Let's rate the parts
7>3>2>1>4>5>dogshit>diarrhea>part 6
Other urls found in this thread:
Anything after part 3 is literally gay
I kinda agree, but part 7 is kinda good if you ignore the gay art and the same face syndrome
I've never understood the hatred that stone ocean gets on this board
One of the worst opinions I've seen. Only part 5 fits since it's neighbouring shit.
Part 1: Fucking sucks. Fucking Dio. Good OST, bad everything else. Low 4/10.
Part 2: Pretty good, has a great Jojo and jazzy OP. Fucking Caesar. Worst OST. Solid 7/10.
Part 3: S1 drags immensely. Has a too strong focus on Polnareff than anyone else. Jotaro barely does anything besides finishing enemies off. Joseph is still fun. 5/10.
S2 drags less, has more interesting and intense stand battles. Overall way more enjoyable than S1. The plot contrivances of the final clash with Dio bring it down; some bonus points for making Jotaro useful and cool. 6.5/10.
Part 4: Jojo fun. Villain with interesting setup and cool stand fights until episode 24 and then it becomes a chore to watch. Kira isn't even that good a villain, honestly. Some things could get so easily solved. Stupid characters too often. 6/10.
If anyone ranks 7 at the top and 6 at the bottom, they're 100% a reddit poster. After someone mentioned it before I had to confirm it for myself.
You forgot part 8 but based anyway
part 3 is the best and 8 is a close second, 2 is the shittiest
unwatching this shit thread with retards
noted. douchebag
>implying dogshit is better than diarrhea
Part 6 is good if you ignore the botched ending
Jolyne and Pucci are great
i only watch the anime so these rankings mean nothing to me
But it is
Early Part 8>7>5>6>3=4 >2>1>Current Part 8
Why did Araki have to fuck up Part 8 so badly?
5 > everything.
the only correct one in this thread
Part 6 bad
gay black man bad
woman jojo bad
italian shitters good
Battle Tendency was peak Jojo. Change my mind.
It's like I'm really on Yea Forums!
pucci is neither gay nor black. Also jolyne is realistic as a female character, so obviously she will be boring
My friends have been harassing me for literally the past 20 weeks to catch up in Part 5 and that it's "fucking sick and amazing bro!"
I watched jojo all day yesterday and got up to episode 21, literally only one interetsting thing has happened and that's when King Crimson showed up.
Also everyone has a million pounds of plot armor. No idea how the fuck Mista and Bruno are alive after fucking up so badly so many times.
So bad. Easily the worst Arc so far. Giorno doesn't even fucking feel like the main character, feels like Bruno is.
Part 6 is good
Stands were a mistake. Change my mind.
part 6 haters are plebs and will immediately turn their opinion around once it gets an anime adaptation in 5 years just like the part 5 haters did
There aren’t people who seriously believe that part 5 is better than 6, are there?
Don't wanna rate 8 yet but I love it. 3 doesn't really get interesting until egypt and everything before that really seems like a testbed for stands.
Yeah part 5 is garbage, but part 6 is garbage-er
That's not good. I posted my little rant expecting to be spoiled to be honest, not agreed with.
Funnily enough, the same people drone nonstop abuot how part 6 is the best.
1=2>3>the rest
anime only retards thinks he can talk on the same level as anyone else ITT. I feel sorry for you.
There weren't much part 5 haters to begin with.
Part 6 will get shat on
>gatekeeping a shitty weeb hobby
yikes lad, relax. it's the same thing, anyway.
Why is everyone suddenly saying part 6 is good? Is this an npc mentality due to the fact that part 6 is up next so the people are trying to delude themselves by forced belief that the part is good, so in essence they will enjoy it more when it comes? Or did those shits never even read part 6 in the first place
Stand user is not wrong though
this is what it feels like when a hobo walks into a shirt & collared party and thinks he's no different than anyone else. *sigh*
no, thinking anime / manga represent any status at all is when you're similiar to the homeless
8 = 7 > 6 =5 = 4 = 2 = Egypt Part 3 >>>>>> Travel to Egypt Part 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hunter X Hunter > Part 1
part 6's end was really good. I think if people are able to just slog through the shit of part 6, then losing the 1 constant that made it a little worthwhile (for most people, Jotaro's comeback), would really make for a good heartbreaking ending.
Part 6 isn't the worst p-
>Jojo is Jotaro with tits, so original!
>Pathetic """tragic""" villain with little presence and motive that isn't his
>Shallow main crew
>Lackluster fights
>Forgettable minor villains
>Weak interactions
>Slow, uninteresting plot progression
>Shitty, ugly prison setting where nothing happens, shitty Florida
>Panties on head retarded stands
>There weren't much part 5 haters to begin with.
from what i remember it did, especially back when scans were bad and king crimson was even harder to understand because of the bad translations
>Hunter X Hunter
Rent free bronie
Now that I pay little attention, where is FF? Araki you sick son of a bitch.
People who say part 6 is bad have never read it and are just following the incel female hating MC hivemind.
>bawww doesn't end how I want to therefore it sucks
Why is this mentality so common
Based. Also all these people are mad because their gay part didn't get kino villain.
