After years and years I finally got around to this meme show and I can not comprehend why Americans love it so much. Is it just le bouncy cartoon animation and trite alt rock? Especially hated Haruko.
Other urls found in this thread:
It’s all about robo jesus
He was alright but could not make up for pink skank antics.
A proper critique does more than waste words to get at saying a thing is overrated. You're also wrong, BTW.
Wonderful non-opinion you have there. I can't imagine not being able to properly articulate your own thoughts. Life must be hard when you aren't able to convey your thoughts in a way that anybody would respect.
>user makes thread about flcl being good. Everyone rages that it's overrated shit and op is retarded.
>user makes thread about flcl being overrated shit. Everyone rages that it's good and op is retarded.
It's almost like the majority of this site's users would rather fight and argue about adverse opinions than validate opinions they already share.
If that's truly what you got from this show your'e a waste of oxygen.
At the very least if you don't jump off a bridge get off Yea Forums clearly anime isn't for you.
I fucking love old Gainax artstyle and action and choice of music.
I unironically dont give a fuck what everyone thinks on this retarded board, but FLCL was at least decent and old Gainax/Trigger hasnt made bad anime with few exceptions.
Its easy to hate on them because everything they made is populas and that means normalfags love it.
it's fun
Never understood why people pretend this shit tier animator is good.
>fight and argue
Let's not kid ourselves, it's pure shitposting. E.g. Also, once there are posts contradicting op you can fight against both sides so your argument is invalid.
i like it because it makes me feel fuzzy inside
and the ED is cool
I watched the directors commentary, pretty interesting stuff and it explains why the sequels are so shit
The lesson being OP is a retarded faggot, and his thread is better off not being made.
gainax's magnum opus. your loss
It's ugly and cringy dogshit with a Reddit rock soundtrack
zoomers can't handle anything not filled with marvel quips and laundry detergent
You're not supposed to like any of the girls in the show. They're each annoying and manipulative in their own ways to prove a point. If you were looking for fantasy escapism you obviously won't find it here, maybe that's why you didn't like it.
>Pillows is "reddit"
You're a faggot
>having this shit taste
i wish you would succumb to death
get better taste
way to prove his point
>it's pure shitposting
Is it though? Some people seem to genuinely maintain the idea that it is complete shit. And with how many utter retards there are on this site I don't doubt a lot of that is genuine hate because nothing makes a retard madder than not understanding something.
Nobody ever says "that wasn't my cup of tea" or "I didn't particularly like the story being told" it's always "THIS SHIT IS SO LOL RANDUM HURR DURR DUMB SHIT WHY PEETENTIOUS RETARDS ALWAYS SAY ITS SO DEEP?" And anybody who was able to pay enough attention to the story to understand what was going on (which isn't deep at all a 300IQ required sence) would rightfully want to call them out on being retarded. Same for the actual pretentious faggots who claim it is the deepest price of media ever written/produced. The show was produced for a teenage audience in mind. Any literate teenager that didn't live a completely sheltered life should be able to understand what is going on in this OVA if they paid attention, even though it is something anybody could enjoy.
I have no defence for the people who claim to not like the animation used in the OVA, anybody who holds that opinion isn't an actual fan of animation and they should not be here.
But nuanced discussion is scarce around here so what may seem like pure shitposting to you has just become the norm around here and I don't fault you for not realizing it.
what fucking point?
really ugly and stupid anime that only sub 70 IQ teens could enjoy
Great show. Amazing visuals and OST make me come back to it every now and then.
You are right. It's ridiculously overrated shit.
he's right, it's babies first cartoon. retards think this shit is special for doing something every anime does.
looking like shit isn't fun
Fuck you, OP is right. FLCL is a really shit example of what anime can offer. Most anime aren't flat and cartoonish like this dogshit so i'm sure he'll love it.
Piss off. Gunbuster and EVA are leagues better than this boring and ugly trite.
>Amazing visuals
>literal dogshit with less shading than the average seasonal
oh you're cracking me up
It's been about a year since I watched it last, I'm due for another rewatch I think.
No actually, you were right. This has to be shitposting.
Haruko isn't a good person. You aren't really supposed to like her unless you're into manipulative women who will use and abuse you.
based hideaki
>uses a wan piss reaction pic
0/10 bait. Your epic xd trollface is showing.
That's you.
Trips of truth.
Is this the riveting, thought-provoking discussion Yea Forums is truely capable off? Impressive, I must say.
He's right though.
He's just as wrong as you are.
>I have no defence for the people who claim to not like the animation used in the OVA, anybody who holds that opinion isn't an actual fan of animation and they should not be here.
I still have no idea why people shit on the visuals/animation, especially seeing as no one seems to be able to articulate why they're supposedly bad beyond "lack of shading" (which is idiotic to anyone who knows anything about animation)
i know you’re shitposting but
you realize that using minimum or a complete lack of shading has been an actual stylistic technique implemted in animation for years, right? it’s used it tons of anime.
>which is idiotic to anyone who knows anything about animation
It's exactly that, they are idiots who don't know anything about animation. Or more likely as another user said, it's just shitposting. This show is an almost 20 year old classic so it's an easy target to come in guns blazing dropping buzzwords and reaction pics for easy (You)s.
why does Yea Forums hate fun?
We all want to have sex with the cigarette girl. Simple as that.
Because its infested with zoomers and they're miserable little shits starved of the brain chemistry that is granted through proper interaction with other people.
Because they don't know how to have it. Sour grapes.
I figured
shadowless, yes a cost cutting technique. This doesn't change the fact that it looks like shit as a result. Gainax's other works are vastly better.
This isn't fun. IT'S SHIT. Looking disgusting and like a cartoon isn't fun, it's revolting. Piss off back to Yea Forums
go back normalfag
>blah blah blah I like dicks in my ass blah blah blah
>eveyone who disagrees with me is baitposting
Every anime looks like a cartoon retard. Your samefag attempts to troll this whole thread are laughable. Stop shitting up the board and go watch anime or something.
I seriously doubt Gainax was cutting any corners with FLCL, seeing as it was super high budget even for an OVA and showcases some of their best animation.
Eat shit manchild. EVA & Gunbuster >>>>>>>>>>>>> this glorified cartoon
...but it is a cartoon...
Even Evangelion TV had better animation than this shit
Certainly seems like it in this thread. And for that dingus it's more the fact that he posted the flattest looking, unshaded anime ever produced as his reaction image.
Yeah, it's probably shitposting.
Go outside zoomer
I'll admit, I laughed
In specific scenes you could argue that. Consistently across the whole production? You are dead wrong.
This is better than any of FLCL's overrated horseshit animation
you kind of suck at what you’re trying to do
It was from a different time. Saddly incels cannot relate.
Somebody is bored so they decided to make an FLCL thread today instead of an EVA thread or a Gunbuster thread. Gotta get them (You)s, it's probably all they live for.
I think it's about time we talk about it.
>Every anime looks like a cartoon retard.
