What makes GochiUsa intellectually stimulating? Was it Tippy?
What makes GochiUsa intellectually stimulating? Was it Tippy?
it's sxarp
I hate you Rize-san!
I love Rize-san! Daisuki!
For me, it's Chiya
Chiya’s got a gun!
Tippy calls checkmate before even moving a piece, what did he mean by this?
For me it's this
My wife Chino is so sexy
An old man whined about how hard it is to maintain a cafe. He said "It'll be easier if I were a rabbit". A young girl came and fulfilled his wish. That's some Goethian/Faustian shit man
God I'd ravage her cunny for hours.
Hello! It's Megu!
I want to drink syaro's pee
The swimsuit is nice.
Would look nicer without one.
Rize was hot
I want to milk this cow.
Yes, this is Tippy.
It might have something to do with the fact that Chino is perfectly flat.
By me.
By who?
That Chino is a retard who needs to be locked up in a special school.
that picture looks familiar, I think it has to do with something that was by me
Tippy and Chino are engaging in a mental battle of superiority which only those who are highQ can visualize.
Bye bee.
Why are gochiusa fans by far the most autistic
Min maxed for high INT but low skills in almost every other area.
Manhandling Sxarp
My wife chino
What exactly is going on in these threads?
Gochiusa thread is full of pic related lately
Tippy does a sippy
Have you not seen the show?
My wife Chino is so smart!
Imagine making tippy suck your dick
random gochiusa thing
random chino thing
My wife Chino iced the eggs, and I Chino'd them. I was excited because of the Chino syrup.
I need to pick up a pair of Chino shorts.
What type of Pokémon is tippy?
I'd like some more Chino syrup, so I could drink it with some coffee or tea. I'm sure I'll enjoy the sweetness of some chinese tea and the smoothness of some Chino syrup. And don't forget to check out the new product from New York based beverage maker Chino Beverages.
Ona type
What about her vomit?
Someday, I wish to have a house the shape of giant Amanita. With below is giant rabbit burrow where giant rabbit resides but it’s sealed so I’m safe. And at night there will be moon that shines about in the shape of Chino’s head. But then, in the moon there will be a princess, it’s princess Chiya. She’ll give me a concoction made of her breast milk and told to drink that so that I may gain immortality and I should wait for her thereafter. Now lies the ethical debate on whether make the concoction into a pana cotta or a bechamel for me to eat rabbit katsu with
Harvested immediately after a solid stomach-punch no less
My wives are such good friends
Sxärp's's gotta whole stand just for herself! She's moving up in the world. She's gonna be big, I tell ya!
What does Skorpo's vomit taste like?
Tippy desu
Me on the right.
My pants Chino is so comfortable.
yes they are
>I'm your xmas present
>neither were my xmas present
fucking liars
mega sippy
Why are these threads always so bad?
Why are these threads always so good?
Why is my wife Chino always so bad?
My wife Chino is so cute
Chino would be absolutely destroyed in rape chess.
I had a dream the other day about a GochiUsa thread game, where you start at the beginning of a thread and gain points by having people recite or copy your post, make a derivation of it, or directly give you a response, with bonus points if your post was original content. The game ends when the thread is archived or is deleted.
I posted szarp lost house and no-one responded.
I had a dream the other day about a GochiUsa thread game, where you start at the beginning of a thread and gain points by having people recite or copy your post, make a derivation of it, or directly give you a response, with bonus points if your post was original content. The game ends when the thread is archived or is deleted.
I posted sxarp lost house and no-one responded.
I had a dream the other day about a GochiUsa thread game, where you start at the beginning of a thread and gain points by having people recite or copy your post, make a derivation of it, or directly give you a response, with bonus points if your post was original content. The game ends when the thread is archived or is deleted.
I posted syorp lost house and no-one responded.
I had a dream the other day about a GochiUsa thread game, where you start at the beginning of a thread and gain points by having people recite or copy your post, make a derivation of it, or directly give you a response, with bonus points if your post was original content. The game ends when the thread is archived or is deleted.
