ITT: Things that look cute/attractive/normal in anime that would be horrifying in real life

ITT: Things that look cute/attractive/normal in anime that would be horrifying in real life.

Attached: sharkteeth.png (422x545, 196K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Everything except dogs.

God, imagine what it must feel like...

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Having your theme play wherever you go

large eyebrows.

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Anyone remember that one chapter of Franken Fran that addressed this exact thing?

Attached: anime-aliens.jpg (323x640, 43K)

i want to fuck ayylmaos

Attached: GODWHY.jpg (580x548, 34K)

large natural eyebrows in real life are sexy.
this could just be isolated case due to growing up seeing so many drawn on eyebrows that anything natural can cause an erection.

thicc eyebrows r p hot, as long as they aren't fucking drawn on imo

>implying big 'brows aren't cute as heck

Fembois in reality look nothing like fembois in anime

Attached: luka.jpg (750x422, 30K)

they don't, because in anime you draw female and call it a boy. for the most part, fembois aren't that cute-- but occasionally you find a good one


terribly based but also have sex

You think you do, but you don't.

Attached: kawaii-alien-chan.png (900x1289, 535K)

Attached: 1536881666306.jpg (1240x1240, 1.02M)


>fictional ugly bastards go on and on about small bodies being the best
>in reality that would probably kill the loli or do some really horrific damage

Attached: mafia does not like this.jpg (648x604, 352K)

>but occasionally you find a good one
Can confirm.

t. knower of fembois

Yaeba/fangs are pretty gross in real life most of the time
Brightly colored hair styles would fade and look awful in a matter of days.

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Attached: Kukaku.jpg (774x1000, 404K)

I actually find it hotter irl than in anime


95% of all women


I beg to differ

Attached: Polnareff but a girl and italian.jpg (600x389, 50K)


The huge boobs, I am not talking about H cups, those can be sexy still. I am talking about stuff that gets past M where they have their own fuckin gravitational pull.

In manga, diamonds.
IRL, disgusting fake shit





>I am talking about stuff that gets past M where they have their own fuckin gravitational pull.

Attached: yes.gif (498x280, 1.99M)

British 'cuisine'

All gyarus. Pure abominations IRL.

Attached: 76871dac8fc273fd2a854885a3ec283fb1d19dcd_00.jpg (401x512, 34K)

that thing modern anime does where people's mouths are a partially erased line

They tend to overdo it with the tan and makeup

They also tend I to overdo it being sluts and fucking Japanese businessmen.

This. They’re fucking hideous, very few look alright

Most Japanese females are ugly as sin anyway.

Attached: gal.jpg (900x1200, 206K)

I fucking love guro but I dont like actual gore in 3d

Attached: 1520191668_5aa.jpg (600x600, 55K)

>when standing next to someone their mouth literally moves to the side of their face when they speak to you

Attached: 790655201685781282.jpg (636x477, 34K)

Most Asians are. They only look attractive when they crossbreed with people who have less fucked bone structures.

Idk man i like strong eyebrows

I still think this looks weird as fuck
I dont know why they deemed this an acceptable way to animate it

Japs are high tier of the asians though
Maybe koreans too

I think a lot of Chinese girls are cute, can’t name specific girls though

I prefer southeast asians. They have darker skin without looking like ganguro monsters.

cross dressing

Bug people

Attached: Cockroach_2.png (1500x2118, 2.18M)

China is so big and varried it can go either way
Overall not high tier though but im also kinda racist against them because of their lack of morals

Vietnam maybe but fillipinos and whatnot no thanks man

Too few asians where i live now that i think about kt

I believe the moth girl would still be attractive.

If its just wings and eyes then its not too bad



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I want to put my COCK in that ROACH!

Attached: __original_drawn_by_nakamura_regura__9092472f549dc915f57f116cc52a53ae.png (1000x1412, 734K)

It's only scary if she's on her knees. Otherwise It's just a weird set of teeth

>monster girls
would you a real life monster girl Yea Forums?

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Why are there replies after this one?

read Koroshiya.

>imagine if a giant spider was outside your window.
You'd be cocooned by dawn and drained before noon

Attached: IMG_20190509_144831.jpg (680x396, 43K)

>booru status: deleted

Without a doubt. Assuming their instincts isn't mostly like that of an actual animal/insect.

Attached: Tourou_no_Ono_036.jpg (1075x1518, 496K)

it's actually back up, not that it's needed with more and more japanese artists drawing it now

>more and more japanese artists drawing it now
scat doujinshi is drawn more than blacked doujinshi, it's a small niche

I wonder what fucking a real life slime girl would feel like.

if you say so user

Attached: 1526723994133.jpg (635x903, 336K)

>it's actually back up
the link is back up, the pics are gone though, minus whatever people saved

Put your dick in jelly.

