>Put literally zero effort into establishing and progressing your main pairing
>Go hundreds of chapters making all romantic interest between them completely one sided
>Make them suddenly married with at the last minute in the final chapter
>Shipperfags eat this up and call it well written
I hate this so much. Will their ever be a shonen manga that actually develops a relationship? Even MHA looks to be going down this route when it didnt start like that
Put literally zero effort into establishing and progressing your main pairing
>he neither read nor watched Naruto yet still thinks he can comment on the development of NaruHinas relationship
>Needed an entire movie to develop it after years of chapters and episodes.
its battle shounen, not a romance series cry more faggot
Not really. The movie was merely the Pierrot flexing their muscles for their favourite manga of all time. The anime had a shit ton of episodes focusing entirely on their relationship. Even pre-Shippuden. Pierrot are literal Hinatafag and they added fluff everytime they could.
Movie literally uses manga events such as the Oinment scene in the Chuunin exams and the Pain confession to build on their relationship.
>Will their ever be a shonen manga that actually develops a relationship
stop being a zoomer
I've watched all of it though and I've never seen any of those scenes you posted
Maybe you shouldn't be shitposting while you watch anime, then. I mean, please. Here you go. The nerds over at the Narutopedia went through the trouble of listing everything for you.
I think we can all agree IchiHime is the worst of the two. Absolutely NOBODY wanted it and it helped further kill Bleach in the process.
To be clear, I was referring to the actual canon manga in both cases
>b-but the movie is canon!
It's supplementary material. Same goes for filler anime shipping fuel
I haven't watched it (and never will) but it'd been great if those were actually built upon in the main series. Just consider the massive time gap between those two scenes you mentioned. Those are the only relevant scenes between them in the whole series, and most people had forgotten about the first one since as I said it was never mentioned again
No thanks
I love how Bleachfags pretended that she wasn't the most hated character of the series after the end
They go as far as to say she was always the best and most favorite female in the series, when that was literally false to its very name.
Literally the worst that could've happened happened
I mean Literally the worst that could've happened happened sums up a lot of late bleach
>Kubo designs loads of top-tier women.
>The worst one gets shoved in our faces.
Nightmare timeline.
Into the hall of anal devastation with you
Post the link man. Haven't a good laugh in a while
Welcome to Yea Forums.
This happened with Oreimo, Prison School, Masamune-Kun and will continue to happen every series that has shit endings or shit pairings
Snk will SOON give us a well-developed star-crossed pairing between the two (pic related) main characters. Soon...
As usual here come the preprogrammed responses from shipperfags. We'll be seeing Pinkshitfag thrown around before long
well, what would be a plot which involved the manga of Mushibugyo which had Jinbei having 3 females having his children?
She started out being an actually interesting character with real personality traits, and then I guess Kubo decided he'd rather just shit out a bunch of cardboard cutouts making zwee noises until his contract expired.
I used to be really into Bleach but that last arc was just a "tiresome anime/manga shit" greatest hits album.
>ITT: losers still seething many years after
that's terrible (gay) art where you can barely recognize characters
Why don’t you Ichiruki fags just do what the narutofags do and make a bunch of terrible cuck porn where Ichigo is some stud who constantly fucks Rukia while Renji is unawares
How? I can recognise them just fine
NaruHina was so close to being decent. The setup is actually alright, with the blood oath and the proud failure speech, then the Pain confession. Literally all that had to happen for it to be a functional pairing is a chapter where they go on a date together after the Pain arc. It was never going to be a good love story because it's a poorly written battle shonen but I wish there was more interaction between Naruto and Hinata
They did
reiner in looks like zeke, for one
>Narusaku assblast
>Ichiruki assblast
Never forget.
They already did: e-hentai.org
Reminder that Hinata is best girl by far and deserved to win the Narutobowl
But Ichihime is better than NH.
Worst girls always win.
>invented triangle
She looks more like a rectangle
user, if you were aware of pages related and couldn't see the writing on the wall, you should probably get yourself checked for the 'tism.
Not saying the relationship was well developed, but it was telegraphed as fuck multiple times, and the only reason to doubt it was justifiable doubt about the author pussying out.
>battle shonen
>romantic development
Stop trying to make the assblast of the Bleach Ending at the same level of the one of Naruto.
although both series handled the romance poorly and badly developed, it is still by far the better couples. I mean did you want NaruSaku? Did you want IchiRuka? Fuck no, they are both worse.. Both Naruto and Ichigo picked the big boobed submissive beauty.
Also nigga, why are you mad? You cuck? Did you selfinsert?
>expectating a battle shonen of all things to have proper romance development
are you serious? romance is just an afterthought, and typically the girl who says "I want the MC's dick" with a neon sign is the one who gets the MC's dick, as simple as that
slow down on the memes, it's true that she wasn't as popular as Rukia, but only irrational IRs hate her, which contrary to their popular belief, doesn't account for the majority of the fanbase
not the several plot points left in the air or the dozens of forgotten characters? the ending would still be lackluster if it was IR
She would've deserved it even more if she didn't become so bland and boring
Ichigo and Orihime actually had lots of screentime together. Now Nardo’s bullshit is the only thing obscene here besides OP’s brain.
I did used to love those scenes and I shipped the fuck out of them when I was younger and first watched them but those were so long ago that they barely register. The next relevant scene with them together was the fucking Pain fight. Back then I got a little bit more investment in seeing how it would develope but then fucking nothing happened for ever then I forgot about it. Then I think the next moment they had was when they held hands at the final battle, but by then I no longer gave a shit about her (lack of a)character and them being together and it just felt hollow. The point of my post was that I'm tired of seeing these kinds if boring "developments" and then seeing Hinatafags treat it like the greatest thing ever
>SEETHING amirite guys!
>are you serious? romance is just an afterthought
narutards always parrot that but it's a retarded copout, romance was a significant part of the narrative, it's the main motivation and backstory of multiple major characters
I completely agree with you and I'm a huge Hinatafag. The people who pretend the romance was developed well are just as bad as Narusaku retards
>but only irrational IRs hate her
I thought you were saying to slow down on the memes. People have hated her annoying Kurosaki-Kun! routine for years long before the finale.
>Will their ever be a shonen manga that actually develops a relationship?
They always happen in the ones nobody reads
which was an anime exclusive thing, nothing to do with the manga, and if you mean the scene at the top of Las Noches, it's purpose was to show that she was losing it
Guess I might as well check out Hinomaru then
>the scene at the top of Las Noches
I just double checked and she didnt repeat his name there. The only time in the manga was when Ichigo was being beaten up by Nnoitra´s minion
Do it, Reina is unironically the new pinnacle of tsundere
Die mad about it.
>SEETHING amirite guys!
not to throw fuel to the fire but literally what other reason could there be to keep mulling over and complaining about a series that ended five years ago? Hinata won and that's that, they where never gonna develop it further in the main series because the main focus of the main series was Naruto's autistic obsession with becoming a Hokage and then with saving Sasuke, that's why the movie exists, to develop that relationship further.
Kishimoto doesn't care about women, their romances with men, and especially Hinata. He implied the only reason to even like her would be her big tits.
NH was cute on paper but it was nothing special and Pierrot had to salvage it with filler fic to even make it presentable as a romance because Kishimoto sure wasn't.
Who even read that shit for romance? Like actual fucking romance, not pinning together cute scenes together to support theories? Because that's just shippershit. There is no romance. Battle shonenshit doesn't promise "well developed romance", it promises boom boom punch. Not that it can't have well developed romances and that there aren't well developed romances in some boom boom punch series. But you chose to invest all your misplaced hopes and dreams into the worst ones for delivering what you want and that is your fault.
That red herring was so strong and I hate Kishi for that. I bet he laughed hard thinking Sakurafags would eat that shit up and Hinatafags would lose hope because of muh parallels.
Naruto ending up with Hinata is fine but Sasuke and Sakura is a fucking travesty
There's nothing to salvage, you brainlet. That's the shippershitter in you talking. There is no romance in Naruto. Kishimoto made a number of emotional scenes between Naruto and Hinata to make sense of pairing them together at the end. The anime and movie added to things but it wasn't necessary because romance was never of any importance.
>Sasuke and Sakura is a fucking travesty
Why? Did either character deserve better or something? Because they sure didn't.
Sasuke deserves better even though he's massive edgelord. No one deserves Thotura
Almost all of the reasons Sakura sucks are intrinsically linked to Sasuke
He doesn't really deserve much better. And who else is a more fanatic Uchiha baby factory, besides Karin?
Almost everything about her is linked to Sasuke or Naruto. Kishimoto didn't even give her family any importance like he did the supporting characters. It's funny because in a way, Sakura is a more fitting underdog than either of them because she's like some bland ordinary girl.
Sasuke deserves a Karin who's an actual character
>caring about romance on a battle shonen
Oh fuck off with the whole “romance isn’t important in a battle shonen” bullshit. Sure it’s not super important, but at the very least Kishimoto could have churned out something decent especially since he decided on Hinata being his endgame since the very beginning. Instead the guy focused on baiting every fucking side.
If he could have, he would have. Don't assume he was holding back, he didn't have it in him to deliver better than what he did. That's about Naruto in general. I agree with the shipperbaiting, makes it all the more pathetic really.
>Sasuke and Sakura didn't suck Naruto's dick 24/7, therefore they are horrible people and bad characters.
