This show is about facism, feminism, fashion, social roles, fitting in, and coming of age.
Whats your favorite anime got? (No evangelion)
This show is about facism, feminism, fashion, social roles, fitting in, and coming of age.
Whats your favorite anime got? (No evangelion)
>tumblr likes kill la kill
makes sense
almost all people who watch anime like kill la kill.
>This show is about naked girls
that's a bold statement.
t. room temperature IQ ape.
My anime has non female main characters which automatically makes it better than this garbage
I've been wondering for years, do any of you know the name of the piano piece, that places a few times during sad moments?
KLK is above all the most extensive exploration of the dichotomy between chaos and order that is at the centre of all Imaishi's work, both in his stories and his craft.
While other works are either too goliardic and not interested to go in depth (Dead Leaves, PSG) or focus on lesser contingent aspects (Luluco's artistic manifesto of the studio, TTGL that is more Nakashima's child and leaves the topics care to Imaishi in the background), everything in KLK is service to this theme, exploring it though lenses both sociological, psychological, philosophical and stylistic. Every other theme, from family to identity to growth to community to evolving customs to commentary on japanese history to high school and adulthood satire, are all part, in function, and subordinated to this greater all encompassing frame.
It's even possible that Imaishi has exhausted the topic with KLK, which is way Luluco was a welcome change and leaves me curious for Promare next.
>Whats your favorite anime got?
A coherent plot.
Glad that you like KLK too.
Well, Little Busters is about coming of age, letting go in the face of death, friendship
>imagine being such a newfag you can't even quote so you end up shitting on yourself
end the useless samefagging kid, nobody likes your shit, you wanted another circlejerking thread and instead you got fucked up by all the anons in the thread. just save us from your miserable attention seeking and go back to your shithole >>reddit
Imagine actually believing this
imagine falling for a bait so weak
My favorite part of KLK was when the fascists decided that they were against the literal extermination of humanity, and for that, all their sins were forgotten.
Homosexual vampires, ghosts that punch things, tons of music references, and great engrish.
/y/fags need to leave, Yea Forums is /u/ territory.
OP why do you have to be so retarded? i just want a comfy KLK thread but then you go ahead and ruin it with blatant bait.
this is a no projecting zone, please stop projecting
For one, the Student Council members are referred to as the four devas, ie the Four Heavenly Kings in Buddhism, who are said to be protectors of Lord Sakra, living atop "Mount Sumeru" (the center of the Buddhist universe) which you'll find looks similar to the design of the strange mountain that Honnoji Gakuen sits atop. Mount Sumeru is said to be populated with terraces where different levels of Sakra's followers reside, similar to the star system in the series.
Honnoji Academy is a reference to the Honnoji Incident in 1582, where Nobunaga was betrayed by his general Akechi Mitsuhide at the Honnoji Buddhist temple in Kyoto. This is alluded to when student council member Sanageyama directly quotes Mitsuhide's famous "The enemy awaits at Honn?-ji!" speech. Ragyo = Nobunaga, the daimyo trying to unify Japan (Ragyo trying to take over the world), and Satsuki = Akechi Mitsuhide, the general that betrays her at Honnoji (the same place that Satsuki betrays her mother in the series). This also fits with the idea of the temple sitting atop Mount Sumeru, since Buddhist temples are often architecturally designed to invoke the imagery of Sumeru (you will also find images online that show Honnoji Gakuen, when seen from afar, is designed to look like a Kamui uniform with it's arms in a round circle, relating to the Buddhist meditation position where practitioners bring their hands in a circle in front of them and imagine themselves as Mount Sumeru).
The light seen emanating from Satsuki and Ragyo is a reference to the "rainbow body" phenomen, a state of spiritual realization in Tibetan Buddhism, wherein light is said to emanate from practitioners as they reach higher levels of understanding. In the most advanced state, where one is said to have attained complete knowledge, rainbow colors are seen. Not only does light emanate from Satsuki and Ragyo, but Ragyo also exhibits rainbow colors, and at one point even specifically refers to herself as "one who knows all the truths in this world." You'll also note that during the bath scene with Satsuki (which Ragyo refers to as a "ritual") at the climax of the scene Satsuki's chakra (specific energy points on the body) are very clearly shown as being opened.
>when the fascists decided that they were against the literal extermination of humanity
You mean their objective from the beginning?
>all their sins were forgotten
You mean when Satsuki had the shit beaten out of her, was imprisoned, was tortured, had the shit beaten out of her again, and still wanted to atone for her sins by letting herself be killed?
The story of Kill la Kill may be a reference to an ancient Tibetan apocalypse mythology, that predicts a war in which foreign invaders will be defeated by a king from a distant land that joins forces with the gods of Mount Sumeru to bring peace and understanding to the world (something to that effect), which is possibly a reference to Ryuko joining forces with Satsuki to defeat the aliens. More generally speaking though, the story I think focuses on Ryuko's personal "path to enlightenment" (i.e., the Way she's not supposed to Lose), and how she's helped by her Kamui (god clothing) to come to an ultimate understanding (or Nirvana) about herself and the nature of her existence, and to be at peace with it. This is most notable in that Ryuko defeats Ragyo at the end of the series, not by destroying her, but by "Absorbing" her with Senketsu. "Absorption" is a state known as jhana (meditative absorption) and is the last of the eightfold paths in Buddhist practice needed for attaining Nirvana.(edited)
There are many other possible references, including what looks like a lotus blossom (very important Buddhist symbol) during the Absorption, Senketsu possibly being a Boddhisatva, and a visual nod to Nirvana (snuffing of the flame) in Senketsu's death scene.
The story revolves around Ryuko, who's deeply upset about her father's death, and later about the realization of her true nature/existence as being both clothing and human. But at the end of the series she accepts the nature of her existence and doesn't let it affect her anymore.
As a thematic central message, that sort of character progression seems to resonate with Buddhist belief, that the world is filled with suffering born from a lack of understanding/acceptance of the nature of reality and one's self (dukkha), and that peace is achieved from coming to understand and accept that nature, and not allow it to affect one's self (nirvana). While Ryuko at the beginning of the series is confused and angry by the death of her father, at the end of the series she can think back to Senketsu (who also had passed away) and smile knowingly (the fact that her father and Senketsu both share an eyepatch seems to make the parallel all the stronger). Ryuko's "way" was the path to her coming to accept the nature of life and of herself, which is why the Buddhist imagery seems an appropriate a thematic umbrella.
my favorite part is the animation. its just so fluid.
for example, KLK always has a lot going on, but it hardly if ever feels crowded or overdone. no matter how much is going on, it never overwhelms.
thats something many cannot pull off.
