Who is this made for? This is just plunging me into deeper depths of depression.
Who is this made for? This is just plunging me into deeper depths of depression
To push people over the edge
i'm feeling it
not you or me
Me. I already gave up on life long ago so this doesn't make me depressed at all.
Literally me.
I dunno, the manga was good but the show was a bit too much
It's made for NEETs and unmotivated retailcucks who don't actually work 14 hours a day.
This show was just cringey for me
This show is too pathetic for even me to watch
It would be alright if they had an actual relationship instead of tail fluffing
It's trying to make people understand that to recover, one needs to give in to their burnout.
>unmotivated retailcucks who don't actually work 14 hours a day.
Fuck. I've been found out!
for the author only
It’s made to motivate NEETs to work hard and find a wife to pamper them
But he has since himself become the nojya kitsune loli. lewds when?
I live vicariously by watching anime, I can imagine that I have friends, romantic interests, physical contact, and conflict with other human beings; even though I don't really. I can feel some semblance of what it is like to be loved, and to love other people, to be accepted and cherished in a group. I can glimpse the primal joy of intimacy and good food, without ever leaving my home. I am such a paranoid piece of hikiki trash. I love this show, it makes me want to live.
I'd tell you to watch these and feel better but honestly they just make me feel more depressed because you will NEVER have your own Senko.
>wanting a relationship instead of tail fluffing
Are you the same user posting the same question every three days?
>he doesn't know
Koboyashi is a better example since we noticeably see the character's life improve, not to mention all the interesting characters introduced and their interactions.
This is just wish fulfillment.
There's plenty of interactions between senko, Shiro, and Nakano to come.
lies, I'm a neet and hate this show for retailcucks
>muh depression
>muh depression waaah
Fools, Senko indeed increases depression but you are still alive after all
That means you are now stronger than before, everytime you watch Senko you reach inhuman levels of mental stress and so, become the definitive life form
When is the new episode out?
20 minutes
for me
That's why I don't understand the appeal of these kinds of self-insert "wish fulfillment" shows. It just makes me more cognizant of what I don't have.
For people who have the privilege to know how to self insert. If you're like you and I, then yeah, it'll just make you feel worse, because there's no way THIS would ever happen.
The less self-identity one has, the easier it is for them to self-insert.
>self-insert into heavily depressed dude
>get depressed
>Self insert into guy who gets to touch the fluff
>Feel the fluff vicariously
Good feel.
It's a power fantasy for Housewives.
You too can save people's souls just by doing those household chores you've been helping your mommy with!
We see Kobayashi's life improve for the first 2 and half episodes.
Then it stagnates for 7 fucking episodes because they show shit out of order and pad the fuck out of Shouta's scenes.
holy shit, if only that were true
> [Erai-raws] Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - 06 [1080p].mkv
I feel bad for MC, Even with cute girls he looks like he has such a depressing life.
Even with several cute fox girls with him he hardly has any time to even spend with them since he's always working.
>retailcucks who don't actually work 14 hours a day.
I work 12 hours a week!
i work 0 hours a week
H-How do you make money to buy figs?
i have never bought one and i never intend to buy one
He has some prime pussy living next door. I don't feel bad for him.
No senko for you user
but i'm watching her anime
Dr Vinegar
>Feeling bad for a dude getting free fox lolis
What has this world come to.
But he never has any time for any of them!
Imagine being surrounded by cute girls but you never even get to see them
>14 hours working
>6 hours sleeping
That's only 4 hours not including time getting ready to go to work, commute etc.
The guy has next to no time to spend with said cute girls!
Fucker even works some weekends.
i dont even like smash but id play a version that contained nothing but fluffy fox lolibabas
Yes user, that's how it works, and people still have to manage to have a social life while he got one for free.
I'd like to smash some kitsune lolibabas if you catch my drift.
My god you're right. And that's not even counting the 2 and a half hours he has to set aside for shitposting on Yea Forums every day.
