zombie/robot/prince/turtle."
All he asks for is (You)s
Seems accurate.
The threads have been better lately though.
calling the cops interesting in the show* is being dismissive of how poorly they're developed in the show.
*please look on twitter for the characters to be interesting
That's because Aniki user got banned, it seems that he's back now though.
maybe sarafag
user, are you okay? Have you ever heard of a multimedia project?
Wow what a shit site, I legit don't know where to watch now
That's a very generous description of what you brainless tards have been doing. Anyway, here's your (You).
Please don't give that person attention and remember to report him/her
Sarafags are like 2% and never shit up the threads
for me its pretty weak for the showrunners to beg viewers to read outside matieral to enjoy an anime original show, especially considering the manga was pretty weak and really doesn't feel like it will be as relevant as we're being led to believe
Then it's just a cute pose, not ア.
sooo, where are people gonna watch? the stream has no fucking sound
thanks for the virus
>really doesn't feel like it will be as relevant as we're being led to believe
>Says this literally minutes before the episode that proves him wrong
I swear to god, Yea Forums just keeps getting dumber and dumber.
>6th episode and people are still asking where to livewatch
>not using protection in 2019
i shiggy diggy
Somehow I feel like Ikuhara is pulling a fast one on me. The cops are so cute and funny in the supplemental material, so I grew attached to them, but I have a distinct feeling the show will end with typical Ikuhara suffering and probably a death end.
>for me its pretty weak for the showrunners to beg viewers to read outside matieral to enjoy an anime original show
It's a multi-media project. Have multiple forms of media to consume in order to get the full picture isn't a bad thing unless you're an illiterate tard who can only consume video. Fuck off if you don't like it.
My problem was with Twitter mainly. Having to rely on a fucking shit social media that is and will always be relevant to the whole series is both hilarious and sad.
I guess I'm just too old for this shit.
dsgsng is down
why do I feel like you are mad right now?
the criticisms are about the show you brainlet, how hard is that to understand?
say something mean about enta
Cops are most definitely doomed. Maybe they have a shot depending on how tragic Ikuni makes their conditions but I'm almost sure they'll be permadead by the end of the show.
He's gay.
you are going to the sreencap buddy
And still down as of 5 seconds ago. Is there no vaughn stream anymore. It's been years since I last livestreamed.
Considering the show is actually trying to make a commentary on social media, it's not a bad move. I'm just glad it's archived now though, it probably won't age well.
Where are you watching it then faggot?
How am I supposed to find this thread if you dummies don't put in a subject reeeeee
He would be more popular with a different hairstyle.
>not recognising SaraTV
Are we all going to be watching without sound then
don't pretend to know what is and what isn't popular in japan
No one's got time to look at the goddamn pictures. I just want to ctrl+f through everything.
to be fair they had sarazanmai in the filename
Keppi is cute, cute!
I looked around for other alternatives but everything else is broken or virus-ridden
Seems like it.
Reminder there's a 10min delay.
>watching without sound then
But what about the plot?
Shit lads, I don't want to watch the Murase recommended episode like this. See you fags after raws are out.
You can sing along like karaoke, they rehash the sound anyway.
If you like watching an inferior product. The voice acting this episode should be good.
Dsgstng save us from mov3
there's still time to find a working stream, good luck!
>sound of ikuhara's cock ramming user's uvula
>dude the show is supposed to be lacking character development
>dude it's offscreen
You are SO fucking cucked and you don't even realize it. What a stupid fucking argument, multimedia project somehow means the show can be subpar, the twitter shit can be subpar, the manga can be subpar, but you just have to look at the bigger picture maaaan
kill yourself
Dsgstng isn't down, but they're not streaming fuji tv anymore. They haven't for weeks now.
the twitter account is piss poor and self indulgent as fuck, but for the viewer its more of an annoyance to read thru than anything else
there's no other fuji live stream
Someone save us from mov3. I'd take bilibili
It's not difficult to scroll down unless you're too retarded to do something that simple.
