ITT: The best friendships in anime

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The last thing Cocona wants from Papika is friendship


K-on of course

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Honest question. Is this yuribait? Or is it simply some nice old honobono.

It's cute, comfy and relaxing and nope, not yuri at all, but that doesn't stop people from headcanoning the living daylights out if it.

theyre basically wives so thats pretty gay

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>not yuri at all, but that doesn't stop people from headcanoning the living daylights out if it.
So it's bait. Unintentionally, most likely. But still considered bait if the definition is just 'does it make del/u/sionals think such.'

What kind of retarded definition is this?

if its bait then there actually has to be a trap its baiting you into

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>But still considered bait if the definition is just 'does it make del/u/sionals think such.'
That's literally every anime. /u/tards will craft headcanons out of characters with canon boyfriends.

Haven't seen this, is it any good? At the time I thought it looked too generic.

The anime is fun

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Fuck, gotta watch it then.

>not yuri at all
I'm not saying it's 100% canon, but multiple characters have confused them for being married or spoken about how they should stay together forever (meaning don't get husbands). The mangaka has also done yuri works in the past. The shows lends itself that possible interpretation.

>The show lends itself that possible interpretation
So it's just bait.

Lots of fun

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If you have the retarded defintion of bait as "yuri-friendly authors are trying to trick yurifags into reading their series by not confirming/focusing on romance", then yes.

if someone gives you something for free, do you expect more from them and act as if you were baited by the act of them giving you a gift?

Condiering it doesn't have an official definition, whatever the poster thinks it is is as valid as anyone else's opinion.

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