My favourite anime is about the power of friendship
>Whats your favorite anime got?
i want ryuko and satsuki to recover from their past trauma together!
I love Nichijou too.
>Whats your favorite anime got?
Cute girls! And a boy.
KLK also has cute girls, but i see your point.
based, sisters should absolutely love sisters
this is a high quality post, i need more of this sort
>my favorite bigtitty ninja anime actually also validates all of my opinions on political and social issues
You’re a faggot.
what was this from originally
>satsuki comforting ryuko over a nightmare
i dont know why, but this specific scenario does things to my heart.
a meme a few years back where some jap couple were being interviewed for something and this shot became viral with a ton of drawings of that shot
what were they being interviewed for
Ryuko is for Senketsu
I miss Blood Lad too.
No you don*t
It was a special interest story on couples. The boyfriend (holding umbrella) says words to the effect of "I love that special feeling I get when I'm with my lover in the rain." The girlfriend is incredibly embarrassed and hides her face in her hands.
It was cute and funny in a way that didn't involve cunny, so it got memed to hell and back.
ryuko is for loving her sister
for Mako
unironically like all of these especially since ryuukos the shy one in all of them
>that strap
is ryuko on a leash or something or is that just a bag?
All the artists quietly agreed. It just makes sense.
There's few things funnier to me than faggots from Something Awful trying to rationalize their liking for a fanservice of the week gag show by pretending it's deep.
A show that did most of those things even better than KLK.
Don't mind me, just stopping by to post best boy.
Yikes. Flip Floppers felt like if Ikuhara was trying to make Space Dandy but failing horribly at it.
you are objectively correct.
>(No evangelion)
So do you want me to talk about my favourite anime or not, OP?
best character of the show
Your favorite anime is now KLK. Deal with it.
I'm sorry you're retarded.
Imaishi and TRIGGER put a lot of work and clever allusions into their fanservice gag shows. Not getting at least some of what they're trying to do makes their shows really good pleb filters, despite their popularity.
FriFra and KLK are only the same in that they have schoolgirls and action scenes.
>social roles, fitting in, and coming of age
Several episodes of FF focused on those issues.
God her theme is so powerful.
But it was like a 7.5/10. If that's my favourite then I clearly just don't like anime in general.
i dont like what she and nui post on Mongolian finger painting boards
ryuko is for bulling and rape.
>that one time ryuko dyed her hair and changed schools
the kicker here is that only about half or less fit on that
Based and Harimepilled
ryuko deserves it.
>caterpillar brow, apparently
ryuko should have died with senketsu
why do you say this while posting one of the sweetest best moments of the show
it would have hit harder if it was ryuko and senketsu.
thank god I only read manga
but it would have been sad.
Ive tried to watch it three times and cant make it past episode three
>ragyo being a good mother
I didn't really get into it until 6, though rewatching it I realized it was genius all along. But that episode in particular wowed me with the drama and how it hinted at a wider scope to the story beyond the school.
I really got into it around episode 10 or such.
Looks more like a bored high schooler got ahold of some good drugs and started drawing/ writing, but okay.
Bit late, but it's called Ad la Lib
I have trouble believing there are full-functioning humans who actually think the animation is bad
I'm glad Ryuuko found happiness.
Was this drawn by the original characters designer? Looks a lot like his style.
I don't have their Twitter on hand but it's a fanartist who's just good at emulating it
It's sad in the original, her bf just died so literally the whole cast had to give her a hug so she wouldn't kill herself.
And it’s all executed like shit. Ryuko and Nonon are perfectly sexy and are the only good parts about that exhibitionist bullshit.
Cunny, friendship and pic related
I’m still surprised they didn’t fuck at the end even though no one can handle Ryuko’s life fiber pussy.
>at the end
They've been fucking all along, you dip.
Galo a cute!
>that recent increase of KLK threads
You won't fool me Trigger, you just want to shill the upcoming videogame.
>the upcoming videogame
cute. who made this one?
And the normalization of and lionization of rape and pedophilia as long as a woman is the predator and how evil that is.
which, needless to say, is absolutely based
God Monogatari was good
I just liked the naked girls and flashy visuals
very good post
It's a bummer but it's not that sad since it's just a piece of clothing. If ryuko died too and that group hig was her last, it would have made much more impact.
>just clothing
>expecting a one trick pony who is only ever capable of talking about one thing over and over again to suddenly change things up
I like your optimism, user.
What are your thoughts on the star caste system in this show?
But its true. It would have had more emotional impact if she died as well.
Putting the no-stars in literal slums is a bit excessive but the general idea that you have to fight for what you want is good.
>can't read
Waifus that make my peepee big
It makes sense when you realize how big the academy is, it's pretty much a giant city.
Although the dumb part is where satsuki didnt putvlife fibers in their uniforms too so satsuki had more manpower. That just seems like a waste.
That's probably because they wouldn't really be able to do anything.In th first episode of the show,we saw that thev difference between 10% uniforms and 30% uniforms is pretty big,seeing how Ira wasn't even phased by the punching.By that trai of thought,making suits with less than 10% of life fibers would have been a waste of resources.
Takafumi Hori is a beast.
Nah, you just gotta use them in human waves while the one star and two stars do their shit. Just put 5% and give them to the no stars then send them in in waves.
Letting plebs fight is Takahara's thing. They don't need lifefibers.
Wouldn't upgrading the 10% and 20% suits been better in the long run though?We've seen that 20%+ suits are durable enough to handle a few consecutive hours of fighting without falling apart,and the elite four was able to keep theirs around for an entire month.Also,overwhelming the enemy with numbers isn't really the greatest tactic when Nui's around.She can duplicate herself seemingly whenever and any umber of times she wants.
Wouldn't upgrading the 10% and 20% suits been better in the long run though?We've seen that 20%+ suits are durable enough to handle a few consecutive hours of fighting without falling apart,and the elite four was able to keep theirs around for an entire month.Also,overwhelming the enemy with numbers isn't really the greatest tactic when Nui's around.She can duplicate herself seemingly whenever and any number of times she wants.So really,it would boil down to if "less is more" or not.
But by the time the Battle with ragyo takes place, the uniforms were finished. You couldn't at least use the scraps for the no stars and give them that. They dont even have to kill them, as long as they distract or slow down ragyo and the covers for even a but it would be worth it.
I dont think satsuki would be the type to just throw students lives away for time
Fair enough
that might actually be accurate, satsuki definitely had no shortage of harsh cruelty for the most part but she was interested in culling the weaklings from her sight rather than use them as fodder
might have even been her own weird version of compassion by making sure the weaker ones were dismissed this way before shit really hit the fan sasuga satsuki-sama
Probably just the bag,but the idea with the leash is wonderfully kinky.
