Does this retard and his handler ever stop being so fucking annoying?
Does this retard and his handler ever stop being so fucking annoying?
Other urls found in this thread:
Seriously could they make him not be such a fucking straw man.
Well... Depends on your definition of annoying. He stops being such a whiteknight idiot after he gets abandoned by bitch and firo breaks him further.
He should have won
What's wrong? Why don't you believe shield hero has a brainwashing shield?
Because you see his perspective. The other heroes do not see shield hero's perspective. It's realistic because reality is just shit.
He remains retarded though, you just can't fix his stupid.
Because all the evidence is to the contrary? Myne has regularly shown herself to be untrustworthy, Spear Hero is just thirsty.
>Myne has regularly shown herself to be untrustworthy
Has she really? Shield Hero is a devil (Nazi), paint someone as such and any tactic used against them is fine. Rules for thee not for me.
>Because all the evidence is to the contrary?
Doesn't matter the narrative has already been constructed.
This is what the real face of conflict looks like, misinformation and a difference in perspective. The villain here is the shield hero because the mainstream narrative is established as such. I think it's good storytelling but it assumes the viewers are smart enough to understand this. I think most people don't they just see stupid heroes vs smart hero and blame the show.
>Has she really
yeah? twice, from the top of my head:
interfering with the duel
trying to kill her sister (doesn't matter if she says she's brainwashed, it's frowned upon)
TECHNICALLY... all the cardinal heroes have brainwashing weapons...
Or can unlock them.
It's just a precautionary tale warning against the danger of thots IIRC.
Not even the Pride series, but the entire curse series has the weapons themselves brainwash the users, wouldn't you say?
Not all of them.
Pride seems to drain the controller of their own will, literally mind controlling the controller.
Wrath seems to put the user into a delusional state of indignation, which could be interpreted as the weapon mind controlling the user to keep fighting.
Lust seems to make the wielder unable to be feel happiness themselves.
Envy seems to have recoil upon on the wielder unable to control their own emotions.
Lust and Envy combined seem to alter the wielder's entire perception of the world, although that might just be Motoyasu's crazy.
Greed seems to cause the holder to always desire more.
Gluttony seems to cause the holder to never be satisfied, pretty much the same level of minimum distinction as the Lust and Envy weapons...
Greed and Gluttony combined reduce the holder to a raving savage.
The only one I'm not really all that sure about is Sloth. Like, can you even unlock Sloth without already being extremely indolent? What could it possibly do to influence your mental state further? I suppose you're right.
Hes a jock. You expect a jock to read a book on "1000 Facts You Didn't Know About Heroes Who Saved Our World"?
Best part from the latest episode.
Shit man, he can't even read. None of the other heroes bothered to learn how to read the other world's common languages. The concept of literacy is so foreign to them that they think Naofumi cheated to learn how to read.
Yes, in S4
alternatively here
Read his spin off
it's less brainwashing and more amplifying a certain emotion to keep them away from emotional collapse and suicide. That's what the curse series are for.
Give him a break he just wants to fuck a bird
What was his fucking problem
Well holy shit guys you will not believe what happened in the latest spear hero chapter that dropped just today(the second spear WN series):
1. motoyasu and naofumi discussing about the new criteria the he'll get looped now. they just don't know how is it that motoyasu is looping again.
2. Atla visiting motoyasu in his dreams that night and asking him to supplant raphtalia with her the next time he loops
3. Also that night, naofumi losing his virginity to gaelion-chan and motoyasu breaking down at the revelation
They just filthy casuals who think of the others as cheaters, even if they know slightly more than them.
He's the smartest hero. You've been brainwashed by the mind control shield. I'll defeat the shield hero and save you, user.
Thank you based spearbro
Wow, what the fuck?
You are not listening if she’s breathes she’s a thot
Atlas playing the multiverse game. Maybe have some tits would help her with that.
Seriously, I've dropped it for now at ep 16 when the world once again tries to shit on the Shield Hero, it's so repetitive. I'm hoping it'll seem a little less contrived if I binge it at the end but I don't know, I might have reached my limit for stupid anime cliches in this show.
