Mom burnt the pizza rolls

>mom burnt the pizza rolls

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Other urls found in this thread:!PmgEha6L!8id1OslJ2iIo_fbexRbMQw

>yuu burnt the books

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Yuuribro! I summon thee!

>tfw map man had a gf

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was planning to confess to Kettenkrad-san

>mfw live by myself and I never burn the rolls

Attached: Hohee~.png (613x855, 421K)

First anime I finished where I immediately began reading the mang-guh.
fuggin' kino

Are they cannibals?

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watch this for instant depression

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is bochi ok

is anyone ok

Simezi 5 when

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i cant tell if i am these days desu

wakarimasu user

i would tell you it gets better but ive been rotting inside for 7 years

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14 days.

The most I can do is try user. Most all of us can do is try.
what else are you supposed to do when you dont know if you're good most of the time but have the constant feeling something's wrong.

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it's ok anons, we still have each other

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not being alone is nice

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how do i stop being alone
i'm so alone

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just shitpost on Yea Forums constantly, it's how i cope

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Learn the value of solitude. I don't feel lonely anymore.

why should i value something i have an infinite amount of

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You're not alone, user. We're here with you.

Attached: I'll be with you forever.webm (1520x1080, 1.71M)

The miracle of the internet connects us all together user, the suicide hotline ain’t got shit on the World Wide Web.

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I stopped being alone for a year or so back when I was in school.
Then I fucked up.
Now I have Yea Forums tkmiz threads.
it'll be ok some day probably.

thank you anons

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Not gonna lie, this made me smile from my soul all the way out to my skin

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I will not accept the death of this thread


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Go talk to some people online in some games or whatever

Same here.

>i would tell you it gets better but ive been rotting inside for 7 years

Same, but longer.

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Better to rest in peace in the warm body of a friend than in the cold ground


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There is hope. Try new things, change one small habit like "drink more water" or something.

what do parents and pizzas have in common?

There's nothing to eat if they're black

So did tkmz attempt to present a coherent philosophy in GLT or did she just enjoy making random philosophical remarks and references? This page made me think GLT's themes should somehow relate to Schopenhauer, but his philosophy seems far off anything GLT ever tries to present.

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well they can't read very well, so if it's a commentary it's that your philosophy doesn't matter if you can't communicate it with anyone


I guess it's tkmiz thread time again.

Same here, afterwards I started reading manga a lot, but I've been watching less anime.

It may be sad, but SS is honestly what I look forward to the most every month, I can't wait for chapter 5.

I think that's what kept the potatoes going despite their desperate situation, heck, if I had Yuu or Chii to keep me company, it'd be easy to get along with hopelessness.

We're all alone together, ain't that funny.

To me GLT was never about any "deep" philosophical thoughts, I think what made it powerfull is that it was about simple human emotions, hopelessness, friendship and stuff like that, I think that any references to philosophy weren't actually about the phylosophy itself, but they were there to show all that has been lost with the big war that pretty much wiped out humanity.
I could be wrong though, I'm not really well versed in philosophy and I don't know tkmiz's intentions, if it was his intention to directly tie GLT to any phylosophical works etc. it went over my head

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I would've tried to make her a single mum

anyone got the character height chart?

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New image, tweeted 3 hours ago.

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Is there any chance of the rest of the manga getting adapted?
I doubt my heart would be able to take seeing the ending animated but I want it anyway.

I'm not particularly well versed in philosophy either, I just have a degree in it I picked up for fun
I binge-read the manga in one night (DO NOT ATTEMPT; BAD FOR MOOD) and though I didn't catch any specific explicit references besides the Schopenhauer (which isn't a really a particularly relevant branch of philosophy) tkmiz is absolutely familiar with some real philosophy.
Study of the human condition 100% falls into the category of existential philosophy, and the entire work is an exploration of human teleology, which is LITERALLY the "deepest" and most cliché philosophical thought out there: what is the meaning of life? Specifically, what is the purpose of any of us being alive, what are we "supposed" do do with that? The question is made especially poignant in GLT, where there aren't many good candidates for "life goals" to pick from. Beyond "don't starve" and "keep the bike working" all they're working on is a vague notion that they're supposed to keep going upwards, despite not knowing exactly why they're supposed to do so or what they're hoping to find at the top. And then they get there, and...

The primary secular nihilistic existential fear is that at the end of the story, there's no Big Point. No God, no grand unifying narrative, no afterlife, no metaphysically meaningful ethics, no long arc of history bending towards justice, no remnants of civilization on the top level , nada, zip, zero, zilch. You're born, you live, you do some stuff, you die, and it was all basically pointless. In such a world, why bother with the stuff between being born and dying? Albert Camus famously phrased the question as "should I kill myself, or should I have a cup of coffee?" This is not a rhetorical question: if there's no God or anything similarly capable of giving capital-m Meaning to human existence, why exactly are you still doing it?

They'd have to come up with a lot of anime original episodes in that case. There's not enough of the manga left to animate a whole season.

don't hit me like that user

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Do you think Chi and Yuuri will be the "ghost" members of the club? Or is it going to turn out to be Wakaba and Rotorhead?

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sleep tight potatoes

tkmiz is the reason I got a twitter, and I'm glad I did, there are a lot of really nice anime art accounts

considering there are tens of thousands of episodes of "cute girls in highschool", i'm pretty sure they can make up

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But if they're made up by the anime crew and not tkmz, what's even the point?

Use chapters from the anthology. Some were good even if they were not by TKMIZ. Like the cinema one.

you can capture the feel and spirit of the story an characters in filler episodes. the point is that we finish the story and get another season.

Realistically these is pretty much no way it's ever gonna happen and if it did it probably wouldn't be in the form of season 2, it would probably be in OVA form. It is nice to dream though.
I just hope SS goes on and in a few years time when there is more material we'll hopefully get an SS anime.

I guess you're right, if you make a story about human life you inevitably do tackle philosophy, but I agree with you that tkmiz didn't make any explicit references (beside the Schopenhauer) and I think that's a good thing, if there were a bunch of quotes from philosophy books and whatnot, it would make it seem like tkmiz is just trying to be deep for the sake of being deep and that would deminish the simple relatable human aspect of GLT.

Some of them were good yes, by the way, the cinema chapter is the one chapter from the anthology that is by tkmiz.If you re-read it you might notice it has some SS foreshadowing at the end.

I don't think filler episodes are a good idea, part of what made the manga good is that it didn't drag on with pointless filles, making it shorter, just and OVA or two would be better in my opinion.

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This is what I mean by the foreshadowing, I think it describes the potatoes appearing in SS pretty well.

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Pt.2 (The Less Depressing Half)
But Camus, for example, was an Absurdist: having a cup of coffee is a perfectly legitimate alternative to weigh against killing yourself because if it's all equally meaningless, you might as well explore what's going on while you're here.

That's the thing, nihilism and existential dread aren't necessarily final inevitable conclusions, but challenges that existential philosophers take up seriously. Okay, so there's no God and no afterlife and all that shit, but maybe you can find passable reasons to live in spite of that.
THAT'S the challenge posed to the readers by Girls' Last Tour: once you know how it ends (because it's in essence the same ending as all human lives), can you still find a way to see the journey as having been worthwhile? Sad to see them go, sure, but not EXISTENTIALLY DEPRESSING sad. And GLT does point at a few serious contenders: human connection, the arts (as a medium for human expression), rituals (maybe it's not capital-i Important to put the memorial artifacts back in the right place, but you still feel like it's the right thing to do and derive some peace from having done so), and self-set goals (you'll notice that everyone they encountered still alive in the wasteland was dedicated to some kind of life's work: cartography, aviation, even just taking care of one fish. Maybe none of them worked out in the end, but that's not necessarily the most important thing: the project was enough to give them a reason to live.

In summary, Girls' Last Tour is very well grounded in existential philosophy (Camus and Sartre being particularly relevant) and poses a very difficult but very important challenge to readers: find a way to not view this story as a depressing one, because spoiler alert, it's essentially your story too.

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Nichijou is my favourite analysis of Nitsche
You're absolutely right, but in the case of GLT it makes me wonder if tkmiz wrote the way he did because of his experiences with real life or because of the works he's read before, obviously it's probably both, but it makes me think that people often ask if art immitates life or whether life immitates art, in the case of GLT I wonder if GLT immiates life or if GLT immitates art that immitates life and so on.I don't know how to word it better.

I'd be interested what your take on SS is so far.

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I hate it

>why should I value what I am
Honestly user, if you don't value yourself, who will? Understand and care for yourself and you'll never be alone again.

Yuuri works in the shop user

That's the fun part about existential philosophy, the main source material is human experience so you don't actually have to study shit like with metaphysics

And I actually haven't read SS yet, guess I have to now

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A mega of tkmiz art and gifs for those interested.!PmgEha6L!8id1OslJ2iIo_fbexRbMQw
I have added more art since the last thread, hopefully gotten rid of the duplicates and split up the art from the gifs and mp4s.