Really need to fix that .jpg
Low IDs don't realize Satsuki is Ragyo's Azure Blue dragon
>KiRYUuin Satsuki
>literally has 龍 dragon in her name
>in japan azure dragon is the one that protects kyoto
>satsuki took kyoto for Ragyo. in reality she protected it from Ragyo by sparing nudist beach
>satsuki's junketsu is blue like azure and her color profile is blue compared to ryuko's red
Thanks for this contribution, I'll fix it.
Your post would be a lot better if it wasnt undermined by that retarded pic
Delet this, satsuki loves her imouto
>This show superficially touches on a few cliched themes
So which blush of Ryuko is the cutest?
is that even a question?
It would be a lot cuter if she wasnt being manipulated by her own sister
Utena is about all of that (except fascism) and more
So,how would the series change if Ryuko was succefully fused with the life fibers at the beggining?
I particuraly liked the AU idea where Ragyo started locking her in juuketsu more and more as she became more rebellious and evetually left her in an island version of honnouji,so nobody could interfere.Meanwhile NB,the elite four and Satsuki are trying to investigate why the hell Ragyo built an entire island that's seemingly unrelated to her plan.
Sorry for the wall of text I just really want to disscuss this idea more.If you want more details go look for the Ragyo thread in the archives
>if it has themes that means it explored those themes in a satisfactory manner
Every piece of media has themes in it, dummy.
Isn't Ira a huge degenerate though? Just look at his goku uniform transformation
this is also a pretty interesting alt story to me
>satsuki does a lot of sync with senketsu for initial battles
>they realize at some point that senketsu needs a specific wearer that isnt satsuki
>senketsu at some point can talk with satsuki, doesnt want to wear her down with so many forced syncs
>satsukis RESOLVE would make her keep going, senketsu obliges since they still need the power
>realize they need to get senketsu onto ryuuko
>mission becomes retrieve isolates ryuuko and win her over to get her to wear senketsu
>after a lot of trouble along the way, NB team finally is able to accomplish that objective, big moment when senketsu and ryuuko finally do sync, with ryuuko having big change and wondering where senketsu has been all her life
>after initially not appreciating whole kidnap thing by NB, ryuuko comes to really appreciate that they came for her and opened her eyes
If people actually want it I can see about bumping it up the priority list of things to complete I guess.
won't the videogame have an alternate universe story? Or were those just speculation?
What if the videogame alternate story is just the Nui tortureposting of the last threads?
Game diverges during the Naturals election, with both a Satsuki story and now a Ryuko story of how things play out. This idea of "Ryuko Kiryuin" I'm assembling starts with diverging far earlier after Ryuko is born and the fiber implantation test.
it's a different alt story than our sperging here, i dont know much other than the split point being ragyo instead of nui showing up at the naturals election. also supposedly the second alt story to unlock is ryuuko actually getting trained by nui to fight satsuki
Just a subtle red pilling that maybe the allies should have fought with the fascist against the black souless aliens that are coming into europe and destroying its culture. Also a message that war can be good if its used to protect the ones you love.
so wait, did they grow up together in this AU or did satsuki find ryuko before isshin did and ragyo got to her?
not the one who started the au but i think it was that satsuki was the one spirited away by isshin early on while ryuuko was the one under ragyos tutelage and control from birth
oh. i kind of like it better the other way. now it just feels like a personality swap.
Stop shilling Satsuki.
Satsuki is a jerk Sue.
Ira is a unlikable tough guy a-hole
doesnt have to be, but yeah a different one where they did grow up together and eventually have to conspire together is also interesting
>satsuki finds ryuko earlier on in life
>she helps run the academy but still maintains her personality
>eventually ragyo finds out about ryuko and does the brainwashing thing with junketsu
>satsuki has to flee and isshin contacts her
>he tells her the only way for ragyo to be defeated is if she gets ryuko out of her brainwashing and gets her into senketsu
>cue satsuki's return to the academy where she has to blend in and enroll like ryuko did
i like it so far, and yeah satsuki would actually be tactful and blend in as opposed to how ryuuko just busted in and lay out her intentions as soon as she was able
This user is correct. Isshin gets Satsuki out as it was better to do so and deprive Ragyo of at least that much. Personalities are not being swapped though. Satsuki is still Satsuki, and unfortunately for Ryuko she is still Ryuko. Which is why Ragyo puts her Junketsu and builds the island.
Satsuki knows who she is from the first day
Tries to get her expelled without anyone being aware
Ryuko is blissfully unaware
Goes and finds senketsu
Comes back
Fights erreyone
She realizes that she can probablyt control jenketsu and that she might be able to beat her mother
Fails numerous times to control it, throws numerous obstacles in ryuko's way to test her out
Says fuck it
Puts on the suit and fights her when
Shit gets realer
the only think im not sure about is mako.
i dont know if she should know ryuko beforehand and befriend satsuki when she blends in, or if she has no connection and befriends satsuki and doesnt know ryuko
actually that might be fun
>mako literally just does the same sudden friendship thing to satsuki
>satsuki always plays it cool but slowly warms up to it even if outwardly she never quite seems like it
>turns out she actually knew ryuko the whole time and wants to help satsuki get her back
What’s this anime?
not sure about that part, already gives way too many braincells to dummycute mako
mako was just too big of a retard to notice that anything was wrong with ryuko until satsuki pointed it out. (tbqh i just dont want to take mako away from ryuko, their friendship is too good)
Well,she would be at least smart enough to notice Ryuko's sudden shift in personality and she would worry about it as her friend,but her also befriending Satsuki is giving her too much credit.
yeah fair point, they should still be friends somehow
mako would randomly befriend satsuki for the same reason she canonly did for ryuuko, which is to say basically no reason at all since shes a turbo dummy without much sense or reason and just does things because she wants to
yeah, i could see that. there would be hints that mako is ryukos friend before satsuki reveals theyre sisters.
what would happen to the scissor blade?
senketsu wasnt that relevant.
Literally the most important character in the show next to Ryuko.
seems like isshin hasnt been ganked by nui so he'd maybe be able to hand it off and properly explain its use
i think it would be a little OP if she just got it from the start though.
how long did it take isshin again to finish the scissors in the show? dont remember if he had it a while before dying or if he had only just finished not long before nui with both eyes and arms showed up
IIRC he called ryuko when senketsu was completed, and we dont know when the scissors were finished
prehaps nui stole it later on?
>Whats your favorite anime got?
None of these things.
user, the fascists wanted to feed humanity to living string.
