I fucking miss the Colors, bros

I fucking miss the Colors, bros

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Other urls found in this thread:


I miss fucking the Colors, bros.

You people disgust me

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I just finished re-watching it with the dub
it makes it 10x better and more authentic imo

I mean just listen to it

hang yourself

>fucking chimpmunk voices
>every fucking time

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There's nothing disgusting about touching the Colors.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.19_[2018.01.07_15.55.52].jpg (1280x720, 120K)

Get out.

Who is this meant to appeal to, exactly?

people that don't want to read to watch anime?

What about touching their unko while it's still inside?

I don't mind that, I just hate incredibly easy joke set ups and irony, speaking of incredibly easy

I miss the Colors fucking, bros.

It literally sounds just like middle-aged women--obviously the original is also voiced by adults, but those adults were capable of actually sounding like little girls. These women aren't even trying to sound like elementary-school children, and don't seem to be trying in general.

I hate those forced high-pitched chipmunk voices so god damn fucking much and they do it all the time.

Refined cunnyseurs that are deaf maybe.

I'm pretty sure that you have no idea what you're talking about
that's how little girls sound like, user
sorry that the police won't let you near children on the account of you being a pedo

The cringe.
I fucking can't endure a minute.

>that's how little girls sound like

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Jesus fuck what little kids are you hanging around with user?

>t. pedos

check out the comments section if you really hate yourself

it's a bunch of well-adjusted individuals that have good taste
I don't see the problem

They look like nice people to be around.

Kill yourself

But user, they’re children

First and foremost, they're the Colors.

Yes, but user, they’re fucking little girls!

I warned you about calling them "the colors." I warned you so many times. I thought splitting Yea Forums into two domains would teach you a lesson, but apparently that wasn't enough. If some motherfucker calls them by that insipid nickname one more fucking time, I'll do something that'll make you all very upset.

i love the colors

color me surprised

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>they’re fucking little girls!
I'm so jealous.

My wife Bocchi is cuter and sexier than those brats.

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Nobody likes your loser hag

JC aren't hags

Yui sounds like a fucking cougar wtf

Bocchi is much better.

She's too old.

I want to make Friends with bocchi

She's not even prime(14)

So I scrolled through the thread and I guess the dub is beyond horrible

I have to make sure to never play it by mistake on my copy

Well that's your problem bub

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I want to see the Colors (hey ) raping Bocchi in all her holes.

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I want to marry Nonoka and adopt the Colors.

Ugly JC hag. Though Aru made a good attempt with her grade school outfit.

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Oh those guys.

>tfw when kotoha still hasnt stepped on me

ah... you mean feces?

What have you ever done to be worthy of that?

>They know

Fuck off hag lover

>tfw everyday worship and countless cum tributes aren't enough to get stepped on by kotoha-chan

whats a hag?

Colors threads should be redirected to /trash/

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The Three Lolis Do Stuff Together genre is oddly underserved.

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Please watch Bocchi
Please watch Bocchi
Please watch Bocchi


w... what did you just say about me

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Colors was the closest thing to a Three Fairies anime that we'll ever get.

Came here to see if someone posted this.

A hag is the trash that you keep shitting up threads with

I'm already watching it and I love both shows. I don't understand why Yea Forums insists that you can only like one thing ever.

My IQ score is consistently determined around 125, will this be enough to get most of the jokes and symbolism in the Colors?
Or should I rewatch it later comentary explaining the finer details that might go right over my head

Because Yea Forums thinks anything below 11 is too young

woah thats mean.. I watched the manga of bocchi and colors anime and i liked them both
just thought bocchi and colors fit each other since they are made by the same person

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what manga?

You have your own hag threads ESLfag, go be a faggot there

For some reason a group of people started getting really persistent in forcing fanbase wars between different series by the same author and it makes no sense. Just ignore them or call them faggots a few times and hope they'll give up before Yea Forums goes full Yea Forums.

It’s always some retard with broken English posting hagshit in a thread that is clearly meant for cute and funny little girls

>all those hidden low quality posts
Filtering "hag" really was one of the best ideas I've seen in the recent Yea Forums

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I think Sacchan’s dub voice is decent enough, but Yui’s dub voice is a fucking abomination and whoever approved that needs to be hanged

>he actually defends JCshit

Is the autor a lolicon?why he is so fixated with little Girls?


You could just go spam the board with another thread instead of ruining one of the few loli threads that has a chance of not being nuked on sight

Why is your typing so shit?

Can you elaborate on the conjunction between these three posts that youve put on? I dont see how they relate to each other


It’s a Colors thread, post Colors or fuck off

Ignore the shitposting JCspic and talk about the fucking Colors

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but the third post had kotoha in it?

The third poster is just being a faggot

Sacchan's voice is pretty annoying, though clearly the most experienced actress of the 3. Kotoha's voice is pretty plain but otherwise unoffensive, though I'm not sure if it really suits Kotoha too much, she sounds too similar to Yui's actress. Yui's actress can't pronounce "Sacchan" or "Kotoha" to save her life, she does an okay performance in some areas, such as Yui crying over being turned to reens, but sounds way too old and not child-like at all.
Saito's acting is very wooden, he sounds not just bored but like he's just reading the script. The best one of the lot is Glasses Oyaji, he did a pretty good performance on the whole and doesn't hurt your ears to listen to.

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>youve made one single grammar (formal) error, therefore your message is discarded in its entirety
what a fucking faggot

I want to colour the colors

>multiple ESL posts ITT
>is just one error no bully pls

makes sense, lts just stick to colors then

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With what color would you like to color the Colors with, user?

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White. Get it?


What is she trying to do here?

most ESL ive met make less errors than native speakers cus they acutally needed to learn it the hard way and not just using the language out of comfort

get my penis in her butt.