>notices your waifu
Not so fast, Shield Devil. You've no doubt bewitched this female and I've come to end your wicked ways.
Not that gaelion. The gaelion-chan i'm talking about is the offspring of the original gaelion that motoyasu and naofumi meet in loop 5 and 6, gaelion transfers some of his power and knowledge of the dragon emperor to gaelion-chan in loop 6 while she was still in the egg and later hatches saffely. During that loop she falls in love with naofumi and in the end, she gets jealous that she never got to have any action with him (Larsa and Sadina sure did), so she transfers her consciousness into motoyasu's spear, and now everytime he loops, she goes with him, hoping that in one of these loops she gets to take naofumi's virginity. She never could because motoyasu does all his best to cuntblock her, but this time the deed happened while he was sleeping and recieving atla's message.
The way the shield hero gets treated is how I get treated every day. Except I have no Raphtalia, Filo, or any friends at all for that matter. So I get all the negative aspects and none of the positive.
buckle your pants it's going to get better before it gets worse.
my point being this anime is very realistic and true to life. people are cunts and delusional.
Bootstraps cures all. Get on it faggot.
This feels exactly like arguing with anti-vaxxers, flat earthers, religionfags, etc.
No that's stupid, the other 3 acknowledge there's a shield class in their games and consider it a trash class, if they knew it had the power to control things they wouldn't consider it trash.
I hate fiction that creates blatant strawman characters and then takes itself dead seriously, like the author actually though the Spearfag and Princess were good villains and not an edgy Team Rocket.
Add to the fact that the other heroes mostly see this as a game and the concept of the game lying about what's going on wouldn't really occur to you.
Why would an NPC lie about what another player character is doing? Would an NPC scheme against a player character using other player characters?
>is here
>argues with flat earths seriously
user, I think you might actually be retarded.
>the whole nation are fanatics who want a hero dead for no reason
>isekai'd neet abusing his power to control some lolis
Im absoulte on spear heros side
In the second wave Shield Hero is called a cheater by the other Heroes because they know the Shield shouldn't have that power.
has the anime gotten better yet? i got close to dropping it several times but the
>if you kill him, you'll be just as bad as him!
bullshit with raph made me immediately lose all interest in the story
don't read so deeply into that line, what it means is that the characters don't want to be murder hobos. it's admirable to have principles like that.
it's merely phrased in cliche japanese fashion.
>if you kill him, you'll be just as bad as him!
same the show was great up til then. that was a huge turnoff.
you bloodthirsty fuckers need to chill out
Raphtalia got to stay pure virgin waifu clean as snow instead of getting dirty hands.
read the manga
He becomes the most based character in the story later.
does the queen ever become relevant other than just pointing the heroes in a direction?
Its their fault he had it too. For being literal brainlets
She gets killed
>yfw the anime is already at the three heroes church battle
>yfw THAT is approaching
Will Yea Forums survive?
No because everyone needs to be an incompetent retard to make Naofumi look good.
If KC don't fuck it up the roasties are going to be wild.
Let's see how the handle it
>tfw unlocked lust curse series IRL
This but unironically.
there goes my pipes dream of naofumi adding queen to harem
Spinoff spear is best spear.
I can't fucking believe sword and bow are dead!
Motoyasu got cucked.
>お義父さんが寝取られ! 寝取られですぞ!
Motoyasu really lost it that morning
That's beautiful.
enjoy this shit while the mc have a plausible crisis later this crap become your average power player fantasy.
Every other arc you say then?
And now once motoyasu loops, he still has to replace raphtalia with atla at the latter's request. I don't know what she's planning but it'll be hilarious nonetheless.
it already is, the MC and his squad are way above any other hero
hold up sword dies later?
>He doesn't know
Spear killed them at least one time in the spinoff, maybe more
twice at the least. Once to check his theory of looping, the other as revenge for loop 5.