You know what I'm surprised at, with all the sexuality in the show the only person who ever has an orgasm on screen is Ragyo, we even see her groping her own breasts as her back arches and the camera pans up to the sky during the life fiber battle, the english dubbing even took it a step further and made Ragyo sound like she was on the verge of a huge home when she takes off toward her satellite in space
That time Akko became a Pokemon Trainer
I'd love an au where nui mostly is intact throughout but in one of the penultimate battles she both loses her eye and gets the full black knight treatment
It's fucking garbage, with a garbage plot, garbage animation except for a few episodes, garbage character and I genuinely struggle to understand how people like it. Anyone who has watched anime for at least 5/6 years before that shit came out cannot consider it quality material by any means. Gurren Lagann was also all the above but at least it bothered being technically good. Kill la Kill is unwatchable shit.
Seething gurren lagann fag
Still have a penis more than you
see this
>not liking both of imaishis hot blooded high intensity shows
>ADHD pacing that caters to the autistic fanbase
no thanks bucko!
Not this.
seethe, cope, ect.
actually since isshin would still be alive that would likely be what happens.
>before fleeing satsuki puts up a fight and takes her eye
I just watched it because it had boobs.
>nui fights both satsuki and ryuuko in their kamui
>thinks she can handle them but loses edge when satsuki takes the eye
>opening enough for them to give nui the instant quadruple amputation
>both of them get revenge for the shit nui did when ragyo found out about ryuko being her daughter.
Seeing all this cute Satsuki and Ryuko siscon art has got me in the mood for drawing. I'm not sure what exactly to draw, though. Anyone got any ideas?
is it any worth? or just a bad written fanservice shitshow
contrarianism aside, it depends on what you want out of it. if youre not into it by say the 10th episode then chances are its not for you.
ryuko and satsuki chained up in the birdcage together.
so would isshin die later in this or would he live on?
Ryuko and Satsuki sitting side by side at the end of a concrete pier in a pair of long hooded trench coats like the one Satsuki wears as a Nudist operative. Bustling world behind them paying them no mind. Ryuko's eyes wet with tears that streak down and spot Junketsu's material just visible inside the coat as she looks down at a single lemon in her hands missing a bite. "So-...Sour?" "Sour. Here, available just outside the garden's walls. Just as I told you. And out there, out beyond this water, is oh so much more to know and explore."
why would she be wearing junketsu?
I'm the user that posted my fic premise which has spawned discussion on Ryuko being kept and Satsuki getting an evac with dad. Just a scene that felt appropriate given the thread.
fun characters
reminds me of hxh or bleach posters
Will Nui and Ryuko doubleteam Satsuki in the game? It'd put more salt in the wound if Ryuko accepted Nui as a sister but rejected Satsuki this way.
Love, loyalty, bonds, regret and redemption.
Cowboy Bebop
>he hasn't seen KLK yet
holy tits
They like it because it's full of slutty girls and partial nudity
i hope. that would be max sufferkino
>satsuki and ryuko plan some shit against ragyo
>isshin tries to contact satsuki and ryuko
>ragyo finds out and shit goes down
>ryuko and satsuki flee but a fight with nui separates them
w-whats he doing?
satsuki tightly snuggling ryuuko in public, ryuukos a bit miffed saying "n-neesan..." and satsuki says "dont act like youre not loving this"
KLK is shit.
He’s not a character he’s a plot device. He gets about as much development as a digimon in season 1.
Thats fine. I feel the same way about Violet Evergarden.
> facism, feminism, fashion, social roles, fitting in, and coming of age.
Just watch it and figure that out for yourself
KLK saved anime, I'll give you that. But Mittermeyer did it first, and Mittermeyer did it best, buta-domo.
If you like over the top type anime with some gags and dynamic scenes then you'll probably like this.
A fitting. It's important to know if he fits
Every scene with Mako and her horrible unfunny family makes me want to blow my brains out. Really basically every comedy moment in this show is horrible but those people in particular are the worst.
but clothes dont have benises
It's life fibers, I ain't gotta explain shit
Episode 8 of Gurren Lagan
>massive battle
>Kamina dies
>one of the spiral king’s main generals dies
>main characters get a giant new robot and base of operations
Episode 8 of Kill la Kill
>Satsuki announces some bullshit tournament or something, it’s never really elaborated on, just some lame excuse for Ryuko to fight the elite four
>Gamagori beats up fodder in a comedic way
I think it’s pretty easy to tell which is the superior show
I feel genuinely sorry for you if you thought the Down’s syndrome girl in a bowl cut was good comedy or was a good character in anyway.
>Whats your favorite anime got?
this show is about mindless action, cute cloud waifus, cute gun waifus, drills, shouting at the top of your lungs, acceptable asspulls, and not being a depressed sack of shit while learning to always live for tomorrow
whats the matter? just sisters doin sis things
What a dumb way of evaluating things. Watch this:
Episode 16 of Kill la Kill
>a recap
>Satsuki gets raped by her mom in the bath
>Ryuko enters NB secret base, learns that her father was secretly behind the entire operation
>Ryuko and Satsuki both learn the truth behind Life Fibers, the origin of humanity and it's imminent destruction
>Ryuko learns the exact nature of Senketsu and why he was created and rebels against it
Episode 16 of Gurren Lagann
>a recap
WTF I hate TTGL now
Episode 16 of Gurran Lagunn doesn’t exist.
wtf imaishi is a hack now
cute girls is what my favorite show has
this seems to be a constant among many of the posters here.
I love embarrassed Ryuko
Imaishi is and has always been a hack
>recap of quality stuff
>vapid pointless fan service and painful mellow drama
Even when cherry picking TTGL is better
KLK ep4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> TTGL ep4
KLK wins lol
i do legitimately dislike the bottom one there despite otherwise loving ttgl. it was just so unnecessary, simon already experienced plenty of loss throughout the beastmen and antispiral arcs, they could have still driven home the whole "i just wanna dig bruh" ending but let him have his fucking wife, nia disintegrating really had no narrative value and was redundant at best, but honestly it just detracts from the ending
Did Simon and Nia even get to fuck?
>TTGL ep4 guy still gets work
How does he do it?
why is this directing so obnoxious
Mako was hilarious, especially when she did the autistic thing when she was trying to convince people of some shit
Dropped it after episode one. Felt like something an ADHD kid would write.
Yeah that’s why Ryuko is still disgusted with his naked cock the whole time. Everyone knows Mako is sadly tapping that ass you fool.
>sadly tapping that ass
>tapping ass
>that ass
I don't think you can put these words together like this. No. This does not make any sense at all. Are you sure this is allowed?
sad from ryukos prospective, as she is the one getting cucked.
Yeah, but satsuki is still pretty cute at the end.