Nobody cares, stop typing like shit

I’d like Yui to color me yellow if you catch my drift

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Well, I can tell you right now you've made multiple errors in your post. Firstly, you need to capitalize the first letter of the first word in your sentence. Secondly, "I've" is a contraction, and therefore requires an apostrophe. Thirdly, "cus" is not a word. Based on the context of your sentence I assume you meant to type "because", though in the future I expect you to use the full version to avoid any unnecessary misinterpretations. Fourthly, you've mispelled "actually". Finally, you haven't ended your sentence with a period. Those are quite a lot of rather basic mistakes to make, see me after class.

why does the bocchi anime have so much less quality than the colours anime

imagine forcing a team of loli artists to draw hags
obviously motivation will drops and results will tank

Its still a fun anime just not what it could have been

You mean QUALITY right?

Two very important reasons
>Colors are cuter
>Colors are funnier

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You guys are fucking children

I wish.

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It's sad i much prefer the bocchi manga but the colors Anime is just better. At least it is not bad

I've watched the 1st episode out of curiosity and it's actually better than expected.
Thank you Yea Forums!

It’s sad that you keep mentioning Boshit in a thread about the fucking Colors

In what way would watching this little girl cry make anything “harder”?

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Just look at her.

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I don’t get it

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you just showed how little these punctuation marks or abbreviations effect your understanding of my "error-plagued" sentences. look around, who the fuck types like (You) on the internet?

me giving yui some money for clothes so she doesnt have to walk home in a bikini

I'm such a nice guy

Don't mind the autistic ESL Yea Forumsermin and keep talking about whatever you please.

Anyone who isn’t a spic, that’s for sure

You’re replying to the ESL Yea Forumsermin though

Ah, those guys?

bocchi is a colors spin off so i am talking about the colors

Of course she doesn’t have to walk home with a bikini, she’s staying over at my house

>decent kid
>exposes shoulders

So you mean actually samefags as both sides just to shit everything up? Holy shit, that's depressing.

>implying her innocent lewdness isn’t exactly why she’s the most decent

Nice try but no, those are both me shitting on the faggot who can’t type

how come the Colors get sexualized but not other loli groups like the Marshmallows?

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>trying to get lolicon animators to draw hags

Childhood is thinking JS is the only choice.

Being an adult is realizing that JC also have their own, unique charm.

change the last line to
>That actually makes me harder

That makes it slightly less depressing but it doesn't change the fact that you're an autistic ESL Yea Forumsermin who should commit suicide and leave Yea Forums forever. Go cry about your hags on facebook.

user i...

This new autismlord feels like he found out about those terms from his ironic weeaboo friends and he's desperately trying to fit in by trying to force conflict between them. I feel like he's even worse than our past shitposters because you can see that his autism is genuine, as opposed to most of the ones in the past who were just pretending to be retarded.
I hope it doesn't take too long until he has a stroke and dies so we can have peaceful threads again. Holy shit he's a fucking pest.

This Colour has the best panties.

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He could team up with the based bikiniposter and juju. That would make these thread interesting again.

That's because Mitsuboshi Colors is funny and Bocchi is not so obviously I'd prefer if Katsuwo focused on the series that is worth a damn.

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Isn't the studio doing Bocchi different from the one that did Colors?

>I fucking miss the Colors, bros
I miss fucking the Colors.

I dunno about that, I've found a lot of the jokes in Bocchi so far to be pretty funny. The style of humor is very similar if not the same, that's why I enjoy both.

Now you don’t even know who you’re replying to, I’m the one who wants to talk about the fucking Colors


Fuck off back to your own threads already

C..... ?

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Are you new? Some lolicons have always been vocal about prime cutoff at some absurdly low age like ten or w/e.

We best be careful about making such off-color remarks, anons - Yea Forums is serious fuckin business now, apparently. But whatever, it's good to be back. Sacchan is my favorite Color and is underappreciated.

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>We best be careful about making such off-color remarks
I’d like to be “on-Color” if you get what I’m saying

Now that I think about it I'm pretty sure I've seen this exact same kind of autism in the past, where a retard who can barely type insists in replying to everyone in the thread while forcing his own shit and believe he isn't a total newfag. I really hope he goes over the line soon enough so he can earn a ban, evade it, and become permanently reportable for ban evading like many of the past shitposters.
There's nothing like that, the recent wave of loli thread deletions is nothing more than the usual mod being moody again. If you change your behavior, you lose. Don't do what they want and never forget who you are.

We already have JC threads for this shit, and Bocchi in particular had three threads at the same time on the board yesterday. I just want to talk about the fucking Colors in the fucking Colors thread.

When will the rest of volume 5/all of volume 6 get a translation? We need more official Colors content to talk about here.

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I've seen it on Yea Forums for years now, no amount of revisionism will change the fact that this is NOT a new development. Also that was my first post on the issue, but nice projection, faggot.

If the thread doesn’t devolve into spergs posting girls who are clearly not drawn like lolis, it’s either juju or the retard who thinks anybody who doesn’t like 3D is an ironic lolicon

Nah, some time ago I even got banned for posting 'nigger'. The times they are a-changing.

Then do so. Just because someone mentioned another show that's no reason for you to go ballistic against them, especially because both series are by the same author so there's no reason to even fucking believe there's any form of conflict between them. This isn't Yea Forums.

Here’s a brilliant idea, just report the idiots who aren’t posting about the fucking Colors

Yup, that's the moody mod indeed. He does that kind of thing all the time and his behavior isn't a sign of anything even though people always overreact to anything he does.

The thread is for appreciating C&F girls, there are countless threads about seasonal shit without C&F girls. Maybe go there if you want to discuss that.

If they keep mentioning it after being told not to do so, then expect them to get shit on. That behavior is not exclusive to Yea Forums. It’s a Colors thread, go to the Bocchi thread if you like her garbage show.

It'd be even better to be "in-Color". And living, even.

Fuck it, you're not wrong. And I can't say I didn't make the most of my vacation, however silly its impetus was. I enjoy these threads too much to be chased off that easy.