Shiro is the fucking worst.
is ANN still salty
Broken glass screen
But it is true, Hollywood/western meida has been doing the whole wish-fulfillment thing long before anime/manga did, and catering to the masses is what they do best.
Koenji is literally Yea Forums.
>Japanese salaryman
>gets to live with a girl
>is only loyal to him and doesn't have to put up with 3D bullshit
Nearly any man can self-insert into a series like this. It's practically tailor-made for the average joe.
More proof.
The actually did it, the absolute madmen.
Shiro hijack!
Fuck you Shiro, I didn't want to be reminded that this would probably happen to me if everyone got a fluff.
cute maid
very lickable
[×] Fluff the maids.
we use sad panda here
You don't need to do that faggotry here you fag.
why tho, n hentai has a much bigger catalogue
>daughterwife and motherwife
Damn this guy.
>character says gouhou rori
>it gets translated as this
God damn it, Funimation.
You're supposed to self-insert, dumbass
And to make it worse we even have an example of someone doing it right this season.
Id self insert into those kitsunes alright if you know what I mean (making sex)
But they say the exact same thing.
It's for japanese salarymen to trick them into getting a wife in hopes that she will be at least partially as good.
nhentai literally rips whatever is off ex
Why yes, that's the plan.
im going to have 9 kits with my wife maybe more
In time, you will learn to embrace the DARKNESS
Wagecucks like me
>all his video games are fox based
Vic Vinegar
Why are 3D mothers so inconsiderate and cold-hearted?
T-too close!
>muh literal translation
Turn off subs and watch it raw faggot.
How did he not get a massive erection from this?
He's probably one of the purest guys in anime. It's one of the appealing parts of the series that he doesn't have to desperately think of something else in those situations.
I was expecting him to touch the tail though when it was right against him. At least he got a headpat in.
What does Dr Vinegar taste like?
anime is always a mistake
fukken saved
It's far more likely that being dead inside has made most of his dick stop working. It's not like he completely disregarded Senko's nude body last episode after all.
So he's a Chiya kind of guy.
Based and tailpilled
What a lovely sight.
The weekly suicide thread.
Also he noted how pretty his neighbor was when she was all dressed up on the extra.
The ending is still cutest part
The artist twitted this in happiness and laughter.
the one on the right is his self insert, it's great
is this a good representation of what your senko folder looks like user?
nice work
Anime was a mistake? or the new audience was a mistake?
Shinzi Abe can't support any more virgins. Time to genocide the betas.
The mangafags with inflated egos and a false sense of elitism were the biggest mistake. The ones who don't try to start shit are fine though.
I know, I follow his Vtube.
It's pointless. This show won't convince anyone to go out and meet cute girls, all it's going to do is make people wish they had a cute noja loli fox waiting for them at home for fluffing every day. This will make them even less interested in 3D.
Abe you're dealing with powers beyond your comprehension here.
Of course the true endgame is revealed. The kitsune are going to turn them into normalfags and bring them together. How boring.
"Wish-fulfillment" and "self-insertion" have never really made much sense to me as analysis. Sure, I wouldn't mind switching places with this guy in the abstract, but watching a cartoon doesn't make me feel like I'm in the cartoon. Watching someone else obtain something doesn't fulfill my need for it.
>Mario Odyssey?
What game is the second from left?
i wish shed jump on my lap so i can pet her
I love the megane dork neighbor. She's so big.
So the neighbor is a lesbian?
Super Mofumofu Brothers, obviously Mario.
She's just cutesexual.
Is this why he's so dead tired? He keeps programming his own kitsune ripoffs of Nintendo titles?
The point is to get people used to the idea of loli kitsune wives for when the government finishes it's project for genetically engineered foxgirls. It's still less like bestiality than mixing with foreigners after all.
Man, the show never fails to hit home every week.
I actually stopped buying games and currently fpcusing on doujins.
I tried to start leaning a bit towards books again to read on the way to work. Then I just ended up in gacha grind hell instead.
I just got out of it, feels better but I fell on Daki hell which in a way it's worst given one costs around 110 bucks being official and all.