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>the main source material is human experience so you don't actually have to study shit
You're right it is pretty funny that just being a human that's alive makes me just as qualified to talk about the human experience as some philosopher that has spent 40 years of his life reading philosophy books and debating about the meaning of it all, heh.

Also I'd really recommend SS, it's only 4 chapters so far, so you can read it in like 10 minutes, it has similar feel to GLT, yet it feels like it has its own identity, so far I like it a lot. It's also very strange so I'd say there's a lot of room for discusion about what means what.Also tater cameos

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When will tkmiz watch Chernobyl so we can get some kino artwork

What did tkmiz mean by this anyways

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Crunchtime fueled by crab risotto

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is crab risotto good?

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Screw you guys, I didn't want to feel ronery today.

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High School students can work at Lawsons.

> I didn't want to feel ronery today.
That's a good reason to join us user.

I think the potatoes are college age

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Friendly reminder that the potatoes are kill.

The girls in the video seem to be middle or high schoolers.

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Friendly reminder that they live on in Shimeji Simulation

True, I think the potatoes might be different ages in GLT/anthology comic/SS , but in the anthology comic by tkmiz, they seem to be in college, and are old enough to buy alcohol and live on their own.

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Eh not exactly but you have equal access to the object of study

And alright it's in the queue

It's not that hard

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I think you underestimate the number of people here that legit have autism or other such conditions that make it almost impossible to socialize like normal people.

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When did Yuu and Chi become so effay

I need substantial evidence for this claim.

They looked cuter in the uniforms, kettengrad and with the arisaka.
But I mean the potatoes will always be effay no matter what.
t. /k/

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Occam's razor, it is Chi's underwear so it's bound to be good.

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>it is Chi's underwear so it's bound to be good.
But I need to smell them to be sure for this claim to be true.

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being alone is only lonely if you want it to be

You might get the chance in Shimeji Simulation if you make it there, like the taters
Don't kill yourself though, please

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>Don't kill yourself though, please
That depends. Do I or do I not get to become a cute girl in Shimeji Simulation?

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You definitely retain your current form, so I'd say that's a definite no to the cute girl part, whether you'll make it to the simulation at all, no living man knows the answer to that.

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Hello, fellow /g/ poster! I'm the guy who made that, it weird to see so much overlap between the two boards.

>You definitely retain your current form
Well damn. Guess it's not worth it then.

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this. I'm very good socially and I have a bunch of other shit going for me as well but my trust issues fuck up any relationship because I had shit parents.

What kind of potatoes can stretch and expand like this

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Only the very best potatoes that have gotten along with hopelessness.

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The book burning kind.

I call upon The List.
Show yourself.

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Just stop. Get some help.

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Hello! Thanks for this nice sicp edit.

I'm not the guy, he usually shows up later, so I'd say give him a few hours, in the meanwhile I hope you'll be satisfied with a screenshot I took a few threads back.

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>if you are droning pretend you are dead

You have to stop giving a shit, let everything go and go back to existing in the universe.

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>You have to stop giving a shit
Do you mean, you need to get along with hopelessness?

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I can do this but then I can't connect with others at all and probably scare them with my inner void. I'd rather be an emotional mess desu.

So who would you say is the cutest girls in the entire tkmiz-verse ? My vote goes to Mr Skeltal !

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Yuuri would make a really great mother, I'm glad I fell in love with her.
I hope to have many children with her, at least five!
1.She probably smells good
2.She is brave and selfless
3.Her attitude keeps spirits up
4.Her body is wonderfully proportioned
5.She has pretty eyes
6.Scientifically proven high adaptability
7.She gives off a sense of warmth and softness
8.She is beautiful.
9.Hair tastes good.
10.Great sense of rhythm.
11.She would keep you warm and share food with you.
12.She is good at pressing buttons.
13.She would be a good mother.
14.Right amount of crazy.
15.Knows how to operate all weapons.
16. Fat teats.
17.She is protective of those she loves.
18.She has no inhibitions.
19.She could make a great meal.
20.She is probably god.
21.She is the coolest person in the world.
22.She inspires creativity.
23.She is very strong.
24.She is difficult to digest.
25.She makes her friend happy.
26.She knows how not to embarrass her friend in heartfelt moments.
27.She always knows the way.
28.Not afraid to experiment with the unknown.
29.Well balanced.
30.Does not get hangovers.
31.Defends the weak.
32.Athletic, could have competed on an international level if the world hadn't ended.
33. Always helpful, regardless of circumstances.
34.Not ashamed by nudity, finds it to be liberating and beautiful.
35.Greatest philosopher of her time.
36.Can harness the power of the moon.
37.Stretchy and cute face.
38.Fears no man or beast, can defeat foes despite obvious physical advantages.
39.High intelligence.
40.Can discern between the inedible and edible.
41.Her body is warm and would be nice to cuddle with.
42.She is a survivor of impossible circumstances.
43.World's greatest riflewoman.
44.Quick reflexes.
45.Great at holding hands.
46.Greatest artist of her time.
47.Not too picky about things.
48.Great with pets.
49.Talented singer.
50.Can hold her liquor.

Attached: YuuriAndOurFamily.jpg (1878x910, 410K)

Even if Yuuri is a bit rough with our kids, I know she will make a great mom.
51.Possible descendant of Finland.
52.God emperor of Dune.
53.Know how to FUSION.
54.Understands the complexity of human nature.
55.Cute giggle.
56.Understands the concept of death.
57.Probably fertile.
58.She would never abandon a friend.
59.Very hygienic.
60.She is extremely genki.
61.Very cute when intoxicated.
62.Defines life itself.
63.Can survive long periods without proper nutrition.
64.Understands how valuable food really is.
65.Very resourceful.
66.Highly empathetic.
67. Therapeutic, helped her friends keep it together.
68.She is very photogenic.
69.She is an excellent tactician.
70.Cute navel.
71.She is very kissable.
72.She has very nice hair.
73.She is interdimensional.
74.Hands on learner.
75.Healthy state of mind.
76.She probably tastes good.
77.She is designed for cold environments.
78.She can create culture.
79.She could be an excellent farmer.
80.She understands that somethings are just things.
81.Loves all living beings.
82.Can perform miracles.
83.She can bring people together in the name of love.
84.She sounds cute when sleeping.
85.She is very pure.
86.Very animal friendly.
87.She is very fashionable.
88.She has a wonderful smile.
89.She Is an excellent swimmer.
90.She is good at crafts.
91.She is an avid collector of fine artifacts.
92.She is an excellent dancer.
93.She has a nice butt.
94.Good vision.
95.Great taste in food.
96.She enjoys explosions.
97.She is very imaginative.
98.Can conjure items into existence.
99.She has saved lives.
100.She lived an interesting and fulfilling life.

Attached: kana300-1127463872774885376-20190511_234149-img1.png (400x568, 155K)

I hope I can be a good husband for her and father for our children.
101.Very nice skin with healthy color.
102.She’s an explorer.
103.Defies psychological concepts.
104.Doesn’t need socks.
105.She’s Yuuri!
106.Her skin is likely smooth.
107.She is very polite.
108.She never gives up.
109.She enjoys building things.
110.She is an astrologist.
111.She would risk injury for the sake of her friends.
112.She does well with what little she has.
113.She can anticipate danger.
114.She owns the best rifle ever made.
115.She can sleep whenever she wants.
116.She is very supportive.
117.She knows how to discipline children.
118.An expert prankster, the last in human history.
119.She is an excellent archeologist.
120.She is an excellent anthropologist.
121.She has a really soothing and lovely voice.
122.She has the survival instinct.
123.She is an excellent medic.
124.She may prolong your life by a couple of years.
125.She is an outstanding waitress.
126.She is really cute.
127.She is very humble.
128.She gives off a motherly aura.
129.Fresh breath.
130.She is very polite.
131.She is very proud.
132.She can most definitely be trusted.
133.She is very honest.
134.She’s a terrific teacher.
135.Excellent choice in headgear.
136.She is very considerate of others.
137.Great immune system.
138.I love Yuuri!
140.She has a really nice name.
141.She advocates for firearm ownership.
142.Adorably goofy.
143.Can operate giant death robots.
144.Has a well-balanced diet.
145.She’s hip.
146.She has great hips.
147.She is in touch with humanity.
148.She has cute feet.
149.Brilliant ecologist.
150.Keeps her equipment in good working order.