I forgot this fanbase is allergenic to conflict in a fucking battle shonen. Did you want them replaced with a yesman and a yeswoman for Naruto?
>I'm too addicted to cock to imagine people disliking shit characters in their own right, therefore must be self-inserting maymay
And many people hated Naruto for suck off those two shitters, making him just as bad as them. I suppose you're "allergenic" to taste or basic self-respect.
Well Naruto is equally as shitty as them.
I'm not the one still bringing this up after so long, bro
Lurk enough and you'd know most people here agree. The rest are outsiders who genuinely think this series is good.
Soul vs Soulless
>Shipperfags eat this up and call it well written
more like they create thread like this and whine even years later
Kubo's been reading Okusan.
How long has it been, 4 years? 5 years? You should learn to let it go.
>Shipperfags eat this up and call it well written
Shipperfags are the ONLY ONES bringing this shit up FIVE YEARS after the fact, literally no one else gave a shit about the romance in the series and they've moved on from the franchise at this point.
>puffy vulva
But ichihime is way better developed than naruhina
Hated by bitter ichiruki fans, those are her haters mostly
Cry more, you always will be mad and I will always be happpy
No, she was the most disliked one in any given bleach threads, furtherly enhanced by the fanfiction posting hamplanet.
Some already do it, but that will always be unsatisfactory because they know that is not what happened. They will always be mad, and I always be happy
Did Ichigo see Rukia as a girl? He treats her like a boy.
Ichiruki fans were the most vocal. When you have been reading the same forums during years you know the users and you know why they constantly critic a character. It's always because of shipping
Orihime hate was autistic as fuck and I dropped Bleach years before it ended. There was no real reason to hate on her so much unless you were a shippertard.
Bleach "romance" was god awful but I honestly think Naruto did enough.Its a series aimed at little boys. what more do you expect?
As some one who dropped bleach in 2011, I thought the main couple was pretty well developed to be honest. Better than any other shounen I can think of.
Technically all of HM was a biuld up of Ichigo's and Orihime's relationship. Anyone saying otherwise have sub-human IQ.
Is Ichigo a gary stu?
Do you think Facebook fucked Orihime(or any of Ichigo's other female friends/family) while they were under the effects of his magic friendship sword?
I can sort of understand with Bleach since Rukia was likeable but it's amazing that people are still mad about Sakura not winning when she spent most of the manga chasing after some other guy.
This is probably what Kubo intended but I was on Yea Forums when this arc was coming out and Orihime was relentlessly shit on here. It was even worse when the anime aired. Orihime was pretty well liked before HM.
And don't say its a shipping thing. Yea Forums was waaaaaaaaaaay less obsessed with bleach shipping back then.
Probably due to the fact that there where actually things worth discussing about bleach...
I wouldn't have said so, no
I have never felt this strongly towards a pairing before, not since JKR’s Harry and Ginny in the infamous Harry Potter series. Thinking back prior to the days before the release of “Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince”, the whole HP fandom pretty much looked down on HG supporters. For many years, we were seen as fools, pinning away for a couple where the heroine’s part in the series was almost non-existent. How could Harry Potter, the hero, possibly fall for stupid fan girl Ginny Weasley? And yet, since the first time they ‘officially' met in the Burrow, where she embarrassedly steeped her arm into the butter dish, I intuitively knew she was ‘the one’. Now why am I talking about HP when this essay claims it is about Bleach’s Ichigo/Orihime? Well, because this pairing, like Harry/Ginny before HBP, is being frowned down upon as the pairing that is almost impossible; e.g. the underdog. But like HG, I feel enormous inkling that they would be the ending couple.
>only caring about romance in a battle shonen for 15 years
What about Ichigo/Rukia, you ask? I have to admit, the two have really good chemistry together as a team and friends. I also have the inkling feeling that Rukia might have somewhat of a crush on Ichigo. As for Ichigo’s part, he treats her as a very important friend, for now anyways. While I am not here to state the possibly of Ichigo/Rukia happening in the series, as no one can really predict that correctly but Mr. Tite, I would like to state why Ichigo/Rukia would not work well as a potential couple. First of all, it would totally destroy the dynamic that Bleach has going on so far. Involving a romance between the main guy and girl totally screams shifting the adventure focus of the series to that of romance! And I don't think Mr. Tite would want that, seeing how romance should only play a subplot in Bleach. Besides, having Rukia as a girlfriend would not be healthy for Ichigo. She and him are very alike, and while similarities in some couples work, they obviously do not. I think they both possess a 'dark' personality. They aren’t able to display their affections well, and so I don't think they'd be able to communicate with each other if they ‘date’. It'd be an embarrassing situation and as stubborn and prideful as both of them are, both wouldn't take that first step to move their new relationship forward. The both of them are the quiet type. If they get together, the atmosphere would be so dead, almost like the spirits they 'cleanse'. We can see this happening in the recent filler arc of Bleach; Rukia was unable to thank Ichigo properly, out of embarrassment. If she cannot even display a show of simple gratitude to someone who saved her life out of friendship, how could one expect her show affection to this same man out of love?
On the other hand, Orihime’s viewpoint in dealing with grief is totally different from Rukia. Like most of the main characters in Bleach, Orihime also experienced pain in her life. Her losing of her brother, no doubt equals to Ichigo’s loss of her mother, or maybe even exceeds it because her brother was the only relative she ever truly had. The loneliness of being alone in the world; that cannot be a remotely joyous reality. And yet, every morning, she greets Ichigo with an eager smile and excitedly exclaims, “Good morning Kurosaki-kun!” waving her hands above her head eagerly. She is still able to laugh, smile and think up ridiculous ideas that no one can comprehend how she thought them up in the first place. She is the most carefree, innocent, naïve but happy character in Bleach. She wants to protect Ichigo, she does not wish to depend on him anymore, she always thinks of others first, even when she’s bleeding, and she wants to be stronger so she can protect those she loves. Such a loving character, she never once allowed the cruelty of fate bring her down. Her optimistic attitude despite it all could really help Ichigo’s sulking one. Unlike Rukia, Orihime would not be scared or embarrassed to show Ichigo her love. She could brighten up his life with more laughter and hope. She could bring him out of his misery, his guilt of his mother’s death. Like an angel, Orihime could wrap her wings around him and bring him close to her, healing his wounds in the process. She can help him loosen up a bit the old sniff neck. Maybe that is why her strongest powers are her shied and healing ability; not only because she does not wish to harm anyone, but it is also in her nature to protect and heal the wounds of the ones she cares for.
Well, one might like to bring up the fact that Ichigo went through so much to save Rukia from execution in Soul Society. But then, she was going to die for him if he didn't go and save her. She reminded him of his mother, ‘he got protected again’. If he didn't go, all of us would have been so disappointed in him. It was not out of a lover’s love, but out of friendship, duty and obligation. But what about how Rukia’s injury in chapter 213 by that arrancar? He seemed so nervous and worried, staying beside Rukia as Orihime healed her wounds. However, we must not forget that before that scene, we saw how upset he was because he thinks it is his fault that they've lost. That because he was too weak, everyone was suffering because of him. He was sad and worried not because she was hurt, but because he thought it was HIS FAULT that she got injured in the first place, that because of his failure, he couldn't protect her. That was all there to it.
Speaking of that scene, I would like to point out that during it, Mr. Tite also placed great emphasis upon Orihime’s saddened expression over Ichigo’s obvious apprehension over Rukia’s wounds. Why did he do so? 1) It was to further show the reader of Orihime’s feelings towards Ichigo and Rukia; that she might be jealous of the bond they shared. (This was proven later on when Orihime confessed to Matsumato in the bathroom.) And 2) it was also to show that Orihime’s feelings towards Ichigo is not as simple as a silly puppy dog crush as we once thought. A simple crush cannot make one upset like she was, no; her feelings exceed those of a crush. She was in love with Ichigo, which we also learned later on. Witnessing her expression, the once beaming smile that usually took its place upon her visage, was reduced to nothing more than hopelessness, like a nightingale unable to sing, a violinist broken of their arms and so unable to play the stringed instrument any longer. Mr. Tite deliberately made the reader's heart go out for Orihime's unrequited love. Was he was trying to make the reader sympathize with the poor girl and hopefully, when her love is requited, the reader would be happy along with her? I would like to think so.
If one were familiar with the Bleach fandom, then they would have no doubt heard of the theory (or even thought of it themselves) that Ichigo is the reincarnation of Kaien Shiba. Either than the uncanny look alike faces (the two basically has the same face with different hair styles), we also saw that the two possessed almost the same loud, unrestricted and generous personality. This theory also explains the Hollow that is inside of Ichigo, since Kaien died by Rukia’s sword with the Hollow still inside of him. Well, if this theory were true, then what about the possibility that Orihime is the reincarnation of Kaien’s wife? (Though, I am not sure what happens to a soul after a Hollow has devoured it. Does it have a chance to go back to Soul Society? Or is it ‘destroyed’, like how Quincy’s destroy Hollows?) But that is not important; no what is interesting is how Rukia described her. If I remember correctly, Rukia mentioned that she had incredible healing powers? Now I’m not trying to say, “OMG Orihime is the reincarnation of Kaien’s wife!” However, it is somewhat uncanny that after Ichigo’s battle with Byakuya and Aizen’s departure, as Orihime healed Ichigo’s wounds, Unohana said that she didn’t need any help! Obviously, her healing powers were good, better than any seated shinigami of the fourth division. I just found it interesting that Orihime’s personality and abilities resemble that of Kaien’s wife so much, especially if the reincarnation theory is true.
