ITT: unholy, holy, demonic, divine, spectral and cursed swords

If it's not too much to ask, I'd like to add them to my collection

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Did you just say the S-word?

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makes you think

Sorry, I broke them all

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That just means you'll get added to the collection instead, dumb sword.

What's the difference between holy and divine swords?

Do kitchen knives count?

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is there anything more pathetic?

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Question, what do you do when someone trains with the sword so much they fuse with it?

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Made or used by gods
cherished by religious folk for whatever reason, like being crafted to fight evil, or having been wielded by a holy man

It was never just about the swords

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Sure, I'm not using it.

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Please don't take my gf away.

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>he still didn't get some alien mystic blacksmith to make him a ki sensitive super sword

I fucking hate Trunks so much...

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Lusting for swords is unnatural and wrong.

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There is a 100% chance that Fi is useless trash.

Give me your address so I can fight you to the death.

1913 N Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32804
Have fun.

Why would Shou want to get more swords when his goal is to get rid of the shit?
I see through your trickery, Duck.

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Cause he wants to trap dangerous swords that are at large to then safely deposit them somewhere where they can't cause more trouble

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Then why did it look like he wanted to die when he was asked to look after those three Shinkai Makai?
He doesn't want any more swords. He just wants to be done with all this shit.

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He should just hand them out. They'll eventually make their way to the smuggest villains and Duck will naturally handle them

He's just tsundere to responsibility so he has to act like a tired old man sick of bullshit all the time

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Find a loli to wield you so you can become a sword dad

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Handing out the swords would lead to the same situation his home country that I can't remember the name of was in.
He's trying to get rid of them, not hand them out to random lolis.

Just throw them in Mount Doom.

Demons can get into mount doom. Your plan is flawed!

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Spears are superior to swords

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I think this is a sword

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Isn't that the whole point of Sho's journe?
To dispose of the swords in a safe way.

Spear is just a sword with small blade and long handle

He'll be dead in two more chapters, so we can add his cursed swords to the collection

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I mean the story keeps crowing on how duck is a master trole but he flopped with 10guy and he flopped with fox.

to be fair his plans have always worked, its just he misjudges how they will act when they realise their beat

If he's not getting the payoff he wants did it really work? He basically did all that work to get blueballed.

isn't there another movie coming or something?

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Why is he doing the chad stride?

Yeah they were already filming it two months ago, they work fast

I wonder what the turn around on these puppet shows is? Especially considering these are highly trained professionals, the cream of the taiwanese puppet art. It might end up being that time in between seasons is mostly taken up by the other shows they make with the same teams.

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I would love being there and watching them having fun like that while doing the show.

Release when?

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For ~300 bucks you can join a studio tour where they take you around the location, let you watch the day's filming and meet and greet the puppets. It's intended for japanese tourists though.


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>It's intended for japanese tourists though.

Fucking nips, whya all the whito piggu hate?

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Nips are still mad about the bombings I guess.

>adding garbage to a godtier collection

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>laughs while mentioning an empire that equipped their soldiers with both.

>not hand them out to random lolis
Mfw this will be the plot to season 3

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Whats the s word