Attached: YuuriGivesHerAssessmentOnTheBeeru.png (348x224, 141K)

Also, to those who care.
I'm sorry that I haven't gotten to all the reasons yet, I can be pretty slow at these sorts of things.
Also I want to read through a hundred before adding it to the public list.
151.She’s good at remembering stuff about food.
152.She can speak various languages.
153.She’s good at digging.
154.Very strong teeth.
156.She is sly.
157.She has great dental hygiene.
159.Can take the place of society.
160.Always has something to look forward too.
161.Doesn’t mind the rain.
162.Could tell a story without saying a word.
163.She has an excellent collection of milsurp.
164.She has a very soothing appearance.
165.She isn’t afraid to try new things, especially food.
166.She is difficult to put into words.
167.She’s very knowledgeable about firearms.
168.Keeps you coming back for more.
169.Trancends all language barriers.
170.Got along with hopelessness.
171.Cute armpits.
172.Able to impede the natural order.
173.Can’t be ignored.
174.A dedicated and hardworking employee.
175.Really great at hugging.
176.Wouldn’t hurt anyone, even if they wanted it.
177.May be capable of entering a hibernation mode.
178.Skilled with bashing weapons.
179.Nice legs.
181.Really likes fish.
182.She is very sweet.
183.She is very caring.
184.Was able to kill an intelligent AI.
186.She is a hero.
187.She has a good head for heights.
188.She can wear the same thing every day and still look good.
189.She can tease without being too annoying.
190.She likes a challenge.
191.She can appreciate a nice chair.
192.She has a good aesthetic sense.
193.She is playful.
194.She loves a simple potato meal.
195.She apologized to the robot before she killed it.
196.She doesn't mind carrying things.
197.She takes lots of photographs of her friend.
198.She knows when to talk.
199.She knows when to be quiet.
200.She mocks hopelessness by singing about it.

Attached: YuuriDoesntLikeRushing.png (636x215, 223K)

I can't take this seriously with the potato heads...

I knew you'd show up in a few hours, and here you are again. Once again truly based and Yuupilled.
I think that Yuu would be a great mum too.

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Which chapter is this?

Yeah, I was at work.
I like to attribute my success at work to my sweet potato wife.
Without her, I wouldn't have made it out.

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I get the feeling that this list gets longer every time it's posted

From the previous threads I noticed that you tend to post at about the time I go to sleep (CET here) and that once again proves to be true, hopefully you'll keep the thread alive while I'm not here bumping with tkmiz art.

It actually got shorter, some other guys rushed it to about 500, but it was getting ridiculous, quality > quantity

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I want to go exploring

Attached: D5UTk4qUUAA0PdG.jpg (2910x4096, 1.12M)

tkmiz never answered my twitter dm

You probably creeped him out user

Attached: 1512183233284.png (373x204, 24K)


Don't start this again please

I'm Yuu, Shinchosha and Yen Press have given me this time to talk to you about something we both really care about. Tkmiz. Tkmiz is the reason I and my friends are alive, and we're eternally grateful to have been given it.
Think about this: Many of you browsing Yea Forums out there now are adults. Do you realize that at 18, you have lived only 1/4th of your life? When you're messaging a mangaka like that, you're only cheating yourself from the opportunity of having not been embarrassed by messaging them and making them uncomfortable, and believe me, if you don't message him, you can live your life knowing you respected his privacy, and he respects you as a fan.
Listen, you got at least 3/4ths of your life to go. That's three more lifetimes to you! So don't blow it. Don't message Tkmiz. If you're doing it, stop it. Get some help. Chii wants you to give yourself a chance. A chance to find out all the wonderful things you really can do. And so do I.

Attached: YuuriCollege.jpg (272x547, 35K)

I'm no coward, I'm gonna dm Tkmiz himself and tell him I love his work! I only have one life after all and I might die tomorrow!

Attached: Yuuri - how can you live your life if you're afraid of dying.png (1366x768, 930K)

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I'm afraid I can't let you do that, user.

Attached: 1507314299461.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

People's capacity to make shitposts never ceases to amaze me.

You are wise Yuu.

Please don't, it's pretty cringe if I dare use that horrible word.

Attached: C0XNxV4VEAE0YR8.jpg (4096x2304, 469K)

so this is the end, huh? sayonara happiness, hello zetsubou

Attached: Chito mad squeaky eyes.png (430x333, 144K)

>tfw no one to do this with

Attached: [Scum] Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou (Girls' Last Tour) - 08 [WEB][5013F40F].mkv_snapshot_23.06_[2019 (1280x720, 911K)

>not getting a "thank you" from your favourite artist
You're all doing it wrong

user artists are people too, don't message them baiting for a thank you.

Post a good Yuu pic I can use as a Twitter avatar.


I didn't bait for anything, I just didn't post like an autist

they're dead
they're dead
they're dead
they're dead

We'll all be dead some day.


How soon can we die and reach the simulation?

Attached: 1554944223896.png (1125x812, 28K)

if i kill myself can I get into Shimeji?

Attached: 1517854681878.gif (540x413, 2.33M)

Walk in front of the nearest truck and you can travel where you want.

Attached: tumblr_onuzybE3zh1w53xsyo2_500.png (500x552, 155K)

I'll get back to you on that one.

Attached: 1549184511628.jpg (707x868, 247K)

This image makes me want to do things I told myself I'd stop doing back in high school

Attached: Chii Shaking At Ludicrous Levels.gif (500x373, 46K)

Attached: Girls' Last Codec.png (633x323, 293K)

Rereading the manga only reinforces all the reasons I fell in love with Yuuri for.
I only hope that we get to be together soon.

Attached: YuuriDiscoversAnAncientRocket.png (527x388, 413K)

Attached: Bump.gif (298x164, 128K)

I want to make a comic about a tank crew of the apocalypse, would Yea Forums read it?

Attached: PanzerIAplans_simplified.png (1200x800, 90K)

Beep beep

>finally finish the last issue
>the Kettenkrad fails
>the final climb up
That was too much of a gut punch but it was a great journey.

Attached: 9.jpg (3492x2619, 1.17M)


lonely user from earlier in the thread here
i want to say thank you anons
i really do appreciate it

Attached: CHEezxKXEAENln0.jpg (5760x3240, 1.12M)

If you actually do it and post a link in a tkmiz thread I'll read it.

Attached: tkmiz-663696741481316353-20151109_053648-img1.jpg (1698x2387, 507K)

Attached: CjtmOhhUoAE3U-H.jpg (5760x3240, 1.13M)

In which Chapter did Yuuri build snowmen?

Just do your own thing with it and don't try to be SSR 2, but don't be afraid to take inspiration

Attached: qin_shi_huang.jpg (1200x480, 576K)

Attached: yuubookburning.png (800x624, 485K)

I want to explore the concepts of freedom and living how you want to, among other things. I loved the stark, solemn, brutally beautiful world tkmiz presented in SSR, but I wouldn't want to copy it, and it wouldn't fit with what I have in mind.
There would still be cute girls, though.

Attached: 1556963066688.jpg (1200x1200, 223K)

Good luck, user

Best of luck to you user, if you really do it that'd be awesome, creating something is the most beautiful thing a person can do with their life in my opinion.
And not being a lazy bitch like me that just keeps putting stuff off.

Attached: rn3ndotdrs211.png (960x686, 495K)

Do it user

you can do it anons
i believe in you

Attached: CQ3hDweVEAE0hl4.jpg (4000x4000, 896K)

Reminder that it wasn't his bag that he lost.

Attached: girl's last tour kanezawa.jpg (1280x1440, 288K)

Attached: life is suffering.png (1591x905, 907K)

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Fuck, I didn't even notice that detail.
why zetsubou, why

Attached: C3wMOCRUkAAkgO3.jpg (1920x1080, 619K)

Attached: blessing of chi.jpg (1080x614, 40K)

Thank you Chii, I really need your blessing today.

Attached: CJQeZUCVAAA5EGb.jpg (5760x3240, 1.44M)

Attached: ssr special feeling.jpg (1200x900, 192K)

lots of tsukumizu art I hadn't seen before in this thread


I'm reading Shimeji Simulation
I'm enjoying Shimeji Simulation
Statement ends here

Attached: 9c4c12fbd18b1a4f79909e2f15f466ac.png (278x210, 31K)

Wow, it's been a while since that was a thing.

god bless shimeji simulation

Attached: 1546971181390.jpg (4000x4000, 1.3M)

If you want more check I agree
Statement ends here

Attached: 03gEBiY.png (1000x1000, 1.18M)

we need to go wider

Attached: 1557921533936.png (433x210, 37K)

Attached: 7193e6808aa9c953fe7b538e2011a46da3740e2a69cd1e984374f62a05e1d251.png (505x336, 72K)

I thought you said wider. That's not wider, that's like opposite-wider
Make it wider please
Statement ends here

Attached: Yuu 3.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

Attached: 1556640789147.gif (889x500, 853K)

Reminder that everyone who participated in the postcard did eventually get a thank you.