No you subhuman. This is demonstrably false.
noun: cartoon; plural noun: cartoons
>a simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in a humorously exaggerated way, especially a satirical one in a newspaper or magazine.
Cartoons are a style and not like classical anime. Just compare GITS or EVA to calarts cancer. Anime are known to be much more realistic, detailed and mature as well as rarely exaggerated beyond facial expressions in some anime.
That's why it's fucking shit.
It was better. Superior style, superior colour design, superior shading and aspect ratio.
just ignore the evanigger
he’s delusional
Tenamonya Voyagers from a year earlier was better animated and more creative than this dumpster trash.
So, can you articulate why the animation is actually bad other than "hurr durr cartoons"
I'm feeling generous today.
Trying too hard.
A soulless mistake.
I liked progressive for what it was. Sure it wasn't even in the same ballpark as the original but it at least felt like it was trying to do its own thing. And I actually cared about the characters by the end. Progressive was just lame from beginning to end.
The Pillows is music you should grow out of after high school
>A soulless mistake.
that was the original
It's sad that you're right.
I'd like to think there were more frequent constructive discussions around here about anime with folks who actually were knowledgeable about the subject and not merely expressing negativism as cover for a refusal to recognize the difference between quality and preference, or as an excuse for shitposting, but those are probably just nostalgia glasses.
Pillows are the Japanese Green Day
Bang up arguments you got there.
how so?
>citing a dictionary
You're so smart user holy shit. Now tell me the technical difference between FLCL and EVA without using the terms "Cartoon" or "Anime."
By definition both are Anime as they are animation that has come from Japan (from the same studio by the same people). Both are cartoons as they are 2D animation no different from Disney or looney tunes. So again without using these flimsy interchangeable terms, please tell me the difference between FLCL and EVA.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
>Stop shitting up the board
1st day on Yea Forums?
>That's why it's fucking shit.
Then all anime is shit, because anime is cartoons.
The point was that FLCL has an ugly cartoonish style and that EVA doesn't brainlet.
Are you illiterate? He didn't say anything about "animation".
your brain has rotted past its threshold
You might be the brainlet with your transparent attempts at baiting.
I just want to say this. There's not really any notoriety in not liking something. I can understand if you don't like something but if you're unable to understand why someone does then it just shows a lack of perspective. And no one's gonna congratulate you on how smart and mature you are because you are able to find flaws in everything but a handful of shows you deem "good". If you think FLCL's character design, music direction, colors or especially their animation is subpar, then I'm not even sure about what parameters you consider any of those individual elements "good". I'm not gonna accuse you of being a contrarian but it really strikes me as the only way to not see the merits of the series and why it's popular is to either ignore what it does well or hold it up to an impossibly high standard that you then mark it down for not living up to.
That's not what I meant, shitstain. I meant cartoon as a style, obviously.
>constructive discussions around here about anime with folks who actually were knowledgeable about the subject
There is still more of that here than anywhere else in the English speaking online realm, where frequent discussion is possible anyways. You could venture into some of the deeper chans or some forums but you're lucky to get a response a day.
The first Triggershit anime
>no argument
I accept your concession.
FLCLturds are total brainlets.
why would I argue with an obvious braindead shitposter whose opinion I don’t give a shit about? I’m gonna go watch some anime, bye user
It's not that bad of a show, compared to the other shitty gainax shows that came after it.
He was shitting on the animation a few posts up.
>an obvious braindead shitposter
Stop projecting so hard foolyturd.
I too am a contrarian and I too dislike the fact that you couldn't walk a step in the 2000s anime community road without people worshiping FLCL, but I'm glad I watched it when I was a kid before it aired on [as] too. I feel bad for you contrarian anons who got too late to the party.
Absolutely Yea Forums tier garbage thread.
I know right? Fucking foolyturds man shilling this ugly, childish, godawful deck with no substance.
I hope you're not trying to imply that that's not one retard samefagging.
so glad vagainax are dead
>I don't like FLCL because it's a cartoon
>cartoons like FLCL are different than anime like EVA
>nevermind I just don't like the style of FLCL compared to EVA
Okay I'm clearly working with a room temperature IQ individual here. You just made the claim that FLCL and EVA are not in the same category of media and that is reason you detest FLCL so much compared to EVA.
Now you are just saying STYLE again. I understand that you have a preference for style. But style is not enough to distinguish one animated work from another in so far as being different mediums. The term "Anime" is a terribly flimsy term to describe a category of animation beyond where it is produced because so many different styles can be accommodated by the same techniques. Many "cartoons" in the west are produced using the same techniques as anime. Learn how to articulate your opinions properly. You aren't a fan of the style yet you have no proper way of explaining that without confusing terms that would imply a difference of medium is the root cause where there is none.
I don't really get what kick you shitposters get out of baiting people like this, fucking board quality goes down and shouldn't you be out and about? Don't you have a job? School?
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're samefagging user, grow up. Also don't deflect, I asked you 'where'?
You're part of the problem Yea Forumsermin.
>Okay I'm clearly working with a room temperature IQ individual here.
That's you, you giant buffoon. As a style EVA is not like an ugly cartoon, FLCL is. Stop pretending to be retarded and fuck off with your strawman.
>Now you are just saying STYLE again. I understand that you have a preference for style. But style is not enough to distinguish one animated work from another in so far as being different mediums. The term "Anime" is a terribly flimsy term to describe a category of animation beyond where it is produced because so many different styles can be accommodated by the same techniques. Many "cartoons" in the west are produced using the same techniques as anime. Learn how to articulate your opinions properly. You aren't a fan of the style yet you have no proper way of explaining that without confusing terms that would imply a difference of medium is the root cause where there is none.
Regrdless of what "Anime" means, FLCL has a cartoonish style EVA does not, this is a fact.
If you want to troll/shitpost accurately, that would be Dead Leaves, not FLCL.
>sperging out on people agreeing with him
I'm not that vitriolic user but I don't disagree with them. the pillows are one of the worst j-rock bands to have ever kept going on, they make Ajikan and L'Arc en Ciel seem cutting edge. They've written the same mid tempo pop-rock drivel for 20 years now and still ride on the coattails of FLCL.
But don't get me wrong, I love the soundtrack and can't imagine FLCL without the pillows, but there's just so much good cutting edge Japanese music that the pillows look --like that user said-- like Japanese Green Day. They even dress like 2000s kids still while they're in their late 40s or something.
>diaper wearing bastard is seething that his kiddie catroons were mocked
>incels who self-inserted as a little boy
So your opinion boils down to the fact that you have a preference for style and because FLCL doesn't employ that style, it's not your cup of tea? Great, nothing wrong with that.
Just stop citing terms that have no solid definition in the context you are using them in. The implications of your citations and how you've followed up would suggest you don't even have a solid definition of what anime is while you implied cartoons are something vehemently different.
>So your opinion boils down to the fact that you have a preference for style and because FLCL doesn't employ that style, it's not your cup of tea?
No. The lack of decent shading means it's not as other OVA series like Gunbuster.
>Great, nothing wrong with that.
This non argument could be make to justify any style no matter how shitty.