Cucks out, go back to whatever shithole you came crawled out of

you forgot to quote

>scat doujinshi is drawn more than blacked doujinshi
I wasn't aware they were considered separate categories

jelly can't move though, i want to be femdommed by a slime girl

Yeah, if we got along and I thought she'd be good wife material.

>Tfw I'll never start a comfy tailor's shop with my devoted spider waifu.

Attached: 1469409428664.jpg (638x900, 395K)

>that ERECT on top

>i want to be femdommed by a slime girl

Attached: Ah, I see you're an Endro of culture as well..jpg (1920x1080, 262K)

>You'd be cocooned by dawn and drained before noon
YOU might be, but I have a shotgun, and if I saw a giant spider, it'd be dead within 2 minutes.

why would you do that though? Don't you want to fuck the giant spider and have her lay eggs in your belly user?

what is this? a shark for ants?

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Women. Men as well. We're all ugly as fuck and will never approach the perfection of 2D.

Not sure bro.

All you'd notice was a cute face and tits.

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Yeah, but I'm a snakefag so the breeding part doesn't have too many logistical hurdles, unlike spiders or horses.
On the other hand a snek girl would be a nightmare to feed and heat. I'd need a way better job.

Did you not notice the Black Spade on her butt?

>Did you not notice the Black Spade on her butt?
what is that supposed to signify?

Queen of Spades = she likes Black dick.

>he doesn't know
You're better off not knowing.

queen of spades, which is code for taking bbc

Huh, you learn something new every day I guess

I didn't know this either. The more you know.

Almost everything that looks worse that more detailed it gets.

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Who cares about gigantic breasts it's all about how perky they are i.e. their resistance to general relativity.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.05_[2018.03.15_21.15.55].jpg (1280x720, 83K)

This wouldn't be too bad
It depends on your execution.

>Despise roaches with great passion
>Between Regura's Gyaru roach girl, Gochika and Pikari-chan I'm starting to get mixed feelings about roach girls

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dullahan or bust

Dullahan would be the absolute best for kissing in any position + licking ass while fucking. Too bad it would mean death is very close to my door.

Glasses look great irl and in anime

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dullahan is too vanilla, it's basically a normal girl except you have more options for different positions and what said


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if they have a nice personality

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I fixed Hitomi-chan's smile.

Attached: hitomi.jpg (422x545, 65K)

It's not nice to talk about the Turkish like that.

/d/ here

I concur. A natural-born ayy-lmao would have the anatomy to support such features.

Removing hair, eyebrows and enlarge pupils make anyone creepy, it's not the proportion

So much this.

ahoge, especially the fuckhuge ones that move somehow

>whatever shithole you came crawled out of
Literally /trash./

What the fuck happened to that poor girl. And I mean before and after this page. Did her hair fall out?

Isekai. You actually have to fight for a living and are all but certain to die of dysentery by the age of 35 for all the shit being thrown out into the streets.

absolutely disgusting

If RPG mechanics are a thing then it would likely be less brutal than you might think

>by the age of 35
You'd be dead within a year. Your modern lifestyle with antibiotics and basic hygiene has left you absolutely vulnerable to shit medieval people have grown defenses against.

Finally someone with a brain.

end your life

Fran happened.

big eyebrows taht are actually real are hot as fuck my dude


but what about the catgirl loli harem? that has to be real right? RIGHT??

Perhaps, but then all the catgirls are ridden with flees and lice.

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I'm more of a sweet love / vanilla sex, but i see there are still anons with good taste

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Attached: Anastasiya Shpagina.jpg (300x300, 18K)

Eyes that take up 40% of your face.

All anime girls in general, if you think about their body proportions

Traps are cute in 2d but disgusting in 3d

Attached: hachiman.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

Am I kawaii?

Attached: c0aa2c9453b69b70abb3bd6ebb9c62f9.jpg (379x583, 40K)

made hitomi less disgusting

Attached: fixed.png (422x545, 181K)

The shark teeth, yeah, okay, fine. But you changed her deliciously erotic short hair??!!! I mean, I like straight long black hair too but short hair is nice too, dude. What the fuck. I think you should apologize.

Attached: sneaky.jpg (1280x720, 200K)

that's with an extreme amount of make up and photoshop

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no photoshop, but his gf's a makeup artist so yeah

no amount of make up will fix this

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Photoshop, camera angles, make up. The second you hear his voice, see his hands, shoulder, jaw irl he won't look as cute.