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>that JCfag/Bocchifag with a victim complex who still wonders why people don’t like him

At least now we have further confirmation that this is the new plot by the discord gang. There's no point in believing they're newfags and trying to educate them.

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The Mashimaros sexualize themselves. Except for Matsuri.

It feels like not too long ago that wanting to lewd Miu was quite common. There was even that trick thumbnail image.

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I doubt the discord conspiracy holds much weight, but yes, ignoring them and reporting has always been the correct approach

They're a dub?

There’s literally nothing JCs have that isn’t infinitely better in a JS

Real talk.

Do Colors enjoy anal sex?

Yes, I should know.

does anyone?

It's all Sacchan thinks about.

Stop the pointless JC/JS wars

The Colors aren't degenerates like you.

This please.

It's not my first choice, but for the sake of the Colors: let's go Outback tonight.

Just don’t post shit that doesn’t belong here

This is not a loli thread, this is a Mitsuboshi Colors thread for the anime and manga Mitsuboshi Colors by Katsuwo. Please refrain from discussing anything but Mitsuboshi Colors.

TIme to head of to the 2S world

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Tell that to the new autistic shitposter and his discord buddies.

Cute and funny girls have always been welcome in these threads, just don’t be a faggot who keeps trying to force a fanbase war like this retard

I'm sure the manga will continue getting translated at some point.

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>muh discord
It’s literally just a retarded ESLfag

I hope so, this drought we're having is stagnating the threads.

Who got a following from said group, that's one of the issues.

At this point, it’s best to just report and ignore obvious bait

No good will come of trying to strictly limit and stifle threads, user. Let discussion evolve naturally as it often does, e.g. the Colors are cute lolis, so discussion of similar material and interests that arises in the wake of that is perfectly organic.

There's quite a few chapters if it does eventually get picked up.
Considering the chapters are quite short and relatively simple it doesn't seem impossible to have weekly translation release threads like we have with Hanebado which would help the threads a lot.
It doesn't even look like it really needs any redrawing so it just needs someone that likes the series that can actually read it well unlike me.

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Lolis sure like bears, huh.

From what I can tell, we're only about a volume or so behind. It doesn't seem like it's difficult to read or anything, especially with furigana, but my Japanese isn't quite good enough yet, so I'd probably mess up a translation. I need to practice.

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No wonder they also love fat old men

You forgot to include the stereotypical ojou-sama laughter.

Kotoha and those damn hats. How does she even acquire so many hats?

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Every person she kills, she gets a new hat.

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which color is the cutest and funniest?

they're all very cunning

One hat for every Yea Forumsnon she fucks


Yui is cute, Sacchan is funny, Kotoha is cunning.

Now that you mention it I can totally see it

I need to rapidly sample back and forth between each to know for sure.




Lets mix the colors and see what happens

I’m gonna say the C-word


Do we get white or black?

Are they additive like lights, or subtractive like paints?

>Three Lolis
Your information is outdated.

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I want the Colors to step on me...

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isn't RGB additive and RYB subtractive
then they'd be the latter because no Green sadly

>no Green

Yotsuba would unironically be the perfect fit.

Shingeki no Colors?

I'm not sure I'd want Yotsuba anywhere near that raging loli lesbian Yui.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.35_[2018.01.21_12.20.07].jpg (1280x720, 100K)

Yotsuba is way younger than them, though.

Speaking of Yotsuba, is there anybody here who was in THAT thread earlier?

Give the archive link lad.

I’d rather not get banned, just look for a “fuck roasties” thread

Not all that much, the Colors are 7 or 8 at most.

Age up Yotsuba.

>“fuck roasties” thread
No thanks.

Oh that thread. What a complete fucking shitshow that was.

Why was this deleted?

god i wish that were watashi

It's not a single mod. I've talked with 5 or 6 of them on IRC. They are all fucking normalfags who hate loli.

It managed to reach bump limit before being nuked, it took so long for mods to notice that somebody dumped both Geiger Counter and a Yotsuba doujin

That's not surprising at all, but it's pretty well-known by now that only one of them has an autistic hatred of Yea Forums and lolis in particular.

There's one particular mod who usually moderates early in to the week who absolutely cant stand loli content
He will remove posts that are completely on topic, even threads or other content just because it features a loli.

why they made him a mod of a board with lots of loli instead of say, /his/ or /mlp/ is a good question.

Remember to submit a feedback report if he goes off again

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I was there, the shotacons really owned that thread.

Careful with the metaposting, should probably just keep talking about the fucking Colors to be safe

I still believe Geiger Counter is one of the greatest doujins ever created.

Mods are global, that's the big issue. Blame both the forgotten faggot for that and the autistic jap for never bothering to fix it.

Well, at least until the user mentioned here showed up, then the thread just died

I still believe you have to go back.

>the fucking Colors
>fucking the Colors
Thanks to you degenerates, I can no longer think about the word “Colors” without also thinking about the word “fucking”

Kill yourself normalfag


You're welcome.

Same here. Thank you, Yea Forums!

at least pick tsukimi manor or something

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>edgy normalfags using "based" and "cringe"


Tsukimi Manor is undoubtedly a classic, but Geiger Counter is a true pleb filter

Go be a faggot somewhere else

Nah, the mods were sleeping. The thread was deleted only because someone linked the thread directly to them.

Translator here.

What would motivate you guys to actually buy loli doujins online? As in, officially licensed with no censors.

I came here to post this.

First time on Yea Forums, huh?

I don't buy loli doujin, I'm just here because I like the manga.

It is, why isnt Yukino Minatos works more popular though?
geiger counter emphasized realism but his works are also great and right up that alley, he did a 3 parter about exploiting the childhood friend of a younger sibling

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Personally I’d rather just see Colors continue to be translated, I usually get enough out of loli doujins even when they’re censored and untranslated

Not having anything to do with that one person.