>Just stop citing terms that have no solid definition in the context you are using them in.
They absolutely do. When someone says "cartoonish" or something along the lines of "looking like a cartoon" then unless you're braindead it should be obvious that they're referring to it's style definition. That was cited here()
>Just stop citing terms that have no solid definition in the context you are using them in.
"Cartoon" does as that has been stated. And that style is clearly not a reflection of what the typical anime looks like.
good luck with the dead thread buddy
>unless you're into manipulative women who will use and abuse you.
extremely hot
not mine kiddo but i might just take it to 500 for you
>Cartoons are a style and not like classical anime
Only watched the first episode but it felt like an eternity to get through. It was just random bullshit happening with no explanation and art styles thrown together with no cohesion. At one point the Dad starts talking in literal jibberish, while the animation turns into manga panels because why not?
It’s the *holds up spork* of anime. Randum humor was popular in the early 2000’s but now it’s complete trash and anyone who’s not blinded by nostalgia can see how shit it is.
That's not anime, that's PRE ANIME. Also far from what the typical anime looks like which is the point.
"cartoon" is not a style.
It is and it's a revolting style. See the definition cited here(), newfag.
So anything before the 80's doesn't count? Okay then.
>and art styles thrown together with no cohesion.
They were testing out their new digital equipment and had to use as many techniques as possible to make the most of it, yes.
>At one point the Dad starts talking in literal jibberish
It's not Japan's fault you don't understand their onomatopoeia.
>It’s the *holds up spork* of anime. Randum humor was popular in the early 2000’s but now it’s complete trash and anyone who’s not blinded by nostalgia can see how shit it is.
I mean what's the opposite of this? Really fuckin' funny "subversive" Isekai humor like Konosuba? Did you ever even watch Cromartie or Pani Poni Dash? Jesus, I don't want to imagine what kind of anime you like if you think the humor nowadays in anime is better. (you can say Gintama and be in the clear though)
Don't bother responding with some dumb shit like shin chan. 99% of "anime" are not cartoonish/exaggerated in style. That's the point.
>Don't bother responding
I probably shouldn't, really, but you looked like you were starved for (You)s.
>The lack of decent shading means it's not as other OVA series like Gunbuster.
There you go arguing with inconsistent definitions again. Are you meaning to imply that an OVA can only be characterized as an OVA of it possesses a certain level of shading? You know as well as I do that's incorrect. OVAs are only characterised by their release format. The only difference between FLCL and Gunbuster is its style, both are still anime, or in other words cartoons from Japan.
>This non argument could be make to justify any style no matter how shitty
It's perfect unless you beleive styles rank on an objective tier list, which I get the feeling you do, which is rediculous. There is just as much enjoyment to be found in the abstract style Masaaki Yuasa employed in mind game as the gritty realism of GitS. But the level of enjoyment to be had all comes down to personal preference, as I've been saying this whole time.
>They absolutely do. When someone says "cartoonish" or something along the lines of "looking like a cartoon" then unless you're braindead it should be obvious that they're referring to it's style definition.
Cartoonish can be used in that sense but in this same post you state a difference between what you call "classical anime" and cartoons. Do you mean the classical anime of the 60's, the 70's, or just the 80s and 90s? 80s and 90s are based more in gritty realism as I said but they possess exaggerated and simplified features just like anime of the eras the preceded and followed them, just like cartoons do.
>"Cartoon" does as that has been stated. And that style is clearly not a reflection of what the typical anime looks like
So again you have a preconceived idea of what anime is supposed to look like and because FLCL doesnt resemble that, you don't like it. FLCL looks more like what modern "anime standards" have become. If anything the heaving shading of Gunbuster and EVA are the outliers now.
>Don't bother responding with some dumb shit like shin chan. 99% of "anime" are not cartoonish/exaggerated in style. That's the point.
I think we have a winner for stupidest post ever made in Yea Forums for this year, and it's only May.
What kinds of anime do you like? Which is your favorite? Besides EVA? I’m honestly just curious at this point.
>a simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in a humorously exaggerated way, especially a satirical one in a newspaper or magazine.
That applies to anime too.
>99% of "anime" are not cartoonish/exaggerated in style
Yes they are. Tell me what about Erio's face in this pic is not cartoonish and exaggerated?
>no argument
I see that you've realised i'm right and have conceded.
Whoops meant for
Hardly which is the fucking point Sherlock.
There are actual arguments above. How many minutes of your time are you going to continue this shitty bait? Why am I even replying to you. What is life
Fucking hell this guy's shitposting game is weak.
Show us some examples then bitch.
I mean I just can't fathom what you're thinking of.
Kimba, Sazae-san, Mazinger, Devilman, Cyborg 009, Miyuki. All had super distinct, very different, and extremely cartoony art-styles courtesy of their author's work. I know your first anime was Madoka and it blew your mind but my dude, if you think there is the single one "anime" style that should be the norm and the only "good" style I suggest you look for another hobby. I can't bear to imagine you looking at Sword Art Online Shitfest #5 and going "ah yes, this is apex character design and artstyle, how all anime should look."
That's all there is, and i'm aware of it. Look at her hair and body though, no exaggeration. Thanks for proving my point kid. Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl had a gorgeous style unlike that fooly garbage.
>99% of "anime" are not cartoonish/exaggerated in style. That's the point.
Slayers was running at the same time EVA came out you fucking newfag
It’s more the pacing that’s the problem. Cromartie is absurd but it knows how to time jokes right.
FLCL never knew when to stop the bullshit and was too hyperactive to the point of being obnoxious.
post more
>still giving this faggot (You)s
>Look at her hair and body though, no exaggeration
When was the last time you looked at another human being?
I shouldn't need to. How fucking new can you possibly be? You don't watch anime. Here is one of thousands of examples.
woahhu this is beaituful
Nice trips.
I don't disagree with you, if anything FLCL was good to me because it kept my ADHD in check. But I think you're missing out if you don't finish checking it. Every episode has a sober moment no matter how crazy things get.
flcl is hardly any more high brow than the mcu dude
Magica Record is the gold standard of the anime style.
>cartoonishly large eyes
>cartoonishly not shaped like real eyes
>cartoonishly small dot noses
>cartoonishly slit mouths with non-existent lips
>cartoonishly unrealistic hair volumes and shapes
I'm still waiting for an explanation of how anime are not cartoons.
I've seen that shit you tranny and it's hardly exaggerated or cartoonish
The same could be said of all popular art, user.
>cartoonishly large eyes
>cartoonishly not shaped like real eyes
>cartoonishly small dot noses
>cartoonishly slit mouths with non-existent lips
How braindad are you? This obvius shit is clearly not what i'm talking about monkey, they entire rest of her body is realistically proportioned like 99.99% of anime.
>cartoonishly unrealistic hair volumes and shapes
No. Unrealistic =/= cartoonish
>I'm still waiting for an explanation of how anime are not cartoons.
Monkey. 99.99% of them are not done in a cartoonish style, we've been over this. Anime d not look like ugly cartoons, this is n effectively true statement. There definition has already been stated.