Also cat ears on humans would look creepy

Also cat ears on human would be

Attached: 1553608059085.jpg (1600x900, 90K)

>I dont know why they deemed this an acceptable way to animate it
it's a throwback to the more stylized art in the 80s/90s (maybe it was done before the 80s? I dunno, correct me if I'm wrong)
it just stuck around as a vestige, even though it looks horrible with modern art that shows the contours of the characters' lips.

I mean I fucking love ants. They're the coolest shit. But when I see this swarming trail of them running through my house, I still genocide them with extreme prejudice. It's not really their fault, but it's the only way to stop them from infesting your food. I suppose it's actually my roommate's fault for not making sure our shit is sealed up.

Attached: Ant-droplet-400x332-custom.jpg (400x332, 20K)

Mari was based on a trap.
In B4 sauce : she (male) is Kalindra-chan.

Attached: Mari is a trap.jpg (1168x792, 135K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Sunshine!! - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.11_[2016.09.03_16.44.27].jpg (866x720, 135K)


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Sweaty smelly feet.

Attached: 1557525348746.jpg (1287x1800, 164K)

She is not you degenerate. Mari looks clearly asian.

>completely alters the jaw shape

>those shoulders
>that adam's apple
>that flat chest
So this is how 40% look.

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Used dirty opantsu.

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>flat chest
She (male) have boobs.

Attached: ovx4rqLzFn1us6vl5o1_1280.jpg (956x902, 101K)

That thing made me want to vomit and scratch my eyes out even in 2D. (I watched Fly and Fly 2 way too young, scarred for life.)

>freakish demon child with creepy eyes, bright red skin, shark teeth, claws and fangs

Attached: 1523200964459.jpg (1280x800, 125K)

Anal is disgusting and it's a big no-no to me, even in anime.

That's even worse.

Attached: 1551385072255s.jpg (125x98, 2K)

Femdom. Such a gross fetish IRL.

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this reminds me of a time when i went of at my sister for bringing up vaginal discharge when i was trying to eat corned beef with white sauce, i was really looking forward to eating that meal but i lost my appetite real quick

There's no photoshop. There is quite a bit of make-up , but 90% of "hot" biological women wear some form of make-up too, so you can't say that's specific to traps.

See also: some of the higher tier Thai ladyboys

Attached: ladyboys.jpg (640x640, 83K)

i mean left is hard to discern, but right that's totally a dude man.

The right looks like a man, but the left is cute :3

>"people" give this guy money for his "cosplay"
Is league really that full of beta virgins that they'd pay to see a dolled-up guy wearing skimpy outfits?

>That dipshit who posts and talks about 3D on /d/

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It's one part the league creators themselves pushing it one part the gay agenda.
Very few actual people give that dude any money.
I'm serious.

Angles. These people look completely different IRL.

This guy's insect girls make me absolute diamonds

Attached: Come inside.png (1464x2048, 2.31M)

There's only so much angles can do user, and they're in a pretty normal pose, but here, have another.

Attached: Miss Tiffany's 2014.jpg (640x640, 120K)

It is sometimes still done IRL. Historicaly, Huns were famous for it.

Attached: 1e153530335f41baf7e40a69371bdd85--body-modifications-pinterest-com.jpg (236x295, 11K)



>What is stylization
>What is pressure and line weight
nitpicky faggots.

thats just fucked up

>Not like bois with boobs

Attached: 1462516010406.png (640x480, 531K)

They are programed from early age to find it attractive. Girl smiles and all men get hard.

Girls with tail.

Attached: 1550661606027.jpg (1920x1657, 1.18M)

fucking monster

Maybe they do.

Attached: misha 2.jpg (1079x701, 79K)

I actually enjoyed the movie but I do not understand why they made her eyes so fucking dumb.

i can redirect you to multiple porn videos that would prove you wrong

Attached: 1557242626788.png (726x682, 174K)

I just use ladyboys for masturbation, dont know why you post that graphic

There's 2 anons that I know fucked monster girls, one was a goatgirl and the other a yandere /ss/ succubus, their stories even made it to youtube.

Giant breasts

The question was whether traps can make our dicks hard, not about the health benefits of their lifestyle choices.

Attached: leeteuk_tiffany_fei_mc_golden disk awards_2014.jpg (600x340, 43K)

user said that things look attractive in anime.

How can you like those frankestein-tier abomonations ? Porn has poisoned your mind.

Attached: 1552858142433.gif (540x304, 2.56M)

Traps are only okay in 2d form.