Titties -- Resort Boin
Better than this teasing gay shit
look at this crazed faggot
imaishi said back in 2007 they """did what they needed to""" in response to that question, so im guessing yes
but what they really fucking needed to do was just use spiral energy to save a for-all-intents-and-purposes living human from disintegrating, shits not even slightly as wanton or drastic as resurrection like what the fuck
go away nui.
On a related note, this is one of my favorite frames in anything.
This, and her original reveal at the end of the episode before she fights Ryuko for the first time.
Mine espouses the glories of Fascism too. Dont know about the other stuff, but im pretty sure the mangaka would write all that off as "dumb and gay".
>Mako was annoying and her weird rambling segments were clearly there to pad screentime and save animation
>first half is filler-heavy
>feels like it's juggling multiple different themes of varying coherency without capitalizing particularly strongly on any of them
>second half fumbles and feels like it doesn't know what to do with its characters
It was fun, and it really didn't need to be anything more than fun, but I couldn't help but see it as a coked-up Gurren Lagann with a lot more half-baked ideas and significantly less satisfying coherency in the characters and plot.
Loved the suit designs though, and the sheer creativity of the animation at times.
>Whats your favorite anime got?
why do you spoilertext so much
it will always be this one for me, it's just a beautiful thing when a violent vile villain finally lays down her arms
Just because things go over your head doesn't mean they lack coherency.
blushing satsuki is peak cute
her purpose in life was eroded away when ragyo died.
I'm still dissapointed that the life fiber suits don't feed on live juices.Not that it would contribute much,but it would do unspeakable things to my dick.
>special feeling for special needs
They never said life fiber suits don't feed on live juices.
>facism, feminism
The other stuff sure, but that's a big fucking stretch you're making there user.
i mean, coming of age isnt that much of a stretch per-say.
how did they get away with this?
My favorite anime isn't absolute trash
but the most important part is
would there be sisterly cuddling and healing when satsuki gets ryuko back to her senses?
it wouldn't be complete without proper sislove
Imagine Satsuki's feelings when Ryuko and Nui step on her and trashtalk her after her humiliating defeat to them, realizing she could defeat Ryuko early but now she couldn't do anything to prevent them from toying with her.
The first half of cross ange is about fascism, feminism, fashion, social roles, fitting in, and coming of age.
I think it handled a few of those better than KLK in half as many episodes, and I fucking hate cross ange.
Satsuki's ass or Ryuko's boobs?
Ryuko's boobs are life
I bet she'd cry.
Fucking hell,I still remember that poll like it was yesterday.
It was said that they feed on blood but didn't touch upon it that much so it's not like it's out of the question.
True,sislove makes everything better.
Especially emotional distress.
Ryuko tbqh
they are both nice but at the end of the day it comes down to ryuuko having good boobs but satsuki having SUPERB ass
>only good
Nigga are you blind?
Human hipocrisy,Human duality,Human paradox,Facism,Tyranny,Fate,Recognition,Depression,Anxiety and a lot more.
It be very popular.
Mine has funny Spanish memes good characters and great fights.
Man this show was hot garbage.
Dragon ball supper, by the way
violet evergarden sucks, kill la kill was good from episode 1
i mean they are good but makos boobies are really what constitute great boobies
never watched this show, but it looks like fetish porn. highly doubt it has anything to do with what you said.
also evangelion is pretentious trash, and im saying that as a fan of ping pong
dumb way of comparing
They're the same but smaller though. Ryuko is just the right size and softness
>never watched this show
because every fight scene is half-nude, and worse than that, it has a high school setting
Do you not watch boxing or MMA fights for that same reason, or are you just scared of bare naked anime flesh?
it has to do with some of those things in a very, very surface-level way.
it opens with teacher reading a history lesson in Hitler. not very subtle.
if uses fashion as an obvious clunky metaphor about identity.
it has nothing to do with feminism, but ideologically possessed Western fans project that message into it because everything has to involve feminism in the west.
Oh,so you're that guy.
ryuuko's ryuukos are definitely nicely sized with great shape but mako's makos are basically that but bigger by the right amount
though to be real, ragyo's ragyos are very nicely large and very well shaped without crossing into oversized territory
Satsuki's school represents fascism, that much is obvious. But I'm surprised everybody misses this part: Ragyo ending up as the real threat represents Communism being the real enemy in WWII.
Everybody being sucked into some sort of life fiber hivemind symbolizes the uniformity and cultural atomization Marxism strives for.
It's basically a regurgitation of NGE's instrumentality project, but the political undertones are made much more obvious.
One of the show's messages is that fascism isn't "good," but it's sort of humanity's immune system response against something much more evil; it's a necessary evil.
Makos boobs are verifiably smaller though, they even address it in the show
but then NB can also be construed as commie with their uniformity and such and the supposed fascist academy was always aligned with the naked commies goals, so its commies vs worse commies?? 3deep5me
It's not feminism per se,but I liked that one user's theory that each of the kamui represent a woman's path into adulthood.We have Senketsu representing puberty,Juuketsu representing marriage,and Kisaragi representing parenthood.
I unironically liked KLK but this is a based opinion
If you're talking about that one scene early on in the show,Mako directly compares Ryuko's ryukos to Satsuki's and says they're bigger.I don't remember Mako's boob size being mentioned like that.
Guess magic wasn't working out too well, huh
But her family talks about how good Ryuko's boobs are, this can be deduced that the family has never seen as good of boobs as ryuko's
thats a stretch, we can clearly see both mako and sukuyo are stacked in most frames theyre in, you could just as easily say that since the family already has great boobs that they can recognize when someone else also got dem tiddies
stop it!
>I disagree so it's bait
You are completely misunderstanding the point. The entire show is based on how in Japanese "fashion" sounds like "fascism". Knowing this, it is clear that Ragyo, as the figurative leader of fashion is not communist in any way.
She is the logical extension of the fascist idea that the bad people are oppressed and instrumentalized to ensure a good life for the good people. Only here that "elite" is not the people, but the clothes themselves.
A reoccurring motif in the show and a very, very transparent reference to fascist rule is that "the clothes are wearing the people". This is a clear reference to things like the Stanford Prison Experiment and the Milgram Experiment. This is first hinted at in Satsuki's first appearance "pigs in human clothing". The fashion (fascism) is what elevates pigs to the status of "human", you know the clothes literally making people stronger.
So basically, this leads to a very transparent reading, the clothing itself is the fascist ideology. It is there on every level of the show, Satsuki equipping the "good people" with clothes that make them physically better than others is obviously in reference to how fascism often tries to grant their followers privileged jobs in the police force or military. Ragyo and her fashion (fascist) empire, is mirroring the way ideology itself always seeks more and more influence. Ryuuko, who through the use of clothing is elevated to the masterrace. Nui, who is an abstracted idea as a physical representation of clothing for the most part laughs at everyone around her, because you cannot physically defeat an idea.
