Why has Araki not made a better Jojo than Joseph yet?
Why has Araki not made a better Jojo than Joseph yet?
They're all better than him except Jonathan and Jotaro.
He was a cheater.
Jolyne is a better Joseph because you can FUCK HER
Jolyne is Joseph but good.
Scared to pick up that phone.
Joseph is great but almost every fight he was in involved some asspull.
Literally every JoJo after him was better
>le wacky trickster :D
>no tension at any point because every fight is just asspulls, every fight is just "wait for Joseph to asspull a win"
Part 2 is the worst part, and Joseph is the worst JoJo.
He's good but I prefer Jonathan.
Johnny is pretty good too but he just seems like Gyro's sidekick.
Yes, his name is Johnny
>Not liking asspulls in jojo
You guys are fucking lame
Because JoJos are stupid. It's all about Diosons.
Yea Forums would like part 3
I like Josuke, do you guys like Josuke? I think Josuke is a great friend and I would like if he healed my wounds and fixed the stuff I've broke
Everyone should like every part, just in differing degrees. If you think there is a single "bad" jojo part you should probably eat lead.
They prefer things being pushed into their ass rather than pulled from it.
Josuke embodies the Joestar spirit more than most later jojos.
>complaining about asspulls in JoJo
Josuke is a good boy.
The only ones that I found truly stupid were the part 2 asspulls. Every other asspull has some kind of strange logic to it, the part 2 ones are pure "fuck you Joseph wins". Araki should've just made weaker Pillar Men so that he wouldn't be forced to make so many asspulls.
JoJo is about how they win, not if they win. Also making flimsy excuses to draw weird shit
he needs to change his hair
>flimsy excuses to draw weird shit
As if Araki needs to justify anything to you.
Joseph's thing is insane luck. See his victory against Kars.
The volcano made more sense to me as the earth just saying "fuck this thing" and trying to blow it up
いま、 おれ の この あたま の こと なん つった!?
wouldn't it be funny if I got hurt real bad and Josuke just came in to heal me? haha you know as a funny prank hahaha
It would be pretty funny if he kissed the hurt body part to make it better lol. And then kissed me for being such a trooper. Haha
>Joseph is great, almost every fight he was in involved some asspull.
>Joseph best Jojo
You're a few generations off OP
as much as I love the asspull in that part, if Joseph could have use Hamon to make the lava explode like he did with the cola it would have been smarter for Araki
But hindsight is 20/20
I'd laugh if everything he "forgot" suddenly gets implemented in Part 9.
Truly one of Jojo's most bizarre adventure
>JoJo is about how they win, not if they win
Yeah, and a stupid asspull out of nowhere is the worst possible way to win. That's literally my complaint.
>that jacket
He's fucking Judau, man
Araki what the fuck
>taking jojo seriously
jojo is not a well written series, asspulls mean nothing
I really just want him to be playing the long con even though I know he's not.
What is a well written series to you?
>What is a well written series to you?
Onani Master Kurosawa.
But for shonen, honestly anything but Jojo. Jojo has the advantage of being really creative and wacky, but everything else makes it feel like it was written by an alien with no understanding of long-running narrative or character writing.
what if my hymen was pretty hurt lol? could you imagine how funny it would be if Josuke used Crazy Diamond to try and fix it
>chopping off your own body parts/shooting self in head isn’t an asspull
>80’s fuckery is
Get out
I’ll never forgive you
But Jesus told me to shoot my self.
I'm at part 3, I really liked Jonathon a lot, Joseph was funny but I loved Jonathons obnoxiously pure and good spirit, part 1 is still my favorite so far. I love how epic and classic it feels. Do any of the other r parts go back to the basics?
Have you heard of the Kujos?
>but I loved Jonathons obnoxiously pure and good spirit
You're never gonna see it again either. LIVE WITH IT.
>only 9 episodes of kino
It's literally what I wished the castlevania series was, all I could've asked for was more Christian imagery but maybe thatd be too ironic given all the wild magic bullshit
Each part is really different from another.
Yeah I've noticed, very different from the few animes I've watched so it's really refreshing to have a unique arc every few episodes. I also love how little filler and how quick to fighting they are. But man part 3 is like REALLY different
It is, but it’s for the better. Hamon can’t carry a whole series by itself.
>little filler
It's because it's adapting something that's already finished. They already have hundreds of chapters worth of content and don't have to stretch anything out if they don't want to. Part 3 was pretty stretched out but that's it. Part 4 could have used some more episodes though.
joseph is the ultimate normie choice for best jojo
That's not real criticism, that's just saying "eww those guys are lame and they like x so I don't want to like x now"
SBR is longer though.
Can't improve perfection
Well, not exactly. It's more like pointing out that Joseph has some traits that appeal to people with very basic tastes. He's always got something up his sleeve, which means he's prepared like they aren't. His personality is very archetypal and predictable. Araki didn't have to work hard to write him.
That's actually pretty fair.
I think SBR might be able to fit into 48 episodes. I just don't like that studios feel the need to stay strict to the cour length. 48 episodes may be too much for part 4 but a few more for part 4 would have been nice.