This should be the thread theme song:

All dead, all dead
All the dreams we had
And I wonder why I still live on
All dead, all dead
And alone I'm spared
My sweeter half instead
All dead
And gone
All dead...

Attached: 69675630_p0.jpg (4093x2894, 2.51M)

Attached: eraaaaaaaaaatsv2.png (258x139, 20K)

Why did he, the author, put that big of a fuck you at the end of the series?
Did someone hurt him?

Attached: Shoujo_Shuumatsu_Ryokou_-_02_(BD_1080p)_[09D8A395].mkv - 0001.jpg (1920x1080, 197K)

Why would you read a manga with this premise if you wanted a happy ending?

Because having a happy ending would be a massively bigger fuck you since that would be the complete opposite of what the whole manga/anime tried to convey, so I think having a happy ending would be pointless

Attached: 1555359757485.png (528x404, 226K)


Attached: 66167553_p0.png (1680x1737, 1.3M)

where is everyone getting tkmiz art? they don't have a pixiv right? or ami crazy?

Attached: file.png (613x97, 5K)


Attached: 66132648_p1.png (2000x2500, 2M)


Happy endings are a lie.

Attached: 1551790534224.jpg (4096x2304, 1.29M)

so just their twitter account. oh man twitter is so shit for art. oh well i'll have to go through it.

Does Shimeji Simulation has something to do with this other series of pics Tkmiz did?

Attached: 6bfab8a2bdd81d870072147aef917b47bd6221bed816b8cbb2108c90b6554888.png (1440x1018, 2.1M)

I'd read a children's book written by tkmiz.

I think the manga had a happy ending though


You don't have to, all the twitter art and more is in the mega.

Maybe it was a prototype of SS?

Attached: 1556830695357.gif (500x500, 37K)

>he doesn't know

I was actually referring to the manga's ending in here

You think it's a sad ending because they die
I think it's a happy ending because they don't despair and keep living their lifes happily to the end

> and keep living their lives happily to the end
I think you meant to say: and keep living their lives happily in Shimeji Simulation.

Attached: 1556543349230.png (1500x1100, 618K)

There are people in this world who claim that Yuuri>Chito
How is this possible?

Attached: 1557013041959.gif (540x303, 493K)

Thou shall not judge a man for his choice of potato, all taters are best taters.

>calorie mate
Pretty tasty

The sacred texts!

It's not exactly a happy ending, but it's not a balls-kick fuck-you depressing ending either
I wrote out some of my other thoughts here and here ; the ending (the whole manga desu) is a challenge to readers (and Chi/Yuu) (and tkmiz) to find meaning in life even though this is how it ends eventually

Based on the manga, tkmiz's theory seems to be
>find goals and projects to dedicate yourself to (airplanes, maps, fish, art); even if they don't work out it's something to live for
>Everything is transient (bikes, food, friends, civilization, bags, life) so appreciate things while they're there and accept that they won't always be
>the above makes it especially important to connect with other people, especially the ones you care about, while you can
>don't die alone

Attached: crow.jpg (300x262, 9K)

>don't die alone
You gave me hope and then crushed it user.

For me the whole manga was a celebration of life
I agree with you that it doesn't sell any particular philosophy
I read it in one day just like you, the first thing i though after i finished was Cavafy's poem Ithaka

As you set out for Ithaka
hope your road is a long one,
full of adventure, full of discovery.
Laistrygonians, Cyclops,
angry Poseidon—don’t be afraid of them:
you’ll never find things like that on your way
as long as you keep your thoughts raised high,
as long as a rare excitement
stirs your spirit and your body.
Laistrygonians, Cyclops,
wild Poseidon—you won’t encounter them
unless you bring them along inside your soul,
unless your soul sets them up in front of you.

Hope your road is a long one.
May there be many summer mornings when,
with what pleasure, what joy,
you enter harbors you’re seeing for the first time;
may you stop at Phoenician trading stations
to buy fine things,
mother of pearl and coral, amber and ebony,
sensual perfume of every kind—
as many sensual perfumes as you can;
and may you visit many Egyptian cities
to learn and go on learning from their scholars.

Keep Ithaka always in your mind.
Arriving there is what you’re destined for.
But don’t hurry the journey at all.
Better if it lasts for years,
so you’re old by the time you reach the island,
wealthy with all you’ve gained on the way,
not expecting Ithaka to make you rich.

Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey.
Without her you wouldn't have set out.
She has nothing left to give you now.

And if you find her poor, Ithaka won’t have fooled you.
Wise as you will have become, so full of experience,
you’ll have understood by then what these Ithakas mean.

>don't die alone

Attached: CY1_JX9UsAAu0oo.jpg (800x600, 70K)

Fight your troubles, embrace the pain till you get what you want.

>don't die alone
too late for that

you can't be lonely if there's no one around

Everyone dies alone

>the mega
oh fug how did i miss that.

Attached: woosh.gif (900x900, 1.12M)

Well in fact I left a package to Tsukumizu's editor just after the publication of SSR's sixth volume. I put a letter (in Japanese) to say thank you and share some thoughts on the manga/anime, plus Camus' "The Myth of Sisyphus" and some sweets as well.

Tkmiz first sent a message on Twitter to say thank you. And like 10 months later she posted an extract of said book (pic related) saying it was a book she received from a reader, so I was kinda glad she actually took the time to read it.

So now you can be sure that Tkmiz knows about Camus and existentialism.

Attached: Tkmiz Twitter message.png (600x410, 92K)

Would it be creepy if I go to her place to give a book?

Do it user
I gave up on creating something similar a while ago and it makes me sad I don't have the motivation to do it.
It won't hurt to try.

Attached: 1532889673472.gifx.gif (600x440, 1.72M)

I'm not much of a poetry guy, but I think I get what the poem is trying to say and I see the paralel to the girl's journey to the top level, there was nothing on the top level, but "Ithaka didn't fool them", because what mattered was the journey there, they visited many places and became wise and rich, not rich in the monetary sence, but rich in good memories of their adventures together.
I might need to give poetry a second chance, I didn't like it as a kid, but maybe I'll be able to appreciate it now.

Good stuff.

Honestly that's pretty cool that he cared enough to read it, I'm sure he must have gotten a lot of stuff from fans. Who knows, maybe reading Camus left an impression on him and from that point on, even if only in a small way, you might have influenced his future works.

Definitely not, that's a super normal thing people do all the time.

Attached: 1556785547593.jpg (1920x1200, 402K)

I'm not even sure her place is known to be honest. I went to her editor, I think you can give it to them, they will then hand it over to her. You can even add a small thank you in the book, it will give it an added value as well. What is the book that you want to give?
As for Shinchosha's adress it is the following: 〒162-0805 東京都新宿区矢来町71

Hey if you're not dead yet it's not too late

Sometimes we aren't so lucky. Just got to accept it and roll with the times.

Attached: f676ac89f7b4.gif (560x314, 498K)

What's the excerpt say? I've read TMoS and I'm curious what part she wanted to tweet

but i gave up and i've finally gotten along with the hoplessness

Attached: Zetsobu.gif (540x405, 990K)

>calling a male her
Just like you do with your mom.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou - 08 [720p].mkv - 0010.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

It is in TMoS' first chapter (An absurd reasoning) : Camus describes the "awakening" one experiences when he realizes the absurdity of the everyday life and its habits. You can then either go back and try to fit as well as you can in those rythms, or embrace absurdity, which leads to suicide or healing.

Is it just me or is the clown world / honkler meme basically just this absurdism?

Attached: 1556570176524.png (872x436, 251K)

Attached: 1556824011517.jpg (4000x4000, 956K)

Why does the series now just remind me of the dreams I abandoned

Attached: cd1d83b00a32db5f039c78301e4b2860.jpg (2048x2048, 514K)

The series is so good that it compells you to create something of equal beauty, but then you realize you'll never make anything so amazing and then you just feel worthless. I'm not the only one, right?

Attached: 1556567137677.png (444x326, 106K)

Is this Shimeji Simulation? I was gonna wait until there was a little bit more to read it. Is there more noose advice for when my gravity of all my poor life solutions finally hits me?

It is Shimeji Simulation, though this is a joke edit, honestly it is really good, but very strange, I'd recommend it, plus you get the tater cameos.
Try to get along with hopelessness instead
By the way pic related is another edit of SS, though strangely enough, in this case the original is weirder.

Attached: 1556572670754.jpg (633x469, 82K)


Attached: 1548950505202.jpg (750x513, 48K)

i warned you it was bad bro

Attached: zetsubou.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

Thanks, user.
bookmarked for later

Attached: 1546321380666.png (1678x941, 327K)

Dont be so wide about it.

