This is an underappreciated manga that deserves more attention

This is an underappreciated manga that deserves more attention.

I can't remember the last time I was actually charmed by the use of black and white in manga that wasn't just an afterthought or a limitation of the medium.

Attached: 962c1f92a58c13301e6afdc35ff136d5.png (891x765, 287K)

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Totsukuni no Shoujo

Based. Thanks

Looks like that one anime with the bad OP.

If this ever got an anime I don't think it'd be very good anyway.

>that wasn't just an afterthought or a limitation of the medium.
that's honestly insulting to like every well drawn manga

>Totsukuni no Shoujo
goddamn this is some charming art

Color manga is trash. Black and white enhances, not detracts.

Seems pic related is also published by Monthly Comic Garden.
I wonder why they asked the author Nagabe to make something so similar.

Attached: The_Ancient_Magus'_Bride,_volume_1.jpg (265x376, 31K)

There's at least an OVA next season.

Other than having a horned demon in both they're not really similar in any way.

Tell me about goatman. Why does he wear the mask?

Both feature a non-human, human-like creature learning to be human while protecting something and learning about himself though. Definitely a similar theme.

Well drawn manga take advantage of the lack of color and don't make it feel like it's only that way because it has to be.

Attached: 4621f45bd65e5be1261494b431596ee0.jpg (900x661, 96K)

>Well drawn manga take advantage of the lack of color and don't make it feel like it's only that way because it has to be.

there's like, a lot of those, though.
There's a lot of good artists in manga.

>Well drawn manga take advantage of the lack of color
It's fucking cancer. Just use color? Color is valuable info to the reader?
How the fuck are all the slightly colored cartoons released in eu/usa if its so fucking impossible to japan?
How about use simple colors, start off easy. Just some blue in the background and yellow in the clothes? idk do something, useless jap industry.

Of course, I never said there weren't any. It's just that it's hard to do and not every mangaka does it well, so when it does happen it's refreshing to see.

I came back, on chp. 9 so their current existance as human is wrong and the gods have reveresed roles? Light = bad Dark = good in an abstract fashion?

Coloring requires more time, ink, and higher quality paper. It's not cost effective at all and, personally, black on white is more pleasing to look at for hours on end than vibrant colors.

Is this finished at chp. 25 or are the translaions dead?

Is this done by that "emergency rations" guy? I get the same vibe from it.

It's still going, translations are dead because it got an official release

Oh good, been 5months since last upload. Any idea where its at now?

Studio WIT is making an OVA user

I wish someone would scanlate the other works by this artist.

You'll have to go for the official translations if you want more.
I hope the ova gets the manga more noticed and leads to a full adaptation.
I think this manga does the slow paced monsterguy/young girl thing better than Magus bride.
Be patient with it, the latest available volumes feel like they've been picking up.

Also, volume 7s English translation will be out on August 27.

>I can't remember the last time I was actually charmed by the use of black and white in manga that wasn't just an afterthought or a limitation of the medium.
what the fuck does this even mean

Well fuck. I don't know how to feel about this.

It is.