MC was the strongest hero ever since ep5 where his shield awakens
this is unprecedented power level climb even for an isekai
>this is unprecedented power level climb even for an isekai
you don't read much isekai then.
name 3 examples
>Why don't you believe shield hero has a brainwashing shield?
Because if he had one he wouldn't need to bother running away or trying to convince people of his innocence.
he does in the spin-off
Death march
lvl 2 hero
Unless they change the pacing next season's Arifureta will have the mc become the most broken by episode 3 or 4
Based spearchad
kino seeker
kumo counts since she was always stronger than her classmates
Kenja no mago ->already by chapter 1
Knights and magic
Swordad kinda
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic
Naofumi, how did you get on Yea Forums from the parallel world?
Shieldposting shield
That's blatantly untrue even if you don't count stuff like Overlord were the mc is already broken at the start
Next spear chad manga chapter when?It's been 2 months already
the spearbro spinoff sounds a thousand more times interesting than the Shield adventure, any chance it gets animated or manga?
>user doesn't know
If it gets animated... just think of all the BL doujins coming.
I didn't know, but now I know, thanks for showing me the way
You can check comic-walker for the raws. The translators are pretty incomptetents with the translations.
>More interesting
That's because the author likes to write the spinn-off more than the main series.
But Motoyasu already got NTR...
that's just in one loop anyway.
Guess you'll have to do as replacement
im fucking dying
How many LN volumes do I need to read to get to the Spear Hero spinoff
Don't die too quickly friend!
Seriously, the author could have at least put SOME effort into it.
I mean fuck, it's clearly obvious. Everytime they get to the shield fucker, they scream LMAO BRAINWASHING SHIELD, yet no one, not even a single mook, seems to actually get brainwashed. He could have at least made Myne instruct the soldiers to act like they're mind controlled by Naofumi or something like that, but nah, they just stand there.
You sound like a brainwashed zionist.
I kind of like how most thread about Spear Hero being an idiot end up filled with people reading the spinoff who love him.
>interfering with the duel
She is just human, it was natural that seeing the devil humiliate a hero, while being reminded of the rape she suffered at his hands.
It was only natural that she would loose control and interfere.
>trying to kill her sister
She didn't want to but she had no choice death is better than to suffer being the sex slave of the brainwashing shield devil.
IT's worst, he's a brainwashed /pol/tard.
But such things don't work on other heroes, and it takes mp to keep up and use, it's perfectly reasonable to assume that some pathetic weak shieldfaggot would be unable to brainwash more than a handful of people.
Volume 11 explains his curse, and volume 15 how he became obedient to Naofumi and Firo, and volume 19 shows how he got his time traveling spear.
The mangaka couldn't make smart characters so he chose to make eveyron retarded .
The mangaka just adapts the author's work
if they pussy out on it, I'll drop this shit for good.
fuckers better not water it down even more like they already did on raph
>I'll drop this shit for good.
Don't kid yourself, you'll watch it till the bitter end, if you actually cared for the quality of this adaptation you'd have dropped it a long time ago.
Oh, thanks
I lost my sides at this scene
That's because Motoyasu is /ourguy/
>motoyasu denouncing the pope
>everyone else just looking at him with contempt
poor motoyasu, if only he knew.
what a stupid fag lmao
The kicker here is that he believe his own bullshit, ignoring he just tried to kill naofumi earlier.
Wait a minute, people fuck in the WN? Naofumi lost his virginity? How did Raph react to that?
Even the literal bird was smarter than him
Spinoff Motoyasu is our dumb boy. Who may or may not be a bit scary.
>people fuck in the WN?
This makes it the third loop where naofumi gets some tail. Also, naofumi did get laid after the whole wave business so it's not like he was going to stay like that forever. Dunno much about raphtalia but she got a bit depressed when she found out that naofumi's sorrow when he gets betrayed could've been healed by pretty much anyone.
Motoyasu and Itsuki are significantly more retarded in Act 1 than they are in the rest of the story. Not that they ever become smart, but they are certifiably retarded until they get a reality check after the Pope fight.