>Try to get along with hopelessness instead
it'll catch up to me eventually user
getting along with it staves off the inevitable and eventually your fuck-ups are constantly beaten into your head by your own brain.

Attached: DzTq7N3U0AAxjox.jpg (1920x1080, 362K)

If your fuck-ups are constantly beaten into your head then you have not gotten along with hopelessness, if you get along with it, that means you acknowledge your fuck-ups, yet you don't despair because of them, you learn to live with them.
I know it's not really doable for real people and not perfect fictional potatoes, but it's good to at least pretend things are fine, you feel better that way
Please don't kill yourself, even if there is no civilisation on the top level.

I love myself pretty well, but I just wish I knew how to form lasting, meaningful relationships with people who actually care about me. I'm charismatic enough to become at least well acquainted with most of the people I interact with day-to-day, but it seems like if I try to go beyond that level, I have to put in all the effort and get no reciprocity. Pic related, and so I stay a hermit.

Attached: 1535341492584.jpg (559x515, 66K)

Attached: 330.jpg (679x1078, 72K)

Is that fucking tumblr?
Out of those only the third and last one are good.

This is one of those miracles of a perfect adaptation.
If only they made an OVA with the rest of the manga and the ending in the same quality.
Including aliens rescuing them.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou - 12 END [720p].mkv - 0012.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

>Including aliens rescuing them.
that would not be bad but I think it would kill the meaning of the manga

That would be a silly ending and defeat the point of the manga. The girls entering the Simulation by waking up in a field of wheat would be kino, though.

It's time to let go

Attached: Shoujo Apocalypse Adventure - Chapter 47 - 18.jpg (900x1291, 246K)

Would someone be able to post a picture of Chito wearing her camera? Not holding it, just hanging there.

"It" is double suicide.

if i saw the ending animated i might unironically kill myself
reading the manga was bad enough that i was drinking myself to sleep for a week

Read it last night and cried myself to sleep.

What were they to each other? Sisters, cousins or friends?

to me they're incredibly close sisters

Shimeji Simulation is canon, it's the best cope, holy shit what I would give to see them in that field animated.

Welcome to the club buddy, it's never explicitly stated, but my interpretation is that they are adoptive sisters, probably war orphans adopted by the grandpa, I think they aren't related since Chii looks asian and Yuu white, but with manga/anime you never know, blonde hair and blue eyes could be a jap as well. Either way, they were very close sisters and the very last humans potatoes
Now the next step for you is Shimeji Simulation, trust me, it'll help make you feel better ;)

Attached: 1556624634203.jpg (1200x1200, 277K)

fear not i am reading it
god damn is it slow to update tho

I doubt any amount of healing can happen if this gets animated.

Attached: Shoujo Apocalypse Adventure - Chapter 40 - 23.jpg (900x1291, 184K)

Does anyone have the pic of the final page of SSR (looking at the cube) - with words from the author in the top right that say "Life is beautiful" or something along those lines?

Attached: Shoujo Apocalypse Adventure - Chapter 47 - 28.jpg (1800x1291, 317K)

hmm its not that one, i remember something else as i described
thank you anyway tho, ill grab this one too

This is the cube, but the afterword is with the field: see

Attached: Screenshot_20190516-011118_Tachiyomi.jpg (1080x1527, 1.28M)

it must have been a fan edit or i'm tripping
it was this cube and the added info box was quite short

Attached: 19.png (580x825, 71K)

I went through the afterwords, this one talks about life, perhaps it is the one you meant and you just mixed it up with the cube in your head? With that said it would seem that online, volumes1 to 4 are the official translations, but nobody scanned the official tls of vol 5 and 6, so we have the scanslations instead, those seem to include the afterword for 6, but not 5, unless i missed it, so maybe something with the vol 5 afterword, i dunno

Forgot the pic

Humans mix up and make up memories all the time, it's not that weird, could have been an edit as well

Attached: Screenshot_20190516-011614_Tachiyomi.jpg (1496x1073, 826K)

i swear i saw someone post it in a old thread, but don't worry about me no need to search for on my behalf
the afterword was different too because i remember the exact line "life is beautiful" appearing and neither of those afterwords have that
is reality even real anons

Why is this picture so erotic?

Attached: 1537630019618.jpg (2048x976, 313K)

There is another translation of the last afterword, but that doesn't have it either.
The last idea I have is that it could be this line from the final chapter, it's probably my second favourite from the series after getting along with hopelessness. I think there may be a second translation and maybe maybe it has the wording life is beautiful, but I'm not sure and I can only find this tl now.

Attached: Screenshot_20190516-012711_Tachiyomi.jpg (1515x1079, 981K)

im just going to accept that my memory is warped
thanks for trying user

Afterward to vol. 4 of the manga:
>Why do wars continue to exist... Why are humans unable to live in equality... While reading various books, I've thought about this.
>"Let's research a bit," I've thought, and investigated... or conversely, fantasized about ideals... I don't understand. In the end, I begin to hate everything.
>I am tired from thinking.
>Perspectives which cause one to wander in circles too much probably don't lead to much happiness.
>I want to live while feeling nothing but the texture of persimmons from the persimmon tree in my parent's garden.

What is it about her writing that hits me right in the soul?

Attached: 1538352751822.png (555x196, 118K)

I think it's everything about his writing, everything, the art too.
The zetsubou, the attempts to get along with it the failure to do so

The world can be frustrating and the bad parts can overwhelm you. Sometimes you have to take different routes just to manage it all but failure is always around the corner. Ride the wave and do what you can

Attached: persimmon_5092619745.jpg (1024x680, 193K)

The world can be cruel and life can be painful, but you have to just get through it, because if yoi don't, you won't get to read the next chapter of Shimeji Simulation, and that means not getting to see the happy taters.

Attached: 1556613522910.png (457x699, 218K)

Attached: 0Gmmo0N.png (1528x2136, 1.89M)

Is it weird if I found this series to be 'life changing'? I remember watching the anime and then I immediately went and read the manga. Afterwards I felt pretty sad and I went and listened to my favourite song and sat and cried in my chair for 15 minutes. I was just totally blown away by the story. Its like I had forgotten where I was in my life and forgot how important the small things are that I was taking for granted for so long. Was this sort of the point? I seriously loved it more than anything else. Also this is the song I was talking about, unrelated to the anime:

Attached: 1517577608830.jpg (1150x1080, 76K)

I dont get how they can peacefully die in the end, they ran out of food, starvation with or without water. Thats a suffering death. They didnt die peacefully.

one of them has to die before the other too
imagine the pain and suffering the other has to endure before they go too

Cavafy's great. Check out the poem 'Windows'. Good stuff, would pay debts.

I like to think that they simply tell asleep beside each other and never woke up.

Attached: FB_IMG_1553606864619.jpg (899x1200, 110K)

Just finished reading. What a shitty end.

i read that freezing to death to is a peaceful way to go out
you just close your eyes
and then you never open them again

In a way I always wanted to imagine that someone passes by when they wake up and takes them to somewhere safe but its probably wishful thinking.


I think some people are just more "connected" to stories than others. When I read something of similar quality to SSR it will often fuck me up for a scary amount of time. Sometimes stories can just sort of crystallize feelings and thoughts that are inside you but not really apparent.

Currently, Sora no Woto is fucking destroying me.

Attached: 1555277866530.jpg (1920x1080, 199K)

Cavafis is so good, he can make you feel uplifted with stuff like this or despair with something like "The City":

You said: “I’ll go to another country, go to another shore,
find another city better than this one.
Whatever I try to do is fated to turn out wrong
and my heart lies buried like something dead.
How long can I let my mind moulder in this place?
Wherever I turn, wherever I look,
I see the black ruins of my life, here,
where I’ve spent so many years, wasted them, destroyed them totally.”

You won’t find a new country, won’t find another shore.
This city will always pursue you.
You’ll walk the same streets, grow old
in the same neighborhoods, turn gray in these same houses.
You’ll always end up in this city. Don’t hope for things elsewhere:
there’s no ship for you, there’s no road.
Now that you’ve wasted your life here, in this small corner,
you’ve destroyed it everywhere in the world.

>Now that you’ve wasted your life here, in this small corner,
>you’ve destroyed it everywhere in the world.
Why would you call me out like this, Cavafy...

Attached: 1513194525795.jpg (1200x675, 74K)


would the potatoes make good jedis?

Attached: DmB6dtiU0AIz4HQ.jpg (1920x1080, 378K)

Why are tkmz/glt/ss threads so fucking good and comfy? I feel so calm and can talk so easily in these threads. You are all so nice and great to be around.

I don't normally read poetry, but this is pretty damn good. Maybe I never really took the time to appreciate it.
While we're sharing:
Apparently this was the inspiration for King's Dark Tower series, which I'm quite fond of.