Satsuki, who tries to wield the ideology to achieve her goals, but every time she does, she nearly succumbs to it and is very nearly consumed.
And Ragyo, who has given herself to the ideology, who only pursues the final solution. And reading this a "communist" is naive, because it rejects the fact that the fibers are both alive and capable of thought.
True, but another thing we can see is when mako lifts her boobs to emphasize ryuko's in one of her rants, one can assume that she possibly does this to match ryuko's size
(Memes aside though its difficult to tell as both mako and ryuko's boobs shift sizes in different scenes)
Especially after emotional trauma
Okay look,I know you guys like the ryonaposting but this is getting out of hand.Fluffy sister bonding is where it's at.
Nigga you don't know anything about Marxism, where in Marx is there a call for uniformity?
Fluffy sislove can only be done after intense torture, it's the only way.
This was pretty much the take I had on it as well. I think the core take is that conservatism as a whole tends to have a pessimistic view of human nature, so the most extreme manifestation of that is along the lines of "people are evil until the state can control them and drive them to be good," which the show explore a lot. I think doing a communist vs fascist reading is very much westernizing the actual message, which is more related to the evils of Japanese fascist imperialism leading up to WWII.
although i love pretty much any cute sislove art between them i gotta say its a lot more fitting when its with shortsuki
Correct. It is very fallacious to apply the western historical lens to all works, regardless of origin.
Arent they about the dame height though?
Fucking mobileposting
meant the hair, short hair marks when satsuki starts to really soften up and enjoy simpler pleasures in life like shopping with and hugging her cute imouto
The one thing I never understood about the story was, why did Satsuki wait till the culture festival to backstab her mother? She had control of Junketsu way before that, which I assume was the most important piece she needed to start. The whole "conquering all schools" thing never made sense to me. why was that essential to her plot?
Also why the 1 and 2 star uniforms when everybody turn into covers anyway. They've done literally zero to help her in her quest to stop the life fibre.
And lastly, what would satsuki have done without ryuko attacking as an excuse to snatch juktesu from her mother?
She always was nice and loving, she just couldn't show it until ragyo was gone.
I'm not even gonna ask why satsuki didn't tell ryuko her real plan right after the excursion. The trope of "you weren't ready to know yet" is so overused for a cheap "what a twist" that I'm used to it being in every show by now.
Also Mikisugi could have told her about what's going on earlier but also "you weren't ready yet"
yup, shes had a life of suppressing this side of her and now that she can finally relax she finds how nice it is to indulge this side with her cute loving sis
Three episode rule
If you don't like it by then, it's not gonna be for you.
If you do end up liking it, skip episode 4. It's shit. The rest is good.
It's fan service filled but it's legitimately fun and even the fan service feels appropriate for the tone of the show
It doesn't take itself too seriously and does take itself seriously the right amount when it needs to
trigger niggers
What changes did Ryuko go through? It seems like she just remained as hard towards satsuki as ever. Kinda cold, but not unexpected after how many times satsuki tried to have her killed.
>The one thing I never understood about the story was, why did Satsuki wait till the culture festival to backstab her mother? She had control of Junketsu way before that, which I assume was the most important piece she needed to start. The whole "conquering all schools" thing never made sense to me. why was that essential to her plot?
Because the point was getting her at Honnouji surrounded by her forces. Of course she understimated her and the 1 stars were immediately taken over. Conquering the schools was both to get Ragyo there and to give the uniforms (and Ryuko) a final test.
>And lastly, what would satsuki have done without ryuko attacking as an excuse to snatch juktesu from her mother?
Come up with another excuse?
Yeah, that would have went well, considering Ryuko's personality.
Satsuki didn't have all the information she could have. She still didn't know about mind control, the extent of Ragyo's immortality, or what Nui was. So before wasn't really an option.
Doing it at the Culture Festival would ideally be the best because it's
>Satsuki's playground
>Ragyo, Nui, and Rei would be there so she could take them out at once
>Ryuko and the stronger Nudist Beach members would attend as well to help
>She can showcase Ragyo's immortality and plans to the audience to get them to abandon clothing
The conquering schools plan was just finding Nudist Beach, to maintain a good standing with her mother. Also helped strengthen her students.
It's a fun wankfest that overstays its welcome after the second half. The shows own manner undermines it's supposed depth with its very lacking aesthetic ubiquity for the higher human themes.
>The shows own manner undermines it's supposed depth with its very lacking aesthetic ubiquity for the higher human themes.
Check out this pseud.
Yeah, go ahead and find those themes of profound chaos and order in a sexy catfight. Give them the test of time and see if they're authentic.
>overstays its welcome
Absolute pleb. If anything it should've been twice as long.
>hating the absolute zany FUN of ep 4
>not liking delightul antics and shenanigans
why are people like this
They should make KLK directers cut edition that basically loops with some timeplot shenanigans or something, so you can watch forever.
Nah, the second half is a mess and the buildup and climax kind of suck.
>Yeah, go ahead and find those themes of profound chaos and order in a sexy catfight.
I have, thanks. If I thought that superficially lowbrow presentation couldn't be vehicle for profound themes, I wouldn't have enjoyed any Gainax/Trigger anime since FLCL.
people just hate fun, it seems.
delet this, ryuko loves her nee-san because its the only family she's got.
>Nah, the second half is a mess
>ruse-chan wasnt a recurring character
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
is it just me, or do life fibers seem really similar to command and conquer?
I'm not talking strictly low/highbrow. I mean the foundation of the presentation and its relation to particular themes. I think shit like TTGL and FLCL work because they hit what the basic aesthetic and its representatives aim for. KLK is fitting as a social exploration, but profound analysis on more fundamental themes seem mostly contrived.
despite the memes posted here, neither KLK or TTGL seem to be aiming for a "deep" narrative. retards just like to over analyze things.
If you're talking about the dichotomy of chaos and order, that's the basis of the visual presentation of every Imaishi anime, not just KLK. You don't need to watch more than 5 minutes of Dead Leaves for it to drive its point to you, it's intrinsic of Imaishi's animation and direction philosophy.
That doesn't mean it was delivered in a brilliantly compelling way. The attempt may be present, but not worth being the take-away. I think is more right, in that the main point of both shows was over the top self-aware but still sincere fun.
