Kill La Kill

Best Anime in the past 6 years

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>Facebook filename

Kuso thread.

It was good but not that good

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name something better

You don't get as much kino for the buck anywhere else, that's for sure.

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based also nonon best

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>Best Anime in the past 6 years
I can't really agree comepeletely
But GOD damn, it was so FUN

It was
Tying with JAX and luluco for me.

nonon holds a special place n my heart

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Mob psycho

10/10 animation right there. Holy shit it's so fucking good.

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there isnt much competition.

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I want to Nani her Sore.

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Oh boy, it's almost time for my monthly KLK rewatch. Yeeeeaahhhh!!

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>the academy looks like a kamui
what did satsuki mean by this?

this is what happens when you put soul into your work.

based and sispilled post more

It's more than that. This is true proficiency in animation. All the shit that is going on, so fast, and yet you never lose orientation and immediately have a rock solid map in your mind. That's truly astonishing. Compare this to any other "high octane" animation, say mob, and it always turns into a clusterfuck, sure with pretty animation, put nothing to comprehend any longer. KLK is fucking amazing.

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That she was always intending to wear her wedding dress in order to kill her mother.

reminder that satsuki never loved ryuko and manipulated her

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I want to make her nani sore


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make her what sore?

>see kill la kill thread
>once again not a single person is discussing ANYTHING that involves the actual anime.
>they just post pictures and say it's good.
>no actual discussion happening

It's an anime for people with under developed brains and has 0 depth to it unlike pic related. Enjoy your shit thread.

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we already discussed anything and everything about this show ad nauseam. retarded discordfag.

this is true. no matter how fast KLK goes, you can still tell what is going on in the scene. thats probably one of the biggest strong points of its animation. few others can actually accomplish this correctly.

>zero-two fag telling anyone else to get out
imagine actually liking nu-lum

I see what you did there
also 69

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cheers to this

Which nono is best and why is it guerilla nono?

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i wish the guerilla parts got to go on for longer.

>suddenly guerilla nono out of fucking nowhere

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Nudist beach nonon was so damn good.
That and final form nonon.

i don't care about reddit in the franx, low iq high melanin wojackposter

it's noNON, not nono

everything but the fights was shit and even some of the fights were sub-par

>Best Anime in the past 6 years
I agree, though I liked Gurren Lagann more, but that one's not in the past 6 years.

Close contenders for me would be One Punch Man S1 and Attack on Titan.
Behind that there's the various seasons of Fate Stay Night and JoJo.
i love that mainstream action shit.

oh, nooo

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(me)Forgot to add.
School takeover nonon was great

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Just gotta love how they all have a bunch of outfits. This, together with the opening. Fucking tits!

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The negro music in don't lose your way brought it down from a 7 to a 3.5 for me
fucking bullshit

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>it always turns into a clusterfuck
Not true, it turns into clusterfuck when everything goes bonkers, so this shortcoming can be applied only to fight with Mogami. All other fights, action scenes and just casual conversatios are directed amazingly.
What do you want to talk about dinofag? Do you want to know who was best girl? Why did Ryuuko tried to molest a shota once? Was that token negress really a necessary character? You want to speculate on how sex life of Ragyo and old Matoi looked like?

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fuck off


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>a show about fashion where the character designer and staff actually have interest in fashion and make a ton of cool getups and outfits for the characters

Bless you trigger

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>Was that token negress really a necessary character?
i liked her in the OVA.

Which Ryuko is best and why is it hobo ryuko?

thats not SPACE DANDY

agreed. broken ryuko is best ryuko

this is the only real contender with that spot.

The school takeover outfits in general were great.

oddly enough, Satsuki in a rag is also very cute.

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>All the shit that is going on, so fast, and yet you never lose orientation and immediately have a rock solid map in your mind.
>map in your mind
this is so important, no other anime does this for me


Best Ryuko: Junketsu Ryuko
Best Mako: Fight Club Mako
Best Satsuki: Trench coat Satsuki
Best Monkey: Nudist Uzu
Best Toad: Middle school Gama
Best Dog: pic related
Best Snek: Da Capo

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Spacedandy was amazing but not even the best director compilation of the past 6 years
That one would be The japan animator expo.

I like classic mako best.

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almost got me until you said franx was better, I'll give you a (you) for your effort though

classic mako es best mako for sure
also mako>ryuko

more like reddit pycho

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ryuko and mako is way better than ryuko and her cunt sister

Honestly every version of every character is perfect and best but I love Fight Club Mako just cause the scene where she powers the Naked Sol is so heartwarming.