>le ebin tranny troll
>Slayers character designs are rooted in realism
Okay no more (You)s I am vindicated in knowing that you have been reduced to blithering on like a retard, have fun getting BTFO by all of these other anons.
not him, not really
stop wasting your time replying to him
But it's funny. He just keeps digging his hole even deeper.
That's why you were so hard pressed to find and example that you needed to use a fanart? Pathetic. 99.99% of time, the bodies never deform or 99.9999999% of the time it's not significantly and thank god for that. Cancer like that Pain scene in nardo or shit like, flcl and walk on girl are nothing. Pay more attention to anime, tranny.
>they entire rest of her body is realistically proportioned like 99.99% of anime.
Including FLCL, by that definition.
Not only is Mamimi usually drawn more anatomically correct than those girls, her face is usually drawn with far more detail than those girls. You're shooting yourself in the foot with every fucking post you make.
That's a nice delusion. and ironic too.I don't know why you felt the need to state that obvious shit but beyond the faces practically nothing is like that. In pretty much all anime the bodies are realistically proportioned along with everything else in the show. A slightly exaggerated face is nothing.
Exactly. That's my point. Even the few outliers hardly go into disgusting cartoon territory but still FLCL looks horrid compared to something like the typical anime.
So anime are definitely not cartoons.... except for faces. Got it. I'm glad we could come to such a concrete definition.
Learn to read you goddamn idiot.
I'm debating whether to set up a gofundme campaign to help manage his actual retardation.
Margin of error insignificance. Irrelevance to the point. You've got no argument and keep accusing others of the mistakes you're making. Everyone knows about the fucking faces but that shit is one small part of the body and it's insignificant. Outside of a few extremely rare exceptions like flcl cartooney exaggeration of shit like buildings is never done.
it’s bait
Overall in style? Absolutely not. You can stop trolling now.
Stop replying to yourself.
Says the troll to the man on the bridge.
Hey, youtubers are already monetizing retardation on twitter, some people could do it for Yea Forums maybe.
Oh so now it's about the buildings? How interesting. Where are you going to move the goalpost next?
flclturds need to be banned from Yea Forums
Follow the reply chain back you monkey. Some retard claimed that all anime look like cartoons when by definition this is false. I'm not moving goalposts anywhere. The tiny amounts exaggeration in anime do not make something cartoonish in style. Citing exceptions wont help you either. Part of the face being a little exaggerated means practically nothing when the rest of the body and everything else in the typical anime is not exaggerated.
I've been following along enough to see that you're a retarded shitposter. It was funny at first but now you're just flailing about aimlessly. Sad.
I knew it was shit the moment i heard some no taste retard claiming to be the greatest anime he'd ever seen, watched a few episodes, needless to say i was furious, what a waste of time.
Are you retards this thick? Beyond that FLCL obviously does shit like having the character's eyes pop right out of their skull. This is part of the 0.0001% shit that doesn't happen in the average anime.
this. they're among the most deluded retards on Yea Forums
FLCL was shit, faggots and DEEP try hards are the only ones who like it
You do realize that the amount of posters is visible right
slayers is so fucking ugly
>Beyond that FLCL obviously does shit like having the character's eyes pop right out of their skull. This is part of the 0.0001% shit that doesn't happen in the average anime.
>Implying this is any more or less abstracted than what you are complaining about in FLCL
DEAD WRONG. The only difference is most anime just does it way cheaper like this one. What is realistic about this face?
That happens in like...every chapter of One Piece and Bobobo.
Switching gears a bit. What's everyone's favorite episode of FLCL?
The lack of a secret society mindset?
The tumblr era manga continuation.
That's you. The sheer incompetence of retard like you never ceases to amaze me. You fuckers don't pay any attention to anime.
>The only difference is most anime just does it way cheaper like this one.
That looks way better than anything in flcl actually. FLCL deforms shit like the buildings.
>What is realistic about this face?
The fact that the eyes are in their sockets.
If you were 13-17 years old back then in the early 2000s and started watching anime and stumbled upon FLCL you probably would have understood. Or at least that was my experience together with plenty of other Yea Forumsnons from what I have gathered throughout numerous threads since then.
It's understandable that it doesn't blow you away as much as it did back then, especially if you are older I feel like as this show was heavily aimed towards teens.
when you deflect literally everything someone says it’s not hard to tell that you’re trolling
certainly not every chapter but the amount of time this occurs is negligible and the vast majority of anime don't even do it. garbage like a konosuba s2 isn't common, and even that doesn't doesn't do it to the extent that flcl does.
Firestarter because of this scene
What did I deflect? He just keeps repeating obvious but insignificant/irrelevant shit or saying things that I already know. The irony of this retards spamming is palpable, you're probably him.
Oh boy
>What is realistic about this face?
not him but plenty of things. The number of eyes, eyebrows etc.. The skin tone, blush and positioning of the facial features relative to eachother. That's nothing.
We get it OP, you're a faggot.
You can stop spamming this thread now.
That's rich.
FLCL is the worst piece of shit Gaina ever did after P&S.
Brittle Bullet. It really just a great hodgepodge of everything I love about FLCL. All the over the top dumb gun violence, The comedic timing, especially with Kamon and the Lupiin joke. And that finale with Naota finally standing up for himself with Mamimi. Also lots of hot Kitsurubami action.
Kitsurubami is cute
>laundry detergent
>You fuckers don't pay any attention to anime
I do which is why I know you are nitpicking bullshit. Lupin III started in the 70's ran all the way until now and had may artstyle changes and cartoonish off model moments. Like Lupin III, Cutie Honey and Devilman still do to this day.
>That looks way better than anything in flcl actually. FLCL deforms shit like the buildings.
So you'll probably hate Shoujo Shuumatsu ryokou too then? It does both of those things you're complaining about. Go ahead and tell me it's not anime either you retard. What about Konohana Kitan or Sarazanmia? Not anime either because their characters go off model sometimes?
>The fact that the eyes are in their sockets
What about the fact her nose disappears?Or how her mouth contorts to a impossible shape? Or how her eyes changing color and shape? You're nitpicking again. Because that's all you can do here. You're D E A D wrong.
So to conclude and to make it crystal clear for every retard. No anime is "realistic", all anime are unrealistic. Of course being unrealistic does NOT equal being cartoonish. The definition of a cartoonish style was posted here.()
adjective: realistic
having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected.
"I thought we had a realistic chance of winning"
synonyms: practical, pragmatic, matter-of-fact, down-to-earth, sensible, commonsensical; More
antonyms: unrealistic, idealistic, impracticable
>representing things in a way that is accurate and true to life.
The only way to make a truly realistic piece of media would be through the use of ultra realistic CGI. Of course all anime do have plenty of realistic aspects, these are your elements of realism. 99% of anime are variations of the style in attached image, including FLCL, which look nothing like an actual cartoon. An example of a cartoon would be some simplistic shit like Steven Universe. The difference with FLCL is that it's more cartoonish and dissimilar in comparison to the typical anime.