Once the battles have ended, the romance and power level discussions are all that's left. I'm not saying that as to defend shippers, just that it's the inevitability of a battle shonen series.
There is this big nagging feeling in me that it's going to be Ichigo/Orihime. First of all, in the series so far, the only romance plot Mr. Tite has mentioned so far in the manga is the love between Kaien and his wife, Byakuya and Rukia's sister...and Orihime's love for Ichigo. Why would he give those love feelings to Orihime if he does not intend to do anything with them? I mean, they would definitely need to go somewhere in the end. It is not a good literal device to bring details in if one does not intend to use or extend it for further plot purposes. I'm not saying that he'd do a romance subplot with it definitely, but the chances of Ichihime is at least greater than Ichigo/Rukia, given for the fact that Orihime already loves him. And besides, Ichigo had never really outright stated he would not 'like' Orihime that way. Granted, he can't understand the way she thinks sometimes, and is totoally oblivious of her feelings for him...but the fact remains, he doesn't 'hate' Orihime, nor had he declared undying love for Rukia (or anyone else for that matter) yet. There is still hope for Ichihime. Let us not forget, Mr. Tite did say Orihime would become a very important character later on in an interview once.
As a writer myself, I look for the tiniest of details and try to string them together in hopes of guessing future plotlines. The most frustrating of predicting future plot lines in Bleach is no doubt the romance sector. There are so many possibilities; Ichihime, Ichikia, Renkia, Ishihime, etc. However, no matter the outcome, I guess as readers and fans of the series, we can only hope that the characters themselves would find happiness, even if one’s preferred pairing do not happen. After all, Bleach itself is a fantasy/adventure manga, and romance doesn’t really play such a big role in it.
>Once the battles have ended, the romance and power level discussions are all that's left
No way nonexistent romance could be the only subject of discussion because a manga about battles didn't focus on one.
I also love e how you guys retroactively pretended to give a shit about Renjobber
>No way nonexistent romance could be the only subject of discussion
What other subjects can you talk about with battle shonen after their respective series have come to an end? The inevitability is either shipping garbage or power level discussion, possibly both.
Faggots shit on Orihime because she is a nice girl taking attention away from Rukiafag's waifu. Ruki/a/ as it were. Loud crying children swimming in this place before it was filled with normalfags and faggots no giving a shit about the shipfaggotry.
Bleach always had a good deal of lore to discuss (ironically kubo touched upon it very little), romance was pretty much one of the last thing you could justified talking about.
>Faggots shit on Orihime because she is a nice girl taking attention away from Rukiafag's waifu.
Literally no who was actually here is buying into this delusion. Give it up you're embarrassing yourself
I'm pretty sure it was in spite of one tumblr caste over another. There is a boogieman rukiafags cannot seem to let go.
The joke is that Naruto is the one like his mom and Hinata was Minato. Or at least, that's how Pierrot and their numerous resident Hinatafags played it.
Again , no one is buying this.
Naruto and Sakura literally have never been portrayed in a romantic light, or even implied to.
That is literally true, check archives.
Faggots shit on Orihime because shes not a good character. 90% of her personality is "I LOVE KUROSAKI-KUN" and the other 10% is tits.
Yea Forums would give 0 shits about her if she had a flat chest.
>Reading shonenshit for Romance
Kill yourself you fucking tranny
Good fucking lord, are people still this salty over NaruHina and Ichihime being canon?
>their favourite manga of all time
literally what?
Hhahahhahahahahahahahha Maidshitter still mad.
Aki was the most popular by far from the beginning and this will never change your redditor piece of shit.
Don't reply to me too, faggot.
>another thread about people seething about obvious pairings
>Yea Forums would give 0 shits about her if she had a flat chest
Listen here you little shit, don't underestimate flat chests.
>Yea Forums would give 0 shits about her if she had a flat chest.
>Yea Forums not liking flat chested characters
You must be confusing Yea Forums with wherever you crawled from.
Left became a landwhale
Right was never any good but somehow got even worse. Haku was the best girl in Naruto.
Orihime was for Ulquiorra
Let me guess, Naruto and Bleach were the only shonens you've read right?
Ichigo's cock makes girls uglier and fatter.
Ulquiorra was for Hougyoku
You mean Uryuu.
You seriously think Orihime would be popular without tits?
It's been 5 fucking years already. Move on
Posting Hinata should be considered a bannable offense, people only post her to bait Sakura fans, no one genuinely likes her anyways.
There was never, not one single time when Sakura seriously loved Naruto in that manner. Stop being a deluded mongol.
But the is canon and was written by Kishimoto. No matter how you much you sperg is going to change that.
He gets his ass kicked too much to be a Garry Stu
Most of her fans are girls, so I doubt they are worried by her tits
Ichigo's cock got Orihime pregnant
You may not like it but this is peak female performance.
And if Orihime would be with Ulquiorra I can assure you nobody would be hating Orihime. It seems she is ok only if she is with Ulquiorra (or Ishida)
>he seriously thinks that the Naruto franchise gets the Ghibli animation treatment for every major fight and filler because the animators hate the show
What Pierrot created with Shippuden shows that they love the series very, very much. They were the ones who wanted to make The Last. The project only came to exist because Pierrot staff wanted to make that movie more than anything else. They are blatant Hinatafags, same as developers of the NInja Storm games.
>Will their ever be a shonen manga that actually develops a relationship?
At last Eren/Historia is the main plot and not a some sidequest romance.
Yeah, because of shippers. Retards would think otherwise. Shippers do this. They try to pair off characters to keep their OTPs unchallenged.
People are finally coming out of the closet. Because they win and you lost
>Will their ever be a shonen manga that actually develops a relationship
Maybe you should stop reading mainstream shit.
Imagine actually still caring about this over 5 years later
It hasn't even been three years child. Do you have ADD?
Ouh yeah I stopped visiting those threads because of some fujos sperging and begging others not to talk about it kek, only come in spoiler weeks
> he reads shonen for the romance
maybe the romance was not the central part of the series and yet, your kind gets made because the main character didnt end with X. But yeah... "shipperfags call it well written".
Get that onions twitter buzzword outta here!
chatte or tsunaki?
Almost 3 years in Bleach case, almost 5 in Naruto case
I'm okay with it in Naruto because at the very fucking least, it was ultimately shown why they got into a relationship.
Orihime... the fuck was that
*Huh can't let s-o-y word be typed normally for some reason.
Because the main audience for shonen are 13 years old boys and romance isn't what interest them, so no much focus pairings
>wordfilter literally been a thing for a year
>thinks he can accuse anyone else of being a tourist
I think there's also that there was never much of a sense that ichigo was ever really on-top of things
Imagine actually caring about this in the first place
PLESE, in manga canon Naruto and Hinata barely interact. In the movie Naruto still barely noticed Hinata, she was barely able to talk to him too, and they made Naruto to fall in love with her suddenly simply showing him she was in love with him during years. The movie is even worse then the manga with the romance. And plus they married almost immediately after that.
Compared with that, kubo did it infinately better with Ichihime, even though he could have been more explicit with Ichigo's side and put some romantic scene at the end, at least there had a slow progression where you can see they went from classmates to nakama, becaming more and more closer, and they interacted often.
There's nothing to "plese" about, user. I just said I'm okay with it because a reasoning was given, not that I love it because it was done well (it wasn't).
And no, the issue is really too big with Ichigo not giving a PARTICULAR shit about Orihime. That's why people always criticize it. Orihime liked him? Fucking whatever. The issue is that he never seemed to like her that way, and it just happens offscreen. Although Naruto was a right cunt, at least in the movie we do see that he fell for her, and see why.
Kubo also wrote Rukia badly, by basically making Ichigo hugely concerned with her, then making Rukia hardly relevant. Whatever, Bleach sucks for a lot of reasons. Naruto does too, but whatever. It's comparing feces at that point. "Naruto handled the romance better" is a practically empty statement in the end.
I honestly don't understand why NHfags are shitting on IH so much. The latter had more screentime and interactions. At least Orihime could hold conversations with the MC without the fainting or stuttering. And she didn't even need a movie.
>need a movie
If you think that NaruHina wasn't hammered in stone since before timeskip then you're literally retarded. It didn't "need" a movie, but Pierrot are big Hinatafags so they wanted to make one and got Kishis approval.
Ichigo literally rose from the dead to protect Orihime and then she was the only one he didn’t purposely hurt in his Vasto!lord form. How can you say he doesn’t give a shit about her? Especially when we see him worrying over her in like the 3rd or 4th chapter, when they were just classmates.
A particular shit. "I fight for my friends" is one of the only defining characteristics of the pathetic piece of shit that is nu-Ichigo.
It did need a movie because Kishimoto didn’t give it closure in some way. Sure we got the handholding scene, but then after that when Minato asks Naruto if Sakura is his gf, the kid doesn’t deny it. SS at least got the head poke in the epilogue. All NH got was a panel of them standing together during a funeral.
user, Ichigo going full passive-reactive and fighting for his friends only was because he sealed most of his real personality away inside of hollow ichigo.
Hollow Ichigo is mostly his real personality given form. He knows that instinctively.