>>Mario Odyssey?
dude it's obviously star fox
>Switch games
>PS4 console and disc
Top heh.
Here we go again, sleep well Yea Forums.
Tops of people still use PS4s but the thing is starting to die off in Japan thanks to Sony's censorship starting to kill companies making lewd games.
I want her to smug all over me
Miss Koenji's Fox Maid
So what are the conditions for receiving a Fox loli mother wife? Having your sexdrive killed off?
This shit again? It's loli, not lolita. I'm starting to think these studios are telling subbers they can't use the word loli.
Of course not, it's just incompetency from translators. All she said was legal loli.
I assumed since it was capitalized and they used "Lolita" instead of loli, that they were referencing the novel. However, the Japanese line is literally just "gouhou rori" and not "rorita", so they were being a little liberal.
Also, why would the studios care about how they sub loli? As far as I know, the most they care about is the English title for the show. If anything, it'd be the higher-ups at Crunchyroll, Funimation, etc. telling them not to say translate it as loli.
No, I think it was a reference to the novel or movie "Lolita" and not as a term to describe a lolicon.
name a better character this season
Just use your ears and you should be able to notice what she said in Japanese. Had nothing to do with Lolita, unless the Japanese version of it had something about gouhou loli which she referenced (doubtful).
There are already 2 in the same anime.
Literally every single one
Shiro is a cunt that should be kicked out of kitsune heaven and be turned into my cock sleeve
Based and redpilled
Angry Shiro.
Why do Doga Kobo characters love taking pictures of lolis in cosplay?
Why is every show with Ayane and Maaya as VAs so good?
Is her screen covered in scratches? Eww.
Garbage translation
Youmean you don't?
salty milk and coins
Based and redpilled
never never never never never give up
!To watch anime keep living!!!
Rapetrain simulator
Do NEETs get fox motherwives?
>read manga and feel despair
>catch up and feel more despair
This shit's got me hooked, how's the adaptation anyway
You are going to despair more because nowit's animated, episode one should destroy you.
Surely looking at how cute those pictures are should answer that for you.
Do these same subs go onto the actual BD? Because if so, I think I'm going to apply to be an "official" subber.
Yes, this is an anime adaptation, but the anime crew didn't change the line, so the subber shouldn't have either. And even then, using cartoon not anime? Who do they think the target audience for this series is?
Damn it, I want to play video games with a fox girl.
Can't even relate to most Western media MC's because they're literally the personification of "made men."
With such a fluffy tail, how does one even poop without bits of brown clinging on the fur?
Girls don't poop.
There was a good article explaining the value of the fictional homes and apartments of sitcom characters. "Friends" in particular was less realistic than most anime.
Found the article. The apartments shown in "friends" range from $5000 to $14,000 per month, and the characters were a cook, a massage therapist, a struggling actor, and a museum employee. One worked at a department store. People like that cannot live in Greenwich village.
The apartments in Seinfeld were much more reasonable at $3700 per month. This was still over 150% to 200% higher than their monthly income from their on-screen jobs. The house from "full house" is worth $4.15 million, and it was paid for on the salary of a local TV news anchorman.
Sitcoms create a world where impossibly attractive friends all live in wealthy areas with "normal" jobs and magically have financial stability. Anime typically does a better job portraying true cost of living than western shows ever do.
Stop thinking and just accept your crunchyroll overlords you worthless virgins
You're gonna buy her figure, right user?
That tail does not look very fluffy
No Moffu,No buy.
That looks more like a GK instead of a scale.
>non-fluffy tail
Whats a noja
was it rape
the Abe´s Master Plan for fix japanese birthrate is hire a human-fox hybrid
a creature from nightmares
i don't get it. when i worked retail i normally worked 9 hours a shift. though most mall retailers only had one 12 hr shift from 10am-10pm.
also anime mc is a salary office man who works unlimited OT probably as a fake "manager".
i did not have sex with any married staff in retail. srzzzly when will you ESL /pol/tarts ever learn to english?