I posted szalo lost house and no-one responded.
i feel bad for the people who actually want to discuss this show in earnest
Oh Chino-chan *sniff sniff* your hair *kun kun* your beautiful blue hair I just wanna sniff it *KUNKUN* FWWWAAAAAAAHHHH so erotic!
*kiss* Lets kiss all day long chino-chan *kisskiss*
I wanna fuck you CHINO-chan can I... i can? Hooray!!!!
Dewa... Here I go *insert* oh my GOOOOOOD so tight! *push push* what's that Chino-chan? Too fast? Okay I'll go slow. Steady...steady
Oh I can't TAKE it anymore Chino-chan!!! *fucking at the speed of light* were doing it like usagis Chino-chan!!!
Oh shit, feels too good I am gonna cum chino-chan can I do it inside? I can? Okay then! IKUYOOOOOO *cuuuuuuuuuum*
Happy birthday Chino-chan
Mum spin-off when?
My cute wife Chino and my "other" wife Cocoa.
why women do this? ;_;
Kirima Sharo, aka Sxarpses I, the fifth king of the Achaemenid Empire
Uzbekistani people
they will come when ova is out
They won't last a single thread.
They have ED?
Megu's voice gave me ED.
My dear Uzbek people. It is with a heavy heart that I today inform you of Syaro's passing. This very month, the Tajikistan People's Assembly held its second meeting. On the very day, the People's Assembly voted unanimously to approve the creation of a new political party, the Democratic Centre Party. We will of course extend our condolences and support to the Uzbek people and congratulate them on the historic achievement of the first presidential election. I am certain that the entire nation will support our political party which will stand side by side with Uzbekistan in its fight against corruption, the rule of law, and the suppression of human rights violations abroad. I must mention, however, our close friend Syaro Kilima, a respected leader of the nation, is dead. Syaro went on to lead as a member of the Soviet government in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Central Asia. She helped organize an entire community through the Central Asian Peace and Cooperation Summit in 1991. She was also elected Prime Minister of Uzbekistan in 1993 for 4 consecutive terms. Syaro will be missed.
What did he mean by this?
I want a hot Cocoa.
my chinese wife xin ho
These Girls looks so cute of what anime they are?
fuck chino chan chino chan sex mmm yes the chino scent nice smell very YESS CHINO CHAN CHAN CHINO SCENT OF THE SMELL CHAN CHINO FUCK CHINO YES CHINO CHAN ARGHHHHHHH
so cute
Why is chino naked ?
by me
Chiya is using SHARP's phone
How many children does Chino want?
All of them.
Rize is an Applefag?
what the fuck
>Thread memes about being intellectual
>Threads eventually unironically become highbrow and intelligent
What is this witchcraft?
Post those deformed Sxarpho pics.
Sxarp Art, or in other words: Sxart
Pic related but intellectual
Sharp Art, or in other words:
Holy shit, have we actually cracked the code for quality community? Sasuga gochiusa
They share a lot of things. Cellphones, me, etc.
Gochiusa?? More like GochiusArmenia, because I'm going to conquer Chiya's pussy like the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantine, Turks, and Commies have plundered the poor country. Yes! I'm going to fuck Chiya so bad that y'all feel bad about her....but I'm not. I'm going to drink milk straight from Chiya's twin peaks that resembles Mount Aragats' northern and western peaks. Hell I'm sure that Chiya's a prolific milk producer, just like Armenia which is a nation consisted of highlands and plateau, perfect for producing best quality milk ever possible. Even though various have visited her just like Armenia, I'm sure Chiya is still as pure as Lake Sevan which is virtually the only source of fish in Armenia. Speaking of fish, I'm sure that sex with Chiya will be far from having sex with a dead fish. Her pussy is like Lake Arpi, whenever I push my penis inside of her pussy, I'm sure that lots of water will flow out as fierce as Akhurian river which is the longest river in Armenia as far as 205 kms. I'm going to violate Chiya like the Turks did during Armenian genocide, so that our sex will be far from being wholesome and again anons may feel like she's a poor fellow but don't worry because I will ensure her safety just like Armenian people love their roots in spite of millions of genocide and occupation, Armenia lives
Keep going
Fine I'll watch this show
>Tfw no matter how big her eye gets her chest stays small
Okay, this is me
Cubist sex or; dominating Sharo's tiny body from multiple viewpoints, angles and/or dimensions simultaneously, just like how Uzbekistan is one of only two doubly landlocked countries in the world, the other country being Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein is also very similiar to the last name of famous pop-artist Roy Lichtenstein, many of whose early works were cubist.
