When does it get good?
When does it get good?
Battle Tendency
When Dio jumps out of the carriage.
And it also stops getting good after Battle Tendency
At part 3
When Joseph shows up in a few episodes.
It peaks when the Tibetan vampire gets tommy gunned.
This. The D'Arby brothers', Hol Horse, and Oingo Boingo brothers' episodes were pretty good though.
Battle Tendency is the only good part
Part 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
It's honestly sad how they spend so much time building up to Egpyt/Dio only for 5/6 of the party to get quickly snuffed within the last few episodes, and none of the deaths had even half as much of an impact as the Zeppeli ones despite the party having quadruple the episodes "character development". The climax of the fight with Dio was so underwhelming aside from ROAD ROLLER and the ending felt so rushed. I want a refund.
True JoJo starts at Part 3
1 and 2 are just lore but you shouldn't skip them
How many of these have we had so far?
Skip 1-6 and just read SBR
7. Skip most of the fights since they're so badly directed that you can't follow what the fuck is going on.
Episode 1
It doesn't
Jojo is the definition of mediocrity
this is true and should be a common sense
Steel Ball Run.
Most fucking definitely not during part 5
My friends love this shit.
>it's like it's you! you wouldn't know what happened either!
I just sit there and nod. It's painful.
7's fights are all cool though
>Good fights with good writing
Diego & Hotpants vs Valentine
Scary Monsters
D4C/Lovetrain (it's basically one great fight done in two parts imo)
Gyro vs Wekapipo
Sugar Mountain
>Bad fights saved by the writing and made decent
True Man's World
Catch the Rainbow
>Awful fights where the writing was not enough to save them
Johnny vs ZA WARUDO
Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure
Tubular Bells
Civil War
Tomb of the Boom
In a Silent Way
Magneta Magneta solo fight
>Literally felt upset I had wasted my time reading it
Chocolate Disco
>Civil War
Civil War doesn't even really focus that much on the fighting.
>Za Warudo
I didn't pay much attention to anything but the dialogue this entire fight because I was so frustrated about ZA WARUDO being the final fight.
>it's another "animeonly shitting on the jojo season that literally everyone consents as being the worst one" thread
Part 2. It gets bad after that
Part 1 is good, though, especially if you watch it animated.
Even though I expect the adaptation for Steel Ball Run to be worse than the original I am very much looking forward for this to be voiced.
>disliking phantom blood
cringe and bluepilled, you'll never be gentlemen
Tubular Bells is fucking kino
the moment you drop the series
I just wanted to say that part 3 is great after the fact.
I hated as a I watched it but looking back, it was an experience.
The effects of part three reach all the way to part 6.
The Last Train Home has a very melancholic and nostalgic feel to it for those who read/watched it.
Anyone who says to skip any of the parts should be ignored.