Say it.
Say it
yuri... is SHIT
He has a wife, you know...
uh... niggers?
You know what she's called?
Biggus Tittus
this show fucking sucked ass cheeks
British humor is fucking shite
your taste is worse tho
cute n' funny
I just want to watch romans as anime girls crucifying some barbarians
I like SAO
gwill him to the floor
This would actually be entertaining.
Seinfeld is pretty good
god this art is god tier
Japanese 'Humor'
His wife wants a dick in his ass you know.
How is this any different from Western Humor?
Yes, why have you let yourself go so much, was it Globogy,?
>unhappy accidents fucking Chuck Norris
Volcanoes and bombs are strange bunk mates at box camp.
HxH is good but it's nowhere near as good as hunter"chads" thinks it is.
Let me put my BIGGUS DICKUS in side you and explode inside you.
western humor is deep and smart
Yes, say it Battler-kun.
Diggus Dickus, Sir.
Caesar as little loli when?
Not much action round the maypol ‘lesbian’???
>loli caesar
If only you know how bad things are. kekekekekekekek
The heart.
It was a note of genuine concern, at least you tried.
Imagine the episode whete rome falls to the Goths
I'd prefer shota Caesar
>loli Ceasar betrayed and stabbed to death and her best friend joins the stabbing
pls my sides
Yea Forums always finds a way to make me smile every day.
Extremely homo.
So get over them if you have the dish and the simoleans.
I haven't killed myself yet, so I'll take that compromise.
is centurii-chan creator also a cute grill?
Life finds a way if you don’t sit on your duff.
based hinata poster
Of course, we're all cute grills
I don't like that picture. It's smug aura is mocking me.
>Pre-Marian reforms
What's in the jars?
Fuck you,you either laughed or you are too autistc to know humor.
More like determination. Lazy losers btfo
>Roman "Republic"
You know those Celts we were supposed to enslave? We kind of slaughtered them instead.
this. Cute roman legionnaire girls doing roman things
It isn't in that context. Replace the ass with a punching glove and you get some classic Loony Toons shit.
I have some bad news for you user...
Yeah, and killing the man who could've revived was a great idea
Good thing Augustus snuffed it for a better system
I'd like some more coffee
is it chinchin or o-chinchin
What are those faces trying to convey?
the fuck's a shädbase
a degenerate artist that is responsible for degrading anything deemed even slightly pure.
If he draws lewd of centurii-chan its gonna be really shit and leave a sour taste.
Western Fatalpulse.
# # # # # # # # #
Something tells me Fate might do something about that.
Now now four star, you had your time with it and squibbed it! Come back to daddy!
I want an anime that covers the entirety of the rise of Rome to it's downfall, also preferably with a second season all about Constantinople.
And of course, all the people, from the gladiators to the emperors, are lolis.
You are the worst tripfag I've ever seen, none of what you post contributes or even makes any sense
Just stop
God, I would so watch this if it was an anime. Manga would be even better!
Just filter him.
Fate's Rome is horrible man. Nothing redeeming at all thanks to umuwank. Mother Harlot Nero was a mistake
>Good thing Augustus snuffed it for a better system
And then it got even more corrupt and unstable then what the republic ever was
Velites a cute, A CUTE!
Looks like a bunch of colored markers
Thow him to the floog
Based Madman
What is this reference from?
Do what sir?
I just want a single pop history youtube video that covers the fall of the roman empire to include the final Sasanian War and the Arab conquests.
That's where ERE transitions to Byzantine. That's the end of late Roman cosmopolitan life and the transition to feudalism.
Do nips like Monty Python?
Oh, trust me.
He is thinking of the children.
Legio for me, I'm a man of basic needs.
Wait till Biggus Dickus hears of this!
Just browse Wikipedia for a few hours
They literally have articles about the fall of X
>cares for her men
Slut, Equites for me.
reminder that if you don't learn the history of regions and civliizations outside of europe and the far east and/or only learn the basic course of history and then military history without also making an effort to learn about historical political systems, urbanism, archtecture, economics, etc, you are a fucking bitchboy poser
Instant cowfee or something like that.
The moe revolution and its consequences have been disastrous for mankind
I get your image but what's wrong with not liking pedo cult aka Islam.