That's why he changed so drastically after he gained his mask during his training with Urahara and after his fight with Byakuya.
>Naruto handled the romance better
I don't agree at all.
Naruhina is way less developed than ichihime, and then you have Sasusaku, the epitome of bad development, and absolutely not credible. And as a colophon 2 pairings with, in one of them, 2 person who only talked one time in the manga, and another one who never interacted
I don't care. At all.
A romance isn't developed for Ichigo. It's a one-sided romance, and then marriage.
Same problem Naruto had, except Naruto had a film explain the protagonist's interest.
>and then you have Sasusaku
obviously I'm not talking about that, nor do I care
Here we go the single best confession scene in manga ever.
As an NHfag, I’m not too fond of the film. It had some nice scenes, but I don’t think how Naruto waited 2 whole years to give Hinata some kind of answers and I don’t like how they had to dumb him down even more than usual for him to understand the concept of romance/love which he already understood going by the manga.
Then why reply?
IRcucks always need to let their anger be known. Even after all these years.
You said "Naruto hadled the romance better". But, anyhow Naruhina by itself destroys that argument, much worse handled. Barely interactions, Naruto realizing he loves Hinata through a genjutsu was patethic and not credible.
And I don't even like Hinata's confession, I felt it ridiculous, Kishimoto only wanted to create an impact, but it felt out of place.
Orihime's one was really emotional and beautiful, much more credible.
Because Bourto exists and Sakura is miserable, which constantly pisses them off and makes feel slighted. Thats all it is
I can't agree that Naruto handled the romance better. Naruto and Hinata barely interacted and while quality is more important than quantity, they had neither. Sasuke and Sakura is literally one of the worst couples to come out of the medium. Ino and Sai along with Chouji and Karui came out of nowhere, especially the latter which had no interactions in the canon manga. Imagine if Kubo put Uryu and Momo together just for the hell of it. Shikamaru and Temari were fine, but they didn't have that many scenes together either.
>Sakura is miserable
Huh? SS gets nice material in the spin-off, to my surprise.
Naruhina and Ichihime were pretty nice.
Yes. I agree
I wonder when you Narusaku/Ichiriku faggots will stop spamming threads. Just let it go. It's not healthy. NaruHina won, spawned the best vanilla doujins ever and left most people warm and fuzzy inside.
>imagine losing your teen years rooting for a ship used as a red herring by the author
It is a manga for YOUNG BOYS, they dont care about developing relationships. They want action and big anime titties, if you care that much your clearly not the target audience!
Can we stop these stupid threads?I'v been reading Bleach since I was 13 years old and as a child i understood the concept of "Oh okay, she likes Naruto/Ichigo and the author wants us to know it, I guess she is gonna end up with him".
How is that grown adults cannot understand that Ichigo or Naruto was never going to end up with Rukia or Sakura?
this, its not a fucking romance story. Its an action series, and the authors explicitly stated that romance wasn't an important theme in the stories. They don't care enough about it to red herring the audience.
This, nhfags and Hinafags deny this
wasn't the spin-off where the 'first date that lasted two minutes' thing came from though lol
They ended up with best girls but fucking shit the authors didn't even try to make those relationships credible, it was like they are friends and tomorrow they are fucking, I honestly thought IchiRuki was gonna be a thing and NaruHina would have a good explanation but no
>that's why the movie exists, to develop that relationship further.
That means their relationship was never meant to be since the main plot was about Naruto hokagefaggotry and bring sauce back. You could have ended Naruto right in 699 without movies and all shit and nothing would have changed.
all Naruto pairings happened cause WSJ wanted to milk it which is why we got boruto. that’s it.
I nutted in your waifu at long last!
So petite I scarcely fit!
Fucks sake
I'm sick of people shitting on shounen for not having DEEP UNIQUE ROMANCE or any romance or having DEEP INTELLIGENT STRONG UNATTRACTIVE/GAY WOMEN
Fuck all of that nonsense.
At most there should be some romantic interraction between men and women of approrpiate age and talk about it in an earnest way.
Not the creeper shit that's being pushed hard now or the trite nonsense that the jump editors are forcing because they think it sells/is safe.
Literally me.
Only like three of the boruto cast make any fucking sense.
Boruto himself is litteraly a bunch of shitty editors getting together with marketers and discussing how to make the perfect shitty character to sell to idiots.
And they succeeded in making a hateful little faggot that the entire fanbase wants gone.
I think it's especially weird how they seem to not understand that the characters developed over time.
Yeah, Naruto started with a crush on Sakura, but by the final arcs it was 100% clear that their relationship was platonic friendship and respect.
Same goes for Ichigo and Rukia, though their final relationship was more like a brother/sister thing.
They both just ended up with the girls who clearly wanted their dicks from the start and just remained friends with the other female leads.
I just find it funny how Boruto, Shikadai, Sarada, and Chouji and Inojin and that Mitsuki kid are all the same age. Also funny how Naruto was the only one to have more than one kid.
>Naruto started with a crush on Sakura,
She's less hot then the other girls in their class or from most of the other villages
She treats him like complete fucking shit
She hates him
She's just a bad woman all around
The fuck is the draw there?
Is she like...office hot?
Is that it?
They went full Goku with Naruto..except...you know. Boruto is shit.
And you're right.
It's fucking weird how their all the same age more or less.
If anything Shikamaru's son should be the oldest and he'd have a second kid who'd be close to boruto's age.
And let's be honest, Kishi told them to give Naruto a cute little girl or he'd personally go to each of their houses and stomp them in the nuts.
Can you really explain your first crush? Sometimes it just is
I actually started liking Orihime around HM. Probably because I didn't watch the anime and didn't have to bear hearing her voice.
At the same time I used to love Rukia but started disliking her around that time. The chemistry she and Ichigo had was gone and Rukia didn't feel like a teacher to Ichigo anymore but an obnoxious brat.
Harem >>>>>
hes gonna end up with noelle. dont be dumb.
If a big-titted bitch is signaling her willingness to jump on your dick because you're an invincible superhero, and you've just dealt with all the more pressing concerns by killing the final villain, this relationship does not need any further development than "yes, jump on".
Ichihime always looked like incest to me...
Eh, this one's not as cut and dry as the Naruto or Ichigo ones.
Noelle and Mimosa BOTH want Asta's dick, and they both have prominent roles so far. Noelle's the main girl, but Mimosa's actually played support for Asta just as much or possibly more than Noelle has so far.
There's still a LOT of the series left to happen most likely since the current arc is likely just the end of the first saga of the series, so there's plenty of room for things to change (i.e. Mimosa being killed off or giving up or something) but at this point it's pretty much a coin flip to predict who he'll end up with.
nah. like you said noelle is the main girl. thats all you need to know. if she didnt want him then it would be the win of mimosa but noelle wants him as well and nips love their main girls winning.
Why are you expecting good romance in a shonen jump series?
Naruto's crush on Sakura was just another dimension in his rivalry with Sasuke. He wanted the girl who had the hots for his rival.
>"I fight for my friends"
Hollow Ichigo was about to kill his friend Uryuu
Imagine not wanting Naruto to end up with literal perfection
Because Yu Yu Hakusho and Rurouni Kenshin did it
Still fresh.
>not being happy for the girls who finally got the D after being ignored for years
Do you even have a heart?
>yusuke x keiko
>good romance
Only Hinata was ignored cause Naruto was aware of her feelings, and she wasn't even ignored cause he calls back to her confession when he calls her strong in that one scene.
But Orihime was ignored, too.
Except she wasn't? We even see Ichigo worry over her in like the 3rd or 4th chapter and that's before they become close nakama. You're acting as if he knew of her feelings which he didn't.
I still have hope!
Ichigo regularly interacted with Orihime all throughout the series
True enough, but those vanilla married NaruHina doujinshis after the fact though. Yowza.
Not noticing a girl's feelings is ignoring. Especially in Orihime's case, she made it real obvious.
Is that Nami? But they are siblings.
Posting Naruto's threads needs to be back a baneable offense.
Then all the Japanese population couples are incest
DBS first.
It would be extremely painful
>she made it real obvious.
Not really, and Ichigo is just your average "oblivious to love" battle shounen MC that pop up in a good chunk of battle shounen.
Fuck off. The Last was kino.
>The Last was kino.
I have to disagree even if I am a NHfag.
>Just a few scenes later Naruto confirms he just said this because he wanted to mess with Sakura
But of course Sakurafags only see what they wanted to see.
I don't care if you disagree or not.
I'm not a Sakurafag, you fucking idiot. I'm an NHfag, but I don't like how Kishimoto added in such a scene, especially with Minato being all "take care of my son" and thinking Sakura reminds him of Kushina. It was clear Narusaku bait. He pulled bullshit after Hinata confessed as well. Having Sakura be the one to hug him while Hinata just watches in the crowd even though she almost died for the kid.
It should've been Rukia
It should've been Hinata
It should've been Bulma
It should've been Killua
>It should've been Bulma
>It should've been Rukia
>It should've been Killua
>Actually getting mad at bait that doesn't develop anyone or anything
>>Actually getting mad at bait that doesn't develop anyone or anything
Exactly. It doesn't add anything to the story so there was no reason for it. Kishimoto said that from the start Hinata was the endgame for Naruto. He could have given us something decent if he really wanted to. Instead the hack decided to throw shit to every side.