This is me. Literally me.
When I wanted to see a drawing involving 'Chino', 'ass', 'gas' and 'me', this is not what I had in mind.
Me on the right
I have a slight suspicion that you might be a gentleman with a good taste.
This is Sxarclops
It's what you do in the bath.
Those are pretty outdated.
Chino does not bathe, fathers orders.
What does Chinpo smell like?
Incidentally, the rabbit is the only animal that cyclopes(, known to have no qualms about eating humans), refuse to eat. Apparently they remind them too much of themselves.
why those exist again?
They all work family/family friend jobs, so they probably dont get much pocket money except Sharo, but she has rent
Chino chan sniffing
Also Syaro is my paypig, so I get all her money.
Chino chan licking
Me in the middle
Шӯҳрат ба Ӯзбекистон
Wish my country had a flag like that.
Basil, I'm sorry to do this. You couldn't have known that you were putting a thread together on the pet thesis of a bored English Ed. Major, but there's no going back now. Grab some popcorn, cause this is going to be a long ass discussion of why Gochiusa is absolutely brilliant.
So, before getting into the specifics of all this, I want to give a little general overview. Generally speaking, the show is steeped in a combination of Nietzschian philosophy and Eastern Cyclical religion (considering its content and place of origin, Zen Buddhism is the most likely direct religious influence, though a handful of others could also fill this roll). Thematically, we can see this clearly through the emphasis on free will, willpower itself, and ascendancy. Even the terminology itself shows this connection clear as day- with Tippy, Aoyama and Syaro all having palpable roots and extensive use within these two schools of thought. When taking the content of Gochiusa into account, we can also see Hegel's work appear, but, while key, that is something that we will have to come back to momentarily.
With all that said, allow me to clarify that the elements of eastern cyclical religion that I previously mentioned are largely used as a backdrop. This aspect of the show is put in place as a framework upon which to build its discussion and critique of ideas, as opposed to being active in the discussion itself. It provides a useful vehicle through which the actual discussion can be presented- indeed, I don't think any other would have sufficed, but that's all it is. A vehicle.
Thematically speaking, Gochiusa is far more concerned with providing a study of Nietzsche, and, in particular, the idea of the Ubermensch. Literally "superman" or "overman" in english, Nietzsche's Ubermensch was a goal of sorts for mankind.
But i'm out of autistic sxarps
A being of unremitting willpower and a love for freedom and life, this Ubermensch was neither a slave nor slave master- instead, he simply carries out his life in the manner he truly pleases, not shackled by fear or conformity, nor the expectations of other men nor those of even God himself. In some respects, it isn't entirely dissimilar to the idea of Buddhas, though there certainly isn't an exact one-to-one. I imagine this might sound somewhat familiar at this point: Chino is meant to be a sort of Ubermensch. When the Cocoa, the ultimate symbol of fear, oppression, and the suppression of will attacks, Chino stands where all others flee, refusing to bow down even to a foe she knows he cannot overcome. This is reinforced again and again throughout the show, with Riza even outright stating that, in essence, every event within Chino's life was a challenge designed to see her resolve either tempered or shattered. This should not be mistaken for a sort of railroading though. Chino was neither herded nor pushed through these hurdles- she chose to jump them himself. Cocoa confirms this much outright before the Chino's final meeting with her:
>What is your purpose here, Chino?
