Was Haruhi an objective (meaning you can't argue) peak of anime?

Was Haruhi an objective (meaning you can't argue) peak of anime?
I'm thinking it was.

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Yea, but only because if yuki

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People can always argue. Stop searching for objectivity.

It was a really good show though.

Yes but it's been ran into the ground so hard by fans and the anime industry I'm sick of it now

that time period was peak anime


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Anyone who says Japanese don't use/get sarcasm should take a long hard look at Kyon
Haruhi herself was absolute gutter tier shit though

Obviously. Kyon is based.

Yes because it started the LN adaptation bullshit that is modern anime.

This is the real goddess.

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garbo taste


Yes. It was the best of it's generation.

Haruhi is peak waifu

It also shows how you can make a 2nd season that should sell on it's franchise name alone and still somehow fuck it up to levels never seen before or since.

Not while endless eight exists.

Yes it was.

>objective (meaning you can't argue)
Thank you for the explanation, I would've never guessed!

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8 useless episodes instead of splitting the movie in 8 episodes and making something decent with S2

Non linear BS. It can be interresting but not for this show.

Not that fun compared to Monogatari

If this the peak, no wonder the industry is still making shit shows

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t. got their boiholes ripped by E8

Why are you posting a 4/10 series? (Devilman)

good, the filter still works like a clock

I'm posting a 8/10 show

yuki chan eating choccy balls had me in stitches

>nothing to do with spring

>nothing to do with snow

Season 3 soon brothers

It's unwatchable because the episode structure isn't thought out or intentional at all and the movie is 4 hours long. Stop pretending to like complete crap.

It's shit though.