I've watched the last 4 times and I can confidently say it's a bad film. If you consider it kino you're actually retarded
>t. has never been in a relationship
If you knew anything about real chemistry you'd understand.
He gave you a decent movie and some nice moments and Boruto episodes. Some shipperfags would murder to have all of this while they also completely btfo their rival ship. Stop being a faggot who gets mad at weak bait.
I watched the film at least 5 times and I can confidently say that you have some objectively shit taste, retard.
What do you like about it then user? I've never met anyone who actually liked it before
>t. autist
>He gave you a decent movie
I wasn't a fan of it.
>Boruto episodes.
I don't bother with that, but I have seen some nice screencaps so there's that. That Hinata design is awful though. Don't know why they made her less feminine.
I guess I'm just annoyed cause NH could have been well-written in the canon source material if he just tried a teeny bit more.
Can we agree that sakura is written badly?
>Married to a literal psychopath
>Is the most useless member of the group.
>Remain angry and cruel to Naruto.
>Not getting with chad rock lee.
Rock Lee deserves better, it's good they didn't fuck
Which female character wasn't badly-written? I'm use to women in battle shounen not doing shit or doing shit, but never amounting to their male peers, but Naruto was just fucking awful in its treatment.
Yes, but it's not Sakura's fault she's written poorly. Kishi is hopeless at writing female characters.
Mainly the direction and the writing. Movie knows when to shut up and let the scene flow without having the characters be obnoxiously loud. My only issue with the film is the C plot with Konoha trying to survive the meteor attacks which broke the pace a little.
The biggest problem is how the fanbases act as if being the victorious girl makes them best girl. If you don't like either of them you MUST be an upset shipper for the other 'team'. It couldn't possibly be that you just didn't like either as a character. It also ignores that both series have many other (better) girls than just the two that are so often argued about.
Pic very related.
>the writing
Naruto waiting TWO whole fucking years to give Hinata an answer was bullshit.
Honestly, that's fair. I'm sorry I called you a retard user
Ok? You're not going to change my mind.
have sex
Yoruichi was great. Too bad she barely got screentime.
Smart post.
concession accepted
Massive IRcuck spotted.
No matter how much you self insert as Ichigo and defend that stupid ship, you'll still never get a big titty obedient wife. It's pathetic
He didn't really get it, like it was said in the film which isn't unsurprising, considering how canonically dense Naruto is, which was also shown in the movie btw (see the Part 1 ointment scene). Let's not forget that we're talking about a guy who thought Kurenai was just fat instead of pregnant in the manga. Hinata and Naruto also had the time to hang out with each other before getting together. In the Shikamaru Hiden novel which took place before The Last, Sakura mentioned how often Naruto had been visiting and hanging out with Hinata lately. I‘ve also given you argument s on why I thought the writing was good but having to actually acknowledge them instead of reeeeing because you didn't get exactly what you wanted must be hard.
Kneel dog, your MASTER commands it!
I don't self-insert into Ichigo though. I'm not like you. If I could have one of the Bleach girls, it would Yoruichi or Rangiku.
left is a fatass
>considering how canonically dense Naruto is
Which is bullshit. This is the face of someone that knows how Sakura wants and we see it again when he rejects her confess, and calls her out. The movie made him dumber than usual to excuse the two year bullshit.
I don't give a shit if you change your mind.
Personally I'd rather have Tatsuki
I'm not mentally ill so I have no need to, nice projection though.
At least you have decent taste
Holy fucking onions
He's right though. They never really had any good chemistry, it was just "She's nice and sweet and loves him, and he wants to protect her."
Pic related is an example of an anime couple with decent chemistry.
I don't know why Kishimoto didn't just give Naruto amnesia after the pain fight. It would have justified him never doing anything with Hinata for the rest of the Manga
Facts: Only Shikamaru/Temari is a good couple in nardo.
IR has chemistry on par with LLxCC though.
>decent chemistry.
They needed an AU movie to make it happen.
>IR has chemistry on par with LLxCC though.
Only in the beginning of the manga.
How do I KNOW that Orihimefags would also support Shirley over your pic related?
Chemisty = what I like, nothing more.
Ichihime fans saw chemistry in this couple because of that they liked the couple in the first place.
How many official couples are there anyway? Most of the ones in Boruto are just kinda together like Sai and Ino. But yes they are better than Naruto and Hinata, to say nothing of Sasuke and Sakura's broken 'relationship'.
>They never really had any good chemistry
Good chemistry is subjective though. What someone likes, another may not.
I don't care for popularity. Toshiro landed first in the last official popularity poll, does that make him a good character? No.
>How many official couples are there anyway?
Nar/Hina, Sauce/Sakura, Shika/Tem, Ino/Sai, and Chouji/Karui.
And Kiba and that girl with the cats, aren't they in a relationship even though they aren't married? And who is Metal Lee's mother?
>Pic related is an example of an anime couple with decent chemistry.
Here's an actual anime couple with decent chemistry.
You dont know how autistic shippers, ntrfags and straight up shitposters get. Look at MHA threads where they hate Deku so much they pretend to support bakugou and orracho together for cuck fantasies.
I found them annoying
>And Kiba and that girl with the cats, aren't they in a relationship even though they aren't married?
No idea. Don't keep up with Boruto.
>And who is Metal Lee's mother?
It's never gonna be revealed. Kishimoto probably didn't even think about it when he created the kid.
Needed an AU movie to officially get together perhaps, but they always had chemistry.
Because they absolutely would unless there were a shy sweet girl in the running.
Thing is that you can have some chemistry based on a great deal of personal interaction, with two characters who are constantly interacting and are playing off of each other well based on their personalities. You can also have some chemistry with two characters who rarely interact, with the basis for their relationship basically being that they are nice to each other. Both are a sort of chemistry.
>This is bullshit
No because I gave you two clear examples of how retarded Naruto can be. If you honestly think the scene you just gave me was only about MUH CRUSH and not the fact how insanely lonely Naruto feels, fused with the fact that he knows how fucked up Sasuke mentally is then I don't know what to say to you. He didn't consider Sakura's feelings at all in this scene, just how lonely he feels right now. Fake confession just showed that Naruto knew he was being manipulated by Sakura. It was obvious to him that she liked Sasuke because that's what she was always talking about but he didn't have to be knowledgable about love to know he's being tricked by her.
Chemistry is a buzzword
>t. has never been with a woman
Interesting. Ed x Winry is one the few couples anime/manga fans seem to agree on.
They're barely characters, especially Winry.
>It's never gonna be revealed. Kishimoto probably didn't even think about it when he created the kid.
I really hate how he is obtuse about this.
>Is it tenten son?
>hmmmm, not really.
Ok, fine. Threads about DBS, Naruto, BNHA/AoT (outside the new chapter) need to be a baneable offence.
Sasuke and Sakura have great chemistry.
Chemistry just comes down to taste and it varies with pairings that you like, at least it's that way for me. With one manga I read, I ship the heroine with the guy that she isn't able to see a lot since I feel it isn't necessary due to them always being comfortable with each other instead of the guy she gets to interact more with. I guess you could say it's a "fated lovers" kind of pairing. Whereas in another manga, I ship the MC with a girl he's constantly interacting with. I tried to get in romantic!IR, but I just couldn't. Even when they got on well, it reminded me of bickering siblings.
My thoughts exactly.
>f you honestly think the scene you just gave me was only about MUH CRUSH and not the fact how insanely lonely Naruto feels, fused with the fact that he knows how fucked up Sasuke mentally is then I don't know what to say to you.
It literally is about Naruto and his feelings for Sakura going by the comment by Tsunade. She goes "Heh, Naruto is more sensitive or thoughtful than he looks" meaning he's leaving Sakura and Sasuke alone during what one could call an intimate moment. It had nothing to do with his own loneliness.
If by chemistry you mean Sakura eating Sasuke's rest shit when he's gone then you're right.
Fair enough, but I think there should be some real basis for why they are together. Something more than "Well she's nice and loves me.", which is what we get more often than not. And yes interactions are part of it. Characters don't have to interact a ton, but they do need to have some very notable back-and-forth interactions to form a basis.
In Naruto and Hinata's case, they didn't really have either. There were a few cases where Hinata would do something and Naruto would notice that, but beyond that little else. They didn't really hang out or anything. We weren't even told that they did so off-screen till the movie.
And as for Ichigo and Orihime, while they did interact more, said interactions are just too vanilla. There's never really any indication that they are closer in some way than he is to his other 'friends', unless you count that she needs to be protected more. And for the record, I never shipped him with Rukia, because aside from their relationship ultimately not evolving a ton, I knew from the start it was never gonna happen.
Your pain, my boner.
>one sided
>muh love triangles
>muh sirious adult relationship in comic book for teenagers about dude throwing energy beams
Go read shoujo or something.
why the fuck was she so obsessed with sasuke?
>Is more sensitive and thoughtful because of Sakura
Are you actually retarded. It is exactly because of how he feels like a third wheel, not belonging , he's going. This is why he's even sad. Not because MUH CRUSH NEEDS SOME ALONE TIME. Do you even proof read what you're saying. He doesn't even a reason to love Sakura. This is just about Naruto pitying himself.