>American "humor"
Star Wars.
Have I ever told you about cuckoldry?
*thunderous applause and laughter*
Nobody worthwhile gives a shit about M'gumbu's African basket weaving and hut building or Islamic/Jewish propaganda.
Terrible mentality, if you like history or science you should be glad more people are actually getting interested in it, whatever field may it be. The initial interest is almost always shallow, but it always has potential to grow into something good.
How does a show like this doesn't exist?
>You don't like History if you like American, Eurpean, or "Far Eastern" history
Are you psychotic? What the counts as real history to you then? What is even left? Africa, South America, Middle East, and the Indian Subcontinent? You actually believe that? I don't believe you. Fuck off.
t. user who wasted his money on a history degree (worth it)
anything white is bad
This but unironically. Kill the white farmers.
>tfw no good historical animu
There's Katanagatari and Zipang.
Maybe that applies to some people, but none of the points in that image fits me
Yes but it isn't CUTE
based Flick
Caesar commited genocide.
Please tell me there's more of this.
So did Hitler, what's your point?
Hardcore History podcast series on Rome. enjoy the next +16 hours
The Republic is the form of government perhaps most susceptible to overt corruption.
Plenty of people of all races and nationalities did so.
Caesar civilized yurop
It's trash but the globo homo Anglo won't let people say it
He has a wife you know
You forgot "DUDE WEED LMAO"
Muhammed fucked a ten year old. This is historical fact whether you like it or not.
Do they even cover how Atilla was responsible for fucking up all of Europe at the time?
>killing dirty gauls
>anything but based
I do actually think history is a linear progress insofar that we are heading for some kind of inevitable singularity. And most of my knowledge is MOSTLY focused around Europe. But otherwise, I avoid falling into most of these. Especially the warrior culture thing.
Everybody knows trading cultures are better anyway.
>And most of my knowledge is MOSTLY focused around Europe
Are you from Europe?
based and globohomopilled.
That's a good thing though.
Yes. I'm trying to learn more about Asia, South American, and African history. But at the moment my knowledge is mostly relegated to Europe and China.
I thought I clicked into a Kaguya-sama thread but nobody is talking about Kaguya-sama..
Well then it's not surprising that most of your knowledge is focused around Europe
Obviously. But I am still trying to improve.
>hating Islam is bad
>gender history
Not subtle enough, mr. Goldberg.
Try again.
>nothing redeemable
Cleopatra and Caesar are actually great.
But otherwise yeah, it is shit.
Zoomer! We got a zoomer over here!
Show off your floss!
Titus Cuntis
Schwanzus Longus!!!
Oh shit, is it THE TIME again?
Cuteus and funnyus***
>The pain from studying is only temporary, the pain from not studying last a lifetime
Hits too close home ;_;
I wish someone made this instead of those retarded fantasy maps and politics that make no sense. I also would wish one for ancient greek city states at war and some qt persian loli waifu.
Romanes eunt domus!
