Not a single mecha anime has topped this since it's release in 2007

>not a single mecha anime has topped this since it's release in 2007


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inb4 anti-ttgl spammer

Code Geass S2 > TTGL

TTGL >>>>>>>> Getter Robo

And nothing has topped Evangelion in much longer than that. (Gurren Lagann is fantastic, but Eva will likely never get surpassed in the genre in terms of impact)
It's lonely at the top, what can we say?

And it hasn't surpassed anything that has came before it either.


I think you're forgetting something.

Attached: Hiro2 2.png (1200x791, 589K)


Attached: Fafner is that all.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

>not a single anime has topped this since it's release in 2007
ftfy OP

TTGL was an entry in an already dead genre by the time it came out. I guess congrats on being king of the wasteland that is the modern mecha genre though.

>You barely see Kamina glasses edits anymore
I knew it had to be like this, but still kind of hurts

Attached: 640px-Kamina+red+glasses.png (640x360, 165K)

It was never good


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there are a few edits here and there, I got this from Yea Forums not long ago

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not in a trillion years, summerchild

Attached: 33.jpg (986x1482, 553K)

It's sad I'll never have anyone to talk Fafner with.

I know you made this thread just to lure the desu spammer but come on, you can do better than that weak bait

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>says 'feelsbad'
>likes ttgl

the Yea Forums one is inaccurate, it's just one autist that's been spamming the doremi shit for years on end and everyone hates him

That’s suspiciously like a Thought Police post, did you ever turn in a pair of gals in the Eurasian sector bitch slut?

Show Template.

Christ, I remember the fallout of this anime on entirety of Yea Forums. It kept going until 2008-early 2009, with kamina glasses fucking everywhere.

Life was better when there were no zoomers on the internet.

S1 is much better than S2 for CG though. In fact CG pretty much just got worse over time, save for the excellent S1 conclusion.

No bait here, just stating facts. Sorry you can't handle them.

>it is release

Wow. a Wojak, haven't seen those in ages.

we got a better mecha boy at least

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>Not based autist cyborg eye
That's a yikes from me.

Where do I go from here, user?

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but you WERE the zoomers 12 years ago, ttglbaby

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So it's worth it despite Hirai?

how am I supposed to fap to eggs kun?

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show proof. And no, that BestFagEver video on youtube doesn't count as """"facts"""".

I'm sorry your taste is objectively shit.

I'm sorry you still bend your knees and suck imaishi's dick, you rabid fanboy. see I can come up with insults too, but I'm still waiting for proofs.


Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 9K)

>Code Geass
>better than literally anything
That's a very funny joke user, thank you for the chuckle.

watch more anine/mecha faggot

Plot was garbage but Franxx had the best mecha designs in history.

Attached: 1515897263533.jpg (2731x1958, 824K)

Here's a free one

Attached: TohruYou.png (1300x1080, 772K)

It will always remind me of this

Attached: Fairlion.png (290x400, 113K)

I unironically liked Majestic Prince a bit more than TTGL

>the best mecha designs in history.
That's a good joke

give me one

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>best mecha designs in history

Attached: laffin.gif (400x294, 1.01M)



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>"For example, if I were to say kill all the Japanese"
>Shiiiiiiink, peeeeeeeew
>"Nooo don't make me do it!"

For that reason alone, S2 was better than S1

>I'm just paying homage, bro

Attached: _20190515_025729.jpg (792x451, 46K)

>it's just a love-letter to mecha, dude

Attached: 1557902621514.jpg (1057x665, 82K)

>"For example, if I were to say run outside naked"
>Shiiiiiiink, peeeeeeeew
>"Ooooh, that sounds like fun!"

>uses the tight 17-chapter Go Nagai manga to defend a 51-episode trainwreck of pacing

>Naming files something descriptive of the content for easy finding instead of typing some shit quickly and then never finding it again

Nobody said anything about the 51 episode anime. I've yet to see a single person defend that and usually people tell others not to watch it.