Doesn't location have a lot to do with that though? You can get some pretty nice, affordable places if you don't need to live in the heart of the city or other such hotspots.
I wish my waifu just materialized and made everything better.
>a massage therapist,
Who sucks a lot of cocks. That should have been an anime right there.
Most "trendy" sitcom locations were expensive. Nice big houses are expensive.
The most "realitistic" sitcom was ally mcbeal because corporate lawyers do get paid a ton of money and can afford to live in a big expensive city.
Maybe you should stop self inserting that hard and enjoying the show, even though it's very bare boned slice of life.
In other words, fox only
Shiro doesn't soothe me. I would put her in time-out.
>steals your food by cheating
>demands you follow her orders
>spies on you
Shiro a shit
It just makes you realize that you actually do want a 3dpd wife.
I can't stop thinking about mofumofu.
A 3DPD wife won't ever be a legal loli fox demigoddess with a fluffy tail and ears who can float and levitate things or say nanoja and uyan no matter what.
So does Senko use the bathroom or does she just poop in the corner like the wild animal she is?
Gaijin BTFO!!!
>Dr. Vinegar
What the actual fuck?
Not even anime can escape meleefags.
> he doesn't want to chug acid from a can
will the meleefag menace EVER be stopped i wonder
>had my smartphone for 5 years now
>thrown it multiple times just for the hell of it
>still not even a scratch
>people fucking put holes into their's a month in
How do retards achieve this?
It seems like he just lost a baby.
they don't make them like they used to , but unironically
At first I thought I was like the MC of this show because I am a computer programmer who lives alone but man I have it a lot better than he does. It has been YEARS since I was required to work late. Honestly if some fox loli showed up to pamper me I'd probably be annoyed because I am so overwhelmingly a creature of routine that she'd disrupt things.
The only thing I take away from this show is that people should focus on their quality of life more. And the fox is a stand-in for an idealized stay-at-home housewife (pre-children) that never really existed even in the days before women worked.
>conshiro the following
>quality of life
Sounds like Eurocuck/Canuck code speak for entitled lazy bum.
You either live in an actual third world country or America, where they work you like one.
>american wagecuck has no comprehension of work and life standards
>an angery femenest
What did she mean by this?
high pitched UYAAAANS~ and NOJAS~ as nakano dicks her hard
The actual sound of fluffing is extremely loud. Not in actual volume but on the perception by people.
>thinks bullshit like "work and life standards" is important
Ever wonder why no goods of value are made in your shitholes? It's because you spoiled brats work whenever you feel like it.
>switch game case
Excuse me what?
>after she leaves, Сенько-Сан shows up to announce herself as your new live-in maid
>studio audience laughs
>fade to black
>works like a dog to produce cheap garbage
>acts like an internet tough-guy
>doesn't work a proper 9-5 job
>feels entitlement
>acts like an internet tough-guy
im imagining a happy future with my wife shiro and our 17 kidsmaybe more
Better wagie than lazie I know.
If I recall correctly, he is also against people going to college. He really does his best to encourage people to be grunts. Fuck that.
I went from plamo to gacha to figures. This way I'll actually spend less.
>cuck this
>cuck that
Terrible thread, none of you will get a cute fox-mother-wife in your next life.
Stop LARPing faggot.
From what I've heard he's an actor and all this American stuff is just a role he plays.
Knowing how American colleges overcharge you for the "quality" education they provide, he's actually right about that.
>any use
I don't remember this shit happening before 2016. I blame election newfriends. How could this happen?
>this will never happen to me
Should I just end it?
> he thinks that a college is a trade school
You go to college to expand your mind and learn about your chosen field. Job qualifications are secondary.
Based and mofupilled.
maybe they would have told you how to spell college in college
moot's neogaf mods not banning normalfags
Election redditors only exacerbated the problems, they didn't invent them.
Crop the lower edge a little higher and you have pov angry rp sex with Shiro-sama.
Screencap didn't upload
they are useless garbage that only seep the money of young gullible idiots
>Thinks valuing the sweat of your brow is LARPing
Escapist shit like that is better suited for socialist fucks like you.