>Dsgstng isn't down, but they're not streaming fuji tv anymore.
It's not listed as Fuji TV.
He's literally streaming it right now
They are getting all their development from twitter fanart probably so user doesn't realize how weak it actually is
All is right in this world.
No one said anything about difficult, retard.
Goddamnit. I hate it when people mislabel stuff.
jesus christ calm down you overly defensive weirdo
>Kazuki having existential crisis
Is there a link to this non-down site.
These commercial breaks are so fucking long, God.
see you in 3 hours
Deciphering the Twitter account and speculating based off its content has been fun as fuck. Sorry that you're such a faggot.
This looks like another Lapin Track episode.
If you've ever watched dsgstng before then search for vk.
Thanks for opening my eyes, user. I love you. I almost opened Keyhole like I was in 2011 and watching MPD.
Not safe for life.
>pole dance
I'm on the site and I can't find it among the live ones
I am impressed, it is not broken French
made myself late to work for this and I can't even get site to load amazing
>pole dancing Keppi
>Enta delusions
I love this already.
It's the one labeled as Tokyo MX
it doesn't load ;_;
who voices nyantarou?
Thank you
dsgstng just times out for me, am I retarded?
Haruka don't talk to gay strangers.
>Reo and Haruka
Oh jesus.
oh shit
Good job, Miyano.
Go on vk and click the tokyo mx stream
Don't spoonfeed too much
>Reo comforting himself with neighbourhood shota while Mabu is out on maintenance
doujin when
Keppi having random schizo fits.
The Empire is here!
It's not like they can get the hint if they're not familiar with it.
Endgame right here bros.
What the fuck is up with the dancing habaneros?
raggubi no bara!
what are the chances bd extras will be scanned
>wahh I don't want other people to watch as well
How do you think Mabu betrays Reo everyday?
Stitch please.
Kappa samurai
Where are the stream links on the vk
wait for better video for stitches and webms
>Kappa hieroglyphs
>kappa hieroglyphs
>that ost
He betrays Reo's feelings/their former love by being an emotionless robot.
Otters ruin everything!
Damn, Enta is strong.
At least I have taste.
Compared to a Cardcaptor Sakura posting faggot like you I'm content.
Why is fundoshi so arousing.
That OST indeed, damn.
vk com/videos-177082369?z=video-177082369_456239188%2Fclub177082369%2Fpl_-177082369_-2
Keppi having a Kyubei moment.
that's hot
It's the fucking pulleys again.
Terminator reference.
It's always boxes.
Kazuki is Homura, Haruka is Madoka
I hope Ikuni figured out how pulleys work this time.
the splat of kappa kazuki makes me hard
Thank you!
>Love or Libido
is that meth
>toi waterboarding keppi and facefucking keppi with his gun
doujin when
Okay, I didn't expect that to be what saves the day.
They turned Keppi into a football. Cruel boys.
>Reo's laugh
Poor Keppi ;_;
Haruka is pure. He was full of love!
its a reaction image you retard
Here it comes
Happy endo.
First time I actually thought Kazuki was cute.
I was hoping kazuki's smile would be more happy, but this works too
Keppi saves the day
>healing and friendship
I-I'm not crying, you're crying!
11/10 episode tho
Enta thanking Toi and the betsuni was cute.
>Dissing on CCS
Sailor otter flashback.
It was so fucking quick. What the hell.
It's the Kappa zombie from the OP
the episodes get shorter every week
>happy ending
I honestly expected either Haruka or Kazuki getting erased.
so keppi is bad?
Finally spoilers are done for!! The era of glorious SPECULAH begins except for prescreening faggotry
It was so fast and pretty anticlimactic
It was great.
Isn't that just Keppi? Is he the darkness that inhabitted the kappa prince?
What killed the hype?
I was worried about that
if anons have any decency they'll leave that shit out of the threads
>Kuro Keppi System
It's just a reaction image, but
>accusing others of shit taste while insulting CCS
Was Mabu the one who told him to hold onto desire?
will prescreens still happen?
