This while website sucks ass

Get out of here while you can

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And go where?

God I want to gangbang Futaba with other anons.

I don't like sharing holes

I want to be gangbanged by multiple Futabas

Go read a book watch more anime get ripped get some friends, anything but this website. This is basically an echo box for "hur durr my chinese cartoons are betters than yours". There's some valid advice and criticism in here but their value is completely obliterated by the hostility of this website. The world itself is hostile, yes I get that but this is like an amplifier for that and honestly, nobody needs that in their lives

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go back to /r/anime

You do you guys fine yerself a nice girl to gangbang (or not) with yer friends

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God I want to gangbang Komi with other anons.

I don't like gangbangs

God I want to gangbang Midnight with other anons.


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Why would you want to be around sweaty, gross men instead of cute girls? For instance, imagine having Ishtar ride your cock while Ereshkigal rides your face.

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eat my ass nigger

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It's too late, I didn't leave when I had the chance now I'm trapped here.

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You seriously need to get new ones. "Everybody I disagree with is a nigger " and "hurr durr go back to faggitt" hasn't worked to silence the criticism against this site. Thank you
I don't fucking know everybody has their kinks

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God I want to gangbang Centoria with other anons.

Ye still have a chance to leave it's never to late for anything until you die

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God I want to gangbang Rei and Asuka with other anons.

11 years here and counting, I'm dead inside.

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Get out of this website and ye might meet some anons pool yer money together to hire prostitutes that will cosplay as you fuck them

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Who cares? I'm here for the le epic maymays while being smug all the time as normalfags dread every second of their being of not being laid. Been there done that, I absolutely despise normalfags and I hope someday a biological weapon gone absolutely wrong and wiped out 90% of the human population while I'm chilling in the basement with my laptop as I laugh and cheer while looking at user's post fueling the egregore that is whatever biological weapon-chan accidentally unleashed on the surface of the earth. I love Yea Forums for always supplying me with memes and latent sense of superiority above the docile and lenient normalfags that I'm looking down upon right now.

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God I want to gangbang Titania with other anons.

Look I can turn blue trying to get you to change yer mind. The best advice I can give you is to look for therapy. If you have tried that and it didn't work try killing yerself without actually succeeding

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God I want to gangbang Blue with other anons.

"hur durr 'm superior bc I read a chapter on nihilism" I don't know I just remember how sad I was when I used this website regularly. If one user takes my advice I would consider this . The advice you can get from the more "serious" boards is good but as I said before this is an echo chamber

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God I want to gangbang Lust with other anons.

What a worthless thread

The Queen is an absolute semen demon.
Ok. I need to go wageslaving anyway.
I don't need to go back until the next dose of an Overlord is ready.

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Not necessarily an echo chamber that permits degenerate behavior. People just want to relax, have fun talking about cute girls, and overall being goofy while the world is a hostile place that will instantly vaporize you for a second you show all of the above. This website and particularly this board fills that niche. Just don't take everything too seriously is my advice

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I want to be gangbanged by a few futa Futabas even though I dropped her anime.

Probably, but it's kind of nostalgic seeing a bunch of the same reactions 10 years later. Also, it's a little sad

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valid points right here

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