There seems to me to be an remarkable absence of unrepentant snobbery with regards to anime discussion when compared to literature, music or film. Weeaboos don't seem to make any effort to cultivate any sort of taste and rarely venture out of their medium. When anime fans who are relatively 'snobby' do show up, they generally never get passed sniveling at normies and shitting on seasonal anime. What about anime causes this sort of mediocrity, Yea Forums?
Where are all the anime snobs?
maybe because they're cartoons for kids
Because anime is not a high brow medium and those who treat it as such are fucking retards
We don't deign to even acknowledge other media.
Other snobs need to step up.
Nobody gives a shit how much you think X show is deep and insightful or why you think Y is moe garbage.
People watch what they like and ignore idiots who try to tell you why its shit.
>high brow medium
Anime is objectively the most flexible medium though.
This so much.
I don't know what board you're browsing. People on Yea Forums are snobs and elitists even if they fit what you're saying of people who don't have any context outside of anime. And Yea Forums's and Yea Forums's form of elitism/snobbery is pretty similar actually. You probably just don't have much experience in film or music and so perceive it differently.
But it's art no? Shouldn't we hold it to the standards we hold all art?
Here we may peer into the minds of plebians
I have less experience with anime than i do those other mediums
The fact that you are a a newfaggot who doesn't understand that anime was seen as something only degenerates watched and sadly that's been changing with all the nerd == cool bullshit even though the western anime fanbase basicaly still consists on those same autistic fucks.
They are everywhere actually. MAL is full of pseudo snobs, Yea Forums too, they are just actually less common as of now because anime getting more mainstream means less people who take anime seriously enough to act snobbish
your point being?
You can't really sell something as sophisticated when people's main opinion was that it looked like drawn child porn. Plus everything anons have been pointing out so far.
If you browse only shounentard threads and FotM seasonal generals then you're not going to find any elitists. We filter those threads.
Have you ever been in a 3x3 thread?
>thinking someone who makes this kind of thread using the word normie would've lurked even a bit before posting
I treat anime like I would a Popeye cartoon: Imaginative and creative, yes, but it's not fine art
it's as highbrow as all other mediums. theres no intrinsic difference beyond simply coming from Japan and being animated
>There seems to me to be an remarkable absence of unrepentant snobbery
Is this a joke or are you blind
>There seems to me to be an remarkable absence of unrepentant snobbery with regards to anime discussion
I wish I had same experience
only watching obscure anime and saying evangelion is good because of character psychoanalysis and that the show 'deconstructs the genre' is barely snobbery
The vapid Yea Forums contrarianism.
what is exactly snobbery in your mind
agreeing with him in his like of obscure shows nobody watched or remembers
Yea Forums needs to take a page from /jp/ and learn to take it easy
anime is not srs bsns
>People on Yea Forums are snobs and elitists
Sure,that explains 90% of the board being shonenshit and isekai threads. Yea Forums is actually elitist only in 3x3 threads
>Sure,that explains 90% of the board being shonenshit and isekai threads
In my experience the "elitists" do nothing but post ecchi garbage that should go on /e/. At least shonenshit is about fucking anime (generally) and not about how much they want to fuck the characters. Isekai threads can go either way. But what are elitists supposed to do? Not let people talk about shit they don't like by shitposting in their threads? OP talks about Yea Forums being elitist but they have kpop generals and talk about Pitchforkcore all the time and Yea Forums is overrun by capeshit and other garbage like Game of Thrones.
Believe it or not, anime is still hard for people to get. It is hard for companies to clamp down on it due to copyright laws. It is hard for some people to control due to Japan and the other parts of the world being far apart. It is hard for your typical normie to understand due to cultural differences, think of it like this... its like a class that is easy to get into but hard to pass. Then there is the fact anime is a passive medium and requires the person to do very little, unlike gamers who are active. I like the way anime is and has been.
I miss when Yea Forums was full of elitists. It wasn't the longest period in its history, but it was its best.
>never get passed
I hope you don't pretend to be an intellectual while making mistakes like these.
Yea Forums was never full of elitists