I want roman lolis and their marches, politics and war. Imagine the potential. Barbarians, qt lolis, roman mythos, eccentric mythic cults of worship, loyal lolibros, the politics and backstabbings, conquering realms and putting down revolts, gladiator loli, nomad steppe waifus, persian waifus, greek loli philosophers and thinkers, stoic loli, homeless cynic loli, burning and razing enemy lolis, killing christian loli and their revolts, putting down the jewish loli, athena as a loli and LIVING LOLI GODS OF ROME, PERSIA AND THE BARBS
Mechanical pencil lead refills
Romans bugger young boys
The show "this is your life"
Barbarian lies, Romans are a bastion of Western civilization
fuck capeshit
Morons, there's 10,000's of years of pre-widespread-gunpowder history in non-european and non-japanese places of the world, even if you limit it to places with complex civilizations
>5000 in the Fertile Crescent, from Bronze age Mesopotamian Sumer, Babylon, etc & Old Kingdom Egypt, to Iron Age Assyria, the Persian Empire & Poltemic Egypt, and various Medieval Caliphates
>4000 in India/South Asia, from the Indus River Valley civilization, to the Vedic giving birth to the Sanskirt epic poems, to India's contact with the Western world in the classic period and the Maurya Empire, various other empires and then under Medivial Islamic rule such as by the Mughals
>3500 in China/East Asia, from China's Shang Dyasty , Unification under the Ming, the 3 kingdoms, subsequent reunification and splits, ancient and medieval korea, etc
>3000 in Mesoamerica from the early Olmec cities and the spread of civilization in the preclassic, the prominence of Teotihuacan & Golden age of the Maya and the Zapotec during the classic, the rise of the Mixtec over the Zapotec+ the Toltec succeeding Teotihuacan in the early postclassic, to the rise of the Aztec empire in the Toltec's stead and their rivalrly with the Purepecha empire in the late Postclassic
>1500 in the Andes, from Moche city-states, the Nazca, etc during the early intermediate, the Tiwanku and Wari Empires during the Middle Horizon, the Sican & Chimu kingdom in the late intermediate, and the domination by the Inca empire during the late Horizon
>1500 in Southeast asia due to it spreading there from India, such as the Khmer & Suhkothai
>1500 in West Africa due to it spreading there from the fertile crescent, such as the Malil, Songhai, etc
Pic related for example is a summary of the 3000 years of Mesoamerican history
check out
That's my point, trying to encourage people to branch out
fuck it give me your predictions, this thread is a big cross-thread one so eh
user you feel me brother
romanes eunt domus
What does that say?
Fuck off and kill yourselves.
It didn't fart.
>check out
Thank you.
Carthago delenda est
Islam is shit though.
Only good thing about Islam.
In case anyone was wondering: no, this "fact about islam" that you just read on fucking Yea Forums is bullshit. This is Yea Forums. Come on.
Submit to Allah
My best friend is literally him.
I mean, I'm sure every religious prophet did something really fucked up.
no problem user
also happy to answer indivual questions you have at my throwaway at [email protected], I can probably give you more speccifc suggestions on what books/resources to use starting out for foundational context, and then based on what in pareticular you are interested in, etc
The donwside of compiling huge booklist, mega drives of art and book scans, etc is it can be overhwlkeming withn you not knowing where to start out, I need to work with the other person who also runs the mega and that plebbit person to try to organize stuff better for that
I'm a Sudaca who loves Mesoamerican history but can't help but feel the anons posting these are some Mexicans with a Latino superiority complex
They post good stuff tho
It's a single mesoanon, they pop up in /his/ related threads fairly frequently.
Caesar mi videre anime humiliasti eam attendendo imperio vacabat.
I've said it before, i'm murican and my family comes from eastern europe
In any case i'm less shilling Mesoamerican history in this instance and more shilling the idea of other cultures and civilizations beyond europe and nipland being worth checking out generally.
I say that but I also don't have any non-mesoamerican shit to really post for the user below, at least that I can find on my hard drive since everything else is disorganized (and even the mesoamerican stuff is to an extent). I'm actually also really into Southeast asian stuff aeshetically, and Andean history by virtue of it also being precolumbian but i've yet to really dig into actual info or sources about either beyond basic stuff, unike I do with mesoamerican history
>he thinks this looks boring
Filthy Inca, bow down to the Aztec master race or perish.
Civilisation should have never went beyond the stone age, human sacrifice and slave labour. The thermo-industrial civilisation and debt based currency was a mistake.
>Civilisation should have never went beyond the stone age
Shut up Grug.
Oh yeah, quantitative easing is so good, hum financial asset inflation is so nice, i sure love wealth concentration, it makes me feel so free.
I want a history anime adapting everything from earliest know civilization.
It has a decent pacing so we aren't stuck on one thing for 200 episodes.
It goes through the greeks, egyptians, romans, turks, etc.. and all their battles and drama.
While I feel there are some precious and useful cultural things we lost as technological advances drove our societies to change and adapt, the stone age was hardly the height of culture anyway, and I like all this cool shit we have because of technological advances.
We just gotta keep moving forwards and hope we can get a cool culture when we hit the space faring civilization stage. Ludditism is both retarded as well as pointless. Can't put the genie back in the bottle.
I think there was something with girl Caesar using her body to pay her massive debts.