Ren is supposed to be the bad detective and he's still the one that "solved" the church thing. He's also never smart but by far the most tolerable one.
S-she comes back, right bros...?
if there's an S2
Y-yeah, which is already greenlit, right?
we'll see. i for one, would love to see an S2 being made. Taht said, if they somehow decided to animate spear hero instead i'd welcome that too... though it would probably be confusing to a lot of people. I can only guess how much shitposting there would be if it got greenlit.
The problem with Spear Hero is that they would need to adapt a good chunk of SH first
up to vol 12, they could censor takt's face and shit to make up for stuff.
we can only hope, user.
>all her probably literally esteemed from not getting enough headpats
isn't it the other way around?
since they all got brainwashed the moment they teleported but naofumi didn't cause shield defended him
I meant problems
Oh no that's not the actual problem, but at least getting headpats did help.
Eventually, yes. But only after being completely broken by the bitch. Also, there's a reason Shield Hero in his spinoff is called the Spear Bro.
But then she gets better
no, but he canonically becomes the strongest of the 4 holy heroes
>whiteknight is more powerful than mc
well shit
>anime becomes boring after ep4
>picrelated wont have his revenge and instead is btfo by funi
because mods are a bunch of useless fags.
one of nature's mysteries
get on the level of pic related
>isekai'd neet abusing his power to control some lolis
That's what the spear hero trying to do with filo
Sasuga tard strength
What was the content of your post?
i don't want to be banned for posting that pic
its a truly cursed pic
Link the image. There's enough nsfw boards to do that.
Why do they keep rewriting everything?
Kinema Citrus are fags
i am fucking dead
ppppffff thats it? i thought it was something hardcore
That's it? It's been posted itt threads before. They ignore but go after this?
Vic is just a faggot
Peronism on the other hand...
I think it was just once because the mods went full retard for some reason
Why does he look almost exactly like mordred
Can we get some nip to translate the rest of the LNs?
the best you could do is making sense of the russian TLs and the chinese TLs.
Its Mordred's first role after transitioning
Keel reminds me a lot of Izutsumi Dungeon Meshi
He's absolutely based murderhobo in spinoff.
More glass when
it has to be now
is this a Disgaea reference
>The villain here is the shield hero because the mainstream narrative is established as such. I think it's good storytelling but it assumes the viewers are smart enough to understand this
Well put.
>he doesn't know
motoyasu called firo flonne chan.
>murderhomo sometimes
>3 heroes try to do something
>Cause a multitude of problems and need to be bailed out
>Repeat ad infinitum
Are they literally incapable of learning?
Isn't that mordred?
If not, does he have trap porn?
Ok, now this is just blatant bait and I've seen similar posts on like 3 threads now.
Are we being raided?
>I won't be fooled
Spear Cuck was fooled the entire time.
Mordred is a bit smarter than Spear Hero. just a bit
Ah, one of "those" posts.
Yeah, Yea Forums is a temperamental beast.
Why is Mordred so hot?
This is ruining my culture's mythology.
>Are we being raided?
isn't that obvious?
since yesterday
oh cool, didn't know the similarities were done on purpose
Is he gay for Naofumi now? Wtf, where do I read this stuff. I haven't read past chapter 438 (Silt Well arc)
Oink oink oink mother fucker
Hes a "japanese feminist", which translates into a retarded white knight here in the west. He goes out of his way to do anything he can for women. Also, bitch is a manipulative piece of shit who is constantly scheming something. the fact that shes with the spear is just because hes the kind of retard to listen to anything women say with joy and determination, no matter how misleading and retarded.
I dont think Itsuki ever even manages to redeem himself after his corruption arc. Motoyasu at least has his spin off part and eventually is reined in and controlable. For sure Ren is the most cooperative of the 3 of them for Naofumi to deal with post corruption.
Itsuki has character development in vols 17-19
there's several loops?
Wonder what would happen if someone just dropped Soul Edge into this world? Considering it can take the form of any weapon the current user is most proficient with...
her tard wrangler was also way more likeable
so he was a waifufag all along
You are just now figuring this out?