I firmly believe that Kishimoto and Kubo could have given more on the sides of the guys, especially in the case of Naruto since him and Hinata could barely interact due to her being a side character and on a different team. I just think that Kishimoto preferred to bait all sides which is why he kept up the Narusaku bait even during the final arc. With Kubo, I think he was afraid of letting Ichigo develop concrete feelings for Orihime due to the popularity of Ichiruki which is why he had to go a different route by giving us moments where the mention of Orihime is what makes him snap, like during the FB arc when facebook calls Orihime and Ichigo throws him into the window or wall. Enemies were constantly targeting her as well in order to rile him up which is the classic trope of fucking with the hero's love interest.
Doesn't need to be shoujo or a love triangle, retard. Stop defending horseshit.
>Facts: Only Shikamaru/Temari is a good couple in nardo.
It works because we actually see them totally-not-dating before the very end of the manga
>He doesn't even a reason to love Sakura.
No shit, but he still likes her for whatever reason even asking her on a date in Part 2 despite her bad attitude. Same with Sakura still loving Sasuke in Part 2 and even Hinata still loving Naruto even though he left the village for some time. Same with Ino getting with Sai out of nowhere. If you haven't noticed, Kishi doesn't really bother to explain why certain characters fell for another character and continue to like said character even if they're treated like trash or barely get to talk to them.
>Are you actually retarded. It is exactly because of how he feels like a third wheel, not belonging , he's going.
Yes and because he knows it's an intimate moment since he's aware that Sakura has feelings for Sasuke.
>Only Shikamaru/Temari is a good couple in nardo.
I never really cared for them, but here's some cute fanart.
>Ed x Winry is one the few couples anime/manga fans seem to agree on.
That's because
1)Their feelings are mutual from the start
2)There was literally no one else to shipbait him with
He specifically tells the audience he just likes her because he wants what Sasuke has, acknowledgement, in the early chapters, speedreader. Do you see how he just doesn't actually think about what Sakura feel s or thinks. Like I said. He feels pity for himself which is understandable but he does it. If he actually understood how he felt then he wouldn't have liked Sakura at all.
>Hinata still loving Naruto after timeskip
Why would she stop loving him? It seems more like you're searching for excuses to win an argument.
You're 100% right. I don't care that your ship won, but don't delude yourself into thinking it was well written/established because the author decided to finally give it some screen time at the tail end of the series.
>He specifically tells the audience he just likes her because he wants what Sasuke has, acknowledgement, in the early chapters,
I don't remember it that way. Naruto thinks she's a cute girl and has a crush on her from the get-go.
>Do you see how he just doesn't actually think about what Sakura feel s or thinks.
He doesn't have to? He knows how she feels. It's obvious. Even Sasuke knows.
>Why would she stop loving him? It seems more like you're searching for excuses to win an argument.
I just stated Hinata because she stayed in love with someone that went off for 2 years without having any constant interaction with him. It's on Sakura still loving Sasuke tier to be honest, but it's waved off cause Naruto doesn't treat her bad.
Your first mistake was being a shipper
>established because the author decided to finally give it some screen time at the tail end of the series.
You have to be literally retarded and blind to not see which ship was going to win.
Pic related is the most well written and well developed shonen pairing. Prove me wrong
I said WELL established, dipshit. And no, the heroine whispering "[MC]-kun...." to herself every episode because he helped her cross the street when the two of them were 7 is not establishing a ship well.
>which ship was going to win.
Why do you fuckers keep intentionally misreading the arguments presented to you. There is no Tuck ng competition and your not a winners of anything. The point is that despite planning these pairings from the start the authors spent no effort making them actually come together and giving us reasons to care about seeing them as a couple
The reason you are supposed to care about them as a couple is that you like one of them (probably the girl). So I guess that explains why I never gave a shit about either pairing. I cared more about Shikamaru and Temari than Naruto and Hinata as individuals.
>I don't remember it that way
Yeah I can see that. Maybe you should fact check before spouting shit
>He knows how she feels
For the last time this was irrelevant to him. It's about how he felt.
>Y-You can't love someone if you don't see them for a long time. Sakura and Hinata are the same, the fandom just gives excuses for one
If you honestly think that Hinata's love for Naruto is in any way comparable to Sakura's love for Sasuke then you are retarded, which you have proven to be quite often during this conversation. Here is your last (You)
>If you honestly think that Hinata's love for Naruto is in any way comparable to Sakura's love for Sasuke then you are retarded, which you have proven to be quite often during this conversation
Can you fucking read? I'm saying that it's comparable in the sense that neither girl has had contact with their object of their affections yet still love him after two whole years. Obviously SS is worse due to his treatment towards her.
>the heroine whispering "[MC]-kun...." to herself every episode because he helped her cross the street when the two of them were 7
Unironically 90% of shounen romances in a nutshell.
Absolutely based!
What is it with Japan and shit pairings anyway? Naruto could easily bag any chick under the sun, but he ends up with the most boring and overrated.
Based Toriyama wrote a better relationship than both without even trying.
Because according to Japan, every love interest must be either a bitchy tsundere or some combination of nice/sweet/shy/submissive/genki.
t. blind retards
If you dare call it bad then you are just a "shipper" who is mad you "lost". So instead of having a sensible debate about the writing of a show, you get shut up. Shippers on both sides are the worst.
>Naruto could easily bag any chick under the sun, but he ends up with the most boring and overrated.
We have to keep it in the realistic realm though. Samui was hot, but that was never going to happen. Naruto could have gotten with either Sakura or Hinata. Ino and Tenten could have been a thing if they loved him as well.
That is pretty sad.
Goku, Krillin, Yamcha, and Roshi hit it first.
stupid naruhinafag that defends everything
if naruto and hinata meet as kids in the movie when he defended her from those bullies then why did he treat her like a stranger in the manga?
>Unironically 90% of shounen romances in a nutshell.
I'm OP. The point of my thread was that I'm fed up of this always being the case and the go to excuse. I'm tired of shipperfags fellating themselves over a shitty undeveloped pairing then getting smug, content with the belief that they "won" something. Is it so bad to want to see good writing no matter the medium?
Naruto would be probably be dead if he had a wife with balls.
Actually he probably wouldn't have gotten Sakura since she never really felt the same about him. Hinata was pretty much the only girl within manga canon he ever really had a shot with.
Because Kishi didn't think that far ahead.
aren't shounen romcoms a thing? fuck off retard
You honestly just sound like an assblasted shipper. Those are the only people that still bother to bitch over canon NH and IH after all these years. You're still going to have shippers from both sides that they think were written fine and their opinion is not going to change so you might as well just move on with your life.
>Love interest has to be either bitchy, tsundere, nice, sweet, shy, submissive or genki
Not to defend shounen romances in any way but exactly what kind of teenage girl is left then? Stoic girls that manage to be neither bitchy nor nice? Emotionless dolls?
>shounen romcoms
Thats even worse
Talking to someone once =/= knowing them
When I mentioned Sakura, I thought it was obvious that if she were to end up with Naruto that she would have moved on from Sasuke a long time ago in the manga. That's the only way NS could have happened.
Tomboys or the older woman.
The heroine's just there to fawn over the hero to increase the hero's perceived value. She's not conceived as an actual character.
She usually likes MC before he's cool to emphasise her purity and how she "deserves" winning the MC bowl unlike the other girls.
>You honestly just sound like an assblasted shipper.
I am. I'm an assblasted (former) NaruHina shipper who hates how it was ultimately handled and wants to see good development in my Chinese comics
>I'm an assblasted (former) NaruHina shipper who hates how it was ultimately handled
I do think it's a shame as well because Kishimoto had a pretty good set-up in Part 1, but we can't do anything.
How would you write a good romance in shonen?
Tomboys are often just genki girls in shounens though
Teenage relationships are just hard to salvage in general. There are unironically more satisfying adult relationships than teenage relationships in shounen.
Whilst I agree that naruhina was shiet, ichihime at least was present.
Pic related managed to do it right. The pairing doesn't have to be the focus of the story or the action. Just have the duo constantly interact in meaningful ways so that when they finally do get together it feels natural.
Bonus points if they confess mid-series and continue to up their established relationship instead waiting until the very end.
Well let's look at all the other female characters in Naruto/Bleach and see how many are not strictly defined by those traits. And by that I mean I think most of them don't.
It would also help a lot if we had more older and/or mature characters. Unfortunately it's hard to imagine someone like Rangiku as a love interest.
Fairy Tail does romance pretty well desu
Be consistent with their interactions and develop feelings on both sides along with giving them meaningful interactions here and there that serve to deepen their growing feelings and bond overall. It's really not hard at all. Had I been Kubo, I would of had Ichigo not be so asexual and notice Orihime from the beginning, at least notice she's a very pretty girl and take it from there. Same with Naruto. Making the kind of girl they're physically into obvious from the start and establishing them as the love interests so fans don't get confused. They're free to ship what they want, but they know what's really going to happen. It's like MHA. Ochako is clearly the love interest of Deku, but that doesn't stop people from shipping her with his rival.
Didn't he beat her and chain her to a tree?
Stop watching so many Dr. Who reruns.
Didn’t you get a proper diagnosis to go with those glass bottom spectacles?
So did he beat her and chain her to a tree? Cause that's what I remembered before dropping FT?
>implying naruhina won
LOOOOL naruto is fucking sasuke in every position known to man and hinata is being left to rot in the c.uckshed with boruto and himawari.
>Didn't he beat her and chain her to a tree?
it's okay, she likes it rough.