We can by burning all the oil and uranium as fast as we can, and then we will be back to bio photosynthesis, slavery and livestock labour, and probably some watermill and windmill for some additional energy source here and there. Space faring is pure delusion, we won't ever leave this rock as we mess up our start 2 centuries ago.
I'd argue that stone age people are more culturally advanced, thant 21th century subhumans. The only one who can compare to them are some of the tribes ruling us. For the rest of humanity it's a cultural wasteland were any seeds die as soon as it sprout.
Be honest Yea Forums
>halted by Indians
Weak, Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great now those were the ones, sip.
Ceasarboo lite.
He was a twat. But he was, above all, a awesome twat.
Caesar incarnate
Ludditism is, unfortunately, going to keep existing as long as we don't have time machines to show dumb people that actually believe in romanticist nonsense just how wrong they are.
You don't need a time machine, you fucking retard. Plenty of people still live with low energy tech level from hunter-gatherer to subsitence farming/cash crop and semi-nomadic herding. Modern civ still deserves the cliff it's going towards.
>Plenty of people still live with low energy tech level from hunter-gatherer to subsitence farming/cash crop and semi-nomadic herding.
Yes. And, shock of all shock, their lives are absolute garbage compared ot your average civilized modern man.
>Modern civ still deserves the cliff it's going towards.
Modern civilisation is going to do just fine. Worst case scenario, ecological disasters are going to set us back somewhat. But enough information is going to survive that it will be little more than a roadmap.
Misery isn't something you should concern yourself with in life so who cares if they live garbage life. Subhuman whitoid also live garbage life with their tv and micro wave food.
And assuming we collapse, knowledge isn't going to rebuild modern civ. It won't magically conjure high eroi fairy energy out of thin air. It'll make life easier, if decomplicification and the corresponding depopulation doesn't make us forget a large chunck of knowledge that don't have immediate practical uses and applicable.
>Misery isn't something you should concern yourself with in life so who cares if they live garbage life.
It's called empathy.
>Subhuman whitoid also live garbage life with their tv and micro wave food.
Tv is dying. And microwave food is still only a mainstay in America.
>And assuming we collapse, knowledge isn't going to rebuild modern civ.
It will keep our level of technology mostly the same. The massive decrease of population is a issue, but not one that can't be overcome eventually.
>It'll make life easier, if decomplicification and the corresponding depopulation doesn't make us forget a large chunck of knowledge that don't have immediate practical uses and applicable.
We have about a thousand ways to store information nowadays. The chances of all of those being wiped out are essentially zero.
This thread certainly went in a direction I didn't think it would.
>not wanting to watch an anime girl get crucified
>Implying the barbarians aren't also anime girls.
Hot amazons being broken and cruccified is my fetish.
Empty ones or full ones? Full ones would make more sense, but empty ones would give a pretty good glimpse into his psyche. Sort of a physical pile representing his hard work. It's also kind of creepy like keeping toenail clippings.
Every thread tangentially related to Rome goes the same way
We can go to space in under a decade but the elites are blocking it since they can’t control us then.
Even Aztecs had paintings and text were they described having some futuristic blimb or jet thing.
>It's called empathy
You should overcome that sort of empathy, suffering is and that's all there is to it, caring more than the minimal recquired is pointless. Medidating in the jungle, desert or on top of the mountain exist for this purpose. Beside you probably don't care, except maybe as an abstraction, which is perfectly fine as well.
>Tv is dying. And microwave food is still only a mainstay in America.
So, does that make their life less miserable and soul crushing? I guess so, why not. The lion is probably happy in his zoo as well.
>It will keep our level of technology mostly the same
Doubt. Unless you're talking about a society with similar level of energy consumption (with maybe some improved efficiency)
>We have about a thousand ways to store information nowadays.
Information storage is much more fragile than you might believe, and can become unrecoverable without the proper maintenance.
Cockus Deepus inus yourus Anusus
british people invented humor
You mean the jews.
Grug did 300,000 years ago.
jews arent funny
>ywn see the insanity that was Cortes' expedition in 2d
aquilifer best girl, but centurii-chan is a second best
I don't think the British invented the Jews. Or maybe they did, fucking eternal anglo
I wasn't convinced until I thought about the multiple layers of irony in your posted.