FF died much earlier than that, people were done mourning it
you guys are so liberal with the spoilers, man.
I still get my FF lewds so ok I guess.
Plankton lives don't matter
Stone Ocean came out before most posters on Yea Forums were even born
that's true i guess, but still.
When did it come out? Sorry I'm lazy as fuck and thread will eventually die.
you really couldn't google it? what the fuck lol
You might be retarded, not lazy.
Okay but when did it come out fellow retard.
It's been four minutes
have sex
It's only been out for four minutes? That didn't make any sense. Are you high?
JoJolion might become the best depending on what Araki does with Jobin
What's the best sub for part 4? I know I can settle for horriblesubs but without proper stand names the sub is fitting to its name
Some Stuffs
I've just reread Parts 5 and 6, starting rereading Part 7 again. Why all of those parts have such trippy endings? Was Araki seriously on drugs? I won't discuss if they're good or bad, I think they mostly work even if I'm not totally happy with them, but good Lord, all the chase after the arrow, the creatures from another dimension, the body shift, defeating Silver Chariot's Requiem by hitting behind your head, and Giorno "I win times infinity button", if it wasn't Araki, I would think the author was on drugs.
Part 6 is more or less the same, every time Pucci elaborated on his plan, it seemed to be more insane (even with his explanation, the Heaven he attached would only be experienced by the creatures that were alive during the reset, not by everybody, and that's the tiniest detail, not even getting into "people that Pucci kills before the reset don't get Heaven" and "if you kill me before the reset ends, we get stuck with a totally random timeline").
Part 7 just starts with Valentine fucking up with their heads with all the body double stuff, and it drives into total insanity when he gets Love Train. Part 8 is already so insane that I'm actually afraid of its ending.
no still, you faggot. read the manga or stick to reddit for your anime discussions
Hey animeonly
Gyro dies
thanks for coming to my TED talk
manly and hamonpilled
Jojo is a very trippy manga anyway.
Araki was constantly raising the bar in each part. If you think about it Part 3 was already pretty wild. The only way he could think of making shit one up each other is in craziness.
You don't need to be on drugs to create kino
When Steel Ball Run finally gets an anime adaptation in like 30 years Yea Forums will talk about how much they hate it like always
How new are you
6>7>4>3>2>>>niggers>>Jews>>>>these shit thread I keep coming back to.
I get lonely without you guys.
He created dogshit
>Hunter X Hunter
It has literally been a year, your asshole should be healed by now.
Heard the overall quality is crap from them
>Y-You new haha!
Part 5 hatred is in no way comparable to part 6 hate
2 = 7 > 3 = 8 > 4 > 5 = 6 = 1
Hey, maybe you weren't here when part 5 high quality scans didn't exist. I won't hold that against you.
>mfw never read Part 6 just to enjoy the anime adaptation even more
>part 3 better than 1 and 2
Shameful OP.
Also anyone that thinks part 1 is bad needs to hang.
Here's the true list:
fucking amazing=1=7>2>very nice=4>>>meh=5>>bad=3>>shit>6
>Uninteresting characters with uninteresting motivations (literally no one cares about Hermes' revenge or Annasui's romantic interest in Jolyne)
>ugly art and boring setting
>Jolyne is fucking boring
>Dragon's Dream, Yo-Yo Ma, Bohemian Rhapsody and Heavy Weather are all boring
>Ending renders a nearly two decade long story completely moot because muh heaven or some shit
Liking part 6 is the sign of a true contrarian.
PĂc related was a fun character though.
i mean the board is called Yea Forums - anime and manga
there's lots of anger on this board, lmao irl. a lot of you need to have sex.
manga is garbage.
you must legitmitely be low iq to prefer the dumb smoll pictures, especially in jojo with all the awful art and fucked up proportions.
>(literally no one cares about Hermes' revenge or Annasui's romantic interest in Jolyne)
I did
What about reaktor? Is that group any good?
>literally no one cares about Hermes' revenge or Annasui's romantic interest in Jolyne
I cared about Hermes. Though the thing about Annasui it's true, not even Jolyne cared about it.
>PĂc related was a fun character though
Damn it, remembering that FF was erased from existence always brings down Part 6 for me.
Well, you're right. Even before Pucci, Heavy Weather and all the Dio's sons were insane, and before Valentine we had Civil War, and well, the entire manga being about collecting Jesus' corpse.
Part 6 is already getting shat on
Based dubs
Anyone else prefer part 7 and 8 vastly to any of the first 6? Did going monthly really improve the quality or what
7 is just better than the others, i guess monthly helped araki write better than before. Part 8 is ok but i want to reread it after it ends without the retarded 1 month wait.
Going to Ultra Jump is what improved the quality. Also setting everything in an alternate universe allowed him to distance himself from all the Joestar/Jotaro circlejerking that holds back most parts. Though to be fair the end of Part 7 has a fair bit of Dio fanservice and "I CLAPPED WHEN I SAW ZA WARUDO" moments.
Why do people like ass pull run so much? I really don't get it. There's just so much retarded shit in the first few volumes.