Would you translate for me? Im making my own doujin, should be about 15 minutes work max and you get credit +% of japanese sales (dont expect a lot)

Imagine cumming in the hat and making her wear it, you know as a joke haha

This thread really got out of track.

Geiger counter is a little too heavy on the angst, even for forced. It's not bad, but on its own it's better meme material than fap material. If you're looking for a true classic, go with Final Half Year. Or if you've just got to have some of that heavy Quzilax bully, go Loli Tomodachi. At least it's a heartwarming story of dreams and friendship.

And people wonder why mods don't even glance at Colors threads before deleting them.

I work independently, I'm in contact with several loli artists and a lot of them expressed interested in making English versions of their works but monetizing it is something I haven't figured out yet.

They never glance at any loli thread ever before deleting them so whatever people derail threads to has no bearing on it.

The shocker is when they delete every thread featuring a loli regardless of thread quality while at the same time leaving Yea Forums tier bait threads up to be bumped by samefags

>little too heavy on the angst
No, not really.

I don't understand why so many people come here to force their off-topic matters instead of making a thread about it.

>off-topic matters
Here, read this useful post: And the answer is because this is Yea Forums. If you want threads that stay rigorously in line, maybe reddit is unironically better suited for you. A few derails here and there have always been how this place operates and they never hurt anyone until they go too far.

Anything that isn't about the show is off-topic to me, if you want to talk about meta then go to /qa/, if you want to talk about anything that doesn't have to do with the show just make a thread about it in here of anothr board, or you just can get banned and cry about it.

>thread becomes total minefield because Bocchifaggot/JCspammer won't fuck off
>"hurr bro this is totally natural and should be encouraged xd who wants to talk about anime and manga in the anime and manga board when we could be fighting off spammers instead xd just go to reddit bro"
Or how about just talk about the fucking Colors in the fucking Colors thread, eh?

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If you want the discussion to go back to the show then you should engage the anons here with possible talking points to get the thread back on track.

Come on lad. This ain't rocket science.


Calm down on your history revisionism there bro, the thread going autistic at that point was because of the hater throwing a shitfit.
And you'd do well to lurk the fuck more before trying to enforce rules.

As always: post the kind of content you want to see instead of complaining about the kind of content you don't.

I dont think if ever want to buy online because I'd rather have physical copies but that's a logistical nightmare to ship to most countries. I guess you could sell for sheap like a dollar or two but there might not be that big of a base. I feel like the best option might just be to set up patreons if they care about making money

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First you need to get rid of the people who encourages off-topic discussion and then you get right on track.

>Anything that isn't about the show is off-topic to me,
then youre unlikely to enjoy any threads on this website
Youre in the wrong here, not everyone else but you. conversations naturally branch out, the same happens in threads if you want to stay more on topic you can try to post about that instead

What do you guys think of my Comic 1 haul?


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I enjoy this board a lot. This is one of the few threads were autists appear out of nowhere and start talking about whatever shit comes from their minds, and guess what? The thread almost always get deleted.

The problem with that approach is that I can't really sell that to artists. I'd have to actually generate money individually per release so they'd get something out of it. I'm thinking of stuff like DL-Site but god knows how many gaijin actually use that.

You seem to be a person of taste.

No one gives a shit. Stop complaining or fuck off.

You have to go back.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Nobody is talking about Bocchi or J-anything right now. Stop trying to start dumb shit please.

Sucking cock and playing at being the on-topic gestapo will not save these threads from being arbitrarily deleted any more than people talk about tangentially related interests.

Of course you don't care, shitposter.

wouldnt be surprised if this the anti loli shitposter making yet another attempt
so many yukino minato stuff am I right?
Wish I had the chance

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As said, threads getting deleted never has anything to do with what happens in them. At most, forced derails happen in order to annoy the people who are using them.
Good job not meta-posting, by the way. If you want to get the thread back on its original track then put some effort into it instead of whining.

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Maybe if you people talk about the show and you lower a little the lewd posting the mods wouldn't care.

Please see the post above yours and lurk more.

You don't even understand why these threads are being targeted for deletion (even if we only ever talked about Colors and nothing else, there's a good chance they'd get nuked because someone finds them attractive), and if you think most threads generally remain strictly on topic without tangents then you haven't been here long and shouldn't stay.

Someone has to let these people know they need to calm down.

How the fuck are these three little shits still getting threads?

>shitposter calling others shitposters
Fuck off already. Stop trying to control the content of a thread.

>there's a good chance they'd get nuked because someone finds them attractive
That only happens because you encourage this type of people to be here.

Any ideas on where to sell doujins online only? I should I go for physical too (shipping globally looks like it'd be a major pain in the ass)

Im making a loli doujin with dark plot and theres obviously no comicets etc here.. most artists from the west dont do doujins since monthly donations for single pieces of art or comissioning is much more popular, but I love to do this

And "calming down" won't stop threads from being arbitrarily deleted. If you want to whine about lolis being "lewded", go do so on facebook.
Now please shut the fuck up already unless your real intent is actually keeping up the meta-derail, which would prove that you are actually the one who's shitposting here trying to disrupt everything.

>he says as he tries to control the contents of a thread by disallowing on-topic discussion in favor of random off-topic spam

user was right. You really need to go back.

Attached: 1555781600289.jpg (212x209, 21K)

My guess is the same group of people making them, maybe four or five anons.

Proof that Yea Forums's love for them is genuine and that the people who like this show don't have Alzheimer's.

Colors is really good.

Nobody uses facebook anymore, grandpa.

Are you actually retarded? Who said I was disallowing on-topic discussion? I like discussions about the show and discussions about showing the Colors a show. If you want more on-topic discussion then spark a fucking discussion. Stop whining like a candy-assed faggot.

I was just trying to help, hate me if you want.

