So far, I've got Chapters 109 and 110 done. I'll be posting new chapters as I get them done.
Thank you very much user.
Absolutely based
Will you put them on mangadex later?
Fuck yeah
Is Takao's excuse going to be that Kazuma knocked her up?
Funobori going to wins bros.
Thanks a lot user.
Yo, Imma want to start readin this. Where can I get all the shit?
>Who the fuck are these people
Is he wearing a wig? I thought both parents were supposed to have spiky hair which resulted in the two kids having super spiky hair.
The ultra straight man.
>Is he wearing a wig? I thought both parents were supposed to have spiky hair which resulted in the two kids having super spiky hair.
Gel'd as fuck
This is so stupid, I love it.
The dad has super hard hair and the mum has super spiky hair. The result is the super hard and super spiky hair that the kids have.
Thanks OP, glad to see it finally get some updates.
We both can dream together.
God bless you user
Funabori is a goddess!
A thirsty goddess.
You're a godsend
How many chapters behind are we now?
>Original run July 26, 2008 – present
It has been this long, we don't go too far with monthly 9/10 pages chapter.
Legal wife introducing herself to her future father.
Also, how many years we've been stuck in summer? The people who were complaining about Summer Namek in Komi-san haven't experienced the true Endless Summer.
The first chapter was in April and we are currently in August.
Based. Doing God's work.
This is monthly?
OP just translated chapter 109/110, what do you think?
Just in case, the author isn't Togashi.
>A Meteorite
At least people in-universe are aware of how dumb that is. Thanks for your work.
Glasses needs to fuck off. He's cockblocking Kazama.
Wait for it.
Is the site never gonna come back?
Oh shit, is funabully not a two-panel character anymore?
You are a saint, OP.
Knocking up 5 girls would be irresponsible in this economy.
Aw shit.
Dad interactions made me laugh my ass off. Have no idea why.
This guy gets iy
God bless you for your work, user. These were some great chapters, really fun stuff. In particular, it's really amusing having another Kazama man who can lead a scene, especially with Kenji himself involved.
I lold wtf, hes probably wanting to do a tsukomi aswell
If you wana pay for the rent ,contact the staff
Was rereading it the other day, so this is great.
bless you
Thanks OP
Absolutely fucking based. Thank you
you are a god OP
Sasuga Roka.
i want to marry noe
People in universe are mostly not weirdos.
I'm getting a Water withdrawal here.
>Kazama being the tsukkomi of his own father
>they're still at Kenjis house
did she go to Disneyland off screen?
Seems that way. Disnoyland Nippon.
I doubt it’ll happen, but it’d make me happy.
>New D-Frag chapters
My night has just been made, thank you OP.
We finally got Kaza-dad.
I can't wait for mom to come home. See how that relationship is.
Kaza-dad seems to be a straight man...but one literally centered in reality unlike the rest of the world. This is gonna a make him impossible for the girls to crack. He is the final hurdle and so far only funabori has a chance.
They got 2 kids, so I'm sure it's a decent one.
This manga never ceases to amaze me
He had to practice to get good somehow
He’s very obviously greased it down. That’s why it looks unnatural
is buying underwear for a sleepover a thing?
The Japanese are weird. I guess they can't tough it a day.
I was more cultureshocked by Takao getting so flustered that they talked when she wasn't wearing a bra.
Girls don’t like using dirty underwear. (Vaginas are high maintenance)
She does come home within the next few chapters. Being d-frag, there's a crazy game going on though.
>People in universe are mostly not weirdos.
Funabori isn't a weirdo
Why isn't this getting a season 2 again?
Oh right, Japan has garbage taste.
I disagree.
actually... funabori and kazama's family are the only ones with common sense, not even "not indy jones" teacher is safe from it.
Thanks user.
It's gonna hurt when she loses.
God bless you OP. May you be granted eternal happiness and big bosoms maidens for all eternity
Thank you so much. I wish you a long life. So, when will we get next chapter?
My day is made
In a few hours.
Kazama family sense pretty quickly flies out of the window during competitions though.
Thank you, user.
Kazama dad behaves like the straight man on the surface, but below he enjoys the BULLY
So the dad is an ultra-disciplined tsukkomi?
Thank you. How many chapters you will release?
Gotta wonder how his and Kazamama's romance went down given she was a delinquent and he's weak to praise.
One relatively soon, another later today.
God bless your soul user
Thank you translator. One more question. Isn't this monthly manga ? Why we are getting chapters so late?
Thanks a lot!
We got too focused on Beastars and Watashi no Shounen. We have a huge backlog on all of our other projects.
>Watashi no Shoune
God bless you. I hope the Mom come back soon, I want to see what she's like with Dad.
Oh hey Stalker, nice to see you again. Just want to say thanks again for working on Nagatoro and Senko.