Based on the images you've posted your taste in anime is fucking appalling. Go back to watching IDOLM@STER or something.
>I do which is why I know you are nitpicking bullshit. Lupin III started in the 70's ran all the way until now and had may artstyle changes and cartoonish off model moments. Like Lupin III, Cutie Honey and Devilman still do to this day.
You're posting exceptions in 1000s of anime. What you are doing is literally nitpicking.
>So you'll probably hate Shoujo Shuumatsu ryokou too then?
Fuck it and fuck the whore that writes it.
>Go ahead and tell me it's not anime either you retard. What about Konohana Kitan or Sarazanmia? Not anime either because their characters go off model sometimes?
What they do isn't uncommon and it's also extremely trivial in the series.
>What about the fact her nose disappears?
Stop nitpicking whilst accusing others of doing the same. Why the fuck do you keep spamming obvious shit about anime and using it to try and justify your delusion? You don't see her body deform or the characters exaggerate to the extent that they do in shit like flcl.
>lecturing anyone on taste
If someone as autistic as you thinks mine is bad then it must be great.
not him and I don't particularly like idol anime but I'd rather watch it than this cartoon network tier cartoon for teens that just discovered anime
>not him
Fuck poopin the turd.
Why are you guys still engaging in this stupid conversation. It's shitposting of the highest caliber.
Fuck off you autistic flcl spammer, that poster wasn't me.
>Is it just le bouncy cartoon animation and trite alt rock? Especially hated Haruko.
that's just sencodary, the main topic of flcl is the complexity of relating to other people, puberty and growing up, that's why teenagers love flcl, they relate and self insert as naota
but that's it, it's nothing deeper than at but still i like rewatching it
I’m pretty surprised by the fact that this has lasted so long
>Fuck off you autistic flcl spammer, that poster wasn't me.
I hate how braindead retards tout flcl as being special or some kind of high art because it does stuff not possible in realty. Every fucking anime does stuff that's not possible in reality and most of them do it without looking like utter shit. SAO does stuff not possible in reality and it looks much better than this garbage.
what is a time stamp?
>Inb4 doubt
Yes and with that original given definition of a cartoon any simplified depiction of the human form, or any form, is a cartoon. The words anime or cartoon can be used to describe the same thing just like it commonly is with avatar the last airbender and castelvania. This conversation has been hijacked and diverted so many times I don't even know what being argued anymore.
But I maintain that anybody who doesn't appreciate the animation techniques and presentation in FLCL is not an actual fan of animation, only whatever they think anime, being this super distinct style of animation from Japan, is supposed to be.
>what is phoneposting
This. Fuck FLCL and fuck FLCLturds.
>inb4 you get accused of altering your chrome source code for the screencap
who are you quoting?
lmao. i don't even know how to do that nor do i have a functioning phone
Fucking this. FLCLniggers are among the most obnoxious shits on the entire board.
On a very special Armistice day episode.....
i got to pee
kys redditfag
kys tranny
Literally a clusterfuck of soulless garbage. Can't believe they wasted resources on this abortion.
FLCL is the anti-Yea Forums(nler) anime as the MC is a young lad who has multiple girls into him but does not care except for the /ss/tranger danger that rides into town on Vespa.
SAO is garbage.
It's okay. 6/10. I couldn't understand why it was so overrated until I learned it used to be on Toonami and it's just americans wanking it due to their nostalgia.
Yurotrash please, some of us were hip before Toonami. It was called flea market bootleg subs, and Suncoast. Go to bed.
Still looks better than the steaming pile of shit that is FLCL. It takes advantage of the mediums freeform potential without looking like garbage in the process.
yikes, dont rip your skinnies
SAO is the zoomcore of overhyped trash. You're spitting out bile.
You forgetting that simple is a relative term and that cartoon is inaccurate in describing a lot of Japanese media. It also comes with the connotation that something will be humorous or exaggerated. That's what the term anime exists for. And some things in anime do have more distinct details than their real life counterparts.
>SAO is the zoomcore of overhyped trash
Doesn't matter. It takes advantage of the anime medium to do stuff not possible in reality and it does it with style. The game world and it's landscapes can not be filmed in real life and it looks gorgeous. That's right, even garbage like SAO does it yet cancer like flcl is worshipped for doing it like it's the second coming of christ. I've had it with the ludicrous overpraising of this garbage and it's incredibly obnoxious fanbase.
I hate how arguments these days are just calling something reddit and then calling it a day.
Americans are simply better than other people. You wouldn’t understand.
This thread is extremely low quality.
This, fuck FLCLturds.
i know right? flcl niggers are delusional and insane
based and freedompilled
you can do it
are you thatanimesnob?
i wish. are you that insane flclspammer? oh who am i kidding, of course you are
All this thread has successfully convinced me of is it’s about time to rewatch this classic kino for the 100th time
huh? i was just asking a question
nice, foolyturds eternally blown the fuck out
Its still quite unoriginal trash senpai.
huh? i was just asking a question
Nothing better than making zoomers seeth in watching kino animes.
>k-on reaction image
wouldn't have expected anything less from you judging from your post
Still takes advantage of the anime medium better than fucking FLCL. It's something every anime does, even the shittest anime.
muh adult swim good dub arguments basically.
Too bad dothack was so unbearably boring and had one of the most faggoty MCs that ever existed.
>garbage eating k-onturd likes ugly cancer like flcl
stop talking like a retard first
>Too bad dothack was so unbearably boring
ADD kiddo?
I saw a guy on youtube saying why he thought FLCL was a wonderful thing and he was eloquent and i agreed completely.
It's been a long time since I watched this anime, and I don't really feel like watching it again, but this is the only scene that sticks out in my memory.
Must be because of the feels.
FLCL was a SCP.
that was probably the ponyfucker and he has debilitating autism
No. It wasn't.
not him, i prefer .hack over SAO but the fucking soundtrack is shit by comparison
Burgers are comatose. FLCL is just massively overrated garbage that gets undue praise for doing shit that literally every anime does.
Gunbuster is fun, this is ugly and childish.
kek, Even Dantalian no Shoka is better than this dreck.
It's cheap garbage compared to Gunbuster.
truth hurts, i know
Only Yea Forums-tier faggots like busterbeam think this shit and Reddit Lagann are good
Fox News detected.
Full Swing.
I fucking love the "Don't fear failure" message and as nice as his development is in Brittle Bullet and FLCLimax I feel like the climax of this episode is the turning point.
It helps that Crazy Sunshine is a contender for my favorite track.
So non-incels.
Yea, it's an ugly cartoon and the lack of shading is disgusting.
That bat-swinging scene combined with Crazy Sunshine still gives me shivers.
Die tripfuck.
FLCL is anti art. Copying reality with it's fluid realistic movement and looking disgusting with it's lack of proper shading results in something that looks revolting and is antithetical to art. Art is mean to PRIMARILY be appreciated for it's beauty, but this garbage makes it's characters look extremely ugly through the use of things like overexaggeration and excessive deformation.
This. Couldn't have put it better myself.
