yuifags out btw
Can you show me a more accurate tier list? Bet you can't
amazing, you only got kurisu right. I can't believe it is possible to be this wrong
It's okay. Not everyone has good taste
holy...you got nothing right. Amazing. I want more.
They hated Jesus because he told them the truth.
Tats and Shalltear are God tier.
>having 2 waifu
>God tier
shit taste anons
I don't see why this is degenerate.
Ryuko and Saber not in Waifu tier = Opinion discarded
Ryuko can be good tier.
Tbh everyone in mid and good tier is exchangeable
This but unironically
ching chong your opinion is wrong
how is it even possible to have such shit taste
Fuck off with your list, you retarded faggot.
I find it amazing that you virgins always seem to forget that my wife is the best woman ever.
My wife is superior you dumb oldfag.
Listen, champ.
We're a little bit out of your league when it comes to anime. I hate to brag but if you had to define it we would be known as professional anime watchers.
Perhaps one day you will reach the level of knowledge required to discuss anime among our greatness but I'm afraid that day isn't today.
ask yourself
>asuka fag spotted
You must not read a lot of doujin
First I thought this was bait, but it could very well be legit, which scares me
>Rem on the list
>Emelia isn't
Yeah, I am thinking you have bad taste without even looking at the rankings.
Saber is T-R-A-S-H.
But I agree with Rem's ranking.