Why didn't he just make Gyro's balls a fucking stand? What the fuck even was that sandman fight? What the fuck even happened with that first dino fight? Everything before the time rewind fight was a complete mess. Not too mention that the explanation for them not being able to leave completely ignores the fact that they could have easily left by just going straight.
Every jojo part can be nitpicked like this, the manga is known for it's creative characters and fights not for its smart writing
>Why didn't he just make Gyro's balls a fucking stand?
Because the spin is a technique, not a stand ability. It's supposed to be a parallel of Hamon which is also a technique, not a superpower.
>b-but johnny has the spin as a stand ability
No, his stand is just the ability to shoot nails. Johnny is the one that applies the Spin on them. It's like how Hermit Purple works. It's just a vine stand, but Joseph is the one that applies Hamon to them.
There you go. That's how King Crimson works.
I think I can fuck up a Stand with my bare hands, let's say, Star Platinum.
I've practiced MMA for 7 years now, boxing in parallel for 6 years, I could. Not to count strength training at the gym for 4 years, 6 ft 1 1/2 for 189 lbs.
I have an insane speed, reflexes similar to my speed. I just have to wait for him to charge me, dodge his attack, and throw good punches to his head. I won't stop, and at the smallest mistake he does, Star Platinum is finished.
You'll always have virgins from here thinking that it's impossible. First, nothing is impossible with will, my friends, and 2) that's not with your weak ass bodies that you'll do anything. Any man with a minimum of training can beat Star Platinum with a knife anyway. With bare hands, that is not necessarily more complicated, it just requires technical skills.
>known for it's creative characters and fights
That's exactly what I'm saying, all fights in the first 6 volumes were complete garbage and relied solely on luck or asspull number 32532. There were no "wits" to be found. It was somehow worse than the sons of dio.
>first 6 volumes
First 6 volumes of what part? And why specifically those 6 volumes?
Of part 7 of course. There wasn't a single enjoyable fight in any of them. At volume 7 the time rewind stand guy popped in, from which it got better. I still don't understand why people love 7 so much though.
Like another thing, was it really necessary to fucking write that "later he died of a cold" part right after saying that he got freedom through amnesty?
>Like another thing, was it really necessary to fucking write that "later he died of a cold" part right after saying that he got freedom through amnesty?
Was it really necessary of you to say this? You just outed yourself as a brainlet.
Thanks for nitpicking that sentence, really proves whatever point you were trying to make.
>tfw can't watch Risotto-Doppio fight because streaming site fails and don't want to bother looking for another source
part 6 anime when
High quality shitposting memes
people like her only because she can inflate her tatas
So far i like 8 a lot, close to 7.
JJL 86 preview is out
so how will rai magically recover from this?
Just watch it on youtube
this, you're all disappointments.
I can't because your opinion is utterly and inexorable correct.
replace 7 and 3 and you got it senpai.
I disagree. Dogshit is worse than diarrhoea.
>part 2
>worst OST
hugh wott meight
I guess the OP is a redditor falseflagging against Part 6, his actual favorite part. He pretends to like Part 7 nonetheless, to make his love for Part 6 valid.
Part 1 is my favorie but i know my taste is shit so don't mind me
he knows
Worst villain of Part 7.
That's not the Boom Boom Family
>Dogshit over diarrhea
I agree but the poses araki put into the fight are pretty funny
Boomer family is good
You have great taste user.
Part 5 is the only decent one and part 1 is average. The rest sucks
Part 1 is character driven, I like it for that.
Part 5 is a bottom 3 part though.
7 is as good as 5
>Bruno is alive
Maybe you should try actually watching the show instead of browsing Grindr next time
Don't fucking undersell yourself like that. Part 1 has great aesthetics, is classical as fuck and the boat scene is pure KINO
>No idea how the fuck Mista and Bruno are alive after fucking up so badly so many times.
sasuga anime only. there is so much blood loss in the manga it's not even funny.
All parts are
Part 1 has the worst characters lol
Some-Stuffs is trash
>3 in second place
Why? i thought it was serviceable
Trash opinion, kill yourself
anime only
I stumbled across a waifu podcast that totally changed my opinion on Jolyne and Stone Ocean. I wanna go back and reread
>A zeppeli dies
No fucking way user
3, 5 and 7 have been my three favorites for a long time, each one for different reasons. Really liking 8 so it may get a good spot when it ends.
What the fuck was his problem?
This is really good bait dude. Use it a lot more often. I'm actually mad.
Why is he so perfect?
Dario Brando and that there were other people that didn't have to deal with Dario Brando
>he kicks Jonathan's fucking dog upon the first meeting when Jonathan was nothing but nice to him and almost already basically accepted him as a brother because Dario was a dickhead
Dario must've done a whole lot more than what was shown
>mfw wait for the anime adaptation to enjoy it more and THEN read the manga afterwards so that I get to know some of the extra stuff that wasn't important enough to be in the anime
I miss him
>Not catching up on the anime and then beginning to read the manga so that you get to experience both sides of the coin by the time the anime is caught up
Ah, an animeonly I see
>Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door, the leather club is two blocks down
Good idea user
If 2 is in the top three spots of any ranking chart, you can bet that it was written by an actual child.