Well, for heroes they would be able to copy it... Probably. Speaking of soul, i wonder if the soul reaver can be unlocked.
No, they doesn*t Chui, really now.
I wonder if your mouth activates your conscience too.
Yea, going from a potato to a half assed emotially scared dandere
>you have to eat all the eggs
What a fucking loser
I’m already Cool Hand Luke though.
Honestly dont mind this guy and his bitchy wrangler, the drama makes everything a lot more interesting. Would much rather see eps about their antics than ones that add another loli lusting after Naofumi
based and firopilled
The country is matriarchal, so my assumption to Myne getting away with all her bullshit is solely due to her being female on top of being royalty. Add that with a king who hates your guts, and a religion that paints you as the son of a devil, I'm not surprised with the turn of events. They don't have to act brainwashed because they don't need to. At the very least, the other two heroes are 'smart' enough to call out the bullshit.
The brainwashing accusation is also ironic considering how much Spear hero acts like a person who has gone through this said procedure. Wholeheartedly believing Myne's words like a dumbass slave. He's such a faggot through and through.
Can't believe you faggots still watch this garbage.
Can't believe you faggots still show up to complain
When does Naofumi finally fuck off from that shithole kingdom
long answer or short answer?
I don't mind long
New ep in a few hours
then wait and find out :^)
He goes to other countries and places, even a whole new otherworld. But his permanent base is in raphtalia's village, in the former seaetto territory.
guess who gets a brainwashing weapon later
no, he´s the bigger Retard ever and later his party members lost interest. This is the problem if your leader is Motoyasu
Do you really not have any friends? Like in the literal sense, even online ones?
Yari no yuusha best manga
The loli witch is pretty cute
Still despise spearbro and learning he had a massive boner for Filo did not help his case. He’s got both pedophilia and bestiality in one loli hand he can’t keep his pants dry that entire manga. Literally just copied Re:Zero but with more faggotry
Poor purefumi
Shut up spearchad
>seven deadly sins
Really nigga
What pissed me off about that was even if he HAD a brain washing shield, how the fuck would she know? She hadn't seen him for weeks.
Reminder: Ains kills 70,000 people with a single spell and then the creatures summoned by the spell kill untold numbers more
I can think of dozens of anime and manga that use that trope. It's incredibly plays out and at this point just as much of a cop out for good writing as any other personality trope (eg yandere, tsundere etc). Just another way to boil a characters actions down to 1 motivating factor
>contrarians on Yea Forums
Yeah no shit. Liking things everyone else dislikes is how these people delude themselves into thinking they're intellectual
So he never returns home?
And yet it still wasn't enough to take on the wave boss with his entire team.
People don't care about proof because they hate Shieldbro.
Never. Retard like him are beyond cure.
Motoyasu has a weird relationship with Naofumi whom he calls Father/Father In Law. He wants him to stay pure.
Rather, he wants his first partner to not be some random pig... or a certain lecherous dragon. but in the latest chapter, he fucking failed.
Does anyone ended up really falling in love or at least deeply cares about Motoyasu in the main series? I mean, Naofumi has Raphtalia, Itsuki has Rishia and Ren has Eclair.
There's his first 3 filorials after breaking down. and in the spinoff there's always yuki.
Isn't his main motivation in the spinoff to cuck the MC and steal fire for himself despite being such a prick originally before deciding he wanted something? Fuck that asshole.
now imagine that was spinoff!Motoyasu, raphtalia would have subaru-tier anguish and suffering
God I want to marry her.
No, they're the equivalent of Team Rocket the entire show. I used to think Shield Hero was going somewhere with it, but no it's just dumb writing.
Idk, it's sad but it's pretty true to life. Girl you're fucking says "sky is green and grass is blue" then fuck. Any is green and grass is blue.
Welp, he ends screwed in the head forever by his curses bringing 3dpd to the 2d world and loving nothing else thn filolials
what the fuck happened with his party?