Wow, that's some seriously forced animation.
that looks pretty dope
Because fuck communism dude.
You spoke my mind. The ridiculous shilling of this glorified cartoon is absurd. How do people delude themselves into enjoying this horrid tripe?
holy shit, that looks like garbage
He's regurgitating the shitposts from earlier. It's quite amazing to see, really. And he seems to have a post count target.
forced as fuck
holy shit that looks retarded
>lack of proper shading
>overexaggeration and excessive deformation
I understand completely, I mean LOOK at this garbage.
cartoon network tier show. If this is what appeals to you why even watch anime? try Yea Forums
it's a comedic scene, of course it's weirdly animated you dummy
This is forced beyond belief. I'm laughing so hard right now.
I know right? Only literal trannies and manchildren like this cancer.
It's kind of just the Yea Forums culture to constantly shit on everything, including shitting on people shitting on something else.
To be fair FLCL is a goldmine for forced animaton. There's this one fucked up animator that keeps doing it? what's his name? yohsi?
Why are all these same opinions appearing as if they're new posters when the unique ID count remains the same?
Why are they written in a style which appears unfamiliar with particular scenes of the show?
Inquiring minds want to know the depth of autism.
that gif is so cringe
This is what the average 4channel.ver2019 user actually believes.
Jesus fuck with the samefagging in this thread
go to bed flcl spammer
I know right? FLCLturds are shameless.
i guess you are trying to reach 500 with all these replies. i mean i guess i respect the dedication
Yea, that one flcl spammer is totally insane.
Kill yourself
are you trying to get your thread screencapped and posted onto r/Yea Forums or something?
What the fuck crawled up his anus? LMFAO
RETARD (1(one))
this definitely seems like projection, go back there
shut up flcltranny
you really are insane aren't you flcltard? not all of us are plebbitors like you
>99% of "anime" are not cartoonish/exaggerated in style
Holy shit dude what does real life even look like to you through those eyes
>flclturds getting demolished up and down this thread
nice work Yea Forums
The samefag response to the gif is hilarious. It reminds me of the old referral link samefag spammers.
yikes newfriend
It's nice watching them seethe.
>still trying to damage control after being repeatedly blown the fuck out
>no new ip
You're so pathetic foolyspammer.
Why was the MC so autistic?
She's a reflection of the directors and animators of this tripe.
Now it all makes sense!
Naota. Female. lol internet.
It's funny because even though I KNOW how it ends, my young brain always assumed this was the finale. It's just such a BIG moment.
I totally get you. Forcing myself to finish this boring crap was such a chore. Wish I could get my time back.
Pretty much.
shit bait. it looks ugly as fuck
This is so forced. Why are mindless gooks entertained by characters retardedly spazzing out on screen?
>dat gif
just why?
to be fair IM@S has better aesthetics than FLCL could dream of
This is going to hit limit from all the samefagging to that gif.
>that horrendous "animation"
this gives me diarrhoea
Can this be considered spamming/flooding at this point?
Kill yourself FLCLspammer.
Yea. The FLCLturd is out of his mind.
when will this thread get pruned
It's overrated as fuck because of vagainax drones.
never. keep seething foolyturd
FLCL was the first anime I ever watched, and Haruko was the first 2D girl that I was attracted to. Actually, being attracted to Haruko is one of my earliest memories. I must have been four or five years old. Haruko really resonated with me throughout my childhood. I saw the first episode by chance when it aired on adult swim, when my brother and I had to share a room while we were traveling across country. He fell asleep with the TV on, and I stayed up to catch my first ever glimpse of Toonami.
Only 143 more posts to go, OP. Reach for the stars.
When are you going to get range banned flcl spammer?
>currently at 5~ posts per user
>which really means a handfull of people have been doing this all day
i should've dropped this garbage on ep1
>Hello, everypony!
>no new IP
You know what I am actually interested to see how far this goes.
It's boring as hell for something so overanimated and the plot is wore than SAO.
I can't believe it's still 2013, either.
Art Historian here, you're wrong, also a fag.
Man this OVA series was garbage. I dropped it on ep4, characters are shallow and the plot is literally nonexistent.
Shit, I never seen Yea Forums so polarized post Yea Forums levels, I must learn this magic
It's like every character has autism in this show.
>This thread AGAIN
The MC is Haruko as much as Naota.
But why was the MC such a sperg?
chronic brain damage
>Ehbu bu bubu
>I don't get flcl I hate it
>good animation is a meme! lol lol
>Make new thread
I see.
What a shit image.
stop spamming dumb flcltard
It was merely okay, in retrospect.
E7 is more FLCL than FLCL ever was.
How does it look like shit? The animation has a vibrant energy to it that can only be found in anime.
Stop fishing for (you)s
should've died sooner desu
>E7 is more FLCL than FLCL ever was.
What does that even mean, do you have a crack in your skull?
What else is new?
It means flcl was horseshit.
E7 is leagues betrter than Foolyshit.
>Contrarianism the thread
i think you might just be mentally ill fooly spammer.
wow.. looks like dogshit
Go back to plebbit foolyturd.
ikr. the shading is atrocious
That's a needless insult. To autism.
I'm so glad I dropped this on the first ep. It looks like garbage, there's hundreds of better animes yet this one gets a pass
Wow, everyone's trying so hard.
you’re almost there. do you feel like you’ve accomplished something?
lmao@ right, glad i didnt watch this shit
>a turd with piss filter
>a polished turd
daaaaamn, FLCLiggers were right.. it's definitely not a glorified cartoon
FLCL was shit not because it looked like a cartoon, but because of the lol randumb story, the wet-rag protagonist and the shitty side-characters. I tried watching it at 15, then again in my 20s, but it never got good.
The funny thing is that the spam isn't even automated. Somebody is actually typing that shit.
Better coming-of-age romance story with a protagonist who feels like he doesn't fit in anywhere and mindfucks.
>retarded cartoonists don't even know eyes go on the head
>flclturds are gonna defend this
yea it's horrible but still you gotta give em credit. it's much better than the original
I want a Mossan wife.
>flclturds seething because they got exposed
keep up the good work pal
i realize. i’m pretty sure this guy is trying to reach post limit with his samefaggery for whatever reason
Couldn't stand that bitch too. People should watch BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo if they want wacky shit.
The new fooly looks more stylish and has better shading.
this is the "progressive" new shit that they spawned not long ago?
No wonder, no one behind the original project was there to begin with.
>fag starts flcl hate thread
>based flcl chads turn it into a proper flcl thread
You guys are alright
a waste of budget, the scene didn't need this much movement, it feels forced
The protagonist has interesting enough monologue throughout. He doesn't act out often, but that's what the narration is for. Pay attention
Americans love it becuz muh deep symbolism and batshit insane symbolism
it looks like complete garbaage.
If anything they should have used the okultic color palette since it looks like a late 90's early 00's show, just like the originaru flcl. New one looks generic garbage.
I mean, he could have come with grounded arguments as to why he believes the anime is overrated, but then sputtered some dumb bullshit about shading, which the entire industry has gone away from, and likening exaggeration in style to cartoons, neither of which support his dislike, got BTFO and threw a fit.
