Why was Jotaro and Part III so popular?
Why was Jotaro and Part III so popular?
Joseph, Johnny, and maybe even Josuke are more popular nowadays. Jotaro will always be my favorite JoJo tho
It wasn't
first japanese protagonist
Part 3 was the only one in the west for a decade
badass protagonist
Polnareff was a badass, no doubt about it.
17yo absolute unit mega Chad traveling the world with his squad and giga Chad granddad (the original THOT patrol) for the sole purpose of beating the shit out of a 100 year old gainz goblin. What is not to love about Jotaro?
>Japanese Jojo
>Road trip feels
>More fights than the previous 2 parts
>international Joestar group
>stands were a unique concept in 1989
And so are personalized contact lists.
Because of stands and it was less homoerotic.
It had soul.
>giga Chad granddad
Too bad said giga Chad got shafted by Stand Roulette and thereby relegated to jobber patrol. Seriously, he was absolutely awesome to watch fight in Part 2, so I will never forgive what was done to him by Part 3.
Jotaro & Star Platinum basically sell the base concept of JoJo to alot of people on style alone.
Its quintessential JoJo, stands, poses and the bizarre first appear in part 3.
because jotaro is chad
I’ll take that as a yes Officer tiny dick and balls.
>Part III so popular?
Only the Egypt arc, almost everything before egypt is almost completely forgotten or ignored.
And for good reason the fights in Egypt are still some of Araki's best, and have unique blend of comedy and action compared to the other parts fights.
Yes, you don’t know what’s really in the containment unit.
Old joswph while having useless abilities was still awesome tho. He was funny as shit and more often the tactician of the group
Stop eating the tobacco.
Part 4 Jotaro is best JoJo
Did you actually read the previous parts?
C -A -R -L .
>muh Egypt
tfw Dark Blue Moon is the peak of JoJo
>Why are good things good?
>Why do people like good things?
Id go gay for Polnareff
Jotaro was an excellent protagonist and Part III was fucking awesome, you contrarian faggot.
That face creeped me the fuck out.
Babby's first
Jotaro is basically teen who recently became a bit edgy and models himself after movie badasses like Clint Eastwood, whom his character was also inspired by. He can back up his talk. His abillity to stay calm really saved Stardust Crusader group's ass when they encountered D'Arby the gambler. Jotaro feels like homage to badass protagonists who drop one-liners.
Banchou is hot.
Jotaro was popular because he smoked and part III was popular because it had Jotaro in it.
Yes he is, and modern "men" find it worth insulting for some reason, when it's superior to the softboy shit they actually like or pretend to like for current year brownie hole points.