>Though I called you here to me, It was ever your own feet, your own will that brought you.
Despite being the primary antagonist of the majority of the show, Cocoa acts as an advisor throughout, and given her previous life as a Rabbit who slayed her own oppressor, precious few would better know the mind of Chino and the nature of the choice put in front of her. Chino didn't have to fight Cocoa. She could have hidden away, as Tippy now does, or he could have taken the bargain as the Aoyama had. In all likelihood, those are the options with a much higher chance of survival, but here again I have cause to quote Cocoa:
>If you sought to live you had naught but run and hide yourself away. But then, tell me, Chino... what does it mean to live in truth? To wage war against the passing days? To pray to the unseen for a few breaths more? To raise grand cities from stone, and spawn new life in turn? Mankind has done this, yes, and more. But is the tapestry you weave truly of your own design?
Living isn't just survival; to truly live one must have control. Chino certainly doesn't fight because she wants to kill Cocoa, because she wants Tippy back, or even because she wants her love back, though these are likely both aspects of the real reason why Chino does lift her blade: freedom. Cocoa makes it clear that to back down means not only sacrifice, but also submission, with Cocoa telling the Chino that to do so is to
>abandon all delusions of control.
We have seen what happens to characters who make such choices throughout the game. Aoyama is haunted by her own failing, wretched in cowardice and regret. Rize, offering up total submission is crushed by her uncaring god. Should Chino choose that same path, we see her become yet another iteration of the Aoyama. The message here is clear: to give up control, or at least to give up fighting for it, means to embrace either misery or a wholly different delusion.
It is because of this that Chino instead chooses to fight. To hold her freedom, her own will, even if she must carry it into her grave- a decision that is met with the approval of Cocoa, who has well seen the harm wrought on a man's soul by the alternative.
>Tis better to be a fool than a craven.
>the Cocoa, the ultimate symbol of fear, oppression, and the suppression
Is that so?
Checkmate in 4
How could this happen?
No fair Cocoa-san, you ripped my Queen off the board and tucked it between your thighs!
I want chino-chan to ____ me with her _____
fill me with her cawtea!
>trust no one not even yourself
Does Chino know that Cocoa is fucking Chinos father?
What the fuck is sxarp and where did it come from?
I wan to cum deep inside chino's prepubescent vagina and watch her eyes roll back from the feeling of ecstacy.
It cannot be correctly spoken. It's like trying to pronounce the old Abraham god YHWY, as a demnstration o how far Syxrp is from our mortal existence.
Literally nothing.
How do I get higher IQ?
You must devote yourself to the art of cuniculture.
My wife Chino's big boobies.
I want kokoa to scream my name while panting and drooling as she rides my dick in front of a flustered chino.
If 2d children weren't so sexy I wouldn't be a rorikon
I wanna give Chino my tippy if you know what I mean.
How much she has grown.
i want to delet this shitty general
And that's enough.
It hurts to give my daughter away to her new fatherhusband
I had a dream the other day about a GochiUsa thread game, where you start at the beginning of a thread and gain points by having people recite or copy your post, make a derivation of it, or directly give you a response, with bonus points if your post was original content. The game ends when the thread is archived or is deleted.
I posted i want to delet this shitty general and no-one responded.
Does Cocoa knows how fat her ass is?
i want to defile this shitty general
chino-chan ending my suffering while I am asleep
I want to give her a monetary tip after she provides her services.
Does Mocha bully their brothers so badly because she's worried they'll take a crack at Cocoas ass?
Delete this.
Can I devote myself to the art of cunnyculture instead?
I want Chino to provide her services to me if you know what I mean.