I'll admit to about 5 or 6, but I'd wager OP has more than half the replies ITT.
>trite alt rock
>The Pillows
Go fuck yourself.
do you care about anything except shading and realism?
>The whole finale looks like shit
ok, here's your (You)
>Left: horrific screen shaking
>Right: objectively superior 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio, better colour design, better shading
Progressive looks better.
progressive sucked ass but alternative was pretty good
>has gone away from
>what is VEG
I'll tell you - a classic in the making
I care about having decent fucking shading.
Ironic when the OVAs are shilled for their realistic fluidity.
This. Fuck nostagiafags man.
They were both as bad as each other.
Try a little harder
Personally, I wouldn't say the first looks better in general, but I loved how so much was crammed in there. It made it exciting to watch. I guess I think chaotic can be a pretty good thing.
>After years and years
So you're 12 now and don't understand why people like it?
The old one looks like trash.
ADD: The post
This. Nostalgiatards are mentally ill.
The shading doesn't look good and the art style is generic as fuck. But you've already established that you like generic shit, so whatever.
It;s fucking hilarious how you've been at this for nearly 12 hours.
The new fooly is better.
Piss off. I gave you perfectly valid reasons. Fucking get over yourself.
Nice fantasy. FLCL is garbage.
>outs himself as being here for 12 fucking hours
Just kill yourself spammer.
The old artstyle is fucking generic nigger.
Watch patrician stuff like abenobashi or kare kano instead of that shit
>The shading doesn't look good
Vastly better than the original, especially on the hair.
I get it, OP. You're bored. Can't you think of a more constructive use of your time, though?
16:9 widescreen isn't a valid reason (You) hoarder.
This looks so much better and more aesthetic than the shitty outdated original.
I know right? Nostalgiafags should be crucified.
Somehow I can just picture you gouging your eyes out whenever a Looney Tunes cartoon pops on TV.
>the shading! the shading!
>the still shot montage looks great!
>please give me (you)s!
like wow you.. you just type lime youre from the r-webside, you know that friend
Yes it is you heathen. Humans have 2 eyes and they're positioned HORIZONTALLY. We can see more side to side than we can up and down. 16:9 is more cinematic, capable of better expression. Grow the fuck up and learn something.
You'll have to forgive me user, English is not my first language so I can't really understand what you're saying.
kek. didn't mind loney toons when i was a kid but it'll never close to something like EVA or GITS in style, aesthetics or entertainment.
That's so weak.
this character design is so bad. Wow imaginative putting green with neutral grey! not like it couldnt have been literally any other color
You disgust me.
I have been watching anime since I was 3, and I would sacrifice the entirety of Japanese animation to save That's Opera Doc and Mouse Trouble.
>that snow
22 posts
The new version looks so much better.
>this entire thread
yes, yes. keep we heard you.
Good, I will contribute to this thread's death. I've been here since 2003 and this is by far the single worst thread I've ever had the disgrace of being a part of in near 16 years of Yea Forums.
ive been here since 2005 and i agree
>I've been here since 2003
Haven't you seen this thread over and over then?
I have.
But it does look better. Animated sequences are not inherently better than "still shot montages" Why do you think the detailed aesthetic well shaded slideshow scenes in Kill la Kill look better than fluid animated shit from Nichijou?
esl fuck off
You're argument is weak. So weak it doesn't exist.
die filthy Yea Forumsnigger
>But it does look better.
Sure it does. This rushed passionless anime will be remembered forever.
I hope the next time we meet will be under better circumstances, fellow oldfag.
No, for some reason contrarian revision has made every edgy-ass newfag kid post this thread for the last few years, but I still remember the ole days of yore where we still had web 1.0-tier threads about how "deep" FLCL was and how much we loved it. I dislike this future, I should've warned people to stop talking about FLCL lest Production I.G. decides to cash grab and give us unnecessary sequels, but I did not. The fault is all mine and this thread is my punishment.
I will not, user.
>getting called Yea Forumsnigger by someone who didn't watch Kimba and Mazinger on TV
oh i am laffin
That reminds me, I saw a similiar anti-FLCL thread a few months ago that was probably made by the same guy based on the writing style. I don't remember it being nearly as bad as this one, though. He seriously cranked up the autism for this thread.
Finally. Let this shit burn down harder than Mamimi's school.
Guesses on how long it's going to take for the next thread to pop up?
Whoever does it make sure to link to this one in the OP.
Humans have two hands so they can use their keyboards to type out a better argument than "Wider aspect ratio is better therefore Anime better"
Even rushed it's still better and you're cherrypicking and can't comprehend that people just don't hold the same opinion as you. Progressive and Alternative are stylish and have gorgeous rings on their hair. especially progressive style is best
Fucking hideous
>generic shiny hair streaks
So beautiful I'm nearly crying
>I love that uninspired modern anime "style" born from underpaid animators.
you’re the reddit
How can you be this thick? I get that you hate the remakes because they're not as good as the original, you see through your rose tinted glasses but come the fuck on. Get a grip nigger. It's not all bad. Crafting you anime with a 16:9 aspect ratio greatly increases how expressive it can be, taking advantage of your optical real estate. It is objectively better than 4:3 for conveying information to humans. This effects the entire damn show.
You should feel bad. We're all living in the hell you created.
>stretching the image to 1280x720
If you're referring to "limited animation" then the most well paid animators in the industry use it voluntarily too.
Has Alternative been eng subbed yet? I'll take dubtitles, even.
Says the fag defending the shitty original and it's fluid realistic movement.
And they took advantage of our optical real estate on this.
This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Where did you study optometry and neuroscience?
It was a shitty clusterfuck, still nowhere near as bad as kyousogiga though.
Old colour pallet looks dull and washed out
Third option:
>user makes thread about flcl being overrated shit, and then proceeds to sperg out and spam the thread until it hits bump limit
>rafting you anime with a 16:9 aspect ratio greatly increases how expressive it can be, taking advantage of your optical real estate. It is objectively better than 4:3 for conveying information to humans.
Without commenting on what transpired in the conversation before, this reads like a sales pitch by a marketing strategist looking for a hook to drive the new generation of technology that the sales division doesn't stagnate.
Again you're cherrypicking. The aspect ratio affects the entire show and the average scene is undeniable better in Progressive.
Humans can see more across then they can up and down, this is scientific fact you buffoon.
The original FLCL was a well crafted animation masterclass and a roller coaster ride.
The new FLCL's where a sad reflection on modern anime and adult swim's sad attempt to cash in on nostalgia.
I don't get? Are you trolling me? How the fuck do people not know that humans can see more across than they can up and down? Where you not given an education? Do you not think?
True but the new ones were better in some respects like shading, stylisation and aspect ratio.
fuck off
Yes. I will always love, praise and recommend the new shows over the original because they look aesthetic and so much better and more stylish. You just a stuck up faggot.
lol internet
Fuck off. It's ugly and outdated garbage.
you’re gonna get a blood clot if you don’t get up soon
Source? When it comes to this shit I am more than hesitant to beleive anything you faggots say.