Western humor truly is the greatest, you just have to find it on imageboards.
>that NTR episode where Messalina cucks Claudius by competing with a literal pleb whore
>she wins
>gender history
>Umu in the middle
I see what you did there
The GuP writers are westaboo madmen, so they might be a special case
Life of Brian is still my favorite
There's also Sabagebu, which devoted entire episodes to parodying Mad Max and Predator, among other things.
how can japanese understand british humor
even americans can't understand it
legate-sama best girl prove me wrong
protip: you can't
If the nips can understand the mystical Japanese pun, I'm pretty sure they can understand anything.
>how can japanese understand british humor
refer to
I don't disagree with your point, but the amount of time it takes to study all of that, specially for a brainlet like me who has a really hard time memorizing the names of things is just overwhelming.
The subjects he lists are all also almost always touched upon to some extent in any non-academic history book.
user is just butthurt that people care more about the dramatic and relatable than the obtuse and complicated.
Surprise surprise, most people's interest in history doesn't go beyond learning about a story they found really interesting instead of developing theoretical frameworks and making comparative observations about the inner workings of society across time.
That's why they left and went to america.
British humor was too much for them, they needed teleprompters to tell them when to laugh.
>europe and the far east
what else are you gonna study, african history? lmao
I'd just say isekai is gay, because it is
I thought it was because there weren't enough fart jokes and pop-culture references
*audience wets themselves with laughter*
Nichijou is still not funny.
Should we just call Yea Forums /his/ threads
the weak should fear the strong.
Yes but I doubt many people would go for them.
So did everyone in the classical era.
Genocide was just how people did things back in the day.
You hit them so they can't hit you back.
Carthago Delenda est btw.
Do you have a recommendation for a good economic history book about the industrial revolution? I took a course in college but I misplaced the book that went into details about the processes and inventions that eventually brought it about.
white people did nothing good
you can't generalize all white people into one group. soviet russia put a lot of effort into preventing western whites from invading southeast asia, latin america, and africa.
Slavs are part of the great Turan Union.
based on what?
we should call them:
'Let me tell (You) Yea Forums /his/tory'
I agree, the manga is a decent product however.
>europe and far east
literally the only interesting places on earth history-wise
incarnate desu
>pre-marian republican troops like velite being around post-marian reform imperial soldiers like paraetorians
>You should overcome that sort of empathy
...Why? I'm not sitting here, crying because people in the world are miserable. I just want things to get better for them.
>Medidating in the jungle, desert or on top of the mountain exist for this purpose.
You can take that kind of spiritualist nonsense and shove it.
> Beside you probably don't care, except maybe as an abstraction, which is perfectly fine as well.
But I do care. If I could solve their problems, even at a personal cost, I would do it.
>So, does that make their life less miserable and soul crushing?
Delicious food and good tv shows you can watch on the fly? Certainly. It makes life a lot less soul crushing than a medieval farmer or a hunter gatherer, anyhow.
>Doubt. Unless you're talking about a society with similar level of energy consumption
Energy consumption would most likely massively decrease due to the population loss.
>Information storage is much more fragile than you might believe,
Some of them are pretty fragile, others are not. Only one of them surviving is enough to ensure that technological knowledge doesn't disappear.
>romani ite domus
>thread about cute ancient romans
>euros once again spin in into being about america
Maximus Kebabus
Look at all these fucking 12 year olds worked into a shoot
Velites are cute
You are just proving my point that you are both brainlets who don't know any better. There's a ton of shit that's just as interesting and comparable in complexity to what you see from european classical anitquity or the far east in other places of the world.
The only reason you think otherwise is because you don't know about them.
i like you aztec user but statepacks are reddit incarnate, repent.
>but statepacks are reddit incarnate, repent.
I agree but it seemed like a good fit for the situation
Take that back
So what exactly is "reddit incarnate"
Anything I don't like
anything that incarnates reddit, its antics or its users and their behavior?
starterpack memes like the one he posted are literally originated on reddit.
They're empty, you can see them in the chapter "Miyuki Shirogane wants to win"
legate and velites
Biggus.. Dickus?