>phantom blood lowest
Cringe and bluepilled
Never going to be a true gentleman
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
In no particular order
>exact same tastes
C-Moon was cool as fuck come on
Not fair to rank 8 yet seeing as it's not finished but I actually don't like it all that much so far, I suspect this is a result of how sterile and flat the translation is and how it reminds me of the old 5 scans even though I'm interested in the overarching story, artwork, characters and stands.
Don't reply to pasta. It and the Foo Fighters post (and several others) are posted dozens of times by the same people.
So what you are saying is that niggers are better than jews?
Hot take user
>most bizarre
>most interesting fights
>strays furthest from the stand of the week format
>most creative character and stand designs
>most interesting setting
>best villain and isn't a jobber
>Jolyne is cute
>characters actually have arcs
>best final boss fight
>most philosophical and deep
Why do we hate it again Yea Forums?
Once the anime is announced we will all love it, screenshot this. It was the same with part 5.
You can’t touch a stand user... unless you have a stand
Well if the whole hamon energy thing is able to hurt stands (In theory) then why not? Be sure to monolog after every dodge
5 was my favorite pre-anime, even pre-good translations
>I can fuck up a fictional punching ghost with inhuman strength speed and power
Also unless you're a stand you can't punch a stand unless it's something like Yellow Temperance
Based taste
No jolyne impregnation scene
It's not incel le female protagonist or some gay shit like that, Yea Forums just hates anything new
Last week people were bitching nonstop about how "Giorno is boring" and "Part 5 characters are bad"
>"Giorno is boring" and "Part 5 characters are bad"
This is true.
Neither parts 5 nor 6 are even remotely "new", newfag.
We will never know how Iggy, Avdol or Hol Horse would've fared against DIO
the anime is new you retard
>anime PB
extremely cringe and straight edge
I'd like to think Avdol could have taken down DIO, but he'd be the first to be doughnutted or DIO would have just teleported before being binded. Magician's Red is such an underrated stand, people often refer to Purple Haze as the most devastating close-range stand but if Avdol had more moments his stand could be one of the most terrifying in the series
yes they are
>straight edge
>a bad thing
Didn't Araki say it himself that Magician's Red was too OP to write satisfying fights with?
It's ironic that people falsely claim that Fugo was written out because PH was OP when Avdol was actually sidelined because of MR.
It's true.
>After writing JoJo, I think "fire" and "poison" ae two abilities that I'm okay with putting under lock and key.
Hey, wait a minute.
Araki was going to have Fugo turn villain, and even before that PH is shown to be unstable and hard to control, a deadly weapon brought out only when necessary. You can tell he learned from MR, then.
Huh I never knew that, MR vs SC was my favourite fight of the part and wondered why we never saw anything like that again. Makes sense though
>no fugo traitor plotline in the anime
Fuck, I hope he gets extra scenes at the end then
god i just want the new chapter already
Part 6 does look pretty shitty, if not for Jotaro I'd never even watch it
Even Jotaro can't save it.
Based. All the parts are great fun.
I guess it was a lie that he was brought back right before egypt because of popular demand for him
A huge lie. You should always take rumors like that with a grain of salt until a source is provided.
Jojo attracts a lot of bullshit headcanons from fans for some reason.
No it was totally the truth, just like Josuke being meant to go back in time, Fugo being written out for being OP, and Anasui being intended to be a lesbian before Araki's editors refused to allow it.
I'm not saying that niggers are better than Jews. I'm saying niggers are more tolerable since they can easily be misdirected and are very stupid, and Jews always get(are always after) the political power and establish a stable position for itself anywhere it goes.
Part 4 jojonium when?
>Nationality: Unknown
He blamed Dario for everything wrong in his life, he grew to become so bitter that he couldn't trust anyone anymore, since the only person that was ever nice to him was his mom, he entered the Joestar household with a plan in mind and he wasn't going to let anyone stop him, but when he sees this kid that was given everything that he wasn't he feels justified to destroy Jonathan because if he didn't get to have a nice childhood no one can.
Theres a poison and a fire stand in Jojolion
Speed King is heat, not fire. Fire can be a side effect, but it isn't the power itself. And you're talking about one of the twins' stands right? I wonder how old that interview is though. It's possible he just had an idea that overpowered his desire to not make stands like that anymore.
It would have been nice to see Hol Horse show up when they enter Dio's castle only to get his ass kicked, it felt like his arc was meant to end with a real battle instead of getting fucked over by a watch
>his arc
You're talking about him as if he's an actual character.
That interview is from the JoJoniums. About 2013
Well he has the most character of all the Tarot villains, and most of the 9 gods as well.
Anyone have that webm of Doppio pulling out the scalpels and smashing the ground in anger? I really like the way it was animated.
That doesn't say much.
He has his own Jojonium
Name a better minor villain.
Arigatto, bossu.
When you think about it, Hol Horse has some of the most screentime compared to all minor villains in the series.
He's one of the few characters shown to interact with Dio outside of the 9 gods, and of of the few villains to return after his first defeat.
I wonder when we're going to get its name. I was just thinking the other day what if it's Blackstar
Some people still are attached to Black Hole Sun though.
we can all agree that Steel Ball Run is the most AESTHETIC right?