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nobody else?

It's a nod to the utter garbage soundtrack in ttgl. Get over it.

Franxx at least had a story to get disappointed over. Past episode 6, KLK is just random bullshit obviously made last minute script wise.

Space Dandy

I miss her, guys.

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it was worse than the bad parts of ttgl's ost
would have been perfect withought the negro part
gurren laggns ost was mostly good

I dunno what it was about franx but I just stopped bothering to watch it around ep 10 or 11 I think
I just kind of stopped caring about what any plot twists or reveals could happen

Dandy had some great visuals

Pretty good but not the best
Best Ryuko: Final form
close honorable mentions: Casual OVA and Casual/classic senketsu
Best Mako: Fight Club Mako
Best Satsuki: Nudist beach
Best Monkey: Final form sanageyama
Best Toad: Final form Gamaguri
Best Dog: Final form inumata
Best Snake: Final form untransformed
honorable mention final form transformed, nudist beach and naked at ryuko catching

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>gurren laggns ost was mostly good

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i mean it's better than most seasonal shit
do i lot of people hate it?
my favorite thing from it was viral and yoko

the point is the jews ruining kill la kills ost

sawano tunes > angry american piss music, literally any day
well, yeah

The whole gangsters motif portions were great.

i think they removed that later on. most of the versions ive found so far dont have it.

i wonder which jackass forced them to add that kike garbage
good but it still pissed me off
fucking faggots

>best anime
>Girls in thongs fighting anime # 323
ok senpai

i wish we got more non-combat interaction between satsuki and ryuko.
although i guess they were short on time.

The first four episodes were good.
Literally just the FIRST FOUR EPISODES.
How long was this shitfest again? I've blocked it out of my memory, like so many anime.

The animation director's twitter
I'm serious
Sushio on twitter
Mako lover on insta

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I suppose that fills the void for SoL, but I would have liked to see more of the relationship while it was developing.

Will definitely check that out though.

>Kill la Kill was 10 years ago

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>1993 was 100 eons ago

Her sister was a liar and manipulator just like her mother.

>yesterday is today

No, it isn't.

It's pretty Sweet

it's about learning to not give a fuck about what anyone else thinks and doing whatever you want or need to do though brainlet

2020 was years ago

No, that would be Jojo
And anyone Who says otherwise is a commie

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>2011 was 30 years ago
where did the time go?

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JoJo is ironic weeb garbage
pure garbage

All the best jojo parts happened before 2013

If it only has 12 episodes.

only part 1 and 2 are good
ghirga or whatever literally looks like a aids ridden faggot hooker


>All the Best jojo parts happened before 2013
Get Disqed Dingus

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it was pretty fun, but kinda faltered later on
one meme man and meme psycho 100 were better as far as action animu is concerned

I didn't even watch it and I'm a fucking ancient-fag that will watch just about everything just to check off a name on the list, sorry son western anime is shit and you're fucking worthless for enjoying it.

>western anime
it's still a noteworthy action anime even if you hate the meme culture around it

>best anime
in what universe

>most reddit anime in the past 6 years

>Unironically watching the utter garbage david production makes
This must be bait
Please I'm okay falling for this bait I just don't want to believe somebody unironically takes dp jojo to be anime of the decade.

>pretends to be an ancientfag
>can't recognize kanada-ism
Caught you lying biiiiiiiiitch

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this one
that's mob pycho and erased

It's a fact and you're just as retarded as the idol/moe anime fans

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Mob psycho
attack on titan
Space dandy
gundam the origins

no the manga is way better
Good but klk still better

Goddamn heel clicks might have given me a new fetish.


he's saying he wants to fuck satsuki

I wanted to argue Madoka is better but then I remembered it's already 2019 in which case I can't even disagree.

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What this guy said

madoka is inferior anyway

Make it 10, but I do not appreciate the bashing of based Mob Psycho in this thread.

1. Kill la Kill
2. The Tatami Galaxy
3. Space Dandy
4. Mawaru Penguindrum
5. Concrete Revolutio
6. Mob Psycho 100
7. Uchouten Kazoku
8. The Dragon Dentist
9. Space Patrol Luluco
10. Ping Pong

1. The Wind Rises
2. Princess Kaguya
3. In This Corner of the World
4. Miss Hokusai
5. The Night is Short
6. Wolf Children
7. When Marnie was There
8. Colorful
9. Mirai
10. Penguin Highway

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