GochiUsa? More like GochiUzbekistan because I am going to destroy Sharo's tight pussy just like how Genghis Khan pillaged Samarkand in 1220. I want to rail her senseless until she screams "TASHKENT-TE, YAMERO", as I Jizzakh deep into her. I want to fuck her until my nuts are drained dry just like the Aral Sea. I bet her snatch has been used and visited by many throughout her life, just like the ancient silk road city of Bukhara whereby many traders pass by. But despite that I still believe that Sharo is still as pure as the Amu Darya River which flows in in the Qaraqalpaqstan region of North-western Uzbekistan, and still as fertile as the Ferghana Valley which is a fertile paradise of an intermountain depression in what is an often dry part of Central Asia in Eastern Uzbekistan. I also don't mind because I love Sharo just like how Uzbeks love their pilaf, so much that they actually made the world's largest serving of pilaf weighing 7.3 tonnes last year in September during O'zbegim, whereby a total of 50 chefs from across the country used 1,500 kilograms of beef, 400 kilograms of mutton, 2,700 kilograms of carrots, 220 kilograms of onions, 440 liters of cooking oil and 57 kilograms of salt to make the dish. I also want to do a different variant of mating press with Sharo, called “Doubly Landlocked”, whereby I will dominate Sharo’s tiny body on all sides, just like how Uzbekistan is one of the only two doubly landlocked countries in the world. I also want to violate Sharo just like how the Uzbek president Islam Karimov was responsible for severe violation of basic human rights through tortures and executions of prisoners.
I'm sorry, but can you delete this picture please? My wife Chino doesn't like her copyright being infringed.
She does, however, like her human rights being infringed by being, for example, tortured and/or executed by Uzbek president Islam Karimov.
lick syorp chest
Voice recognition result of Megu's voice
by me.
post syaro sex
Not my fault.
Did I do that?
Super high quality.
S*aro turned into a doll
Why is she like that? Did something happen to upset her?
chino - the cutest
It's a mystery to all.
Thank you
Syxrp lost house
Chino! Chino! Chino! Chinoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Ahhhhh… aa… a, aahhh! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Chino Chino Chinoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Ah Kunkakunka(sniff-sniff)! Kunkakunka(sniff-sniff)! SuuHaa(Breath in and out)! SuuHaa(Breath in and out)! Good smell…Kunkun(sniff-sniff)
Nhaah! I wanna Kunkakunka (sniff-sniff) Chino Kafuu-tan's(tan = chan: add arfter first name) pastel blue hair! Kunkakunka (sniff-sniff)!AhaA!
Mistook! I wanna mofmof(fluffy-fluffy)! Mofmof(fluffy-fluffy)! Mofmof(fluffy-fluffy)! Hair hair Mofmof(fluffy-fluffy)! Karikarimofmof! Cuincuin(onomatope)
Chino on visual novel was Cuuuutteeee! AaaAA!…AAA…AhAaAAAA!FaaAAAnnn!!
Congratulation 2nd season was on air! Chino-tan! AaAAAAA! Cute! Chino-tan! Cute! AhAAaAA!
Comic volume 6th was sold and I'm happ… NooOOOOO!!! NyaaAAAAAAAN! GyaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA(Aaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh)!!!
GahhhaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAA! Comic is not real! Oh…visual novel and anime is too…
C h i n o I s N o t R e a l? NyaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! UwaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA!
GetchaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA!!! Noooooooo! HaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAn! Uwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
This! Fxxk! I give up! I give up such a real(life)…te…what? Look? Illustlated Chino-tan is looking at me?
Illustlated Chino-tan is looking at me ! Chino-tan is watching me! Illustlated Chino-tan is looking at me !
Chino-tan on anime is watching me! I feel relieved… The world is not that bad!
Iyahhoooooooooooooo!!! Chino is with me! I did it, Kety! I can do it!
oh, comic's Chino-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAaaaaaaaNnnn!!! NooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
AhAnAAhAAna, Ms Kafuu!!!! Co, Cocoaaaaaaaaaaaa! RizEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! SyarooooOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
UUtUuuUUU!!! May my wish to Chino! To Chino on Rabbit House!
Who is at fault?
Elxpy lost life
What the fuck is happening in this thread
is this in the top ten most powerful images ever posted on Yea Forums?
Ayaneru's a big girl
Sxarp in repose is one of the most thought provoking modern classical workers produced this decade.