Every member of La Squadra.
>generic pump and dump enemy of the week fodder
What a cute Jojo I am in awe
>La Squadra
Who? I've never seen any group with this name in Jojo.
Wasted digits.
What was the point of the scene in the van where Fugo tried to put himself in Trish's shoes if he says he doesn't care about her later?
He was using his 300 IQ to calculate whether or not he should care about her. You wouldn't understand.
Gio you said? Okay.
When is the manga giorno colorswap coming?
>Ranking 3 and 1 that high
neck yourself my mans
Part 1 is okay, just kind of mandatory, not worth much except some of the great Dio moments
Part 2 is fucking awesome because Joseph is endlessly fun to watch doing pretty much anything. Dude's brimming with personality.
Part 3 is fine, a bit overrated, has some great moments/battles here and there, introduces Stands, but Jotaro is boring through most of it. The finale can't be beat, though.
Part 4 is fun in its small-scale, fun but also tense, quirky way. The main character is actually interesting and Jotaro returns as a much better character. Fantastic antagonist.
Part 5 is okay, but nothing special. Some good secondary characters, but some of the mains are pretty boring, Giorno especially. They do so little with him having been Dio's son he may as well just be a stranger. Main antagonist's powers are overly complicated.
Part 6 has a little boy flattening a priest in a secret room in a prison for restarting the universe itself. Come on, that's fucking wizard as shit.
Part 7 has some of the wildest fucking Stands you've ever seen, but I couldn't care less about the premise
Part 8... give me some time. Part 8 is hard to peg down.
Part 2 & 4 > Part 3 > Part 7 > Part 1 & Part 6 > Part 5
Part 8 = ???
He cares about her, but not enough to betray the gang for her.
Part of their popularity in part 5 is because Giorno and co are kinda unlikeable, Squadra feel much more human and likeable than them.
Most of their characterization comes from fan fiction.
Something I noticed about Araki's writing is his uses of backstory, it felt like he gave every character in part 5 some background scene and I feel like it's kind a forced way to make us sympathize for them. Same with Ciocolata they give him the most dreadful backstory to make sure the readers root against him and are excited for his defeat
That's what I thought too. Only Abbacchio's backstory felt like a necessary part of his character arc.
But the backstories are kino.
This happens in nearly all anime/manga.
I think when people like La Squadra it's mostly just Prosciutto & Pesci, Risotto and maybe Ghiaccio, the other 3 are forgettable.
Prosciutto's and Pesci relationship just in that 1 fight felt much more likeable than anything Giorno did in whole part 5, it was the first fight where I really wanted to opponent to win.
Go back to YouTube Shuckmeister
The part is all about how an individual's past defines them
Then maybe more effort should have gone into their pasts
I'm pretty sure this isn't true considering Giorno being Dio's son has no bearing on anything. Even Abbacchio causing his partner's death is shown to not define him and the scene while he's dying is his partner essentially forgiving him. I don't think their pasts are a big aspect of the part. The only person who lets his past dictate his actions really is Bruno and he fucking dies a slow, painful death.
I thought people were saying that the part was about not being defined by your past?
narancia's backstory sets up his bond with fugo and makes it that much more meaningful that he goes with buccellati
Aw shit guys my hardcover part 4 volume 1 came in it's so gorgeous
I hate Giorno and Bruno backstories so much
Realistically how long will the 7 page beatdown translate to in the anime?
I hope they have it happen in place of the ending with the credits rolling. That would be 1.5 minutes. I think I remember people saying the long one in part 3 was around 45 seconds and that was 3-ish pages maybe?
I feel like they won't make it that long. Steely Dan already felt like pushing the limit for what would be acceptable for animation.
Being DIO's son isn't essentially his past. The most defining thing about his life was that encounter with the mafia dude.
I was just thinking that it was a great idea to use a silly song like Walk Like An Egyptian for part 3 because it counterbalances Jotaro's seriousness.
I went and rewatched/read it, the Steely Dan beatdown was exactly 20 seconds long in the anime and took up 3 and a half pages in the manga.
So the 7-page muda beatdown should, following this logic, be exactly 40 seconds long.
shittiest fucking post ive ever wasted my time reading
That's your dumbass opinion.
Stop trolling, boy
If it's Blackstar that would instantly make Part 8 my favorite
rate taste
literally everyone else's>yours
So there actually was a real Josuke part 4 counterpart in jojolion. How the fuck is sailor boy supposed to be Kira? Araki could have made him blonde at least.
7 > 6 = 8 >> 5 >4 > 2 > 1 > 3
Yeah because Johnny looks just like Jonathan.
I like all parts but 8 is becoming my favorite
Checked and kek’d, and also based
Welcome to Yea Forums user
8 isn't finished yet but currently it would be on higher than 4 obviously since it's meant to be a superior Part 4 in every way possible and it shows.
I'm just glad there isn't a fucking hivemind.
Nope, if anything Josefumi would be Jotaro. Meaning Part 8 Josuke is basically a fusion of Kira(Joestar) and Jotaro(Kujo)
Yeah, 6fags like you is really a waste of air.
animeonly here
You know, you'd think that, but I'm more of a Part 4 guy.