As expected from a fan of literal shit.

You're a fucking glow-in-the-dark retard, who gives a shit about the GR anime, ttgl is a shit anime too and it will never surpass the getter robo manga series, you pleb

Seriously though, almost 90% of Getter Robo anime is shit. The only good ones are the 26 episodes of Armegeddon and Shin Getter Robo, and even then SGR isn't really that great. Implying GR is superior to TTGL is being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. The Nagai and Go Manga are good, but they're in entirely different mediums.

And? It's like bringing up Oyasumi Punpun in a Silent Voice thread. I'd also consider the Getter Robo manga (including Go) miles worse than the Ultra Seven tokusatsu, and shit in comparison, but that wouldn't really be relevant, would it?

>Ultra Seven
are you fucking kidding me? and you call me the contrarian? Fucking kill yourself already

>Can't accept Ultrachad is better than his Nagai hackshit
Keep seething i/m/cel

muh ending


Attached: 1417922456505.jpg (1024x576, 256K)

>eheheh, thanks to the power of friendship, my robot get bigger!
>Who do you think we are???

>best anything


Attached: 1556802964062.jpg (560x720, 185K)

>the power of friendship
spiral power wasn't a hard concept to grasp user, but you still managed to not grasp it.

and have sex. etc.

friendship doesn't make the robot bigger, dummy, the getter rays does-i mean anti spiral

Gundam was more impactful than Eva overall

anti spiral, spiral power, downward spiral, just call it getter rays and fuck it all



Except its number two for impact in Mecha after Gundam. Gundam is like Star Wars in japan.


Here's Duck from Thomas the Tank Engine made to look like Gurren Lagaan

Attached: Duck Kamina.jpg (1350x1350, 182K)

I feel like Gurren Lagaan was like One Piece; consistently decent, but it's highs were absolutely based

Attached: So this is the power of the spiral huh....webm (1120x630, 2.89M)

>tfw no 10-arc Gurren Lagann epic with Enies Lobby/Skypeia/Marineford
Guess we'll have to wait for Gainax to go bankrupt again and have to sell the IP for a reboot.


Attached: Gundamep43c.jpg (862x648, 72K)

can you take your silly onion ass back to whatever normalfag hole you crawled out of

Attached: 40471507_1863227100443161_5451262934450815354_n.jpg (480x480, 38K)

You wanna eat more of this shit? I admire your masochism

>Gainax ever going bankrupt with Eva money

Attached: Eva Coffee.jpg (3872x2592, 1.69M)

Khara owns that IP.

>What is Khara
>What is Anno suing Gainax

Apologies, I have the dumb

>Khara also worked on Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown


Thanks, I also admire your dedication to making sure everyone knows about the shows you dislike.

>downward spiral
Fuck off EmperorLemon.

If only the mecha wasnt so simple.thank goodness for getter robo revolution

what's the bottom animu senpai?

>For example, if I were to say sit on my face..?
>Wouldn't that be funny ahah

season 1 and I agree

you?? can??? on /m/???

Attached: [Dekinai] Soukyuu No Fafner Dead Aggressor; Exodus - 21 [85367E3E][00:05:53]001.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

Fafner threads die fairly quickly. Mostly cause Za Beyond hype

/m/ is not a fast board, I don't know what you're talking about. fafner threads will last long if you make discussion for it. beyond should literally just add to the length of discussion.

Attached: [Dekinai] Soukyuu No Fafner Dead Aggressor; Exodus - 04 [41E1B2CB][00:07:28]001.png (1920x1080, 1.24M)

I really love the design of Ganmen, really great idea.

Did this in MSPaint with a mouse, don't bully.

Attached: gurren lagann 2.png (1920x1238, 1.64M)

The first 2004 season is rough around the edges due to a writer change (to the current and much better writer) halfway through, but every entry since is exponentially better than the previous. The 2015 season is one of the best examples of post-2000 mecha.

That's my point. No wants to make a discussion for anything but the beyond right now, and we got too little info to make a discussion about

>on /m/
You can't discuss anything on /m/.