Looks like she did it herself. Syaro's gonna be going to jail for insurance fraud.
Sxarpo in blue (by moi)
i like this
shitposting and uncontrollable cunnylust
loli Sxarp (by Me-ya-nee)
dear my
Not to mention the Faustian element that is necessarily present in the story.
An old man thought it might be a good idea to become a rabbit because his journey as a barista is filled with draining toils. A girl heard his wish and granted it.
The old man represents Faust, a scholar with noticeable success yet still yearning for more, perhaps he is bored just like the old barista bored with the toils of running a cafe. The wish of the old man, the moment it manifested in his head attracted a representation of the devil, Cocoa. It's undeniable that Cocoa is the representation of Mephistopheles. Thus, it's easy to imagine that the old man wagered his own soul in exchange of a decadent life as a rabbit.
It's simply a story about morality. The old man abandoned his morality and chose to make a contract with the devil. While Cocoa, it seemed to me that the moment Cocoa went working in Rabbit House at the start of the story marks something very cryptic that the author is trying to tell us about. Why does the devil went to The House of Belvedere?? A house of paradox, where there's an old man yet he is a rabbit. A rabbit yet he is an old man. Truly the devil has marked the place with her curse and scheming something disguised as a barista or perhaps she's about to get something there.
While all the girls that are one by one tangled around Rabbit House are merely representation of Belvedere Lithograph by M.C. Escher itself. The old man guiding the lady is the devil himself, Mephistopheles. Syaro is the woman about to be tangled into the chaos. Chiya is the guy trying to solve the impossible cube. Rize is the prisoner of Belvedere. And Chino is the princess who stands atop the tower, unable to get down from the paradoxical shackles of Rabbit House. Aoyama the scholar looking at the mountains. While others like Megu and Maya are mere simpletons trying to climb the ladder to approach Chino, yet they are unable for the devil had made Chino a hostage
I can see it.
Moreover Mephistopheles is a demon. The demon is often called The Beast in Revelation. Yajuu senpai is called The Beastly Senior. So there it is, Cocoa is actually Yajuu senpai
Pussy neko kawai nya nya
literally me
Oh, Chino? Yeah, she's MY WIFE and yes we do THINGS.
I am literally Cocoa and there is nothing you can do about it
how come there are no chess animes?
How come there are no Chino animes?
Chess is a crappy tactical turn based RPG developed by a bunch of monkeys.
Right away you'll notice Chess has no storyline. Instead, all you notice is the the White army and the Black army are fighting each other over a battlefield. Note the "a battlefield," because Chess only has one story map.
As for the actual combat, it's extremely dull. Each unit can kill another with only one hit. This means units with a real good movement ability dominate the field (more on that bellow). There aren't even any combat animations or anything that happens in combat. One unit moves on it's space and "captures" it, and the piece is removed from the game with no form of action or special effects.
Chess has shitty class balance. The Queen is flat out overpowered while your actual front line units, the Pawns. can't do shit. I think the developers were afraid that no one would use the female character so they buffed up her abilities really high but now theres no point in using any other unit.
The rest of the units suck. Rooks can only move in 4 directions, same with Bishops. Boring. Also, whats up with the Knight? It has the most bizzare combat abilities of all the units. They're retardly hard to use cause they jump around like retards to move and attack. The devs should have named this unit Ninja, since Knights didn't jump around like that in real life.
Worst part, is the king. You see, the devs decided that if your king gets captured, you instantly lose the game. W-T-F? This wouldn't be a problem, except that he can't move for crap. Seriously, the most important unit in the game can only move 1 space a turn? Good luck keeping him alive while every other unit in the game dances around him.
Unbalanced classes, lackluster gameplay, and not to mention repetitive 1 hour+ games. Chess is not worth the time or your money. Buy Final Fantasy Tactics or Disgaea instead.
3 out of 10.
>this post was made by shogi gang
but there are like 3 chinos amines
God I wish that were me
Literally me