Making Ryuko and Mako late and almost expelled was a pretty smart ruse honestly.If she did succeed she'd have a kamui for herself,even though she can't use it and would have been busted by Ira a day later.
i dont know, some parts did seem clever but it was really silly that everything fell apart because she didnt think gamagoori would enter the surveillance room that hes regularly supposed to enter and supervise. though i suppose such a silly downfall is rather fitting for a wacky character like ruse-chan
>That doesn't mean it was delivered in a brilliantly compelling way
It was though, both in visual presentation and in thorough exploration of the theme. Stuff like Dead Leaves and PSG despite being about the same subject is more of a divertissement without much pretense (it's not a case that they both are biased heavily on the chaos side), but that's not the case for the more serious shows written with Nakashima.
I was under the impression that Ira was in on it until she stole the kamui
What guy?
It's not feminist because if it were it'd be about weak, characterless women who can't think independently and who demand to be babied by men/society.
keeping isshin alive seems like it would make things way too easy and be a huge oversight for ragyo. perhaps instead when he is stabbed, he tells ryuko outright that satsuki is her sister?
i guess thats true since the scissors secret wasnt realized all the way until ep 22, so a still alive isshin would have to mean the life fiber threat would need to be scaled up accordingly since he basically was /this/ close before episode 1 to already toppling the life fiber plan before nui almost managed to put a stop to it all
>This show is about facism, feminism, fashion, social roles, fitting in, and coming of age.
Clueless. Satsuki is imperial Japan. Ryuko is the common Japanese people. Ragyo is the USA. The show is about Japan rising up to throw out the gaijin piggu.
Based and ragyopilled
>One of the most westabo studios ever.
>Show filled with American and western cultural references.
>Have done work for western cartoons.
>Against gaijin.
Know your enemy
I will not lie, I still bust nuts to this show.
There is not enough fanart of the RagyoXRyukoXNui Threesome.
Why are you guys so homophobic?
There was plenty of nui tortureposting in the last few threads
I will probably start a new thread for this, but:
was Mako a good character?
Why do you think they changed it so Ryuko doesn'T die after killing ragyo? It was stated more than once that ALL life fibre dies after that.
Her neither being human or clothing is not a satisfactory answer. She is still mostly life fibre.
at least she was there for like 5 frames during the graduation.
The life fibers die simply because they don't have hosts to suck up energy from anymore. Ryuko never had this issue.
>stated more than once that ALL life fibre dies after that
Aikuro stated that all life fibers told to release everyone would die off on their own due to lack of hosts. That included most every life fiber on earth that was active and on a host when told to release them. Ryuko is the host to her life fibers and was not on earth. The fiber clones and school while on earth were not active until Rei activated them.
She should have
Then ryuko should have died from having her life drained
Her life fibers are immune to Shinra Koketsu's commands. Watch the last episode again.
OP here. Didn't think you guys would keep this thread alive for so long. I just posted this so I can blogpost while I rewatch klk. Just finished the last episode.
i rewatched like a month and a half ago after the original run, gotta say i liked it a lot more when i knew what to expect and was able to appreciate the insanity while also better being able to see the heart and passion the show unironically had
The thing is, klk and ttgl is what REALLY got me back into anime after I didn't care for it throughout most of my teens, so it has a special place in my heart.
>Nui never got a Nui Kiryuin moment
>the closest we ever got was when Ragyo actually calls her her daughter
Close enough I guess
excuse yourself
Unrelated, but do you think satsuki ever worries about ryuko becoming like ragyo since shes half life fiber?
How would that even work?
I didn't really go in with any expectations and I really liked it.
would she get senketsu when isshin dies like in the show and then get separated or would satsuki find him some other way? i think the former works best, if only to establish senketsu and ryuko's relationship
it's kind of funny to me how even though i overall rank ttgl as the better show especially since its finale sequence was the hypest out of pretty much anything i've yet seen, i'm still more satisfied with the klk ending even though its finale sequence was distinctly less hype. i'm just still fuckin bitter about the needless nia death since it added no narrative value (i sperged earlier in the thread about this) you could kinda say the senketsu death might be in the same boat, but i could still at least be sold on the fact that sustaining all those goku uniforms /and/ shinra kouketsu really was gonna finish him anyway, whereas there's just nothing substantive there to really sell me on the fact that nia needed to disintegrate
If Quentin Tarantino made anime, Kill La Kill is the sort he'd make
It was a necessary lesson to teach Gimmy and Darry about setting limits to spiral power. It's proof that Simon has learned something from the anti-spiral. And it shows how far as a character Simon has come, once losing himself over the passing of his bro, now can say goodbye to the love of his life with a smile. It's a moment that tackles all the messages of Gurren Lagann in one fell swoop. It's brilliant.
not him, but i kind of liked klk better.
why is Ryuko wearing her pants back to front?
To rebell and show the world.
i still don't see how nia's disintegration adds on to any of that in a way that the other losses didn't already drive home. at most it was one way to bring up the question of not abusing spiral power which i agree was an important thing to address at the end, but honestly gimmy easily could have brought up the question without nia needing to be gone. we've already exceedingly seen by the end of the big fight that simon has far and away overcome the loss of his aniki with the absolutely incredible feats he pulled off that kamina never could have dreamed of. further losing nia i don't feel like adds anything more to that. one of the most important aspects of simon's character at the end is that even after all his galactic heroism, he still really just wanted to chill and dig, and that aspect easily could have been driven home with nia around to settle down with him.
The point is that Simon can move on, to travel the world and fuck all the bitches. What's so hard to understand about this? Would you rather having simon watch as nia grows old, ugly and bitter?
>honestly gimmy easily could have brought up the question without nia needing to be gone.
Nia disappearing makes it far more powerful, and drives it home more. Simon teaching him this through Nia's death makes it more far more believable that Gimmy would be effected.
>we've already exceedingly seen by the end of the big fight that simon has far and away overcome the loss of his aniki
This is more on a moment basis. Simon immediately understands that he has to let go
wait, how could senketsu hurt her when hes just clothing?
you mean like the rest of the world?
Ryuko a best
a best
Blood has to come from some kind of wound,it doesn't just manifest like that.
I think its really the only anime i truly hate.
I hate the characters, the setting, the art style, the idea of magical clothing. It just feels too stupid and convoluted to take seriously. It will go from a stupid unfunny joke to hyper serious because ryuko did le serious pose.
>isshin dies like normal except he tells ryuko about satsuki right off the bat and tells her
>ryuko goes to the academy and joins satsuki after a while
>this is when she meets mako and the elite four
>ragyo finds out about who ryuko is and waits until she is separated from senketsu to get to ryuko
>satsuki flees and manages to get senketsu
>satsuki has to blend in with the academy and try to get her brainwashed sister back
Nice hyberboles you got there.You can hate all of these things,but just because the concept seems too silly for such a serios anime doesn't mean it can't be executed well.There are many non-comedy shows with sillier premises like this one.
I was just about to go nut to ryuko
Nothing wrong with that
makes you wonder what a life fiber pussy would be like...