Post art

ignore the obvious shitposter guys he does this every loli thread

Attached: 1535411220074.png (750x750, 730K)

Not sure. It seems like a lot of places don't like to officially deal in that sort of content because of its questionable legality in some areas.

Nobody needs that kind of help around here.

Attached: 1521384490767.webm (272x218, 152K)

God I wish that were me

Holy fuck, talk about cute and funny things or leave

Attached: tfw anon is a faggot.jpg (640x360, 66K)

I'm not saying you need to leave or stop posting lolicon if that's what you like, but you need to leave space for the thread to have disccusion.

Kill yourself, Juju

Kotoha's fashion sense is cute. Where do you think she gets it from?

Colors deliver street justice. They go where Saito can't go; they do what Saito can't do. Make trouble at Ueno Park and you're gonna leave black and blue.


She plays dress up games?

Playing video games with fat middle aged lolicons

She's rich so she can accessorize more.

But talking about random shit is allowed, user said so.

Attached: 1517220922339.webm (1280x720, 685K)

No one said that.

Any game with character creation or different unlockable outfits would do, but yeah probably

Too fucking sexy

What type of things do you want to see the Colors doing in future chapters?

Attached: Ne, Onii-san....png (921x1049, 784K)


Fuck off already. Stop trying to control the content of a thread.

Isn't the manga already over?

Practicing kissing.

Other than enkou?

Having a season 2 for their anime.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.30_[2018.02.11_14.07.54].jpg (1280x720, 43K)

Fuck off already. Stop trying to control the content of a thread.

>Loli Tomodachi
I wanna ____ an elementary schooler!

Don't reply, he's currently so mad about being told off that he activated full retard mode. Just let him rot.

Why are you talking about games now, only discussion of specific events in Colors episodes is allowed in here, now get out of my personal Colors thread!


Okay, I will ignore the retard.

I want them to meet “those guys”

First reply best reply

Yes, they already do that.

Attached: 4.jpg (819x1277, 238K)

I'm not the person that started that discussion, I'm simply mocking the frankly ridiculous "arguments" on why we should let JCspamming take over the threads when we could be talking about the thread topic instead.
I understand it makes you feel uncomfortable to think more than one person disagrees with you but that's just how it is sometimes.

Attached: 1512532016054.png (495x386, 84K)

Perhaps if Ueno sees a spike in tourism, the Colors can take the praise for it and get their 2nd season!

Literally no-one is talking about JCs.

Who? The Ginyu Force?

are any of the colors still virgins or are they all taken?

The guys who are with me.

By who?

Please go easy on us, Master Troll-san.

Not that user, but you are saying the what you want is the thread to stay on-topic, then why the hell are you angry with me for asking the others to stay on-topic?

They're so tight that their hymens regenerate a short while every time after they do it.

The JCshit calmed down, just post cute and funnies

Based on what I can see on this there's a chapter in the latest magazine.

He doesn't give a shit about on topic or off topic, he's just using any excuse to start shit. Look at how the previous thread ended with him just spamming numbers to get the thread to autosage sooner. We just have the misfortune of having attracted a dedicated shitposter. All we can do now is keep posting as normal.

Why are you trying to reason with one of the shitflingers in first place? He even used a keyword that easily shows his true intent.
Now please go back to ignoring their dumb shit until they get tired of not getting attention and report the thread.

Ah, so this is the true power of Colors

I think you're confused, the person talking about JCs or whatever and the person who spammed the last thread with numbers are two different persons.

>this is the type of newfag that wants off-topic trash to dominate threads

came to make sure someone would post this

It does seem like the same person is trying to undermine these threads by any means necessary. It happens with too much regularity to be coincidence


Which is exactly why we should ignore posts that seem pointlessly argumentative.

It was pretty nice. Nutted only five times to it though, I like me some variety.

I am who spammed the last thread with numbers, and I am the person whos asking the guys to stay on-topic in this thread. I'm not the retard you are talking to, stupid. I just wanted to help this time.

Hi Juju. I bet it makes you happy to see people arguing we should let off topic derails in these threads. They're saying you did nothing wrong all along.

For fuck’s sake, stop helping Juju get the thread to bump limit by samefagging. Report and ignore her, and stop posting about her.

Attached: 1530836406561.jpg (953x867, 199K)

Where is Sacchan going?

No, I just want you guys to talk about the show and calm down with lewd posting, since you always complain how mods delete your threads. I just wanted and give advice to help as an apology.

Not just these threads but any thread related to lolis at all. As usual the best course of action is ignoring it instead of giving them attention.

Away, after realizing she'll never be as /fa/ as Kotoha is in that picture.

Fuck off, daddyfucker

Please. Everyone knows it's a matter of time before you go "first post! second post! third post!" again. I don't know why you bother.

There's nothing wrong with giving attention to off-topic posters. Or what, are you going to say that the consensus you spent half the damn thread reaching (instead of discussing the Colors like you strangely want to do now all of a sudden) was a lie?

steal the hat off of

Attached: 1516590527533.jpg (1280x720, 388K)

>thread police
All of you, kill yourselves

By me.

Okay, I will, at least I get rid of the off-topic anons. You can't say I'm not helpful

Nah, that was stupid and won't do it again, honestly I won't shitpost anymore. Bday is coming next week and I have to grow up


You attract off-topic posting and you know it, cunt


And then they insist there's no organized shitposting group.

Attached: 1515425718559.webm (542x448, 202K)

All this complaining and samefagging for attention has made Yui cry! How will you comfort Yui, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1518372056537.png (1920x1080, 1.36M)

For every one you steal, two will replace it.

Attached: 27.jpg (3224x2553, 3.09M)

Like how you were supposed to have stopped by now? Come on.

I mean, it doesn’t take a group to act retarded on Yea Forums

Stop replying, retard

Good user
But that’s a crime

>discussion that the thread was decreed was completely fine and part of a thread's life and evolution and stuff
So which is it?

Attached: 1525486597398.webm (480x270, 156K)

We'll play a funny game together.