Just fuck off, Progressive/Alternatives clunky animation and aping of the original with a half baked story line was sad and a pain to watch in your beloved 16:9 aspect ratio.
>without commenting on what transpired in the conversation before
I know your argument is technically accurate, but to go on about it as a comparison point is the most retarded thing I've ever read since that last retarded thing.
>imagine getting this worked up about a cartoon
Progressive and Alternative are better than the original.
minimal shading is a signature for half the animation staff that worked on the series, namely Imaishi, Arakawa, and even Kouichi.
you're kidding, I know, but c'mon
>aspect ratio.
the original was one of the first completely digitally animated works done by GAINAX, there was no single way for them to know that 16:9 would be the norm 15 years in the future, we were still using letterbox CRT TVs back in that time.
Die nostalgiaturd, the original was shit.
Google it nigger. But this should be common sense. Fucking think about it, you have 2 eyes placed horizontally jesus. You should just be able to tell. Try moving your head sideways and see if you see across as far then.
>the original was one of the first completely digitally animated works done by GAINAX, there was no single way for them to know that 16:9 would be the norm 15 years in the future, we were still using letterbox CRT TVs back in that time.
Doesn't mean it's not inferior to the new version in that respect.
No it was the antithesis of passionless
Weak and generic
>aspect ratio.
Doesn't matter.
>minimal shading is a signature for half the animation staff that worked on the series, namely Imaishi, Arakawa, and even Kouichi.
>it's garbage on purpose
It's less expressive than progressive.
>ip count still not going up
>No it was the antithesis of passionless
Because you say so, nostalgiatard?
Just like the fucking original just not as ugly.
>Doesn't matter.
Hell yes it does. What if you had a 0:0 aspect ratio cretin? You'd have no image at all and we both know that's worse, same principle here.
You're right user I guess every single anime that hasn't gotten a 1080p release is inferior to My Sister, My Writer.
>Stylisation is garbage when I don't like it, expressive when I do.
I see.
The flclturd is absolutely insane.
the foolyspammer is crazy. fuck the original man
Can you try to have an actual argument?
It's not just about resolution etc.. but if you actually take advantage of the capability to display more detail. In progressive the average scene is just better and i'm not going to be dishonest like you and deny it.
So are you two. This is impressively aggressive shitposting. You guys have wasted an entire evening of your lives on this absolutely pointless shitflinging.
I MADE A FUCKING ARGUMENT. All that retard had to say was "HURR passionless", accuse the new version of something the old version was guilty of and deny that aspect ratio matters.
>In progressive the average scene is just better and i'm not going to be dishonest like you and deny it
You're not being dishonest, you're just being objectively incorrect.
That was one poster.
it’s the same person
I work 9-5, had a couple of drinks with my best friend and some girl he knows from high school, came home, made dinner, took a shower. If I can't take 1 hour of my life to have fun with some bait-ass troll on Yea Forums why even live.
shut the fuck up spammer
It's passionless.
Take you pills already.
the new version is better grandpa
Because you say so? Oh you're so smart!
They don't even finish the line work half the time.
It's shoddy.
It's not that he doesn't act out, it's that he seems a black box, a blank slate they expect us the audience to fill in the gaps for. And the gaps seems to be the experience of having been a teenage boy, which is completely foreign to me, and without this self-inserting the MC is complete crap.
And the original hardly has any shading half the time.
That one felt good. How empty are you all going to feel when this thread dies?
Colors permeate scenes better and it's consistent in the original.
die fooly spammer
Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.
I don't agree with the colours permeating the scenes better, i think progressive is better. The original is more consistent though, i'll give you that.
You are just insane aren't you flclturd? The original is trash compered to the new versions.
The new flcl looks slightly less shit.
>I don't agree with the colours permeating the scenes better
You don't have to agree with it because it's right there in front if your eyes.
cute sperg
what kind of shit argument is this? the old one is literally generic garbage too
That's ironic because the people who like it are shit eaters.
You're being objectively incorrect.
To be fair anyone who likes cringey shit like flcl in general is a shit eater.
I love how nobody defending Progressive/Alternative mentions the cheap looking 3d modern anime foists on everything for convenience.
>Art Historian here
yes cringey
flcl is a cringefest you fag
Do you cringe when you look in the mirror?
Reddit's #1 anime.
No, but i cringe at manchildren like you.
Fuck off flclnigger.
No surprise. FLCL is pure shit.
I just wanted to say fuck nostalgiafaggots.
Unironically this.
Kill yourself, subhuman filth.
Progressive is mediocre but still bettet than the shitty original.
>Trying even harder at the end
But you know it's gonna be
All right
Best anime of all time
Topping another thread
Based FLCL
More like shittest of all time.
>The same basic insults and ad hominems over and over again.
t. seething fag
stay mad
It's boring poorly written crap.
>poorly written
God I'd hate to be you
Your life must be so shitty if you're that braindead
I know right? It's hilarious, foolyturds are deranged.
That's pathetic.
Goodbye shitty thread, hope you get hit by a truck OP.
not him, It's fucking garbage you autist
Sensei is sex.
yeah, i know
flcliggers are pathetic
not him, but I hope you die. YOU PATHETIC MANCHILD
Cancer up your asshole.
FLCL is trash. Fuck FLCLtards.
Computers can come up with better character design than Progressive/Alternative
My goodness, That's a perfect description of FLCL.
proof that anti-flcl fags are underaged niggers
This. Fans of that shit are literal trannies.
seething manchildren crying that their favorite show isn't as good as FLCL
I would cry if my favoutie show was as shit and as ugly as that glorifed cartoon.
Ironic when FLCL's target audience is the immature and underage.
They can't criticize the anything objectively so they repeat the same 3 insults.
>uses turd as an adjective
Hey everyone take a crack at this faggot
Not really.
Whaever helps you sleep at night kid.
You're really hammering at that keyboard wanting the last word aren't you.
>not liking flcl
Imagine being this much of a tasteless faggot
FLCL is an ugly shitpile and the scum that make the cancer need to be hanged.
FLCL is great.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Antflcl fags btfo
IPs still the same. lol
FLCL is shit.
It's illegal in my state to bulky the disabled.
FLCLturds blown the fuck out aahahahaaah
FLCL is hot garbage. It's the worst entry level shit.
Trips of truth
shitposting until the very end
Original FLCL was gay. The new one is still shit but at least the fixed the MC by making her a girl.
FLCL and PSG are the most vile peices of shit to ever come out of vagainax. They deserved to die for making that utter cancer.
ips still the same.
FLCL is trash.
what an ugly sperg, lmao
This. Also nice dubs.
700 incoming
Fuck the original and fuck nostalgiafags.
>dat snout
Very true.
FLCL is one of the most overrated pieces of shit ever.
Cursed 666 post.
If only the show had goegeous shading like that image you posted. Instead it just looks like vomit.
ips still the same
Not an Argument: the Thread.
ikr, flclturds have no argument.