>Thinks a toilet paper called a diploma is a true assessment of competence.
Thank god the meme that is college is dying off as we speak.
i didn't go to college and i'm a NEET
> knowledge is useless unless the labour market values it
Wasn't Ross a fully qualified palaeontologist though? Should have had an episode dedicated to his being audited for misappropriation of research funds.
>college gives you knowledge that you couldn't gotten anywhere else
You are now in debt over things you could have gotten off google, congratulations.
Good goyim.
>wanting rabbit-fur that will just fall off your models after 1 month of heavy petting
Just leave it out of the box for a few days and you'll get your "fluff"
>Thinks gaining knowledge by itself without application is enough.
This is how you get your average user.
>spies on you
Time to scream out "Shiro-sama, psycho!" whenever you fap.
>can't beat an old hag at fighting games
I hope for millions of NTR doujins now to show how pathetic this faggot is
the most realistic thing in this whole series so far
>ntrcucks calling anyone else pathetic
>first finger on button, middle finger on trigger
Is this an actual thing for fighting games?
There are tons of problems with how colleges are run, you're right about that. But what's the alternative? Grunt work and dead-end jobs.
you should be playing fighting games with a stick so it doesn't really matter
As someone working the overtime right now, I can say any help you get at home is a quite a significant relief precisely because you have no time. It means you don't have to waste time doing things like cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc. when you have some one else to help out. You basically come home and get pampered.
I'd take having lolibaba fox gods in my house over not having them in a heartbeat.
>Thinks only Grunt work and dead-end jobs are the only options
For someone who's pro-college, you're not very bright.
Normally I'd also be in the camp of thinking he has it worse, but then I got shit on this year with pretty much the same thing: long days, overtime on the weekends. Cluster fucks at work, followed by it all getting dumped on me since I was the only competent one around to fix the mess.
t. has never been to college
You can't get the equivalent of a bachelor's degree worth of instruction from google regardless of field. Even with something like Computer Science, where all the information really is within your grasp, there are things you wouldn't know where to learn without instruction, and of course there's also the help you receive from TAs and professors.
Nakano is a boring non-character and I wish the cute mangaka were the MC
>Has to rely on people with titles to learn
Kek, this is why you'll forever be a code monkey.
I work about 70 hours a week so this show really hits home for me. My takeaway from it isn’t that I need a senko-San to save me, but that I can increase my happiness by taking better care of myself and forming relationships with others, even if it just seems tiresome to do so. I’ve started keeping my apartment cleaner and cooking better food for myself
What's the point of pretending on an anonymous image board? The vast, overwhelming majority of people learn from other people and you're one of them.
I'm not the one wasting thousands of bucks to have people teach me what I could do on my own and books and websites while having to level myself with the lowest common denomination. I value my money and time.
he only list because she read his mind
Did you get rejected from college or something?
Opposite, got a free full ride and the only thing I got out of it that was college specific was social shit. Everything else I studied on my own time. Glad I didn't spend a cent or I would've pissed that I got scammed.
I don't like Shiro.
I did my best
what a goddamn idiot
I dont know either, what's this about?
Knowledge is literally useless if you don't do anything with it.
>no fluffy tail pampering for hardworking fujo mangaka
Is the lesson here that she should just be a proper tradwife for a hardworking husband?
Perfect. Ready to be posted on knowyourmeme :^)
Shiro is for lewding
See and
Now you know what trans people feel like reading gender bender.
They want to fuck and dominate gender bent guys? I'll admit i never expected that.
Something entirely unattainable because it's based on a concept that's impossible in real life? Makes sense.
If you're lucky/talented/resourceful you could do something more lucrative. That isn't most people though. For the majority they are stopped at the door because they don't have a degree. Sucks but that's how it is.
>Still think this meme is relevant.
It's amazing how colleges still manage to create unpaid PR monkeys to advertise for them.
why does it make you sad? the point of this anime is super senko time. just give in to the roleplay and youll feel much much better
Can confirm. Taught myself to program, no company would hire me. Got my CS degree, learned nothing, and suddenly I'm being offered jobs left and right. Currently doing SE for 96k after 1 year.