Attached: 1531938881505.jpg (703x384, 90K)

It's entirely possible they're arguing with themselves to stir shit. I'd rather believe that than anyone being that dense and gullible to keep feeding it at this point

It’s juju replying to herself, just another way to waste posts

Is this the long rumored Elementary school underwear inspection day? Wow.

Nope, this is Show and Tell. Elementary School Underwear Inspection Day is next week.

Little girls shouldn’t be showing themselves off like that

to pound town

The Colors forgot to bring something to show and tell, so they brought themselves and a little bit of basic biology knowledge. I praise their innovation and creativity.

I think there's something wrong. I can't stop staring at Sacchan's legs in this image. It's some form of Colors hypnosis.

Attached: 9ff4270b25f8d042198ce6938137796a73f574b4_110566_600_852.jpg (600x852, 114K)

The outline of Kotoha's body makes me imagine things.

Just remember they're little girls.

Guys, I really want to say the C-word

Correction; they're fucking little girls.

Yui's hands are right on the prize once again.

Attached: 1520604629673.jpg (1280x720, 229K)

I wish I was their sensei

















ughhhhhh... unnnnhhhh...

give me that sweet cu cu cu........................




th- tth-th---hh...



HERE!!! uaggghh... take my..


to your

y-y-y- your- your-



hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm CACAAAAAAAAAAAA


J-J- j-j-j-j-jjj---j-jj- g gg--gh-g-jjg----ffffffffkkhkhhhhhh

jj--jj-- J-J-J-J-JJ-J--









uuuUUUuunnhhh.. ugh....

huhh... huhh... huhh...


Attached: __fukaziroh_and_llenn_sword_art_online_alternative_gun_gale_online_and_etc_drawn_by_yuuuuu__ea890812 (1050x642, 528K)

This but unironically.

Won’t someone please think of the children?!

God, I really want to breed the funny gunny bunny

Is this a transcription of the voice memo, or did the pasta come first?

oh god imagine slipping your hand right under that and just feeling around

Attached: Kotohat.png (432x367, 151K)

Fuck the children.

It's the best place to grip to be fair. Gotta get a handful of butt for maximum lift and stability

She's pretty sensitive about her bald spot.

How would she react?

No! Imagine if it was your own daughter

Even better!

So you think maybe she hides things in her hat? You're right, we should check to be sure.

Trips of taste

They’re little girls for fuck’s sake

They're little girls for fuck's

i agree

Attached: js lewd.jpg (688x960, 413K)

Only for the sake of fucks? No. They're little girls for more than just that, user. Trust me, I know where you're coming from, but we can't reduce them to just a single positive aspect. They're also quite charming and amusing.

Attached: Mitsuboshi.Colors.full.2249675.jpg (2047x1447, 1.75M)

Top tier taste on display right here

>search “Mitsuboshi Colors” on google images
>the cover of THAT doujin comes up even with safesearch on
Have we taken IFTC too far?


It's too far to go back now

Or not far enough

Attached: __akamatsu_yui_kise_sacchan_and_kotoha_mitsuboshi_colors_and_etc_drawn_by_yokota_takumi__sample-9143 (850x1235, 302K)

>Watching a dub

Attached: disgusting.jpg (1920x1346, 121K)


Attached: 100937393.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

>scroll down a little bit and you’ll see Sacchan showing her nipple
Not far enough

Sacchan's innocent nip slip isn't lewd at all, so I don't see why Google safe search would block that image.

Forest Green

It's more like a leg sweep desu

Such a beautifully snowy day in Ueno Park

Attached: 109937393.jpg (699x811, 103K)

Covered in green huh. So you want to see them as contestants on Nickelodeon's Double Dare?

>deleted my google cookies yesterday and I can't see it anymore
What a mistake.

Not cool! I can't abide by them wasting perfectly good cream soda like that. Just pouring it on the ground, the nerve

Attached: screen-shot-2018-03-04-at-3-05-02-pm.png (768x432, 351K)

Oh, no! They’re spilling all the loli juice!

Surely you already have it downloaded anyway.

Attached: 22.jpg (4030x3204, 2.56M)

user, you know I can’t help it when Yui has her hair down

Imagine having to draw her without clothes first, and then adding in more details

Imagine having to draw Yui holding her butt.

I wonder if anybody saves the concept art for, ahem, “research”

Surely they wouldn't use naked versions as the basis for the designs.

Attached: 23.jpg (3627x2883, 3.83M)

Surely not.

Attached: 1534104581200.jpg (701x785, 105K)

isnt that normal when it comes to drawing? How are you supposed to draw clothes correctly if you dont know or emulate what they are supposed to cover

But that would mean that somewhere out there, there's official nude versions of the Colors.

this is so predictable, bros.
but I like it


Of course not, how could anyone get off to the idea of removing a Color’s clothes?

All 3 Katsuwo things I've read feel completely pure so I imagine he'd always avoid it himself.

Attached: 0003.jpg (1144x1611, 291K)

Lolicon be ready for the temporary Olympics purge

Attached: jAPANESE ART.jpg (822x561, 239K)

Usually I get my stuff during my trips to Japan, I would be interested in having uncensored & untranslated original work but I know the customer segment I belong to is very small though

Also I would not want my personal information to be associated with buying lolicon so I'd probably pirate the stuff to remain anonymous. A data leak would be devastating I guess

You seem to be a nice person, take care.

its fine, it will bloom again once event is done.
and then it will be better then ever

Still can't see why things like late night anime would be heavily influenced by a couple of weeks of foreigners that can't understand Japanese so won't bother watching normal TV.
Considering Russia hosted the winter Olympics and Qatar is doing the world cup I don't think Japan needs to worry. The oppose fascism banner in that image would be more suited to those countries at least. Can't read much else to see any loli relevant parts.
Plain fun series like Colors would be even less likely to change considering there is absolutely no obscenity.