Seriously, there's some fucking fantastic Gajeel x Levy art. There's so much dumb shit with Fairy Tail, but those two were done soooo right.
Also, one of the few instances where they outright confirm fucking since she's preggers by the continuation series. There's even a sly bit in the manga where they're in the same bed but it's done as separate reaction panels so it's not immediately obvious.
Yeah he did
Afterwards he had a whole thing where he tried to redeem himself by helping her
Their romance progress very naturally, had some cute moments in here and there
And although it was never directly pointed out it's still very clear how they're able to fall in love with each other
Unlike other romances in the series that are straight up retarded and pulled out of nowhere
How did kubo improve perfection??? How???
Still hoping he draws a pregnant Orihime one day.
Make MC and his love interest actually flawed interesting characters and not shitty tropes.
Have them make up for each other's shortcomings and learn from one another. Give them a conflict or common obstacle to conquer.
Make the reader understand why they'd be attracted to one another, no superficial reasons like "he's kind/she's cute" or the first girl always winning. Some Yin/Yang elements might help.
Have their character arcs tie into each other. The love interest shouldn't disappear into irrelevance.
Have them bicker or flirt without going into shitty abusive tsun territory but also stay far away from constant yamato nadeshiko tier dicksucking.
Add mutual sexual attraction. Give the hero some sex drive and confidence in pursuing the opposite sex.
For real
Sometimes i felt like reading the shitshow again just for them
>Unlike other romances in the series that are straight up retarded and pulled out of nowhere
I hope you mean Jellal and Erza.
>I hope you mean Jellal and Erza.
That is the only pairing that made sense though. Natsu and Lucy was clearly something Mashima didn't want, but did anyways for the fans. Gray and Juvia was just creepy.
I thought they're pretty okay, though ended up really disappointingly
Really meant for Juvia x Grey and also Elfman x that stone chick that i didn't even remember her name of
Basically this except replace the pic of Tats with Fubuki.
It also depends who your audience ends up being, woman ship kacchako because obvious reasons. But Ochako's relationship with Deku has been slow and steady, they both learn and inspire each other, last arc had some really cute moments.
I have no problem with Naruhina since there was no decent girl to pair Naruto up with. Sakura was hated, Ino was no different than Sakura, Shion wasn't canon, Temari had Shikamaru and Tenten barely interacted with Naruto.
My real problem is when some people acts like Naruhina is the greatest love story ever written and every romantic subplot in anime should be like Naruhina. Specially when Naruhina was a poorly written romantic subplot that every other anime should avoid.
Confirmed deathpilled and completely one-sided as of chapter 117. I'm sorry, buddy.
I'm sorry but Tatsu has the hotter personality even though Fubuki is pretty much an ideal woman for me lookswise.
This 100%
Disagree. Both are kinda bitches but Fubuki less so, while also being miles hotter.
But that's really got nothing to do with anything here.
You really aren't wrong. I didn't finish the manga, did it ever turn blatantly romantic? I actually like these platonic relationships that show you can love someone without putting your dick in them, but I'm just curious.
Jesus fuck, whichever gook draws these two needs to chill the fuck out. My dick can only get so erect.
>I hate this so much
Calm Your autism it's just a japanesee cartoon
Honestly I prefer Saitama ending up with a Dragon-girl like Tohru who decides to become his maid after he saves her and sees Genos as her competition.
Honestly I prefer Saitama ending up with a Dragon-girl like Tohru who decides to become his maid after he spares her and sees Genos as her competition.
Murata, why are you making it so hard to choose?!
The setup for NaruHina in part 1 is actually good but it gets fucking ruined by Naruto never responding to Hinata's confession, it boils my piss
>NaruHinafags making posts after post talking about how much they eat shit, The Last was good, Kishimoto was a genius, Sakura sucks, and gushing over their Hyuga princess.
Hinata was a fucking mistake. At least Bleachfags knww Orihime was shit.
t. pinkshitfag
Isn't that what's going on, though? Typical Hinata "discussion" where they say everything with their waifu and her pairing is a golden turd and complain about Sakura.
>still assblasted to this day
>still assblasted 10 years after the fact
>still assblasted 20 years after the fact
>will forever remain ass blasted over a fucking fictional pairing of characters in a shounen manga series
Thank god for the autism epidemic, it will give me hearty laughs for decades to come.
Shut up Jon Snow.
>Will their ever be a shonen manga that actually develops a relationship?
Done nearly 30 years ago user
>Entire character revolves around another character.
>Doesn't appear unless that character needs her.
>Barely has a relationship with other characters, only that one character.
>"Personality" is being the generic shy girl.
>Never won a single fight despite being pushed as strong.
>Steals backstories from other characters.
I don't get why Sakura is being singled out here.
Bleach is a tragedy, by the end of its run not a single main character was likeable or well developed, they were all cardboard cut-outs. Even Psyren and Air Gear, despite having similar protags in that shonen spectrum, managed to be more developed than Ichigo.
everytime user mentions yu yu there's somebody that starts rewatching the dark tournament arc
The only time Hinata was ever good was that anime filler arc where they were hunting bugs in a forest and she learned some thousand palm move or whatever. Otherwise yeah, she was bland shit. Same as every other girl in the series. I wish shonen writers would understand that girls need to have personality and actually do things to be sexually appealing and having them just stand around in the background doesn't make me want to fap to them.
The Kirito/Asuna battle couple in SAO was pretty good until it was ruined by becoming a harem series.
>implying Yea Forums fucks with YYH
These zoomers would prefer to watch Hiatus x Hiatus
Gee it's almost like it's a battle shonen and not a romance series you giant sissy fag
Yea Forums fucking loves YYH are you serious?
>correct but for the wring reasons
>what does this even mean?
>what does this even mean?
She literally has Sakura's backstory in The Last. Was bullied (for some retarded reason despite being from such a prestigious clan) and having a blonde save her from the bullies.
Sure, the oldfags love it
Two reasons. For many, it's because those are seen as attractive traits
>"generic shy girl"
>character largely revolves around the MC (for self-inserting)
>looks helpless so as to invoke a need to protect her
This is considered the ideal type of girl. It's why the love interest is so often more for support rather than fighting along-side the protagonist.
And for the rest, Hinata is just inoffensive at worst. Compared to Sakura who can be outright obnoxious and unlikable. Most people would rather eat something tasteless than something that made them feel sick.
Hinata also has a much larger fanbase presence here, most of whom will simply dismiss anyone who doesn't like her as a Sakurafag.
Stop reading garbage then, zoomer.
>reaching this hard
Most of Sakura's "bad traits" is because she didn't suck Naruto's dick. Hinata offers nothing, yet her obnoxious fanbase acts like she offers everything and shits on other characters.
Hinata is your run of the mill traditional housewife character, not a real heroine. They tried to fix this in The Last, but too bad that's all that Kishi wanted her to be. A babymaker
Literally the same backstory. Cope harder.
Hinata was nothing special but Sakura did suck.
>Didn't he beat her and chain her to a tree?
Actually he crucified her to a tree and branded her as well, even better.
It's ok because he said sorry later on and she didn't mind.
>reaching THIS hard
Seeth harder
>5 years later he's still mad
Let it go.
user, just cope. I know the truth hurts, but that's how things are.
That pairing didn't make sense, that was the definition of out of nowhere. Toriyama simply needed Trunks, so the pairing magically appeared in an instant
user, just seeth. I know reaching hurts, but that's how things are.
Nigga do you not remember her literally dying for naruto while sakura sends him on a suicide mission that will cuck him in the end?
>No u!
Ran out of "rebuttals", Hinatafag?
Sakura's bad traits have nothing to do with Naruto, it's not his fault she's a bitchy lying agressive thot
Any chance of Sakura being likeable went to zero the moment we saw she was still romantically obsessed by sauce after the timeskip. Why does she even like that so much?
Just cope pinkshitfag
>Have their character arcs tie into each other
Non shippers readers would be complaining of too much romance in their battle shonen.
Yin and Yang? that is fanfiction tier
user, stop using that scene as some kind of reference for your arguments against Sakura when there was a bigger context behind it.
Naruto still thought Sasuke was his bff. Is Naruto not likable because of it?
>Naruto still thought Sasuke was his bff. Is Naruto not likable because of it?
Yes. You thought this was a gotcha?
>user, stop using that scene as some kind of reference for your arguments against Sakura when there was a bigger context behind it.
I used that scene because that's when I started to hate Sakura, I was totally fine with her before that. But that behavior is inexcusable regardless of context
That one is also shounen though
There are already battle shonens which include more romance than others, like Inuyasha or Nanatsu no Taizai, for example, but this is the authors's choice (or maybe the editors's choice if the author has decided to follow their guidelines and the editor want romance).
But others authors (or editors) prefer not to put too many romantic elements because they like their manga more like that, and they prefer to focus on other things, so they prefer not to explain much of how 2 characters got together. It's their choice, the only thing you can do is read a manga with more romance instead of the one with little, and if you read the one with little romance you have to accept it how is( or to pray for this author to include more romance)
Sakura is a bad character because her motivations and character arc suck, Sasuke’s a bad person because he killed people and got away with only the smallest apology.
I do.
You literally can’t talk positively about Sakura without bringing up Hinata.
>and shits on other characters
You mean just Sakura. No one else is as bad and no other character has a fan base as cancerous.