He sees every females as pigs. They're normal, but his visions of them isn't.
>He sees every females as pigs.
Women close to naofumi or friends aren't affected by the pig-o-vision. Beastwomen are also exempt from it.
Episode in a few minutes
do you have streamlink.
i'm pulling the RTMP stream from hikkisphere's ATX stream so nuless you got some program to intercept that it wont work for you.
Yeah that shit needs a ton of magic power to operate.
Bummed that they took out the part where naofumi just gives up on motoyasu and tells him to go die now that he doesn't have to keep his promise to fitoria.
It's been a while since I read the WN, and I don't know what's happened in the LN. What is THAT?
Normally naofumi shouldn't be holding onto the shield of wrath for that long.
So I'm just going to ask.
I found and read the official translation for the first 13 volumes, but I couldn't find any further. Are there any unofficial translations out there or do I just have to wait?
>naofumi telling everyone to fuck off after they ask for his help
Fuck the holy heroes, I want a harem story with all the queen's shadows in melromarc
well shit, i'll have to wait for russian/spic's subs
The bonus Ln chapter from the spear heroes perspective makes it clear that he's supposed to be ducking idiot who has no clue what's going on around him.
>lots of talking about the 3 idiots fuck ups
I don't know why are they bringing this up NOW, than earlier, or in the hero conference!
its a shit adaptation, thats why
>summon giant ass cathedral
ok that wasn't in the source material, what the hell is this
>pope creates a dome and episode ends
i expected more action this week desu.
guess the fights ends next week.
>This is what the real face of conflict looks like, misinformation and a difference in perspective.
Which means nothing since Shield Hero is always shown to be right.
>The villain here is the shield hero because the mainstream narrative is established as such.
And the narrative says everyone who opposes him is the villain. That's why they're never right or able to resolve any issue.
>I think it's good storytelling but it assumes the viewers are smart enough to understand this.
Unfortunately the viewers are too stupid to realise this show is nothing but justice porn. That's why Shield Hero is victimised by the villains so you can hate them and feel sorry for Shield Hero.
>I think most people don't they just see stupid heroes vs smart hero and blame the show.
Most people see obvious good and bad guys because the show wants only Shield Hero to be capable.
>They're going full anime original.
This wasn't in anything we know by the way, so i guess this is some new spell or something. Only way to know for sure is what the spell's name is.
Episode 20 is called The sacred battle
I don't think it's the "go off the plot's rails" original. They're putting a spin of their own in the fight, but we'll see next week i guess
>Anime Original Ending
>They will end the anime with Bitch redeemed
This shit doesnt make sense at all
Its 25 episodes right?
Are we really going to make it to the island with just a few episodes left? This fucking fight was supposed to last 2 episodes
maybe this will be a 1 hour special? or the last episode will be?
This pacing is fucking weird.
>This pacing is fucking weird.
i know right?
fuck the director, fuck kadokawa and fuck crunchy
I hope they get fucked by a fucking donkey
Well, consider this. vol 5 is mostly grinding in the island right? maybe they'll just skip most of it. and show grinding with l'arc and therese and the other 3 stoges doing their thing offscreen.
>Which means nothing since Shield Hero is always shown to be right.
False, even if it was done badly the birdqueen is right, he never bothered to fix his reputation, maybe not with spearfaggot, but with the others.
>And the narrative says everyone who opposes him is the villain
It doesn't
>That's why they're never right or able to resolve any issue.
Having Sword and Bow act on his hint seems like they do manage to resolve stuff.
>nothing but justice porn
You must be retarded to believe that the only thing even remotely fitting "justice porn" is when bitch is fucked over, which is hardly a giant part of the show.
> That's why Shield Hero is victimised by the villains
Welp, sure that's the premise after all.
>so you can hate them and feel sorry for Shield Hero.
You are not supposed to "hate" them, you are supposed to understand that they actually believe that Naofumi is evil.
And sure you are supposed to feel sorry for the mc, that too is part of the whole premise.
> because the show wants only Shield Hero to be capable.