Attached: 0094.jpg (1144x1611, 441K)

I wouldn't be as worried about my info being attached, were it not for its relatively nebulous patchwork legality. I wish I could spend money to encourage the sort of content I like in an open market. I want more saucy Colors books to be made, among others.

>Plain fun series like Colors would be even less likely to change considering there is absolutely no obscenity.
You unironically think normalfags care?

What are those facial expressions trying to convey?

What is it feels like if you were to had sex with the COLOURS?

Learn English and try again

My penis inside their tiny little mini vaginas

They just won't see it to be able to care.
Prisma Illya S2 is on Amazon Prime but that doesn't bother normalfags because they have no idea it is there.

Attached: Mahou Battle.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

I would like to date Sacchan because even though she has a very happy exterior, she comes from a broken home with a single mother and probably hides her lonely feelings from everyone else so as to not make them worry. I want to be the older male figure she can rely on which she probably desperately wants and needs in her life. Frequently I would do simple things with her such as spending time playing with her outdoors with sporty activities in the park to help release some of her boundless energy, such as playing tag together, playing frisbee, simple ball games, etc. Occasionally as a treat I would take her on a trip to places such as a theme park, the zoo, to see a movie; not too often as to spoil her, but enough to make her feel appreciated and to spice things up a little. We would spend most of our meals at her home, learning how to home-cook together alongside her mother, eating together as a full family.

Attached: 1520472002808.webm (1000x562, 2.43M)

Attached: 1450916796346.jpg (340x460, 41K)

how much did that cost you

>tiny little mini vaginas
What a delicious-sounding combination of words

Kill yourself

What's the correct way to get a gf EXACTLY like Yui?

Who do we have to kill to make this a real game?

>Frequently I would do simple things with her such as spending time playing with her outdoors with sporty activities in the park to help release some of her boundless energy, such as playing tag together, playing frisbee, simple ball games, etc. Occasionally as a treat I would take her on a trip to places such as a theme park, the zoo, to see a movie
That sounds no different to what they already do together. Why would she want to do it with some old bloke instead that wouldn't fit with the Colors dynamic?

Attached: 0105.jpg (1144x1611, 458K)

She has friends, but friends are no replacement for a boyfriend. I would genuinely love and support her in every way. I would listen to all her problems. I would give her everything her friends can't give her.

Is this real?

Attached: 1455276235606.jpg (277x296, 35K)

>No Miyanogi Jiji
I didn't realize there was a new Uousaou either. Something to look forward to, I guess.

Which Color is the best for headpatting?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] THE iDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS Theater (TV) - 46 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.35_[2019.05. (1280x720, 110K)

He did say that he wanted to complete the 4 seasons after all. Looking forward to the next Comic1.



Sadly it isn't.

Attached: nono.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

You can give her things her friends can't. Like dick.

What is autistic about it? It seems logical to me. I love her more than anything. Every time I fall asleep I see her face. I would always be there for her, it's a pure and perfect form of love.

I'm jealous. Don't know what 1 Comic is but it seems like a fun place. One day I'll work up the courage to order myself a stack of porn.

What would your life be like if you actually secretly had a gf like Yui? What would change? What would stay the same? Would your life improve?

Why does no one want Kotoha as a gf?

I'd take her. You wouldn't?

Would you buy her lots of hats?

Hell yeah I would. I just found it strange I seemed like the only one.

I'd buy her ALL the hats.

Colors threads are one of the top three threads Yea Forums has to offer.

JC are sexier and are more willing to have sex

Wait, if you date Sacchan and you live together with her and her single mom. Hmm.

Does that mean you're going to make Sacchan an honest girl and marry her, and you even adopt her mom to make it official? Having a cute loli-wife and adorable little middle aged mom-daughter sounds like a tough but rewarding lifestyle.

Those who aren't People of Crime.

I wonder if this has ever happened in history.

It's no wonder some people keep trying to bring them down.

You know our love is strong when threads endure so many blatant attempts at sabotage, forced samefaggy controversy, and outright thread purges and bans. But our love of Colors, lewd and all, remains strong.

1. Gochiusa threads
2. ???
3. Colors threads

JC threads

Surely the other loli threads that don't get hit by forced shitposting. It's always a treat when we get a peaceful loli thread.

I like it when they get that big finish right at the end, that just happens to stay up even after the thread is archived. But they have to have been extra peaceful for that.

The only good loli threads are the ones where people actually post exhentai links.

DFC threads


Prisma threads

Shes the worst girl and third pick. If talking on the subject of pretend why would anybody go for the third choice?

Attached: 1555891968162.png (867x753, 329K)

What would Akarin be like as a gf?

You wouldnt even notice that shes your gf

Why these threads always develop into >tfw no gf?

we need you to take on for the team and become our gfs user

Everybody wants a JC gf

Attached: Bottomless Bocchi.jpg (1536x2384, 380K)


But not that one.

I want a JY girlfriend so that I can experience more of her stages in life.

Wrong, the best threads are mostly the most rare, like shojo threads or /an/ threads, etc. If it's about entertainment then

1. OPM
2. MHA
3. Jojo, or 3x3 threads if you find pretentiousness funny

True man of culture

Stay on-topic, user.

It's not about entertainment. It's about lolis.

Fake lolis

Oh, well then I don't know. You are the expert.

She's not even the best girl of her own manga, that's Aru

You srsly need to stop crying about not having a Bocchi gf everywhere.

>whats autistic about it, it seems logical to me
the fact that you unironically wrote this, and then posted it

He looks like the classic waifufag, I've seen a lot like him before. I remember a dude who liked to write poems about his waifu and post it for everyone to see. 4channel is full of weird people like that.