>it's over Chii-chan I have the high ground!

based as always

Attached: Yuu_blush.png (515x431, 327K)

speed bump

Attached: 1514292890251.jpg (3041x2143, 895K)

yes. clown world is just absurdism for zoomers.
there's really nothing more to it.


thinking of getting some sharp sliceys right now desu

Attached: Ishii.png (1280x720, 330K)

My favorite translation of that line was "Being alive sure was awesome..."

>These are not tears of sadness

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Attached: SSR being alive.jpg (910x647, 360K)

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why does this site interest me so

Attached: 1531722417390.jpg (1920x1920, 224K)

when she comes from outside the game window it freaked me the fuck out

>tfw can't read the end of SSR for fear I'll take my gun out of my drawer and shoot myself
I really want to read it too, fuck me.

>click help me thinking it's for help preparing the suicide or some kind of quick-start one step suicide guide
>it's actually for help to get people out of suicide

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You're not the only one.

I think that people who are miserable in real life tend to depend on escapism and since fiction tends to be just that, it affects those people more that it should. I'm that kind of person

The zetsubou connects us all, I agree these are great threads.

That honestly is a powerful line, gives me strong feels. Not only is tkmiz's writing and art great, but the english translations were good and I'm glad his words are so powerful even when translated.

Read it, the end may be emotionally difficult to read, but it is very well done and after you're done, go on to Shimeji Simulation, it'll make you feel better, trust me.

I think it might be just some legal bulshit.

I thought i was just a really apathetic person but this sites making me consider.
fuck maybe i'm not as good as i thought.
bookmarked for later use though

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This is a nice website

Why are people so quiet now, I hope you bakas didn't get any ideas because of the site O_O

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Instead of thinking about suicide and self harm, why not listen to some music?

Have you considered music as a pathway to fulfillment? I've been picking up piano after not having played it since high school, and I really wish I'd never stopped. The skills I used to have are long gone, and old pieces I had mastered are now a real struggle to even get the notes right - but it's a beautiful thing, music. Cathartic.

If you've got nothing else in life, consider taking up an instrument. Even if you're no good at it, you'll get better, and it's a nice way to let the emotions out.

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>Instead of thinking about suicide and self harm
too late user this thread's got me plannin'

At least wait until shimeji simulation finishes, user.

its 5 am and im going to bed i better not wake up and find out any of you killed yourself without me

>tfw unemployed
>tfw always wanted to play violin
>tfw cant justify the money to buy even a cheap violin

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>ywn jump off a building holding hands with the other little girls on Yea Forums

good point i can self harm until then

>If you've got nothing else in life, consider taking up an instrument. Even if you're no good at it, you'll get better
ive given up on every art venture ive attempted user music would end the same

I think you're right, but it doesn't need to be just music, learning any skills is good.

Wise words.

Don't worry, gotta wait for SS.

Past failures aren't a good justification to forever lose hope, it may be hard, but there is nothing good you can do besides trying over and over again and hopefully one day you'll achieve at least a part of what you want in life.

It's over.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou - 01 [720p].mkv - 0016.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Why is everyone talking about suicide? If you die, you won't be able to feel the comfy despair anymore!
Oh, to be able to keep this sublime feeling forever…

why the fuck are these threads just keep getting more and more depressing everytime i visit?

nothing depressing about a little zetsobu user

was that image supposed to give me nostalgia like it did


>tfw the hopelessness doesnt want to get along with you

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what happens when they get too wide

I know this might be insensitive, but I’ve never felt any kind of true depression of any kind. I think when the going gets tough my brain just switches into panic stress mode over absolute zetsubou, and actually, I’m thankful for that. Bit of stress provides the power to plow through.

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provides the power to plow through your mom.

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>being a normie

No, they are potatoes.

And proud, with supreme confidence. Normies like iyashikei too.

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Depression isn't always caused by life getting rough - sometimes it's a lack of meaningful events, or a dwindling number of friends, or the gradual realization that your own life is insignificant and holds very little value or meaning. I think this differs from the other kind of depression, which is brain chemicals doing weird shit that makes even a normie turn into a sad sack. Be thankful that you don't suffer from these worries.

For some people (probably quite a few anons here), thinking too hard about life only leads to a negative spiral of contemplating how pointless existence is. I like to think that at least a few of the people that hang out in these threads are being helped by this kind of discussion - the important thing is coming to terms with how you view your life and accepting it for what it is.

It may be zetsubou central in here, but at least we can experience it together.

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im really feeling this
doing "nothing" is what has caused me to end up the way i have
but i dont want to do anything
never in my life have i ever wanted to do anything

i never consented to being born, being alive is not my cup of tea

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Depression is a legit normie status these days

Super wishful thinking user. It took them a long time to even walk up that final spiral staircase, let alone the days of riding it took them on the upper most floor that was mostly barren. Even if somehow they were to get back to the elevator that brought them there the AI that was on it committed suicide leaving it inoperable.

They dead as fuck.

meme depression is different from clinical depression user-kun

I've been a NEET until 30 and nothing like this happened to me.

good thing it wasn't remilia

nothing of value would be lost if flan died

i'm only 21 and my neetbux are on thin ice i was getting DLA due to my autism, but that's ended and i need to reapply for PIPif i don't get neetbux again i'm straight up killing myself because there's no other way i can pay the costs of being alive

oh hey that's me
can someone please end my life already I'm just waiting for cancer or some other fucked up shit to take me away at this point
remembering the past and my failures only make me more enclined to wait and do nothing

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i'm haunted by my past failures as well user

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I have an internet buddy I've been friends with for over 10 years ago that is exactly like that, he gets scared as fuck just from thinking about the future if he's left to his own devices for too long. Which is weird because he is doing pretty well from himself career/money wise. He's even turned into a normie and gotten married.

I dunno I guess people are just built differently. I;m 35 and I've lived with my parents my whole life helping support them/leeching off of them. I've worked dead end shitty jobs since I was 15 years old and haven't had a real life friend since high school and actively turn down any sort of friendly/romantic advancements made at me while I'm out working. But I never get any thoughts like that or anxious about the future or that crippling loneliness.

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I'm holding out for Matrix-tier virtual reality. I'd be content living it out in a pod if it meant that I could have the freedom of interaction it granted. Although I really just want to find a girl as cynical and misanthropic as myself to wallow in misery with.

You would be surprised how many ''normies'' suffer from clinical depression
Some ofc love their depression status so much that they just can't let go and never show any signs of Improvement no matter what, is that your idea of clinical depression maybe?
Personaly i find depression fetishists cringy AF

that does sound appealing but if the technology existed would they even allow it for us commoners

Very undersold suffering. And the singing mushroom faggots pretty much confirmed he died at some point after they went their separate ways didn't they?

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is there anything more comfy than despair and hopelessness anons?

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Peace and stability?

They manage to wrap themselves around the whole world, then they get too tight around it and they cut the world in half, just like in one of those videos of someone putting a lot of rubber bands around a watermelon until it explodes

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>Matrix-tier virtual reality
this is part of my problem, though
See, I despise life so much because in my dreams I can do and be whatever I want. My dreamspace is like a paradise, a heaven I will never be able to emulate in real life, so why should I try? Why should I put any effort in living, when it'll never be as exciting, good and fulfilling as my dreams?
I wish I was immortal and almighty like I am in my dreams. But even with all the knowledge and technology we have today, it's still impossible.
Maybe virtual reality will allow me to reach that place I yearn for, but even I doubt it when I see the current state of our world. I'll most probably die from a disease before, or I'll die starving when climate change hits us at full power.
There is no hope for me. Only my dreams... and even they are a poison killing me slowly

No, that's when everyone gets bitchy and upset. See our current civilization. Sure, there are some conflicts, but has it been more peaceful and stable at any point in history?

why would you do that

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>But I never get any thoughts like that or anxious about the future or that crippling loneliness.
you're probably just in denial, which is good. Better to close your eyes and enjoy your life with anime than hating your life every single waking moment

Try organized religion
That's how people like you coped for thousand of years
I guarantee you that it's better than the ponzi scheme called psychotherapy
Also Chito is a best

but i dont care for religion or coping.
I've gotten along with the hopelessness already.

this is my problem
i'm comfortable being hopeless and despairing as it's like it's all i know
i'm afraid of changing

Come on, what's the point here?
We are anons

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People thought the same thing about computers 50 years ago. I think VR would solve a lot of things - less resources and space would be needed for a person dreaming in a pod, and if identity politics keeps pouring shit onto everything, then it would be a nice way to escape from your own identity and become who you think you should be.
I stopped by in the VR threads on /vg/ a couple of times, it seems like anons are already getting together and having a good time despite the limited technology, so it would only be more comfy once we're able to jack in completely.