No it's because most people are too dumb to view something from the "villians" point of view, and constantly fail to realize that we as the viewer know things that the "villians" don't know.
>i guess this is some new spell or something
maybe is replacing the second judgement.
Perhaps, and perhaps like this naofumi will build his shield of wrath III next episode?
maybe. what i think is going to happen is
>the dome is created so the next attack can't be dodged
>naofumi can't tank it and powers up
>naofumi tanks it with the shield of wrath III. the dome is broken and the queen shows up
>the pope dies? idk at this point.
He's the perfect example of a "male ally", unreasonable, impotent, petty, blinded by lust and self-righteousness. Doesn't get more realistic than that.
No. He never does. But then again. He is that horny loser feminist cuckkk that loves to suround himself with women that use and abuse him and tell him sweet sweet lies that he just listen and believes.
When does Spear Cuck actually get cucked?
vol 11 kind of?
>anime original.
That means there is still hope for FIlo and Motoyasu. It is a bonus if Fitoria joins and compete with Filo for Motoyasu's affection. I don't mind if they go full tsundere about it as long as the implication is clear.
Let's face it, only Motoyasu can truly love both of them for who they really are (birds). Naofumi can't stand sleeping with them in their bird form (probably because of their smell) even in the spin-off. Naofumi would have cooked them a long time ago if it were not for the existence of filolial-samas.
>Spell's name is cathedral
huh, okay this really is different from the source.
i hope 3 is bs. ;_;
I really like the witch loli
You can read it for yourself in the latest chapter of spear hero that the author publisht.
>Heroes being retards fighting among themselves allowing the pope generate mana
He deserves to win.
Melty and filio are fucking annoying loli bait. Its shit like those two characters that makes me embarrassed to like anime.
>they streched the pope fight for one more episode
What the fuck are they doing
nah, they just dropped some acid and wanted to animate cool fractals
t-thank you Kinema Citrus
DLing now. I despise isekai as a genre. Is this likely to change my mind?
post link
You will probably just come later to complain
>glorified recap ep
ain't seen one them in a while
Here, you gotta start past:
>"However, i did not know of the incident that would await me... in the next morning"
Just keep in mind that this chapter happens in the 4th loop that continued after itsuki's death somehow thanks to motoyasu's new and improved "True Dragon's Era Minute Hand"
He was retarded as well. He could have just sniped the two from afar, but choose to go close combat.
I can believe Kirito isn't fucking dead
Really, I thought the fight was going to be over by now
Wow, I wonder how will the heroes ever make up?
Oh, they just conveniently ran into each other and fought against a common enemy. Now they're all friends.
Fucking great writing.
>Now they're all friends.
haha no
>Now they're all friends
>He doesn't know
pink braid is elena right?
naofumi is the one that is into (noncute) guys
Yes, they're friends now, they totally aren't still the same little shits they were before.
>more than three
he isnt retarded, he just has shounen protagonist syndrome
Oh my fucking god. Does it actually go back to the forced drama?
>motoyasu breaking down
>motoyasu does all his best to cuntblock her
>motoyasu got cucked
wtf, I thought motoyasu was firo-sexual?
they will still believe that they live in a game. Is not after much, much later that they'll see reason and become allies with Naofumi.
Innocent until proven guilty user.
Just because I say you rape babies and eat people alive isn't good basis for people to treat you like an insane criminal.
The fact you don't naturally understand this though makes me concerned as you need to be mentally retarded or very young.
I'm pretty sure that it's "guiltyuntil proven innocent" right now.
it's on a snooze function
I'm pretty sure he was being ironic
this guy is being ironic........I hope
the original poster doesn't seem to be "ironic" though.
>Naofumi fucks someone else that's not Raphtalia
Dropped, fuck this shit.
See you next week
Unless some novelfag tells me they end up together I will not bother with this shit anymore.
>Innocent until proven guilty user.
How delusional do you have to be to actually believe that people follow such a principle?