>Shes the worst girl

Objectively wrong, now leave


Stop posting your literally who shit tier waifu

I guess the autistic hater came back, but at least there isn't much left to the thread. Hopefully more and more people catch on to his shit with time and he gets less attention every time he starts sperging out until he gets bored of it and leaves for good.
Good night Yea Forums I'm out

Attached: 1521994587426.webm (960x540, 2.64M)

>autistic hater

user, don’t play innocent and pretend you didn’t post this as bait

Anyone who tells him to keep his JCspam in the JCshit threads.

If you start assuming that everyone who posts something you dislike is the same person, you risk becoming a schizophrenic acronym person. You should know how autistic that is so please don't go that far.

It’s not hard to spot samefagging when you’re not a newfag, user

I don't want to defend him, but since both shows are from the same author I don't mind him. The only annoying thing is his constant crying.

Go have a persecution complex in your own thread

If he wasn’t such a faggot, he’d probably be more accepted here like Mashimarosposters minus the one autistic salesfag

I swear the Bocchiposting before her show aired was a lot more tame before this idiot decided to try to force a fanbase war

So that's why, I guess it says a lot about you then.

Making a quick look he only posted Bocchi two times in the thread. Maybe if you just ignore him he won't annoy you much.

It’s retarded replies like this that give you away so easily, just stop

Anyone that participates in this forced as fuck JC/JS rivalry is actively helping to sabotage and shit up loli threads. It's pure cancer at this point. No matter how much it gets spammed, just don't fall for it. Don't participate. Use that time to post and discuss loli you like instead of letting shit flinging antis bamboozle you with Yea Forums tactics of division and contrarianism

At this point I'm pretty sure half of the posts mentioning Bocchi or JCs are anons who have always been in Colors or all loli threads and the other half are people falseflagging to get the autistic newfag's attention

A lot of things changed since I stopped coming here, huh. Now you guys fight with each other.

Did previous JS anime like Ichigo Mashimaro have as many threads about dating the lolis?

Attached: matsuri.gif (500x560, 62K)

Look closer It’s always accompanied by forced JC vs JS autism

The thread was good after the JCspammer stopped his JCspamming and trying to justify it by saying how off-topic shittery should be encouraged, and the thread became bad right back when he returned. He/You are the problem, faggot.

Adding onto this, since he's been at this for weeks by now despite people constantly telling him to stop it means arguing with him is pointless, so just fucking ignore him and let him spam replies as much as he wants until he gets tired or calls the rest of the gang (as proven by what just conveniently happened).

That thing is so ugly. Put glasses on a girl and it completely ruins her.

It’s also juju being retarded as usual

Then why don't you just ignore him? Easy. You can tell which post are from him so you don't need to feed his war.

I'm actually helping here.

Can you not? The thread had just calmed down until you brought this shit back up

That girl is so beautiful. Put glasses on a girl and it completely enhances her.

It’s not a coincidence that you’re always in the thread at the exact moment it goes to shit

Quick reminder that the thread was arguing FOR this type of shit. Here you have it, why are you complaining?
I can only hope super retards like that get told to get bent next thread.

Attached: 1508896189714.webm (1280x720, 161K)

There’s a difference between natural detours in a conversation and forced arguing over stupid shit

Fuck off, you absolute faggot

I don't shitpost anymore, and I'm not part of a fanbase war I don't care about. This is just both sides acting dumb instead of being friendly, and you can easily ignore all of this but you guys seems to like conflict. I was just giving advice

And then the master clown comes back as well.

What's the deal with that dumb-looking hair? Why is it black on the ends?



I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that you want to help but if you really want to help, just don’t add fuel to the fire

I can't believe Sacchan really was a prophet.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.27_[2018.01.21_13.27.24].jpg (1280x720, 127K)

But I didn't? You guys are the ones sharing hate to each other. I'm just pointing that out.

Now see user, you can’t just go around saying unko like that

I’m saying you should ignore it too, you’re not helping by just pointing shit out

You're wrong.

Wait is the new shitposter really so new that he's trying to argue with juju

I know is not my bussiness, but maybe if I said once you guys will stop fighting. Also, I feel kind of bad for being annoying in the past. It was just that, I will stop now.

I’m not the shitposter, dumbass


Attached: 64827300_p6.jpg (506x700, 222K)

Anyone that disagrees with him is "the shitposter" user, get with the times.

Attached: yui peace.png (620x712, 261K)

Oh I see, sorry
Wait is the new spammer really so new that he's trying to argue with juju

25? What does that mean?

That I am meant to be her boyfriend.

Go be retarded somewhere else

It’s the number of lolicons she’s pleasured

Attached: whoa there loli butts.png (163x228, 15K)

I don't get it.

Not a lot of lolis in jail, eh?

Attached: DrditkYU8AAzRG5.png (1033x1530, 716K)

Her preferred age.

Photoshop those glasses off and you'll see.

Do lolis also post about prime ages in lolichannel's onii-chan board?
>JD is prime!

They did until an autistic loli showed up and started taking their funposting too seriously while yelling at anyone who doesn't share her exact same opinions. Onii-chan threads are a mess thanks to her.

I can't find the red/blue/yellow condom picture

> sarariman > all

Attached: 1550871405414.jpg (1229x1513, 1.07M)

The autistic loli loves JCs the most

>imagine fucking your onii chan
>I wish I had an onii chan bf
>what onii chan is the best and why is it mine?
>imagine getting a headpat from that guy

“It took you until age 11 to lose your virginity? Pathetic.”

have sex with your brother.

Not sure, I'm going to need a link

Attached: subarun seal of approval.png (576x576, 279K)

What loli hentai do you think the Colors would like if they were shitposters on an image board?

Incest is poor taste

>what is the best onii-chan hentai and why is it Ikemen Ramune

Imagine Colors as JCs

Imagine you in another thread

Since this thread was full of war and dumb lewd posting, allow me end it with something nice.

Attached: 12.jpg (1080x1080, 348K)

You dumb rancid cunt.

You're welcome, night

for anal

Attached: 8dcc238c6a24b65fe458a59d529946f4.jpg (757x513, 75K)