You guys are mad geniuses
Life fiber pussy
Just Imagine
This is amazing.
Pathetic "trying to be mature"fag
KLK is way better.
TTGL's forced fanservice is pure shit.
They're kind of the same, really
We don't really need to say who he represents, right?
If he really was on it then that automatically makes that episode ten times more hilarious.It also makes him a bit of a dick though.
here's what feminists are for
Harry Enfield right?
Wow, what a great way to represent the anime.
Berserk is about persevering, friendships, love, meaninglessness of hatred, stoicism, being grateful, and realizations.
Hulks and table near a wall
That's Imaishi's table 100%
How does he work so crampt?
He's six feet one iirc too so he'd be squeezed there.
Say what you want of Kill La kill, but Ragyo Kiryuin theme song is top kino.
How could Ryuko hurt someone when she's just clothing? Senketsu's made of Life Fibers, he can harden himself to steel like hardness.
Tanks and cute girls
I mean...
DTR and cute girls
I think there was a tank at some point too.
Fuck off.
I don’t think communists made people cum constantly as they are slowly digested by alien superorganism.
I want to nut into ryuko, turn her into a milf.
Patrician taste.Will you take care of the kid?
I mean, he was already kind of a dick with the whole making students late thing.
>overstays its welcome
Please stop using this psuedo critic buzzphrase. Don't even like KLK, just annoyed at it.
I think he just likes to fuck with people sometimes,and that was the only reason the event even happens,since he's a great guy otherwise.
Where did you copy and paste this shit from I actually want to bookmark it
>tfw desperately hoping the game coming out has RAGYO ending
>or at a minimum more fan art with her involved in any shape or form from the game bringing KLK back into the light
Sequel to Kiss Love Kiss would be nice too,
Cute girls and tanks
I wrote it
But that’s forbidden love. Girls can’t love girls.
i can see what you mean. tiberium being used to seed the planet, kane turning out to be an alien even though cnc4 didn't happen and does not exist. life fiber infused people and mutants, then tiberium covering like 80-90% of the planet at some point. it's a cool comparison. mutants won't be as long lived as a life fiber infused person though
>I fucking hate cross ange.
You win the award for shittiest taste in this thread user. Congratulations!
100% gonna take responsibility.
If she's also your sister it cancels out the gay.
Kill la Kill is a terrible letdown in comparison to Gurren Lagann.
Fuck, now I'm imagining kane and ragyo switching roles
Other way around
it's true, sister love cancels out the forbidden part and loops back around to being right and just
at least kane wouldn't be molesting and feeling up the girls, so there's that. i bet they'd still get pretty tortured though
What makes sisterly love so good?
anyone catch the preview of the first mission of the game story mode? mostly wondering what satsuki and ragyo and nui were saying when ragyo and nui show up after ryuuko beats the big 4
your post was almost based with quads on sislove but you ruined it with that sislove pic for ants
Sorry,here's the full pic.
I'd argue that ryuko would probably have it a lot worse off given how human experimentation with tiberium usually goes.
I thought it was about boobs vs ass, did I fuck up?
>there's 5 pillars during the stadium brawl
>An additional center arena pops up where the 1vs1mefaggit take place
>there was always meant to be 5 Devas to Satsuki
Seeing as how each of the 4 represent a different role, that is to say we have a Tank, melee DPS, Warlock, and Mage the natural last spot would be a healer. However given healing is something KLK setting literally can't do human wise, and self healing is strictly for life fiber "people", the last member would most likely be another melee DPS.
Which means they would have most likely been a Rogue with a focus on scouting with more unsavory but needed work given the nature of the other 4 Devas normal day to day operation. Seeing as how the entire Satsuki endgame was about killing her mom, said 5th member would most likely double agent under Ragyo's corporation.
>We'll never get some kind of prequel / side work that focuses on a Deva working directly for Ragyo, possibly alongside Nui, and spying on her activities for Satsuki
Maybe satsuki was planning g on making ryuko one of the devas if she won?
Nui raping Ryuko ending!
Reverse rape is better
user, Mako talks about the stadium bullshit like it's happened multiple times before but since it doesn't adversely affect non-star students it never really mattered to her. Satsuki has been probably running this annual (semi-annual?) tournament styled shenaniganery since she was a freshmen. The pillars are all perfectly placed to create a Pentagon so it couldn't be just 4 devas.
In other news I want a prequel because Satsuki quelling student rebellions and doing other work would be banging. Could even have a focus of an older student taking advantage of earlier 3 star Deva uniform weaknesses to beat them and get 5th deva status.
The two scenarios arent mutually exclusive. Perhaps the reason why satsuki was so interested in ryuko winning the tournament would be to replace the o e she lost
that's pretty based user
>Somehow Satsuki and crew know the exact age range of when people go from being tolerant to life fibers to being incredibly susceptible to life fibers
Having the 5th Deva turn on their 3 Star suit only to get taken over in the same vain as Junketsu Ryuko would be a fucking banger of a prequel fight and really reinforce Satsuki needing to murder the hell out of her mom before they hit the age limit hard timer. Would also explain how they knew that fact in the first place.
I mean shit Gamagori is technically the oldest and there's a decent sized time skip to the second half of the show, he could have been a few months away from being too old to use a uniform.
shut the fuck up
I can only pray with you for that.
>Gamagori wasn't the original Deva in charge of the surveillance room Rusechan works in
>Gamagori's car was actually the 5th Devas that passed it down to him at graduation
>hit the age limit hard timer
What hard limit? She figured out that wearing fibers would lead to the body developing an immunity to them, and that starting with teenage years produced the strongest effect. There was no point that immunity goes away, Gamagori was over 20 and is fine. And a fifth diva didn't exist. The fifth pillar was for Ryuko so they could test the 3 star uniforms to work on improvements, which was what the last part of the elections was for.
don't post that shit here
>Gamagoori always noticing that the devas and satsuki treat him differently,and he attributes it as him being older than them
>When in reality they're still grieving over the old deva and fear that he will meet the same fate
Would be pretty kino.
i kind of would have liked a scene where the elite four talked about ryuko with satsuki, and what their hopes for her was.
Posting Best Girl
a small snippet would have been good right before the final rounds of the naturals election, only slight hint we got about satsukis real intentions was just when satsuki says "its in your hands now" when ryuukos about to fight nui
A scene where satsuki and the devas tell ryuko about their plans before promptly failing massively when ragyo showed up would gave been cool, if not cliche
Imagine Kill la Kill being your favorite anime.
The engrish is pretty charming,not gonna lie.
>kraut symbolism when satsuki is a jap
Wheraboo autism knows no bounds
the jews fear the samurai
then why would she pretend to be a kraut?