>>You don't need to be on drugs
>>Post ends with 420
english eds make me cringe so much. imagine being a nip and finishing an episode of jojo only to have to listen to some song from decades ago you dont even understand. imagine if your favorite western show ended in 20 year old jpop
do they hate it as much as i think they do?
With luck in two years, can't fucking wait for that KINO to get a sweet anime adaptation, with DP it's gonna be fucking glorious.
Use Horriblesubs.
If you don't want to download episodes and prefer to stream, then fuck you, you don't deserve to watch anime with good quality and no buffering.
Unless they completely phone in part 6 because it's not popular. I'm expecting more QUALITY than part 4.
No I don't think that they do. They kinda like white people and white people things more often than not. It's music Araki himself listened to in any case.
If the western show was based on a story written 20 years ago and had heavy influences from Japanese culture, especially music, I wouldn't mind.
Ratt is the most terrifying stand prove me wrong.
Because people only want to feel emotions they were prepared to feel.
>part 2
>worst OST
Shit tier opinion. At least you’re a chad animeonly though.
Forgot pic damn all these hours later
Post feet
Did Araki go back and fix Josuke up to vol 4 in the hardbacks or is it just on the cover?
So no new art anymore on the covers? That sucks major dick
ultra based
>female mc
9 is best part
I'm surprised Araki decided to use another shonen protagonist instead of a jojo.
Gold Experience Requiem
keijo = part 9
naruto = part 10
Is part 6 really that fucking bad? It cant possibly be worse than part 3 right, guys?
How about you read it and decide?
no, it's acually great, people hate it because the mc is a girl.
jolyne is the top tier jojo along with joseph
they used the covers for jojonium which the first three parts got fancy cover art. sucks they didn't do it for the later parts. would be nice.
only a couple more weeks
Still the same dank old art style with a few color pages like this thrown in, print quality is superlative though
It's because the Japanese Jojoniums flopped.
The second half of part 6 is the pinnacle peak of Jojo. Fight me faggots
How did he hack a computer? He was stupid in part 3. He was the Bill Dautreve of the group.
He had alot of time to sit and think
did you even read it? sudden overpowered stands? unexplainable stands? unexplainable no time stop on jotaro which later becomes long enough to be 10 times longer? and why was everybody scared of kujo when kujo was totally a fucking trashbag useless piece of shit and the prison visit with the illusion part was fucking retarded, alot of shit was pointless, uncohesive, uinteresting and just chaotic, it was FUCKING GARBAGE
I meant the cover art, which for the first three parts has been new style art of one character per volume. I liked the way that looked, wish they'd keep doing it that way.
Sisters, I want the new jojolion chapter already. When Is it coming out?
Would this hurt?
Like removing your foreskin
looks like it
I've never removed my foreskin. What does it feel like?
Ask your local rabbi
I've never even met a jew and I hope I never do.
There wont be any jews in Araki's new world order.
Bird dabbing on SBRtards for being the less equal part.
Swap dogshit with diarrhea and It's a good list
Horrible Subs has the original censored Stand names. That's part of the classic enjoyment of JoJo.
thread should've ended here
It shows basically every member of Passione having a similar shitty past/childhood, but that your past doesn't define who you are, as there are still good and bad people
I want to ________ Jolyne Cujoh
>reddit anons will finally get to stop pretending 7's any good when the anime comes out and it gets rightfully savaged for its shitty pacing and weak supporting cast
Just a few more years bros, you're almost free
DP is gonna take it and turn it into fucking gold like they always do.
Will part 6 even be animated? It's so bizarre I'm sure it's going to weird most casuals out
Part 6 never, don't forget it
Imagine trying to give foo fighter a pronoun.
Depends if the animators are already fans of the material.
Get cuckolded by
7 > 2 > 4 > 6 > 5 = 1 > 3
Also the DBZtards who keep forcing this "Part x is bad" meme deserve to be stoned to death.
>1 (2/10)
Dogshit. No need to explain.
>2 (7/10)
Joseph best JoJo. I enjoyed the connections with Part 1 characters. Interesting take on hamon. Kars achieving the ultimate lifeform was kino, but something was missing.
>3 (3/10)
Typical villain of the week that absolutely goes nowhere. Jotaro was fucking cringy and I hated almost every episode. It had the best final fight though.
>4 (5/10)
Best cast. I enjoyed every character. There were no major deaths which was disappointing. Kira was the worst villain too imo, it was a pure mystery thriller but wasn't interesting.
>5 (9.5/10)
Every episode leaves me wanting more. It has the best fights and best moments. Gio sucks but Bruno is easily my favorite character. I enjoy that everyone has a backstory and I'm curious how it will end.
What about 6 and 7?
Anime-only fag
Anime-only subhumans have no voice here.
Well at least you admit it. You might as well remain one if DP is gonna end up doing 6-8 anyway.
Is there a chance they won't?
I really don't think so. It's money.
I figured JoJo makes money.
i just wanna say 2 is the worst part because the pillar men finale is garbo even though joseph is based he's a lot more fun in 3
Admit it you only like Joseph because he kills mexicans and jews.
