Hey guys I'm headed to MgRonald. Anyone want anything?
Hey guys I'm headed to MgRonald. Anyone want anything?
Can I get uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Get me one of those funny meals with extra cute
That girl with the giant burgers number.
Bring me the clowns clothes, I must study him.
that's not good
What the fuck that is insane
I want borgar
Damn ho, save some for the rest of us!
Two big mgronald burgers please.
Can I get uhhhhhh a borger?
>Toriko doesn't actually have any references to McDonalds
I'm actually shocked and a little impressed.
She probably takes monstrous dumps after these vids, she can't eat that much and digest all that food while remaining so thin.
>Those Quads
How will McDonalds EVER recover?!
I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
I rather go to SFC.
For me, its Carl's Jr
Imagine what her asshole is gonna look like after she squeezes out that massive log.
You are right. Her name is Kinoshita Yuka.
She's got some kind of digestive thing that lets her stomach expand like crazy and the food remains mostly undigested.
It probably looks mostly the same coming out as going in.
Is this the burg thread?
Cheeseburgers literally grow in the wild, it'd probably be difficult to run a McDonalds at a profit.
Biggu Smoka-chan
Thanks for the burger, user
Man, i had MgRonalds for lunch. If i order takeout from Joseph's will you stop and get it for me?
honorary american
A Mgchicken of course
Came here to post this.
Holy shit this woman is perfection
Wait, what the fuck? Is that from an actual series? Or is it just an anime ad for them?
It's always impressive to me how a skinny person like that can eat so much
Why are people so impressed with this shit, Matt Stonie does this all the time and is skinny as fuck.
for me it's MgChicken
Dang yuu for dah buurg, mistuh
I'll have a MgRoin
Take a break, user.
Yeah, that sounds good. Hey Cashier-chan, can you tell the cook to hold a McGroin for me?
Nah, I'm more of a MobDonald's guy.
More like kino-shitter amirite
Sorry I'm going to the superior MaskDonald's instead.
I would like a Chi-chan.
Almost like they don't eat like that all the time and easy at maintenance level.
Only if you believe.
but why
and I always feel so guilty after eating a half of quarterpounder
Because you wasted food not ordering an eighthpounder?