Is Kimetsu no Yaiba good?
Is Kimetsu no Yaiba good?
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Yes now go watch it and decide for yourself
its a well executed shonen with some nice animation, nothing special until now, but I heard that it gets better as it goes along
It's extremely standard shounen. In terms of writing there are fewer big hiccups than other popular shounen, but nothing to make it stand out either. Ufotable is doing a great job adapting it though, and it looks fantastic most of the time.
If you like anime where the MC cries and acts like a pathetic beta every other scene, sure.
he nearly broke a dude's arm within a minute of meeting him. how is he at all deku
It's ok. This season is shit overall.
big time, really will start to shine in another ~ 3-4 episodes
You should just ignore HxH fags