That's a bold assumption.
Maybe it's just because he looks like Kenshiro and acts like Dante.
Like DMC3 Dante at best.
>Rating a JoJo part 2/10 or 3/10
Holy fuck, this
Perfect stand for an injured man but what's the use once you're healed? It punches things a little harder than you can?
She needs to squat on my face and let the bull cum leak out of her holes.
It also gives him a really good sense of smell.
huh gross
I would feel so lucky to have a girl like her give me that honor
That's true, but it makes me wonder what kind of stand he might have manifested if he got shot before he ended up in the wreck.
part 7 is boring af, please tell me it gets better after scary monsters...
Part 6 and 4 were better than this shit
scary monsters is dumb.
It gets better though.
yeah, I feel like skipping that shit, is a drag to read, like most of pre egypt part 3
>Not part 5
part 5 is would be better if they replaced the villain with someone better, also giorno is dull as jotaro
Pathetic. And you call yourself a real jojo fan?
>part 5 is would be better if they replaced the villain with someone better
Are we already thinking of the same guy? Named after a rice dish Gordon Ramsay often yells at people for fucking up?
doppio > diavolo
Pick another.
wham is my favourite jojo villain tho
He obviously meant Polpo.
Not everyone has reached enlightenment. We just need to encourage them.
That might have been interesting. I don't really think Polpo as he was written was that evil though. Giorno kinda murdered him.
>He didn't read the special polpo funeral chapter
I admittedly have not.
what happens
Basically he trained his son Risotto into the perfect assassin by making him kill his own mother.
I had no idea Risotto was his son but they do have the same eyes.
>Risotto is Polpo's son
Nigga what
Could Johnny do the giga drill breaker?
What's your favorite part?
Does it hurt to write lies like this?
>Not black
I really have four favorite parts. Part 7 for the characters, Part 8 for the story, Part 5 for the fights, and Part 4 for the setting.
Although I like them all equally, I'd agree with the fan consensus and say Part 7 is "the best" by a substantial margin.
Pucci is black like Mista and Avdol.
They carry the BBC gene.
I enjoy the story of the Joestars' bloodline, not parts.
But he has a brother and his brother is white.
Why do you reply?
No he's not. The girls at the bar say Weather is tanned.
white people tan
>I like the story but I don't enjoy any part of it
Fucking based
White "people" get pink like a shrimp. Only real men can tan.
Are they the holy trinity of Jojo alphas?
Irish are the only whites who dont tan. Most burn first though.
Black bulls are the masters of jojo threads.
Fuck Marry Kill?
Well one's dead and one's a slut this is pretty easy
Wow there buddy, is that the ability of your stand?
They need a QoS tattoo
A what now
The black cock slut symbol
Jolyne would definitely have one
8>Haven't read the rest
>projecting this hard
What was my nigga JCs stand
They're all good in their own ways
Anime only
Stopped reading right there
Is pic related stronger than star platinum?
They're literally the same person, user.
Mega lame stand
There's no real way to know, but I guess it would be similar to Love Train, so a Stand that would allow him to redirect misfortune in some shape or form.
Shameless Purple Haze OVA when
Part 5 is OK but Giorno fucking sucks, he's just Passione's healslut for most of it until arrow.
>Part 5 is OK
Stopped reading right there
Not bad, not bad at all
>shitty pacing
It has the best pacing out of every single part.
Anime only here, I dropped at part 1 three times before I finally successfully forced myself through the garbage.
Part 2 was meh and I finally understood the hype at part 3 and enjoyed myself watching since.
3 > 4 >>>>> 2 >>>>> 1
A man of taste
Jojolion has three different incarnations of Josuke.
1. Gappy (one that’s literally named Josuke Higashikata)
2. Josefumi Kujo (one that looks like Part 4 Josuke and one of Gappy’s original selves alongside Part 8 Kira)
3. Norisuke Higashikata IV (one that has a mother named Tomoko and birth name of Josuke)
your taste is so shit, holy fuck
>1, 2 & 3 above 4 & 5
Finally someone gets it! Bonus points for putting 3 above 2.
I’m more excited about possibility of a Jorge Joestar OVA more than Shameless Purple Haze Feedback OVA despite finding Jorge Joestar a worse light novel than Purple Haze novel.
I just wanna see insanity of Jorge Joestar animated in some way.
Kira is more like Jotaro in that part. Both had goal of saving their mom from illness. Josefumi is kinda like Kakyoin.
Is this real???
Seems pretty objective to me, Part 3 is basically when the real JOJO starts.
But part 1 is unironically bad
8 i haven't see it
BASED part 6 was awful
So are stands in the SBR verse visible to non stand users? Seeing as how wekapipo and gyro were able to fight against D4C makes me think so.
Is that a motherfucking gachi reference?
Was also suprised by how close to araki style this is.