>yokubou wo tebanasu na
Every week pre-screen faggots tell me to get hype for cops only for them to get like 1 minute of screentime.
As expected, they look like they're wearing pretty antique clothing. Is this really post Twitter?
If Reo and Mabu never kiss on screen I riot
Ikuhara a cuck
It was pretty comedic.
>happy end
>btw here's 10 second flashback of why heroes are on bad guy side
Prescreening spoilers are usually pretty useless, don't worry.
Meh it was lame
People hyped it up too much
Perfect wife.
They won't, but I trust anons to use spoiler tag.
>Ep 7 summary is up:
>Just before summer vacation, Kazuki and Enta invite Toi to join the soccer club. But Enta’s long-cherished practice area has been destroyed by someone. Reo and Mabu are scheming something. Their past is finally revealed––
we did it lads
>絵コンテ:吉行 龍之介
Who is that? How do you translate that name?
1 minute is literally all a devoted fujo needs.
Nips are fast
yes. It gains so much traction that they have to do two prescreens on Saturday
Kazuki a cute.
>Their past is finally revealed––
>trusting red-eyed mascot who turns you into magical kappas
Murase is the one who hyped it the most
>Reo and Mabu are scheming something. Their past is finally revealed––
Who else didn't even stream here and is waiting for the Horrible Subs release?
Mabu's pale skin is sexy.
Fuck this is going to be a very long week
Mabu has luscious lips.
>golden trio
surely nothing will go wrong by episode 11
He's basically dressed like Sara, I mean their outfits have similar decorations
i just assumed since we're out of novel episodes prescreens would end
I'm waiting for raws pleb.
Sara is a furry?
>Mabu's face when he's getting fucked by the otter boss
>reo's tits
When did he hype the cops? The only reason he likes episode 6 is because it has elements that Ikuharafans typically enjoy like the whole shredder thing.
I can't wait for my kemono artists to pick this boy up
Keppi&Sara are former kappa prince&princess
Mabu&Reo are former kappa royal something
Kappa zombies invaded and destroyed their kingdom
Red eyed evil thing possessed Keppi
His artificial heart is acting up, calling it now.
yoshiyuki ryuunosuke?
Main reason I stopped giving a fuck about them.
thanks for the food
Obviously. Must be it.
This is too cute.
And yet Reo judges him for going for maintenance, what an awful husband.
prescreen fags are killing the hype
I like their uniforms. We need more uniforms.
Novel fags, Is there any relevance that "otter" in Japanse has the same sound as "lie"?
Cute. When they meet in the anime?
You can be sure by the end of Saturday we'll have the new episode leaks spreading on 5ch and twitter and therefore here.
The real Mabu is dead, you are no longer married after one of you turns into a zombie.
They haven't met in the anime yet, I hope they will
I think that's it. Can't see anything on them though.
Why is Mabu(corpse) always side eying Reo in official art?
They are basically a mature version of Team Rocket now.
Because Mabu (corpse) just wants to be laid to rest.
He's wondering if he should tell Reo he's leaving him for good.
smug enta a cute
Zombie Mabu is often avoiding looking at Reo. I don't think he's supposed to be sideeyeing Reo in that art, he's supposed to not be giving eye contact to the viewer. Reo's expression kinda makes it look though like they should be standing side by side and looking like Reo -> Mabu ->.
>All those boxes
The otter empire must be dealing with a bunch of kappa zombies. Who's defeating them? Is this one of the things I'm not supposed to think about?
Everyone who cares about the show already knew what was going to happen this episode. Next episodes should be more hype.
enjoy the ban faggot
New thread
Everyone already knows to ignore baitposts like those.
can't remember source but officially reo is always looking at mabu while mabu is never looking at reo
Not everyone are retarded enough to spoil themselves
Why are you such faggot, user spoilered it.
Is that image even ban-worthy? Only a male nipple and no dick
You can get banned for cropped porn if it's gay porn.
not gay if it's solo male :^)