What's Tezuka's best work?

What's Tezuka's best work?

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Mighty Atom.

I haven't read all of them.

Black Jack

The furry shit in his desk.

Either Buddha or the Adolfs I'd say.

Forever and always Phoenix.

hi no tori

I enjoyed Black Jack, and Ode to Kirihito the most.

No one on Yea Forums has read all of his works.
He himself considered Phoenix to be his magnum opus.

Phoenix is great but it's his only manga I've read. Probably will read Black Jack at some point.

Astro Boy.

>No one on Yea Forums has read all of his works.
No shit.

I'm tempted to say kimba/jungle emperor, but that's mainly because I grew up watching that as a kid. Black jack was good, but I can't help but laugh at the medical inaccuracies in it, like how Black Jack's love getting a hysterectomy magically made her a man

He did about 700+ manga, of course nobody’s going to read everything

Which is why it's silly to ask what's his best like this, because otherwise it would require you to be familiar with the entirety of his works. Most have only read only a few titles, and not even all of the more well known ones.
We'll have to rely on his own opinion, or the consensus of manga scholars, or look at what awards he won. Which apparently Phoenix did not win, but rather Adolf and Hidamari no Ki

Kirihito was cool. Exactly sleazy enough while still being a heroic tale.

Ayako was... strange.

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I’ve been watching his short films lately
I think Broken Down Film might be his best

>We'll have to rely on his own opinion, or the consensus of manga scholars, or look at what awards he won. Which apparently Phoenix did not win, but rather Adolf and Hidamari no Ki
I don't care about awards or what others have to say you massive Phoenixfag. I've only read 9 works of his, but I can make out my favorites. I'm allowed to have my own opinion.

It's literally not possible, you got scans of all his work for us? I can't read scans and I can't buy most of his work even from my contacts in Japan

Is it even possible to find everything the guy has written?

>you will never find and upload all his porn stash

Has anybody here read Metropolis?

>Tezuka writes a manga after seeing a single image from the 1927 movie

Yes, that shit was a wild ride. I didn't know what to expect, but mutant Mickey Mouse monsters weren't one of them.

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I read A Drifting Life and I want to try out some Tezuka. What's a good starting point bros

Donut shaped farts.


Astro Boy and/or Black Jack. Astro Boy serves as a sort of introduction to his style because you can find almost all of his strengths and tropes that he uses in most of his works there, while Black Jack is a super fun read in general.

I'd probably recommend reading Black Jack first, then moving on to Astro Boy if you want to read his other works.

Don't start with Astro Boy. That shit was a borefest. Only liked a few arcs. Start with Black Jack.

Considering some have been lost forever and many have never been translated that's hardly surprising.

Wonder Three or Unico

Tezuka not only created mecha with Astro-Boy, but moe as well

>That shit was a borefest
I can agree with starting with Black Jack but that's just objectively wrong.

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>No one on Yea Forums has read all of his works.
I don't even think that's even possible. The dude has made over 700 different projects.

Black jack no contest

>He himself considered Phoenix to be his magnum opus
Of course he did, he spent his whole life working on it and even then he couldn't even finish it.

Ode To Kirihito is my fave, I just love his batshit insane Gekiga-inspired era.

I think he created a lot of duds but I admire how he just ran with ideas, and was never afraid to play with the format. MW and Apollo's Song are such bizarre, ambitious concepts. Black Jack is probably the most consistent though, pure pulpy fun

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I'm surprised no ones said Dororo yet, considering there's an anime out for it

>I'm surprised no ones said Dororo yet
It's alright.

Has anyone here seen this? youtu.be/yIUuypbhNkA

I really liked it. I was very confused that it had so little views, though.

good question

Princess Knight.

Pretty neat, I've seen a lot of his experimental shorts

He's a furry...

My favorite is Jumping because it's so similar to dreams I've had before.


Shin Takarajima is objectively his greatest work

The problem is that it's unanimously agreed to be one of his weaker works for a variety of reasons. The anime definitely does the concept justice, but overall it's nowhere near one of his best.

If you wanna read something very different even within Tezuka's many works, try out Yakeppachi no Maria, which was intended as a way for Tezuka to involve sex education in a plotline about a teenager and his repressed sexual urges.


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The sexy mouse mom

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And for adult comedy, Fuusuke is great.

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snek sex on the left

I love how when this stash was discovered it made the news but fans of his work were just like "well, yeah"

I am forced to conclude he may have been into women. Both interest-wise and literally.

Of his animated work, I'd say Cleopatra or Belladonna.

Hardly surprising considering what some of his characters are like


Currently reading Buddha and I love it. I'm kinda new to Tezuka's works since I only read Astro Boy but I really want to read Blackjack and Phenix.

So far, I've enjoyed Ode to Kirihito and volumes 1 and 4 of Phoenix the most. I'm working through Phoenix right now and it isn't the best manga I've read thus far, though it is pretty good. Is Buddha or Adolf any better?

I pledged a campaign to get an English edition of this (as well as 7 other Tezuka books) two years ago but the company nearly went bankrupt, still no sign of it arriving

>MW and Apollo's Song
I didn't really enjoy these.

I absolutely loved Buddha. Black Jack is also pretty good.

MW isn't really something to be enjoyed.
Appreciated, maybe.

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