Technology marches on, regardless of anyone's wishes. I think we'll see good VR in the next 20-30 years, and life extension medical science should keep us ticking over well past 100 by that point. At the very least, I'd recommend reading some good sci-fi books, like Iain M Banks' works - your imagination could give the sense of godlike escapism you need, at least until the time comes to be uploaded into the Simulation.

The only reason I don't fall too deep down the rabbit hole is because I have aspirations or delusions, hard to tell the difference, but being stuck in a purgatory of not being able to afford a house yet is one of the reasons I'm here, sharing the feeling of hopelessness with others.

please get that gross image away from the weekly tkmiz comfy thread

wanna know why i cant stand being alive user
because the things i truly desire are straight up 100% impossible
all i want is to become a cute 2d anime girl who has a cute 2d anime girlfriend and that is NEVER going to happen, even if i could wait til the end the heat death of the universe it would still NEVER happen
i don't want to exist in this reality

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Just change desires
It's not as hard as it sounds

Friendly reminder. This is Yea Forums, we use capitalization and punctuation around here. Please don't type like a fag.

i know its impossible
i keep telling myself its impossible
but i still obsess over it
it is hard

why do you even care, it's faster to type like this and the less time i spend typing the more time i can spend watching anime

This is 4channel.

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Why would you argue against standards user? You aren't going to use that half a second to watch anime anyways, you aren't fooling anyone not even yourself.

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a half second now, a half second there, it adds up over time

This is not the thread to enforce this kind of bullshit in, user.

go find some reddit spacing to complain about instead

Attached: tkmiz-589411739805974528-20150418_055444-img1.jpg (1920x1080, 218K)

thats a bit too much effort sometimes user

>I think we'll see good VR in the next 20-30 years
You still believe the West will be economically and politically stable in 20 to 30 years? Grow the fuck up idiot, storms are getting wilder every year, drought in the summer only get harsher, snow falls less and less (until one big storm that paralyzes the whole country for weeks) and wildlife is dying left and right.
You seriously think we have the time and luxury to develop VR? are you that delusional?

why would you argue for?
in all honesty why do you care?

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Same for me, but you should know that we were not born with these desires. They stem from an indulgence in a medium and a culture that idealizes them, coupled with our own self-denying complexes. If being a self-hating fuck spending years on Yea Forums and watching cute girls anime can make you desire to be a cute girl, what makes you think you can't change again?

we have all the time in the world user

Attached: tkmiz-834919636709720064-20170223_171528-img1.jpg (1920x1080, 453K)

I really don't care about someone using reddit spacing, I just don't like people typing like niggers.

Because everywhere needs standards, and if this were 10 years ago you would have been run off this board for typing like a retard.

you have a point but it feels like a one way street to me
you can go in, but once you do, you can never come out again

Isn't it automatic to you? I just type without thinking and I end up holding shift when required.

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>tkmiz makes me want to get into art
>i cant knowing i'll never be as good as tkmiz
the world's a tough place.

I think you need some kind of shock hard enough to wake you up don't not hard enough to kill you
If you are lucky you 'll get it, so only thing i can do i wish you good luck

to me its not automatic, i just find it faster to type like this, without having to think about anything
i do add apostrophes tho because you need to differentiate between its and it's at times

There are 2 options. Learn to type correctly, or stop phone posting. Phone posters are their own form of unrelated cancer.

It's not that desires can't change
The problem is not wanting to change them because, after all, you desire them

At this point, despair is my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without her.

>judging people by the way they access a website
That's just silly. What matters are the thoughts and ideas conveyed, not the means of conveying them.
It's one of the reasons I like tkmiz's work so much, for example. It's rough sketch for the most part, but it speaks to me in different ways.

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i'm not even phoneposting prick
well i did have to use it to take this picture but i type on my pc

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an user that understands my thought process
it's because my desire for it outweighs the "desire" to fix myself

Why is Japan so Godless?
Why is everyone so Godless?

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It's okay
There are very few limits on what can be done
Your values will all be fulfilled one day
All you have to do is to be there

cuz god is probably a flaming gay desu

I know that feel all too well. Probably why I still haven't "fixed" myself.

all i can hope for is that i get what i desire when i die

No reason to turn to god for help, guidance, or desperation e when we live lives 100 times more comfortable and with every need easily met than out ancestors.

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Very unlikely
Gotta exist to get anything, unless you truly want nonexistence itself

Are you implying that a meaningful life is one that is comfortable?

ideally i'd like to go back before "i" was swimming in my dads balls

tkmiz is tkmiserable

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I have never felt or seen the hand of god in my life, and probably never will. Why should I devote myself to something that's even less meaningful than anime titties?

I find it unlikely that one would want that the most

true non-existence

Sustenance and comfort don't fulfill one's mental and spiritual needs.

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But it doesn't even make sense to want that
One would, presumably, want to maximize their values
You can't have values if you don't exist
Not existing would thus be the absolute anti-value

i dont want to be alive
i dont want to exist

>One would, presumably, want to maximize their values

>Not using superior Tomorrow theme

i dont have spiritual needs

Because that's what your values are
Stuff you want
If you don't actually want it, then it's not your value

i've said it before in another thread and i'm not explaining it again
tldr: all themes that are not Yotsuba hurt MY eyes
why do you even fucking care at all how i view Yea Forums

Can all be found without god.

We don't want disgusting normalfags like you.
Get the fuck out, you're not welcome.

It's how we find group coherence.

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If you think that is bait then there is a bigger problem going on here.

please, fuck off

Get out, faggot. Your kind is unwelcome here.

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I'm a different user than the one calling you out about your choice of theme. You're just overall a faggot, it has very little to do with your theme.

Baka user, this is a tkmiz thread. Who the hell do you think you are?

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But the existence of modern comforts and needs being met doesn't directly facilitate their fulfiment and they can in fact be detrimental because of how detached a modern person in a 1st world country can become from everything that could be meaningful. Relying on God has nothing to do with how well your physical needs are met, since they do nothing to fulfil your other needs.

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being a faggot isn't the end of the world you know

Quit tolerating faggots just because you are lonely and want to kill yourself. Get some standards.

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I don't tolerate autists who shit up comfy threads. Get over yourself.

Good point.
On that topic, leave. Your kind is not tolerated here,

>tfw found peace in being homeless and dumpster diving

>tfw want to live out of a van and roam across Australia but still need a source of income for fuel, parts, food, and registration fees

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oh no yuu is trying to fist chii again

Unobtainable desires are the worst.
i know that because we have the same one

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finally, a person who shares my desire

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That's pretty much half of Yea Forums. Although, judging by a lot of the threads on the topic, many of them are probably ironic.

i'm completely non-ironic, it is the greatest desire i have and yet, it is my greatest source of despair at the same time

Yes, it's the same for me. But most of the threads will be filled with anons expressing a wish to be a giant slut, or rape fantasies, or whatever. Which makes me think their desires are nothing but sexual fantasies, and not something they'd actually want.

to me , becoming a "average" anime schoolgirl would be truly the best; they're happy, they have friends, they're loved by their family, they look cute, they're good at studies, they're not mentally ill, the list goes onand well the yuri aspect could be classed as a sexual fantasy but honestly to me its the purest form of love there is

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i'm actually watching this now, nice

My wish/goal is to obtain absolute knowledge and ascent
It's an unobtainable one but at least you can work towards it
You on the other hand, i can't think of a single thing you can do, maybe wish for a wired situation

sounds like a lofty goal, to me knowing "everything" seems like an absolute nightmare, but i can understand why others would want to
ganbare master scholar

Is this a tranny thing or something else i don't get?

no i'm a not a tranny, i know im male and i always will be in this reality / dimension / metaverse
what is there to get? i just want to be a cute girl (2d) because to me they're the perfect lifeform

>not being a photon chad
I bet you're one those basement dwellers who sees sunlight once a week

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Hypothetically, becoming a cute girl (3d), is it an improvement on your current situation, a regression or you just don't care?

107 & 130 are the exact same. Can't even do this stupid list correctly

i wouldn't want it because "i" would still be "me" just in a different shaped flesh container
3DPD and i think trannies are mentally ill

Maybe it's just bait for autists

I don't get it, so you don't want to have your current brain aka thoughts, feelings etc? What's the point of wanting to become something that will erase you? You wouldn't even know it ever happened

> become something that will erase you? You wouldn't even know it ever happened
yes that's exactly what i want
and up as a cute 2d anime girl in the process

>i think trannies are mentally ill
thats not a nice way to talk about tkmiz

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I can only speak for myself, but for me it's an ideal in the most literal sense. I have no desire to become a 3D woman, because 3D women are flawed in much the same way I am.