No. Just was a plot hole
Don't forget that Gappy is also allies with Yasuho Hirose (Koichi) and Kyo Nijimura (Okuyasu/Jotaro)
It would be extremely painful
Never read 7
Highway Star is the blackest nonblack character in the series
>Literally a slave
>Runs faster than anyone else
>steals things (nutrients) that don't belong to it
>Low intelligence
>Responds to any obstacle with violence
But i vaguely remember Mr. Steel also being able to see D4C. Also Hot Pants didnt really have her own stand and she was able to see other stands. The spray can was the stand, not her own
Mastery over the spin grants you stand potential and the ability to see stands, it's like how you can gain a stand from mastering a skill (like Tonio)
So if someone becomes a master sharpshooter, they can become a stand user, i guess like in the case of mista?
As a black man, I find this highly offensive
Araki is a literal racist neonazi
>Make a black man and give him kentucky friend chicken stand
>Make another black man and give him a stealing discs stand then later give him a running fast stand
What did he mean by that?
I never understood why people care what other people don't like.
>>Make a black man and give him kentucky friend chicken stand
? lying
This is objectively correct.
Actually, it is objectively incorrect, because Araki himself said so.
>Araki is a literal racist neonazi
Why do you think this user?
They're called fujoshi, and they've been a plague on these threads since the Part 2 anime.
Did you forget about Avdol and his fried chicken stand?
Source or you're full of it.
Araki herself said stupid men like the worst parts (3,5,7)
What the hell?
I literally don't understand a word you're saying.
Around the mid 90s Araki became a transwoman. That's the reason she still looks young.
Check pic related and don't tell me she doesn't look like a christmas cake.
>that passage where Pucci talk with Dio about how achieving heaven is to reset the universe to make it that Jews never existed
how did araki managed to make that pass his editors ?
His editors are members of the Japanese branch of the KKK that's how.
Araki said that he doesn't even recognize Phantom Blood as his writing style.
I can still kill and heavily injure people by stealing their nutrients, plus it can create fake rooms and ilusions within those rooms to attack people, also it's got a huge range and pretty good speed
He truly is the Japanese Raimi
>reset the universe to make it that Jews never existed
Araki was arrested a few years ago for lynching a black family in Tokyo but they let him go. The Yakuza made the media stay silent.
They say the body of the father was never found.
He doesn't recognise half the things he writes by the end of a part, anyway.
He doesn't know what a jojo is.
My list is the same except I'm holding off on part 8's ranking until it finishes. Right now it's either gonna be the new number 1 or just barely 2nd to SBR.
6 is the worst because Araki was burnt the fuck out by the time he was writing it and literally everything except for the (admittedly kino) beginning and ending is pure hell to read through.
Jolyne has nothing to do with how bad it is. Gio is undoubtedly the worst protagonist to the point where to this day I am convinced the only people who say otherwise are literal faggots. There is absolutely nothing else of value to his character. He stops being developed immediately after being introduced. GE is fucking worse than Weather Report on how much asspulls based on fucking nothing it can do and shows that Araki got used to using Crazy Diamond as a crutch for how much damage everyone can take. GER is an abomination, and his best moment in his own series is his dad (ambiguously) showing up at the end.
>shitty pacing
unironically based.
If Lily from ZLS taught us anything it's that acknowledging the existence of anything even possible of being superficially related to being trans is a mistake. I am not looking forward to SO's anime at all because of this.
>burnt out
Then goes on to do SBR.
The Passion, before he gave it to Jonathan.
Araki isn't racist but he does hate fags.
He could now start from scratch after writing loosely connected stories for more than 20 years, was on monthy jump instead of weekly for the first time and remembered why people liked Jojo to begin with. Dude was as refreshed as he could get when starting SBR.
So Gyro's balls are controlled by Hamon right ?
Motion > Solar energy
Hammonshitters wish they were Spinchads.
Araki is a National Socialist. He knows races are different and wants them in their own countries. He is well aware of the jews as you could see in Battle Tendency.
the law of equivalent exchange
big buff bara men and their intimate bonds is MORE gay genius
just like they did for DiU
I do too but I enjoy seinen more in general. The setting also feels more interesting since it's more subdued and mysterious. By no means are any of the previous parts bad though, but 7-8 really show Araki's growth.
I wouldn't worry unless they pull something like F.F starting off with a male voice when she was just an enemy stand. Then we'd be in shit.
I enjoy some of the art and wonder what the older characters would look like if drawn in the same style. It's a distinctly different style than the original universe. It almost reminds me of how Miura USED to draw.
>have Smokey Brown, a character who appears 3 times, half of these scenes are "racism bad" allegories
That's was just to appease the anti racist crowd. Remember Smokey's first appearance was stealing a wallet. Don't forget about black woman eating a banana in part 6 (hope they don't censor that)
Don't agree but at least you aren't an anime-only
Part 5 is in a transitional phase where Araki is growing out of writing black-and-white morality with his heroes and villains but not 100% there yet. Note that Giorno is a gangster still who would rather become a criminal to follow his dream than go straight.
By Part 6 Pucci, while still evil, has a backstory that's more sympathetic and tragic. Even DIO gets some softer moments. 7 has Valentine as an evil bastard but with 'noble' goals and ultimately he is selfless and willing to die for his nation's prosperity.
Jobin is a step further, being so morally ambiguous people can't even recognize him as the main villain. Wake up guys.