It's also amazing how absolutely bitter you sound. What do you care?
Unless it's changed recently a bachelors still leads to higher income.
I imagine the effect is more dramatic if you pick a "good" major.
I want a Koenji of my own
What's it like being poor and stupid?
Yeah, but you don't have to go to college to get a degree. I bought a fake degree online for about 200 usd, and I'm working as a system admin now. College is only necessary for those who don't know a way around it.
I would never touch her tail.
for we who insert as the fox
...right guys?
Glad I'm not the only one.
Just proving a point you don't need to go to a glorified adult day care to make something out of your life.
It still boils down to who you buddy buddy up with to land yourself a decent job and you don't need college for that.
>frustrated because of being overworked
>the solution: getting a submissive small 13 year old fox girl child sex slave that works for you for free and will do anything without complaining and has no will of her own
>this is somehow seen as acceptable/a good thing even
How this shit is OK in Japan blows my mind. How about getting a wife your age? And who has her own life and personality other than wanting to serve you?
The Olympics can't come soon enough so Japan will be shamed into making this trash illegal.
Nobody wants to be buddy with highschool grad neet.
You rub out your dicks thinking they're bushy fox tails huh.
>glorified adult day care
thats what jobs are too
>Wants escapist media that bring Japan money to be illegal
Yeah, as if some gay sports event is going to make that a reality.
There's more to jobs than cubicle work user.
Escapism is one thing. However, normalizing and even romanticizing blatant paedophilia is wrong and unacceptable.
wow lewd
No bait pic, so here's a (You) instead.
>he doesn't think loli fox slaves are a good thing
Get a load of this fag.
Why are these threads always reddit tier faggotry?
could have fooled me
That's the diploma mill messing with your mind.
>muh morals
Because of wish fulfillment anime and their chronic hatred towards it.
Who are you quoting?
Good OC
so where are the doujins where shiro gets fucked through a wall?
Thats what separates us from the liberals user
Morals and the ability to differentiate between reality and fiction.
All libs think of is revolutionary fantasies, antisemitism and fucking kids it's disgusting
She lacks proper hygiene.
Not yet, but Senko has already received that treatment:
I work 12 hour shifts 3-3 and it's honestly waaaay better than the typical 8 hour 5-2 schedule
I like this fox.
checked and kek'd
Shit thread, needs more lewd foxes.
mofu mofu
Senko is naturally cutelewd.
Such is the allure of someone who's not only a lolibaba, but also a kemomimi girl.
Do you think Senko or Shiro ever spied on Nakano while he was masturbating?
That's more Sora's territory.
All the time when he still had enough life energy for his dick to work properly. I hope the daily mofumofu can recover it.
With Sora too. Unfortunately, it's been a very long time since he has, due to his soul-crushing depression, hence their true objective for interacting with him.
> ThIs AnImE iS pRoBlEmAtIc
back to ANN with you
>muh western values
>muh independent wymyn
Fuck off back to MAL.
its to keep us in line
More like gentle plains.
plains = completely 100% flat
i see the slightest of curves there so it's still a slope
those seem a bit too big
Man I hate these fuckers
How dare they be so positive all the time
Anime constantly hammering the "it's important to talk to each other" into me actually did lead to me going outside and doing just that.
Probably an exception though.
>those seem a bit too big
Anthills, or her tits?
the anthills as a description
id say they're more like mosquito bites
I love her VA.
3 or 4 10+ hour shifts in a row and the rest of the days off is really the best way to go. 3 to 7 hour shifts drain the FUCK out of me. Also, no breaks is best shift although manager can get pissed sometimes.
This is nice and all but have you ever wondered how your loli fox wife would look like while she gave birth to her litter?
Scroll down.
Parents are millionaires, I only need to work enough to pay for very basic stuff and I'm good.
Don't forget Harry Potter and the freshest, hottest, 'geek' culture trend.