Attached: 80f.jpg (827x1047, 141K)

I'll take the chuuni dullahan. Still looks normal except the blue skin. Will rock the eiffel95 song during sex until her head falls off and I freak out.

>3D: the thread

Traps are only okay if they make my dick hard.

It all started with boku no piko and from there it was all downward.

But im not gay


dark skin

Attached: nadia.png (1440x1080, 2.1M)


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3D looks so shitty

Her tongue coming out where her cheek is and slurping his dick was the absolute best.

Attached: 1519422585862.jpg (1275x1800, 2M)

Fuck, I don't even know what it's called, but that was the hottest shit.

Attached: Bug tits.jpg (1147x833, 657K)

Incest with your mother.

Attached: D8.jpg (950x1350, 346K)

But what if your mother is drawn by Pochi?
What if your mother is Pochi?

Attached: Mom outfits.jpg (1199x848, 236K)

Niji no Ori

I meant the tongue coming out of the side of her mouth, if that fetish has a name. I'm well aware of Touka's doujin.

Attached: Touka back.jpg (188x579, 36K)

>I wonder what fucking a real life slime girl would feel like.
I got you covered! Just add 2-6 bottles if you want more density.

What are the other codes for clover, diamonds and aces?

Well if my mother was only drawn then she wouldn't be "real life", would she? Also if my mother was pochi she would be in fucking jail.

>tfw you will never be raped by pochi
why live

That reminds me when my sister's big tittied friend having a sleepover, I snucked to sniff her used pants. Holy shit she was having her period it was horrible.

None. The queen of spade is a forced internet meme, hence none of the other interracial coupling that are infinitely more popular have a secret tattoo.

Attached: 39208.jpg (225x350, 41K)

none, however some people(read: internet deviants) use the queen of hearts as a reverse of the queen of spades, aka "non-white girl that does white guys exclusively".

Would Thom have been helped back to Earth had he not panicked?

That is for their own good. The window of time when they are passable is narrow, so pump and dump is the ideal way

Forget that, what happend to the boy in the next chapter is truly tragic

lower gravity of mars/space affected bone structure? lack of light in space enlarged eyes over time? not sure about the timeline, but theoretically possible to evolved a different type of human if theyre entirely spaceborn or born on an exoplanet, or genetically engineered to survive combat in space maybe

idve enjoyed my time as a PMC a whole lot more if the turks looked like this

The centaur girl would still be bangable, if you could get used to horse puss


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Have you ever touched a snake?

Twintails look awful in real life.

You are my nigger.

Attached: delicious_brown.png (1100x1200, 1.69M)

Anal is literally fucking shit.

Yes. If anything the woman part would be more exotic.

Attached: sensei_smile.jpg (1920x1080, 875K)

Please don't bully the sharks

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>real life
Who cares, get out.

Attached: 3acfceb7-40b6-4809-b2ca-d464566d2ef4..jpg (800x800, 94K)

have you?
>scales smooth and dry
>cool to the touch
>dat grip
I mean I don't wanna fug a snake personally but I understand why some might be into it
t. snake owner

also, double cock

That's just cheap animation

Attached: gokicha_01-2.jpg (640x330, 33K)


Attached: lNfsosQ.jpg (720x720, 226K)

Jesus fucking christ, how can her ass be that flat in an appron?

Flat ass and big breasts is the patrician choice. Anyone who says otherwise is a nigger. Tallflat is just as good.

Attached: rider_uniform.jpg (450x642, 49K)

>irish posters

Attached: 1533905286960.png (846x460, 336K)

Good taste is a northern-European thing in general.

Attached: Sakaki_meido.png (2850x4000, 470K)

i only bully girls that look like sharks

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burn scars

cbt is not femdom

retard, read the thread topic

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>natural born ayy lmao
I lost my sides

Everything that isn't made specifically to look horrifying in anime.

depends on the theme

if they are not too bushy and well maintained I like it

to be fair, i'd love to always hear a background soundtrack that's customised to the situation i'm in and the actions i'm engaging in. i'll finally have the motivation to go to tournaments in various games i play, plus chores will be more fun.


You're right
Brown people are scary

std's are not hot in anime, though

>not killing her and yourself on the spot for allowing this humiliation

No, it's based on short story, and it goes into more detail. Basically they're at a sort of of galactic dumping ground where some weird navigational error keeps dropping ships, and there's no way back.

>just kill everyone
This is the most american reply I've ever seen.

Small ahoge is a real thing. And I think big ahoge would be cute.


>Flat ass and big breasts is the patrician choice

Attached: >tfw too much ass.jpg (169x299, 11K)

it's a trap!

For the love of fucking god, not again.