>Sakura invented bully rescue backstories
Pinkshitfag is literally delusional
Naruto understood Sasuke and could therefore connect to him. Sasuke was one of the first connections in his entire life. Sakura literally didn’t understand the first thing about Sasuke but decided she was inexorably in love with him.
>Will their ever be a shonen manga that actually develops a relationship?
>5 years of Hinata living rent-free inside the heads of seething Pinkshitters
How can she be so perfect?
>No big beard
>No glasses
This is Reiner, I don't even know how someone could mistake him for Zeke
Holy shit, this guy is so butthurt about Hinata that he wants her banned from these threads, imagine having a fictional character live rent free in your head like that. How sad.
If Kishimoto knew he couldn't write romance, he shouldn't have wrote any of that dumb NS bait desu. Pointless and retarded shit nobody needed when Hinata was going to win either way. Yet he didn't give a shit about her either and left SP to put life in the relationship.
Shonen that do this are strange to me. Like I understand writing a story for young boys and not wanting romance to be a big presence because most boys that age are still in the 'girls icky' phase, but it's different than that. Most shonen I read it's like the author is a child himself, who can't even comprehend much less write how a female is supoosed to act or what her place is in the story. It's like they're manchildren -- 30+ year old adults with 10 year old mindsets -- and genuinely believe that the way you write romance is having a boring passive girl watch from the sidelines being ignored until the last chapter of the material where she's finally acknowledged simply so she can spout out babies.
It's baffling.
Because the Hinatafags start it first by shitting on Sakura every time they praise their Hyuga queen.
>This level of strawman.
Within Naruto, Hinata literally ripped off Sakura's story.
Naruto is a hypocrite who doesn't keep his promises and gave up on his goalo to win Saukra's heart even though his motto is "never give up"
It's almost like Ichigo should have been with Rukia the whole time
More like Sakura living rent free in the heads of Hinatafags since they can't talk about their waifu without bringing up every time. Sakura fans don't think about Hinata, They just fire back when Hinatafags drag Sakura's name through the mud.
By your logic if anything Sakura ripped of Naruto's story of being bullied.
I don't think Sakura was mentioned in the past couple of Hinata threads, it was mostly horny fans talking about their waifu. Shipping threads like this on the other hand tend to attract autists on both sides. So it's really a matter of whether it's a shipping thread or a waifu thread.
Every Hinata thread has faggots taking cheap shots at Sakura. I wouldn't be a Hinata thread if they didn't/
>N-No u
The absolute state of Sakuracucks
She wasn't in this thread, not by Hinatafags anyways
It wasn't his goal to win Sakura's heart retard, his goal was to become Hokage, which spoiler alert he did.
>One, weak thread.
I'm talking about the majority before that one. The ones that went to bump limit obnoxiously shitting on Sakura.
Read more series. Nanatsu no Taizai has romantic relations of its characters as one of its core aspects and I enjoyed it a great deal. It's pretty cool when it's part of the actual story and not just shipperbait. It was kinda ok done in Kekkaishi, as the mc at least worked towards his goal instead of being asexual, though the main outcome was mostly to get on the radar of the main girl to begin with and out of the friend zone. The development felt good and believable though. It shows that the mangaka used to be an assistant to Adachi.
LoL who the hell watches shonen for romance?
>moving the goalposts lol
That's not moving the goalposts, it's stating the facts. You can look at every Hinata thread in the archives and see Sakura getting bashed out of nowhere.
He gave you a thread and there was no Sakurabashing. Maybe it's just you feeling the need to be victimized, so you don't have engage in a reasonable argument.
You are without fail the one who starts it.
One thread doesn't clean the slate of every other Hinata thread that was filled with rampant Sakura bashing. You're dodging.
You are literally incapable of discussing Sakura without shitting on Hinata.
Here's another Hinata thread that was deleted by Yea Forums, again I haven't found Sakura bashing boards.fireden.net
Agreed. Hinaturd is one the worst characters, right next to danzo and sakura.
There are about three posts bashing Sakura.
In the manga "happy world" a guy flips a fucking car to save his waifu before turning to her and confessing
Ill give you this, but.... why care? Its three posts and character bashing happens to literally every single character except filler and extreme side characters. its creepy how obsessed you are with hinatards and their antics.
>Says the fujoshit obsessed with husbandos and boyxboy.
Anyway, Sakura bashing is way different than regular character bashing. Certain fans have a massive grudge against her because of waifufaggotry and shipping. You're not allowed to talk about the character positively or anything that's that extremely negative.
You take it too personally. Nothing you say will ever change their minds about her.
t. actual sakurafag
Well, they are going to have to deal with being called out. I would like it if both characters were able to be discussed without bashing, but that's not the fandom we live in.
I think half or more of the bashing is actually because of how sakura acted during the original naruto and most of shippuden.
Sure, we got the other half that hates her for shipping and waifu reasons, but there are people who genuinely dislike her character.
Then you're on the wrong website.
They can dislike her all they want, but don't demand everyone else to feel the same way and derail entire threads. There is also no need to be ignorant towards the source material concerning her and outright fabricating stuff to make her look worse. This is when the bashing really becomes a problem. It becomes more of a smear campaign than actually broadcasting the things you didn't happen to like about her.
You can talk about the character positively; you specifically just can’t because you are incapable of praising Sakura without putting down Hinata.
>smear campaign
Oh fuck off with this, there’s no huge conspiracy to make Sakura look bad. She just looks bad on her own.
>You can talk about the character positively
You literally can't.
>you specifically just can’t because you are incapable of praising Sakura without putting down Hinata.
Oh, I am capable. But Hinatafags always start up by going on a tangent about how oh so awful Sakura is without fail.
>SP are admitted Hinatafags from an Omake and have shamelessly took shots at Sakura and glorified Hinata.
>Hinatafags literally ignore and fabricate stuff from the manga to shit on Sakura.
>This is not a smear campaign or character assassination.
Yeah, okay. Whatever you say, bub.
You are seriously detached from objective reality, you unhinged lunatic
>I am capable. But Hinatafags
Really just sums it up right there.
And not the ones holding this personal grudge against a fictional character?
Name some things from the anime that are not in the manga that are commonly cited as reasons to dislike Sakura. The overwhelming majority of reasons cited are straight from the manga.
Give it up.
No, lunatic, the guy who thinks a company would throw away millions in profits for no reason other than waifu preference absolutely more batshit than people who don’t like a character because she’s bad.
Yes, Hinatafags also want to disturb the peace.
Well, for starters, she hits Naruto way more in the anime than the manga, making her look like a violent lunatic. They also flanderize her aggressive attitude.
>Sakura isn't popular!
>Kishimoto is ASHAMED of Sakura!
>He wanted to replace Sakura with Hinata.
This is the fabrication I'm talking about. Kishimoto never felt that way and Sakura is the most popular female character in the series. This is why Sakura bashing is a problem. Nothing is founded in reality, just malicious attempts to soil her name.
Are you telling that doesn't happen? Do you expect honest practices from companies? Answer wisely.
>This is the fabrication I'm talking about. Kishimoto never felt that way and Sakura is the most popular female character in the series. This is why Sakura bashing is a problem. Nothing is founded in reality, just malicious attempts to soil her name.
Keep denying it.
TvTropes isn't a source, Anti-Sakurafag.
Frankly, there's still a possibility that this pair gets BTFO once we actually get to these two's POVs but the buildup they already received that led to them forming a strong yet seemingly platonic bond already puts them way above the denizens of MC/designated love interest relationships which get 0 focus, development much less plot relevance for the entirety of the story.
Wouldn't the obvious solution for battle shonen would be to have a fight where your designated couple fight side by side?
Boom you have a fight for the action and you can show how well they know and trust each other and stuff.
A Naruto + Hinata vs whoever fight after Pain could have been fun. But maybe I just want more fights than aren't just fucking duel.
Having Naruto and Hinata interact at all after the Pain fight would have gone a long way to making the ship work better
>the main plot was about Naruto hokagefaggotry and bring sauce back
Exactly my point, no fucking relationship was meant and planned, meaning that getting assblasted about any of them is absolutely pointless, it is what it is, it's been five years, move on.
This was retarded shit pulled out of nowhere and just made Levy look like as masochist
>Also, one of the few instances where they outright confirm fucking since she's preggers by the continuation series.
Go be new somewhere else.
>Most of the paring are obvious as fuck and given no development
>The best developed pairing are between two awful characters
>the most popular are between a Sadist and a Masochist only because Mashima is a retard who listens to fans.
I've seen someone say that Ichigo is somehow simultaneously a jobber and a Gary Stu that has literally every power group in him and yet he still can't fight and that comparatively, it would be as if Luffy were revealed to have taken a small bite of each new Devil Fruit as their names/powers were revealed within the plot of One Piece.
I don't know how he did it but he somehow created the perfect woman. Based Kishimoto
>if Luffy were revealed to have taken a small bite of each new Devil Fruit as their names/powers were revealed within the plot of One Piece.
That comparizon doesnt work. DFs each give a unique ability (creating fire, controlling gravity, etc). Unique abilities in bleach are dependant on the person, not the race, ceros and bows are just energy beams with different dressings. If, say, Harribel was a quincy instead of a shinigami she would still have the ability to create water, but she´d use arrows instead of ceros
>asking virgins how to write good romance