I guess tkmiz threads tend to attract people that think alike. don't they? By all objective standards I have a comfortable life, at least relative to the majority of people that live and have ever lived, yet I do nothing with this amazing gift, I'm wasting my life and that makes me misarable. The fact that I alone am to blame for my despair is what makes me hate myself even more and that makes me despair more, it's a cycle. I try to convince myself to be positive, it is said that a lie repeated often enough becomes the truth, so I try to lie to myself that I'll do better next time. So far it's not happening

I've noticed it too, ironic suicidal meme shitposting in normie circles is truly the pinnacle of shit, also the glorification of mental illness that seems to be going on everywhere is also discusting. Don't get me wrong, I know anons here talk about depression and the like very often, that's ok, but not glorifying it, like it's some sort of medal or trophy.

Am I the only one here that's very uncomfortable with the idea of living in the Matrix? To me it's not comfy or freeing, it sounds terrifying.

Yes they did confirm it, but you could argue that they might be unreliable narrators.

Isn't it kind of strange, that once you get along with it, something that may seem objectivly uncomfy and bad bececomes so comforting? Human minds are very strange things, aren't they?

When you have everything you value nothing and when you have nothing you value everything.

The inevitable war sounds kind of comfy, doesn't it though?

This, you can condition yourself to change, even if it may be difficult.

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i didn't mean it in a bad way i just meant that if you're born a male and somewhere along the line you start thinking you're female - something has gone wrong in your brain - ie, mental illness

tkmiz is cool with me tho

Well my best advice then is to spend your time convincing yourself that after death you are gonna be reborn as a 2d anime girl. Then kys.
This way you will achieve a happy death, the ultimate goal of concient beings. How does my plan sound?

Why not a 2D man though?

When people say they want to be anime girls, I always think of it as wanting to have no/minimal flaws and wanting to live in an idealised world, not necessarily wishing to be female please tell me this place isn't infested with trannies, I know a lot of people talk about that stuff, but I hope most are just shitposting. Also and that may be just me, but I'd rather just have an anime girl gf, than being an anime girl myself.
I mean ultimately, the dream would be to come to terms with real life, do a lot of self improvement, somehow get a 3d gf that's actually nice, and do the whole staring a family thing. I have a feeling I'll never achieve that

I agree with this guy, gender dysphoria is clearly a mental illness, I think the way it's being pushed these days is really fucked up, but that doesn't mean I hate the people who suffer from it, if anything I feel bad for them and wish they could just come to terms with who they are instead of fucking with their bodies.
Tkmiz is always cool
Reminder that there is no actual reason to think that Tkmiz is trans, using a female avatar doesn't mean anything, lots of men just do that normally on the internet.

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different user but 2d men arent cute
3d men arent cute
if i had the chance to become a 2d being why would i want to be not cute at the same time

So you can be a 2d being that gets to fug cute beings is the first one that comes to mind

im this user , i think yuri is the purest form of love and lesbians can still fug eachotherive already been a man in this reality and honestly id like to try something new

I guess being dead sounds comfy, because that what you'll get when the inevitable war comes

No you're not.

i'm not what ?

You're not , because I am.

why is this here

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ah fuck i misclicked my bad i meant this one (it was right underneath it , honest mistake)

I'd suggest lifting too kept me from wanting to kill myself people should also check out the self improvement general on /fit/

Listening to amazarashi helped me get along with zetsubou. is my favourite, I listen to it daily

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>When people say they want to be anime girls, I always think of it as wanting to have no/minimal flaws and wanting to live in an idealised world, not necessarily wishing to be female please tell me this place isn't infested with trannies, I know a lot of people talk about that stuff, but I hope most are just shitposting. Also and that may be just me, but I'd rather just have an anime girl gf, than being an anime girl myself.
Long-term isolation and personality disorders often come with identity diffusion, which can very well do away with a serious gender identity, making the swap to something more beautiful altogether a positive notion, since you don't really have any meaningful identification with being a man. Especially if it's an idealised world, there's nothing negative about it, so I can very well see why many anons would fantasize about it and willingly want it.
It's of course not gender dysphoria in the end, since there's no serious disorder between your identity and reality. I'm sure there's plenty of trannies wishing they were little girls, but I doubt most are transgendered at all.

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New tkmiz art, tweeted yesterday, can anyone who speaks moon-rune translate what it says?

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My nihongo skills are not that good but I think it's a "connecting/linked eel" and it says "I want to connect"

Attached: tkmiz-716937788797485056-20160404_033743-img1.jpg (1920x1080, 174K)

Left bubble: I want to connect...
Bottom text: Connecting eel
Upper right text: I'm suffering (kurushii)

It's about the same difference as someone jerking off to lolicon and someone lusting after real little girls, if that's an analogy you understand.

An eel that wants to connect with others, but he hurts them in doing so, is tkmiz trying to tell us something?

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>implying chito wouldn't be obi-wan

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what do you do when you dont know if you have an overwhelming zetsubou problem you need to start getting along with or you're just being a little bitch

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Get along with it.

Very nice

enjoy the suffering. I also enjoy seeing others suffer as well

Just get along with it. If you're utterly crushed by the circumstances you weren't just being a little bitch.


but i dont know if its actual hopelessness or my brain being gay and making it up so i feel bad
what if im an attention whore that latched onto the idea of hopelessness after reading Girls' Last Tour and just dont know it

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>Reminder that it wasn't his bag that he lost.

I want to eat a big mac with Yuu and Chii in the Shimeji Simulation

None of us knows how you feel, but I think you should get along with it because one the ride starts there's no stopping.

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i want to kill myself so i can end up in the shimeji simulation

>that camera has pretty much centuries of history on it
>not entirely unfeasible that the camera actually took all those pictures and videos while being passed down through generations
>gives two potatoes who only have themselves something to do and a way to not feel all alone in the world
>it gets fucking eaten by entropy-inducing space mushrooms

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shimeji-chan you're ok

>I always think of it as wanting to have no/minimal flaws and wanting to live in an idealised world
It is that, but it's also wanting to be female. This is different from being a tranny, I think most of us recognize that being a normal man is better than being a tranny. My order of preference for what I'd want to be goes something like 2D girl > 2D trap > 3D girl > 2D male > 3D male > 3D tranny.

Are those edible mushrooms or will they drug you or will they kill you?

god i wanna eat that shroom

The aliens ruined the mood.

I think the Aliumsrooms represented Guardian Angels protecting humans, and their departure signified the End of Times

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It doesn't matter what you call it, that's just semantics, you should get along with it either way, but I understand the way you feel about not wanting to be an attention whore.

The girls made good use of it, don't cry because it' over, smile because it happened and so on.

I think I get what you're saying, basically you don't have gender dysphoria, but you recognize 2d girl as a "better form of existing", sort of like how a little kid might want to be superman, because he has fantastical powers, yet that doesn't mean the kid is mentally ill.

Normal shimeji are edible I think, but you can't eat those on shimeji-chan's head, that would be like eating shimeji-chan and I can't let you do that user.

I disagree, I think they set the mood, their appearance basically marked the shift from comfy post apocalyptic adventures to full zetsubo towards the end of the story, they showed that this really was the end of humanity and they gave an excuse for nuko to leave the girls, it would be akward if nuko went with them all the way to the top because then what would it do, nukos don't eat food so it probably wouldn't starve, it would just ruin the mood in the final chapters.

This was good thread, though even more hopelessness-filled then usual.
We've one again pretty much reached the bump and image limits, it's nice to see that people contribute to these threads so much
Let's just agree to not the next one straight away, that sort of ruins the thread quality, we've still got two weeks until the next SS chapter.

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>but you can't eat those on shimeji-chan's head, that would be like eating shimeji-chan and I can't let you do that user
sorry it has to end this way, user.

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Do your worst user, my potatoes as smiling down upon me from Shimeji Simulation, can you say the same?

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Nuko was included with the aliens. Once that thing came around it got too goofy to take seriously.

but mah symbolism.

>I think I get what you're saying, basically you don't have gender dysphoria, but you recognize 2d girl as a "better form of existing", sort of like how a little kid might want to be superman, because he has fantastical powers, yet that doesn't mean the kid is mentally ill.
It's slightly more complex than that. I do think being a 2D girl is objectively better than being 3D of either sex. I don't think that being a 3D girl is objectively better than being a 3D guy, though, I would just prefer the former to the latter.
I don't think gender dysphoria is a well-defined concept--taking the DSM literally, I do meet the criteria. I think in practice saying that a male "has gender dysphoria" or "is trans" just means his preferences in 3D go female > tranny > male or tranny > female > male. Because trannies are objectively inferior to intact males and females, those sets of preferences are associated with other mental illnesses. For me it's female > male > tranny, which technically qualifies as gender dysphoria but isn't the type of case the concept was formulated to deal with.

I'm not a tranny. But I think girls are beautiful and I also want to be beautiful. I'd like to keep my dick though, that's very important to me.

so you're saying you want to be a futa

Farewell. See you in the next thread.

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Until next time.

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