How the fuck do you still fall for traps, user? If you're that bad at noticing male bone structure then just assume every pretty girl you see posted here is has a dick unless proven otherwise. Shit, man.

I have issues recognising faces and to an extent gender characteristics (unless they're very obvious). If it looks vaguely female and has long hair and female clothes I tend to register it as a girl.
I still can't see any signifiers that the cosplayer is male, apart from his hips now that I'm looking carefully.

Let me help.
This is a boy.

Attached: azLqw8B_700b.jpg (650x975, 86K)

...and this is a trap.

Attached: sexy-admiral-ackbar-cosplay-1.jpg (640x852, 103K)

You guys need to get the fuck out more, pretty much half of all real women out there are ugly enough to look like crossdressers or have disgusting man chins.

That's why 2D is great but don't tell me you're experts on identifying crossdressers because of your warped views of reality.

Attached: D6XE3bsUIAEwRgr.jpg (996x915, 155K)

th-thanks, but it didn't help me at all.

I'd hardly call the ability to pick out sexually dimorphic features a "warped view of reality" but ok. Not that being able to catch the stuff under all the lighting, angles, and photoshops really matters though, even the guy who can't tell faces apart would pick out the man 10 times out of 10 in real life.

suu is best girl

I'd do
She's scary even in the manga tho

Attached: 002.jpg (1035x712, 421K)

Literally a normal human with detached but working head

Might as well post the best one too while at it

Attached: Sturluson.Celty.full.136639.jpg (903x1160, 123K)

Characters with crazy pupils/eyes. Hearts, targets, changing colors, etc. Looks really cute in anime, but would probably look weird as hell irl

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Are there really people who think sharp teeth or scales are a turnoff? I bet you fags never petted a snake. And lets not mention that people are already fucking animals they can, everything is just an improvement over that.


Attached: laughing.jpg (202x250, 8K)

That's not a nice thing to say

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woah! sauce?

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Depends of the dullahan
Monster Musume dullahan looks like a dead/ghost with her skin tone and black sclera (plus her neck is like the neck of an actual decapitated body) while dullahans from other mangas have some sort of smoke coming out of their necks but they have normal human skin

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Attached: laughing_draper.jpg (413x395, 19K)

so make a contraption so it moves like pic related or something, be a little inventive

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I thought it was the pygmies.

bump for source?

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They any relation to Eiffel 65?

I miss pbx's gallery.

>she would be in fucking jail

For what?

So that's where earth burgles come from?

You have no idea how lucky you are not to have them.

What short story?

Her expression is hilarious.

>I can't believe this shit...


>just has a spider body connected to her ass
>fucking high heels
this just looks stupid. can Ipay for operation to cut the spider body away?

found it, it's from netflix's love death and robots episode 7

should finish that. I know it cost money but damn I wish ultraman had that type of cgi instead

>implying I wouldn't a literal semen demon

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This thread is silly.

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Why are dark people so ugly IRL?

Attached: 0f37d2b33b52dcfb10b683918fbacb3a.png (600x873, 935K)

I would a reptilian gf.

Japaneses badly need orthodontic anyway.

Pain in the ass to maintain.

>Step 1: Let eyebrows be bushy and cute
>Step 2: ????
>Step 3: Profit!!!!
You're right, seems dreadful.

It was going all smooth until shit happen

>Let eyebrows be bushy and cute
>grow to point where it joins your hairline
Females seem to avoid this, but males with bushy brows have BUSHY brows if you know what I mean.

Context check.

A undressed trap would confuse my boner.

Attached: D6e6PS3XsAEp9fB.jpg (900x1200, 146K)

Shortstack werewolves.

I always feel like it's moreso the facial structure that turns me off rather than the dark skin?

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he not that hot

Vagina with human head.

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wtf taht would be rly hot irl

femdom in my fav fetish, but i hate what im seeing here, there is nuances.

Attached: reaction_bustincaps.jpg (500x500, 27K)

That do exist to
It's kinda weird

This. The reason dark skin in 2D is 10/10 is that they generally still look like the rest of the cast, just brown.

You know there are mixed people who have pretty faces while keeping the dark skin, right?!


Attached: 1555309152322.jpg (677x526, 57K)

forget reality, we need more of that in manga

Clearly the author saw this

Attached: giphy.gif (282x287, 1.99M)

oh no for sure. I think a lot of mixed ppl look good because they (sometimes) get the best from both sides

Pochi is memed as an extreme shotacon
God, I wish that could happen to me

Attached: I'm going to kiss you.png (1305x1155, 380K)

make slime by following the instructions on a youtube video, then insert penis into slime. Simple as that.