Here you go. That's a pretty big sample and representative of the general publics opinion.

Attached: 1544316028934.png (767x91, 66K)

Sounds like CCA
>eheheh, thanks to the power of my autism the psychoframe can now alter the trajectory of an asteroid
>Who do think I am, Char???


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Yea, it's pretty damn good. I think i can agree with TTGL being the strongest since.

It feels like a lot of mech shows have promising starts, but shitty endings. I remember enjoying valrave for awhile, but it just started dragging really painfully after an initial strong few episodes. I personally loved franxx, but it became a total clusterfuck after it blew it's load early. Almost feels like mech shows have an execution and follow-through problem.

Resembles a design from Iczelion

Attached: iczelion.jpg (700x527, 68K)

yes, truly an original and creative design

Attached: h54AEWu4Zrcf9qMcSocGbY9v8CY.jpg (780x1170, 819K)

Sucks to be (You), but MAL numbers are useful to gauge the average persons preferences. More useful than the subjective impression you get while browsing a 4channel board, read reddit or talk to people on IRC. MAL provides empiric evidence. (You) provide feefees, nothing else.

G.L. was inspired by a lot of stuff, outright stealing stuff. So, I gotta respect that design though, the face is really cool. Too bad the main head sucks.

>read reddit
>defending MAL
the absolute state of this shit board

The ending is the only OK thing about franxx. It's just a giant pile of A1 shit with some trigger flavour on top

If you think that MAL's stats can be attacked or questioned in the first place, then I doubt you're smart enough to add anything of value to this board.

>defending MAL
only on summer Yea Forums

Attached: megev-evil-smile.jpg (675x675, 97K)

Summer meme got stale 10 years ago. Don't you think it's time to move on? Are you going to post Haruhi or Azumanga next?

You know he may be a shit taste filled faggot, but at least he's not a MAL reading reddit mouth-breathing faggot.
You can off yourself any time now.

Hey, the Fairlions are great, even if they are hilariously overpowered in OG2.

let me see your tastes, tough guy

I never actually claimed to read either. However, if you think you're in a position to comment on the success to popularity of a work yet refuse to utilize the empirical data available to you, then you're an ignorant child whose opinion has no value whatsoever. I know it hurts that Gurren Laggan is not only loved by many people, but also one of only two mecha of the past 20 years that is critically acclaimed among animators, directors and critics alike, the other being 3.33. It hurts so much, doesn't it?

no wonder most modern anime looks so shit

Attached: images.jpg (232x217, 15K)

just what I thought, probably just another basic bitch normalfag with shit between his teeth

what is it about TTGL that causes nu-Yea Forums to go into a fit of rage?

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Only newfags ever thought it was good.


This. most oldfags moved to /jp/ back in 2008 and this board became reddit2.0 ever since

I only watch Sailor Moon. Dubbed.
I'm sorry you can't experience such a refined taste such as myself.
You're preeching to the wrong guy there bud, I like Gurren Laggan, I just think you're a faggot that tries too hard to make himself sound smart.
And sure you don't.

>most oldfags
Who are newfags as well. Mindless consumers. Hell, they even read VNs and spread themselves thin, being newfags in every field instead of truly exploring one of them in more detail. Please go on /jp/. Noone who browses that boards knows shit about anime.

>sailor moon dubbed
>I like Gurren Laggan
You sound just like every other average american 'weaboo'

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>projecting this hard
And you know so much from just watching endless seasonal trash and reading MAL? ok

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Making quite a few assumptions there, buddy. Looking at /jp/ right now already gives you pretty good insight as to the quality of the posters.

looks comfy and organized, posters look like they're pretty acknowledgeable, and would tell the first normalfag who asks for recs to fuck off and lurk. meanwhile Yea Forums's catalog:
>shonen shonen shonen and more shonen
>naruto thread
big yikes

Yeah, shame you can't experience such a refined palate of Japanese Media.