Is Quinella a good villian?

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no, but she's the only good thing about sao

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I thought she was boring.

Good for my dick

Don't worry we'll return to the basic rapist villain shortly.

My definition of a good villain is hot and enough of an asshole that I wouldn't feel bad about raping her/him.

She's so bad they had to make her actually naked so at least people could jerk off while consuming that lackluster content.

Oh thank god, I was worried SAO was going to try to resemble a legitimate series.

Quinella is the basic evil rapist villain, though.

Yeah but she's hot, at least she has something going for her. Also she has a kind of reason to do what she does, the others are just completely fucked in the head.

>apologists itt

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The webms from the episode are good enough to make me almost consider watching SAO for the first time.

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No but that doesn't matter. She lights a fire in me.

>hot and enough of an asshole that I wouldn't feel bad about raping her/him.
Does that count Myne?

Gabriel Miller/Vector is SAO's best villain (not meaning much because SAO's villains tend to suck).

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Because if you're chad enough you can make evil women good.

No, but she is hot

I wouldn't love her so much if she was a nice girl.

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Did he appear yet?

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Villains have always been SAO's weak point

She is bad, of your she is a good villain.

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Shes hawt

so just like Quinella

>Is Quinella a good villian?
She is interesting and thought provoking so yes
At least muh dick thinks that

I'm not sure, but naked girls touching themselves is a good thing so she can't be all bad

good jobber

Same, there's just something about her I find irresistible

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hehehe mods

Who's ready for game Quinella?

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Is she meant to be this cute?

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I usually forgot she was naked because I hated her personality so much that my mind automatically ignored her nudity if that makes sense. I find Sugou more sexually attractive than her, that's how much I hate Quinella.

He's going to appear on the War of the Underworld.

The fact that all Eugeo got from her was petting and some hugs while Kirito fucks these everyday hurts.

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Eugeo used the consent System Call

>I find Sugou more sexually attractive than her, that's how much I hate Quinella.
I read that as Suguha first and was very confused

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Shit taste

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incredibly fat titties

They contain all her love for onii-chan

Not a 100 good villain, but the best SAO villain for sure (not so difficult being it, the others are a game developer who forgot way inprisoned many people in a game, a psico assassin gunner and a rich asshole)

She looks like she should belong on the heroes' team.

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>the others are a game developer who forgot way inprisoned many people in a game
>SAO hater is an ESL who spouts incorrect criticisms he got from his eceleb boyfriends
As expected

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I wish Quinella would hold me

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which one is this? or is it another new one?

>Boobs nerfed

From the new game.

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>clothed while fighting

Not even going to bother.

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>kidnaps Eugeo in SAOMD and locks him in her room
What is her obsession with him.

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No, Quinella was a terrible villain. Her backstory amounts to her becoming evil because she's naturally good at everything and rigged the system to make herself a goddess. I'm not even that deep into SAO, but it's obvious they're going with the interpretation that Law and Order makes people evil, but it fails.

She's arguably much better than previous SAO villains because she wants to be Eugeo's cocksleeve.

>Her backstory amounts to her becoming evil because she's naturally good at everything and rigged the system to make herself a goddess
Did you even watch the show?

There's a picture of shota Kirito and Eugeo sucking on Quinella's tits, while loli Alice licks her vagina

Im aware

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Yes, I just left out the part where she just killing shit and torturing people

>Being too dumb for sword art
Holy shit

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> but it's obvious they're going with the interpretation that Law and Order makes people evil, but it fails.
I don't know how you got into that conclusion but you couldn't be more off the rails

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You just want to slaughter and rape enemies in her name

No, she mediocre as villain and as character, but this applies to all characters in SAO.

Why is practically every SAO antagonist a rapist? Is the author doing it on purpose? Am I missing something?

Author just bad writer, so he adds generic "bad things" to every antagonist.

I want her to force me to lick her asshole.

What is this show called again?


>I find Sugou more sexually attractive than her
ok fujo


Oh,I recently fapped to her doujin.Now I need to do it again

This one, right?

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She killed millions

>Dude attempts to rape a girl.
Fandom goes mad, shitting on SAO for its "misogyny". Reki apologises to VAs for having to voice such a "traumatic" role.
>Quinella actually rapes Eugeo.
Fandom is silent. No one is mad.

>muh rape inequality
Call me when women are raped by sexy bishos and not bastard old men.
I'm pretty sure nobody would find it hot to look at a man raped by a fat old cunt.

It's like how nobody cares about how every second shoujo protag almost gets raped by some bishounen rival

t. A literal retard

When the roles are reversed, the media automatically doesn't care and the fans immediately turn to jacking off.

I think the only people who still watch SAO are the type who never saw anything wrong with season 2's rape scene to begin with. Or maybe the circumstances of this rape are different enough that it isn't repulsive (more Berserk than SAO) if you catch my drift. idk I ain't even watching this show

>mind broken slave to evil smug qt
God I wish that was me so much.

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>Maaya Sakamoto.
>good villain

imagine raping her haha


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Did Quinella actually like Eugeo in the show? I know in SAOMD, all she did after being freed from the Underworld was lounge in her apartment and cuddle with (a kidnapped) Eugeo.

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Maybe, I doubt she'd mind if would cum inside her

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