What went so RIGHT?
Other urls found in this thread:
absolutely nothing
main character was a nobody and than it is reveled that he belongs to a hokage family and he is literally the reincarnation of a god
the antagonist was an edgy boy half ripped off from other 2 different manga
the only female protagonist had no drive and no objective or target to justify her existence
the rest of the cast was good, but it was totally forgotten half way through or became totally irrilevant because of the power creep
unironically cool boy sasuke and good villains
Imagine being this retarded
Ninjas are cool.
Best girl won
>no argument
god kill yourself
The good times outweighed the bad ones, and overall I found it fun to watch. Was getting iffy near the end, but Madara almost completely redeemed it, only for Kishi to shit the bed with Kaguya.
It includes the best fight in Shonen history
>world building had the best potential out of any shonen
>pretty much all of part 1 before it went nuts with sasuke-naruto
>akatsuki, best shonen villain group design and character wise
>some of the better fights in recent shonen history
could it have been better writing wise? absolutely and it makes me sad to think what could of been
but ultimately its fun with a varied cast that isnt over the top like say one piece
One of the things I liked about Naruto was that they made very good use of time. Near the end you really had a clear picture of different generations of people and how they all affected each other to create the situation right now. They also made good use of the legacy they created, we had spend literal years with those characters so their climactic fights really took advantage of that.
This. One of the things that I liked the most is that they essentially live in a small village, so all characters are somehow connected to each other. For example, we don't have to introduce Itachi to Kakashi - they already knew each other
Not yet, nigga.
>thinking Sasuke was the antagonist
Yeah, he was litterally the deuteragonist
But the japanese kids love someone who looks distinctly japanese is from a shat upon outcast bullied family and says FUCK THE SYSTEM NIGGAS I DO WHAT I WANT and goes all shwag and shit and has bitches all over his dick.
He's pure wish fulfillment.
If he went full asshole and it was implied heavily but not outright stated that he would use Karin like a fleshlight and put her ass to sleep he'd be seen as king big shit.
Part 1.
When what's on the left wasn't what was on the right or the back.
Those fanfics that bash everyone who isn’t Naruto, while also making him act worse than the characters they bash.
>those fics that have him an ultra chad that fuck all the girls
>those fics where he fucks his mom and dad
The way it showed the progression of time. For those reading it at the time it felt that Naruto was growing alongside the reader.
But all the focus was on Sasuke.
Fight scenes mostly. The good ones were VERY good. Some good character designs too.
I still rate its soundtrack. one of the best and full of SOUL
I like it, but I just wish they didn’t use the same songs over and over.
Had some of the best shonen character designs, great MC when the show was at it's peak (Part 1 and Pain arc), Akatsuki and Orochimaru were great villains, and it's surprisingly good at pulling at your heartstrings during its best moments
Yeah, that swing always makes me cry.
That swing got more screen time than Tenten.
Yeah, so?