If a cute girl of good standing says you raped her then you will be fucked, even if the courts say you are innocent, if you are unlucky people will keep fucking you over because "a rapist got off"
He is not ironic because unlike you he understands how most people think.
LN is not finished, but everything points to them getting together with couple stuff happening.
WN has them be together and it's more than reasonable to assume that the pairing will be a thing in the LN too.
>How delusional do you have to be to actually believe that people follow such a principle?
I said what is right and sensible. Your "but people are retards" does not apply to me.
Novelfag here. They become a couple in volume 21.
They end up together in the original, so it will probably be the same in the LN
Good, Raph deserves to be happy.
>everyone is retarded, including naofumi: the episode
>I said what is right and sensible.
No you said
>The fact you don't naturally understand this though makes me concerned as you need to be mentally retarded or very young.
despite that user saying
>It's realistic because reality is just shit.
You completely missed the point.
>Your "but people are retards" does not apply to me.
It applies to other people and that's all that matters because you are just some random scrub who will never matter in the grand scheme of things.
They end up together. At least in the original web novel I read years ago. Yes they end up married and I cannot recall when but Naofumi fucks Raphtalia at some point in the web novel.
>I can't believe they're friends now
>they aren't
Well what the fuck do you want
god naofumi monogamously married to god raph
japanese naofumi married to raph, but atla is his side bitch
isekai naofumi fucks and impregnates everyone but the bird
I want to complain about it.
Not him but it's pretty stupid that they are fighting amongst themselves in that situation, litteraly the only thing that has changed from the end of last episode to the end of this one is that Sword and Bow are here now.
Most of this recap was unnecessary because the Pope already said all this last episode.
Not for Filo, no.
I like Naofumi's face on this
According to Aneko's blog, neither of the spears Motoyasu unlocks have his enlightenment as a user blowback. He develops into that mindset all on his own.
He has a harem of yandere birds
the loli witch got raped by the pig king right? I don't remember who the fuck is woman 1 and woman 2
So? When you get down to it most stories have repeating elements. All the core concepts are just recycled and remixed again and again.
I mean, pick just about anything short of the Epic of Gilgamesh and I can show you how it recycles concepts from earlier stories.
Nnnno, I think he has you in checkmate.
Oh, well carry on then.
I knew this shot reminded me of something
I think she got sold to a brothel
Shame he doesn't scream amen in a very over the top way
Filo is supposed to be really strong so I don't get why she needs help.
I like first one the best
Best dad.
im fucking glad naofumi finally btfo everyone, but it felt like he went too easy on them, specially after bitch
What's Raph's code name?
Fluffy tail
Naked Racoon
Venom coon
Punished Raphtalia, a demihuman denied of her ball
Post the rest
New spearbro manga is out
forced drama
Save that for the next Mari Okada anime
>sword and spear user can shoot shit
Whats the fucking point of giving them a spear or sword?
So, Naofumi and Myne are friends now?
Of course no
In all the other material he still hates her enough to desire her death, at this stage.
But this is the safe for work anime adaptation so they will become besties and go on shopping dates
What an asshole.
Even the Epic of Gilgamesh recycled elements from older stories, we just don’t have the written records of those stories.
In the spinoff or in the original?
This is so slow I'm getting the feeling a second season is following up. I wouldn't mind, though.
Weird, not being MC. Do they change the title, too? Yari no Yuusha no Nariagari.
That's the title of the spin off actually
this show really likes to make it as annoying as possible huh, the biggest retard becomes the strongest...fuck me.
what's with the pace these last episodes (since the start of fat noble faggot's mini arc)? It feels so goddamn slow, i don't think they are even adapting 1 chapter of the manga per anime, it feels like nothing happens and it just drags on like fucking one piece. I remember the manga being hype during this fight but with the anime i struggle to finish each episode
Anime completely fucked the pace
>Beastwomen are also exempt from it.
Looks like his attention will change for the better.
Justice by order of the Queen
Someone started a fan translation of the Russian fan translation
To fill both ranges of combat.
>what is tard strenght
c'mon, you should know better not to underestimate the power of stupidity